PAGE .TWO K THE DAItA NEWS The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. Editor. PULLER - - Managing SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year .". .... $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per' insertion $1.40 -Member of Audit Bureau. of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, Dec. 23, 192C CANADIAN-JAP - TRADE TO INCREASE. Canada stands to increase her share of trade with Japan an an enormous scale next year. Already the volume of business between this country and Japan has vastly increased since the period following the earthquake, but it would undoubtedly be on a much larger Many Happy Returns to Alex. Yule, Real Western Pioneer, 82 Years Today Eighty-two years ago today Mr. and Mrs. Yule of Perth, Scot- j land, were presented with a bonnie lad whom they called Alex, the same Alex who landed in Prince Rupert in June. 1907. and the same ' Alex who enlisted jn the 238th Regiment and went to France and j did his bit for King and country. Of course he was younger' then, much younger he had to be for no one who had passed beyond the youthful age of forty-five was allowed in uniform to erve King ' Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 and country, let when many, wnose declining-years forceu tnem Local Readers, per iiifertion per line ..' ,. '25c ihomeAlex still remained and did his bit and still remained "forty- Classified Advertising, per insertion per word 2c "Te- ToUl n u 0,18 PPul P Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15cfPrtetor ot an Porium on McBride ,,rMt nd dellghu uu Mf Contract Rates on-Application. jot the "old dsys" la Ontario or Hon- All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject . to approval. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 Una. tbe days of cattle thieve and Vigilantes, the days of Indians and j cow-punchers. It was then .that a 1 rather memorable, but not pleasing in cident occurred. Many of the large cattlemen had complained of losing substantial numbers from their herds and a gang of Deschon, who. Is better known a Joe Bushaw, or Joe Bush, bears an ugly scar along the left side of his fact here he was bitten by the bear and from whet his Jaw bone was torn, and he has left only the right side of tha mpej? s neaim league. Accordln to hia atorr Deschon was ijjmuiu icver. scariei lever, and tulerculosis. All were nreventahle I WM naln ,ne rn8 r Jame Fer except pneumonia, cancer and influenza. Dr. Speechley said. i hey eat very little Battery Curveitt Peanut tubes are little tubes with the small appetites. They ask less of, and give more to radio sets than any tube you ever used. Buy to-day and have power with economy. Amateurs-put tnem Into your next set and have real reception. 3.q0 each Victor Northern. Electric Peanut Tubes gu. pioneer stockman after whom the county of Fergus wa named and who had about 4.000 head of cattle on pasture between the bad lands and th! Moccasin mountalna. "At the time Alex Yule, who in later yean wa a well known resident of the Belt creek valley engaged in the saw mill business, had a contract getting out timber for buildings and fence bn the Fergus ranch, and Deschon. with his two uncles. Tom Lawrence, a rrench half-breed, and Alfred Walker, a white, wa engaged In putting up a 15-mlle fence and wa cutting timber on a flat In the foothill about IS mile from the mountain. "For three mornings In succession Deschon had missed his axe from the plsce where he had deposltled It on the preceding evenings, and It had been found some distance away. The same thing happened on the morning In quesUon and Deschon determined to solve the mystery . This day he had hi six-shooter In his belt and thu armed he started on a reconnatsance. He soon found bear tracks ln the toft dirt under the pine bow and decided that the bear wa to blame for the carrying oS of hi axe. KTKKI' PITCH "Later Deschon mounted steep pitch for the purpose of there cutting some fence post and through an opening In the timber he dencried the grizzly. Hej armed with a 44 caliber Winchester carbine, accompanied him. Reaching the brush where the two unetes were waiting they left their horse and Started to track tbe bear through the ijruth. "At the second opening Deachon saw the bear where It had stopped tor lunch at an ant hlU. Deschon shot the :ear. merely wounding It. and tt dU- i appeared Into the brush with