' j, i " IS.' (IS sir. t. j.; . a. , S 0"iM SPEAKS ABOUT, BRINGING UP FATHER By George MclftJ 1 I l .1HS.T "Mr CFn IllEt-'Aslll . II B . h.S', . .rrs III - ...:. I f , II 1 I . SPORTSMANSHIP 'JAMKS SIITrilKU, FORMERLY OK v THIS CITY. C1IVES ADUKSS AT AX VOX :A) very Interesting add rest was tirrn in the united Church on Sunday even lng by James Mitchell of the Oranby Day School staff, says the Alice Arm and Anyox Herald. The subject on which he spoke was "The Principles of Sports- mansmp." In being called upon ,to address you witn such a topic as sportsmanship, said . Mr. Mitchell, I find that U Is a term which has really been cultivated In Very recent years, it exemplifies the essential quality of a sportsman and Is used In a sense far removed from the word "sport" which has almost a taint of 111 repute In Its connotation. Do not con siaer.me "sport" which Is applied to a man who Is reckless or .Irresponsible. , Let us think of It then as being applied to a sportsman. ' kWTIAL OIUI.1TIKS But what are the essential qualities of. a sportsman? In simple terms, I should set them down as follows: To be a good loser and a graceful winner. The first, namely: -to be a good loser Is practically demanded by the public and man Is forced to put on a congenial front in the very face of defeat. The latter namely: "to be a graceful winner." demands the real test of char- acter because It Is so entirely personal and a lively man is liable to be excused l"If victory brings an overflow of vanity. : Whenever a man Is put to the test, f". js.h two features "will prove his " worth. . VARYING UK It'TIONS We find that men and women show f f varying reactions under the stress of ... , trial and It outcome. VWe are quick , to Judge by these reactions If a person has schooled his cpfrlt to refrain from resorting to primitive instincts. , Personally I should hardly consider sportsmanship as an Inherent Instinct. V The growing child displays It but feebly. A youngster has-to be trained to accept reverses, without pouting and giving vent to his feelings of displeasure when .thln8? do not break favorably. On the other hand, a child should not be allowed to flaunt apparent successful 'coups before children who have to be satisfied with less: :; 'in j childhood we see very little give and take. As for a good loser that boy s Isan exception. Just picture a child uttering no regrets If his favorite plaything is harmed over, to a younger brother.' with parent as umpire. Will the younger brother be a graceful winner . and try to pass on some of the Joys ot . victory? You all know too well Just f . , what does result. r PART OF ATIILETICH,. i ,Ytthls feeling of sportsmanship Is i spreading throughout the world so that . a. man today would hate to be told that he was a poor loser, or that he couldnt win without assuming airs. How has this been built up? Athletfcs have taken a very prominent part and It Is from the first testing field that the word had taken a wider application to all attitudes In life. The school has had . a .ire Influence, as teachers and ln- - true tors in charge determine to have those under their tuition ever ready to N on ' correct terms of sportsmanship and stimulate a .friendly rivalry. - Mr. Mitchell discussed the great part .?ne Church played In developing a "give and take" policy. He outlined the sports of Anyqx and concluded with : an -appeal to all to be good losers and graceful winners. EXCITING GAME OF FOOTBALL IIOIIKKN AM) IIOOTH SCHOOLS II.T ( V TLLII T A TIE LAST ? LYKMNd In one of the most exciting gamea plsycd this series Booth and Borden jbsttled ioa draw In lasf night's ton-test. The weather was ideal and there was a good turn-out of supporters of both teams who made the air resound with their vocal encouragement to the teams. Booth plsyed up the hill and took up the attack right away. Booth forwards were very dangerous and Jock Nelson led his line with speed and was always worrying the Borden defence, stiles was