m PAGE FOUR 'TRI. DAILY hEWS McV.rd. ADANACS BEAT BRINGING UP FATHER . By George McManus rjoADoVWHAT ,. ( QVGOULV! 1 I'LU. CALLON I I ARtTHE DUTIES. VEVERTHOV3CMT AlOfKMAN FLAN Sj tlY 1 4 r MAPLE LEAFS . --K HIM! J ' - LI t I 1 I jr. THIS AMI VICTORY OF SON'S OF CANADA OVER TERMINALS HERE IfATIHES OF LAST MRIirs GAME Sons of Canada, 30; Grand Terminal 27. Grand Terminals, 19; Orotto. 28. Maple Leafs. 8; Adanacs, 13. Tuxls 10, Stars. 14. The. Maple Leafs Ladles League basketball team suffered 1U first defeat cf the season at the hnds of the Adanacs last night. The game was featured by heavy checking on the part of the Adanacs who prevented tfcelr opponents gettirs away tn their usual maimer. In the first hall the Adanacs were superior In combination and this together with their heavy checking, gave them - a good lead over their opponents. The last halt was featured by fast passing and heavy checking and play was very even. Possibly the Maple Leafs had more shots on goal lij this period but they were not playing tn their usual form and the shots went wide of the mark. The Sons of Canada uncorked a , surprise for . the Grand Terminals In the closing moments of the Senior lea-1 gup fixture when Shenton and Wrath-1 all started, on a shooting spree which : brought their team up from behind to win by three points in the last lev seconds of the game. The end of this j game created more enthusiasm than had been evident during the whole evening. The results of the games were as follows: , Ladles' League Adanacs. Miss. C. Mitchell, 7; Miss E. Dalby; Miss D. Gosse: Miss M. Palmer; Miss A. Mlnzgohr. Miss V. Smith 6; Total 13. 'Maple Leafs. Miss M. Graham; Miss M. Harvey, 2: Miss L. Lowe, 1;' Miss C. Harvey. 5: Miss H. Grant. Miss H. Sim; Miss M. Thompson. Total Senior League Sons of Canada. V. Menzles, 4; J. Farquhar. G. Shenton, 16; H. Menzles. 5; R. Skinner. 2; W. Wrathali. 6. Total. 30. Grand Terminals. H. Ryall. 4; C. Thompson, 4; R. Mortimer, 8; C. Vnderwood. 2; H. Gordon. 9. Total 27. . Intermediate League Grand Terminals. R." Smith, 8; J. McNulty. 6; S. Joy. 1; Y. Katsuyama; S. Gurvlch, 4; T. Kelsey. Total 19. Grotto. D. Gurvlch. 8; T. Fraser. W. WrathaU. 14; D. Stalker. 2; J. Sim, 2: Y. Meagher. Total 28. Junior Leagoe f Tuxls. B. Hunt. : F. 'Morrison: W. Patmpre; M. Sakamoto. 4; H. Hell-broner; W. Johnson. Total. 10. Stara-E. Smith, 2; T. Kelsey. 7: A. Cross, 4; O. Morrison: W. Donald 1. Total 14. Ralph Smith acted as referee for the Juniors, George Mitchell for the ladles. R. B. Skinner far the Intermediates and Lee Dell for the Seniors. The league standing to date are as follows: L Senior League W. D. EJka 6 0 Native Sons ..2 0 Terminals .... 2 I Intermediate League Orotto ....... 6 0 Terminals 3 0 Bankers 1 0 Ladles Leacne Maple Leafs ..6 1 Adanaca 1 1 Junior League Colts 6 0 Stars . 