Thursday, December 2'; jtujii S. M. Playford Sales System j---SS-SS-l-S-SS-S-ItS-SSS-SSt--SS Lm,, Cuts Loose on Thor Johnson's Stock of High Grade Men's Wear Foil ONE DAV VK Wll.l. (IIV'K TO THK PEOPLE OF VllltiVK RUPERT 1 wee at For Christmas .we have Suits CUTTINC ALL FORMER SALE PRICES TO FRAGMENTS Bargains in Everything a man wears. Not hot air. Iut burning price. Seeing is be-llevjnjr- Come and judge for yourself. We give you just a little more for your money. Thor Johnson The .Men's Store. si. Second Avenue XMAS GIFTS PERFUMES From the best French, English, American and Canadian makers from to $1 :(.( Perfume Sets, from .SJ.7."i to S'-IO.OO French Ivory nnd Tortoiseshell Goods Manicure SK from .SH.00 to SHO Toilet Sets to S'-K.OO Also by the jingle piece. Military Hruihes, Shaving Itrushes, Fancy Stationery, Chocolates, etc. SEE OUR WINDOWS Rupert Pharmacy Phone 21 Alarm Clocks Razor Carving Sets Seizors Fry's Oven Glass Aluminum Roasters Aluminum Percolators Electric Irons Electric Heaters Electric Curling Irons Prescription Specialists Pocket Knives Skntcs We deliver GIVE USEFUL GIFTS! Our stock of Hardware offers many Gifts that combine beauty wUh utility. A visit to our store will help to solve the problem, "What shall I Rive?" A Few Sur-tcstlons Flashlights Fishing Rods Electric Percolators 1 Electric Soldering Irons Hoys Carpenter's Tool Chest iJisptton Hand Saws v Stainless Steel Cutlery Rogers' Community Plate 1 -Let Your Christmas Gifts be the Useful Kind." STORK'S HARDWARE LTD. Near Post Office "TRY A NIP TONIGHT' (2? I BEST PROCURABLE r. -.. 7?,., BOTTUO URHTttOJM HttssS1 MOOUCI or SCOTUNB tUM HAM '""iiritnnewn o i.wi-uiivt M.'o. icon... . . . . i i l, r li t ids Vn-lor'i and iniiit on I , . ' EST I'ROC ORACLE This n.lvorllscmcnt is not published or displayed hy 'io Limine Control Hoard or by Hio fiovunimmit of Hrilish Columbia. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVK ARRANGEMENTS M SKUNKS XMAS DINNERi FUR VALUABLE' KA1.VATIOV AKMV KVKXT Hjl.i. T.IKK HMKLI.V LITTLE A.M.MAI. TAKES TO PLACE THIS YEAR IV (rf.E OI DOMESTICATION MOKE EASILY CITY HESTAl RANTS; OL- , THAN' MANY OTHER SPECIES I LECTION OX STEAME.i, I - ! 5 ' i WABENO, Wli., Dec. 23. Caring for A Capt. and Mrs. Rea wllljpe leaving more than 400 skunks and a colony of the city for Ketchlkiin ImmctflMely, after I about 100 muskrats prove to be a full Christmas, ' it his beeu deejiji, instead ' time occupation of William Slvert and of holding the, event in thftjiitadel, asL. C."Braht, who observing the decress-, usual, to have the Ea'.vatk hi .rmy din-' Ing nuaiber of fur bearing animal. ner for unempjayed and heless men established probably the only akunk ke place In one of the cUtf restaurant. I farm In this aectlon. iOn Christmas biy. Capt. a will issue The tkunk. though carefully avoided ItlckeU which wUl entitle the holders j by thce acquainted with It hablU, to a real Yuletlde feat Jin coneenlal surrounding. Clothing tsjelso being received and wUi be tv.t U& needy cases. Today, the Army Ur,v ltKeepthe Pot Balling" campaign on th,'clty treeU. Better response 1 now being met by the Army In It Christinas campaign, the following subscriptions' hsve been re-J celved during the pat fp. day, lntlud- , Ing the proceed of a collection that was I taken aboard the steamer Prince i Rupert a that vessel wa going south last week with many holiday) eeklng Prince Rupert people on board.:' Already aekncwlec!ged $325 ' SB. "Prince Rupert" i HM A Friend .' 10O0 Big Bay Lumber Co ! 1000 Salvation Army Sunteams .' 2O0 Friend ' ,:...J JOO Friend . 1.00 Friend ' M Friend f KMi Sunrise Grocery--Eox of apples. j: Quality Store Case of clothing anr. tova. n FAMILY MUST HAVE MORE THAN TWENTY- FOUIv TO BEAT THIS BARNSLEY. Yorkshire. Dec. ZJVtl-lagea in this part of England are feeing for the largest family. . The first claim was made by tile 'pillage of Denaby Main, when Mm. Wll- ilsam Manchester, wife of a mln if, be came the mother of her nineteenth "' child. 