AQt2TWC AIM fH'iV, i II You Cannot Buy SALADA TEA n in bulk. Sold only in sealed packages. The Daily News PRINCE RUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 'Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by moil or carrier, per month ...,...... 1.0 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and tho United States, in advance, per year 10.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year . , . 87.50 All advertising should he in The pail Njws Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation, DAILY" EDITION WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1026 Ol'UIKIK TOO OLD FOH PERMANENT LEADER. The M-irrtlon of Hugh Outhrle at Conservative leader seems to have been . compromise. He can hardly be looked ujon serlmislj as permanent leader of . party. When a . man reaches sixty years of i;t lie h Iik old to begin a Ufe work. It will be four years' or more probably before he will have an opportunity to lead tilx iarty through an election campaign and then, should be be sucress- Vfb 'tV?" ork l """nienclng. He Is at the beginning of a five fear term " at premier. A man of about forty should be chosen for a position of that kind. Then It he l beaten he ha time to eome liack. 'Mackenzie King was a young man and 14 still young and virile. The Conservative leader should uot be mueh nlrtrr than King. Of course It Is '.the butane of the Conservative to j-boo whom the) t 'ybih. Xo Liberal has a right to nay. but all eltlen of Canada are Interested la the kind of man who Is likely tome day 'to become premier. KIMILAK CONDITION PROVINCIAL 'POLITICK. In the provincial, field there In a somewhat similar condition. Pooley has you lb on hU side but that U ojl. There I little else to rnninieud him at a 4liader although he h a fine man Jn hi own exclusive et. ITovlnVlul .Conserva tive are .beginning to see. the futility or hoping to succeed wlthouta real leader and-, they -have .been scouring the country for a man, but so far without auccrM. The probability Is they all will go back to W. 1. Itovtser, who hat brain and force, whatever else may be Mild of him,,, . , NEW WEEKLV FOR "NORTH VANCOl'VEH J- -l ml '4 .North Vancouver ha a new weekly newspaper. The Review I above the average of the mall tonn weekly, takes on city aim and U edited undoubtedly oy a newspaperman. The province Ik covered with grave of unsuccessful newspaper and tome of them have taken their publisher to the grave with them. However, there 1 a good opportunity for a paper on the north chore of llurrard Inlet and the He-view should succeed. A well edited newspaper I worth a lot lo any community and "The Iteilew" Harts out well. We hall watch Its career with great Interest. JIAVE VOC A DANK DALANCE TODAY? 4 , -Have you a bank balance today? If you have not. this It the time to start -one. 'We have 'no plea for the bank. Some of them' do not even advertise "'!!L"r "n,r" DU-t'' believe In -bank and particularly 'In laving a balance on ..tlue right tide of the. ledger. very mhiii begin to work lor It owner and the first thing he knows hr l on Mhe;way to a competency. It Is mi easy once It is started with an object In view. ' ome people sate money In order that they may have a good blowout! "''!?' ,Tu?,,T' 'U""(-Hen Mifflclent. That Is a foolish thing ll do. ,Put awa -a lltfiriMch month auci you, attain a posjtlou ' ut liideiiendence aiid power that cannot otherwise be. reached. t. 