manager ARRANGEMENTS FOR SHIPS MADE nge Mclvor and shipping representative are here today making inspection of grain plant t e will do every Hung hiimunly possible to Ho nil the grain piping Iiiimiic-s we can through the local elevator, commencing iy in October, ami it is our iiileiition lo ship gram lolh t( the nl and to the European markets, slaletj Cenrge .Mclvor, or rary manager of the Canadian Co-operative Wheal I'roduc- Litniled, heller known as the Wheal Pool, who urrived on .Princess Louise Ihis morning, lo look oer (he elevator and te preliminary arrangements for taking over the lease from goverutneiP on August l. ,vir. .Mclvor is accompanied by MORTALITY XICAN FLOOD Bodies Being Burned and Burled As fast As They Can Bo Found. Crop Damage. .MEXICO CITY. June 28 Des-ulclies fcom Leon, wliere the wate's of Uie tiomcz Illver ed oul a large section of the H. ia thai bodies continue found but no estimate of ileal ve! possible. Thoti- 1 of hfiMi s in the city were lied away ami destruction of ) throughout an extensive re ts rcpoitpil lo be complete. Ufa as I tin bodies can be re ared Miey arc bring burned and rjed and is believed that scv- El hundred victims are lyinii Her the ilebns in seeral towns. ITH MAKES 26TH HOMER h - nclnnatl Shut Out Plttsourg f Yesterday By Oottlng 18 Hits. JEW YOU K, June 28. I'1'1"' th scored his twenty - sixlh hie run on Sunday and is now Iy. three behind his t'J2l record. Cincinnati defeated Piltshurg 'Sunday by securing eighteen off four pitchers, Ihu score g 10 lo nothing. Sunday (lames) National League Jhlcago 2-5, St. Louis 3-0. Philadelphia 2. llrooklyn I. IMUsburg 0, Cincinnati 10. American League hlludelphla 2, Washington U. oslon t. New York 7. Plexehmd I, Detroit 3. l. I.ouls 3, Cliiciuao 0. IMANDER HARRISON )F CRAWFORD BAY IS DEAD-WAS WITH NAVY JEI.SON, June 28. --Coinmun- .'Mallhew Harrison, of Craw- Hay, Is dead. Ho came lo Fred Cleinlrnning, president of 1 1 lie Empire Shipping Company, Vancouver, whose concern will 'district in 1010 following hlsJfieorge iinve the handling of (he freight-!ers rulllnx lierp for urn in mi hp. hair of Hie. Wheal I'ool. Th Kmpjre Shipitu Company represent Hit' O.S.K., Sleamshi) line and French and Italiai tPamlilp lin?s Mr. Mclvor, who spoke vei optimiilically or the rain crop oul look on the prairies, explained thai grain would be beina delivered lo the country eleva tors early in .September and would commence lo flow lo ler-initial elevators earl In October During the fall ami winter ship ping sea soir the pool expects it- ship between 10 to 15 million buhels or wheal (hrouxh lh" local elevator. This will call toi some fifty ships,-montly of thfl "tramp class, to handle it. la the busy sChsoii between 10 to 15 men will I employed and i the slack season about 15. Of the nineteen million busbcU of wheal shipped through Yan- rntlVpr I .is I ,!i4iin Mil- Allipi-I.i fYVheat I'ool .shipped somelliinft like hair (lint Munnlily. Mr. Mclvor interviewed th" heads ot several large Japanesi shipping concerns in Seal Ho ami they alt evinced great interest ia the possibility of using this port as a grain shipping centre lo th Orient ii)J inlimated (hey would Ie sending their representative-' norlli. in the near fiilliro? lo look the locaKsiluatiou over with tins end in" view. Log Exports Fred Cleinlenninig, of the Em pire Shipping Company, slated I rement from the Hrltisl, nuvy.'lho .council 6t Hie rheat Pool Will Ship Between 10 and 15 Million Bushel? of Grain Through Prince Rupert fly vessels will be required to handle cargoes1 FORMER MEMBER OF to Orient and Europe says Co operative Unit several Japanese shippers had iiieslioued him as lo the possibility of.cxpWtiiig logs to the Orient through Prince. H'l pert. Logs fiir export, Mr. Clen-denning 'explained, could be easily handled as part cargoes being easily packed between lli! grai n. He bad given I hem all the Inforniillioii al ,!iis commaixl In (his ronneclion and expects I lie firms Inleresled , lo sem special investiga'tofs north look into this phase of export t Mr. Mclvor and Mr. Clcndcun- ing will make n'a inspection of the elevator today nud will go into details wlllra view to making final arrangements for the