EatttEwiyDay SHREDDED -s . Pleasure Seekers Cause Most Fires. the necessary bran he Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily iNews, Limited. Third Avenue. -." H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE3I City Delivery', by mail fer carrier, per month ........... $l.o() By mail to all parts of ihe British Empire and the United States,, jn advance, per year . . fO.AO To all other countries. In advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per Inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page...... $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion ,.fc per line Classified Advertising, per insertion. .......... -2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ..i&c per-agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone' - - - ummer Vacation 98 St AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on -day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. tun. f nmnn Monday. June 2ft, 1926. .Provincial statutes and regulations make it compulsory f"" settlers clearing land to secure permits from forest -officer before they can light fires for land clearing -purposes during the fire season, May J to October J. Similar statutes make it com pulsory for logging operators and other industrial operations to secure certificates of clearance .before they can operate steam units' in th'e" 'woods during the closed season. The"egulatinu also indicate that such industrial operations must be equipped wijh certain fire fighting equipment and fire prevention uy? pliances. Such .regulations are good and aim to prevent forest fifes. Forest authorities state, .however,, that there has been a very decided improvement in logging operations regarding fire, and that now such industrial operations are only credited with approximately 7. of the 2,500 fires -whicji sweep this province annually. - The same authorities, however, state mast emphatically that the chief sources of fire in the wood-.' 6f,'BriliJi -Columbia are the individuals who frequent Ihe'foresUvOii pleasure beiit, such as the traveller, picnicker, camper, fishernian, haaieiyahd tourist who are held responsible for'Ofc ok the 'Timber of fires which occur annually. Should not All Have Fire Permits? If it is'Tonsidered. good business 'to make farmers and in dustrial operators take out permit in.order to control the forest fire situation, then surely in view of the statisics published, it .is equally important that people who frequent the woods for idea sure, who light, camp fires arid throw lighted tobarco and mashes around promiscuously, should also be1 placed under pcrjnit. Public education in the matter of, fbrest protection Is ojen tial but there is, a certain class of citizen who can onlv be con vinced'of iiecessiiy of forest fire prevention by a strict appliance Uf;the law. If the law; does nott-pver he situation, then! it is time that it be -changed. , - 1 ... : Individual permits controlling the activities of citizens frequenting the woods would undoubtedly do much to solve the fire problem and it is worthy of the careful consideration of those responsible for the admiiiistralioh Of onr forest resources 'riie logper is spending thousands annually to keep down fire n his .operation for the protection of his equipment and timber, aud incidentally the people's equity in the limber which he is cutting. .Surely then the law should be such that he will be protected from the Hres which sve,ep into his operation, started by the cnreless smoker, camper, traveller, and others. With d thrill at Every GJancel Low Excursion Fares Eastern Canada, United States Edmonton Calgary lasper r -an impuro any ujf.n, Agent I -H l fll. w. A Til UtmtmitKMimt ' ... (; I'; .Si II IV J - J' A I IM y f Mn'J WVERNMENT RAILWAYS IN JAPAN WILL HAVE RADIO LIKE C. N. it, June 28. Wit h receiving; and J..fiiilcas1uig services of lb?--" Canadian National HaiUuijlikojiro Suiuki, tal -iresentative of the govern- Tnl Hnilii'HI'.. .t In. .ft.. ...' ..j. .it iti intmu in uuiiuii. aiii.y.ji in ancout-i1 Sundav nljrjit fra . . t - i r i ......... 1 ... i I cramr uiiu icn win Millie lupifw . !. .i... -.'it'. i ni.... r 3 jiner wit- .iunuiui jutes inr aamM ....I '1-1. 1 - Mn...J irui. j jir iuititiivt? f;iiri iiiiii-iiir. il. ....... I. 'I.. ...! tl.A ' naj (inir 111 iiiiu-i uiv t -1 hlishment of radio receiving Is on ooaiinneir main passen ger trains and tiIso the development of several powerful broad- cating Mat Jons similar to Inn used by the C.N.U. Mr. Simikl has tfeti sent by his nnipany lo Canada to secure as murlt daH as iiossihli!. .j . . , COLDSTREAM GUARDS REACH WINNIPEG Famous Band Touring Dominion, Has Several Engagements In Western Canada WlXXM-m June S8. TM CohWlream Guard band arrival in iiinipej; from (Jueber on thV Continental Limited" of t li " flauadiaii National Railway on1 Sunday night. This baiid, o'w of the greatest in the world. Efltiiprigfi 40 jiiflws and will play in the larger westprn eities under the baton of its comman der, .Music Lieut." Evan. lt first enpapement is at the Bran don Fair next week. The Coldstream Ouards band come to