7 The village of Blacked Hill tlvsn put up Noah Blssell and hi next dxf neighbor. Thoma Kazelwood. both j whom are father of 22 children;, and, 'pointed to Matthew Dawson, of the aairV village, who has a family of seventeen!! .BesseU organized a football team his sons and challenged all comtn.. The record. however( 1 he'.c' by Mrs. John Austen of Platta Comuon, near Bamsley. who is mother of lK and has, in addition, reared four adopt li children. One of Mrs. Austen's daughters has 12 children and two others 11 bath. ix rnon.VTE. IX THE M'PKE.ME COl'RT 01' IIRITISII (Oi l .Mill A In the Matter of the Administration , aci; ana In the Matter of the Estatt of Andrew Aim. otherwise known as Anders Aim. Deceased. Intestate! TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. Judge Robertson, the 16th day of December, aoj. ibzo. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Andrew Aim. otherwise known fcl Anders Aim. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are nereDy re- take to domestication more easily than many, other artlmal according to the owners, and It Is even possible to tame skunks raised In the wild. XMAS ENTERTAINMENT ' AT BAPTIST CHURCH Sp'ndld Program c;iirn by Srliolar Santa Claus Iitrlbute lrrM-nt The Baptist Church was well filled list evening for the annual Christmas tAtertainment given by the children of the - Sunday School, Santa Claus ap peared at the end of the program and fiistributed gifts to each scholar as well as a generous assortment of candles, oranges and nuts. 'in addition to the excellent program, medaia were present to Margaret Miller, Robert Ollker. Victor Miller. Edith Miller, Adelia Thurber, Eileen Hamblln and Betty Miller, pupils who had been present at the Sunday School for forty-five Sundays or more during the year. The following program was rendered by the pupils cf the school: Chorus-VChristmas Song." Primary Department. Recitation. Joy Green. Recitation "What would you say?"' Margaret Ollker. Recitation "At Christmas Time." Hazel Smith. 6ong Miss E. Ollker' class. Recitation David Houston. . Song -Soldier Boys." Mrs. Miller's Class. Song "Merry Xmas." Three boys. Address "Our OlfC Catherine Mus-salem. ' Dialogue Miss Terrens' class. Recitation Helen Green. Recitation Charles Bunn. Recitation Velma Thurber. Dialogue Miss A. McKlnley class. Recitation Ralph Smith. Drill "Darkies Manners." Skeena Rangers. Playlet "Christmas Window." Mrs. Hambljn'a class. BRITISH COAL TO FURNISH GOOD OIL LONDON, Dec. 23 The distillation of oil from coal In commercial quantities, whlth is in sight, will make Oreat Britain self-supporting as regards oil. Sir Alfred Mond. famous chemist, told me-chnaical engineers meeting In London ihe procevs of distillation has noli bi-n perfected yet. but will he soon, hei Oclared. When thst Is done, ' he said. quired to furnish aame. priperly verified I . . ...... ..... ... ... to me. on or before the 17th day of ffct Britain nw,., will be able to use her tur- January. AX) 1927. and ill parties In debted to the estate are required to pay the amount or their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Prince Rupert. B.C. Official Administrator. Dated the 21st day of December. A D 1B2C. IN I'KOHATE . i, IX THE NlTKEME COCRT OF 1UU TIIl f-OM-.MItll In the Matter of the Administratis I Act: and t. In the Matter of the Estate of CU?k Edward Bronson, Deceased. Intestir-e. TAKE NOTICE that by order of III Honor. Judge Robertson, the 15th da-; of December, A.D. 1926, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of dark Edward Bronson. deceased, and all patties having claims against the said estatt are hereby required to furnish same, pro Vji coal to meet the Increasing demand f jr fuel oils, and, because lof her large r mount of coal, will be in a favored position. FRENCHMAN TURNED BLUEJ-ROM SHOCK Lradlug Orruuitolnglsts Study Case and IJltte llow llrltl of Original Color Being ltestorel PARIS Dec. 23. The case of a man literally scared blue" Is absorbing the attention of the Paris medical world. Following a shock: the man. who la of a nervobs. temperament, .turned blue all verified verified to to me me on on or or beforfj; beforfi: thi the .over. He Is being studied by leading oerly leth day of January, A J). 