.i know how far the hour has pone. Then the full hour is struck on a different bell We have a variety of styles from ? 15.000 to $75.03. Keliable umeKeepera are an ornament and pleasure in the home. JOHtfgULGER? - eJEWELLEKp i the store vmt the clock 4&t kXK wt virpej t it sqjrr-wq 4jaj jo jeg xjiiiqrgi jo nu w Jtf-tpcjq Y "1W" tvswnw tj t n peso. V TOUR iVERKES COATOOL VOMR HEALTH I For yew in-ahlTs salte d. a. McMillan Palser Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Roods 6 & 7. Exchange Block Phone 691 PATHO rHJRO.tTtR SVTCE (WE SU.TW BST CSADE CCAL THAT WKJD -THAT'S WHY IN ITJ Diamonds and coal both come from the same base but the coal you get from as rives much more than decorative joy. It sparkles with warmth and comfort and bums with ardent desire to plea.e you. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON and McLEOD RIVER ALHERTA BOOTLESS Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 "Demers" Have all the popular shades in ' Silk UNDERWEAR NIGHTGOWNS GARTERS HOSIERY ; SCARVES and HANDKERCHIEFS Phone 27 P.O. IJox 327 I GERMANY AND ITALYALUED ItrCCVTLY CLOoKIt TKETV MAX" OIVK LUXCl'C or X.TtO nimriXT momxM BERLIN. Drc 33.--Tne followlns ts an outUne ol the highly important main terms of the Treaty of Arbitration and Friendship drafted by Sign ore Setalojl and Ptlottl for Italy, and Herr Sehubert and Gauss for Germany at Genera. While Germany claims there are no secret clauses and it is announced that the treaty will be lodged with the League of Nations, some clauses in It are Ukely to cause lively comment. The main clauses follow: First: Italy ofers to support Germany in freeing the Rhineiand. Second: Italy withdraws objections to an Austro-Gennan Alliance. Third: Germany vtll align herself (with new grouping of powers including i Italy. Rumania, Greece and Bulgaria,: I whose poMcy win be one of friendliness iwti Russia. Fourth: Both countries wQl decline to take any defenslre steps against each other ctgTCTierctaHy or otherwise If sAsrr Is tBrotred in a conflict with a thtrt party. Fifth,: Italy wtt use her tefhsence to jpertuade Poland to agn herself with : Germany. j Sixth: Bath Germany and Italy are to lendearor to ofcta&i Ontental mindsles for each other from the League of N-' statu. : Seventh: FaOtaig this, both pledge !thesnsires to e-operate aa erentsal eaoTr agattst Ttsrtey. There if also a piipeSH' fej OfV rsnany wis lead Oeiaana enrtsaea to assist in cocstmottag luitsn substar- The screjrth daose. tf sshstantlated ', srfcea the treaty Is deposited at Oenera. t bound to raise aa extremely dtScult c problem far the Leagtie. and might cause grare dUferences within the tea-gue unless, as rumored. Italy has al-,ready Used up the majority of the Balkans on ber tide BOYS' BAND TO GIVE PROGRAM WILL EREX.1DE ItOHpIT.tL PATIENTS OX CTIRHTMAS MORXIXO AMI MtCCll Til KOI Gil TUEETH TOMORROW XIOHT i . The Boys Band, tinder the direction 'of Bandmaster Wilson, will take an active part in local Christmas festivities this year. Tomorrow night, Christmas Ere. the .boy wOI parade the dry street plsytng carcU asd other ' Christmas .selection. I At 11 o'clock Christmas mornltg theyv I win march to the Prince Rupert Oeneral I Hospital, there forming up ta play4 a program for the patient who may be j there on that day. j Among other arrangement for their TuletWe entertainment, the patient In jthe hospital early Christmas morning j win enjoy a program of carol atnging to !be rendered by the members of the nursing U3 who have been rebeanlng for some time. The Ladles' Musical Club yesterday aftemon completed arrangements for a concert in the Hospital on Sunday afternoon. Details of the program were left in the hands of Mrs. Anderson. - i.