very reliable and saved the situation. Roy Wicks opened up the game but Booth was right back and Mlwa stopped Kelsey. in quick succession R Nelson, Bagshaw. Wlngham and Dickers snoi past and Borden defence was having a gruelling time. E. Smltt centered but Cameron cleared and Kelsey then stopped Ratchford. From a centre off J. Nelson, R. Nelson missed badly. From the goal kick Borden made a sally and Msu-TVnM 1,1,1.. over. It was all Booth's game with Burden making bresks-away all of Vhlch were dangerous as Smith and Ratch- iora .centred well. Then from a scramble In front of Booth ' goal Lee scored and Borden were a oi UP- Booth looked sure to score and forced a couple of corners but they were scrambled away. Booth maintained the (pressure but Stiles and Mli n.rH I their lines. Steen fielded a high, shot - of 'Kelseys safely and half time come with Borden leading though they had had less of the fame. SECOND HALF On the kick-off B-fth once mors . took up the running and Jack Nelson was again prominent. The ball rolled .. 1 I . ionJCl!bz-J Asii&r across the goal but no one was up to put It through. Booth forced comers and It was ten minutes before Borden got over the half way line. Kelsey sent his forwards off again and Baeslmw and J. Kelson were stopped by Stiles. Then J. Nelson scored and pandemonium was let loose. Roy Morrison sent back Smith and Wicks and Stiles cleared when J. Nelson had the goal at his mercy. Cameron mlsklcked but re covered well and then Scott had hi first shot. Kelsey took the ball rJen through the Borden defence for Stile to kick It off his toe. Nelson was through but put pact. Booth forced three corners but all were cleared, outdrive of Kelsey's being luckily cleared Smith got away but Cameron spollc; him. Booth seemed sure to score when j a penalty was awarded but Kelsey muffed the chance. Booth maintained th pressure and Steen shakily kicked away and Stiles removed the danger. The en dc&me with the teams tied as the result-of a most exciting game. Jack Campbell refereed the game and J." Currle and S. Qurvich were lines men. The league standing Is as follows an Borden1 need to, tie or toeat High School m Saturday to win the le&jitso championship. w L D for agst. Pt lord en. . 7 4 2 1 13 9 9 3ooth .. 8 3 ,2 3 12 9 9 High ... 7 1 4 2 8 15 4 Saturday's game will commence at 250 Borden V. High. COUGARS WINNERS IN BILLIARD FIXTURE !efeated IW-ater lji.t NlCht by Total Score of 916 to XX9 The Cougars defeated Beavers bv a total score of 926 to 889 In last night's tiUlard fixture. The results of the var ious games were s follows: Fred Pyle (Cougars). 200; W. H. tons (Beavers). 155. Q, P .Tinker. 138: W. J. Nelson. 200 Bert Morgan. 200: A. McDonald. 183 M. M. MacLachlan, 200; Ben Self 151. S. D. Macdonald, 188; Frank Aldrldge. ?00. i SPORT CHAT i The final basketball organization meeting will Uke place tonight. Team will be registered and the first Dlayln dates of the season set. Within a week. this popular winter sport will probably te under way In the Exhibition Hall. This year's World Series was In manv ways tfce most sensational lathe his tory of the -Big Leagues. In the betting Wall Street was against St. Louis as It wss In the Dempsey-Tunney scrap. Neverthtless, of its five victories. St. Louis got three on the foreign field at .ew York and two.ot these were In th flnsl two games when the series was going against the Cardinals. Many" an Idol. fcSs been otst down In the athletic world this summer but not "Babe" Ruth even If he n nn the losing side. In prscticallv everv I Held . of sport old champions hsve glvei . way to new but the Bambino set up a . new record, namelv thre imma nm i. - - a single game at St. Louis.. . The Anyox Badminton Club has elect- m 4 jor Tasty Dishes This book will give ybu many suggestions for enanges in menu- Ana the dishes are easily and economically prepared. Write The Borden Co. Limited, Vancouver. 