1927, anil all dermatologist and nsychologiiM. There indebted to tne estate arr r-i parties t h - r4in him be no of him hope quired to pay the amount of ;thejr in- Ppar resting debtedness to me forthwith. t to his normal hue. NORMAN A. WATfl . I . Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC. Dated the 16th day of December, AX). 1926. !A NAVKJAIII.E WATERS FHTEC-TION ACT U.S.C., CHAPTER 113 , lof Vancouver, hereby give notlci tht he 'has under Section 7 of the salt! Act de posited with the Minister ul Public Wo'Vi at Ottawa and In the. office of STILL ANOTHER STYLE ATTRIBUTED TO PRINCE LONDON, Dec. 23. The Prince of Wales Is held accountable tor still another style the parting of hair at the aide. It was quite the fashion up to a few years ago for both men and women to lion oi we site ana tne pians oi wnarii""?"- " "v ' " proposed to be built In the Harbor ; of . and prominent hairdressers attribute n 9.ffl"M.nM r ' P'r'ith change to the tact the Prince has And Take Notice that after 'the etpTra- tlon of one month from the date , of the first publication of this notice; Edward Llpsett Limited will, .under Section 7 of the said Act, apply ti ' the Minister of Public Works at hls'joTrice In the City of Ottawa for appro ml of the said site and plans and for letvVe to construct the said wharf. , ' Dated at Vancouver this 1 1th' May of December. 1926. A1 LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AI'l'LY TO TO LEASE LAND T In Prince Rupert Land RecoriJlnR District, and situate at Huston Iniiit. Queen Charlotte Islands. '1 TAKE, NOTICE that Robert 5n. Currle. t?f Vancouver. B.C., occupalpjn fish fiacker. Intends to apply .for li, leave of he following described lobd.iif Commencing at a post punted at northeast corner about l.OOOf.feet westerly" from miners' cabins head of Huston Inlet; thence winterly 20 chains; theuce southerly about. 12 chains: thence easterly 20 chains; tJ.ence northerly about 12 chains, and' containing 21 acres, more or lews. .'; ROBERT MfCURRlE. ,'. Applicant, always parted his locks at that Women are doing It as well. place. STORK IS FREQUENT VISITOR AT ANYOX ANYOX, Dec. 23. During the past month, the stork has paid several visits to Anyox General Hospital with happy result leaving In each Instance a boy. Altogether there were four male arrivals recently, and the following are the happy parents: Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kirk; Mr. and Mrs. J. Klrkland; Mr. and Mrs. L. It. McKay; Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald. N.Y. CUKFEW HILL NEW YORK. Dec. 33, Mayor Walker's curfew ball, designed to close cabarets la. New' York no later than 3 o'clock. In the morning, passed the Board of Aldermen, and was given the mayor's for- The Acme's Fifth Annual Christmas Temptation BYDNEY, DEC. 23. Shipment of wheat front Australia, over-seas are due to stsA shortly, but grave d'lfflculty Is' being found In securing vessels to carry the cargo. . Owing to the British coal. stoppage many ships .which other wise would be available are profitably engaged In conveying coal to England. Chartering rates have risen In three months from 36s to 53s a ton, Frisco railroad engine No, 103, In forty-five years, has run a total of S.500.000 miles, equivalent to 100 trips around the globe. Mechanics say the eugtna is still goo4 fur 300,000 miles. Sale CHRISTMAS, THE GREAT GIFT DAY OF THE YEAR, IS CLOSE UI'ON US. IFiYOU HAVE PUT IT OFF, THERE IS TIME YET AND HERE IS THE PLACE TO GET THAT Something for "Him" SILK SHIRTS in the latest shades and in all sizes. Temptation Sale Price From .51.15 to I?9.00. SCARVES FOR MEN Guaranteed pure woollen Scarves, in all colors. A great comfort on a cold day. Each in a fancy Christmas box. Regular value $2.50. Temptation Sale Price SI. UTS SILK SCARVES 72 only in this group. Various colors. Regular value up to $1.95. Temptation Sale Price 0of UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Stanfield's Silk and Wool Underwear in all sizes. Regular value $7.50. Temptation