PROMOTIORS AT BORDEN STREET BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMe 1 f NOjT THINK UP tlOME TH13 S OKjEKOrUL I CrH'T 1 J THECtiiTKY" tvr olly ir vou ;ot WACS TOOT THAT KtO bTOOV Nf )NCIHCj WITVA j - A t0 tAO Teq, l vUtt Results of Final Test of Tfm " art Announced by Prlnotpsd, ' miss n!ii Promotions 'nt, Horden Street School are announced as follow, by Mis S. A, Mill tlm tiriii.nV- Borden. Street. In." 1. I ar4e VIII. Recommended Jo High School Uremia Allen, Ilnnal.l Allen. Uecil Hail, ' Rosalie Dutfgati, Willie Fisher, Jack flaw! horn, Dotcina Ouelpa,. Ritmson . Hum. Toniie Katsuyama, Edward Kane, Umnie Morgan, Kami Miwa, J-rank Millerd, Oeorge Minn. Oral Ross, Sheila Sluarl, Ella C L.l ..J , ... oitfl-H, rjiwnni .-miiiiu, t innm Tucker, Tada Walte, Yoshio Watte. - . Honor Rolls Regularity and Punctuality. George Minns, Edward Kane, Deportment. Yoshio Watte. History prize, presented by Queen .Mary Chapter, LOJ).E. Sheila Stuart, Edward Kane. Promoted to Grade XIII. Evelyn Anderson, Karl Halt, Yerna Hrochu,, Amerlro ponYin-ato, Maisie,,pungate, Minnie Fox, Max l.arkin, .limmie Lee, Harvey Lcightou, Edward Reynold,. Jon Hogers, Annie Smith, Klmer Sleens, Albert Stiles, Florence Thompson, .E,velyn Yickcrs, Chiyo Watte, Roy Wicks; Ma ream' WilllscKift; Morta Yates. Honor Rolls Proficiency. .limmie Lee. Deportment. Margaret .Wil-liscroft. Regularity and Punctualiiy. Mona Yates. Promoted to Grade VII. Jack Allistone, Russell Arnott, Irene Rouller, Jack Ilrady, Hoy Chenoski, Peter Chenoski, John Krickson, Albert Oawlhorn, Mirk Ourvich, Linnca Hanson, Ruby Krikevsky, Kvelyn Large, Kenneth Lee, Doris Leek, Anita Lip-sin, May Macdonald, Yiolet Mc-Cutcheon, Kathleen Morrison. Vera Parry, James Pyle, Rupert Ross, Jean Smith, Tom Steen. Dorothy Styles, Dido Stinech, Charles Stuart, Eleanor' Tile. Jack Yager, Lillian, Ytreberg. Richard MacKinley, Patricia Stork. Honor Rolls Proficiency. Rupert Ross. Deportment. Kenneth Lee. Regularity and Punctualiiy. James Pyle, Russell Amott, Dori Leek. Promoted to Grade VI. Margaret Anderson, Dona! t Arney, Desmond Hrady, Wizncr liryant, Kate Chenoski, . Jama CnrtUs. fipnvjt Ililili Ilnrnlh Dungate (trial), Joan Eynlfsoii, Peter Fisher,' Roy Fong, Mike Ourvich, 01 af Hanson, Maxine Ileilbroner, Hisae Hirano, . Me. Hong, Sing Hong, Arthur her son, Heverly Jack, Laila Jacob-sen, Randi Jacobsen, Saloshl Kaliaya, Tonlo Kalsuyama, An gus Macdonald, Richard Morgan atrial), Kazu Makamolo, Roger Obata, N'ella Pcicock, Theodon PostUla, jCarl Smith, Thomas Smith, T.dit!t fEhompson, Vae Watte, Harry Wilson. Honor Roll Proficiency Hisae Hirano. Deportments N'ella Peacock Regularity and Punctuality. Harry Wilson, Wizner Hryanl Roy Font?. 