WE EXTEND TO a very ALL MERRY XMAS and a Happy and : Prosperous ; : New Year May your smeess be doubled, Sind in so doinj;. ours will incresae "with iL .B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 Special Discount In order to clear out the few Toys we have left we are allowing a discount of 33 and 1-3 per cent as our space is limited. Also a. discount of 10 per cent will be allowed on Gift Boxes from our Dry Goods Dept. Come in and look around. We will be glad to show yoa. Ask for a calendar. Mussaliem Grocery Co. Ltd. See our windows for CHRISTMAS GIFTS All new poods just arrived, at special prices Ladies' Gold Filled Wrist Watches. 15 jewel movement, a good timekeeper $7.73 Gentlemen's Watches at bar-pain prices. Any article purchased here enpraved free. A. E. Ireland Jeweller and Optician Opposite G.W.Y.A-, 319 Third Avenue. Closing : Out I SALE NOW IX FULL SWING Many Bargains in COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT ladies' Kcady-to-Wear Third Ae. Phone 631 WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Hlrch . and Spruce Per load . . Per. half load 4 Per sack Firelighter 18 for delivered. $6.30 $3.30 . 50c $1.00 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE KUY BOTTLES. PETER BLACK PASSES AWAY Hi: LI. KNOUN PIONEER ISO Oae of Prtaee Rupert", and. Indeed one of the north" best known and mot picturesque pioneers, passed to his rest in the death which took. place at 3.05 o'clock this morning at the Prince Ru pert General Hospital of Peter Black. proprietor of the Central Hotel and lo cal coal dealer. His demise came as the release to a severe illness from which It had been realited for the past couple of weeks that he could hardly recover. It is a bitter shock to deceased's ta-nUy j and his host of -friends here and ! thmilffhrkllt RrftH HnlllmhU . rr4 VliVnn ! He lost consciousness some twenty-seven hours before death came and did not revive. Barn at Benhar. Lanarkshire. Scotland. 59 years ago. the late Mr. Black left home at the age of twenty years and came to Kanaimo. Vancouver Island, where, for some time he was engaged in coal mining. Attracted by the stampede of "93. Mr. Black, like many another adventuresome young man. went north to the Klondyke and met with consider' jble success fa gold mining. There hej per minute of water out of sman creek, unnamed, which flows southerly and drains Into Huston Inlet. O C. Lslanda i or city I AMI NORTH COINTRY SIC CTMitui to seniors illness IN IIOMMTAL THIS MOII.N- foe?' HAVE Hodver a New ?ent home this Christmas! You couldn't think of a better gift than to shorten her -daily strugv kicj witn Household cleaning. The Hoover, re membtr.BE.rrS . . . as it Sweeps, as it Cleans and this Art? one docs it 131 more efficiently than . formcrHoovers. j&2Jdown; easy terms. HOOVER sun a Smnft a cit.ai Sold only by KA1EN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3 strung) in the Old Country, and Hannah (Mrs. Curtis) of Dawson. Another brother. John, was kUled in the Boer i war. Active in Tarious endeavors of public " ""- " ,ucu"" and charitable nature, and particularly hotel business, owning a hostelry In popular in Scottish and returned sol-Dawson. He returned south to retire in tf!er,- cuns. the late Mr. Black vu a Vancouver but the frontier blood sUu;mejnber of TUmpsean Lodge. r. ii A. ran strong in his veins and. being a com- 1 and also of the St. Andrew Society, paratlvely young man, he came to Prince . Arrangement are being de to hold Rupert early m 1&09 before the first the funeral