lakinw over and operation of the plant. V. 1. Dawson and Niokerson, piembers jf Hoard LOCAL R. C. M. P. DID GOOD WORK IN NORTH Constable Thornthwaile, a former member of the local detachment of the, Hoyal Canadian Mounted Police, figured prominently in (he bringing to juslice of Harry Davis, who was sentenced lo life imprisonment in Dawson last, week for the killing or Clia. II. -Smith in a lonely cabin 100 ...!!.. Il' t..l . mill's, MUI ui iasoii uii rcuru- ary 12. II was Thoruthwaite who discoxered the remains of Smith and who. despite-lhe handicaps of a winter bound trail, arrested lals utnl brought him and the body of the man be haj kilted ntd Dawson. ROSE HOFFMAnIs COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Sont Up on Charge of Doing Bodily Harm to Elnar Anderson. Hose Hoffman, changed with doing gricvious bodily harm to Kinar Anderson, again appeared before r.Magislrale McClymont in the city poliec court this morn ing ami was committed for trial before 'Judge Young' and ordered to be retained in custody. CANADA LUMBER KING TRAIL WOMAN DIES LEFT EIGHT MILLION John R. Booth Bequeathes His Fortuno to Two Sons and a Daughter Living In Ottawa. OTTAWA, June 28. The will of the late Jnhn It. ltoolh, lumberman, who died last fall, was filed for probate this nuiruing. II jdiows an estate valued M f K,-000,1100 svhlcli goes to the three suniviiiK children, '.. J. and J. F. llootli, .mid Mrs; Oerlrudc Heck, all resi ling in Otlawui ON ATLANTIC OCEAN Mrs; Grace Davles Succumbs to Pneumonia While on Her Way to Canada. VAXGOL'VKH, June 28. Mrs tlraee Davles. -or Trail, aged 20, died from pneumonia aboard the liner Montcalm ofi which she wus en ion I it to Canada. FOUR MEN KILLED. MONTH KAI., June 28. Four men were killed us a result or u collision belween an automobile and n motorcycle near Shawnini gan l'n lis on Sunday. A pavly of seven Indian buys from the Coqualeetra Indian school, Sardis, are passengers on Hie Prince Charles for the (Jueen (.hiiilotti) Islalids lu spend Iho summer vacation at their res peetive homes. Trade, accompany Mr. Me lfbp on "his inspection r.nd glv lilln al) Information possible us lo loe u,coiidilions. Mr. iMclvor will leave lor th of tomorrow'. ft HOME, June 28. A great earthquake destroyed more than a thousand houses in the Island of Hhodes in the Aegean t?ea. Many villages suf-rered fered and and il il is is reared reared there there was was loss loss of or 1 lire. i f . i ANTI-BRITISH STRIKE CANTON, June 28". Pickets enforcing the uuti-Hritisb strike and boycott against Hong Kong killed five persons and wounded soveral when they fired into a group of Chinese aboard a vessel bound for Hong Kong. INCREASE IN FRUIT. YKHNON, June 28. The. ho ticullural' department's latest re port snows an increase or six hundred thousand boxes of ap ples over last year. All stone fruits show an immense Increase also. BEATTY UNDER KNIFE. LONDON, June 28. -Earl Heal. Iy, Admiral of the Hritish Navy was operated on ' for npoeiulirl lis this morning ami Jiis eomfij lion is favorable. Frank Hice. lt.C.L.S., of (his clljr has gone (u Alice Arm where lie cxpecls lo spend some lime doing mineral survey work. TAXI Boston Grill Large Wi)Ulr Diiilnfe Hall,, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. .. Anywhare at ltand Royal Hp "Wi,M(1ii rf 'll,' NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, . The latest and est. for the ' PRINCE RUPERT and 6th u. "o.,' I , leant. Phone 467. WATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper iroL, XVI., NO, PMINCE HUPEIIT, B. (1 'MONDAY, JUNE 28, 102J. Silurdiyi Circulation, 1(01 Strrft Sites, lift PRICE FIVK CENTS. ACKENZIE KING GOVERNMENT w tini rt m ini I f I. V II HI Li I'l Operation of coming fall and winter is assured ,' . elevator ' i during . , . . . .... ' i ..... r a . ". ';: .... - I . .siKr.,!Ti. - c .... i- - -ii-f. . ' - at Land s End, England, where the greatest or Atlantic cables has jusl been landed, floated by barrels on account of ib greal weight, II 0 tons to Hie mile. It was hauled ashore by horses into the trench prepared for it It is 1,000 miles long, reaching New York via Newfoundland. It will send 500 words a miutile, or 2,500 letters. AEGEAN