Canada after a series of musieal triumphs in the olj country at the conclusion of which they werr piven a royal send on at Liverpool when embarking on their tour of th Dominion. The party will be under lheJ tharce of C. K. Howard, C.N.U. passenger representative Mont real, who will accompany them from Uuehee to Winnipeg. The are travelling in special Cana dian NAiional eipiipuienl DAUGHTERS OF EMPIRE DECORATED GRAYES OF SOLDIERS YESTERDAY An impressive ceremony look place at Fajrview remeiery yes terday afternon when laities of Ihe Adair Carsti Chapter, I.O.D.E assisted by members of the Can-! udian Leirioti, deeorated thf. staves ,of soldiers killed in Uie Oreat YA ar. Archdeacon 1. A. itix olTered prayer while the. Union Jack was at half-mast, and upon the raisin; of the fluq to ae peak tuc alliering sanjei the National Anusem. Mrs. Or chard McLeod, recent of Uli cluipler; Mrs. S. J. Evans, Alri 8. V. Cox and Mrs. Oenrsie Keri1 liait jchnrxe of the arrangements FELL DOWN STAIRS; BRMvE COLLAR BONE Frank E. Wilson, Representative i. of Hotel Register Firm, Is Patient In Hospital Frank E. Wilson, representative itf the Telegraph-Herald printers and binders, of DuIhk que. Iowa. specialists in hotel registers, bad Ihe misfortune to slip down a flight of stairs on Third Avenue Saturday morninq with the result that he broke hi collar bone. He is now a patient in Ihe .Prince lluperl lienerul Hospital where tt will bo neces-sary for him to remain for tha inexl week or so. Ik arrived la !lhe city from the Fast on Friday jafternoon. ARRANGEMENTS MADE FORJ. PICNIC Committees Are 8-truck for Event ..Which Will Take Place on July 18. The employees of the Canadian National Hallway had a meeting last jiiorbt at which arrangemn(e1 .were made for the annual picnic, which wilt be held on July 18, ; Committees were struck as follows: Finance W. Held, chairman, W. Ib'asB, V. Derry, H. Lancaster lainl p. McCormlck. Transportation F. Hntrers. clialrman, F. Sleeves, A. Larkin, P. King and E. Morgnn. Sports J. Campbell, chairman, Tht LoQt that Ntocr Dies' T. Annesley. K Vion. C. Durham. J. Hond. Hr., 11. AVilson. J. l.oornl) and Joe hd wards. JlefrehmeiUji M. Heffernan, K. Dickens. J. Uond. Jr., V. Lewis au dl. (iaili'sSe FISH ARRIVALS Seven Boats Disposed of Catohes Totalling 101,000 Pounds at Exchange Today. ' Three American and four Canadian boats sold a total of 101,-non pounds of halihul on' the Fish HxchaiiKe tills morniiiif. Of this tolal the Amerii-nns landed fii.Ooo and Canadians 37,000 pounds. J'riees for lioth American and Canadian fish averaued nrnund 15c and'Bc. American Hrisk. 31,000 pounds to Iloolh Fislieries. Arrow, 20,00(1 pounds to Canadian Fish & Cold Blorago (In. Illancn, 10,000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. ' Canadian Altfn, 10,000 pounds, to Allln Fisheries. thiome, 12,000 priunds, (o Canadian F1h & Coldilhrafre Cdtj ' Imperleuse, 5.00U pound; to Prince Rupert A. V. McArlhur, W. A. Moyer. A. C. Knight, H. E. rtrtflUhs, Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Turner and child, .1. M. Whitehead and II. Sherwood, Vancouver. Mrs. H. II. Young, port Himpson, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Maekay and K. V. Howley, Toronto; E. Ilnyli, In-vernefis; O. II. Huuerort, Sirwart : Mr. and Mrs. C. V. McKelvey, .Muster Hilly Mi Kelvey and Miss Anna n. Dixon, Fori 8t. James; O. M, Eraser, DiKhy Island; Mr. apd Mrs. F. J. Rrarlftlit, Tulsa, tkla.; 0. A. I'rocunier, Sunny-side; Mrs. J. M. tfinith and Mr- A. Noble, Port EssinptloffT Canon and Mrs. I'erkins, Chatham, (Int., Dorothy Iiewar, Loos. l. a lolinstnn, 'Inverness. Central Miss H. Winstone, Aiyansh;V. llPckiiiKhnm, Port F.sslnifloni Mr. and Mrs. fl. Hajiol, A. C. Hrnoks, J. O. Itceven. Mr. Tnie and Khefskey, C.N.H.; William McNelsh, Vnncouver. e Advertise In the Dally News. , . . s The Vacant Chair TODAY you arc alive wcll -happy. Whnt of Tomorrow ? Suppose that you are called suddenly and tomorrow your chair is vacant? What of the days that vill follow ? Will your vacant chair spell a double tragedy to those left behind? You cannot avoid the "summons" but you can avoid the lack of foresight which would leave them unprotected. Life Insurance truly stands as the Guardian Angel of stricken homes as a living testimony of man's faithfulness, even in death. Think! Think of those who depend upon you. Think and act. Get in touch with a Life Insurance representative today. Tomorrow , may . be too late. Loggers! life Insurance crvicz ftluynl Fish Honrpany f- In.v II.. 10.0(10 pniinds. to Atlin Fislieries. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Loggers! We have the only complex Mock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in Ihe North. We handle Logg'iig lJ""e Peavies, Haws, and general Camp Kquipnietit It"will iny yoij to see ill when outfitting' Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue BANISH THE FLY li ... 11 ' SCREEN DOORS 8 ft. f In. x 0 ft. i. : " n j$.T8 h jfi.;."2 n. io itt. x n fL to iii-4 a 7 r 8zel AdjusUble Window hdi In Aisorted J' jn " Kcreet. by the off the roll, 2L M " Thompton Hirdware Col.