utes, 25 VOL XVI., No. 300. TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime Stand Exchange Building MATT VIDECK, Prop. 'PEG THEATRE BURNED TODAY m: i iukm an ku.i.i:i, dm: missino TUtl.VK IVirilKI. AMI SI 50.000 ' DAM.vni: H d to forecast Intentions of the . Md full for the United Kingdom or .an Reindeer Co. Ltd.. whose believe that operation may be d on more auceeasfully in the west Trrrltor.ee according to he ng star Officials of the company. t Vancouver, recently secured a fed- pi a barter The concern la capitalized h i:oo.000 and own five hundred cows Uree hundred bulla h!ch It Is :ned to remove to a range near Oreat e Lake EXPIRED IN POLICE COURT I KINfi. Ol' VICTORIA. MAS IIMMI 1 1tll.ll I OH ASSAIL. ON' 1OI MI (llltl. VICTORIA, Dee. 23. -Aa he left the iicm aland J. r. King, advertising Mltor, auffered a heart attack today ' a died within ten minutes in u -iice court where he waa being tried a charge of assaulting a young girl ;io kept house for him alnce hla lfe died on November 37. Jessie King, I f-Ss cousln'a daughter, who brought the -arge against him, waa present in the urt when he collapaed at the end of cross-examination lasting twenty nun- continent. She la about the same sire ar DtrfcaDa a little latter that the Talyo Maru although of mora modern de sign. 1' - Special Interest wUl attach Itself to the Ocean Transport Otx - steamer Ryoxa Maru which Is due here from Mllke. Japan, on January beeaue this will be the first boat to foad grain here for the Orient. The vesael. of 0.000 tons deadweight and a little larger than the Talyo Maru, wilt load cargo for deliv ery at Shanghai. She Is a fully modem freighter and waa built In japan about aeven yeara ago. The fourth vessel on the llat la the British ahlp Innerton of the Common Line which la due direct from England on January 9. The veaatt. which Is about the aame size aa the average grain boat coming here will also load full for the United Klngdcm or continent. The final vessel, the booking of which to this pott tor 8r'n ' now announced. la the Suzuki Line, ahlp Seine Maru which Is a alster ahlp to the Yprcs Maru which loaded here last week. She U due January 15 from Japan and will load full for Shanghai. 4. -f -r T rate .m:.u, Comino'. ' " "' " r ,-ti'n J ii' af.rtooo- I'l' ON JANl'ARV 10 OTTAWA. Dec. 33. The Government has fixed January 10 as the date for hearing the ap. peal of the province of British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan to the cabinet council from an order In regard to freight rates -oi westbound grain and flour of the Railway Commission, ( KAISER CHANtlEH HIIINKS WlNNIPEd, Dec. 33.-On fireman "-'"I: I, . of uermany. w. ucv.. .... was kiiurf twelve if more'or e. aeriousr; .njured. w.y. patronised a g wd. ern Is K rwult of a fir. at noon today which champagne. . tin (h, mtprpii oi euuiiuiuj. - -"iroyed the Winnipeg Theatre " VOl'Ntl MON'TIIKAL MAX MKCTS TUAtilC HEATH IX VANCOUVER ANII HIS COMPANION H I5i:i.(l IIKLIl la being held by the police pending an investigation Into the fatality. He was UcLeod's roommate, the two having arrived from Victoria on Wednesday. RECORD MADE ON EXCHANGE PACIIIC L.M TOCK IS IIRST TO MOINT TO OVER SJ.IHK) I'EK SHARE IN HlliniMl NEW YORK. Ore. t3--iumiliig a iiiiith a 1 (HI mlnt on a!rt In ten Imrr lil, Tea l"aclflc Unil Trnt Co. slock today arhlrrd the dMInrtlnii of lirlng the flrt luc In m-II boe IJ.ooo jwr Mmrr on the New Vork Mnrk Exrlunsr. I Ihan one humlml fliuren rlungrd handt In t lie forrnoon Iraillng tiwl-r with the rlir niounthiK from SI.HIKI to !,0I0. Early IIiIh r;ir lhee harr had hern quoted at low u $10. HlM-orr) of Mitvh on the -in-hii)'ii irntertlr ami a Urge In irrn-c In rririior frtnii nilnrml unil ull lrur ktlmulalrd tlrniand .or the WRIT ISSUED FOR N.S. BY-ELECTION The body of McLeod waa without coat. vest, collar or tie when found. In the room occupied by the two men the nn , i. fM.nrf hnl. In t Km vlnriM Kir, I Noiiilniillont uii Juniiury II and Elrttloii tti-ek lilrr lo Kill AiillgonMi-tlliyohnro Sent