lay, June 28, 1020. summer White Ohings Each time white summer clothes are washed their pure whiteness must be restored. To , accomplish this is simple 'cjiough, however!' Just! colour the riming "water r with ever reliable Reckitts Bag Blue In the handy bat wtn the Blue and White stripes MtB t OWI Now! UR OLD PHONOGRAPH SHOULD GIVE PLACE TO THE NEW Orthophonic Victrola Model 4-3, $115 1 til nml -i'C u llm old way Rive- v.i In the new once pliougr.iih. now il i- tin- UrHit'lnmir tild satisfaction kfi Xt-i tor new jH-rfi-chon--ami, 1.-!I of all, you can lli&Ji ... iHlil 4 ll.4(- ! m..I. ....... (HfU7 Ill I i i riii,fii iu, 11,1 4111X1 I Cll-lir- 111.- This is our invitation to vou to come to compare end to choose. fflaeMmJjd 'oilet Goods Sale fiih t v , jmi i liap ol .. 50. Iiox ol JontL'L'l .UilcI Crcniu uwder wt; give ou u 2lr cuke ol Jonlecl Toilet Soup, Jlli for 50s ,'"5i Purse Via! of Nome Perfume gut'ii free Willi r.ry jnlri h? of u $2.00 lox of Caru Nome Face Powder. Mi for 2.0Q ll.ooe Powder YamM ami tme 75c box of Cheriielte Pace liwdfr. both for . , $1.00 E2Ti l' ie ol Itexil Milk ol Magnesiu loolb Panic and n Br laaaaH-' : Tiiui.ii iir 40c ; uo liollle of McX.dl ,u:i" lliur Tonic and a DOr bottle Lone Lupiiil Hrilli .inline, both lor $1.00 ItTn hoHIr of 1 rem Ii ll.ilin ami is 2nr tin of Cieiillemen s Me tn Powder, both for - .!:...,..i..,.,4,,, 40c. (Klc cuke of Tiny Tut Toilet Soup aniT n Tijr tin of Tiny it Tub urn Powder, both for 25c Ormes Ltd. ,Tc MbWIX STOHK Avenue and 6th Street The PlONKKIl IHUKltilS'KS Phones 82 and 200 DEMAND Rupert Brand" Kippe rs at R f :n "THE 'DAINTIEST iEAKFASTJr;QjOD? 4 Smoked Dally by adian Fish, & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ' Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NETWB PAGE THRE1 CN.ll. Employees' Picnic, July 18. ? i I Local and Personal Owing ,lo Inclement Weather, - '' stf the municipal picntc wan postponed Phone 16. P.n. Coal Co. tf yesterday. , ,' 'H.;v Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf Sioe length wood 83.50. per load delivered. Phone N. Qur- . It.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. vicli. Ureen 518. 154 ai - -II "Ml ''Crystal .-1' Firelighters. 48 for Sl.oo. Hyde Transfer. Phone 580. tf fr II. .1.. Alexander of thin eily -in m .Portland,-Orison, attending a .dental convention. .Mia pintle.' Morrison left on the PrinpeH Louise this murn- iug for Jsqlchikun on a vacation trip, w Karl V. l.ockwood was a pa-imr leaving on the Princess Lou me this morning for Ketchikan. C. A. Procunier, teacher of the public school at Bunnygide, arrived in the city yesterday and will proceed koutli on the steamer Prince llupert today to upenJ the summer vacation. The pout office registration ami general delivery wickets will lr '!'eii from a.m. to 11 a.m only nn dominion Day, July 1, I lie public lobby will be open frinii H a.m. to & p.m. only. The whale ,firay ban arrived til vielona from the Queen Chai letlp lnlandM and will be at the ftoulhefn port for a month hav ing two larite oil carrying tankt iniuili at the Victoria Mach iiiery Depot. h. Jl. ShoCkley. formerly ol Hum city and now in the conlrael in businexn at Vancouver, hao been awarded a contract by tin .incomer (Ja Co. for the building of an 41 8,000 addition to i! tirei a! the fool ot Keefcr Street. J. M. Wbilebead. ffelieral man- iwer of the H.C Packers, and H. Sherwood, difilrict tnanajter, are visitor "in Ibc city in the cour.v of a tour of inxpeetion of tlu eompany''. holding in this dis trict. They are registered al Hie Prince Ituperi Hotel. " rt . 4iiofte.CIolliior, rennleot mining engineer, lefl on the Prin- ren I.ouiti, thin iiuiniing for Wrangell 0 route to the CHxsiar diciriet on hi annual inpcclion trip. J($ xvuh accnuipanied by Mr. Clothier and her mother. Mr. 