iy. June 2 ft,. ifl2n. 1LIMBING bu know how your car tfor mi on the "test hill" vour vicinity. Install bet of Champions and Impare the increased iwer and performance ltd your previous bestf lis is the simplest and ' rest way to prove that pays to install Cham. ns and that, they are Octfe1 sparkplug. ly lor r.irds I lh Kf J Hotr 80c Champion-(ot ears other than lor,, ptk.d 90c Each AMPION tdablt for Evtry Engine inadiun made Product Vlndaor, Ontario ULKLEY Market .311 Third Avenue, ;been taken over from L Oeorgo Kerr by I. Preece Ewith Sealy anil I)oolon esh Meats jdna Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley 'hone 178 aaaaaBla a aat V- MMHMER SUGGESTIONS FOR IWUUU f" Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch " and Spruce load -- -. $6.50 gJlialf load 3.50 pack 50 Wood and Keep Cool I Transfer 11.139 Second Avenue le 580 Night or Day It BUY BOTTLES. ILK From Butkley Valley ESH MILK AND WHIP PING CREAM Vc specially reoommend ; Table Cream at 15c for If 1'inl Quality and Service slal Ice Delivery Service tlentin Dairy fe1 Phone 657 I Alexander Smith Block Phone 576 DENTIST G BOATS f ',, Phones 483, 539, reen 238, Blaok 735. It. Phone. 687,. 539, reen 238, Blaok 735. PERT MARINE DUCTS, LTD. a. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. THRILLS, COMEDY AND ROMANCE IN MIX FILM "The Lucky Horseshoe" Is Western Picture Plus Bailing Display of Spanish rlcndor. Thrills, comedy, miiancp.loye. ly Indie anil gorgeousd'siHtifjiy urr in bp fount!. In Tori Ml release "The Lucky 'HctMesTioe,' which will be. shown at Jlle AV,t-holmo Theatre tonight 'and; ly-morrow, ' ' " . Hillie Dove Is the IUlJ'!heii-exi who Is sent diiicud 10 .'it$lix education and Tom Mlt'itjie' ytmiig ranch for-Nitiin who tiiys belijnd lo look after and improve her ranch. Tom is In love willi Hillie, hut being a reticent sort of a chap drifts not fell her so before she leave or wri'.e her about it while she Is away,"-with the result that she returns with a riancee to be married on the old ranch. After she has returned home It doe no! take her long lo realize that she has mad a mistake, hut Tom while he loves her will not speak, for he is deeply hurt over her engagement. Jlc Ihetf decides to leave the ranch mil II after the wedding, much to the demist of his old advisor, a rpat admirer of lhe bold Don Juan and hi methods, o when Torn Is kidnapped on the e of the wedding no one tries o invent iaale. t The kidnappers knock Tom un conscious to keep him quiet and, in ln roma he Imagines himself o he Don Juan anil the remainder if the story takes place in the gorgeous setting of an old Spanish radio during a fiesta. After many thrilling adventures in lhe character of the daubing Spaniard, Tom wakes in time lo realize that it is the day of lhe wedding and that the .girl he loves i being married to another man. He hues no time in miikinc his escape and arrhes just in time. MVIOABLC WATtftS PROTECTION ACT. N SC. CHAPTER 116 I'llllMl fill I'Atittmtir ..r fr,..t. I In.n.J i.rfli (lira ihih ilul ll'haa under sec- -- " ri ... i .ii:miiiru Willi llkr Minister nr Public WurU al oiiaa and ll IIW offHf Of 1Ih lllnlrlrl llmalrir .' flu I Biut lll.lrv In.! ..I... ..r iiai..H ' -.. v. I Hi.. Itlitrt In Ih. lMn.n ilI Ual.ll. '..1. .h. I " -. " I IHIIIF. Ml PIIIMU UUIUIU' tia, a dPMTlptifin or llwi tlt and ilaiu lie Lm It In IlKi lurUir of t'rinre liupeil in hit ,-riiTiiM-f-; tm maitT lot ronr. It ll wk 1". ' Ih. . a l.l h ! .r MlHni.in. . narrow api'Marh oarjlnr In lUOi front ii in in, ami rtiriKiini iwiriinrlr rrom the liihln mark a dlmanr J an- iiroilinairlv jno. rrnn ll wlilrn lo