OTTAWA, Doc. 33. A writ for the by- election lu AntlgDnlsh-Ouysboro, Nova Scotia, made necessary through the recent death of John Douglas, Conserva tive member, was Issued yesterday afternoon. Nominations will be held on January 11 and election on January 18. PREMIER WILLING CUT DEBATE SHORT If Opposition Agrrriiblr, Thrre Will Not lie Muc h IMsfiisslon , In Reply' to ; l.rllatlr Throne Speech VICTORIA, Dee. S3, Premier Oliver today signified his willingness to cur tail the debate tn reply to the speech from the throne when the present session of the Legislature la resumed on the condition that the Opposition I agreeable to such action. Advertise in the Dally Newi. shaft PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE .RUPERT, D.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 192G WE GkAIN BOA TS Tpi irade fact between Lanada to have been dazed by the tragedy end. j according t tbt.poUce. he aalfie .leiM hi room and went to the ground floof. returning a few minutes later to find j McLeod mlallng. He looked out and aaw j what appeared to be a body lying onj the laundry roof and notified the " It la sold that McLeod and Burdlck were fellow students at the Royal Mili tary College in Kingston. " Burdlck was released this morning In the custody of his father. A. C. Bur dlck. a well known resident of Victoria. and Gzecho-SloVQhia Will - Make Dominion Goods MartH ! 1 HVITH RKillT HANH i IIROKEN, VIC tOt.EY WINS WINS A A HECIMON HECIMON , - BELUNQHAM, Dec. .3. Vic Jj Foley, the Vancouver boxer. broke his right hand In the second round of a bout with Frankle Repose of Brlllngham last night but continued the ' scheduled alx rounds with hla left and won the decision. AMI HAVE IIEVERAUE MII.U INSTEAD IN GOVERNMENT LHJIO" STOKES VICTORIA. Her. ,3-The Tluie M)M "The sale of beer by the gla In Government r.tatitlliinmt Instead of In privately owned beer par-Ion It to be our of the proposal (tit-riiNM-tl In' .the present elon of the l.rgUliitlire when Hie eiitlre lliior HilmliiNtrullou of the pro lnrr will he under rigid ret lew. This plan l nldrty faiornl ili a uiruiiH of takinK brer ultnjrlhrr Out of (MilUIrs" : i TWO FLYERS KILLED . WHEN PLANES CRASH iimn am iiiiMmc Detroit's City hall will be replaced by RANTOUL. 111,. Dec. 33. Four army an elaborate structure on the Detroit oH leers on Chantefleld were killed today, river as the nucleus ot a civic centre It j when two airplanes crushed head on In plans ot Councilman John C. Lodge mid air above the training camp near materialize. here. Air Mail Service in Canada is Being Considered States Postmaster General Veniot ST. JOHN, N.D., December 23. "Proposal looking to the establishment of an air mall service system in Canada is under observation and consideration by the Post Office deparement," Postmaster General Veniot said today at Hathursf in an interview on the long distance telephone. "The matter," he said, "Is only in a tentative stage, as yet, and a definite policy has not been adopted, but we have it in hand and expect to make definite announcement in the near future." x Whether the matter will come before Parliament when it jneets In February in the wy-ot aDnroprla-laald. "has followed with interest the sue? Hon of money. Mr. Veniot was not pre- cess attending the 'Idea. $n the United pnretl to sny. "The department' hr'e'Mw." Circulation 158a WITHIN 3 Sales 485 Large Upstair Dining Hal!, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457, Price I-'ive Cents WEEKS WTED STATES IS CHECKING UP ON COAST RUM RUNNERS Wheat Shipments to Orient Will Be Instituted by Two Freighters from This Port nnouncement made of ships coming here fj $ FLOORS ntTafw rrn m tnmnnn tn Innn Inv f I H nf UIKbl IllIll -HIUHU IU IUUU IUI (.!. Ul j TJAXCI WfKfflflW continent, also rom Janan 11U1LL HinuUT! for Shanghai WELSH CITY DUE NEXT WEEK fyoka Maru, Innerton and Seine Maru will follow all being expected before January 15 to load full at local elevator Five ocean freighter, three Japanese and two British, includ- r.; wo that will