'Joshua Kingham of Vtc loria. Onion Perkins, rector of Trin i'y i.liurrh, CliHtham, Out., and Mrs. Perkin; in the course -ot n holiday trip to the Pacific coast, renelifd tho ctty from the Mast on yesterday aflcrnoon tralr, ami will sail for Vancouver on the Prince llupert this afternoon. Uanon l'erkin.s is un old friend d Arehileaeun O. A. Hix of tbi city. his custody Josenii tanke.v( who will be placed In kalla prison pending trial for the murder of Miss l.oretta Cuts- holm at Port Kssington on May 23. Inspector William Spiller ot the iroineiaI police sailed for tin- ituiilh on the Prince (leoma utnrdny-'night. ltefnre retifrn-J ing north. Iiispecti-r Splller will visit Victoria .on departmental business. t'..l'.ll. sleamer Princesn Louise, ('.apt. Arthur Slater, northhoiind from Vancouver to Alaska purls., was here from fl.30 to 0 o'clock this morning. Among passen tiers rroni here, the bourne took the following: for Wrangcll Miss fsniilh. Mr. and Mrs. . A. tUolhier and Mrs. Joshua King- nain; for Ketchikan Miss A. Dtinionl, Karl W. Lnckwond, Miss Annie Morrison and J. llakken; for hkagwajv-,1. Currie. I'nion steamer Cardena, Cant, i. h. Dickson, docked nt 2.15 yeslerday aflernoon froin Van- eouver and waypoiis and sailed for Anyox, Altec Arm and Stew art at 8 o'clock. Passengers de- arking here included T. lied- lilt-li. A. I., (iray, J. A. U'lionnell, .Mr .Ultinsoii, Mrs. huhrny, Miss W'Jst, Miss Canieron. V.. C. La t'raee, Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Turner and son: for Stewart: S. Thomson. T. V. Crnnholni, II. Carlson, I. McNeil. Mr. Herron, Mr. llrown. V. A. Thomson, M. Munro. (ins (Villi's ,and Mjss ,V,j for Allef Arm: .Mrs. lalouner. KOUNO TBIP TO DENVER S12S.9S OMAHA ,. 129.SS KANSAS CITY... MAS DBS MOINES...,. 129JS ST.LOUia, ........ 133.60 CHICAOO. ........ 13830 DETROIT 1J7.91 CINCINNATI 1S8.40 CLEVELAND ItOM TORONTO ..... 166.05 ATLANTA 164.6S PITTSBURO...... 172.06 WASHINOTON... I93.S6 PHILADELPHIA. 197.1 J NEW YORK...... 199.70 BOSTON 305.76 In effect to Scptrrnlerl5 rRetnmUnutOctober3ia926 THE EAST INVITES TOU and the Union Pacific malces your journey economical by low round-trip excunion fare to all important point in the East, Middle West and South. LIBERA!. STOPOVER PIUVILKCE" enable you to visit the big eaatern cities or America'i greatest wonder 74m National Park YellewststM National Park Rocky Mountain National Park all reached via the scenic and historic Union Pacific De Luxe trains. Superior service. Descriptive booklet ot: request. UNION PACIFIC VACATION ROUTE POD IKPOKMATION AND USEftVA. Tlort cjuj. on an wbhi UNION STATION, SEATTLE, 1405 Fourth Ave. It. Tliorsieiiison, school learli-er at Anyox, pascil llirough tin-city on the Princ- (ieorge oi. .Saturday night en route to Van couver lo spend the immmer holidays. -r,- j. Mrs. MfNicholas and sgh wer passenger on the Prince tleorirt! on Saturday night hound' from Anyo$ on route u HutleS Mon- tnna, where they wdl speiid the summer. l) A number of bunks of various kitnls have been given Ui Hit library by Mrs. V. II. Ackers. This parting gift by Mrs. l'ickers is very welcome and much appreciated. , Mr. uud Mrs. .Tames Mitchell, of Anym, arrived in (he city on he steonmr Priure (ieorge on Saturday night to- spend the summer (vacation period with their parents. School Inspector nnd Mrs. 11. C. I'mser and family will leave this week for Vancouver where they will spend the summer. Mi. Frasor is to .lake a nost-graduale course in cducitiun. ' C..N.H. steamer Prince llupert, fCnpt. II. Nrddcn, (looked at 10.15 Uiis morning from ,kagway. Alaska, enroulo lo Vanciniver for whieh point she will leave at t o'clock this afternoon. - - .The Misses Clarruatul- l'orolhi LHUa. daughters of iMr. atid Mrs. fieorgo Little, Terrace, arrived in town on Saturday aiid will spend a week with Mrs. S. I'isher. Col I'mirth Avenue Hast. Mrs. T- W. Falconer nf Alice Arm passed through life tiiy on the steamer Cardenu yeslerdav afternoon bbund north aft spending a protonged holiday in Vancouver and