'J Promoted to Qrade V. Karl Hrochu, Helen Clark Frank Dirry, WiHie Emmelman Carl Krickson, Rupert Fong, Mar garet Fritz, 'i'hekla Fulton, Ki leen fireen, Oscar Ouelpa, Khz Kanaya, Itillip tKurika, Maurice Leighlon, Donnie Millerd, Orace iilnzgoiir, Ceridwen Morgan, Lva Morris, Clark Moses, Dorothy O' Neill, Audrey . Parkin, tyuriel Penhejv ' Dorothy Richmond, Frances Richmond, Muriel Roi-cru, Myrlle Rose, May Srailb. TJiomas Wilson, May Wong, Frances Vayer, Rhoda 'Mmrgohr. . .. ; v Honor Rolls ? Protlciency. Dorothy O'Neill, DepQrlmenl. Orace Minzgohr. ' Regularity and Punctualiiy.' Kdward 'l (ungate, Oscar fSuelpa, 7'homas Wilson, James F. R. Donnie) Millerd. Promoted to Qrade IV. Owendnline Hrady, Dorothy Christie, Orace Clar.k, .Vprnqn ( Corliss, Mary Evan, kalhleen Fenguson, Dorolhy Fraser, Har old Fisher, Ruby Oreen, Tommy Ooodlad, Helen Hampton 'trial;. Hetty lnglis, Edna Ireland, Werner Iverson, Lloyd Iverson, Anna Johnson, Jlrial), Wesley Lee, IsadoVe' J.fpsin, Herbert 'Mbrgan, ehlzney Ohashi, Fpiro Po?tilo, V me Scot I, Mae Schubert, Peggy Steen, trace tkinson, , Roy Wicks. Annie Wong, Hilly Wil- liscroft, Eileen Yates, Kanaka Yumanaka, Morika Yataanaka, Sam Yee, Walter Zeliski; Lee Faw. Honor Rolls. Proficiency. Sam ee. Deportment. Spiro Postulo. Regularity and Punctuality.- Jeannie Scott, Annie Wong, Mo-rika Yadanaka, Walter Piper- John Rood, Lee Faw. , Promoted to Grade III. Jack Anjiesley, Margaret Clarl. John Campbell. Ming Hong, Hi roshi ilainasaki, Kay Hirano, Richard Ilo.ikin, Johnson, Lillian Johnson, Reidar Jacobsen, -Mildred Kelehum, Miki Kanaya, Ruby Lee, Jack Lindsay,1 liaynor -.MonUiOmery (trial . lack Milne (trial . Jean Mac lean- Isamn Matsumolo. Hilly Millerd, Stimje Makamolo, Josep i Xaylor, Seichi Ohashi, Herbert Oliver, Heatrice Olsen, John O'Neill, Phyllis Parry, Patrick Ph!I- lipson, Horlense Piper. Donald I'yle, Willard Rea, Emilie Skatte- bol. Haru Watte. Nellie Wong, Palsy Anderson (trial). Honor Rolls. Proficiency. Mortens Piper. Deportment. Donald Pyle. Regularity and Punctuality. Willard Km, Joseph Naylor, Ka Hirano, Mary Mishikage. Promoted to Grade III. Kennelh Arnott, Norma Archie, 'dward Clark, Harry Kdgar. Uaze) Edgar, Dick Fong, Hugh orrejd (trial), Ous Rupert Ful ton, Owen Macdonald, Daisy- Mali, Mildred -Miinizoba, -'Arthur Richmond, Vernon Scherk, Host Smilh, Engward Wick, LJllia.i Rogers. Promoted to Grade HJt Harpld Corliss, Kiyoko, Fuji - mo to, Phyllis Ireland, Evelyn Lipsin, Masa Makamolo. Honor Rolls Proficiency. Norma Archie. Deportment. Mildred Mun- zoba. Regularity and , Punctuality. Kenneth Arnott. Promoted to Qrade II. am lloherts, Junior Stepp, Hazel: Smilh, Lloyd Shea, Marjory Wil son, Ernest icks, Frankie Wil nifcroft, Olga Zellski. Honor Rolls. Proficiency wWinnif red Cam eron. Deportment. Kathleen Hrady. Regularity and Punctuality. PROMOTION LIST AT SEAL COVE The promotion list for f?eal Cove school Is announct-d as fol- lows by Miss Hath Slewarl, Ih.n principal: Promoted to Orade . Maryl Oesry, W. Murdoch,' Robert! Peachey, Ilrian Parson and KiUl burn Ijiinb, , .p Promolpd. to firaile.. IV. Ceo, FerguWin.' Lagra lljornson, Ksm KOjpier, M&ry Martin, weanor Sievert, Edna Strand, Oeran) 8alher, Kazu