PAGE BIX FIGURED RAYON CREPES Iri a liosl of beautiful phaile, pattern and design'. Thir-iy-aix inches wide. Per yard $1.35 VEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 7S3 BOURJOIS French BATH SOAP Delightfully Fragrant Three Odors ROSE EAU DE COLOGNE SANTAL Per cake 35c 3 cakes for $1.00 Box of C cakes $1.75 Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phons 94. We dollvor. Further : Reduction in Strawberries 2 boxes for 25c Per cralo , $2.85 GOOSEBERRIES Per basket 10c LOGANBERRIES Per crate $2.75 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417-423 5th Avenue East Bargains in Summer Coats "Deraers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST i Helgerson Block, Prince Ruport, B.C. Office Hours 0 to 0. X-Ray Strvlot Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday 1 Kvcnings Saturdays 0 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tt. ('Artage, WarehouRinn, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. , Coal, Band and Gravel, We Specialize In Plane and Furniture Sieving. CHIROPRACTIC FOR HEALTH! New, Chiropractic Office For Pr.' Rupert People With Dr. D. A. McMillan in Charge- i Open Today. : ( Dr. D. A. "McMillan, who is opening amiffiee in the" Exchange Block, corpqr of Third and Sixth, is a griulliale of the Palmer School, 1he fountainhend of Chiropractic ilo is prepared to give the people of this district a chiropractic health .tervicc that is ef- ncieni anu eneeuve. t People who have suffered for years and tried everything have found chiropractic the solution of WATER NOTICE. mi none ami an application pursuant t.iercto and lu ihe "WaUT Act. 1911, will IM filed m ihe rrire or Uk Water Be rn-tier at rrinoe Uuprrt. B.C. Objection In the application may- Ic filed with the sam water iterurcier or win ine .onip ttvller of Water Itlrhls, Taillanieiil Build Inns. Victoria, B.C.. within thirty clay after the rint appearance of this tsotin in I local newspaper. The dale of Ihe rint publication of this noUre is June COSSE IM;kl0 CO. LTD.. Appllrant. By 1. V. yiranr. A rent "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." Nctfc of Application for Beer Llcanaa. .Nolite i. hereliv rum ihii. en I lie tsth day of June next, the undcr.Oaned InlifHl? U) ap'ii 10 ine Liquor i.onirm poara in, a lli-t-line In respect . of rrvnile beina part cl tlw bulldinr known ,i urt-an Fall Hotel. imne on Kr-mt Slrret Town 01 Ocean rail, upon I lie land riernbe ai lxt .No. J I, Ilanrn 3, i:oal OHlrlrt, Map So. ILV it, Lud nerwi'-atHin owinri. In the i'Mvmre of llrltch Columbia, foi i lie ial of beer Lv the rla. or br the pen b'Wlle for ronsuuiptkio on tbe pre mises. UateC this Tib r.iy or June. I-AOFIC MILLS LIMITED. rr r.. I.. Barker. Treasurer LAND ACT. Casslr 'Janrf rUMrtrt LanO HeeordlnE Dr:r'- of I'riw llipert. and situate on MUri lake tiboul :i lullct sovjllinrfl Of Vim Towtwle. TAKE M)Ti:i; Hut EdWii Ittles f.eri. if AUm, in ihe Puivlnre of Rrl--J Colum bia, nertiptitlnn tetallnir tirlt ursnrb. inli Ddi lo appiy r r pennission to vvt cbu the ")lo-tn d-enlied lands: r.oninienclnir at r'tt pi'nirfl ai ttv Miutheaot cnrner nf Alarier Bay. in Atltn Ijke sllualed abor': thence roilnwini' he hire line went o ensins: tnrniM mui ' limns. ,ii. it- .. . . ituiw nftrth i-hiiinl tii mum nr roreniencement. EDWIM JttES EOCEHT. Dated ruar id. Appiirani. Semi-Annual STOCKTAKING SALE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Only Great West, Tudnr or Kmpress Tea, 2 lbs. for $1.35 Malkins Best Jelly Powders, 15 pkgs. for .- 95c Matches.- large packages, reg. 15c 3 pkgs. for . . . .