an I. mtii.iii 40' SO" In aira. ilw ililjr fffl maurriiH-ni lliir appniiimalrl) paral- And ukr noitm trial afl-r n -tplra lli-n ;t ihi iiHrtilh froni 0 rial of lh rimt Imljlfrallfdl of Ihl. nnllfA thn l't....i Oil Ciuniiany of Canada, Llmltrd, MI under MH-ilun J tif ttae Mid Act ai.plr in thr VlnMlrr of fubltr Work at tin of-flr In Ih cur of Olla. ror ap- imilrfil ill llu. amtA mit .n.. . , , I K. and for li-a in mniruri the aald uharf iki aiifinMirn in me ani. I)alid at Vannrnvrr, lirllnh Columbia. Ihl lain day uf .Mar. ii. j. KKni.in. liirin salra Manarer. NAVIOASLC WATERS PROTECTION ACT n.a.o. cnaptar 115. Tlli rtntUtl Cnlundila ri.hlnr Pi-li. Inr i:nriipan Llmiu-d, iM-irby rivra no tim Dial ll Iiii tinder hh-ius: 7 of me Mid Jrl. 1rRi4llpd villi llw Mlnimrr nf I'nlillr Unrkf. at oiua. and In I1h nrnm of llw IM.lrirt liralrirar f tlw lnd IIpitI-irjf lulrirt of Prlnr liuprrt. al ITInce l;iiwrl. B.C.. a duarrlpllon of th an and lhe plan lit a harf or ptr-r and liuiM na iiirmin prtipuwa 10 i limit on itial nam rmrlliin of land linil ilmm tun and i half mllfj h of Atlirord Bay. Miid'Hir inlrt, rrontin; on I.pi 114. Uiin :harMi liuirlri, ami knon ai I. nt its. And laki rtoilip that after the tupjra-lion of nnr HUmth fnim ihr dale or lb" flrxt piitillrallun or Hut nnlire the llrllUh :olumlila l"l.liintt 4 Parklnr Compaur I. Hulled will under nerllnn 7 of the aald Sri. wM l Ui WinlMi-r of Pnhlie Work a, al 1.1 nrrice In the rlty of Ol-Ua. fur approval of th aald alia ano plana, and fur louse to ronntrurr the tald uharf or pier and IjulMmn ttiereon. nateil ai Prinre llupert, H.C., thla )lit day or Nay. lh, , umnsii col.iiMPu risinifi 4 l'ACkl.Nd CO. LTD. By Iti Sollrltora: Wllliann. Mnn k rjomalea. WATER NOTICE. Dlraralon and Ut. TAKE MlTKK that llrlll.h Coliunhla ritlilna k Parking I Id . )He id drt-aa H Vaiienovrr, B.C., will apply for a iirriiiT in lam 1111 uee a runic leei per ermid nf water out of an iiiiiintiieil ttrram wlilrh Howa norlhuralerly and (Irslnt inl South Bay, Skldltate Inlrt. about ruiir nil ! nurtlHaM-rly frmn mouth or Iirena Itlver. 1 lie viairr will be din-rted from the mrt'am at .a iMilnt admit in main MiuineaM or iHiriiiei cor tier nf lit SIT. MuresliT Island, and will lie ued rnr diniientlr and Tannery pur-nnw uiKin the land.4 alateit a le.i and lienor Hie rorenhnre In rrfmt of Lot 111, Quern Charlotte WmuH. ThU nollra ai posted on the trrnund on th loth ilav or April. 1811, A ropy or this tudlre and an application pursuant thrrrto and in the, "Water Act" Mill lie filed In Hie ofrti-e or the Water llernrder al I'rlnrn llupert, B.C. Ohjerlloiw lo the application may lie filed with the natal Water llernrder nr with the i;omptroller nf Water lllirhta, parliament liuildinr, Victoria, li e... within thirty daya rier the rirnt appearanre or thl iintlre In a local newtpaper. The date tit lhe rim publication of tlila notice, la June 3. 1 B. BIIITISII COLUMBIA riSIUMO & PACKIM1 CO. J.Tfl.. Applicant. By n. sihtwi)o(, Ayi'nt. LAND ACT. Notlea of Inlantlbn is Apply to Laaia Land In Land m-ccirdlnr Dlnfrlrt of Prince BtiieTt. ami alluaio on Mnrealiy litiand, (jiii'in Charlotte, Orotip. on unnamed Inlet, Hirer inllea snuth of tie La Decha Inlet, TAKK NOTICE that The Oanadlan. Fish Ins rtimpany, Llniltfd, of Vancouver, fie riipation Salmon Canncra, Intend to apply for a least of thn following ilearrlbod land! Conmienclnir at a post planted at head of Inlet about H tnlla north nr unnamed Creek, thence wrM 0 elialnai thence smith to i'ha:ni tlicnca al 10 clmliu, more or If, lo Minre line; thence northerly rollowlns aliire line lo I'.o.C,, and ronlilnlni