-tr Ten Years Ago in Princo Rupert DcrtiMitER nit I Hon. T. D. Pattullo was unopposed in i today's nominations and he therefor is elected by acclamation a Minister of Lands. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C B. Peterson will say for Ttttoria on the Prtncesa Maaulnna where Mr Peterson has accepted a ' position with the forestry department 1 J. H. Rogers, formerly of this city, j and now located at Anyox. was a through passenger on th boat to Vancouver where he will spend the Christmas season. The Returned Soldiers' Association will move Into their hew quarters on Third Avenue over the trlrphone office. early la the new yer. Word trctlwl in tke city tnm Ds. Tmnayce adrian thu he Hid Jirv Tre- i mayne saUed for England oo Dsoenber ' POST OFFICE. REVENUE UP c.ovi:RV!F..vr! khirn not re- II C IX SPITE Of KKTI K HI rexxx" wt OTTAWA. Dee. M Alter s two-OMBtb slump In Avgwt and Seyaetnber. the rerenuea ef the Post Offl-e Department bid fair to make good the praphecMa .hat return, to two-coat r ft age would aot ml ore the Ooreroanni iooobm. Penfij' posaage tauao lato tOect July 1. aad in the saoBth of July the postal renues were anghtry greastor than ia -he preceding yr. The figurea ar-Jnly. 1926. tlMQMOi July. MM. IUM.-300. Hawerfr m Aagot aad Stteakber ie rereaues di uaaid to tijaajoo. the tal being the an IB each month fn the precedsag year the iissaais for Jtese uoaths was (9.100JO and IX.-MOjBOO resFeettvely. M that the Post Office suffered a tons of SOOOjBOa In October, the flaro far which are Jact J hansV She aostal rev-to im ,lor tew a decided advance. The tal la lOOeeo. watch mnMm smtc aeorahly with MSjeoo m October. IMS. If the rate of taereaae It okalatalaed. U probable that Post Office rerenuea or Nereaiber and Deceaaber wUl show in tuimiast over Use pmadlug yew imA reduce the adverse balaace. The aaty other heading under which "federal it veaut saow a lata la coasparvwii with 1S4S the tafaaae tax. Bere the recetpu for the first seven months ef the earretit fecal year are L . T I " ."rrt ieLnliiWHti for aaaadal lost if I airaiios.ofamuai7ee.lul. w. t. uc t npnnnBcat m OUK- nesa is taken lato eosuideratlon. it is dear that the lota oa ' coaat 'moJ. ytea much heavier. AZ pi4 after absorhtag the loe ta!,,, IlAI flfWl I...I.HII .V Ml I . Ik. . - l ih. fWT4 i(1Hll n DVVHT OSS 0T M, Wtflftm K- B la SMS I was . - lilt. r..lllbi( tsd Prince Rupert. Saow. fresh south- cast wind: temperature 36. Terrace Snewtng. calm. temp. IS. the Rossmood Qoody. ealan. teahp. 12. Aijmosa. eaowBSg. raim. map. ia. j the Alice Arm. Snowing, calm. tamp. IT. Anyox -Snowing, calm. temp. 18. one Stewart -Snowing, cahm. temp 17. Haxelton.