3 0 Tuxls Boys ... ' 1 0 V. L. 0 5 S I 4 S 1 6 1 3 5 SPORT CHAT Pis. 12 4 4 13 3 13 3 12 6 2 Gradual, though interrupted, decline of the power of the batter In the American League is given striking evidence in the 1926 record. The slump the -past season was marked from that of the prevldus season of 1925, when the batters showed signs of reasserting themselves, after being halted tn 1924, and itat real lmpresslveness appeals when averages of 1926 are compared with those of 1921, when batting had reached Its ' high peak and sluggers I were supreme. A few figures will serve to show the slump of the batters. In, 1921 the Detroit team led the American League - In batting with a team average of 316. Cleveland was second with 308. St. Louis was third with 304. New York had ari even 300 pecentage., .The lowest batting' team that '.season (Philadelphia) batted .274. In" 1926 Washington was the batting leader of the league with 292, Detroit second with Ml. Boston brought up the rear with a mark, of 356. A year ago. In 1925, Boston was last with an average an even ten pointe above that of 1926. V sf Individual batting honors in the .'American; League for the j 1926 season r ere not decided until the, final drive, when Henry Manush of the Detroit Tigers gradually forged to the front. In mid-season the Detroit outfielder stood well down the last among t batters. As late as the first week In July he stood fifteenth In the list of regular batters In percentage. In the early part of September he still had a trio of rivals to contend with. Manush. who succeeds his team mate Harry Hellmann as the battir t champion of the league, fell victim In a way to tbf general batting slump among lea- Use SiMONDS SAWS i Machine Knives SI MOWS CmHADA saw eo. tvo. M3NTRCAI vveouvot, ST. JOHM. IIA, I TOWOMTtJ l)j gue batters, for his finishing figures as leader were but Jstl. as compared with the 393 that Hellmann registered the previous year. Hellmann. by the way. got off to a bad start, and finish ed In a tie with a team mate. Bob Potherglll. for third honors. Babe Ruth of the Yenkees was second to Manush, with an average of 372. Ruth maintained the home hun honors with 47 round trip hits, was first In total bases hit for. scored most runs, etc . fully maintaining., considering decline In batting, all his reputation and hav ing a wonderful year. In harmony with lower batting averages tn the American League In the 1926 season, lower percentage of earn ft runs off pitchers was shown. The pitcher who did not turn in a lower record of runs opposing batsmen earn ed off him in 1926 than the low mar. of 1923 was pretty well down the list. In which connection It might be noted that some highly effective pitchers of 1923 took rather a back seat In 1926 Bob Groves, left-hander. -jt the Phila-, dtiphla Athletics, bore out opinions of wise estimators of pitching worth and came to the front In 1928 as the lead er of the league In low percentage of earned runs allowed per game. He had shown signs In 1923, but his wild- ness was a handicap; overcoming that. In a measure, his "stuff began to get results. Next to the performance of Groves as the league's most effective pitcher should be -considered that of George Chle of Cleveland, who did the most work, and Ted Lyons of the White Sox. who was along with him Uhle not only led the league In most' complete games pitched, but also In most Innings, 'while Lyons not only ranked along as a pitcher of durability and reliability, but also as the outstanding hero of the pitching feature of the season a no-hit game. It was the only one of the year in the league campaign. While, this pair of veterans was doing such fine work, a trio that stood out In the 1925 season was shoved Into the background. They were Stanley Coveleskle. Walter Johnson and Herb Pennock, all of them this year down In the list when it came to ef fectiveness. GRAND TERMINALS HAD NO TROUBLE i DEFEATING MOOSE: The Grand Terminals easily sustain- ' ed their position of leadership in the Billiard League by defeating the Moo ! 