III acrea. more or lesa, THE CANADIAN FHIIINO COMPANY, I.IMITEO, Applicant. , pr xviuum Alfrad iowsr. fitted Ma Ar0. Hit, Ihe fair owner and offers her a! MINERAL ACT. Notlea of Application far Oortlllcate of Improvamenta. Mineral Hill Oroup. ronslstlna; or Mln-ral Hill No, 1, Mineral Hill fin. , Mineral lllll .Nit. 3, and Summit Mineral Claims, situate In the Skecna MtninR Dirt slnn of No, l Otstrlrt on the Snuth-easterp rml or imn Mountain, witlmal Valley. Lawful holders, W, , Onoilwln, Free Miner' certificate o. Hit) I If, Charles E. Moore, kmt? Miner's crrtiricate so, 8IS7C , TAKlJ NOTICE tlial t. Charles E. Moore, Kree Miner's Certificate SIS7C. asertl ror the' owner. Intend at the end nr sixty clays rniiu the date hereof, to apply lo lhe Mlnins necordor for a Crrll-finale nr Improvements for the purpose ot iiUMn'.nir a crown Oram of the above rlalins. And further take nnllce thai action tinder Section SS or the Mineral Act must be rommc-nced hernre the Issuance of a-ucli Certificate of linprovemcms. . luted this 17th day of April, till, N O T.I 0 I. i., .nr. .ii.,ir.n ui an aii,icaiion ror Issue. .or a provisional Certltlcaie of !be. file tor Hie Easl halt or Lot Iwo III, ilm frTly-two (hjj, subdivision ot Lot seven hundred and rnriv-aK niai Oneen Charlntle Mstrlcl, tn the Province ol ItrllUh CnltiniMa (Map 10JS). . Satisfactory proor of tho bias or the Cerlirirate or Tlim werlnt lhe -a!)?ye Ishd bavins been produced to ine. It ts niy Ititeiitlon tu Issue arier tho etplratum or one month rrmn the first pulillratlim hcreor, a .Provisional Cerlirirate or Title lo the above land in lhe name oT Ills Majesty The kin In the lUrM of The Imperial Munitions ttoanl. The oris-Inal Cettirirate nf Title is dated lhe JSltt February, 10 to. and Is numbered l(isi-I. Land tlealstry Office, Prince Rupert, ill tlllllV, IttQ, H. P. MacLEOD. Aettitm Of TlUtl. In Job as cook on board his nrivale.,nl'nS TH1 DAILY 1TIW8 t COLLEEN MOORE IN WEEK AT WESTHOLME . NEW F .M THRH I ER Monday And Tuesday Tom Mix in "TV Iticky Horseshoe," Omiedy' "Cupid a la .ailiV'. . V Iiileniational Xpws. Wednesday and Thursday Colleen Moore ttt "'We Moderns." Opweily. , Acs.7)' rilm Tables. Friday and Saturday All .-.tar -HKt in :Tiie Kool." I'athe HfyieW. "CUPID A LA CARTE" IS RIOT OF MIRTH O. Henry Story Makes Corklnfl Two-Reel Comedy To Be Seen Here Tonight. "Cupid a la Carte," one of the iiiol amusing- ftlories O, Henry ever wrote, made into a corking two-reel comedy, will lie a special leaf lire of an unusually gooil program al the Westholnie Theatre tonight and tomorrow. Much of the action take place in a boxcar, restaurant operated by "Mame," a .winsome blonde beauty, whose patrons know her by no other name. Although every railroad man who patronizes the place i, a potential condidate for Maine's heart and band, she treats t hern nil -alike, and there is something in her .gracious demeanor that makes them keep their dis-lanee. Jeff l'elers, a handsome brakeman, decides to put on a whirlwind courtship. Hp's Hip son of the general manager of the road. The outlook becomes a hit roaier until Jeff's father, a widower, drops in to tho Cafe de Moxear, becomes infatuated willi We Moderns," Mid - Week Picture, Has London Soolety Setting. Pilcbeil asalnst gdii?enus, canvriKxes, "We Jloderns," starring the spHBblly Colleen j Moore, proves o'rie of the most ' rtnli-il-rtll nriH Inf elrriilnf 'tima . .. . it t ip iei J mils ever I'jld on the screen. - It will be showii at the WestriolineThea- tre on Wcdiieeiday and Tlrursday. j London fqnilxhes the ; hitck- ground for the actldn a;eon stant