- -Cloudy, eatea. temp. 12. Telegraph Creek. Saow. calm. temp. It. W Smlthers. Cloudy, alm, temp. 1. its Burns Lake. Cloudy, calm. temp. - the government of Canada guarantees its Age 9 YEARS OLD u so aa i rct This advertisement ts not puitliMteHl or umplaypd by the Liquor Conlru! Ik..ml ,ir by the finvernment of llri'.l.th .Rolumbla, SPORT CHAT While there are lea clubs in the Na tional Hockey League, the hockey Ofgar.tbaUdn of North &nd while nx of these Clubs are owned tn the United State, tt it pretty safe o say that not more thaa one per rent of the players are non-Otnadtan. The ukase seeatt to be the caae ta asost of the aaaatewr teagwet whseh have sprang up lot lately across the Uoe. aad in the rase of one for feaataar. ta Part-load, Oregon, thaw la aot a aaute hern ABMrsoaa on the oatflt The plays ri. arc ail oanadiana, aad tactudo topre-sea ta Uvea flora McUod. Alberta. Van-covter. )Msoa. rTaavauioii. Ottawa, Prtaco Ettwmrd Island, llafina and Wtn--Jeg Wheal the big Cotalnsa takes place tn California, which jt supposed to be a sort of aa Anwrtc anksM wraton of th BogUah Channel wtm. ibere win be at least oac Canadtsn taking port In it. That win ho Oearg Young Dm Toronto, oae of the groat-eat or the Toiingar goniraltao of aaar-ea ta the Df Union for aaog dUtancaa That he has never ailssnpiid the Chan- is ewe asotsMi to the al- proasoUive eapeastitan that la rr to try that feat under the favorable aatpsOM. BroMe eon- getttng retara tare tar earn- Bag. h pnat olered the wtaaor of he xee wall worth mrnpetnst Aor. east wttt-'be paid at the rat of 11.000 par mlkr or over for It aosounsa to SVOOe aad ta dlstaace of the rare is ibowt Tl J&Un. tvur boxer of rastera Ada.l at and aaiatewr boxers of she eavvMl' wktt ed States have bosae jd' alt'puraeya. They are uraally add la lhtoa and Montreal, aad as a (rate obw hnporUBt amaieor athletic loraanlartion take charge of offered and tbtt year they eaasisted of Mid watches. Straae so sov. tn'llami- Caaatawa waa all the five later- 8ul bntn,inm I KiinUia r tk. ami tmtM nu .stood owt in both taawHis aatd that a Moatieal (RateAe. He boxes ta the Tt lb. class ta both meet. No asere baaketball fame wfll be played until the middle of January la meantime, the hall wM be pat la ftm ctaM haoe for the reatatader Of second hatf of the seaaon. Unfortunately it ha bean found that soate ha beesv tampering irtUi th Orv- Jwtiagtiishars which tt sboukl be re membered at a very daageroa practise. Only rerenUy a ftreaan tn tVsneourer kuTed fcy one of these etptodtng It to be hoped that everyone wtt! rwtlttw danger of fooling with thrsc a it my prove sertous and a wi& reader them useies should they be required ta case of brct PERPETUAL MOTION IS.SF1LLL CARDINAL WASmKOTOS. D-c 33 - Evtn ledge of Us mlkttic tsaw of asstee- Oct doe aot ataka tovea uime ;e rowaauc tare of oae of .he oM'-s. Ullacte rhstithsd by haassa bring. Belie! ax Inanimate nsatter coa be pat '-.fd that tt wtO. after itwllsag in)- . human impulse, produce pet-ltusi m -on l shown by the Pateat OrHce r .-.ros to resnstn the oardiaal raith an aatonisltMig aumber. of drearaer- Maa;. tuvve been 'tnrn of eortssderabie rrudttlnn and some nave to their Credit : ration of sotasd worth. Most these are eipetteaaed the eisttoo of apparei tocces unttl their nttte m-rr its 1 stopped by the lav of na- ture A sk ' r record of broken bopea ex-back (esda ' into' tt Wes of the Patent on.ee The only eathmte of the r.umbr - .' sprjtVaflobs to patent jxf-pei-ji ok ion devkea received stneetobe B was ettablished la a vago thw-sanda ' None of the device ha beea found patenUW after xaaala.aai by expert. ALICE ARM The A!w Arm skating risk wa