823 to 778 in last sight's future ' '.ovmament. There was some re-arrangement of position in the Moose , : team but it proved, unavailing though jboth Browns won their games and Don Brown made the high break of the I evening--32. j The individual results were as fal lows: Don Brown (Moose) 200: P. O Don- neU (Grand Terminals) 182. J. May. 74; C. Balagno. 200. J. Judge. 165: F. Zleman. 200. J. Hlllmaa. 139; Die's Howe. 200. J. Brown. 200; H. Corbett. 103. The league standing to date Is as follows: Terminals Gyros Grotto Moose St. Andrew's Oamea. Total. Average 8342 6154 8141 6023 3113 J. Judge (Moose) 7 O. Anderson (Grotto) .. 6 Bert Morgan (St. A.).. 4 A. Harvey (Gyros) I 200 200 200 576 1339 1329 1312 7 1298 7 1286 5 922 7, 1281 1099 1275 1274 1263 878 10S2 1220 1218 1215 1201 1003 11S1 783 914 156 1087 897 595 131 ENJOYABLE CARD PARTY BY ADAIR Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Has the Endorsement of High Medical Authority mad"" by a reputable manufacturer has a definite food COCOA value. It is nourishing and will sustain, for instance, a typhoid patient, for several weeks or indefinitely. A brand o'f cocoa that has been on the market for many years and has been a favorite pre sepption of thousands of physicians is that of Walter Baker Co., Limited, Dorchester, Mass., and Montreal, Quel It is absolutely pure and is put un under the most sanitary conditions. The medical profession of Canada may continue to prescribe it, knowing that any package bearing the name of Baker is "right." The Hospital Midical and Nuxsino Would, Toronto. Walter Baker 8C Co., Limited Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choke Recipes tent free -sf 1 3S Bit 874 ' 861 832 The averages for the players In the league to date are as follows: Oames TtL Aver. P. Zleman ( Terminals I. 7 1400 200 O. Krause (Gyros) 1 3eo. McQmoyle (St A.).. 1 G. Howe (Grotto) 1 W. E. Wimscrott (St. A.) 3 J. Hlllman ( Moose i 7 P. OTJonnell t Terminals l 7 C. Balagno Terminals) . . 7 Frank. Aldrldge (Gyro) . D. Howe (Terminals).. IFred PyleiSt. Andrews) i, Andrews (Grotto) Ben Self (Gyro) 6 Dr. West (Grotto) 7 tv. J kelson (Gyro) ... J. Hamilton (Orotto) .. a D. Macdonald (St. A.) Don Brown (Moose) W. H. Long (Oyro) O. Waugh (Grotto) H. Corbett (Terminals) J. Brown (Moose) .7 M MacLachUn (St. A.). 6 J. May (Moose) O. P. Tinker (St A.)... A. Macdonald (Oyro) .. S. Darton (St. Andrews) 200 200 230 192 191 190 188 188 184 184 183 J83 182 182 181 178 175 174 174 174 172 167 166 157 ISO 156 155 150 149 131 CARSS CHAPTER! A successful bridge snd whist party was held last night in the I.OX)X. Hall 1 O 1926 ev Ist l Ftnt Sewvice lc Cnl BAui tku i HAD BAD SPELLS WITH HER HEART Mrs. R. O. Ilall, Bolton Centre, Que-writes: Some time ajo I haj bad spells with tnv heart which I belters was caused by nervousness. I tried everything- I