r If yovember 2, 1920. i7i THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE I J mong All Your Most Treasured Possessions ggfo . r tfive 10 you ana ... ........ J tn 'nlJjrrB u juui mini y r .jr or nappjnecs ana -raeni ai can the new rtho- honic lCLrUlCi Console V trill be thrilled beyond word to express, at the fi-m h which evry tone slniring or Instrumental is rc- for you on this new and marvelous OBTIIOJ'IIQNIC TitOL Vou can now enjoy your favorite musk, quite as Lid the Ilesh-and-ulood artists themselves. cawdianT Drirtfi aW isk M W mw mm Mm yJJUUI Ul VO. (7MLV EETING : CAR Ik DS l,'f 1-1(11.1- lil'i-chiiff Cai'il- .iff ,' nil f . ,f (mil ill ;l'iil . ;(f i ill ,i ;in'l ill -ll- (T- lli.il Will nallr s t 1 1 to fjri-. i'.t'-!! oiir '! g! llllfll III- lM.r) n( V.tllC fll llJ to Wtllllll Hll'V Th' .in n-l from ." in 1.0 erh an,j Wf. tumrutl lliiil niiikc inr ihuiic now mr riiktru"i. yi.ar. left mukiiip lhir r-rier-i w a- too Isle. BE WISE AND BUY EARLY - lui- Personal Greeting Cards and a bunk of . I- iiim ! -;iiii,.l ii Mm -tore or r will, on 'i a (took l.ir n to fx..iin,i- the MUiiph'f at Ormes Ltd. Phones 82 and 200 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Vmhlkao, Mrserll. Juneau and agai Nv. 11. n. In. II. ST. tSMvmer, tlilcrU an feslli--v. .. is. . i.. pkim m iir.iTitirK. I xr llulrdale. l-t ItrlU llelU. Orean Isllv Namu. Alert IUJ. Campbell KMrr. and nrMrr f m ataTds. II a.m. a . .. . . . ... , lull laluMlllnH W. C. OBtlUMIi. ;erral Mrnl. turner of 1th Mrrri and 3r4 Avenue, Mm lttJrrt. III-. Roasters for Thanksgiving sk I:un Pans, each 23c to 45c K me C ovetrd Roaster, each f 23 to $JJ0 -..".urn Covered lteaten. earh $2.00 to $3J0 "i? " Iron Covered Iloatfrs. each $1.23 to $2.50 Mail Orders carefully filled. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 23 Third Avenue. Vnone 101 (. "T (,'ltStaAal if . - ' t- v. a s j vu II them. Good Advice if you don't. GUSTAV SIVERTZ OITICIAN AM) OITO.MKTKIST Ko Examined. Glasws Fitted. Consultaiion Free. Make Appointments with Prince Rupert Hotel. SB : urn rwiTrr Best ProciiraMe' faiNuciMJU THC 0R1C1NAL) Pure ScoSeii Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT C.i.1 h Son, ljmit.J Q.kIuU.iIi and BlwiwClnlivi DrttUlirw. !'' auvertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquo? "otrol Hoard or by Ibe Ooverniuent of British Columbia Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 878. B O. Cnlertkera. TUm 41. Try Foothill stove Coal, 113.00 per ton, No aoot-Phllpott, Evltt tc Co.. Baiketball tonight at 630 Exhibition Building. Four game Admllon 2t nd 10c. 3. C K. Btaljr, who baa been here for the pait few Uyi on tiualneaa, returned to Bmlthera on thla morning train. Rev. Victor Sansum. pastor of the United Church at Klsplox, arrived in the city on last night' train and will sail this evening on the Cardena for Vancouver. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. E DlckKm, returned to port at 230 thu afternoon from the Naa Hirer. Anyox, Alice Ann and Stewart and will saU at 6 for the south. Anton Martinson sails this evening on the Cardena for Vancouver en-route to New York where be will Join A. R. Phillips and accompany him on a trip to Europe. A chimney Xlre at the residence of N. MustaUem. 348 Fourth Avenue West eauiwd an alarm to be turned Into the fire department at 7:15 last night No damage was done. I Following are passengers booked to call on the Cardena this afternoon for Vancouver: C. B. Freeman. Mrs. A. L Hi Us, Mrs. Talbot, Rev. Victor Sansum and Anton Martinson. From the pen of C L. Shaw, a mem ber of ths Vancouver Province staff. t Te w;.it drive and dan re advertised for Wednesday evening by the Firsi North B.C Regiment has been postponed meantime. conttitutlonal amendment giving wo men the right to hold memberhlp In the atate house of reprewntaUvea. the jonly office to which they are not now ! eligible. In the paat, women have had ,Uttle aucceas In campaigns for the i higher office but have scored tieavUy I In contests for county and municipal berth. MAKES OWN GOWN Viscountess Falkland 1 making the gowns for the wedding of her future daughter-in-law. Miss Joan Southey.. I which are to be distinctive. The bride 1 1 very fair and will wear an Ivor! satin of mediaeval design, with a slim' ! cut bodice and full skirt which wUlj be almost ankle length. The train ot ' I ivory satin will be hand-embroidered (with spray of Madonna lilies. The 1 bridesmaid's frock are of white for-gette and wiU be worn with wreaths of Jasmine. Viscountess Masserecne and Ferrand is another titled woman who design her own frock. Uke the Queen of ' Roum&nla. abe abhors gown which are Uke all other wimen are wearing. "IltBV" COilBS IN DEMAND "Baby" combs are in great demand iii London's Bond Street. Society women have found that frequent washing of shingled hair turn it grsy. and