awe-inspiriiiglitanorama of of historic iiiles and plaisahees.' And through it all hops, skips and jgmjis Colleen in pursuit f the4 plot, or beiiw pursued by it, until in an effective final scene she eomrs down to earth, figuratively and literally. For Colleen, bjue'if Qf;.J?i. ,Mm 'Dohemiuns, a chaotic conlnrtiqn- lsitc sei ot "monernisis, so-aJJed because they are against eerytliing that represents form! and precedent, is in the midst of a wild parly aboard a Zeppelin when thai aerial conveyance it self decides to bS old-fasliidned and become settled. U liad been! rammed by an airplane, and as the helium pas escapes and it plunges earthward lhe blase Ilo-hemtau are less blase and Col-lee nsees her associates in their true colors which are not to be em dubbed "true blue." lhe picture, "The Fool," lo the We.Mholme Thea- car to replace the cook he has ,r' at u"" e"1 of u,e pek- ,lni',, Just firesl. Xejther falher fior, "Hchrist lhe young curate of a son suspect that the other is In' fashionable New ork church, love with the girl ami in Uiel,(,,an,y ak binHelf: "What meantime. IIm father's private '"'! happen If a man tried to secretary also enters the race, i11 ,ifl! as CAirM wo,l1 hvf A ludicrous muddle follows, in Uv'u' ,,f arns ,l,e "'r'6 which Cupid takes affairs in hand Kor because he ghes away his ami the plimai i piii iri.lv nnt. . private fortune and refuses to peeled. ' preach sugary untruths. ... . (tilchrisl announces his Christ- LAND REOISTRY ACT. . . mt, rmtm wi wjtll Cap!- Sactlona 1S2 and tn. 1 V Till. u 1 . I I. . r ....... . 1 I a) I 'I'lm blltit-a ttiar . Ini-in i in hum t v-. IU4III J " III 1 111 K lilt fur ih raiVeiiaiiisi of a tbarar. .rpc'nr warns him not to A.U l Tilt MATTLH of an A iim-iiI or iiflU-i pihiu tu lu I'urtliast, rurtliase, dated dated lain tiect'llil cm January, reived the '?: j the men of money. the thej 710O, U-lwet-li OtoKiiK T. KANE, or Uieimll 111, I1-Kl ltt .t.l lllllllulV n K mUllidiKI M U. w ,pllft- 111- illantiaaiil iniioaill offend Daniel's re- nber, lo i i. and reriered tiie;ply , Is , so savare a sermon r,ard,,lrr. ,V.",S?,' 5o.hhe angered congregalion w tbat alks follows; his of Oh SeriHnl Part, eoveeinr Ih.. rnll.it. in I IllVftlv flllllp ITInPtf .fnt-nll hntiile ' Lta aeven 7, elahl (81, nine (S). t4 (IB', eleven (nj. twelve (ISi. ihirteen tiS;. fourteen (Mr, nrteen '. ll,. and aliteei, j, Bkirk one (I): and Lot nine (.. tn, mo, eleven ill), and rnurieen (li, Hlurk srtmteen (17), or Oniric! Mil number n hunuu-0 anil rortywme (i, itanre five (ii. Coatl in.inri, nap sju. Kallniarpirr proof of breach ot and re-entry and reinvery r by the remkir or owner of Hie lamia. subieit to h above Aareeinenl or Oejr to i-urrnane, navinr been otrice, TAkE NOTICK that an neen made in camel the Ihta appHStlnn hat rerlairalloti nr the almve mentioned Asreeniriil, or option lo rurrhase. and which Is raalsiered in llettster ;f C.harara Volume If, lolln 1(7. si Ifvli. and thai in iip))rl or eurh appllratlon ha prsliire-J a declaration or GEOIMiK TIIOm kr. dated the fcth October, tJ, and a declaration nf SUMI.KV WALTEIl TAVUlll dated lhe milt .November. 