could think of, but cosld ret no relief until one of my friends persuaded me to fet a box of After I iad taken a few boxes I gtjt wonderful relief. ' I now weigh oce hundred and thirty-five pounds where, before. I never went over ninety. " Price 50c a Kx at all dmmrkts or dealers, or nailed direU on rtveipt of pnee oy lie i. .unburn Uo Limited, Toronto, Ont iy Adair Caras Chapter. There were fifteen tables of card and the winners were as foOowa: BMdge LaoW tint. Mrs. C. P. Bsl- Jadles' second, Mrs. A. T. Parkin; CMOS first. L. Lawlen men's seeosyl, P. M. Davis. Whist -Ladles' lint. Mrs. D. Aader- sro; ladles' second. Mrs. Alex. Maekea lv. men's fust. V. Houston; men's see and. Mr. Patterson. After cants, refreshments were served and danetas was enjoyed unttl 1 o'etoek. Miss E. V. U. linehey acting as pianist. J. A. TeniT was master of eereeoorsles. The committee responsible for the succesa of "the affair consisted of Mn. B. T. Self, convener. Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod. Mrs. S. V. Osx. Mrs. Brewerton, Mrs. fates. Mrs, Baker and Mrs. J. A. Teoj. MINIATURE RANGE W. Brass was high man at the snoot of the North BC. Regiment Rifle Association on the Market Place miniature range last, night. Scores were as W. Brass 94 R. Davtdn 93 A. WyUe 90 W. Howtrth 87 M. M. Lamb 86 II. B. Eastman 83 R. Wilson 83 A. Rlx , 75 P. Russell 69 M. Bussanlch CO .MEN'S WHIST The Sons Of Canada defeated the I Knights of Pythl&s 5 to 4 In last nulght's postponed men's whist game. The standing of the teams to date I as follows i" Itsose Elks Oddfellows .......... 8t. Oeorge-itts. fC.)f Knights of Pythias . 8t Oesrjres (City) W, S s 4 4', 3 2 St. Andrew's 2 Boms of Canada 2 L. 4 Pt 3 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 TRADE BOARD HAS MEETING I'HESIDKNT HANMIX HKIF.KH T( W0 i tcTiviiiKH AM) i itm: (iOOII i MJiTTKIN OF ori'ICKK.H I l()H NEXT YIUK " "This is the last meeting of the yesr,1 .stated Olof Hanson, president of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade, at the regular monthly meeting of the board last night "At the January meeting new officers will be chosen and I would urge that, there be as large sn attend a nee a possible so that the best men possible may be put In office to carry on a valuable wcrk which, though.' sometimes crrtlclMd, is more important than it may often seem W anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WANTED. MAN. OVER THIRTY. RE-lsM. energetic and established in Prtoee Rupert territory to tak-i charge of our office. Prefer out experienced tn handling industrial aectoMy salesmen. Address, Producers General Agency. 614 Vancouver Block, Vancouver, B.C. 285 MONEY for your property is' what yed want. I have the buyers If your price Is right. O. C. Walker. COOK (MARRIED) WANTS JOB. GO anywhere. Apply Box 340, DallT Newa office 2M WANTED- SECOND HAND TENT. 10 x 12. Apply lUt 342. DsUy News office. 286 AGENTS WANTED WAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint agents. Yearly guarsnt 11003 (being 111 weekly average) and expenses. Experience unnecewsry For particulars write W tin ton Osx. Toronto. FOR SALE FOR SALE. 6IX ROOM HOUSE. rOL- If modern. Section six. wtth threr jiilrosms Price 11.000. Ch. ,11.