'iav," ' ,,ot fi virtue. The person vtho sate Is not any better than the person' i ho spends but under present conditions he U wler; aiid t .likelier to end his day In peace. The difficulty 'l In 'beginning. Afler'tl?at ft'ifwlji. I'KlON OF NORTH jAIjIMKOrril IIIELAND. The movement for the reunion of Ireland may be said ilo have begun atthe moment of partition, ay the Manchester (luardlan. It seemed even then a thing Inevitable, though very far away. It does not look quite so distant to Softens the Leather "Nugget" gives to shoe the pliable comfort of aEc-preserve their original appearance tves them the ahintng freshness of new shoe. "NUGGET" SlioeMith Black-Tan- Tonty Utd-Dork Bruwn urui Whit Neutral) for light colurt. XLJ LIBERAL TRADE UNION FORMED NATIONAL ORGANIZATION KIR EMI. UVND AND IVAUS ItEI'REHEKT INO CT CNIONS A national organization of Llbers.1 trade unionists was formed ou Satur day by a national conference at the Caaton HaU ays the London Week! Times There were 22 delegate present from all parts of England and Wales. Some of the delegates were. of course, women trade unionist. Every delegate Vs a member of a trade unym, and a number were actually officials of trade union. The delegates were appointed by dlatrlct by thtf Liberal groups In the various trad union to which they belonged. Alto pettier member of 67 trade union were present. The conference had first to consider a memorandum, of objects which real as foUows: I' N FA IK TREATMENT It has been realized lor a long time: 1. That In many cases Liberals who art members of trade unions (a) Do not, In some respects, receive fair treatment within their unions. (b) Find that the contribution which they make to secure the return of representatives to Parliament are exclusively used to secure the return of members with whose opinions they are not In sympathy. 2. That Liberal trade unionists have hitherto had little opportunity of exercising adequate Influence In moulding the policy of the Liberal party with regard to industrial reform. 3. That owing to the lark of combination It ho often been difficult, if not Impossible, to make operative many of the safeguarding clauses of the Trade Union Acts with relation to the contribution to and the disposal of the political fund of the union. While there Is no Intention to set up car rival trade .union or interfere In any way with the legitimate working of established trade unions It Is desirable and, Indeed, necessary to create an crganlsatlon to overcome the difficulties set out above, and an organisation of Liberal trade unionist should therefore be established. This memorandum was unanimously and enthusiastically adopted. The chairman of the conference was J. A. Spender, president of the National Lib-eial Federation. The confeience was, In fact, held under the joint auspices of the Federation and of the Liberal and Radical Candidates' Association. A draft constitution and rules were submitted by the Committee and adopted with very slight modifications. It was decided to call the organization "The. National League of Liberal Trade Unionist," and to confine it entirely to members of trade unions. There was some difference of opinion among delegates on the question of the political levy. The delegates Jrom Wale wished to enable (presumably by legislation) any member of a trade union to earmark his subscription to the political levy for the party to which he was attached. Eventually the following constitution and rules were adopted: oitiECTs i:r forth The object of the Organization of Liberal Trade Unionists should be: To assict the formation of a group of Liberal trade unionists In each Parliamentary constituency In England and Wales In affiliation with the coustltu- j ency Liberal AsgocUUou. To bring such groups into union so that the opinions of Liberal trade unionists on measures particularly si- A lot of people are rontantly harping about safety first, (safety In f-!fctu,' th"n niay " air u" . nance. I a good thing. Nothing brlugt M juutli satisfaction at the feeling ol ' ihonuureljr ascertained. Independence on laving a good fat bank balance. T V"t "tb membe, J , v .. , ... i groups la the free exercise of their poll-No matter how much the eaniln, a small amount put by each week Uea And