- 95c Classic Wliile Laundry Soap, 19 bars for, 95c IP rolls Toilel Paper 95c 7 tins Ouaker Corn 95c 7 large tins Tomatoes ..... 95c Kmpress or Malkins Hcsl Strawberry Jam, 1 lb. tin 85c I lbs. Fresh Gitiger Snaps . . 95c Ready cut Macaroni, in bulk, 3 lbs. for . . . 35c j Seedless Manias, in bulk, 5 lbs. for 70o 10 lbs. llest Jap like 95c 13 lbs. Granulated Sugar .. 95c SI. Clmi-les and Pacific Milk, per cate $5.50 I tins Lihby's Crushed Pineapple $1.00 Heil Home Cured Bacon, by Ihe slab, per lb. 47c Don't delay getting your Terrace Strawberries for preserving this week, price will he, per crate. $2.75 and $3.00 B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Slock of Pur Trimmings at .low prices 6. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. I Third Ave 4- cjbuuu&c ryjo fr-tfcX ita- all their trouble. The location of (he cause of the disease Is defn-ilc and positive. The removal of the t-ause is us definite and positive a result as the skill or Hie chiropractor makes possible. If you are suffering, then you owe it to yourself to find out what chiropractic can do. Your Investment in the recovery of your health is the best investment you can make. Diversion and uae. I Dr. McMillan s, new ollice TAkE NOTICE that Uosse I'ackliifT Co.,- , , i ..,, s and cottsullalion united. hne Mtf it mj now strw. open today I Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for llcincr ' t i,ni L,,,r-,i eharce "l or "mm.uuu. obligation.' lu take and uw 5(k.0i)U gallon per d,yi""ut'"1 (if water iiul or a slreaui, mine unknown, wlin h flows norlhweil and drain Into Hiannon Bay about too reel westerly nor I lio 4 1 comer l.t 45S. Icae ilairti April 4. ll.C. Otivt. lease. The water i III Im diverted rroin the stream at a pulnt alMiut So feet frtmi mouth of rusk and 107 feet west of nortlieast curlier Lot 45S. and nil! lie fur cauneri purpoes ujxin the Camn-ry site, described as Lot Shannon Bay. U.C Islands. mi) noiire was nosieu on toe (round on lie tilh lav of May, tjf. a ropy of Phone 6'Jt for appointment MEIGHAN BEING CALLED UPON TODAY TO ASSUME governntent has resulted in ah extraordinary situation. There is no government for the time be- irn and Ihe moment lit. Hun. Ar loses his seat. The creation of a "onsenalive government would, therefore, leave Mr. Aleighen without a majority in Ihe House unless he got either Liberal or progressive support io winu up the business of the session. Mr. Meighen mlshl, however, appoint an aetiiiR ifUuister without salary and appoint one of his colleagues to represent him la the House temporarily. The House meets again Tuesday afternoon. y Following Ihe return of lit-Hon. Arthur Meigben from an interview with the (Jovernor (?en-ral, he entered into a conference will: prominent picmbfrs of the DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Timber Sale X26S3 Sealed teddera will le rerelted by the Ulmater or Lands at Victoria not later tun ixm a tile tVIti day of July, lata. :r the purrltate of Licence XtBVl, lo rut i.i.:. i, win) feet of spruce. Hemlock and Cedar no n area situated on the Wr,t end if Tanoo IsUihI. near Moresby It4and. ytieeii charlotte bland MslricL inrre iii years win lit auowea ivr renional of timber. lurtlier narlirulars of the Chief Fores ler. Victoria, B. C. or District r'qresler. rrmce mipeii, H. '.. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Tlmbtr Sal X7B4S Sealed lenders will lie received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria not later than noon on the tilh day or July. lv. for tbe piirrln.e of Llreiire X19IH. to rut HS.IttfV Lineal feet or Cedar Poles and i'llinr on an area situated on portion of Lots till, tall and til A. ortb of Hair! U4i, casslar ItMrirt. Three (3 years will be allowed for -entotat of timber. Further particular of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria, B. C or District Forester, rtnee Hrpert, B. C LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon lo Apply lo Lasts Foraahor In ijuit-n Cliarlutle Island) Land lie-rordlua- District of rrlnre liurt, and situated tVt miles west t Allirord Bay, SkidrKale Inlet, and rmntin on Lot HI, yix-i-n Charloiie Ulslrlrt. TAkE NOTICE that Ihe B.C. H'hmir 1 t'acklna- Omipany, Ltd.. of Vancouver. IU... Salni'jfi Canners. Intends In apply fur a lease of I be follow In described Foreshore: ( iiiiiineiii Ing at a post planted at Ihe souinwesi corner or Lot III- llience nor llierly and easterly follow Inr tbe line of tilth waler mark. If rbalus. more or lent. Jo llic northwest corner of Lot til: theme west t chains; thence soulheily and wtftrrly follow ln I line parallel le me line or nun water mark, 14 chains, wire or less; thence east S chains to txiint or commencement, and containing 17 acres, more or less. BMTISII COLUMBIA FISIIIJIO AMD rAlkMU tllMHAY LTD. . . 'er II. Sherwood, Arent. D.ied oih April, ms. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Las Land In I'rlnce fiupert jnd ttrcordinr Dis trict or rrinre ituperl, and illuate at aiarii, i. i.. TAkE MiTICE lhat Eiiaene . simp son of iiaseit. fmipatii,ii ranner, lu lenas i io aopiy ror a lease or the rolloW' iiik aenrrnx-n ino.:- - Coniiiienclnr at a post planted at the northeast corner of Block 10. Matseil Towulle; thence easterly ISO reel; Ihence somberly 1.000 reet: llience westerly I to reet; thence northerly 1.000 reel to point or commencement, and containing; 3 acres, li tre or less. tIJGE.NE II. gIMPSOX. . . Applicant. ruled June t. lOtft. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT! THE DAILY NRW8 , ,, "Tlp 'U.'cXv, 4ruxt L& djjuiti? So CO-tr-d -tuo-c -tina 'okxu f-tTuu in as premier. 11 is probable that the stiges-lion will t made in the House tomorrow that lliree or more mcmlieVs of .the Conservative party be appointed for tbe purpose of putting through the remaining estimates, lion. It. H. Stevens, Hon. Hugh Guthrie and Dr. Mauion being mentioned. "1 see no reaVn why we should not pass supply,' Hon. Jloberl Korke slated today when asked if the Pri.gressives would co-operate with it -government along this line. The Progressives will hold ... . . . i Advl. a caucus tomorrow morning. n is unofficially staled (bey uo no l want an election this year. LEADERSHIP AT OTTAWA ! RPUBUCAN SENATORS i:ontinued from Poue )ne). I DEFEATED IN PRIMARIES AVASHIMiTON, lu:.. June iO. ( Canadian Press The great biennial campaign for the con- .' t .i,. .11 l. Ihur Melghen accepts the paidj1"" uougress is -jeiuug unmr office of premier he loses his.way. While Ihe actual eleclloit. seal in the House, Any minister will not be held until next .o--i.o ntmiiints witti nnrtfolio also ember, (he primaries for" Ihe nomination of candidates are,, being held, the lines of the struggle are bein& planned, and il is already possible to get some idea o ft he general nature of the'eon- (rovery. , It is already apparent Hut the political mortality in this year's campaign is going lo be high. In Ihe opening clashes thus far, the casualty list has been unusual. Primaries have been held in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Indiana and South Dakota. In Illinois, Senator William II. Mb-Kiuley, , administration republican, has been defeated fur re- nomination; in Pennsylvania. Conservative party. It is slated, 'Senator George W. Pepper, ad although unofficial!)