hair combed with the ftne-toothed combs bearing the stamp "Baby" can be kept so clean that it requires little washinjc A final rub with aUk gives the hair a finer gloss than a brushing and large handkerchiefs for this purpose ere of fere4 by toilet specialists. These line baby combs are kept clean by sUpplng tbcm through hanks of horsehair. CHANGING PARTY IS NOT UNCOMMON AMONG PROMINENT STATESMEN (Edmonton Journal) apoears in ucLnni umzin th, -m. rue or Mar tj cbinex. rhars-Mi i t ,i M,v.n. ; - p ' D . . M. MJT (.VFJIMUUM jmiMM, . US, imenth an Interesting biography of Hon. , with keeping liquor for sale, is pro- after being Identified with one political i Jonn Oliver, Premier of British Col urn- cecding before Magistrate McClrmont In party, changes his allegiance and Is bia. C. B. Freeman of the Vancouver iPumlgstlon Co.. who has been here foi ! the past two or three weeks mskinf arrangement fer the fumigation of train ships at this port, will return by the Cardena this afternoon to Vancou ver. , the 4ty police court this afternoon. advanced by bis new associates to the ) 1 - 'chief place among them. That this hap Rev. and Mrs. A, W. Robinson and ; Wong Yin. charged with driving a peiud In the case of Hon. Hugh Guthrie tamUy left on this morning's' tram for delivery truck of the Wong Lee grocer? much for the confidence that his Terrsce where Mr. Robinson, formerly company without a license, was fined abUity and character Inspires. But he of Ocean Falls. wiU take the Anglican , IS la city police court this morning. j pulpit recently vacated by Rural Dean! T. 1. Marsh. Women of Today and Their Doings ASIIt III WOOKII IN GCUMAN Is cot the first Canadian who has had that experience. Sir Robert Borden was also originally a Liberal and Sir Oliver Mowat, who was so long the Liberal premier of Ontario, came from a Conservative family Beth of these leaders, however, mad the change before being first elected to parliament. Sir Richard Cartwright. on the ether hand, was a prominent figure in the Conservative ranks at Ottawa That Oerman was the language used before he allied himself with the Llb- The annual Catholic Bazaar will pen I the courting of Princess Astrtd of erals and became minister of finance I Wednesday afternoon at 3.30 pm. In ( Sweden by Prince Leopold, heir to Uk under the premiership of Alexander the Parish Hall. It will continue untH throne of Belgium, came rather as a MacKenzie. Thursday evening when the am-ardla , "shock to the Belgians. t The outstanding example in this con- ot prlros to admission ticket holder- Speculation has been busy trying to section la. of course. Mr. Gladstone wiU Uke place. Tw elve admission tic-' ascertain in what tongue Leopold had j When he entered parliament he wa. ktU will be drawn on Wednesday even- ! tut 1013 Astrtd: "I love you." ; described as "the rising hope of tht Ins from those holding odd numbers. T' Swedist Princes speak no ' stern, unbending Tories" and his shift Mrs Ponder' orchestra wiU be in at tendance each evening. 238 CPA steamer Princes Mary. Capt Arthur Sister, southbound from Stag-way to Vancouver. Is expected In port tonight cr tomorrow morning. 'Among passengers leaving here tor Vancouver on the Prlnceaa Mary will be Rev. F. W Cassllls-Kennedy. superintendent of Jspanei mission for the Anglican i Church, who has been visiting the cltv on official duties for the past few day TOO LATS- TO CLASSIFY BLACK PARASOL TAKEN FROM THEA-tie by mistake. Will owner of the one left please return the one taken by mistake to DaUy News Office. EXPERIENCED. IRONER WANTED. -Apply Canadian Laundry. tt ANNOUNCEMENTS. Presbyterian Uadlrs' Aid Baraar, No vember 10. St. Peters. Seal Cove. Sale of Wor November 11. Moos Bazaar November 18 and 17. Rupert East United Church Bazaar, November 18. 23. Anglican Church bazaar, Novembe: Baptist Ladles' Aid Bazaar, ber 25. Established 1923 Novenv Lutheran Women's Aid Sale of Work. Dt-cember 1. United Church Bazaar. December 2 Special Denture Service r We hate been uniform. I? Mircehkful 4 ii Denture' Sen Ice e-e'lally lit dlf-tlrult taics. Da-EP Kenny DENTIST Exchsngs Block Phone 109 French and the Prince does not knowing to the Liberals, among whom he Swedish. Astrld spoi.ks English fluent ty bat Leopold's command of that lan guagx is too limited to carry on an ex tensive conversation. Both, however, speak German admlr ably. The Princess had a Oerman portrait painter who owes his tame to Granted a woman by the Turkish Re public namely. iead of the' Bureau of After graduating from the Amerlcaa College In Constantinople. Bedrie IU- noum studied medicine In Germany and France at the expense of the Turkish Government, and returned to Turkey last yt-ar as doctor of medicine. WOMAN OKHMNKO AN ;:J)1: Mrs. Belle C. Hamisa. who wai or dained elder at Helena, Mont., is said ,o be the first woman in