2 Condrnviry at South Sumas ll.C. :d officers for the season as follows, resident, Fred Brown: secertary. Mrs. J. O. Flicker: . mmiiHv. Kf. ir c-w- - - -- Jn. D. Koy. J. . Wilson and Mr. Brett wauuuuwu arsaou in ar snelter town gives promise of being e try successful one. ... .... .nyox High School and a promlneni ithlete of this city, delivered ah ad. . . TZ? Je s... smelter town. "I"1' Va?h The --speech ws A1' .rtnted" verbatim In the local naner Jlmmie Is making headway ss sn orator is well ss in the thtti. fi.irt AUCEARM A well defined ore body has been discovered by A. Davidson on the Kit- sault group of claims on Evtndseu Creek adjoining the Dolly Varden oi tne norm. The vein la about sixteen feet wide and a crosscut of the ore at depth ot twenty feet shows it to carry lead, tine and ruby sliver, i -The Alice Arm branch of the B.C. Chamber of Mines held a meeting ip the Anglican Church lastVvenlng when election of officers took place and other business was' transacted. J. Brown has' been here from the south making an Inspection of the log glng equipment of J. Wheatley, with a view to purchasing It. KKPOKT nr.MHi LONDON. Oct. 13 Renorls that the Prince of Wales Is to be betrothed to the Tnfsnta Has . 1 14 nf Qnnn 4-a -- u v stasis vut-uiatru uj gossips here some weeks go It is said t.j ........ ... . . .. ciuua uuicmi arniai ai uaaria on Sep- umber 30. Advertise in The Dally News CO, LIMITED - MONTREAL CM4 EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND Qurestemd Best CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH wsw a ii i i i bp ii Milam.. WW 1 ra5?-1 1 St. VQ LtS I MONTREAL IMPORTERS SALE ENDS SATURDAY Pnbllr Apprerlallon of Montrrul Sale Prlee Orruler Than Pruprlrlor lliml for and llu)rr Piruwl, Too . iur unma ui inr sale ccmmracnl jatl 'week br the Montreal I moor ten haa proved conclusively that Prlact Rupert pecp: appreciate Montreal prices In ; heir own town. And old J. B. that's 'J. B. Miller, the proprietor to 'quKe aa I pleased as his customers. Like ertryoee ne iulcs oeuw ainretaa Ana a :etter he received this week has pleased jlm more It says: "I. am a working man with a family and I have not had a chance to. get down to the Montreal Importers' Sale yet with my wife, for pay day is not until next Saturday, and your sale was on the SAUrdiy with no pay. Now I want to buy as cheap aa anyone else and get la on th bargains you, are offering. Will you keep your sale prices on until this coming Saturday, so ss to give S poor man the same chance aa those with money all the tlfcef" Now 'J. B. didn't think of Vitr t nightly payday when he started this sale he's got a lot to think about and eant think of everything at once. And to show that he appreciates the henetty of any man who would admit that he didn't have money all te Ume. he has decidla to let the sale at cut ilfltre prices run on until Satwrdiy as re quested, so aa to jive the writer of the letter and any others the same opportunity Montreal prices sere something new to iminr Prlnor ftupert. ituperx, but uu at ai this tats sale, sale, even even the the UoW. Aontreal prices have been slasbed,to pieces. Men's suits and overcoat! ami everything a man needs to wear Is being offered st a new low level of prices i"1"" uiuum during this uus sale. auc. And Ana there uinr are are women's wear. too. So look, into the Montreal Importers' store MiH'wrra wsvir vnv Mir rnos. ii will W rou, It will be worth whil. any- sy to see how pleased J. B. looks 1 I Advt. MUST NOT DRIVE AT SIXTY MILE GAIT IN EDMONTON IS DECREE EDMONTON, Oct 13. Edmontons fa- mous straightaway speedway PorUg- Avenue, isn't going to be a race track tny more by decision of the city police. Sixty itille sn hour paces wont do, they declare. Vern C. Munro. and Herbert Bennett. two amateur motorcycle daredevils sre ths first to run afoul of the law on the famous avenue. Detective Smith told Magistrate Prim rose In court that ths two were shoot ing up ths avenue at sixty miles an hour, varvlnz their toeed' down to forty at times. ' . '.;- And