Sale Price Sfl.4."5 SUITS FOR MEN In Blue SerVes, Worsteds and Tweeds in the latest models for men and young men, in all sizes, made by Canada's best tailors. Regular value $40.00. Temptation Sale Price S24.H5 BELTS FOR MEN These are the famous Currie make, with the latest design buckles. Just the thing he would like. Each in a fancy box. Regular value $2.00. Temptation Sale Price SI. 45 PYJAMAS FOR MEN In English Levusca, Silk and Flannel Broadcloths and Fancy Flannelette. All these at Temptation Sale Prices SHIRTS FOR MEN jn English Broadcloth, Bombay Cordi, Russian Cords, etc. These are nice nifty Shirts and just the thing he would appreciate. Each in a fancy box. Regular value $4.50. Temptation Sale Price S'2.85 SLIPPERS FOR MEN , All leather, Pullman style, in all sizes. Temptation Sale Price ' $1.8.7 TIES FOR MEN In Silk and Wool Crepe, each in a fancy box. Regular. $1.50. v (- Temptation Sale Price r i)5f SILK TIES In all Colors and Shades, just arrived for the Christmas trade. Regular $L5fv Temptation Sale Price !5 OVERCOATS FOR MEN These come in the very latest models and are guaranteed pure wool. They art well tailored garments, with check back and three piece belt and make a smart . appearance. ' ; Temptation Sale Price SI 0.85 COLLAR BOXES FOR MEN ' This is a thing that every man needs. They come in soft leather and the regular value is $2.75. Temptation Sale Price 81.1),) EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' Silk Hose, in all shades. Temptation Sale Price -15 Mr. I- Garfin of Edmonton is personally in charge of this Sale. " Acme Importers Terms: Strictly Cash. Third Avenue. Mail Orders Promptly Attended if-. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of Crescent Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, in the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a half mUes from the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, or Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply for a lease of the following described land; Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of Crescent Inlet, about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet; thence northwesterly 30 chains; thence southwesterly 30 chains; thence southeasterly 30 chains; thence north easterly 30 chains, and containing forty (40) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. DAted November 27. 1929. IN PROBATE IN THK SU'KKMK CO CRT' OK llltlTIMI COI.C.MIIIA In the Mstter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Alberts, Daniels. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. Judge Robertson, the, 15th day of December, AJD. 1936, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Alberta Daniel, deceased, and all parties hiving claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same. pro. perly verified to mi on or before the 16th day of January, AD. 1937, and all parties Indebted to the estate are re 3ulred to pay the amount of tbelr In ebtedneo to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the. 10th day of December, A.D. 19.8. 1 No Charge Accounts mal algnature. The law exempts from the curfew provisions membership clubs and hotels with more than 50 roomst operating cabarets or dance halls, where food and drink are served. MR. TITTLE CAN SLEEP AFTER GAS IS GONE "After taking Adlertka, the heavy feel ing (gas) in my abdomen Is gone and I get a good nlght'a rest now." (signed) J. C. Tuttle. Adlertka removes gas In TEN minutes and brings out a surprising amount of old waste matter you never thought was In your system. This excellent Intestinal evaeuant Is wonderful for constipation or allied stomach trouble. Stops that full, bloated feet ing. Ormes Limited, Druggists. AUSTRALIAN WHEAT land Act XOTICK OI INTENTION TO ArTLY TO I.KASE LAND TO Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Third Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, and and Gravel. We Specialize in piano and Furniture Moving. George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNT ANT AND AUDITOR I'hane M7 XI3 Herond Avenue West, Prince j Rupert