at 3 o'clock Suaday afUr- .out ana. Buying e properxy n00n with a service In the chapel of th.Uab, wreu. uc rtrvica me inirai now. a B.C. Undertakers and stopping place that has become well FaLrrlew. known throughout the north country M'UVIYIMl RELATIVES Beside his mourning widow and two children.. a son. Peter Jr.. and dauzhter. Hester, the late Mr Black, who was the oldest member of his famUy. la survived by five brothers David and VU-liam. mine managers In the Old Country. Archie, a Pentlcton rancher, who is now a patient -m the Va:uver General Hos pital: James and Thcmas. both cf this city and two sisters. Nellie (llr. Arm- WATER NOTICE IUVEKMOV AMI 1E TAKE NOTICE that Robert Vi Currte. whose address Is H16 8lh Ave. West. Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a Interment The community generally will Join In' eirtsslng regret to One mourning tam Uy cn the passing of a citizen who was universally popular COAL EXPORT BAN REMOVED: EMU Cill COAL IX EMiLtMl to allow IT BtlMi JENT (H T AUAIN LONDON. Dec. 33. Announcement was made In the British Parliament licence to take and use fifty eaBoaa ik.i .n ...tt .w. of coal, except hardy coal and coke. would be removed Immediately. It about 1.000 feet westerly from miners eabsns it t,Mi nt Rnl. i.iu tv. ta that th- there was sunelent coal , water wtu be diverted from the stream QOV 00 band to enable this to be done at a pilot about 200 feet from shore without endangert&x ' domestic w supnlles. Une. passing through twentv-four acre .. . applieafoT ung leaand lTb? - BUwT lrt tn fact, are being used for industrial purposes upon the used as warehouses tinder the exlstlsg land described as appLed for to least conmuon. at bead of Huston Inlet. Moresby Z? , Island. The removal of restrictions will factU- This notice was po&te3 on the wound Ute resumption of work In the mines. I on the 6th day of December. 1938. A .. . ..... .t ' , copy of this notice and an awUcation " "" pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act. miners will be working before the 1014." win be filed In the office of th end of the year. .... 1KUHUCI . . .n'-m ri Tl ZtrrT hi- ...... Objections to the aonllcatkm mar be mciaen tally me price of fBed wih the said Water Recorder or coal was reduced about t4 a ton. with the Comotroller of w?r mrKit . . . . Partlameot BaiuiM rMM. tar- W"L- rs secretary ana within thirty days after the first ar 'dr of the recent strike, appear pesxaoce of this notice In a local news- by his declaration in Moscow that after rScelbtr ,he paW1Cltlca ull tor preparation the miner, would ROBE2T iL CURRir. nat again, to be asaociating himself Applicant, with .the declared plans of the minority u- atdo vnripr mcrement for a campaign to revive the ISSLi t5r!ZL, .vnoL !" Uoa drlTlnZ out the Communist In-posted oil tne ground on the 23rd d&T . . . of November. 1929. A copy of this notice nu"CM Wcn hTe pervaded the coal and an application pursuant thereto field. and to the -Water Act" will be filed i Prince SubS OSV e "" " " " Promise, application may be fUed with the aa'd surplus of between 800 million anl Of r. . ..rJ. or 'V? "e comptroller billion franca. " ruiumiDi uuuauig. Vlctcrla, B.C the first appearance of this notice lie in local newspaper. The date of the first puDUcaimn of this notice Is Decern-i OCT I 1939. within thirty days after WATER NOTICE Ill VERmION AMI Ll TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Paeklnz JOHN DTBHAVN. I Company. Limited, whose address is Applicant ! Vancouver. BC. will apply for licence ... I to take and use 100 WO gallons per day IN PRORATE. ot out of Unnamed stream, which 'flow northwesterly and drains into in the Hi,,,na imirwi g ron? ""A jthe stream at a point about 700 feet tn k. vf... .w . . .from mouth and will be used for com- ... . i r r lhe Administration mercui and domestic purpose upon the . etv?? . land described as Lot 1353. Range 4. In the Matter ofthe EsUte of WUllam Coast DUtrict. This notice was posted TAKE NOTICE that by order of His , vember. 