1 l ;dy December 23, 192C nur THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Orthophonic Music in t 1 A ff n 1 Your Home for 9l0 lash The Ortho HOW IS ph Consolette Model We will put thin ex(ulxite little Orthophonic model in any Prince Rupert home for a mere $10.00 payment, no there' no need for anyone to be without the marvellous Orthophonic i::usi that in now the wonder nd delight of millions of muaic ers. The price muy be -end over a jwriod of months. ( me in and hear it! No obli gation. mnolette $1 15.00 -yi frenada $100.00 b- Granada $200.00 ' Credenia $383.00 i rir- it r V3.oGd AMerryXmas Only 1 More Days to Xmas DRESSIMi (.OWNS suits hats am) cai's overcoats sweaters sh.k scarves COI.I.AR BOXES TIES SUSPENDER Sin's boxed handkerchiefs SHIRTS PYJAMAS We have Mime wonderful surprints in Boys and Men's Xmas Gifts STEVE KING Phone (irt-en 83. 3rd Avenue. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OiH-raliiis O.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers Machinists RoilermuKers, Blacksmiths, Pattern-makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. l'HONES 13 and 383 Residence, 211 Fifth Avenue West P.O. Box 217 ANGER, The Tailor Kino Imported ScrKe and Scotch (fir-A flA Tweed Suits made to order In our I UIJ shop In Prince Rupert as low us tjJtU I. ANGER, Cutter 223 Sixth Sired Prince Rupert. B.C. MATURED ? ON THE BOTTLE. IT READ THE i LABEL CONTAINS A PLAIN STATEMENT This ndvertisemeiit is not published or displayed by Iho . . . . i f n l.f llin niii'ltl'lllllftllt iiKiunr uorui'oi noum u. of British Columbia. Local and Personal Arthur' Tail. Phone 878. B.C. Undertaken. Phone 41. Buy Telkwa Coal and moiey in the district. keep :;r your J. Mulligan Is sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight for Vancouver. Buy Rupert manufactured shingles froth Seal Cove Lumber Co., Ltd. u Pull tock of fir timber, dimension snipiap and finish now at Albert tz McCaffery's. tf The train being three hour late, the wicket at the Pott Office will not be kept open after 6 pan. thla evening. C. E. Barnwell of the local fisheries office it sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight for Vancouver on a holiday trip. Commodore Cafe Chrlttmat Dinner will be terved in the Cabaret at moderate prlcet. The orchestra will play from 5.30 to 12. Mrt. J. Bruce Johnstone and ton -of LakelM are tailing on the Prince Rupert tonight for Victoria where they will tpend the winter. Mr. Johnstone It already In the south. Douglas Balllle of the staff of the Rupert Marine Productt. at Tuck' Inlet sails tonight on the Prince Rupert to spend the holiday season visiting, at his home in Vancouver. Members of Deepsea Fishermen's Union are reminded that voting for Agent will be held at the Union Hall on Tuesday. December 28. Voting from 10 am. until 6 pvt. only. 303 i The School Board are having roomr of Booth School kalsomlned during vacation period and the work will be completed In time for the re-openlng of school on January 3. j Miss Llnnea Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson, who is attending j school in Victoria, arrived on the Prince i Rupert yesterday to spend the Christ-intaa vacation with her parents. I Capt, J. R. EUert pilotsd the Ocean J Transport Oo.'i grain boat, Talyo MarU. .In from Triple Island last night. It , was Oast. Elfert't first boat since he , put out his shingle a a pilot here. j Dalby Morklll. who arrived on Tmes-. day from. Stewart, left yesterday after- jnoon for Anyox where he will spend the holiday season with hU brother, who la .manager of the Bank of Commerce fhere. Look in Bent's window and take a guess how many beans are In the jar. First prize, gentleman's diamond ring. lvalue S74 00; second prize ladles' wrist jwstch value 2SX: third prize, gen tlemen's nugget pin. value $15.00. Bent's Closing Out Sale. tl Trappers! Call and show your fur to- the Old Reliable Hause. It will pay you as we can guarantee to give you higher prices than anyone else. We tiave big orders for all kind of fun. especially tnlnk. Wm. Ooldbloom. Second Avenue. Phcne 522. tf SPECIAL SAILING CHRISTMAS WEEK In order to allow the ta. "Prince Rupert" to arrive Vancouver Christmas morning, the Canadian National Steamships announce an alteration In the schedule of this steamer for Christmas week This boat will arrive from Van couver Wednesday. December 22. as usual at 10.30 a-m but will sail for Anycx and Stewart at 4 00 pjn. instead of 10.00 p.m. tbst day. returning from the North, arriving here fl.OO p.m. Thursday. December 33. . and sailing for Vancouver 6 JO pjn. that day. Instead .of 8.00 ajn. Fri day. This steamer will arrive Vancouver 0 00 o'clock Chrlstmaa morning. for reservations, etc.. call City Ticket Office. Third Avenue, or phone 260. 