southern ivjties Mrs. W. H. Lindsay, aecoihpanied uglier two children, sus upassen gerouiho steamer Prince (Seorae from Anyox ou Saturday night for Vancouver. Mr Lindsay is assistant superintendent 'of tha (iranby o. A party of sixteen members'of the Hoyal Canadian Xaval Volun teer lleserve. under Lieut. Hume and Chief I'etly OlUcer I.'i- structor Kineli, went over to thn Mt5Niehol rangesi for -u reCrult course of firing -.yesterday morn- ng. Stephen fjawthorn appeared before Maglslrafo MeClvioont in the eily police court this inorv- ing on it charge of brealdmr and entering Mcllae IrosI store on Sanson; rnr.Auyux: Mrs. Ynrd,,Tlilrd Avenue, earlv'on Sunday Mr, Selwiwl, Mrs. Weidermnn: inorning. The case was ad journed for eight days. ltetfular meeting of Prince Ilu perl Assembly .No. 41 Jfathfl Sons of Canada in the Mctropole Hail tonight at 8 o'clock prompt JaineM Martin, who ha been vie iting In Vancouver from Man-welt, i returning to .the Quean Charlotte Iedarufa on the 1'rjnc.e Charfeii SUia afternoon. . K. C. Gibbons left on llii- inorninK' train for Jasper where he will meet his aisler, and daughter Mary, who are visijlng the coast jrom Elaine. The fire department responded to a call at 5:45 yesterday afternoon from the residence' of H L. Landry, 1U25 Graham Avenue, where a chimney fire did nt damage. J. Walters, United Slates government rpad, -ispro-eeeding to llyder, Alaska, on tin Prince Charlei today to superin tend the building of a road from llyder to Fish Creek. Claud Hell, of the Anyox school (teaching staff, was a passenger .on tlie I'rince tieorge on talur- Iday night for the south. Mr Hell (will spend the summer vacation period at his home on VancouviM Island. V. 1.. Buckley, president of the Canadian Lumber Yards, Port Clements, who ha heen -on i business trip in .Vancouver, i returning to the island on the Prince Charles tins afternoon Mr. Kuckley is accompanied by Mrs. Huckley and family, who are making the round trip to the inlands. The Hudson Hay trading schooner liaymaud, Capt. (!p roellmer, wtifch had been in port since Friday morning, saile. yesterday for Dutch Harbor from which point the will go direct lo Point Harrow enroule to Corona lion (iulf -and points edslvrard Tlie schooner.' ia'brt' aTT'fJihU-fin" month's voyage in the Arctic to reprovision Hudson Hay Com pany's posts and to collect fur MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Hilt Canyon No MliiTil Oaltn. situ-l in llw Atltn Minlnr Division ot Uv lar iHMrlrt VVttrir limird: On Vol-ranlr (Vulcan Cn-ek, adjulmns; 4inl Miuilie or H:i Caayun o. ti-Icnslun MiiM-ral Claim (Lul ItTlli. TAKE .ViTlCt I ll 1. tllrn Molliiy. Frr .uinrr's Crrlirit-ate .No. 7Q?3, In-trnd. amy days Iruiu llm date lirr-or, lo apJy to lUr Mtmnr necorder for a OrliliCale of linpruvrnwnis, lor Ihe pur-im.w of obMinim I Crown Uraal ut tnr aliovr rlaim. And turlhvr take notice that actum, unilrr MH-llon 37. must be oniiiin-ncetl liernre tne lsun ot sucb Certificate ot InipnirMiH-nts. baled this 1st day nf June. A .P. 194. H. MC.Y FIIASF.H. LAND ACT. Notlcs of Inunllon to Apply .to Purchase kana. In I'rlnre Hunert Laud Itecordlnr J)tilrti-t r I'rlii.-e llupert and situate at t'erjruuxu 11 j. vtori nun. uralMin KUnfl. V. C. I. TAH7 MTlt;f: Hut Intncl .MilleiM, of l niu lluirl. B. ('... iHTUpatlun rsutiery lllAll llltfllfl tt. Jtfiltll- fur ,u.r(iil.ltii l.i purrlu.e tlie tullnwuiir desx-rlbed land i.Knuiieneini: at i planted at me VV. rurner or Lol 197 1. Out-en OhaTlotte llnd lil.lrirl. thmre nouth su rualnsj tlieiu-e et Stt rlialii.; Ilienre north to llish Water Mark; thence easterly "aloiiir nan air .vara to ixuni or roniineiii-e- nieiit. and coiitainlnic so acre. mure ot fllANCl? MILLKRn. Applicant. tuiwl June ttth. 1?B. LAND ACT. Caolar Land, blttrlrt. Land neronlliii nuirlct or I 'rune liuiwrl and situated on laku Arm. ilmut S miles miihei or uimiili of Ailintn luver. TAKE NOTIli: that FranrU