passing Wik Sandy By MURIEL NARRAWAY tere i London Designer Adds Millinery to Salon : Hartnell-designed out- the sides. A loop of matching Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, Octobér 10, 1952 : Now Comes ‘Fur’ Made From Nylon LONDON ©—Smart women will welcome the latest thing in British fur fabrics. It looks like the real thing, and costs q Nyleen, a fur fabric processed from nylon, can be made to look as like a real skin as the skin itself. It is light-weight, warm, moth-proof, fire-resistant and washable—and it will Short jackets resembling mink, sable, Persian lamb. ocelot and ermine will soon be sold for around £20. A factory in Durham has started production of coats, capes, muffs, stoles “They will be big dollar earners,” said Alfred Morris, Britain has been the first to develop nylon “fur” for The fabric was first developed by Canada’s Defence Research Board for Arctic wear. This advertisement ts nec puviishea or displayed by the Liquas “ontrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. j LONDON — Norman Hartnell,’ fit with maich hg hat are in- material caught by diamante 4 | the Queen's designer, has started *tamtly aware of the faultless strands gives an eastern look , Norid la new line, His discreet, crested toning #to the centre crown, and a circu- it the Premises off London's Bond Milling ha been one of lar veil just covers the eyes I per the j ! ‘ street now include a hat salon. Hartne!) idelines for many Evening hats have much of the ot tees , s 4 i “eo It is the first time since he years although he has not pre- jewelled splendor of the design- Ft ry 4 te im d ; rose to prominence in the garish viously exploited it. Now how- ef’s sequined and beaded ball ‘ / ; eS 1920's this designer as seriously ever, hy, may well compete for SOwns, but little felt numbers s wn turned his attention to hat pro- ‘West End favor with Aage for day wear reflect the sim- duction, But those in the know Thaarup, recog; ized in fashion plicity of the classic tailored not wear out are not surprised circies as the Royal milliner suits and dresses that are part frase! “ew people regularly visiting Among the more attractive of every Hartnell collection. Like edie! nis grey and silver salon realized’ models in the mew salon are the suits, the hats have that the chic little bonnets so ex- lavish! embroidered half-hats something special to cohvey the and hats. quisitely matched to his spark-'for ever ing wear such as a “Mayfair” look. ling gowns have always been his mauce cap in woven strips curv- Severest outfit in the latest pviniiiees iti mi own design. Hartnell believes no| ing to the earg behind the hair-| eollection is a black cloth princenel of he Seley Sener ey es saa e es a outfit is complete unless the hat line. From crown crest of, theatre suit with straight skirt * TALL, LATE TULIPS in the earden are , \is chosen to match velvet, a plum of Paradise feath-| fringed with jet and unshaped | {@8hion wea ht kit a th ht oe. rh sce gy piel spony ie “The right hat makes all the'ers curls softly to the shoulders. box jacket similarly fringed, : right kind a e right time. These are listed under thany | difference he said oO} m hiac natal, i P classes including Darwin Cottage, Breeder, Parrot a : ‘ ; ' " For a slim black cocktail suit This was coupled with a black j ‘ : i “8 rrot, Rembrand Certainly those who see the thers 1 smail pillbox of black felt beret worn completely ji and ue late Goubie. No other flower can provide a garde display (Queen, the Queen Mother and satin with emerald-and-diam-| straight, its erown decorated more colorful than the tulip Princess Margaret at close quar- ante paisley motifs curling round with jet beading. This unfeminine suit with its C dl rf ht ‘ 1920 look lacks all the usual n Ig C U t t M t glamor of the designer's well- anale eremony Unites utneran Velegates CO. te ge eee ee / ‘ — wear. It may. however, remind A " SEATTLE (AP)-Subjects ranging from th nin ‘ zs ; . Peneff-Moore at St. ndrew S ; . a re ms " en 2a m the opening of a him of the parties for which he , hew mission field in Malaya to adoption of a $12,000,900 budget was famous in the ‘20s, when St Andrew’ Cathedral wa