December 4, U'26 ,,.wtor. hi British Columbia Beei's (7tHE finest of grains and hops arc made into the most delicious and healthful and purest beers for the people of uritisn ioiumoia. British Columbia beers are carefully and l ntmuously arulyieJ by the Govern ment for your protection and the A: l.imited Breweries take e -v step ncccsury to meet the b gli undard required. Order Christmas Special Brews Early A- r V. - rVrml Bn O- LtJ i .v-:.v Tts advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquo: Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Now ready for Inhcard of b.irgnln IhmuRh our entire Xma line. Toys Fancy (.ood, Xmn Dreeing. Hooks Dolls Fancy Stationery, Fountain Pens Etrharp Pencil, Wagons, Sleighs and Gramo-pnonts. Young or old a Ions purte or a short one wc have Xnut (.if tn that ntify. MaeM VS. Jdd Toiletries AUK ALWAYS AN IDEAL Christmas Gift Toilet Sets by Yardley. Dubarry. Demy, Fhtr. and BourjoU f,om S1" t0 f-Hy Fowdcrs,'from ::: " g -JJ! anicV,SeK from ?, 0 JL1' 'wder lloxw and Jars, from ... .. t ' rench 1)oll ,,uff(S from cV;S ?: I'dr ,-, lo 00 llrulu.s each IVrfume Alom"el. from each rliV!!! 'h Sails, from Jl'jf J to lm Toilet Waters from Ferfumes In bulk and oriKinal container A wide range of Face Fomlers in all aliadea. Single and Double Compacts -Manicure HolU in leather Canes, beautifully lined. House. Lipsticks. Creams. ..' . f Ormes Ltd. Tbe Pioneer Druggists 3"1 Avenue and fith Street The Hexall Store Phones 82 nnd 200 , Subscriptions taken for any Marine at lowest rates. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED lu- rU'" !u,,,r,uJf' VANc utv,:,,. vicioitlA. Alett liuy -" u in J'oilV HIMPHtlX. ANVO.V. ALICE MM. 8TKVVAKT and .N. Klvrr raSuB,,,,), iH'l. ,r"UC II Arthur' Taxi. Phone 878. BO. Undertakers. Phone 41. Scandinavian dance tonight In Met- Mrs. B, T3Ut3 returned to the city lat night on the Catala. , Buy your Christmas gifts at Dent'a Cloning Out sale and save money. Mrs; . Barclay J. Melllsh will be at home on Tueaday December 7 from 4 to 8. . 285 rafty Drew In Uk and Canton crepe I12.S0 at Benfa Closing Out Sale; T. A. Kelly, the logging operator .on Queen Charlottea, U due to leave lor I Bulkley Bay on the Prince Charles to morrow. lira. Y. Bowler of Stewart left on Oil morning's train for the old country where she will spend the Christ mas season. J. C. Brady. M.P.. left on this njorn- tng's train for Ottawa -to attend the sosslon of the Dominion Parliament which will open next week. Passengers sailing by the Catala this morning for Vancouver included T. J. Lindsay. Joe Ware. Ceo. White. Alex. Lamb, and Mr- and Mrs. P. D. Camv " " eron. The Prince Charles, which is waiting the arrival from Vancouver of th Princes Beatrice, is due to sail for Island points and' Vanoouver tomorrow inornliSR. I Union steamer Catala, Cspt. A. Joto-j stone, arrived at 840 last evening from the south and. after making her j rails tn the Skeena River during ttot i night, railed at 9 o'clock this morata on her return to Vancouver and way-port a. Look tn Bent's window and take a First prire, gentleman s dlsmond ring. value I7S 0O; second prize ladles' wrist watch value 125.00; third prire. gen tleman's nugget ring, value I15 0O. Bent's Closing Out Sale. tl The tug St. Faith reached port on Thursday from Queen Charlotte Islands with a boom of logs for the Sal Cove Lumber Co. The boom, which cjutalned about a mUllon feet. wUl keep the local plant In operation for some time. The shingle plant which tu being operated In connection with the mill is working splendidly and turning out a first grade product. Thero was a tendency to merriment at last night's board of trade meeting when the reading of the minutes referred to the resolution of protest that had been received during the post month from the city council as to the seating arrangements at the rcren; Thornton banquet. A broad Irish smile was even seen to jis over the countenance of the member of parliament one or those on behalf ot whom the protest was made, it ' la apparently a cloned Incident now with everybody happy again. ANNOUNCEMENTS Native Sons of Canada first Annual Ball. Mooe Hall, December 10. Trlnce Rupert Boys' Band Concert. Presbyterian Church. December 14.