1'AUE TWO I HE DAIIA NEW3 The Daily News "Wonder Ship" of Pacific miN'CE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. is.Described in Article by v Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Former Prince Rupert Man II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SURSCRIPTJON RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1;00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United " States, in advance, per year To "all other countries, in advance? per'year Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone -v t 9S 86 Truly Wholesome A baking powder may be a fairly efficient leavening agent and yet contain ingredients that make it unwholesome. If you use any baking powder containing alum, food products baked with it are apt to have a bitter taste, and, according to -scientists, will not be good for the health. Far better to use a truly wholesome baking powder, even if it does cost a few cents "more per can. Magic Baking Powder "contains no alum" Nor has it any other harmful ingredient. It contains only phosphate, starch and soda all of the very finest grades, expertly blended. It never adds a bitter taste to the nice things you bake, but makes them light, white and truly wholesome. Insist on 'Magic and refuse all S substitutes SAVE THE COUPONS AND GET VALUABLE PREMIUMS FREE V. $u.00 $7.50 f , All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before. 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received .subject to approval. ft Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. ROVAL DELUXE TOURS COSTLY TO COUNTRY. Thursday, Dec. 23..192G By 8. O. Webb, formerly of "Dally News" Staff' One recent Saturday afternoon in Vancouver th writer chanced to, stroll along the waterfront in the vicinity of the Canadian Pacifie'liner docks and became interested in an immense greyhound! of the Pacific bearing the name "AoranKi," a 23,000 ton boat com-; missioned on the Australia, New Zealand, Honolulu and Fiji Island i run. The scene on the dock was one of much bustle and hurry, the ship taking on freight prior to her departure on the following 'Wednesday. A gang of longshoremen, assisted by small motor tractor. were busy loading Urge crate bearing ! the name -Nash." the crate contain- 1 the tlpodes. the toneral urn cantatalng Ing motor car of -the well known Sam ot UlJor c Osrdner Johnson, a 1 manufacture and destined lor export to plonter ,hlpplug mln Vaacosiver. waaj Australia and New Zealand while the Camraander j. gUta to chtrgt adjacent warehouse packet to the R Crauford RJCR.. to t cast upon root with a tarlety cf export rna;eriel the wet , tht ss ? a to be loaded on the ww trip. a Phillip.. moonlight night by Cspt. me writer, with the customary of Sydney. Australia. bo was an aM -newspaper cheek." endeavored to sneak Mtal of lbe dtcwj TM rrquea beyond the guarded barrier and tLus to , Ultor Jotaaons wUl.. Supplying of special trains and cars to distinguished foreign Ith' slant ltoer- but courteous dock An u.,,, w between visitors who wish to see this country in deluxe style has become an SVS. L ST ort Z pV PhU,ip iobatoa ...... . . - , , 1 ,. ... .formed him that a pass to go over the , lhat survivor would take interesting if uneconomic phase of American and Canadian railroad- ship could be obtained upon appixattot lte n oUwt an- Km!wr ing. something that a great many people do not approve of if the 10 th offlc 01 th cnadtaa-Autr. to wtc fillllllT trains are furnished without cost '"mi"! meamlLp' ot Johaoa- " wrrrUs out : Through the courtesy of the railroads, in many cases, members'. i. situated reach at' thmi J. J J! of royal families and other notables have been able to tour the 0, Hasting, and Burrard office, where ?L TtJ ! United States and Canada in luxurious equipment at .nominal cost o. b. o. Bagnaii. office aupertatendent. . auJj r- .