opened v the pwbiir last week, several nthu. - c skater hatlug ftil luru V anted. For Sale For Rent PAGE FOUR vitfc E.xiLY' HawS BRINGING UP FATHER CiEHrj-UMCN- lT iS NUt-CLUfe I O- i1? wnA I TCJU 1 MINI V ' J ' ! ,s ,' il'.V. VsU-U pep 1 1 .l Li "TO SAYTHATOOTSIDE Of OWNG ALU Jr HAT GCTr- THAT'S MBwas a, 1 These Beautiful I CAN FOR THIS QEAOTlPULCOMMUMiTTrt KONisJIM' AClU "lOU PER I HAVE MO OTHER MOTIVE TO fjn ALOEFMAM HAl THE feh F0 8 BECOME AirCRMA,N 1 Chiming Clocks FOTHEItMORK- . i hs V-sT I IN FRONT OF V i vrv ira wpmisft" i ------- . i i 7 vnri i -ar 1 i i ' - - - t. i I iw bfti nr i Every quarter Of the hour DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. '2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo lets than 50c WANTED -r ANTKD UfflTRUCTlON IN ENOUSH and writing for one or hre hoars each waning Apply P.O. Boa SSI. Pnaeo Ibmpen. BC 3J SITUATIONS WANTED OM AN WANTS WORK 8T THI 1 10 UK 11. Dally New Offto. FOR SALB fem SALE potm noou iiotmc fatly aaihv. UW Cash. Mea. ll par month Ftve room with bath. Seventh Atsaue. tl Only noa Baatnee to So our Uxt of other proper tie for TfOO. OOtXART LTD Woathoaae The ire Mook. FOR SALE vm MAVS AS BXCEP. ftne of Ooe of the gift. Coast aad are theav poa aa trs veiling. Mtvct yoar at Moatrasl prices at ttss Mant-hwportaea. real Third Avanwe. Ml FOR SALE - TO S4MS OVT AS IS- tate. ww are authorised to ea vetal lota, snta corvMwa. latrbor vtew. and sewer Pncas low aad tersa from tlOOO atanthly Enowtr T. UcCtrmont U fOR SALE.-n toot raisod deott Mbta cruiser, prarticallj cornalete add reedy for launching: engine Inttallid. Apply Boa 10. Dally Mewa asm 39T irv Kirvr uin MUSICt .PIAJHM aad pbouagrmphs for feat Wolkeci w,jTT U FOR SAUr - FOUR IRISH SCTTTH pup. Can be saen anytlaii. Phone Orven SM ag FOR SALE. FOtsD SssTMS; OOOO asaaraanical roadnsoa. tffT. Trrasa Fhoae M tf FOR SALS Cadillac laotar. with Bosch atatjawto and coil, ialts.li for boat. Phnna at ' tf FOR Air, -MOLT STAHTER Foati DHrvery ttso. S3. F0U.NI) FO0M3.-PAIR OF LADTTB SHOES with skate attached. Etxprirt si Daffy Newt AUCriONEKUr AUtmOSECR BRIKE ME3TS VllE PUB- Me as th way. Ar m-( proHJo faltf I buy for oua. artt on com- or gsMfsnlee aad, vmhtat be- Too pet rssadta. Fhont Til. It aad fssttsttirg -a Al- ready plana or betag nasde nasde for for the jstaytog of a secies of IsaoTswy aamea. The sa&ual ChrtauaM tree aad enter-uinmeat was held on Tuesday night of thla week in the Coliseum. There waa a program by the chlMhwa which wa by a visit of Santa Casus. to word reeeteed here atceuag of as sissreholdor of the Coa-sotWated llnaaetlsi Mining & Dcvrtep-ment Co was beld lu; week ha Vancouver hn th nare of the com-paay was changed to the Tone Mlacs Oa. Ltd. aad the mpinaastlisa of th to tdatjno. T. W. Faleoaer has aaae to Sew Wesmiaaiiw to epead th hatsway hsvhi with Mr Faleoaer sod atufdrea. to but betag la atutidaaot at school In the Queen dty J Keith, after reVtvtag ttaatWat al the Anyox Hiapiui (or three tractund ribs, ha refbrned Ui AHee Ami, J. E. WUeo. a frrwaat ouslneas vMtor Vancouver, wa here Uit week. Mr TiMenas wa. vishHag rrleads Pr.ncT Rupm tM acek. William M Parian ha oeon dolag lastetiaaeat work am the Beverly Satlth property ntr the La ftnw A tunnel n I n driven FOR RENT FOR REST. TIIWITT ROOM EQUIP-ped hotel. Ootng eoswua Wftte box til Pally New Office. tl FOR RENT. WARM ItOUHR WTTtf two bodroeej- OeatraL Apply ait Powtfe Areaue East. I - ItMl REST. SIX ROOUBD HOUSE wHh hath Apply 11 FuHaa, Btfeet Phone Blaeh 470 iO FOR REST. FURNISHED SUITE Phone IS. Uuallera Ororery. 