-, that Mr. Meighen has not yet been sworn ministration republican, Iim likewise been 'defeated; and in Oregon, Senator Hubert X. Slan- field, administration republican has also fallen. Senator James E. Watson and Senator Arthur it. Itobiuson have been numinai ed lo succeed Ihein-ehes in In diana, afler Voting against tit Coolidge administration on I In- World Court. Senator Petri' Norbeck, who, generally lines up with the administration and lie Old Guard republican ongauiza Hon., lias been renominated 1 1 South Dakota. In the cases ol Walson, ltobinon and Norbeck eacii win nave real lights o.j (heir hands for reelection ii the face of strong Democratic opposition. To have three adininistralioi. senators go down lo defeat tlm early in the campaign in itself is an extraordinary development Moreover, some House member have already been knocked out in the primaries. The question has already been asked whether, in view of !., blows struck against aduiinislra lion senators. President Calvl.i Coolidge will be able to fore himself. I,,... I.. Ifl-fU I 14. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. C. H. Higgarl sailed oi the Prince lieonge iSalurday nlg!f for Vancouver. Mrs. O. 5uelia and family salleil Saturday nlaht on the Prince (leorge for Vancouver. W. 0. Keirsdead of New Ilruns- wlck, will address Ihe Womcn'-. linadlan Club at 3 p.m. June 3'i. in (he Koston Hall. The Lutheran picnic, whirl- w;fs lo have been held yesterday, was pojpoited indefinitely owing to inclement weather. Mrs. Kd. Yard, of Anyus, who has been holidaving in anroti ver. r-'iurneti norm on ine tt earner i unlena lad night. IIIO 1 CIIVIIIIIIUIIUII III I -r('l .......... j-,,. .I.. I.i-,.. . II is apparent that he will io-i TAkE mitice tint Untira ii.iiii.f an active caudluaie lu succeed BOAT ARRIVALS. CN.Il. sleamer Priiice Charles, Capl. Neil Mi-I.ean, Uieked at 1 1.15 this morning from Van couver enroute lo Anyox, Stewart and Masfctt for which points she will leave al I "o'clock. Passengers debarking here included Dr. 'and Mrs. Henderson, Dr. Miller, Duncan Graham, Miss H. Lyon, Miss C. S. Black, Mr. arid Mrs. J. M. Young, Dr. and Mrs. Harley Smith, Mrs. 1. Hose, Mrs. Coombs, II. J. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Iteid, Mr. and Mrs. Junius Shaw, F. C Proberl, Major Davis, Dr. and Mrs. McQueen, Miss Jane Hyan, Dr. and Mrs. Hendry, Dr. and Mrs. Grant, Mr. Graham, Dr. J. H. Coulter, Miss J. Davis, Miss h. Graham, Mrs. Emily Alach, Miss McNecly, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, E. Alock, P. Ellis, Mr. trlrt, -vber located: On .Cratet 'Creek, lliom. , l or :SeWart: Ml'. Hlfd a trllitilary of Fonrth- or July Creek, t i r.-ivln li'e l l.,.!! 411 s l" Dr. djoininr the Oarry Owen Mineral Claim ''OUln, .Mursliall, on its souilierly side. TAkE NOTICE thai I, Peler Oabrlu, Free Mlner'i Certirirate No. 70IS0. In tend. lly days rrom the date hereor. imh io ine .Tiinnir nrrorner ror Mrs. II. Bell, Mr. Haybone, Mrs. Watson. For Masselt: Miss Dunn, Master Ji Dunn, E. Corn ''trr'Min'iTO H;e"' Mfn. above claim. iMrs. A. Scoll. For Port Clements: And further lake notice that action. I at- .....i i. t n,,n .i under section 7, must be commenced , fll r- 1111,1 r V Buckley and ijieroie, the issue or auch Cerllflrate of iniiiroreinenis. oa led ,lhls s day nf June, Il iiiiiiuy, a