- mania ana me earner visit oi rresiaeni'.Macnaao ot coba are-out benefit of cabin class passengers. KtlHO I EATt'KE A central radio recelrlng act broad-casts through loud speakera altuated In the passenger and crew's quarters. On a recent oysge ot the Aorangl radio recepUon was maintained throughout the entire trip between Australia and Vancouver. The ventllaUng system throughout the ship is a masterpiece of Ingenuity and furnishes' a cool artificial breeze In all quarters while the ship la travelling through tropical seas. T Vi 'a f evmmv a ln iKa &wr.a and the many comforts furnished surpass many of the London hotels. The Aorangl carries adequate lifeboat protection, all of which Is operated by electricity from the ship's bridge, and can be swung Into the water In 32 seconds. Provision Is also made for launching the lifeboats by hand in case of tbe power falling for any reason. The ship ts also divided Into various I compartments by mechsnlcally operated j watertight doors, any one of which j compartments can be sealed up aepar-I ately at a second's notice. These doors j are also operated from the bridge, i rriiMMit: M:HH'.m:ii "The Aorsngl News," a' 30 page newa-papef. Is published s board dally giving all the Istest wireless cews and carrying advertising of the hotels, leading stores, etc. encountered on the voyage. The News Is certainly a wonderfully compact aheet and carries a good flfty-ntty division of space including editorial and advertising matter. on Tuesdsy. December 11 prior to the Aorangl sailing for the An-1 Aaraagt teitt Vaaeoaver at r.tix-DoiiKNV VKKiurr wah n.T to jiTirE- nirutKiis ovi: t:tiiF.K or iitek IIOIE AT 1VAIII(ITMN Than at Sjme Time LaU Year. f'al;ary Announce A Calgary despatch to the Edmonton Journal says: The Alberta wheat pool ha shipped l rwi v. -i - . . . . . --rv'' vu4iri ui nsm vurouan roe t thlpmenu via the Pacific coast .this e BK gggW I Possible mm s 7 .f' j inlhcAcmnn willingly but. in addition, telephoned Utnmn , u-. rw..h s ,u, UB haw net been as beaty at last stanuing instances wnen me rauroaas ana government themselves . m maa mra WIi rora- 500 passcMen a board sad her piayea nost anu tooiea most -01 tne transporiiiilon DUls. r"4 bV " batda tun. Aatong tbe The Crown I'rince and Princess of Sweden raid for the atrial """"" " Mr. aad Mrs R. a. m cargo ratra- and aearctty of boata. jf the BrttMh coal atrtke the result Rate are car which, attached to regular trains, took them across the country ,"V,,, ,M ; Lherpooi. Mr. WrtUord t, W4 of the P ?, nK,torhip. AXt- that life was just a The this 1. ot t,;?r pool .1 Une a couple nn- ,Bnt v!.!r hnt .k.Prinf U'ol. V.-1..1 L- Dtllon rv ca c Brirj OXMBbte and i." . :: 7 ' : r: : - pleasure and once aboard the lugger" ,. . ..... te th. . milNM buriseii ahart f the UU! rraiice roue in special trains tnai cost mem next 10 nommg. " The most consistent user of special trains is President Cool More than the desire of the railroads to be courteous hosts to,ot M hJp" visiting sightseers is necessary in supplying trains at nominal cost met-mosi moaers convenience. MR.