institute full cargo shipments from this port to the, t, yi dl be here loading grain between now anc January 15 oft hlv v. hi:, the pext three weeks' time. The list does not include K L :;k steamer. Kifuku Maru, which sailed at noon to day with Jl cv for the United Kingdom or continent. F :; on the list is the Ocean Transport Co.'a freighter, Taiyo . u, C apt K Okamoto. which arrived last night at o'clock after uneventful voyage across the Pacific Ocean ':frpm Yokohama, . aJ.p-n. bleb port she left en Decern- 10YE REINDEER TO MACKENZIE RIVERREGION fcuMIMOV ( IMH.Mt CO, Ol VAN- lOltl.R THINK THAT IHsTKHT t more iavoruu.i: ion TIIKM VANCOUVER, Dtc 23. The transfer :: thousand head of reindeer from t. the Macken-ie River basin ber t. btt remslnrd to the stream overnight, passing quarantine and custom inspection, and was to go to the dry dock for llnlag this morning.' A rNwl of umi 8,439 ton deadweight, the Talyo Maru la one of the unique old turret or "whalebatk" type. She was buUi 36 yean ag K Qreat Brit am for the P. & O. Una being especially designed for operating through the Suet Canal Later ahe brca( Ue property of Norwegian Interests, finally passing into the hand of the Ocean Transport Oo. of Kobe which eencern now owns and operate her. The aeeond boat new due la the British freighter. WeUh City, belonging to the Smith Line of London." Th'-s vet-act fa due here on December 28, next ..., ,4 , ir&At fMun frin s1 nH nrl Will I ft UOUM; . UHIV a I -,aa- -.- " VANCOUVER, Dec. S3. Kenneth Mc- Leod. aged 34, aon of prominent Montreal family, was Instantly killed here last night when he fell from the sighth flocr of the Hotel Vancouver to the roof of a laundry building below. Reginald Burdlck. aged 23. of Victoria. MISS LUCY WRIGHT is the general car distributer of the Grank Trunk Railway, working from Detroit, and her Job 1s to keep 15,000 cars moving, so the shippers cart always have one ready. She 'claims there is no position in the world a woman cannot fill as capably as a man. Consolidated Exporters Corporation Figures in California Indictments Thirty-eight members of alleged ring are committed by U.S. Grand Jury Puget Sound . liquor men also arraigned ' LOS ANGELES, December 23. Thirty-eight members of an alleged Pacific Coast liquor smuggling combine have been indicted by a United States grand jury. The committed men include virtually the entire list of stockholders and officers of the Canadian Consolidated Exporters Corporation which is said to have been the leader in the shipment of contraband liquor from Canada. The indictments charge conspiracy to violate the National Tariff Act, and , are the result of investigations , which federal prohi- fl! A 1 1 J i - Diiion agents say nave ueen unuer way since last juiy. SEATTLE, Dec. 23. The federal grands , , , . Jury which convened on December 14: to Ifireatlgate charges of liquor graft ilhUy Uj M A fl violations In Snohcoilah and King coun- f JJ I i jL-JXAULtl ties last night returned sixty-lour in- dletoents Including 21 aecret and 43 1UITLI DITH17DT op l . rn rr.ru 1 -M. ..ANOTHER (lOOU KECOKU IS MADE AT ELEVATOR t . Another good loading record ' was maae at me wneai root s ' 0-local elevator when 7,060 tons of PAUL tUDWIG DIES IN LOCAL HOSPITAL vVii". Old Timer of City. Il-vlng. Formerly Lltrd on (urrn Churlottr I!and. Many old timers will regret to learn ot the death at .the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hospital last night In his st:h year of Paul Ludwlg. Deceased was first ad mitted to the hospital in the early part of October where he received medical attention until December' 11 when he left the institution only to come back on December 31. Of Oerman descent, deceased, formerly lived on the Queen Charlotte Islands, but during the last few shears has been employed as cook, on various boats operating out of here. , .Funeral arrangements are in the hands of the B.C. Undertakers. MANDAMUS ORDER " REFUSED BY JUSTICE LIlior ship ClirH Morllrr Will Have to Remain liidrflnltrly at Victoria VANCOUVER. Dec. 23. Chief Justice Hunter today refused an application tor mandamus to force Collector of Customs Davey. Victoria, to clear the Chris Moeller. The ship with a valuable cargo wll lbs held Indefinitely. NEW BATOHURCH MINISTER IS COMiflG Kev, W. Y. prlrr of strttlrr, Alta, Ac-rrpts Cull ot Um-iiI Congregation Rev. V. F. Price of Stettler, Alta, who has accepted a call to the Baptist church here, is expected to arrive in the city the first week in January and wilt commence bis mluistry on January 0. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. Wheat . ,1.37V B.C. Silver 1.83 - 173 Dunwell 1.03 1.03 Independence 08 14 .08 )i Porter Idaho 13', 13(', Silver Crest .05 .04 H Ruth Hope . . . . . 20 33 YA.MA.MOTO, OF OCEAN TRANSPORT CO.. HERE t'ROM SE.VTTLE IN CONNECTION WITH UK UN LOAHINO N. Tamamoto. representative of the wheat was poured into the Ocfan Tranaport Co- whose ve&sel, the freighter Kifuku Maru In 16 V T1!"3 Maru. Is her to load grain at 4. hours. Shipping men of ex- tne local eievatan arrived la the city T, T '. T . , . r, pertence who are here atate that from Seattle yesterday. Mr. Tamamoto F,.e??1.beru23TA has been COmrareia' and trathy betWeJe" Cf"-J U U a. goci time aa could be I haa alridy had time to inspect the ada and Chechoslovakia negotiated approved by the cabinet. Jfhe Department of Finance states that, by means of it, Canada obtains the lowest rates of duty given an$ country on a list of some seventy-one commodities which comprise all the important Canadian exports to that country. In return, Czecho-Slovakia has been grafted benefits under the Canadian intermediate tariff. The. treaty will become effective on January 1. Canadian goods given favored treatment under the pact In-elude flour, wheat, hosiery, wrapping' paper. barley, oats. rye. buckwheat, malt. ' peas, fresh and dried apples, all kinds oi fish Including canned fish, lard, butter, honey, cheese, canned fruits, vegetables, condensed milk, agricultural Implements, tools, rubber footwear, rubber tires, lead. zinc, engines, motcrs. adding machines, automcbllea and various other Item. 1 A statement Issued by the .finance de-i partment points out that It la the) first commercial agreement concluded; since Canada obtained Its new powers i at the recent Imperial Conference. I rr MAY ABOLISH BEER PARLORS made at any other Pacific Coast ' harbor and lta facilities and he port It speaks weU for the presse himself aa highly pieaaed, pre- ability and convenience of the dlcUng that many Japanese vessels will local grain plant. use this port for loading cargo. ' Mr. Tamamoto la only three months cut of Japan but he haa a surprising command of English which is taught In !the Japanese schools. !IC RODGERS TURNS BLUE CANT GET His 5300 HACK SO HE WONT HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Pocr Vic Rsdjers was a blue porter the other day when, on' asking City Solicitor Jones for a check tor 3oo which he thought, he had coming to htm tallowing the appeal he won last Friday on a charge of keeping liquor tor sale, he learned that Mr. Jones had entered -n appeal and, therefore1, could nst give htm his money. Now Vic can't, give the boys a free turkey dinner aa' he did last Christmas. JAPAN IS HAVING MUCH INFLUENZA ai.ri:ahv m:kly i ihmhikii IIKATHS AliK ATTRIIIl'TKIt TO IHSiasE IHKI.MI .MONTH Of DtCK.MIlKR TOKIO. Dec. 33. Influenza, is spread ing In Tokto. Fifty on deafht reported on Monday make a total of 501 for the month ot December ao far. ' In connection with the epidemic here it la noted that Japan was not hit so seriously with Influenza when the plague was sweeping the world In the fall of 1818. LEGISLATURE OF I . ONTARIO TO OPEfh . ' AFTER NEW YEAR TORONTO, Dec. 33. The Ontario Legislature will be opened on February 3 Premier Ferguson announced last night. The chief business of the session will probably be legislation to put Into force the sale of liquor under government control which was endorsed by the electorate In the recent provincial election. 11 - a- If-i ;J.r. Hi m 6