liberties. . ...v,..., . K,rui ei as neu as a icsi hi rnaracter. Money put away I To advise and help member on all matters connected with the political levy. To secure, where necessary, for members of the .organisation legal and technical advice on trade-union matters. To act, in co-operation with Liberal members of Parliament In oredr that matters affecting trade unionists may bn effectively brought before Parliament. To aid In concentrating upon the promotion of industrial reform and the maintenance of the rights of trade unionists the whole force, strength, and resource of the Liberal party. TO achieve these .objects 1. There should be In each Parlia day. Opinion In Ireland forms iiulrkly. and there have been mm slrnn i,iitv I mentarv constituency a btoud of Lib- of a recognition of the essential unity of Ireland, North and Houth. The hardly i r1 itAt unlonUU ami la ted to the WW party of which Captain Kedmnnd Is the head has not declared It lMillry conatltuency Liberal Association, very .definitely, but it Is, of course, already making bid fur popular sunnort -There tUstrlct organlsa- and It evidently feels that one way of doing that 1. to criticise partition Dr' Um iuf " DUtHCt Ubml rr,, of irr; i "nt Ln -f ,h- ' kju? Dublla. Mid he thought that was the first occasion on which the toast of Iheluency group, within the district. Prosperity of Ireland" had been proposed In the Free state by a Northerner.' .3r-fnere shall be a naUonal 'organ! That .perhaps, was not In Itself a great augury, but Dr, Fuller ton wa Justified sstlon which for national purpose in making it the viewpoint for a long forward look to the lime when the border hou,1 unl,e 11 the dUstrlct organlsa Hioiuu luie dltppeared. i tlon and thu speak both for them and ! f or their, constituent parts. CROP TO BE BIGGER THAN WAS EXPECTED EDMONTON, Oct. 13-Optimlstlc over agricultural conditions In Alberta and pleased with the prospects of a better crop than anticipated, - IJon. Qeorge Hoadley, mlatsterlQf-agriQtilture returned to f be city frouf's.rlp to Calgary and surrounding territory. "from all. available Information," Mid Hon. Mr, Uoadley, "t am convinced that we wltl have a bigger crop that at flrtt estimated and one which will closely approximate the estimate of 113.000.000 bushel made by the Dominion Oovern-ment. However, It Is impossible to tell exactly -what tire the crop will be. until It Is threshed and In the elevator. SOCIAL EVENING AT PRESBYTERIAN KIRK Pleusant Event Win 1'iuler Auspices of Ladles' Aid Program ami The Ladles' Aid of the Presbyterian Church hsd a social evening in the church hall last night Mr. J. Simpson, president of the Ladles' Aid. Mrs. Cameron, The Manse, and Mrs. Btork. West view, were assiduous in their efforts to (make the large 'company feel at home. I Dr. -Cameron occupied the chair and In I his opening remarks welcomed all pre- scut and explained -that the object of such gatherings were to make members j and friends of the church better ac- qualnted. j The following program, prepared by Mrs. J. Simpson, was thoroughly enjoyed by all, every Item being persistently encored: Chairman's remarks. Dr. Cameron. Piano solo. Miss McKtnley. Itecltstlon. W. V. Bmlth. Song, Mrs. J. Waugh, accompanied by Mrs! J. Black. Violin and piano duet. Misses Molly and Mellle Lawrence. - Bong, Mr. Wm. Millar, accompanied by Mr. Culleu. Reading from "Merchant of Venice." Dr, Cameron. Song. J, 8. Wlson. accompanied by Mrs. Cullln. Refreshments were served under the uipervlilon jf Mrs. D. a. Btewart, as ' listed by ladles of the aid and several pt the gentlemen present The meeting ' was 'brought to a close when Dr Cam- ' eron propesed very hearty votes of thanks to the artiste, to the ladle who ; served refreshments, and to the Ladies' ; Aid Tor arranging the pleasant evening BIOGRAPHY AND HISTORY ! IN NEW