1929. A copy of thl notice and ifLJivf; 5olTli?on. the ,8ln dtT PPetlon pursuant thereto and to l 33?bf- A? 2 I appoint- the --Water Act" win be filed tn the fJ w1f.tr?tf,r of "' "ute WU- office of the Water Recorder at Prince i. J UtebgU. deceased, and all par- Rupert. B.C. Objections to 4he appll-tie having claim against the said es- I cation may be filed with the said W'ater ute are hereby required to furnish aame.t Recorder or with the Comptroller of properly verified, to me on or before the Water Rights, Parliament Building 2'5ufry ltrt- Md U I Victoria. B.C.. within thirty day. after parties -"f indebted to the estate are re. j the first appearance of this notice in a Suired to psy the amount of their in- local newspaper. The date of the first ebtedneas to me forthwith. publication of this notice U November NORMAN A. WATT. 10. 1929. Official Administrator. I Prince Rupert. B.C. MILK From Rulkley Valley FRESH .MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 637 OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LTD. Applicant. By J. r. Strang. Agent. LAND ACT. .NOTICE or IXTEXTIOX TO APPLY TO leae lami. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince.. Rupert, and. aituate at Nesto Inlet. Oueen Charlotte lil.nrt. TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. Of ' i"-. nupen. u u . occupation manager. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the outt side of Nesto Inlet, about one mile from Its head; thence south e chslns; thence west 18 chains; thence north t chains to shore: thence east 10 chalna. more or less, following the shore line to point of commencement, and containing 7 seres, more or less. JOHN DYBHAVN. , . Applicant D1 X member 23 1929. Market Prices LARD Pure aac Compound , iSc COGS B.C. fresh, pulleU . 54c BC. fresh, tints .;, 60c B.C. fresh, extras ..: TOc Local new laid 75c B.C. storage, No.'! .. SOc risii Halibut, lb ac Salmon, rohoe. frozen 35c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb. 3ic Smoked black cod, lb 3314c Finnan haddle. lb. 30c Salt mackerel, lb. J5c Eastern salt herring, a tor Sic Salt codfish fillets, lb. 30c Boneless aalt cod bricks, lb. 25c MEATS FowL No. 1 lb: lie to 40c Roasung chicken, lb. ii to SOc Ham. sliced, first grade t0c Ham. whole, first grade 60c Ham, picnic, lb 33 Uc Cottage rolls, lb. oc Bason, back, sliced 50c Bacon, aide 5c to 60c Pork, dry aalt S5e Ayrshire bacon, lb. 45c Veal, shoulder 35c VeaL loin 0c VeaL leg .4.00 Pork, shoulder .....1 ooe Pork, loin '.., 4Jc rsrtu ! k ...t 4rta Beef, pot roast ue to ltc Beef, boiling 10c to Beef, steak : 25c to 4C0 Beef .roast, prime rib 3(V Lamb, chop $rx Lamb, shoulder . . 15c Uuttoa. leg- 40c leg ...:....' 48c 10 ! Mutton, chops 40c Uutton shoulder : 30c IlLTTtK Brookfteld. Shamrock and Woodland. 7 o. 5e E.CD. 3 lbs. D5o CapltaL 3nd grade. 3 lbs. 5 Fraser Valley, lb , 50 lltLt Ontario solrds 30c Stilton, lb. t 5c Krft 45c Norwegian Ooat 65e Napoleon Umberger TOc Roquefort . 