the youag men struck out to the terrorize the lndUn Tonowlng The bear bad, jumped country mis nay mey naa ai- mil ilJtw,y, tTcm tte without leavtef kUled three men when they carat ready any ua.kl w rtlow whten wtr to Alex and. with little questioning. Drschon ,Urtd back sad tt placed the noose around his neck. There nU UDelc mmlD nA u WM dHM was no use of argument, he was a ,he uncJr ttv3Uia go around tbe dup stranger to them all. but then. In that ot b.aih whu, rchoo went thraufii it frightful dilemma, a neighbor- son . WM folkwtog Deachon at some hove in view on horseback and ordered cliUI4ce wnea ue Indian finally the release of our friend, who was cime upoa , tte brush and ready to fight single banded any one u made fof , ttnli a of them with fist or gun. which but momentarily stuniwd Uy The Oreat Falls Tribune of recent Wg orMU The sheU tbe la Desehoo a scale were it not for the heavy obligations of the Tokio government . recm" " rifle and before he cotud extract it and private interests as a direct mlt of that disaster. jwhEh SUtS'JT The Japanese money market is prevented from returning toiPrt. An Indian had been savagely j ,Mr grabbed Deschon and normal by the problem of these "earthquake bills," amounting to ap-'tUcked by grt2Iy nd Mtx o tn ground, oaught bin, proximately $115,000,000, according to advice received by business VwiS Te JTy' , JST dLL interests here. on the wagon and. with hU jplaced ,f,t llme U)Itw hu eaarmou, tmu Several moratorium arrangements have been made by the Jap-'1"111' mulM- Al" out ,or the dociupon the Indian boy. fighting a be anese government since the earthquake to relieve th financial crisis atr. Z'TTLZT and when the Imperial Diet met last October a further extension vas;tlme the little streams were swollen. ,nU bare, h4Du endeavoring to how the granted for one year for the discounting of losses up to $50,000,000. u WM " he WM driving acros one .,., j,,., ttom gbm, hUB The "earthquake bills" originally we about $215,000,000 and fcJTvJTJt'J? thTdTer IJy ZV about $100,000,000 of them have been redeemed In other words, the j was endeavoring to make the other tulU tol9 b9f.t j4W theJ oU country is gradually rebuilding it credit "and is becoming morei,de- No tune could to,t- ,er ' him acres the forehead In the mean - able to buy extensively in world market. Evidence of this is shown '"tfLL . in the facj that Japan will be the heaviest foreign buyer of British creek. Finally, where the raft floated Columbia this year, with the single exception of the United States. !CMr om nhes. the rescurer were able to reach box and sufferer and drag IS THIS REAcO ithem ashore and the Journey oonttaued. FOR MILD CLIMATE. Although stories told by seafaring men are not always given' -J A 1- - . ! 1 . . , ... . . ' he still had hi six-shooter and drawing the weapon be discharged fire bulleu into Xb bear which tba fell away from him 5-t"MMoi:i m:i.r ' The Oreat Falls Tribune reports the ,t w1 hu compuMaa accident told tbe Indian u by 4t pn hto, ad nabmb! help H was plael in a won ami drlirra hj riding In pocket on the opposite sides ot tbe same horse, pulled each other's hair across the back of the horse. "Most of hi life he lived around Choteau. where hi mother lived and died, and he came to the a lacier park region about 1J yeara. ago, now being employed on a ranch on the1 reservation about three miles from the DlaclerPark hotel on tha opposite aide of tbe Two Medicine river. Deachon lived among the Cree,a great deal, sometimes up in Canada. He speaks English. French, Chippewa and Cree." MINY HAPPY RCTI'KNM This little story would hardly be complete without wishing our LAND ACT mitki; or iti:ntio to ,m,v to to ti:K UMI In Prlncs Rupsn Land Record nx DI-irtct of Pnncc Rupert, and situate on ne north Short oi crescent w.c uidt migni oe aae to mem. were IS persistent specula- -in a terrflc hand to band nghtwiaialA, T" u u.TT J: Moresby Island. Queen Caarlou. bland, tion on the mild climate of (he B.C. coast amontr th. 9!!nr ,h,,.. k... -i. TUIe U' fc0"m1 ' a the Province of British Columbia a&d who cross the Pacific from Chfria and Japan to this coast, and the f creek country in central Montana near-majority of them contend that the Japanese earthquake has been the If half a century ago. Joe Deschon. a cause of the mild weather during the last few years. ,'ywung Chippewa Indian was frightfuuy The Euro Siwo, or Black