ii. i.oiiuis, nr. .Mci'.acii- ern, G, Stevens, (J, I;, Beeyen, Ira ii. nwsf-Stoddart 'Ctea. Miss Bi'rnice Ctay of the Prince fltipert (ieueral Hospital niirslntr staff is spending lliollday at Auyox visiting with her parents. Mrs. A. K. Wriulil and family sailed on Ihe Princp tunirae uftlay nlaht for Victoria where the'y will remain for tbe summer. V. II. Bower, formerly of Au yox, is now ai Alice Arm. where he is in charge of logging operations fur the Abbots ford Loguug Co. Miss Mary Dowlher and Mis' llosemary Wirislow werr aniow Ihe passenger? frr Vasimuver on Ihe Prince ' George itaturda) night. Mls St. James of Ihe Hili School teaching -UtT sailed jal unlay night on the Prince Georg - lo spend the summer uveal ion in lb south. Miss II. Wnistone, who has resigned her position as sehmd leachvr al Aiynnh, arrived it- the city at the end Jiir week enroutfl to her home in Manitoba. WATER NOTICE. Dlrln n Us. TAkE ill".fc Hut liosso l-acklot Co. mliru, wieiwe odilre. la ith How si reel. iKuttr. l. ... will apply for lirrnre U lake and use tun.uw aalkms r ito f waltr out of suram, uaine ttutnowu. Atiirh flow ifiribrasi ami drain in. Shannon Bay about !. feel ruulbwesi riy iruiu norinea.i miner Lt . uiei April i. ittt. tim waier m w diverted mQ Ihe Mrraut al fsnnt abirtil 0 reel Insn lieiulh atxl sow I feet wetl by south frwu atsillieasl ci oer Lot lit, ami will be utel fur rannv tirtxses uj4i Ihe ijiiuery all dessribed as Lot irl Stuimirii Bay. O.l. Island this Willie was pusied irfi tbe truuiMl m be tilh day of May. Itt. A ropy ol this le.lire ami au aiH.llcalHdi iursum bereio and l the -Water Art." will oe riled in Ihe office of tlx Waler II order al i'Mik HuierL B.;. Hijeclim lu tbe appliealkin may tie flteJ with the .aid Waler Herirfiler of Willi Ihe i:4lip :roller or Waler Kilils, I'arlianieul Build lias. Victoria. IK ., witlitn thirty da) fcfler Ihe first 9lpeirarH-e nr Ibis noli'-r III a toral tewsper. Tlw date of Hie first piiblicallon of tola is-lli la Jirne I. tt6. iiuSSF. rACklvo CO. LTD.. Ap(dicaat By J. F. ftrsnf, Ayrbl LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon U Apply I Laaa Lana In rrlm e liutierl IidiI fteeordluc In trie! of I'rliRe Ituperl, and aituatu In the icioni or nine spit, uraiiani isiau'l 'arkiuf UKiipanj. I.liulitd. of k Victoria, B.C., occ;ii.ii canners, intends lo appl ."or a teas of Ihe fulHwlnt described lands; ijoiiiniencint a: pott planted at Ihe oorineasi corner ot 1.01 so. ; limit m low water mark; Hienre in norm easterly dlreitUrfi two n:ies; lltehre south easterly two rhalns; tlwtwe aoiithwrsterli two rnl!e to (siiiit of i Mi'Ut n--iienl. and onlaiiilni It aire, mote or less. LA NO AHA riblinO . l-ACkl.Mi CO, LIU. I'er E. II. hlmpMHi, Aimt Appioaui tialeil June , Bt. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon lo Apply lo Laaie Larw In Land llerurdinr liniriri or Pnnci nuperi. and annate al bead of ftkaal In-lei, Moresby ksiand, Ijueeit Charlullr oroiip. TAkE NOTICE that The (Lanid'an n.t. It) fMnpiiiy, Limited, of Vawouer. oe rupation Salinon Canners. Inun.1i to appl) PI'U or a lease ui i lands: Oimmencinr il the foHowlnt descr! MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE ofllMPROVEMENTI Ibed a nost nlanferi af hf.ait of Skaat Inlet, Ik chains nor lb of nn named Creek) thence west to rhalns thence South to chains; Ihence east to chains, more or less, to shore line: ihenm northerly rnllowlnr ahnre line to P.O.C.. and i-oiifalnlnr 40 at-rvs. neire or less. THE CANADIAN llIIIX0 COMPANY. iihiimi, Applicant, , . rrr..wi""m Mtt,,t nowr ruled - nih son i if a uiy lanvon Mlnenl Claim, tiiuale 10 io.