the Methodist Episcopal Church to receive elder's or-1 ders. Two years ago. when Mrs. liar- j man wa ordained deacon, a similar claim went undisputed. She. was grant, i er orders in both cases after a rigid examination and a vote of Conference. She has been a supply pastor for a number of years. . Iti" trie Methodist Church there are two' ordinations tor the ministry' ordination as deacon and ordination as elder. . .. IOWA VOTES toil WOtlEN Men will make their last, stand fo exclusive tight to public office In Iowa In the November election. But It wll not be a determined stand and there are Indications that they will contribute largely to their own rout. The voter wUl pas finally upon a became so great a figure, came alter he had been in pubUc life for some time. No one can read his biography without realising how natural was his political evolution, and this is also true f that of the Canadian statesmen who governess while Prince Leopold's ' hve Deen mentioned. As Mr. Gladstone mother. Queen Elizabeth belongs to the house of Wurtemberg. EGOTISM M OMAN'S C1IAKM "Modern women's charm la bated on egotism and her main desire 1 to satiate her senses with beings as free from scruples as from honor." ' Thus Jean Gabriel Domergue. the once said, party ties should never be lightly broken, but, when by maintain lng them one finds It necessary to sac rifice convictions on matters of largt moment, there should be no questiji. of what Is the proper thing to do, Mr. Guthrie's career Is exceptional 10 one respect. He did not And It necessary to seek another constituency wher he abandoned his old party for his new one. For seventeen years he re- ttis akUl in depleting the charms of theLrwnt - ,1(h . . IvmUIim IttS-tfl las .v. " ' ; w' 1 jtbta &a a Unionist, and he has since stage, criticizes the modern woman. "I learn to know women when I am painting their portraits; they tell me thttr taste and aspirations and this is their mentality today." he told woman's magazine. ' "It applies to women of all classes. I have seen them all pas through my studio, society women, bourgeoises and actresses. It Is among actresses I find the most; serious women and among the lower bourgeoisie the most shameless." iiiiahs iiitKisii mucAi' A Turkish women. Bedrie Hahoum. has been appointed to the most Im portant government position yet carried It three times as a Conservative There could be no better evidence than this of his personal prestige among those who know him best. Jl XT HIS LICK "How many women did you try to marry befare you got met" she snapped In anger. "Must have been twelve," he answer ed, aadly. "I never counted 'em. but It surely must have been twelve." Ottawa. Fre Press. ' SMILE. Srcile and the world smiles with you; Frown and you frown alone. Per the cheerful grin will let you In Where the frown Is never known. With apologies. , - , , K Was So Nervous The Least Noise Made Her Jump Mrs. VT. IL Yates, Ashern, Man, writes: "I was bothered very much with my heart and nerves, aud the ! Jeaft noiso would make me jump and almost stop my heart Ix-ating. I told mr mother about it one dar. and she said that she had lieen bothered the same way and told me to pot a box of svljTJslJiTr i TVhen I had taken the one box I felt ; quite a lot better and by the time I had : taken three boxe I got relief." i Priee 50c, a box at all dealers, or mailed direet On receipt of price by , The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat :r.-&tfHk.; , FASHION-CRAFT STYLES or MENj K " ' 'ir- - jMj II t f L ' If ! IMrj.i if fc w 4 This $2952 ? ?! tt!?M 'yimml .."-3 . tweed suit;. : is such extraordinary quality andvalue that it will , fL keep the heart warm for the W store that sold it tcyou.- if Single and double-breasted gy models in aflockofpattei worth flocking to see. TAILORED BY Bryant & Greer, Limited THE CLOTHES SHOP FOR MEN UUHIJERRY COATS JAEGER WOOLLEN GOODS P Steamship and Train Service Sailings rrow PRINCE RUPERT Tur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, earh THURSDAY and SUNDAY, 11.00 p.m. Tor ANYOX WEDNESDAY 10.00 pjn. for STEWART SATURDAY 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN fur VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally eict-pt 'Sunday al 11.30 ajn. far PRINCE OEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all poluls Eastern Canada. United States. Agsnci all Oetan stsamshlp Ltnss. Use Cauadlaa Miltonal Eipress for Money Orders. Foreirn Cheques, elc also for your ncit shipment. .. Cltv Tlckst Office, BZS Third At., Prince Rupsrt. Phone ISO. Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West 223 Sixth Street ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Sergo and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order In our shop in Prince Jtupert as low as I. ANGER, Cutter P. O. Box 247 $50. oo Prince Rupert, B. C. tit