Nlshio, Oeo. Vie- reck; Darrow Oomez, Ethel Moor- house, Viva flrieve, Ivy Itagshaw, On .trial, linger Murvold an,d Edna Hagphaw, Promoted to Orade ML Edith Walter Piper, Jack HogerJ, JohnlFerguson, James Coliissl, Allcbl Rood,-Douglas Sutherland, Jean- Oomez, John flatter, Klypehi Do Your Bowels Ever Become' Constipated? A !rti sctlos of tie bowel, trirj day, iboold b the im of Try on who upirct to perfect htiltli, for ooeo the bowels beeome elopjed op all the other organs of the bodr let jetetn. if yon take our adrico and us Milburn's 1 yos will find that they will rejslato and keep your bonrii and liver ia proper shape, and when this is don there is not much thane of yon ever being sick. This valuable remedy has been oa the market for the past 32 ears; rut op only by The T. Milbnxn Co, united, Toronto, Ont. Alf Larsen. Dlga Z'.liski. Suziynni. riobt. Keley, IwaOi Kimura. On trial, Jeaii !unhfrg. Promoted to tirade II.- Aud rey viererk, l,inla treta, rUMi flatter, .orman Sanderson, .Jen nie Strand, Maud Itagshaw, David Ceary, CI i (lord Phillips. On trial. June Home. Howard Iteale, An drew McDonald, Harold Antler-son, Jean Dalzell, Cliiyokn Kim ura. John koK, no exanunaiinn retarded. ALICE ARM No definile plans as to the fu ture of the loIly anion mine could he announced by 2oL Victor Spencer before he relumed to Vancouver last Friday. He ex pect to return here shortly. The log earring barge Drum- rock, in tow of the lug Lome, was 'here last ween lor anoiner tow of logs for Powell lliver from the Abbolsford Logging t!o. YA. Cullion, a resident of Alice rm for Uifee years, has not been Peler Allen, Dora Arney, JuneLpPn sjnee Sunday week, when he Armour, Kennelh Attre (trial., ,iuaiDearrd afler having been Kathleen Hrady,. Richard Iirad-ihrought from the. La !ln mine hury, (lonlon Hroehu, Dona! I bound or Anyox where he was to Clark, llosie Cox, Winnie Cam- i,aVe been placed in hospital. His eron, Mvjan llacker, rrew.v! Haines, Owilyiu Hughes, Robert Houston, Ji nun in Irvine, Alf. Lar sen, John Lawrence, Violet Mah, Margaret McLachlan Chie N'isli). kazl, Nora Poslula, Mike Posluk, Charlotte; Phillipstm (trial), Oer. hat was found on tlioapproach to the. Kllsault River briilge, but there was no trace of the hui'ii The Abbotsford Lodging- Co has resumed logging operations here and has fourteen men; Employed 6rt,"tlie other ide"'oriiie inlet near Silver City and Lime Creek. The Alice Arm chamber of mines is eonsiaerjng the advisa bility oi publishing a booklet, committee consisting of II. Ar rnoiir. E. MfH. II. Smilh. IL F Kergin, J. Fiva and 11. Fowler hav Pacific Milk V - Pupils at East End School Allot- IVCCpS ted to New Grades Woll y I km JWWtATt II Wanted For Sale For Rent iS&toJ?wSSZ !"' l'7n ,,H-pa,Pd ,n, tbC -,0 Foil BEXT.-1-r.rn building a, question. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c Winners of honor rolls at the j Alice Ann jcliool were: llegutar-I'y and punctuality. Alice Kergin, 1 Kathleen Itnwy. lUiester Falconer. John Mrduire. l'.llen Amleriton. i Donald Anderson ami Leah Ker- igin; proficiency, ilonlon Amler-son and Irene llruggy; deport-inenl. Hilly K.s and Margaret Anderson. W. S. Jtaciin. mining engineer of Vancouviyv has arrived here o e.xaminithe Kagle, LeRio and liver fton! mining propenie. recently hondeil ty Mr. McMorris Vancouver. A fire ,brxke uvti recently m he vicinity of tlarney Ijike, iln cause of which is unknown, hut i quite prohable to have been raUM-d ny liijlilnir:. A crew of men were employed fighting fire for three .days when it was brought uudtir control. K. 1 Slenger a promineni mining engineer of liutle, Mou tana, arrived hete recently ano made an examination 'of the F.. peratua ininh. He .also visited ther properties before hi de-arture. , Mr. ami Mr. Tavcner have ar rived here, accompanied by then son Thomas," who reeenlly left r Vjineouvcr o meet Iheui. 'hey have been visiting their aughter, Mr. A. C. H. Oerhardi Vancouver. Mrs. J. Thomas has relurnea from Prinee Rupert to which point she aerompanled per sislet who recently left for Oregon. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. HULL HAP.HOIJ. Cioudi, aim, barometer 30.10; tempera- ture 55; smoolh: 0 p.m. spoke yacht Julio bound for Ket chikan for Sea I lie 310 miles from Seattle; 6.20 p.m. spok uiotorship Olindo hound for Van couver for Petersburg abeam owe.; Inlet af H. 'p.m.; .6. It p.n sooke sMamer .Alaska' -'Anntm Seal tie fiii.'KelnJifkln :Wi mile.s south of Ketchikan; 0.15 n.m spoke steamer Lntouche boun Ketchikan for Seattle 516 miles north of Seattle; UlA7 p. in spoke sleamer Prince Charles in Millliauk Sound norlhbound; 2. 15 n.m. spoke steamer Princes Heatrice abeam Pine Man soulhAound: 5.30 a.m. spoko sleamer Camosun in Filzhugl Sound soulhhound. DEAD TREE POl.VlV-Haro nfeter 30.11; temperature 56. DHiHY ISLAND. Cloudy light ontlnist wind; barometer,; iemperaiire ao; smooili; 7.15 p.m. spoke steame Mogul 50 miles from Anyox bound for Stewart; K p.m. spok Pacific Milk keeps so well in UrilTco leavnng Hlubber Hay foe warm weather that quite often (Iranby Hay 16 miles froi some woman writes to ask what Oranhy Hay; 8:10 p.m. sooke tug Is done to the fresh milk, Sometimes they ask what we put in to keep the milk sweet. Pacific Milk is pure abso lutely. Nothing is added. keeps, because our factories are so wholesomely clean. However, you should treat It like fresh milk once the can Js openeii. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vanoouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. Lome abeam Haker Inlet south hound; 11.15 p.m. spoke fteame Norco bound Seattle for Ketch! kan 8 p.m. It5 miles from Seal It; lie; 3.30 a.m. spoke Hudson Hav schooner Huymaiid oil Masse Inlet northbound. Noon HULL HARHOIL Cloudy, light northwest wind; barometer 30.10, lemperalure 57; sea smoolh. DKAD TREK POINT. Haro-meler 30.11; lemperalure 62. DIOHV ISLAND. Raining, light soulhwfest wind; baromelei 30.20; tempgralure 57;, sea smooth, ; TO WENT f"l Third Avenue East; sir room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premises on Mreet Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer. 131 Second Avenue. FOR RENT. Two first cla modern flats; Monarch ranges, waier paid; one furulshed. Westenhaver Ilro. 