LIBRARY BOOKS There are some recent addition to the history and blogrsphy books at the public library, among them are: ItlOCKAI'HY "Walter de la Mare." by Megro. "John Keats." by Colvln. "Julius Caesar." by Powler. "Marjorle PlckthaU." by Pierce. HISTORY "History of. England," by Meiklejohn. "Selections' from the Sources of Kn$-jh Histoy." by Colby. "Ireland's Flaht for Freedom." by Creel. "The Turksh Empire." by Wversley. "Short History of the English People." by Oreen. THE MAN IN THE MOON aay a; Here's to ourselves. Wske up! There's reaUy no Increase in Insanity iverybody's about as crazy as ever. When you look at all those budding young bankers and then think of Uie Mld steely eyes they wiU develop if they stay on their job and have to tefuse loans. It makes me sorry for tlu world. Never hang around, does that. Only old clothes Blondes are aU right but they should be born not manufactured. Some one 1 discussing which U worst a double chin or a double life I say. avoid both. Dont forget when arranging for holidays that the stomach needs on oc- -ailonally. It Is confidently reported that peopb of many nations are taking to spaghetti diet in order to try to develop a Ten Years Ag in Prince Rupert OCTOIIKU 13, laic. C. A. Dunning of Saskatchewan, an expert on grain production and market-1 ,n'7i'Ir, advantage In marketing grain compared with Its competitors. Islands show that the salmon season I K Canada WRrGLEYS till quenches thirst, cools the parched throat and by Its delightful flavor and refreshment restores the joy of life. ccj After Every Meal MUierl. will) llic- ijNGOLEUM AfoJ in Canada WXONRSUA.X UUL1I oilAL 4rt-Rugs wjiiiiiimmm Cleaned in a Twinkling sweeping and beating are not BACK-BREAKING required to clean Conpoleum Qold Seal Art-Rugs. Ahes. tracked-in mud nnd spilled things vanish instantly with light mopping, bringing back the bright colors as fresh as new. The surface is accident-proof, seamless, water-proof and cannot absorb dust like woven floore coverings. And neither sun nor rain can dim the lustre of tke rich, harmonious colors that give Congoleum Art-Rugs their great chaim. Your Dealer SelU Congoleum Rugs OONCOLEUM CAN AX UNUTED Monttcal. Quebec I Ft. BRITISH COLUMBI The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1925. J'as produced Mineral a follows I'lurnr fiold. 77. 00.1.0. ft; .tlr fn r ft!; Silver. ?7t. 11 l,a7; Uad. HII.2I8.1M1J ; Qipi.or. $107,012.0,7 . Minerals, ei.ftll ,.:IK7 ; I'tul mitl Oikc. 27:i,18.lft:i ; Hi llrick. Cement, etc., 84 i;li0r,88(l; niiikiiig il Mineral I'nidurluiti li show an Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,2 The .Mining I.uws of 11ns Province nre niorr liliernl nttd 1ia 'e those of any other Province in the Donnnii n. or onv colony m the Hr u Mineral locntlons are granted to di' m erer, lor iioiiiifinl fee. AtiHOliite Titles art; nlituincd ly (luvelMiig -n h iniH5rtie the c is guaranteed by Crown OrntilK. Full iiiforniation, together with Mining Heporl and Map, gratN by oddroing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF Victoria, British Columbia. N.ll. I'rncliiwlly all Hrititli Goliiiuliio Mineral I'rujiertie npov niPnl work ha- heeu done are described in some one of the Annual It Minister of Mine. Thtxc considering mining investment ihouid rt-ports. They are available without charge on application lo Uie Ilcpnrlme Victoria. H.C,. HeporU covering each of the six Mineral Hurvcy Diilrirls separately, and are avuilahle on application. Ilejitirl of the licologi oi H r ada. Winch Hiiilding. Vancouver, are reconiniciided o vnliialile oiir-r . lion there has been very successful, panic ularly with rnpect to dog. The All ford Say cannery has put up 40.000 cases' and the Japanese salterl liave also been active. The Oranby Co. at Anyox has pro duced 43.108.M3 pound of copper dur Ing the past year as compared with 23, 748.000 pounds the year previous. Tlie l annua: report .shows a surplus of 24.40 earned on common stock. Advertise in The Dstly News WATER NOTICE. Oltsrtlen snd Ut. TAkT. MHi:i: tlu I Hubert (lenri Ibtm toil. Winnie tildresn I Inverness ijiinr. Mill 1I' fur a Ueeiire In Uke and use IJi.oul) lullbtis lN-r itsjr lit aster hi ut reek west of wharf at 'Inns Hit. ln klHiwn ss i mi name . wlileli fkms sonllt t-stl iul draini Inlo Trrfill IU (luiiil .wn r.