1-UKXITUHK AND ItANGES FOR CHRISTMAS' DtNlMO ROOM svattea. Chsttfleld Roa. valsMtt hd with eorl sartaas: foaleet. towngeo. and Into! mm rag. Toys of drserlptMM. A. MarKetta), Furai Phone TT. KOAHD board nnc tKLASDETt. 199 Soad Arvoue. FUILS FURS MADE TO OHOBR ASO RE- modeSed Raw skin sassaed aad drewed Malt order arasapw- ed to Mr F Tan. East. Vi CHIROPRACTIC hk. R. r. exoi.ion t'lllKOI-RtrtOK tt TMrd tmmr. OSsre vtstta II ltd aaciolaowieal OtSre Bh M w -a Tmm 'kjaat tTfSBavVaJItvW SstyaJojK a JovoB DRRMAT0L0GY I'ACItL ItlJltllMlhH KCMOtl.ll by th Hvleot srleatifle aiithnl Ft.RMM:xrx' (it tntXTtin. No aeed for dtalgurlat ham or other blentahe ay nsore. Phone nlMk t RKSTAURANT& " '' ' , 'i fJiMlll Kit! rjAlE ; Mrs. thtirer. ProanetrVt. Third Avenue Sett O. W, V A. llorae (Ward wl. Phone Black TOO ANOTllKIt Itltl HKDUtTION IN CHRVROLCT COMMKRCIAL CAR PRICES l-IH Too Utility EtprvM Chassla tMJOO H. Ton Light D-llTrry Chaasi I CaOAl Tourtng and Roadster t lltJOO Sport RoacSttr t StdBQ Coach and Coupe 1 1820 00 Sedan ttlSSiW Landau IIIIVOQ ri:i CtRt OX HlMi I Ford Light Delivery, open body TSC0 1 Ford Light Delivery, panel body UMBO I Ford light Driftery. I tarter equipment I ISO 00 I Ford Tudor Sedan, starter equipment UOojn 1 Otdsmobtk S-psjwmr.tr Teur- htf. 1WJ geoooo Trrnvs can be arranged on both new and used ear to suit the purchaaer. KAIEN CiARAGE Dealers In t'sdIUc. Mrljtirgblln, Oakland, pnnllac OMmoblle and Chevralrt Cars. Phone 5? TAXI Phone "67 Taxi (Call Georye. Paul or Gust! Six and Seven Pnnerifc'er Studc-baiter at your dirml any time. ROSS IJR0S. POOL ROOM Meeker Illock. fAero from KmoreM Hnteh PRINCE RUPERT. TIDES ikiiiw. ir. i:uii K ji '"fh 5-o ajn. 18 ft IB II pin. ltd - LOW in ii a m 0 0" it pm 61 ' Found,4t MAIL SCHEDULE 0ITCOIl ttr the Et Mnndafa. fa Vitaenter- i 0JPK On on a y s' to nymu tltrr trss . airt . To 1TL llssy... To IUL IWinr Drc ii a T toe raatWili . Dec. 4 IS in cor frMn the lat-Tu iiiais. Tt''. at 3 f a t Newcirr and I I FsW-- . CP ft Dor I tat tutsn. . -at i i Frty . 1 1 Irona rt atiaf... Tini i t in tto-a ri-. t r. ItOM tftMWtt K- Ow l' at 1M I ' tt t Ohaoi A'. lit At A- V em Av. '.-! F (!, A" T tun a .orti UtA il ti Ait f H. th ftsn c lath Ar 4 c ,l B' 0Tt Wt IOTP Wnorf 1 U.TP Sistieo) t Ar Fui- : I ard Ate. A shasdaf onsV- day oajy- STEAMSHIP MOYEHESD l'C Vseoer Tuewlay- O" Frtoay - F-9t 1 1 tarda; a SslnsSiy - . Doe, IT t F I turn Taorooier I 1- Saada- Caa Wati!. i"'i sy F' Frss) av C--' aaturda. v Dec. I a Ft It W tf Dec. XI - ot PrtiJ v .... . - . . .n Vll ... ssutoay frfxa rwt (lniMHi av.l i Tweaday -os Ca- ' trw for Mewart. ta'tt ar-1 i 8aday-os Car ' Wiotay - " Ab-bi a: i .ta-- Mrart. I root a Theaday- r-- Fratap oa. Pf v ar ijurrn f irloite Dw. 1 Ft ' Iimm Uoeesi CMr!u4l- Da?. I Fr -. Deo. 30 o. Ft ' fmr Maaaa Die. fh-oa. pnr- M Dr. -. Ft.' Iron Alaa Dot. Ita. Ff LA NO CT . . I attl NoUtt l lt00 U P ' " ' ! ,laW "" . r.oii. i id t Ffa Frl"T. n" ' vr tbo f m.omr OOSVK. Hi ' ' llM raeaor ? raia' f. Ii a tax i'- asetaafK .isserii-. 'lWO-'. "v ii Bark- !!. wh.ii- water 'ni'l ! evlr i v bHw.. av twrfoi -it ..nrr-r.""- rrr.. nT u1fKtll I ' OiteJ s-ncmb t