- Booth School Annual Christmas Concert December 15 and 16. Established 1923. OUR FEES A HE MODERATE The fact that this dental office la run on a strictly cash basis I enables us to charge uniformly jtime we make no charge for consultation. i . DENTIST' Exchange Block. Phone 109 Children's Colds Ait bit trtaltl Krnallr. Chtck lhm vtrn.ltht wllhout "dotlni" by rubbing Vlck, ,r lhrtt and ch,t at b4tlnt. WICKS W VauoRub THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personal Church Notices EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ HOW "FRUIT-A-TIVES" GAVE HER NEW LIFE MRS. J. F. RUTKOWSKA. "For several yem I suffered with severs constipation and was a nervous wreck. I had great pain in ray limbs, and such terrible headaches I thought I would go crazy. I had no appetite, could scarcely cat anything without stomach distress. After reading about 'Fruit-a-tives' I decided to try them. Before I had Ulen Milton Oonzales leaves by Monday three boxes. I was entirely well. I sin- morning's train for Smlthers where 1m I cerely think 'Fruit-a-Uves' saved rcy life." will act for the crown In a Oovern-, Mrs. J. F. Kutkowska, loistoi, iiani- ment Liquor Act appeal case. toba. Indication, biliousness, headaches, ner- in the back and limbs Capt J. B. Olllett of Sand.plt 1 re- jousness, pains are ma ,.,, inlng In , the city ... for , . a , tew ,,. day I I largely Ute caused ta by aftowms Fruit-.-Uves" posons to whlle his son U receiving medical at- fa nliunt rrm(dy, from intensified teutlon in the local hospital. frrtfi fniit juices combined with tonics. "Fruit-a-tives" stimulates the bowels, Mr. am Mrs. Oeorge' t Olecone and liver and kidneys to normal action and children are leaving on the Prince , b rices about a condition of delightful Charles tomorrow morning to take up their reMiecce at Port elements. health. Buy a box of jfFnut-a-tives", today. Eaioy life again. 25c and 50c, everywhere. 543 Goal nh best." Coal. , Bent's closing out sale. Pbone IS. P.R 2t Buy "her" a now dress for Xmas at Alfred Adams is rt turning to Masset; on ' the Prince Charles tomorrow. Buy Rupert manufactured shingle- from Eestl Oov Lumber Co., Ltd. t: Buy Telkwa OoaL It's a local pro duet; costs leas and l&tts longer. Afternoon Dresaw in largo sires a low prices. Bent's closing Out Sals. W. R. Love sailed tbU morning ot the Catala for Vancouver, ou a short. guess how many beans are in the J- business trip, Inspector WUUam SpUler. provincia: police. wlU leave on Monday's train foi Smitten where hV will be tn attendance at a case uuder tho OovernniotU Liquor Act. - z Leo Waugh. manager of the Cana dian National Telegraph here. .left on this morning's train for Toronto on omolal buslneM. He will be awsy two or three weeks. Princess Mary. Capt. A. Slater, ar rived from the north last evening at 3 and siUed again for the south at 930. She carried over 480 passcngeK who arc leaving the north to spend the winter In southern cities. 