SEA HAS 'QUAKE I i I Meighen Being Called Upon Today to Assume Leadership at Ottawa liam. Lyon Mackenzie King has resigned and Ml. lluii. Artliur Mejglien,. leader of the Conservatives, was called lo the Government House this nfterjioon lo confer with the Governor General with u view lo forming a new government. Premier Kjug today announced the resignation of ih miv. eminent and advised the Guvernor General lo dissolve the House which,, Baron Hyng declined lo do. tw inn siuing ui uie uuuse, which lasted only a few minutes mis aiiernoon anuwntch rpiloweit a nieeiing of the Kinsr cabinet, Premier King, in aiinouu.ciiug the resignation of the government, made the following statement; "1 have a very important announcement to make 'before proceeding further. Public "Interest demands Hie dissolution of this itouse of Commons, and as Prime Minister. I so advised II 1- 1-Lx'ccl-lency," tjie Governor .General, shortly before noon. His Excellency 'aving declined lo accept my advice Iy (irant dissolution to which I believe, under Hritish practice, we are, entitled, i limnc- i.i:..i..i.. i i i .1 ! ' pumstances. as one of the mem bers of this House, I move that the House now adjourn." III. Hon. Arthur Meigben rose to make a slalement but, as the .motion to adjourn carried. Ire dld not 'complete bis remarks. When Iho: House.' rose. Mr. Meigjien and Iho Conservative member 6r therustonis eomjnlt-tee were loudly cheered. Mr. Meigben. declined to make any statement for the present, immediately going into conference with his followers. The remaining business of the .m.i. v-ij iiuueifu uie i-cMgnauon, session will prpbably be 'POLAR PROBLEM wound v. wiv eiMi-wiiueiii wiiiciuuis r.x- pp u iiu(Ck order. , 5'' IS NOW SOLVED f Nothing But Detail Work Left, Says Amundsen, Wt)o Reached Seattle Yesterday. SlVTTfJirTie Capl. Amundsen-and the sixteen I others who Hew across the Norlli Pole trom, Kurope to Alaska, arrived here on Sunday from. Nome. "My work is finished and all Iho l)i; problems are solved" declared Capl. Amundsen. "The work 'that remains in pojar exploration ! is only a matter ot detail. Let 'others handle it." Seven -Norwegian member -of I'm nariv saiit IbeV would likely organize another Arctic expedi tion with the aid . of Ellsworth, who is Amundsen's . financial backer. Amundsen expressed himself as "virtually certain" that there was1 no land on the roule which was followed by the Norge. One hundred thousand square miles of icy wastes occasionally broken by open wuler had been seen on the trip, he said. It was thought that islands m'tghl lie on one side or other of the route, more likely the west side. - - "" "" Amirndsen left on Sunday nighl for NewYprR 'erf lou.t jo Norway WINNIPEG TRAGEDIES Four Women Drowned In Lake Winnipeg, One Suicides and Child Is burned to Death. WINNIPEG, June 28r; Four women were drowned In Lake Winnipeg during the ,weekend, another committed suicide and a child was burned l& leath. Evelyn Tasse, of fet. .Bonirace, aeil ID; Anna Wilson, 18, and Marjorie Wood. 1C, of Winnipeg, were drowned when a canoe upset at a slimmer resort on Lake" Win nipeg, and Mrs. S. E. Oodwin of this cily was drowned while bathing al Victoria beach', Mrs. Mary Mazyrak took her own life in her home in the city ami Solly Morgaustein, luged 5 was burned to" 'death' whe her clothing caught fire during her mother s absence. Resignation of Liberal administration follows (JOV'T FILLS retusai or governor to grant absolution of House OTTAWA, June 2S.-Thc administration of Ht. Hon. Wil VACANCIES Senator Appointed and New Civil Service Commissioners Are Named, OTTAWA, June 28. One vacant senalorship and iwo vacancies oh the Civil Service, Commission have been rilled by the government. Dr. It. L. McDougahl, Chairman or the MonlriJal Harbor Hoard, -has been anointed lo the Senate and Newton MeTavIsh and P. E. Tremblay, of Ottawa, are named to the Civil Service Com mission. " VANCOUVER MAN1S PWNEDSWAI;, watts IN INItRIOK CltANnuooK, Ju,ie 28- Eldon Walkeiyof Vancouer, was drowned on Salilnlay in JlVe mill pond al Lumbertou when lh hoal containing himsetr as jwellia four olhers upsel., .Deconed was alt spruce: MillsY, M: '..'" - - :v ' J 1 Ki rn. i?. .-y