75c Swifts' Buttercup, lb. 45c Oorgotvola. lb. 75c McLaren. Cream. Jars tic and 5c Oruyere 50c Golden Loaf, lb 45c Sl GAR White, per 100 I7.T5 YeUow. per 100 7i5 IXO I' R flour. 49 , No. 1 hard wheat 13.7 fastry flour. I0"a tic Pastry flour. 49'. X90 .VEGETABLES Beets, e lbs. J 35c v0 . , IMS B.C Carrots, lb jc 00 lbs. jj3 Butebagas. tba. 25c 10O Iba. I2.7s dames Uc ! Potstoes. 100 lb. 120 Immtant spirit among the miner, who!7'- "bb- fc tilVEKslov ami rr hi MtmM wrrt r.i. I California head lettuce wnaddPBi01'' P-Po transform the Mlner.-Of , P 4 rr.L.. ulx Pr dT of union of mine worker, to do away with flow northerly and dralnTinto Nesto in- tte utononir of the district miners' as-let, about one mile from the bead of the soclatlona. and to discard the more Inlet, on It outh shore. The water will leader. moderate To io set arslnst t"nt thl thl. be diverted from the stream at the natural outlet of a small Uie. about 653 nwtmtnt there Is the determlnaUon of feet from the mouth of the creek, and officials like Jnmh Johm n Potstoea. S lb 25c Tomatoes, hothouse 40e Oreen peppers, lb 35c Parsley, bunch 6c Hint, bunch sc Leeks. 2 bunches ijc Cauliflower. B.C, head 35c10e Green onions, dozen JL.. aje Rupert. BC will apply for a licence to Pederatlon Into a naUonal Industrial j ac Cookla onion.- tba. Celery, 3 bunches Hubbard squash, lb, Pumpkin, lb 7J 8weet potatoea, lb 100 Brusset sprouts, 3 lb 35e TRIIT ""Ts'creoV tht Yorkshire Miners' Association., to !ip ormnt' " asreyVuld fihn restore authority to the Miners' Feder- ?f"fJ dozen 35c to 90c Florida Orape Fruit 15c Lemon. Sunklst, doz. .... 25c and 35c California grape fruit, 3 for 35e Bansnaa. 3 lb, for J5c Extracted honey, lb 35c and 35c Apples. Mcintosh Reds 1235 Apple. Jonathans 12M Apples. O rimes Oolden 3.7S Cockling apple ioj Pears, winter, down . 60c IIRIEU RL'.T9 ' Dale, bulk. 3 lbs. 35c Dates. Dromedary 25c Raisin, bulk, 3 lb. 35c Rauins, package. 3 lb 45c Cluster raisins, lb 25c Lemon and orange peel Joe White fig, lb Tbl fig, lb Currant Prune APPIm Peaches, peeled Apricot. Ib MJT8 Almonds, shelled ValencUi Brtzils and filberts Walnuta, broken shelled . .. WalnuU. shelled halve ... 30(5 15c ...... '35c SOc 10c to 35c 35c ...... 30c 40c 75c '30e 50c ...65c Almond jjf Peanuts , 30c Manchurlan walnut 35c California walnut 45a No. 1 mixed nut .'. 35c - ITED " 100 lbs. Wheat, No. i . 3J0 O 13X0 Bn IJ.10 Chort 13.30 Middling T. '.. '. 13.50 Bwly 1333 Poultry mash 43 -00 8peclal eggmaah .'.. 13 .49 Oyster shell , 43.50 Scratch food ujjo B!" crP S3J OroUBd bU tala . . . t,7j V PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Thuroday. IVembf 'XMAS SHOPPING A PLEASURE 1 at Heilbroner's Gift Shop , I Two floors Mocked with as fine an assortment " " of jjlfts an you will find In any - in 1 he large centres. ' - - -ur OUR BASEMENT STORE will urprie you. No matter how small n purchase )ou wish to make, we hav a, to ttstlsfy jour demand. Our Prices T arc equal to any in Canada we buy all our k l for ttpot rath. You Get The Benefit Both upstairs and down, polite and courteous employee u gUe you etrry awt'sb-, in maMnjr your selection. , Shop in the morninj; and we will be abl? to Rive you ettn better M-rtlce. The Diamond Specialist. Max Heilbroner 527, 521 Third a It.. i II JUby chkk feed 1425 I'.ne oat chop t 4270 C lushed oats 13.70 itee barley chop 13 45 " ! .. . lUJICAMU ACT TtKE NOTICE thst LIPSETT CVS- m pilAM & CO. LIMITED alter the ei-ptrk m of one month from the first pelf ration of this N(Ht intends v ap.tly to lbs Registrar of Ooapanls fot the approval of the chiore of turn to -EtU'ARD LIPSETT (PRINCE RUPERT' LIU. .