-3IASSEVS JOB IS REAL ONE. No Canadian will worry much if President Cool idge gives a dinner at the White House and Mr. Massey finds himself in the re-'noH 5njPany of the Minister from Hayti instead of up among the diplomatic lions near the head of the table. But a lot of Canadians may well wonder more particuarly in the light of the recent announcement that we are to have an expensive Emabassy building at Washington whether Mr. Massey will be able to do anything to pro-tect-'Canadian interests in such matters as those attending the theft of waters from the Great Lakes by the City of Chicago. That, we are glad to note, is 'the test that is being applied to Mr. Massey's usefulness by two such newspapers so far removed from each other in politics as The Toronto Globe and The Montreal Star and it Is the Qnly test To put the matter in itbriefest form, a Canadian Minister at Washington is a business, not a diplomatic proposition, and .the dividends that the Canadian people will expect from it will not be a lot of rhetoric about status, but some practical achievements of economic worth. one could esully Imagine hlmseU a hetaU.h or Mlir amouBl aMg4 Ust year at ihU dat idge, but he buys his own ticket out of a special appripriation pro- officer of the anip. Cpoa getting aboard liLTTIMJ KEltllV As the Aorangl Jwijiji was u due to aa!l on the to the miPSts. I7nW thf law nnlv railmar! omnlnt-oa aro ' , .v ..yru loUomto! wednetday the entire interim free transportation and in order to carry Queen Marie, for example, WM being oTerhauied preparatory to at a one dollar fare, a special tariff had to be filed. jh,r return voyage. Rowerer. only the . I more Intimate things such as linen. TEN THOUSAND MILES 1 etc. were mlsnlng and this fact did nj'. htlK llK I If 1 1 . 1 . A If .nf mtm Hf rrt tmm th After "arming" himself with her. 10,000 mile tour. Railroad fares alone, at winter tourist rates. 1111 . 01 "r vf" wt " between decks. Tbe two. 'three and four berth atate-rooms are Tery commodious and are mostly decerned In "Queen Anne" style, tbe walla being beautifully panel-Jed In oak. rosewood and mahogany, sxd are adcrned wttn tapestry designs The bathrooms adjoining the state- .-ooms are particularly (elegant and are as large aa those found In any first class hotel. Tbe drawing room, muasc Hner to be frtUd with dleset InteraaJ Scott Is chief oOcrr. P, A CnaapcU. (purser and Roy Ford, tatormawon ctetk. ! Unfortunately, at U Urn the writar u aboard, tbe majamy af Ux oOmn1 were on short leare and tbe Captitn'i In Marie's case, she paid out of her own pocketbook one dollar !beut' " "bln- br4rtf- mup Dy . u-yuidr ratmaM Sustar for; herself, her two children and each member of her immediate ;rco nd oUl" Ptuo" Pr"iwnu. 1m tMAl etori 30- party to eacn oi me several rauroaas over which she travelled on:w 7 : " - coo uij. giemg a aomai speed of is kaota. Tbe Aaraogl baa tlx drcks. ac- would have totalled approximately $20,000 for the nearly 80 persons t iab nd 7 nVxJn "" 440 tteoaA aboard the Royal Rumanian. I.,,. lflmi ftAM -tM wa v rJMsa" , aivi .V.W. tkai pWr. and so sown Anather huge borne the roads mw Erklly operated stocks, expense by was that incident to sight-seeing trip commenced The tow stocking diners and private kitchens aboard the several special of the liner commenced on -a -deck, or H Wepibosiiftr an eiee-cars making up the royal train. Special illustrated booklets de- ilnt laaca qusrura. the elegance f. UT' 'T!Lf3? ppUnc scribing the country through which the queen passed and elaborate I ;J " M "nt Td .u.eroocn ukuu uiu ao were paia lor dj me rauroaas. am Knwuwiain w Railroad nen agreed that the royal Roumanian was the most: Pagm. luxurious equipment ever assembled. Comprising six special cars ,,ectrtcn' fnttl1 elerators all "of thorn th nn.rK.rts- f nM-n j l.i. tUTntaa1 n internal transporUUen , . , . .u uijju "nujunii. aerrtee Km nuke the Aorangl irtdeed a wwadarsatti of tbe Pacific SENATORS ARE VERY WRATHY room, dining saloon and library are 1 beautifully appointed, and prorlslon has ! WASHINGTON. DC Dec 2 Th been made for the staging of concerts of Albert B Fall and Edward ' . . a sv M and picture shows in the dining satoau. "J"cu' luzJ cnarges 01 eon 'levt bef ad w-bssky and mart ta vided for the purpose. The government at times employs special witi the proper credentials the wmr K.llik , .l, . ai awcar are being cosuunied sad mart kuuiun ' i waaiLiun uicM-mj, ui.