decorated with an = the program for the 18th biennial convention of the waistless gowns were the fashion 3 as 7 : a United Lutheran Church of America ¢ nvention opening here of the moment. ladiola and dahlias for the candlelight ceremony tonight Hartnell started as a theatri- ast night which united in n arriage Deshka, only Six hundred official delegates and about 1,400 visitors are _ | ¢al designer and although oo 1 et ee : . . ; es ee expected to attend the week-long meeting longer cares for a gay socia ife : daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. } eneff, 1066 Third ‘Ses: ‘daurvaiaa ' terial | 20d seldom attends a first night, ‘ 7 : , es . s : i if ) 440T] @ai8O 16 OxXpected to act on ministeria e still s2ys that some day he Avenue West, to Erie W ebster, youngest son of Mr. pensions and acceptance of the new revised standard version ~~ coaares to theatrical de- and Mrs. G. E. Moore, 310 Fifth Avenue West. of the Bible in the church’s service books ' signing Canon Basil Prockter officiat x - =A 1 at th 1oubie-Ting Ceremony At the ti } 4 The brid was iovely as He i ad in th lor the tered the church on the @fM i guests were rece! the father who later gave he: mothers of the bride and groom mariage. Peter Lien, church Mrs. Peneff wor: turquoise a wanis, Played the Welding | ccc frame tenes, . b repe two-piece dre rust isi hat and a corsage of yellow car For t} CC ASIC rhe b nation Mr Moore + » dark s tweautifu * or ile aqua blue taffet with wriite Chantilly iace biack cor ge high neckline with tiny o¢ pin, a led ati colar trimmed i ery and hi vest ne ite Ii tyre t ier ti " . w e! , : : : ea ‘ we Ai AKe ppec ith jove her a bird olding silver rs. was * ‘ s sea wi flanked with white tapers, and meat as Held in place DY vases of gladioli and ‘mum nin : . ©a ‘aria Alex Bilj pr posed the toast to kdplece. She carried & the bride with the groom re A yuet ow and ( age ; Marry | som { i Mi fi F 4 wiht straple i iD al ci ppe altel v ‘ bol _ » soon @ LOW SALE PRICES t} f ! MO Pece ’ h y i ba hry @ SPECIALLY SELECTED FURS | a Nort B i wax M Jat ¢ leep coral apie D, a naiching Ss G wore ant ostrich @ AUTHENTIC STYLIN t i . @ arried @ anit ‘ ; " | ll Hi @ "GOODS SATISFACTORY ee a | ) flowe OR MONEY REFUNDED ‘ Av) t " A Bruce Miils Penio Peneff ° j and Jerry t reader s | Payment Terms @ Mous« t drive Saturda' ‘ Moone mpl Every . ° Mr Seen aes To Suit ‘ } irnhamen pen aoe sinagbeetiepmcasemmeneitattreminiinibitiaia i | d © St. Andrews Cathedral Cis ii CONEY jij our Needs ional Dipner, Thank iil . ' 4 p Monday, Octobe 13 HHI (Dyed Rabbit ' Acti ton by ticket only I u | $69.50 Hl o : ij i i t® Oo W t R of } ; Musi M at CHOOSE YOUR FUR MUSKRAT FLANK 00. be IN YOUR STYLE... AT YOUR PRICE ' real * * (dyed Muskrat flank) e tt i ze JAP CO NEY . ; ian “Legion Clu card ul HK io ° $4 39.00 Sizes 2 to 20 ee 7 4 and full length j October 10. Doors opt wf nbers Thank : ; F a ,'he | tring eg Open Seale batt @ BERING SEAL $9 39g.00 ~ : $ 00 (Dyed Rabbit) 149. @ Attention Northland Dairy Customer There will be no de D : " id livery of miik on Monday, Oct S “ $ oOo [ t lie n {1a tetas tell eater antes GREY Ki awrolam) Mouton ‘ nik from the route driver ON | This advertisement is “ Lote ¢ woe c 1 Sh 3 4 to «Saturday to carry you over the | displeyed by the Liquor Control Board or = ~. (Dyed, Sheared. an holiday it) bw the Government of British Columbia, sa CANADIAM SQUIRREL Processed Lamb) = , FREE DEMONSTRATION Wrrmren Sor —=EWNA=S : Uivacle e Machine Wee, Teally modern sewing machine in She Pa ar On ee ; ; we a hine with the revolution tts free et Phone today to arrange Curse =. | Onstration, obligation, of NG ho cost te you! ly Dved in different %%4 and full lenath ‘ter’ DARNS Ke afee “hy ‘ MENDS. hee ibar * MONOGRAMS . Be autijully F RAE BROS. LIMITED 302 THIRD AVE. shades PERSIAN LAMB $389.00 $489.00 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ee 3% and full length $149.00 ALL FURS FULLY GUARANTEED FOR 1 YEAR — FREE STORAGE FOR 1 YEAR EXPERT FITTING AND ALTERATIONS AT NO EXTRA CHARGE BILL SCUBY FURS MUSKRAT BACK (Dyed Muskrat Back) 3% and full length $279.00 Pe NEW SEASON FURS AT LOW SALE PRICES YOU'LL FIND UNBEATABLE —— eS I ij