tlirhard nunlop or Atlin. U.C. orcutatlon mill nianaaer. luteud lo apply for leriiil!lun I" iiifhae the folluwtnr described anrt: I coiniiienrlntr at a poit planted on hie I xHiin nre or laKii ,nit auout miles outlmem from the mouth or Atllnlo lOver and running- thence JO Chains west; Ihem-e Sn'rluliK south; Ilienre to rhalna eM; and lhen-e so chain north to point or romnienceuient, conlalnlnr 40 acres, more or ie, FrtA.NClS RICIIAHD Dl?.MP. LAND ACT, Applicant Notlcs of Inunllon to Apply to Loase Land In Prlnre Rupert Land Recordinir Pi trtrt nf CoaM llanre , and sltuste on South Raclnel Mland. TAKE NOTICE thai Alfred Sanon. of itiiht iiuprri. occupaiiitn Manner, intends lo apply for a lea. of the follow-Ins- described lands Commenrinr ai a noi nlamed at the north end of smith Rarhael lland; thence around me mann at nirn water mark, and conlalmnr 40 acres, more or Jes. ALFRED SWANSOM. ,hi ,.; PPUcant. LAND ACT. Notlcs of Intention to Apply to Leaa Land In Prince llunert lini ii.mniiit. un. trlct of Cnat Ranee S. and Itiiato on ioriu nnrpaei i.iann. TAKE NOTICE thai Alfred Sanon, of Prince niineet. ocrimitlliin Marln.r In. lend to sppiv ror ioae of the follow Ins- riccrlhed lands: c.mmencnr at a pot planted at the South end nf North Rachacl Island: thence wind the Island at hiirh water mark, and cnnialnins; to acres, more or lea. At.rnEn swansoc. Anything that soft water wonthar is safe with LUX TSN'T it a blessing to know that whatever the fabric be made of or whatever colour it may be if it's safe in soft water it's safe with Lux. Lux launders perfectly, beautifully, and preserves , the life of fabrics. . To use LUX v for the whole family wash is a real economy IIcanadianT pcinc VaiiaiT Lever Brothers United, Toronto L.545 Steamship and Train Service gailinirs from PRINCE RUPCRT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, each MONDAY and THURSDAY 4.00 p m., SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m.. Fur ANYOX and STEWART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. For ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4.00 p.m. For MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.DO p.m. For SKIDEQATE INLET and 80UTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally eirept Sunday at 1I.J0 ajn. for PRINCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, Lulled Stales. Agtncy all Ocean Steamship Lines. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders, lorelrn Cheques, etc, also for your next shipment City Ticket Office, 62S Third Ass., Prlnca Rupert. Phons 2VO. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangslt, Juneau, and Skagway . June 7, 14. 1S, 25, 2S; July 2. B, 9. 12 To Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle-Juno 4, 12.. 19, 23. SO; July 4. 7, 11, 14, It, 21 PRINCESS BEATRICE. Campbell Riser, and Vancouver ever Saturday 11 a.m. For BulMale, S wanton Bsy. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Nam. Alert aae, Ageaoy fee all Steamship Lines. Full Intormalloe frn . W. C. ORCHARD Oenaral Agent. Oornee of 4th Street and 3rd Aenue, Prince Rupert, BLO. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stiltnfs from Prince Rupert, oe VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Soanaan Bay. and Alert Bay, TueMay. S P. oe VANOOUVER. VICTORIA. Alert Bay, and SMeo Bay. BotaesktirtB B.S. Foe PORT SIMPSON and Naaa River CannerUs. Thursday p.m. Hi Tf."! ,IMON' "OX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, SJii OS 24 Aomi-. M. Bantaley; Aanl. PU RmsMrt. B.O. Everything for the Build er LUMBER We have Hie mast complete stock of timbers, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring V joliit. yeneers, etc., in Northern B.C. . TWe cansupply everything in a building from the foundation to thelast piece of finish. - Before buying iilspect our stock. It will pay yauAOtir prices are right. Albert & McCaff ery, Phones 116 and 117 .wr. . 3