-Pl ....nil uiiliir i ne iH'irli rrmi' 'ie smith IjiI "A. k tasrai I.H. The . u.l.i u lll li Hlvrlil ilu. .im.,,1 Ing, states that Canada Is at a dls-i4 imim almut "0 feet tmin its nioulli when'aixl ul" be used for dmiiestlr ml -annery rpuriMMe iipii IIi laiul ileerllieil t Ixil I "A", kltasixi I.H. This liiillre wat tmstetl I on tlie (round nn Hie 1 ft tit hf of ep Heporu from the Queen Charlptto I t'"a'llt, ?'l r'J.'L."' !"" .n",",:,, the "Wler Aef' will be filed In the of fiee of the Witer lleeonler it prince Oblerllon to the aiinllralhin msv h h flleil filed Willi llHt said Water llei-oriler m ft wini roller I'trilainenl ituiiiilnni, of Waiei lllehit. Vieturl. II. c Mlihin thirty il.iy after the first ap-rinre of mi iMiiire in a inrai inwpaHf Tlie date or tlie first piibllrlon of this notice I Seplemlier so. e. IIOfltllT OfcOUOK JOIINgTO.N, . Tpi'rani, WATER NOTICE. Dlvrson And Us TAkC MTli:F. IIui oiiiervlllc Cannery CoiniMinv, Ltd.. Whiisx addres Is Umi-Avenue Wharf, Vancouver, U.i.. vtill imr fur IIcvhi'c to take and an il,h er mlnuie of water nut of small stream, also known as Mill stream, wliirh fne iMirii-n.i sun innins linn juimy mrlmi tlNint .kio y pis iiortluvesl or southeast i-otiier nf Toko -Mlnlnsr Claim. TIh- wilier will be diverted from ttif- atrcsm mi iHilrit shout MO leet rrniu Us inoiilli In soiitliwesterly direction, m) will be used for Industrial pniHc nimn tlu laud ilHtrrllied sa ll. sere norllieaii of Tos-'i Mlnlnr Claim. Tills not fee was rsisteil hi llie irroiind ihi Hie Ulh dav or Mcnlcni-1 her. IHifi. A copy or litis notice inl ,u ai-plirailon imrsiiaut thereto ami id uie "Wfller Act'' will l, filed In the office nf the Water lUforiler at Crlnre liinierl. Im:. objection in lu application mv bn riled Willi I In- said Wtler liecoriler or Willi Uie Comptroller or Wler lllshls rarli.iuienf tiulldliiKi, Virtnrls, H.r . snii.' In thirty Hl.iy arier (lit- first apiH-aram-ii ir this notliv In a meal rietiaiirr Tim (Mlii of the flrat piihiimikm of ihis no-lire ia October t. IdJO. SHMlillVII.I.K CA.MEKY CO., I.TII., Uy Fred DeiUrluy Millie? Aienl: Steamship and Tr Service -Jlu fnmi PRINCC StUPtRT for VaNCOUVta, VIOTOUlA, I esrh TMURSOAV snd SUN OAT, 11X0 a.m. fur AN VOX WIDMISDAr s ' or ATtWART tATUnUAY H; ...PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARtOTTC 1 fortnlghtlf. PASSENQER TRAIN! LEAVE reilNOK MUPEMT iMIly " am. ror prince oeoroe, Edmonton, winnipeo, a. Canada, United guiei. Agtney all Oc aunvtil LIkm. Use Canadian Mallunal F.iprraa fgr Money onlera. roreur' Iso for ypur netl thipment cu Tiettt ohim, Thlf A.., prince RuperL f Consider The Squirrel ll lay in his wiuler supplies while the and there ife an ahiiiitlaiico. When winter n doi'f, his iruiiiit'diit'iN navef Juni a lot or wor' veiiit'iiee. Man Htvnw !o he the mo-t iniirovideiil many of u never thiiiU of the winter's rue! -it, cold flpull in on us. yet we expert prompt tie w'II'iid.dry fuel. Jjiv in your winler'K stock of eoaJ now w vunieneiiiK yoiiriselr. We have a good nloek NANAIMO-WCLLtNQTON COAL nnd can tleJiver it to you at anytime to Mill v us now ul 116 or 117. Albert & McCaffery, U Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West P. O. Bo ANGER The Tailor Fine imported Sorgo and Scutch hr A HO Tweed Hulls made to order in ourLKll lV shop in Prince Huperl ax low as Utle 223 8lxth 8treet ! ANQER, Cutter Prince nupefij,