- .linn .niiiini nirision or casstar Ills. Irlcl. Where 1'icaled. Near Crater Creek ano aiiM.iiiii.s- and tx.ithes-t or trui Blr H?fj"" I:,1',,'on Mineral Claim L ivTA'fc. N.0T!.rK A I. iohn Molloy, free Mther'i Ortiriral No. 707a, In-lend, sljty iliys rrom tlm dale hereof, lo apply lu the Mliiinr Becorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the pur-po of obtilnlnir a Oown Oram of! he atnive claim. And further take nolle that action, iimlcr section J7, must be commenced berore the issue of nth Certirirate of Ifiiiirnvrtnrrita, band tlil lit day df June, A D. 1J, IL Mc.N, FRASItl. T ADl. China)epartment In Out IXnawMA-.a i. . win Mujviufjiii oiorfe CUPS AND SAUCERS -FANCY DISHES AND Tr. and a fow DINNER SETS A 8tTl AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES A largo assortment to chooie from. We t to conio in and look around. It It our pleaiur i 10 you. how EYE GLASSES (IhildronS HaiidaN. hrowti only, to flour l.niliet. Iiin.iiini lininii kiiiijililft fur menu (Iliainliray House l)reei'! for . lilies' Canvas hhoen, with loAtlier -oe.. vorlmoil liofnni nl A I ll.V linw' Voiles, reg. HSoftl.lO, during tills wef k ' ! Wiinhwfll (Miighatii, reg. .'Id.lhCji wide ' ,M now 3 yiiili'for Cotton Crepe, Ti 'yards for ... ; .7. . .' .,, ii ' i..!!1! .... i .1.1.1 .. 1.1. I...rnij villi If ,v Hi Our Optical Department is In charge of an ... optician who has fitted Glasses for 27 year, n m work. Our prices are, reasonable and work dn.-!i0.8,',,i Wo guarantee fatltfactlon why take chant you have the best obtainable In your own city? Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North ' a 1 s H 5N '.r" A BfcJ8 HVRkI WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. TOM MIX d "Tony" "THE LUCKY HORSESHOE' Tom Ihe ili i ing lbn Juan of (ild S; Illuiisliip. thn nininnee. pep aiui un- grt-ilifiil- Ihut make t grenl imtirr i go ui lop p'i i wilh Ann I'enni.Mgtuii. lies mill one hundred pnxe wiiuier ,i Strong i il. Tom Mix, Blllle Dove, Malcolm Walle, J. TtmH MacDonatd, J. Ounnis Davis, Ann Pennington, Clarissa Selwvnne and others. Comedyi "CUPID A LA CARTE" INTERNATIONAL NEWS 3Sctngltc Bus and Tail Meets all Trains and Botls. ROYAL HOTEL Phone 34 J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. oiiTcMMMi ' Hte! BwU. apriHpjs, and ' : ??vrv' room. t' lloom. Hot and Odd Waler. Katf - s Htnam llealal. Ktccjnr higliL Corner of Third Ave and Sixth SL PRINCE RUPERT, D.C. THE LAST P.0.I-J1H WEEK Monday, June 28th, till Saturday, July 3rd THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF OUR Clearance Sale Hilt iiol the let-l, ly any mean, a- wr ' lel iinrgaiiis Hum week. Remember the Date June 28th till Jul lhe 3rd DOMINION DAY SPECIALS Boy-' While UuuiiiiiK Hhiie. iliiriiiff H" " al 25r DIscounL Tin- i the larget on Buys iliiiiiiing Shoen. .Men" iliiiiiiiuir Shoeis, uny eolor. Has ' IIiivk' Kriivvli lliimiiiiir mniitu 'fliid l(k IMI I-icJiK' Illuming Slioei mid ypiarl ht'i' 1 Lnllis Whilft Buck Leather Hold Shoe. ' v mill i"i Ml I III ri ii ir IliU w i-oL III I'lCHT ill Meir HIiik'm, Mherly make, value to Children' lliiniiiiig .Slim.. rtitihor iolri nni 15 20 0 Dlcou SSc 7X Latlich While Pieipie'skirU, Tor pinii' . i ' ' ' jJi0fl rlenr lit l The following extra specials are for this we l.iidii1 ulieV Liu ad only, and are absolutely ior v- iV 1s? i. ir 95 ' it.0 $i.o itil ini-ne re UtlClltniw 111 e itinuc nun"- .- IioIIiIiish. Take iitlvniilnge uT our offer .ml ri and the Miililren wills nhoos al tlu'e " ";c- TaKtniif RrnR. Ltd pi