1 v Rev. Dr. R. J. Douglas, who wlU occupy the pulpit of the First Presby terian Church heft for the next three Sundays at least, arrived in the clt; this week from Kamloops and is a p. guest at the Palmer House. NATIONAL SECRETARY OF CANADIAN CLUB HT. ANIMtKWH CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Rector. Archdeacon O. A. Rlz. Sunday services at 11 a.m. and at 7.30 jm. Sunday .school at 230. Holy Communion - flrrtSipday of month at II ajn.; third Sunday of month at, a am. . (IIKITIAN ht'IKXCK hOCIKTV Service every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block, "Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday. "God, the only Cause and Creator." Testimony meeting on Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. MJTIIKKAN CIIIKCII. St. Paul'a English Lutheran Church, Metropole HaU, Third Avenue. Rev. Thos. D. Rlnde. pastor. Morning wor ship at 11 o'clock. Sermon theme. Christ charecterlses the Kingdom of Ood." Sunday School at 12 noon. Evening service at 7.30. At this service there will be an Illustrated lecture showing views of Olivet, Oethsemane, the city of Jericho and the river Jordan In Palestine. Everyone cordially Invited. IIAPTHT tllt nCII Morning . worship at 11 o'clock. Speaker, P. H. Llnzey. Sunday school at 230. Evening service at 730. Cap tain O. Morris, of the Navy League ot Canada, will be the speaker. His subject will be "Clod's Certainty versus Man's Uncertainty." a topic that should make an appeal to all thinking people. W. Vaughan Davles will be at the organ at 7.1S. Come early and enjoy the music. r.MTEit cm kcii December last was our best month for church attendance for the year. Help us make December 1928 a banner month. Come every Sunday and bring your friends. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sjtolat, Miss Catherine Irvine. Sermon topic: "Spoiled scones." Sunday School at SJ0. Evening service at 7J0. Sslolst, R. Howard. Sermon topic "What Ood said to the Mountains." Rev. Geo. O. Hacker will 'speak at both services. SALVATION ARMY Come and see the tableaux on Sunday 'night at 730. Theme: "The fluidity Star." Special music and song Sunday at 11 ajn. Holiness. Sunday school at 230. Saturday at 8.13. Song service conducted by young people. 1 Young people meet on Tuesday. Thurs day aud Friday. Public meeting Wed- eesday and Thursday. Home League every Wednesday at 230. You will meet your friends at tha Army. Let the Army serve you. PREMIYTEKIAV ClUltCII. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12.15. Evening service a'. 730. Rev. R. J. Douglas, DO., synodl-cal missionary of the Presbyterlac Church wlU preach at both services. NOTICE. To whom it may concern: Take notice that I will not be responsible after this date tor any debu incurred by my wife. Mary McDonald (Signed) Andrew Q. McDonald 23j J. Humphries of Anyox, formerly o: this city, went east on this morning's train en route to his old home la Wales. In addition to spending th? Christmas season at home he will als.i be present at the golden wedding anniversary of his father and mother. WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION .X1 ISE. TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. whose address Is P.O. Box 1700, Prince Rupert, B.C.. will apply for a licence t-take and use 4.000 gallons per day of water out of an unnamed creek which I flsws northerly and drains into Nesto In-', let. about one mile from the head of the I Inlet, on Its south shore. Tt.e water will i hA rilvprtMi from the Atrram At the IC fflMIWr NEftE Cnnn ' natural outlet of a small lake, about 653 Id LUilllttU llCllL OUUlijfee. from the mouth ot the creek, and . wUl be used for domestic and Industrial . , ! purposes upon the 7 acres of land de- Qraham Spry. National Secretary ofigfrtf M unsurveyed land for which Canadian Clubs, will reach the cit I lease is applied. This notice was the ground on the 23rd day posted on , ,,.,,,., r,-,.,, from Vancouver on December 15. 1 ! 5T November. 1926. A copy of this notice will confer with executive of the local jnd an application pursuant thereto Canadian Club on that date. A tele-jsnd 1 to the "Water Act" M be filed . ... . . 