to; Sdd to their show of speed they stood .on the, loot podtlsishd let their srmi igV in the sir. ths detective said. They were fined 20 each and costs. HANGED FROM TREE OPPOSITE GOLF LINKS COLWOOD NE-1R YICTORIA Henry (Irrenmxxl Stinxeit tn Hair ll.iimeil Himself During I'll f leioiidency VICTORIA, Oct. 13- Dangling from tree opposite the Colwaad Oolf Club. the body of Henry Greenwood was found yesterday. He had been a resident Of the district for roady veara and the police express the opinion that he hanged himself when -despondent over Imag ines financial troubles. He was about 70 years of sge. PREMIER'S MOVEMENTS ON REACHING ENGLAND NEXT SUNDAY MORNING LONDON, Oct. 13. Premer Mackenzie King should reach Liverpool Sunday morning and will entrain directly for London. On arrival there he will leave at once to keep a Durelv nrlvnte kii- polntment for a few hours. He will stay at the home of High Commissioner Lar-! kin on Sunday and on Monday will take ud his residence st the Monte Hotel where he will stay during his sttemlsncs. at ths Imperial Conference, I For anted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTED. j WANTED. STENOORAPAER, QRADE two. female, 'for ths Department of Marine and Fisheries, Prince Rupert. Salary teco per annum. For fxamiu-stlon. apply to Rev. Oeo. O. Hacker. 663 Sixth Avenue West, rlnrs Ru-pert, not later than October 16. WANTED. ONE RELIABLE MAN IN every town, merchant preferred, to taks orders for beat customs-msOe clothes In Canada. Highest cor.i-rnissions Rex Tailoring Co. Ltd.. 1o-ronton (3)' FOR SALE. FOR SALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN IS-UU, we are authorised to sell several lota, some corners, harbor view, and on sewer, prices low and term from 110.00 monthly. Enquire T. McQymont u FOR SALE. FORTT WYANDOTTE pullets; raised on free range in dry belt from winter laying strain. Bot 330, Dally News oflfc. Phone Blue 129. 3(n FOR SALS FOURTEEN OOOD HORSES Apply at Skeens Lumber Co. Usk. BC. or Oeorg Rorle. Hays' Block. Prince Rupert. B C. 349 TENT FOR SALE. NEW THIS YEAll and used onl one week. Pries 120. Pullen. Dally News. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE IOR SALE. Phons Blsck 183 titer 6 o'clock. FOR SALE, CHEAP. HALF A TON OF old newspapers. Apply Dally News. f TO flfclUT FOR BENT SMALL FURNISIIKT house. 1009 Eleventh Avenue, ner Cold Storage Phone Blue 3. FOR RENT PIANOS, 'PLAYER- pianos, phonogrsphs snd sewing ma chines. Walkers Mssie Btor. FOR RENT. SIX ROOM MODERN flat with bathroom, at 171 Third Ave East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tf FOR KENTMODERN UP-TO-DATE flat; large airy rooms; fire ptsce close In. Mst Hellbroner. FURNI8HED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by dsy. week or month. Phone Red 607. U ROOM TO RENT IN PRIVATE HOME. Waterfront view. 330 Fourth Avenus East. . if MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT FIVE rooms and bath. Munro Bros. - BOARD AND ROOM. Ii u A li U. THE INLANDER. 839 Second Avenue. Phone 137. LOST. LOST. BETWEEN DRY DOCK AND OTP. wharf, .black wallet, .containing I3.00, $10.00 and $20 00 bills. Finder please return to Police Sta tion or to J. de Csrlo, third officer ss. Prince Charles. LOST. PARCEL CONTAINING FANCT work, between St. Andrew's Rooms shd Ambrose Avenue. Finder please leave at Dally News Office. LOST. LADY'S OOLD WRIST WATCH on Third Avenue. Finder please re-turn to Dally News Office. 