-ncu inurs Irwin e v 1 " " " 1 " wj Connandr R. Oaatortf, RJiJl.: R. it torK 10 vtasmngion ana return wnen mey pay oilicial calls to the "' Maa v oc m ituow. on to his job and ery proud wfcaeco tasod. report the DrtUah ru- taclse coosmltaioaers. WATER NOTICE hiu:kio ami ti: bridge was dosed to THrton , TAKE NOTIOS that Jsmea Field, whosr ada la 3 It- -lad Ar . Prior Rupert. 1 n.. .km. k. Klrfuu The built the FVtrfUM ship was by 3C ,1t, tgplJ to, a Itcenct to tsU ShtpbuUdlag Ool. Ud. Scottand. ker , aad ue t ouMc foot per aeaand of water . displacement 1 2300 toes; length 600 , m-. oJH1. ?V? fret, breadth 72 feet, moulded death MarrabT laiaod. QC1. about OKe mns tram CM avead of the fain aa the north -bort. Tbe water will be direrted trota tbe stream at a point about 10CO t 'ram Use, moot and wUl be used Um lemastlc sad caataery msrpotea upon Use 0 arras of land dascrtbed as uiuurve-rA land, for which Bretuse Is applied bout It chains southwesterly from the attain of the atrewav Tbie notice was posted on tbe ground to the 3th day of Noreaber. 1928. A -spy of this notice aad an application .urauant tharto aad to the "Water Act." will be filed in the oifke of ibe Water Recorder at Prtace Rupert. BC vb)ecUons to the aaaUcwtloe may be lied wr.b the said Water Recerdtr or iitn the Comptroller of Water Rlfbta. rartMaaam BuUdUkfa. VtctarU. B C ltbo thirty days after the first sp-jMaraae of tbla notice in lxal news-paper The date of the ftrtt pubneaticn ' a Dwcsnbse 39. Ur2 JAMES TtlX. WATER NOTICE. a IMti:l(l AMI tc TAKE NOTICt that Departmtnt of I 'Subtle Works of Canada, whose sd areas , , ts Ottawa, win apply for a licence to ' ; .ake and use 3AM gallons fkt day of 'vftier out or unnamed stream, waicn 'Iowa eaatwardly and drains inia Dodge : rmt on the cast side of Dig by Island. TiC. Tbe water wUl be dltcrted from 1 ae stream at a point about 100 fret vrest of the aarthweat comer ot tot 2, ubdlrtaton of part of Lot ifctt. Range - and will be used fcr domestic our- The men", amoklng room on A deck Ui'J" wtedn?n. a loveiy room reauy too nice for a lot-' " v" "S""- treund oa the nd day of Morember, of amoke and U decorated m Old Pro1,ce' senatorial reverberaUona. 1 A copy of this notice and an ap-.. . ' Rj.n.in, ti.ntr, ,ru..., n.. ptlcstlon pursuant thereto and to the cagiisn siyi, wun armcr. swords and ........ - "Wstrr Acf wUl be filed In the office lances cecoraung the waua. iui.u.Ui A fully equipped gymnasium Is lUrm 00 th "nt noor-another convenience furnished for the- "An UwuJt 10 )""" be shouted ferrldly at one point in an address de Urerrd- tvo hours after the, tcrdlet. "With rail and Doheny: going frtt and Prank U Smith coming to Wash ington. God help tbe nattoa." Senator Noris ( Republican 1. Nebraska chairman of the Judiciary committee, made the trial comment that "you cant conrlct a hundred mlUlon dollata.- Four tndlctmitu growing out' of tbe senate inrestlgation. two against Pall and Dohenjr far bribery, one s gainst Pall and Harry P. Sinclair, leasee of the 4 the Water Iteoorder at fMnca Rupert "jDjccuoos so me appiicauon may Dated November , J. LTD be 'tied with the said Water Recorder or with the CoTODtroller of Water Rirhta. Parliament Buildings. Victoria, BC. within thirty days after tbe first appearance of this notice in a local newa-paper. Tbe date of the first publication of this notice Is Noreaiber 24. Ipse. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, CANADA. Applicant. By j. p. rorde. District Engineer. Agent. LAND ACT i NOTICE or INTENTION TO Ani.Y Toj .mum: rour.MioiiE In Orabam Island. Oueen rri.rtntt , Teapot Dome reaerre. and on. agalnat ) Sae7i ,"Sl 'SSF i Sinclair for contempt of the senate, arr ' TAKE NOTICE that Powell River ' " 7 W das. quarter. U almost on a par with P' the first claaa accommodaUon. while t are splendidly equipped and wLj and! POOL LOADS WHEAT fact the enure ahlp reble. a won- AT PRINCE RUPERT derful floaUne hotel and everrthlne I IsUnd Land Recording District of Prince Oompany Limited of occupation Manufacturer, intend to ap- :ij i or a iraae ot scribed lands: Commencing at a pest planted st the ' northessf corner of ni. ihA. : j westerly, following northern boundary of iu w tat iwiDwni comer oi aald Lot; thence westerly, northerly and' easterly, following the high tide mark of i about it - appointments, decoration. , iMHfw r,., w,... ! "fEu?.n.f"7.A ? Vancouver. B.C. the Jollowlns ri. easieny so tne point of commencement, and containing 1M acres, more or less. POWELL RIVER COMPANY. . Arret. J. Douglas Wilson. Dated 4th M November. 1978 LAND ACT of Vancouver this fall, out of a total :M,T,n: liTENTION TO APPLY TO of about TAOO.000 bushel shipped. . ' 1 i The big pool terminal at Prince Ru- j In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls- pert U practically filled with wheat. ?.tr.Jli.r!r d .,'tu.,t 0BJ . ..v. . . . . tne north snore of the South Arm of with 1 .000 000 bushels en route. Tbe'Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Ulsnd. Queen 1 first British ship to load wheat from , Cbarlotte Islands. Province of British ! UiU port. 83. Ycerlc. took on 22 000 1 rKonCE th.t J.me. field, ofi bushel of pool wheat In six hour and ' Prince Rupert. D C . occupation Marine minutes, cresting someUilng of a i mtenqs u apply lor permission record. r " " . .w.iwwm. described Other boat loading pool wheat at Commindng at a post planted on the Prince Itunert thla week are: RS xinrm .north ahore of Smith Arm ot Taaoo liar. ----1 Dor, Moreaoy island. Queen Charlotte . ... . V.aru. loading ' hall a cargo of 3s and 1 Island. In the Province of nntuh rAi! 3s; SS. Ypres Mani. loading full cartel umbla. about 5 chain, from tbe end of of as: 88 Kifuku Maru. loading . & SSS! cargo of Ss. The 88. tralyu Maru M i westerly: thence 10 chains south ester, t expected in port this week-end to load ' ."l? 1 lnoutheasttrly, snd , a full cargof Js. The grain I all go- 1 . .U,n,n, tW,n,r Vt mor ! tne day jing to Europe. i JAMES FIELD, I I Applicant Giving OUK LUIGR AND VAKIKD STOCK AW AUs YOU INSl'KCTION. VOl' AHK SUKE TO UM) m V TIIINfi THAT WILL UK Just the Thing and at Montreal Prices nil l i . iinnrvnn gmTi nvrnvn iTiiiiiiiv;ai iiujuiHo Third Atrnue. Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Maklnjr every record do its best This nw Brunswick quickly won the hearts of muiic lovers everywhere. The care1, too, i beautiful beyond the usual. Come in and ay I want to hear the new J. JL Miller rVjrk'.at DEMAND J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Cornrr Fifth Street "Rupert Brand' - Kippers THE DAINTIEST I1KKAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by , Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co- ilL Trlnce Uupcrl, IkC. ! Advertise in "The Daily New