-000 balance to arrsisge. Jour room house, fully modern, glass veranda. 83300. Cash. WOO Balance 119 per month Five room houe wtvb bsth. Seventh Avenue. 41.200. Only 200 cash. Balance to arrange. 6ee owr IHt of ether properties for Sale. Til CO. COtXART LTD. Westfeotone Theatre Block. TOR BALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN US- tat, we are authorised to sell several lots, some corners, harbor view, and on sewer. Prices low and terms from IIOOO nmothly. Enquire T. McCJymont. tf FOR SALE. DOUBLE BARRELLED shotgun. Neuman, choke bore. Damascus barrels, t3000. Phone Blue 469 P.O. Box 109, Prince Rupert. BC. FOR SALE. THE KINO OEOROE Hotel and Cafe, containing 30 rooms fully furnished. For particulars ap- j T. McClymont. tf ton SALE, CHEAP. HALF A TON OP old newspapers. Apply Dally News, rt FOR SALE. PRACTICE PIANO.' FIFTY dollars cash. Ocorge Q. Hacker. 284 FOR RENT FOR RENT MODERN UP-TO-DATE flat; large airy rooms; tire place; close in. Max Hellbroner. FOR RENT. WARM 110U8E WTTH two bedrooms. Central. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. FOR RENT. FURNISHED BUTTE Phone 18, Muaaallem Grocery. HOARD HOARD. THE INLANDER, Second Avenue. Phone 137. FURNITURE AND RANGES .U CTWMXtt. 830 FOR CHRISTMAS! DININO ROOM suites. Cntsterfleld suiUs. walnut beds with coll springs: dressers, chit fonteres. lounges, carpets, linoleum, and linoleum rugs. Toys of every description. A. MacKenzie, Furnl ture. Phone 773. O. P. BRINE. AUCTIONEER AND Bailiff. Accounts collected. Courtesy and results. Twenty years experience at your service. Phone 774. tf Nkkefsek ,'3vnfi I Dyiavn w H Tobey, rieotieRorl6Vrrc V. tvitt, a. h. Arnold, r. w Hsruttt. f. Me Mr IUh. .trrvr11el th. mlenrtM ' '". ubieties ana J. W assistance that had bm given Itm ! Kt during the year by the vice-president and members of the board generally and stated that he would present report of the year's activities at the January! meeting. t Those present at the meeting were President Olof Hinaon. Vlce-preskJent W O, Pulton secretary Arthur Brooksbsnk X C Brady. U.P.. J. W McKlnley, C O Minna. Thomas UcMeekln, D. G, Stew art, E C Gibbons, B. J, Melllsh, G W Arivertle In the Dslty News PAIN from Bladder Irritation eoa ssss4 by SANTAL WIDY Bsware sf Imitations Less fee Us weed -Mioy' bold hr all dnifrxts rtollsvos) k CHIROPRACTIC iil it. r.. rvoi.rov niiKorKWTon JJ Ihlrd .enu. Office visits - 1100 House calls . 1200 For appointment Phone Office Blue 85 Residence Black. 332 DERMATOLOGY rtritL iuj-.mihiii ki:mov!! by the latest scientific method IT KM M:M'V Ol.tK (Ml I II. No need tor disfiguring hairs or other blemishes any more. Phone lllark 823 RESTAURANTS jooii r.T r.tir. Mrs Unger. Proprtetrwie Third Avenue. Neil O. W. V. Vnm4 Itsane t'nnkrd tat. Phone Black 700 RULRS mtnt, iirijii. "(testier Sunshine with Olsds" ' (llie IIU4MI IUIIm far CnrtMmjt and make your frtewds glad for years to come pf.nL riimsTM rtrxttir. l.no, Js. IUs ar4 ap. Write lor price U.t. I. H. MeTtVI!! P.O. Bos 7V tirrorm. rt-C. IURS FURS MADE TO ORDER AND IIX- modellrd. Raw skins tanned and dmed. Mafl orders promptly attend d to. Mrs. F Tmrr. 4 Brotxtwsy East, Vancouver ANOTHER RIO REDUCTION IN CHEVROI.CT CO.MJIEROAh CAR PRICES l-I'i Ton Utility Express