River, which originates in the semi-1 ,r0Unde, nMr,n" eaXlTt Mt M tropical waters off the coast of Japan, has for many years swept'0' nU low ,,w tom out and uilJ across the Pacific and down the western coast of this continent and f"? " ln the top ot hU btAd 17 has been held responsible for the warm climate of California and LZ,tT! tL of hi. Mnfi!!? f Vlt f RriUshumbia i.h.uTg'nteT' 2J claimed that as a result of the Japanese earthquake and the upheavals at hu home on the Biackfeet in-which resulted m the sea bottom, the course of the current has been dian reservation few miles east of deflected so that it strikes this coast closer to Vancouver Island, oiader Park station he u frequently There is not much doubt that the earthquake caused a severe shift,M'ii upon by tourists to relate the in the ocean floor just west of Japan for soundings have determined iduUt- that water once known to be excentionallv Hpon I now rmMr,.l w iviotlKs tively shallow. . FIFTY PER CENT DIE BEFORE THEIR TIME, Fifty per cent of the people in Canada die before n the opinion of Dr. H. M. Speechley. one of the leaders of WIn--)aw with which to chew hi. food. port uagtnBK. where he finally recovered and 25 day slier the happen-lag he was out and returned to the eene of hi conflict, for the pur km Ue ays. of recovering hi pipe which he has lost In the fray. "HU Jaw boa, with five teeth. stUl adhering to It, had beee picked up by x aoc be head v! the Inlet TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. BC . occupation Marine Broker Intestds to apply for a lease of he following descflbed land Commencing at a post planted on the lortb shore of Crescent Inlet, about na and a half tnUes from the head of the n!t: thence northwesterly 30 chsim beacf soMthwttteriy 30 chain, thence his uncles, and when, hearty a month , ou'.heasterlr 2Q chain; thence north after th fight he returned to get hi ; 30 ihif' V"1 eonUln,n ,wtT 11 4VA nun Or IG&M then badly decomposed. Deachon say It was a 'dog' meaning a male, and that it must have weighed about 800-pound. "Deschon I a full-blood Chippewa Indian now about 64. He was born in Wisconsin but ha been In Montana since a far back a memory can carry blm. He think he came Into the JAMES FIELD. Applicant. I I IN PROBATE IX TIIK M I'KKME I'Ol KT Of ltHltlM roi.iiiu j In the Matter of the Administration I Act: and ( 'n the Matter of the EsUte ot Clark Edward Bronson. Deceased. Intestate. order of Ills! northwest with horse and Uavols. He TAKE TAKE NOTICE NOTICE that that by by say m in thn those day th. tbe Indian Tnritint ,... carried Honor. Judge Kcbfrtaon. the 13th day ox 3emb.r v ,M(J( i was appointed iu ics (mk nuuj on aminjstratcr oi m estate 01 ciara the ide of horse and that he can re- tdward Brocaon. detested, and all parties j TJie. most - prevalent of human -ailments in the Dominion 17 er ot whn bl tue with ing claim ataint the said eut r t.- m Mituivuta ill iuc LJ J illl i I U II were WCfC ' J w wiu mKnb-. -h. n. ,nd - it.. . mmm . i t lcrfDT rrauifm to w furnish lurnuj same, unc, dtd pro the social diseases pneumonia, cancer, influenza, diphtheria, weasels, ' " DM' PUce 47 T no. He 'icreby required , Sthr vcruiea to m on or oeror me , day of January. AX) 1927. and all , turtles indebted to the estate art rt-' quired to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith, NORMAN A. WATT. I Official Administrator. Prince It u pert. BC Dated tbe 18th day of December. AX). iaa. WATER NOTICE. !IVKKS!On"TsI L'KE. TAKE NOTICE ' that Department of ' Public Work of Canada, whose address I is Ottawa, will apply for licence to take and use 3 XXX) gallon- pr day ot water out of unnamed stream, which; now eastwardly and drain into Dodn Cove on the eaat aide of Dtftby Iiland, ! B.C. The water will be diverted f row i good ; the stream at a point about 100 feet I friend Alex -many happy return of tho ,tn 1P2?'M cPr?I I w i . , . , . . . , subdivision of part of Lot IBM. Ring ' day. It is .u the sincere wish of his , v , 4nd vBj be' U"d for domestic pur-host of friends In the older lands and i pose upon the land described a Dodge in thU new land that he may enjoy L ! good health In the year to come, and 192a. A copy of this notice and an ap never be any older Uian "forty-five." IN I'ICOUATE. ix tiik m immrrTTuiT or hiutimi C OM Ml!l In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known as Anders Aim. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor. Judge Robertson, the loth day of December. AX). 1B28. I waa appointed Administrator of tha estate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known a Anders Aim. deceased, and all partle having claim against the said estate are hereby re quired to furnish same, properly verified plication pursuant memo and to lb I "Water Act" will be filed In the office or the water Recorder at Prince Rupert- Objection to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rixhts, , parliament Buildings. Victoria, BC. within thirty days after the first ap-1 pearance of this notice ln a local news ' paper. The date of the first publication of this notice is November 24, 1B2, DKPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS, CANADA, Applicant. By J. P. Porde. District Engineer. 1 Agent, LAND ACT NOTICE or INTENTION- TO APPLY TO, TO ITItniAM: LAND had previously shot a bear from the .n . v1 rX' i"". .?' In Prince Rupert Land Recording DIs- back of hi. horse and having received deblTd'to th. ..tale ti tXr '. Mnh IlOriD nOf OI IH OUth Arm Of ...... . - ...... thft imniint nf (hlr InrlohtiifinMi miline u Us l? a larn nim inr in nit n 1 in -" - . C . . V r forthwith. bounties from stockmen, and he de- NORMAN A. WATT elded he would cash ln on this more Prince Rupert." B.C. uncles were Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island, jQusen Charlotte Islands, Province of British cciumoia. TAKE NOTICE that Jamr field, ot 1. Returning to where hi. Daled tn, 3Ut" ocemb.?, D. ' Wis ?oC';nD15UFoV,n?rm', at work he told them of 1928. re th? ?oKg "bcS tne near ana ot nis intention to return . .... . ,'land: home for hi rifle. J CW.MI rtlMha Al l 1 commencing at a post planted on the "Mounting h)s horse he rode back to the camp and told his aunt to brlmr . - 1 i v 1 1 w ovuiu im u. mjo liar- TAKE NOTICE that LIPSETT CUN- b,ir. Moresby Uland. quern Charlotte ninuiifli lu. LiMiitu in" mt ex-: isvsnas. in tn j'rovince 01 British Col out his gun, a 45-70 single shot while Prtlon of o month from th first umbla, about 6 chain from th. end of I h. ..Zil ..k!. v . ,l . ! Publication of tbl. Notice intend tu the Oovernment trail; thenc. 10 chains When ready , apply to th. Rcglstrsr of Companies for northeasterly; thence' 10 chain north. to go hi aunt handed him hi own,lne approval of the change of nsm. t. wester y thence 10 cluln southwester- gun, and 44 rim fir. rifle carrying LiMrTrn mwuvb five shell for on of hi uncle. Ai DATED at Vancouwer DC wa at the camp, mounted til own horse and thU 10th le-s ly- tnence 10 cnains southeasterly, and rontIn;nz twenty 120) acres, niorn nr who. white man, m.n ni.b Dick Dean, who .k .... . tv.'dsv of December A D. 1920 JAMrn vin r I.. .... .. . LADNER tt CANTELON Annllcant U'lUcltor lor the Applicants, Dated November 29, 1920. in Wednesday's Issue The Daily News for a further announcement of their annual Temptation Sa which will surprise you Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Muling every record d iu beat. Thin n-w Urunwik quickly won the heart "f music lover everywhere The caae, too, is beautiful beyond the usual. Come in and say I want to hear the new ie ssNbsVbVQ9Hssbss9 a V4 Make Sure to See The Advertisem ent Acme of the rr?ir V Importers J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street XMAS GIFTS PERFUMES From the best French, English, American and ("anadi ,n r from .-lie IVrfume SeK from -.7r French Ivory and TortoWnhell Good Mnnlcure Seln, from 2?-. ' Toilet Set to , Also by the Hinirie piece.-, .Military Hrushcs, Shaving llrunhn. Fancy Stallone Chocolate, etc si:k OUIt WINDOWS SIS." SUiM"' jf.5Lv Rupert Pharmacy I'hone 21 Prescription SpecliilUtH We iSytt Canadian National rfJit Largcfl Railway Sylcm iri America sji. PRINCE lUITRT will leave PIUNCi: III 'PERT for VANTOrUK. TORIA, HEATTLE. and Intermedial pl"l eucll l llllA " s.s. pillNI E RtipERT for HTHVART an.l ANYOV. WKllN:I ' ' .. PRINCE rilAIII I U r..r VA Vl'n:l Kit tin Ol.EI'.N ( II till ""- KMo, forlnlglitl). PAhHi sdi ii tii ttvu i i: prince in l'i:itT r for I'liiV'i Vm MOMlV. Ul llMMHY and TI RIAY dt 1130 u .m. J fl li:oil(li:, tllMUMOV, tVINSII'M), all Miim IMMrrii Males, AUENCY All, OCEAN HTEAMSIIIP l-INK- .,ir,.e. t! Caiiaitlaii Vaii.iimi i u,i,.i for Money Ordem, lorrll" elr.. alvi for )our inm ultMiirnl. CITY TICKET Oi l ICE, AM Tlllllll AE. PHINCI! RI'PERT I'lwne tlin