3H MISCELLANEOUS MAKE -MONEY AT HOME. MEN AND women can earn $1 to an. hour in pare ume writing showearda. Ns canvassing or soliciting. w Instruct you ana supply you with work Write todsy. The Menhennit Com. pany Limited, ei -Dominion Building Toronto. C'lllllOI'KAi'Tlc lH. K, K. i:VOUM)V niiKornuinu tJ Third Avenue. Office visits . $1,00 House calls . tl.oo For appointment Phone Office Blue 8S Residence Blsck S13 PAIN in BLADDER rVsmpllv Caiss by SANTAL MIDY sues ts est ths Q.nutn, Laos for ths word MIDV Sold bf m druignu NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. L advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOUND FOUND. FIVE BASEBALL BATS. Ap ply Dally News Office. ANOTHER Bid REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. Ton I'lilitr Ki- prcss Chimin $ 823.0(1 Vi Ton l.lifbl I)rllvery r.haxnls fi30.00 Tftiirlnjf an HtMitUler I 813.00 IMirt H(Xirllrr . .. KHO.flO -nach and Coup .... ...1020.00 an IMf&.iiO Lamlau fllHi.OO USED CARS ON HAND Por.1 l.ijrhl l-IUrry, oii trrxly i 73.03 Fonl l.ijrhl Unlivery. nanH bo.ly !50.0o F.inl I.lirhl IMIIverv. slartrr evtitpnrint ... IS30.00 1 FonJ Tinlor Silnn. slarlir pqnipinrnl . .. 1300.00 I OIlmnbil S-nassea. ' Her Touring. 00 Trrm can b irransrl in Imlii new ami ue-d ar lo suit lh ftirrliasfr. . KAIEN QARAOE poaWs in cadllae. McLauqhlln. Oakland, oidsmoDlle, Ponllao and Chevrolet Car Phone 62 NEW CAR PRICES Itiinnlionl 1581.00 Spori Handpr fisn.nn Touring (lOS.Ort CoP ... 751.00 Tmlor HciJnn 7fld.no Funlor SctJnn SHt.00 l.ighl DHivcry :!2.(I0 Trurk 581.00 Thee price Include freight, taxes, seir starter and balloon tlret. Cill oc Iclcpliono for (Icmnnstra-llbn or driving lfons. S. C. PARKER, LTD., Authorized Ford Salea and Service FORD Cr TrucKt Tractora TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Urorge, Paul or (IuaI) x anl Rcvr?n I'nsscnjntr 8lud oakrrs at your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. crn from Kmprc Hotel. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES IfMOMM.ii TIII'KHHW. OCTOIII Il 11 8:60 ajn. 10.1 ft. 18:33 Dm, 18 1 " Low 0:14 ant. ej) " 12:18 prn. 10.5 " IIIIIIAV. nt'TOIIKR IS "lh 8:13 sjn. 1SJ ft. 19:88 Dm. no Low 1:28 sjn. nn 13:48 pm. 10.8 " ' , KATI IIIIW. OC1IIIII K H'gh 8:34 Sin: 17 3 It 2 1:31 nm. IBB - Low 3:48 sm. ' 19:15 p.m. OA M'NIIAV. (K TOItl lt ,IJ High ......... 10:34 am. 18.7 ft - ' 91-91 t ...... m , tit. . H tow 3 87 a m. a a - ' H:38 p.m. 7.8 M MdMlAV. OCTOIll'lt IB 11:14 am, 2BJ ft. 33:31 nm. tins i Iw 4:58 sm. m - 17:34 pa, sa " ; MAIL SCHEDd IH'T-OOlM) l'r the jt ktohdsya. Wedne; j v ciosea . . To 1'iimnm-Suiwisys Tuesdays Thursdsys I Bsturdsys 1 CPJt Oct ta a ii t, iTs Anjut. Allre Aria, ! Sundsrs . Ts PI. Mm(MiMH ij Thorsdsys to AUis Polnl October snd $ Tn (arn CrirMlr. October ft sr.d Ts n)o and .tike ins. Wednesdays Ts Mew art and rrrmbv- Saturdays l-out iTsrn the Mt Mcmdsys. Wtdaesdsri iu ! at I rum sivr-taier Swodays . WedneMtsys Frtdsrs .. . Bsturdsys VVJl, Oclcbrr ( a l llssa' A Alkr tna. rmiilef Tttewiars rtm rt. Hmxaa snd Satttrdsva IVmsi Abka roists October II and -y I mm ((Hern rtisrMlr October 7 and n Irwm tnfo sad Altre sn- Thursdav I rom Mm art and PrutW-1 Sundsrs ll) tlljinwvl Orsbsm a Atira r I IM Avs. A lib si. lib Are a rut if -a st I" lb Ale a TfcAjnp a $i II A Shrit.roi.le lit I II 4 C44HS4 (I ID sib tv a turn i..-t r sib a Itavs cove . ir ? lib tie a rinina 91 I'1 rib its. 4 VrBriiV ? to Pro. Oot rmm. I ' fn. 0t. Wbtrf " fl.T.P Wbsrf . i O.T.P. Ststkm . . fnd Ave a fnd St, III rd Air 4 rultnn t '' 11 Jrd Are. a tb i STEAMSHIP MOM .... . . . . rnr iinrotiirr Sunday m. Prince R-T"' Tuesdsv- -t. CmrAc l Thiisrdsy s Prinr Pl Saturday ss. Catsla Ssturdsy s. Prlncs" P" fVl 99 IWimmm Ui1 From Siirouirr aunoay--, iararna ' i Wednesday ss. Pr OkT iuar---. VIUUI Ssturdsy-HM, Pr R' omiurnsy ss. rnncrr-i i - . ... Ur I ucioorr -ss. mni October 16-ss, Prince "j lor PnrC Flmpn snd rrtdsy s. csUls J I rotii Pnrt Mmimin snd M,1 Saturday ss. Cstsls f... . . A DM ounaay sr csraena From Mrnar' Anjo snd Tuesday Cardrna . . r Kirnsri Ssturday ss. Prince IWP' Irom Mewsrl Sundsy as. Prince Bup" lor ijueen riiarlolles rv. A n i -t.-rlfS w mm, rnwv Oct, 23 s. Prince ChsrW lioni ()uern f1urlolle- UCI. 7as Prlnr cr.arw Oct. 21 ss. Prince ChU1" I i or An;ni i Wednesday-ss. Prlnes 01 From Aiijot I lor Menart Bsturdsy ss. Prince nuprrt From McMirt oundsy ss. Prince Rupr lor Als'ks Oct 8 ss. Princess Mn Ort IS mm Prl nfmmm UUl i mm Aienks wt. 13 ss. Princess N" Oct. 22 s, Princess M Advertise la tbs OsllT