2UJ vitations may be had from the com. mlttee. DFPKenny Exchunzt DENTIST Block. REINDEER MAY OUST HUSKIES PROSPECTORS IN ALASKA UND ANIMALS TRAVEL (IN 1.ITTI.K K)()l) ANCHORAGE, Dec. 23 - Tobacco reindeer, possessing the ttubbornets of a mule and the fighting qualities of Oene Tunney, bid fair to challenge the suprr-iuy of the malamutes in the field of Aixskan transportation, ' This i; tiM -belief of W. O. Culver, formerly of VJie United States bureau I of education, vho says Eskimo herders of Broad Pass are finding a ready sale to prospectors of sled-broke reindeer for draught purposes. The use of dogs entails hauling dog feed to the base of operation and feed mg the animals during the summer months when they have no work to per form. It Raa been found more economical to utilize a pair of reindeer for hauling supplies over the sprang snow crust and then butcher the animals for meat at the end of the Journey. Where It 'once required flffy pounds of tallow. 100 pounds of cormneal and 100, pounds of rice with addition of dried salmon to ffed a dog during the summer, 100 pounds of cornmeal and a small quantity of reindeer moat suffices to cover a Journey of a hundred miles with a reindeer team, and the prospec tor's' grub bill la reduced to toe extent of about 160 pounds of reindeer meal. KEINDIXR TE.M PE RAM ENT Reindeer are extremely temperamental and must be handled with diplomacy and discretion, says Culver. "Better call a truce when 'Relny' become temperamental,' . he advises, "offer htm a chew of the various brands or strong plug tobacco, then alt down and wait untU the steed's mental process i digest his single Idea- that of ada- the mant stubbornness and supplants It with something bespeaking a desire to travel." FLYING IN DOMINION Such la the prediction of Sir Alan Cobham. world-famous aVtator, who last October completed his .record -breaking 28.000 mile flight from England to1 touring It was Ifls first appearance In Can-! ada. where he will deliver lectures. "To deal with the case In England Nllila CI. mi Itrwanlrd Sikiulur School Children for Fine KntertiU.ime.it 'Something over 160 children as well ANNOUNCEMENTS jaWny adult gathered in the base St. Andrew's Society Christmas Tree, December 37 at 2.30 p.m. St. Andrew Society Ladles Auxiliary Hogmanay Dance, December 31. In nient of the Presbyterlrt Church last evening for the annual Sunday School cuterulnmrtit and Chrlatmaa tree. A good program was glvenv by the children of the school before. Santa ar rived and gladdened each heart with gifts and -confections. Thq program arranged by J. E. bavey Included: Piano 'and violin duet. Jlmmte an Wlzner Brjan,. recitations by D. Mc-Leod, and M. Jabour, soirf by Dorothy Fuller, piano solos by B. Bcrnler. and W. Fuller, dance by Ellaurjcth And Mar garet McLeod, sclos by neulah McKln ley And J. S. WUson and a Christmas Carol by the,' Junior e.holr. ifSffr . . wikei.kss Ki:roitT. ' ' 8 u.m. ' . DlonV' ISLAND --Snow, fresh S.E. wind; barometer. 39.74; temperature, 36; seo rough'. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.- 50; trmuerature. 37. Office Hours .. i) a.m. to fi'p.m. BULL4 harbor. sleet, fresh S.E. Saturday U a.m. to 1 p.m.llnc: barometer 30.23; temperature 39; Any evening by appointment " moderate; a p.m. tug ume towing uiat-ajeiic, aoeain i.Rg isiana, sou inbound: 8 p.m. steamer Lakina. from Ketchikan to Nanalmo, 100 miles from Nanalmo. j NOON D1QBY ISLAND. Rain, fresh S.E. Phone 101) "'nri bnr"mctei ?9 18 tempcratun; w. BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1925. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $77,003,040; Lode Gold, $122,808,-450; Silver, $74,111,307; Lead, $80,218,007; Copper, $ J 97,142,(14 7;. ainc, $30,025,047; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,594,387; Coal and Coke, 273,048,953; Building Stone. Brick, Cement, etc., $44,905,880; making its Mineral Production to the end rf 1925 show an Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than thoe o( any other Province in the Dominion, or an'y colony in the BriYish Empire. Mineral locations, are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in someone of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria. B.C.. Reports covering each of the six Mineral Survey Districts arc published separately, and are available on application. Reports of the Geological Survey of Cau- ada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of lion. i Clirl-lmat Lunrhron Held Todiy Commodore Cafe in .Today the Rotary CTUb entertained W. I D. Vance n. H Mtlnro Then fTnllart HAS GRE4T FUTURE Harrr ulveoa-c v E7itt' and J i Stten, former members of the Club, at Cohtan.7 uruuhle regular weeUy luncheon to the Com-Ulator ha,. Mr Ala.. Famous I mod ore Cafe when wires conveying ' I Christmas petting wire read frcm Ro- tartanj H' F P""11 and w- T- Kerln- TORONTO. Dec. 23. - There la i tl ftn .11 Da. ts nf an.. greater opportunity for the development) -".. ;ad J- E Dive entertained the club of aviation throughout the Dominion than there ever will be Uthe home ,lu ,uc'" a"e omna 01 lne BiEk of Montrtal the delighted country, for the simple reason that - fcttertn 1ta 1lla 0,- whereas to England we ari handicapped with short dlUoqi very bad vlsablN i lty and a lack & the necessity of flying. J TOO MICH II AY. i sea rough. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.- 60; temperature 37. , BULL HARBOR. Rain, strong S.E ; wind: barometer 2350; temperature. 38; sea rough; 10 ajn. spoke steamer Catalx , leaving Namu northbound. i ROTARY CLUB HONORS ITS FORMER MEMBERS 7 i Vegetartan's Husband ' (tlmldly)--Do to be covered, as a rale, good flying! nnlll T ... " " ' ' "' ' ' " weather and an opportunity " of proving , .k . . . .. I ought to have a bit-of meat once " in a that flying Is the quickest t means of , . . . transport. myself whinnyfhgi religious beliefs stands alone within the Australia and return, and who Is now! I . . . . . . .ri.ri. ' (greai enclosure at tne Indiana state- Canada. ! U t i , prison. A church building where prisoners may worship in accordance with their , f . number-killed by hunters. Extermlna- J Loadon to Manchester, 'a distance of , , , , , . about 200 mites, with a vwy good train " 7 . - , Z, service that does th Journey la three! . - hours and 40 minutes, and the quickest ; it can be done by air . is about twol hours, added to which must be the time of getting to and from the aero- ; drome." he continued. j "This is generally the situation 11 uwr biigiauu iwa ocouana. inereiQre the of the Df great hope development ' prince 1! upert civil aviation in England and Scotland is N yalaalnot0i senue: A. D. Balllle. the private owner, who will use his. aero- clty planes thlefly for the pleasure of ny-, .' : lng from one place to another and visit-1 Tne ,4St Iew nlghts tne syatjo,, tag his friends, Now in Canada. Aus- y'6ung Armys people have been singing nw. ana oaun Ainra. ine suuaHpn la carols on the c,ty Btntts entirely different. The time is not tr distant when the quickest and cheapest and best way to "get from most points in the Dominion will be by air." PRESBYTERIAN XMAS TREE tAST NIGHT j Approximately 600 Hons In California i Kin ou.uuu uecr yearly, or iwice me Constantinople claims 20 of -the 89 newspapers published in Turkey. The total dally circulation throughout Turkey. Is given at 171,400 copies. ' HOTEL AKKIVALS TIMBER S.LE X8371 Scatrd Tenders will be received by the District Forestjrr not later-than noon or the 31st day oi December, 1926, for the purchase of Llceas X8371. Yakoun Bay, Massctt Inlet. Q.C.I.. to cut 460.000 feet board measure of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock sawloga One ( 1 ) year will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. -B.C. TIMBER SALE X37y3. Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester nat later than noon on the 3rd day of January, 1927, for the purchase. f Licence X5T03. covering two. areas In aoat Harbor, C.R. 4, to cut 7 Ml .000 feet board measure of Spruce. Hemlock, Cedar and Balsam sawlogs. One ill year will be-allowed for re-ii'cval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For-ekter, Victoria, or the District Forester, Prince Ruper;, B.C. . ' PULP TIMBER SALE X8H0. Sealed Tenders marked. "Tender on X844Q." will be received by the Honourable, the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, B.C., up to twelve o'clock noon on the 4th day of January, 1927, for the purchase of Pulp Licence X8440, to cut timber situated on. Oraham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty' years wilt be allowed for the removal of the Umber. I All tenders must comply with Bee-tlon 19 of trie "Forest Act." The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particulars may be had from the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C. TIMBER SALE X J302 i Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of I.ands at Victoria, B.C.. not later than noon on the 23rd day of De cember. 1026. for the purchase of Licence X4302. to cut 6.841.500 F.B.M. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar, on an area situated on Maude Island adjoining Lots 4U0 sua 461. bkiuegdte mitt, (iueeu PERFUMES In Original Bottles and Bulk Perfume Novelties, Atomizers, .Sachet. Toilet Waters. 1 Toilet Sets To Suit all Tastes-Manicure Sets and Rolls, French Doll Powder Puffs, Powder Boxes and Jars, Bath Salts and Tablets. Compacts Double and Single, in all Shades Face Powders, Face Creams and Lotions, Lip Sticks, Rouge, Eyebrow Pencils. Stationery' In Lovely Boxes and Colors Portfolios, Fountain Pens, Evcrsharp Pencils, Pen and Pencil Sets. Hair Brushes for Ladies or Men Military Brushes, Whalebone Brushes, Ebony or French Ivory Ladies' Brushes. v Christmas Chocolates in Boxes and Baskets Bridge Score Pads, Playing Cards in Leather Cases, Shaving Soap in Bowls, Kodaks and Brownies. French Ivory is on Sale at Cost , t Baby Sets, Thermos Bottles, Razors, Photo Albnms. Brocks Christmas Crackers Tag3 and Seals, Place Cards,' Christmas Cards, Ribbon and Tissue Paper. - ,. A Gift that lasts the year round is a subscription to a Magazine Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Druggists . The Rexail S)ore Three Registered Pharmacists 3rd Ave. and 6th Street Phones 82 and 2Q0 F. an ad ian National c7hc Largcft TKailway Syflem in America, Steamship and Train Service ia PRINCE Ill PERT will leave PRINCE lUTKUT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE, and Intermediate points on Till KS1 V ut Kju p.m. sj. PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART and ANYOW WEIlNESUAY, 4 p.m. sj. PRINCE CHARLES for VANCOUVER via OLKKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT Each MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 1 1.3(1 turn, for PRINCE CEORUE. EDMONTON. WINNII'EO, all points Exxtrrn Canada, United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for .Money Orders, Foreign Cheques, etc.. also for jour next shipment. CITY TICKET OITICE. 528 TIUHD WE, PRINCE RUPERT. Phone 260 IicanadlanT 'VtsiiwsvX Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T Ketrlilkmi, Mrunirll. J nil run. skugttiiv Her. 'i'J. Jan. 10, it, T. Vum-uuter, Victoria. Seattle Jumniry t, II, 2K. I'ltlNCESS IlKATKICK. . For llutedale, t:ut llelU IWIIit. Ocean lallt. Naiuti, Alert Ikiy.i Cum phrll KUer. ami Vancouver etery Saturday, 11 n.iii. Agency fur all Steamxlilp Lines. lull Information fritin . C. OIK II Mil), (ieurral Agent. Comer of 4th Street and 3rd A emir. Prince Itupcrt, It.C. Charlotte Islands. Twu (2) years will be allowed for re' moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C., or District Fores-ter. Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT. .NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Oona River Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, B C and situate on an Island In Oona River aDDroxlmatelv opposite Block One and Two of Lot 2109 R. S, Coast District (mostly tide flat surrounding small Island!. TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of Oona River, B.C.. occupation fisherman, intends' to apply for a leaie of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 300 feet north of northwest corner post of ijut aivv; intneo i.uuu leei soumeaai; thence 200 feet westerly; thence 1.000 feet northwest: thence 100 feet to post planted, and containing ten acres, more or lees. , JOHN BEROMAN, Applicant Dated October 30, 19.0. I Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phon 675 DENTISTS PAIN in BLADDER Promptly lt4 bf 8ANTAL MIDY Bs sure to 91 the ffsnulne Look for hwr4-mioy-old by tU UrufiMii