-ED. DVED at Vancouver BC thu loth day l December A D 1929 ' LAUNER & CANTELON. Sol; ci tors tor the Applicant XMAS Suggestions ! Tarke) . per lb. 50e and 3Sc Geese. pr lb 33c Duck, tr lb 35c; Roastlni Chicaent, per lb. ..45c! Milk fed Fowl, rr lb 3.V Callfornif Celery, per head . . SOc ' Cauliflower 10c and 1 j Sweet Spud, lraiiht. per lb. 10c Head Lettuce, 2 for 35c , Callforni'. SjirouU, per lb. .. 30c Cranberrie. per lb 25c JapaEse Orange, box 95c Florida Grape Fruit, straight 15c Comb Honey, section. SOc lianana. per lb SOc t ! Thi Store will be open f Wednesday, Thursday and j Friday KteninH until 10 o". ' clock. j J I Vinter Peart, per dozen 70c raperor Grapes, per lb 25c Iraeria White Grape, iwr lb. 35c inkixt Oranircs, ier dozen 10c, 13c, SOc, 60c, 75c llfxed Nuts. 2 lbs. for 35c 1 Mixed NuU. with California oft shelled Walnuts and no tanuts. per lb 10c Clidcr Raisins. 2 lbs 15c Tali'c Flirs, per' lb 25c FaJerson'rChocolates. 1 lb. nkif. 13c Xmi Stockings. 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 Xnu Mixed Candy, lb 35c SpitV'nburK Apples, wrapped U4k, box $2.50 atron peel toe Xma iPlum Puddlnirs, each. .11.10 Black cooking fig Teak 'd-'rean's Shortcake, per tin L- 75c. Fcak rrean's Aorted Cream Ills- cuiti per tin 85c Westo.t;s Fruit Cake, like real home madf, 1 lb. pkjr 15c Weston' Fruit Cake, assorted Une. :JVi lb. In slabs $1.39 W-torty Fruit Cake. 4V lb. slabs $1.79 WWte Rock Pale Ginger Ale, pints rCh 2,-,c Per dozen $2J FANCY CHEESE FOR X.MAS Krod:fieId Swiss, -lb. pkjf.. . SOc ws Gruyere. pkjr 50c lioqutfort Cheese. Ib 75c GoldeV Loaf Cheese. 5 Ib. box $1.79 Mclaivn't' Cream Cheese, pkjr. 10c McLaren's Cream Cheese, jar 85c Rupert Table Supply Co Ptfones 210, 211 and 212 -I. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONKiHT ONLY. 7 and 0 pjn. "The Last Edition" ' A tbrilkr f the bijr ritiea. KALP1I LEWIS. WAUW ItOTELEIL LIU LLV I II and bik' all sur cafT COMEDY l.KKY hBMON IN IIE s'UITOIl ' AESOI'S VMM FAHLES V Adml-Mion Fancy Scarves, from .- (j loves, from Hand Haifs, frm Umbrellas, from Fancy Linen Sets, from Fancy Towels in boxes, from Silk Hose, from per pair Habies' Silk Drosses, and J'.omjHirs. . Silk Vests, from each 35c and 10c Practical Presents for Prudent Purchasers Nickel Plated Copper Tea Kettles from rat h $'2AH) $.1.5 1 Aluminum Coffe Peuolater in assorted siivs. ea ' " $.175 Pyrex Casseroles, round and square, from each $-.' ; $.119 Stainless Steel English Carvinjf Sets in cases from $t)rt"() t- $I15 Pyrex Pie Plates. In assorted siies. from SI..I.", $1 "0 EASY VACUUM ELECTRIC WASH EH THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Killlnts Irons trine KuwiL lur VAMOttl U. ltTOKIt, UDmua Uy and Alett IUi. lc Ir i4. 3 p m. lor VANCOtttU. VICTUK1A, Alert II jy and SaanMHi IUi. er.. sts-i. lur ItlllT J-IMIXIN. Ao. AIJtK .Ht. KTUVART and S Canneries unU), s run. iri Xud Atenue. U. M. N.MITH. Aienl. Prlnr Knper" Christmas Suggestions You h find here a nplcndld nnMiitment of useful and practical article huttablc for Rift purpose. Indies' Handkerchiefs, boxed, or single boxe, from !i"r SI. 113 t l3c t $'J." S3.. "Ml S:t"- MMl t $!."" .... SI.U3 ! $l-:i0 V.V.V s,"-;"!l! ..S1.34M, VJ; $1.30 t .-' Pure Down Comforters, from 12.011 to M Fancy Linen Pieces and Hand Made Uolllos. Ilaby huggy Covers. Silk Gowns, I)reMin-twj, etc. ... Men's Pure Linen llandkerchlefs. with Initial; 5 I" J-J " Men's SusiKjiiders and Arm Hands in boxc-, at lr box ! H. S. Phone 9. SEE OUIt WINDOWS WALLACE CO., LTD. 3rd Avenue and Fulton