1l, provlnic It breach f ciivciunis and re-entry and recovery of iM,ess,on aa aforesaid, IT IS MV IM-TKSTIo.l, arier the evplrallun of thirty (SO) --day rrtiui tiw aervicp nr ihH rmttce In rancel lhe reirtslratlon of the option lo purchase nr Atreeinenl upon lhe ti'rlsler and thereupon tlir estate of ' the pur-rliaser In lhe land described In the said Agreement or option lo Purchase, shall cease and determine, unless j-nu ahall lake and projicrule the proper procecdlnat 10 estatilish your rlalm, lr any. to the said lands r t prevent atirh propnsed action on my part. I m:u at lhe iJind BrKlstry orrice at nitre ittiperl. B.C., tbla First day of To Oordon r II. F. MacLEOD. Bea-istrar of Titles.. Fnimersim, Esq. Ii i in back his ring and permits herself to lie dragged into a loveless marriage with "Jerry" flood-kind, the roue son of the enormously rich senior warden. (ioodkind sends Gilchrist to his mines ns a strike mediator. Jerry .betrays Joe Hennig, n drunken rule of a coal checker and lures his wife lo New Pork. Hennig suspects flilchrisl. At a stormy scene in (looilkind's mansion, (V chrisl's plan is '"turne.d down.'' Hennig has moved to New York to pursue his wife and "get' flilchrisl. He leads a moh in an at tack on the mission, fljlcbrist is savage' beaten. 4 'i : , 'Merry" fiobdkind nrcns'es Claro of loving fiilehrist. He w-orks him self into such a frency that he falls, paralyzed. Clare flees to Ctllchrisl and offers herself to him, but he puts aside lhe temptation and makes her returu to her stricken husband. Another Christmas comes to find flilchristVliappy In lhe calmness of victory, paiing over the myriad twinkling lights of Manhattan with little Mary Margaret, a -rriivplc now. .wholly cured stnniling at his side. SPORT CHAT Sport fixtures for the week are scheduled as follows: Monday (tonighl) City Cham plonship football, Urand Terminals vs. Cold Storage. Wednesday. Intermediate Foot hall, High School vs. Y Mais?. Trap shooting. ThurdaySons of Canada Celebration. Dominion Day Cup final. Ketchikan - Prince Hupetl basehnll series, Saturday, Hegltnenfal Tennis championship tournament starls, There will bo no Senior League baseball games here this week oh account of the scrip? Dial Is lo be played Willi Ketchikan. The team from .the '-north . I,'-. : i- -vt- vhSbbCSbsiH ' .UA:Belt'we e.vvnCT Uie folte . move in.they It lyiow tbeyVe tjota real nouse. Sam : "You can gjmbleon that oS rit.With this kjnd of Sheauiinf Uiey wool have to heat the whole town to keep themselves warm? limit SKealhing metropolis will arrive Ifi-Ye ! for a two C 'n series, ort, Thurs- AH jn all, it's an exciting play, 'lay (Dominion Day). One game and none of Coleen' fans as well as any others, If there arc any should miss it. "THE FOOL" COMING HERE At WEEK-EftD Young Curate In New York Church Is Principal in Picture to be Shown at Westhofme. will be played in lhe afternoon and the other in the evening. The local players will then pro reM Inorth for a return series at Ketchikan. In the meantime, every opportunity will be ."taken lo practise the local team Up for the series. lliere has rertainly heen o great boom in Senior ' League soccer interest lately and no small number of surprises. Tonight lhe Cold Storage, who won a spectacular victory over the Moose oil Friday nihl, will meet In the second game of the Mob ley Cup or eily championship series, lhe Orand Terminals, win in football like in Jiaseball, seem to havp struck a slump recently. Should the men from Seal Cove win tonjght they will he wel away in the. serie.s. A keen con test is assuredi-for lheicrowd of fnns which will undoubtedly climb Arropolis Hill to witness the game. RIFLE SHOOTING Malcolm Lamb and H. Floyd were High Men at McNlcholl Creek Range Yesterday .Scores were made as follows at the slioot of the First North H.C. Regiment Rifle Association at the McNicholl Creek range ypsterday: ion M. M. Lamb .... H. Floyd H. Davidson .. 