tChassis S2SO0 4 Ton Light Delivery Chassis I MO 00 Touring and Resdster i SUjDO Sport Roadster I STOOO Coach and Coupe 11030X10 Sedan III1SO0 Landau (UUJ00 vi:i c.titt o iin Ford Light Delivery, open body 7 5 O0 I Ford Light Delivery, panel body I ISO 00 Ford Light Delivery, starVr equipment 1250 00 Ford Tudor' Sedan, starter equipment I3OOD0 1 Oldsmoblle i-jsAet)grr Tour ing, lf2 4900JX) Terms can be arranged on both new and used cars to suit the purchaser. KAIEN fiARACJE ' Desiers In Cxlllsr. tlcLanitilln, Oakland, Pontlae 4llronMle and Chetrolet Cars. Phone il NOW IH THE TIME to buy that car you have been considering. Why walk during the unpleasant winter weather? We have several new models on hand, prices are at a low level and easy terms are available. ri:i cars Two Ford Self Starter Light Deliveries gusranteed, One Ford Truck Snap. One 'Chevrolet Light eDIIvery Oood running forder, Make us an oiler. S. E. PARKER LTD. loitn tii'.Ai.r.it . TAXI 1'hone 67 Taxi (Call GeorKe, l'nul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude-bakers at your dliposal any time. ROSS RRQS. TOOL ROOM Meeker Hlock. (Across from Empress Hotel) Artidet Foundi( MAIL SCHEDULE OlT(i01fj l ae I he I sM -MMtdaya. Wedne .? eues To i snrourf Tkie4y . . FMskyf BsttsTOi OPJt. Dec n First etM man Vsoeottver on M.ai .. &atorsr ley cn . IM COLLI C I IONS Outturn sins) '-t ll Ase. A Ida 5t U A. 4 Ptsltua - Ul Ate. A Tk4' ) II A Sfcertoi.r a.r U tf, 4 Qaarsd i ih Ave A IUr " si A tiers )e i lib AH A Cotio i Mh Ave. A NeBnet Pro. H I. Mdr rrs Oevt. Wturf U T.P. WHff R.T.P. SliIlM .. tnd Ave A Im St Srd 4e A rsli. o St Srd Are A h 'I -rm Vamer Sunrtsy-s. Carde -.a Wednesday as Pr r mil as. Cataia Saturday -ss Prni-r Dec IS -as. Prm a Dec. n-as. Prince" an. its i t i tr ft to t 5 14 tl Miry IAN0 ACT, Notice of inlsatlea to pp' ' u rrmr itrw '. irlrl. ami wiiisk- '"J Charioiir i:t; J l il To .tn). Altre trni. lessrt sal mler WIMMJI .... T j waei ; TO rt. KlmMM9 ail 4 Yi kl.rf BUSSttefS . To AUk PvlBtw- De. . t Te IJsevsi CTwjfWItr- Lr. s, rs 1 1 Frraa the I! l.(t)X0 Tuesdays. Thurxiv l '-I Irani tsrwoaiev Buwurs .. Wedisestlsfi FrMsts .. O.PX Dee l" liws) Ant. A Ike trss. Vrrt Frrwlrr Tuetdsj-s . Fttdsys ... I I rm It. ilmpM snJ ii if. IS TIIBSIS) IVoni ,tlj.as rinl. Dee. 11 ... I"rm (Jpeen IturMIe Dee. . SO 1 ' IK l I II I i :i t m I t.'.l f I ( I Ml Ill ( IH JI III '1 411 ! STEAMSHIP MOVM I'or Vanewatef Tuesday a. Cardcaa FHnsy- -as. Prtive 11 Saturday- Cat a '. Saturday- -as Prtr. tm Bca'-tre Dec. 17-ss rrtoce ' - - i -ln.ion and aa '"yJ l or Prl iTimt run nirn - & Tueodsy ' as. Csrdena . . ... Hire lor Mrnsri, nj - i) a Sunday-sa roe tM Wednesday s rt-u lYom Mewarl. Anyot A TAiesday Cardens Frtdajf-ss Prince n . tr Uneen rimrloHes-Dee. 4 ss. Prince C-s-.r "'- Dec 18 ss "Vlnre t hsn I'deen CTrlnlle-Dx. a-ea. rlnce CUarW Dec. M Prln . Dec. 20--as prince t - Tor Alaka pruvess Mat Drc. -s. Dec 29-ss. Prmr-s from ,laW H.ti I'srkers. mie'1 . ' f nf Hie rnll-minr ''. -s: ' CMnmrncinr ai , ,r . Claim. fnlViwine the iwirtiierir mrr--nnrlhea-lerlv ".''J,. mark: ihew-e snulli-1" mm mirk IS 1 . tilt ' tw rrlv l W 'twin- ,.r!t tnn' point .f emitmrii wnw f SltT mnir nr , ..xriu ..... -,e 80MFIvM.v. -Tn tr H- ", Diled Sepicmber