'in the office of the Water Recorder at gram has been received v. by the .u secret-, prlnce Rupert B c. objections to the ary of the local club and. at a meeting application may be fUed with the said last evening, an Informs, dlscusslou w.l twPnffiC took place as to the entertainment oi ; victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the visitor. Annuuncceicnt twill t ' the first appcaraccc of this notice in . made in the course ot a few days a. :;, "th!T Vo?e Is the nature ot the entertainment. W1KLI.ESS KEPOKT. 8 a.m. DIQBY ISLAND. - Rain, southeast! gale; barometer, 39.70; temperature 44; J moderate fees ror an classes or ,ea rought. 8 p.m. Ypres Maru 93fl dental service. Dentistry .on credit .miles from Prince Rupert. means higher fees. At the same DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.-32; temperature 44; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR.--Bain, , S'.E. gale; barometer 29.90; temperature 40; sea rough. 8 p.m. Canadian Coaster from , ber 1. 1926, JOHN DYBHAVN. Applicant ! Nerves Broken by Overwork Was weak, nervous, sleepless. Restored by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Tha restorative power of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is truly remark- Ocean Falls to San Pedrb 1740 miles, able as is proven by the experience of ths Wr,ter ot th,S ,etter' And Vet. from from San San Tedro Tedro. j on)y experionce, 0, ,H" , peoplo who put Dr. Chase's Nerve DIQBY iSUVNp.-rfoudy.s.E. gale. Food to the test. " .. barometci' 2960: tempefature AT; -'sea! Miss Jennie Kent, 139 Northumoer- ; rough. 12 am. SS. Catala at Claxtoc ; land St., Brantford, Ont. writes: cannerv southbound. ' , "The strain of nursing my mother DEAD TREE rOINT-BaVmeter. 29.-! JS 32; temperature. 43. , ajrw(1wi my nervM j had severe BULL HARBOR. Rain, squally: SJB. ' pains in the nere centres of my arms gale; barometer. 29.84; temperature, 40; and limbs which often kept me awake sea rough. 9.40 a.m. Caruena in John-! for hours at night. I also had a heavy ston Straits northbound. 9.50 Prince dragging pain acrow my back and Rupert abeam Poultney 8p,t south- ljr$i&l bound. 11.15 a.m. Princess Beatrice freUment oT Dr. Chase's Nerve Food leaving ucna ucua norrnpouna aue in nM re-iov these symptoms, how Prluce Rupert 3 aJn, Sunday. ' ar, aad b'It sio ap wonderfully.'! yte NEW ItBEATS-asitA HOOVER rs- as it Cleans Can Cijriitttjabe really (J$$$$ "MOTHER faces his? Why let her Christmas be marred with the dread of another year of cleaning? Why let her give so heavy a toll of her strength and rest? A New Hoover will brighten her Christmas as no other gift you could name. And whyTheHoover, instead of an ordinary "vacuum cieanerr aimpiy because Positive Agitation makes The New Hoover more than fw?rf oq ff!ripnr! Re- y! cause of it, The New Hoover Z9 gets more than twice as much dirtfromarng,in theordinary cleaning time, as even former Hoovers 1 May we prove it to you? A few moments at our Demonstration Booth will show you why rug experts the world over unite in calling The New Hoover the greatest advance ever made in rug cleaning. Complete with Dusting Tools, now only 56.25 down; balance monthly Sold Only by KAIEN HARDWARE CO. ' Phone 9. -J Give Her a Silver Tea Set It will brighten up the home and always be a source'of delight. The one above is Community Plate, Bird of Paradise pattern, at $53.00. We have many other styles from the plain style in a cheaper plate at $13.50 to a more elaborate style, hand engraved at $63.00. The $65.00 set is four pieces instead of three as above. John Bulger, Ltd. Jewellers 36feUEN WATCrTESE SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY - ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK ' . if V ft Including three distinct services for Family Work, vlt.T SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE, and WET, WASH 'ni most' reasonable -prices, v DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do tho rest. 1