11. D. Kaslman W. Hrass .10 29 29 22 23 500 20 30 32 25 27 IN THE SWIM. COO 33 30 26 21 19 TU. 89 89 87 71 09 Chip doesn t wear a liatliinv suit Mo get iir the '3wlnr Miami. No, no! Don't Jump -at conclusions! Heach censorship hnsn't been discarded if t the famous Florida resort. When one goes swimminy a batblna suit is stiH required. Hut going in swimming and gettinjg In tho swim are. two wholly different things. One goes swimming In the water. On. gets "in the swim" out on, the beach. Which will explain to the tin-initialed the why and wherefore of much of the giddy garb pictured in photographs of visitfn? beauties disporling themselves on Miami's sunny sands. Thq most beautiful nnd htearriv ;oltV flts to be-seen along the beaches clinging georgettes and flow ing taffetas, in wierdly brilliant! Persian and .geometric designs -r-aro not intended for immer sion in salt sea water, Horrors, no! They are "beach costumes" worn when Die beauties go out to soak In the sunshine. To got them wel would almost be a ' tragedy A parly of doctors from Ih? United States, who have been attending convention of, the. Dominion Mnriical Association in Victoria, accompanieil by their wives, were passpmgers arriving on the .Prince Charles this morning. , They returned to. the eastern sUtes by Hr'aln. ym8 Cool in Summer . warm in Winter . It pays to have the builder or carpenter use Barrett Sheathlngs in the construction ofjour home.: You'll be sure to'kecp cool in Summer' f warm in Winter. -THese sheathings, plain or tarred, are strong 1mA dufablc, unexcelled for siding, for lining under roofs" and floors, for all purposes demjind ing a vvind-proof, waterproof sheathing. 100 right is our verdict on Barrett Sheath-ings and it's based on long experience. Gme' in any time and Ave'U be glad to tell you all we can about the value of using a first- ' class sheathing. " ' : tt We endorse m . a mIMJ 8. E. PARKER LTD., Distributor Prince Rupert, B.C., Canada Sheathlng$J&$ Putting It Off Means Never Get It We are offering you truly honest and dependable goo'ds at prices away below the uverage. We cannot do this for very long. It will pay you lo buy now and put it by until you need it. ' A "really dependable .guaranteed wrist watch, 1 jewelled gold filled. lingular ? J 1.00 Tor $11.20 A gold filled expansion bracelet given free with each one sold Tuesday. Still a few more umbrellas in colors at ........ $5.80 Still a few more 5.00 Mali Johng sets, complete with book of instructions ,. 95c One lot of brooches, some solid silver, some solid gold and gob! filled. Values to 3.50. To clear at ... 95c Fipe perfect diamond en-ga'gement rins in liana carved setting. Regular $125. Sale Price $95.00 Fine mahogany finish Mantel Clocks, regular 1 18.00 "to I22.50. Sale Price., $13.50 ft piece decorated china Ber- Dowl and 6 serving dishes, lies. 2. Sale Price. . f 1.40 Rogers make silver bread tray, long sdiape with Iiah-ille, pierced edge tleslgn. Re-Kular Sale Price.. 4.40 Novelty tape- measures, in animal and .fruit designs. Reg. 75c. Sale Price. . ,40c Ladies' white erold pierced selling large stone set little flngec rings. Regular $5.00. ile Price , f3.75 Large variety fancy hair iKirettes. Value.- ttt: Stte. Sale Prfce ........... 20c John Bulger, Ltd. Jewellers SOFT Third Ayenue FINISH All flat piece washed, innieij and tyeatly foldeii. Wearing apparel practically ready to wear, only quires a Utile retoxicliiiig with hand iron. re- Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1c per piece. Your bundle returned within three days. PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING QEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, QROCERIES. Compare Our Prlce Lipseli, Cunningham & Ltd. 8ecorid Avenu and Mctrltft Si. 3 vt Ii V .1 I