'URXISIIKD Housekeeping Room to rent by the day, week or month. Phono Red 607. tf IIOFSES for Rent. Some are furnished. ?0 and up. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. OR RF-NT. Furnished hogse-keeping suite, Mussallem Apartments. Phone IK. tf FOR nEXT. Four hot water heated. A Mallet. PIANOS for Rent at 16.00 ner month and up. Walker's roR SaLS room suite. Apply Hnilti OR SALE. 30 foot gashoaL 5-6 Palmer. Can be used fr pleasure or fishing. Extra large rabin. Apply at Iwat -lanitn.- Cow-Hay lloat. 155 600 pleasure boat for sale foe 275. Eav terms. Phone Iletl 720 for particulars. AUCTION SALE. WE have been favored with In structions from Mrs. W. Ii Vickers to sell l public auction all furniture and effecN a! her home on First Aventi- on 'I'nesday, June 29, al 2.30 p.m. consisting of oak dinln table and chairs, carpels, rani chairs, tables, Morris chair upholstered in leather, brass beds, bureau, ehesl of drawer, roll top de?, library table, Congoleum rug, etc. Philpolt, Evitl A Co.. Ltd., Auctioneers. 150 PATENT ATTORNEYS FETII KRSTON HAUO H, A,C0.4 the oio esiabiished firm. Patents and trademark in nil countries. Free booklet. Vancouver office JOIH Rogers Hulld-Ing. Phone Seymour 3796 Manager, Ernest K, Carver. registered attorney. Other of flees, Ottawa, Washington and principal cities. SUMMER RESORTS, l.AKKLSE 1.01)0 E, near Terrace. Visit Laketse Iltlila Hot Springs. Litbia Is one of tin finest mineral waters known for rheumatism. Oond fly fishing for rainbow trout In Lakelse lake and river. Motors meet All trains giving through connection with Lodge. Telephone connected lo Tcrraeu J. HniCe Jolms'lone. manager BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander, 33 Second Avenue. Phono 137. HOARD, Rooms and Furnished Huites. palmer House. tf HOARD AND ROOM, 125 Tint Avenue. Phone Red 336. LOST. los r . Lady s brown leather purse containing small sum and Iwo keys. Finder pleas? return to Daily New nlllre. FOUND FOUND, Purse rnntqlnlng money-prove properly-pay fof advertisement. M. it. Stephens. , Articles Lost and Found, &c MISCELLANEOUS SIMMER Camp at Lake Kathly.t opens Jun 20. For particulars apply Mr. K. E. Ilirnle, Smlthern. ll.C Hteh Low High Low High Low NOTICE. O.N and after July I, l!trt, all work performed after the hour of 7 p.m.. on Sundays and TAXI Phone 67 Tail (Call (leorge, Paul or Out) Six and Seven Passenger Slude bakers al your disposal any time ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Empress Hotel. GOOD EATS Opposite Heinous Studio, .. Third Avenue. HEAL HOME COOKED MEALtf Mrs. Unger, proprietress. Phone H'aek 700. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furniture Store. We Hey. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand (ioodt. OEO. PAPADOPULOS 83a Tlifrd Ave. Pt.nne r WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood 16.00 n load. Dry Fir Wood , 16.50 a load. Cut lo any length. Kindling, $7.00 n load. Fir Furnace Wood 17.00 n load. A. ISAACSON Phnne, Hlack I6t. Seal Cove. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, June 2S 10:06 n, 22:25 p, a.m. 22? 15:13 p.m. in. I H.5 D:23f n.m. 1.3 21:3.1 p.m. 7.0 Tuesday, June 29 3:26 n.m. 1 6:3 1 p.m. ni. 21.5 10.3 1.0 ? Wednesday, June 30 418 n.m. 20.2 I7J22 p.m. 10.0 10:52 n.m. 2. S3"j2tp.m. 7.5 ft ft ft. Iniii " "l j MAIL SCHEDULE OUT40iki fee Um Iu t V ! M foetl)i iatariM) r.r.M.. iim f(. If i Orskam t mo tw Hi . sik f lib Ate. 4 rlM ' tm i t ts II 4 Wrbr- l it ll at. 4 f'ti tlk Ate 4 Mil 0 4 lilt ' " tttt At 4 '-? tlh 4 W.t'.' f . Ootl PH- Pt. Ami. Wk a.T.f. Htm' ttT.1 Sulkm tM Ate 3r4 Irt Ate 4 1-4 ' 4 r ' t A t' t tor Vmcih 4 TttrxM) lrlt M AUl I'C t. st. run - sesti'" teem V taixttr " ' ' J . . . . . i . . : t I .... rmf tn.m- suiHitrt rrMr ," TO fvt iH u4 ? eii To ausks ptirn-. Jolt t. Tuhlir holidays, will be rhargedtT Nena qm ckvmih- a ia s for al fifty per rent aho; ,j regular rate fnr labor. V.:1 dej- Ihe present rpjrtilalton nfj the Department of ljbor mreh-r m-tcaiH ante are not allowed to work more than eight I.omm per day.! i, i thai, in order lo give yotti'r ' eflleienl wee .day serv ice. we t find H necessary lo nuike the above rrgulnllon. KAIH.N OARAOFh PARKER'S trAHAOH. JAS. IH'XTER. NOTICE. ON and af r J.v U ufi, ali wtrk M tfortiii ii nftT Hie hour of 7 pin . hi Son. lays and on Public holidays, wilt he rliarg-e for at fifl per cent above regular rate for labor. I'nder th( present ivgulftlimiN of Die Department f LalHir meeli-anrs ar ni allowed worx mort- than wihf lnur per day, so that, in order to give ymi efJielenl week tlay service, wt find it necessary to nuiko 1 1st above regutallon. PARKItR'S OAltAnK. KAIEN OAll(JK. JAS. HUNTER. . ' Wit cr.H.iii) . treat Jx ttm, tu.M, 1tr4tf a riM Sinli treat Nartk Qt4 Cwmi. 1tstrUi u trai Slk Qa,M CLKtat- jmis : mi BOX Mitimou i II M l IS IH i ft H IS ' iU l 9 1 l 111 M M til I'l IIM III HI llll IH HI STEAMSHIP MOW 'ii irMsr it rtUM i ! , t.r rrt SitM 4 '" , ttm rn , iurd) AtM. " tee Sleosrt, A.M , SimmIs.) (-n team Sieasrt, A.M , , TwewJl) - tor SUasrt ''"'. ) MiHlat , rrmn .. i I' I treat Sieasrt Ai ' ' " IbnriHlo M Sstunltr . uLe- ter Nerth 0.. ew,,, treat He" TtiarwUt ' tor Soslk 0 C'- Juljr it ' ,, trem iuly 7 July tt fJUL TRAINS tor Isii . itiijr eiwi ' trem fi ,il J llslly eirrpi - WATIS 0Tia T.UE Ji.lmnlun itiii.h ibsi kiKio. " -,, n, 1 into Tn.ui fJ J .j!hrS,T;. rrlJ '"'-uiiitli. .nd iM inn rm front io ,m j im. is."" "''lb? '""i-.'wJ ilrrlo ilid 1..,"" . iM " 1 (iM in llw '"'j' nWKl"-'''! si rrmrr t7.; ,,,) tui 'Ti , k: ii.t i. rsriiwu din fir.i spiKf, '5.1 r' JV.I