i BLINDED SOLDIERS of St, Dunstan's are shown jSEaVB 5 TAXI Ambulance and Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing inywhtr at Anytime. floor for hire. land loyal Hotel, 3rd Ava. NSW SODA FOUNTAIN, and etn IL PRINCE RUPERT The latest and bent for the i j? -a MATT VIDEOK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper L XVI No. 340. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1926. Circulation 1621 Sales 585 pr:cs hyz cms EAVY MOVEMENT OF GRAIN COMING HERE la. f 4 EADERS OF TRADES outer Situation Was Discussed by Council at Meeting Last Night Repsru from ). J Utile, superintendent of utilities and H. A. McLean. r -:'Mtt on the weent power ltutlon particularly as rrgrd the supply .c- trom the dry dock and the application of the Canadian run Ac Cold kt.- c for service were presented to i meeting and wUl come up for discussion at a nutting to be held In a i ir c when definite word will bare been received from U city solicits, who I t u Vancouver. a to what arranceaent can be reached with the Canadian ::men Merchant Manna with respect to rates Involved in the operation ot . deck plant The mayor was in favor of discussing the reports rf Mr HAN MURDER I ens the of lTWHITEHORSE , at IMMi rtKTV KMil.li IN ROM l to 11(11 flLLY JIM MUi TllltotT tlT .The of ASSAILANT GOT AWAY jlhat ran imiii i-oLUt: nor on 1 k il or: Kit MIIIMIKII OX VlkON kiv:k I iriXHORSE Y T Or' II.--Blabbed i t a pari held by several hsd i J C :isj : .gbt. I lie body of Felly :.r rs pending a full invest ls- .1 Royal Canadian XDunledf st " -r-s, according to latest rear? i ?,i pursuit of Jsckle Uar- I.. a r.fd down the Yukon River not M t rt the death of tne other a C & almost tmmrd.attly af-. jarrtlied with Macintosh Mr. r cam to blows and the a knife on him, sho entered U cabin :? fry was being held ahortly . re t sUbbtn. I aald to have at- th two wrre tntoilcated and the jmpted to prevent the fight.ng. rn wj attended the psrtf were the .3 :h adjoining roun and were .- f the disturbance until v- ::vura Uler ICUTIONSIN the oy CITY STREETS the ItMUMI ;:m.H AI.N AT Ml t lltMl tklA AMI Mll.l, Hi: TKir.O V the (Ol I(T M IITI Al. IIV 111 lNOKOW Chins, Oct. I J- -Execution kite streets of Wu Chang of some nor- ' soldiers charged with looting. Iked the assumption of control by the l-'aneae Red forces who had besieged is? for mora thsn forty days prior in i caDture. hie defending northern troops are to i.ct prisoners or are fleeing In dlnor- many bring dHgtlloed as civilians. 'nitral Uu S'u Chun, who directed th defence of the city, and Chan Kia are to be tried by court martial. It Mleved that neither will be executed. Yu Chun sought safety under the tied sutes flag at the home ot Dr. M. Sherman, principal of Central of lna University, but was betrayed by servant Chen Kla. Mu was captured Mle endeavoring to escape disguised as iwlle ICTOGENARIAN FARMER DIES I. AMICUS WAH AN 1'M'I.K Of I HANK IlltOI (1IITON Of THIN tITV QUESNEU Oct. 13. W. J. Andera. said have been known throughout York- ire aa an amateur athlete and, who a youth came to Canada in 1884. died his sheep .ranch at 187 Mllea House at Ko ot 81. He waa well known Joughout Cariboo which he left only -' In forty years when h paid a it to Vancouver In 1034. A nephew of la Prank Broughton of Trlnce Ru- Uie mayor and aldermen at laat niihfa t --jf.U and Mr McLean laat night and 'a motion was submitted by Aid. Strph- to that' e3ect but other members of council felt It would be a waste time to do so until tte report of Mr Joi.es had been received so the whole matter could be gone into and settled once. Lr. f .V IKM. Ka- mm mm mt wtu be done regrdln the! Cold Btorac application for power reporta nl both the auperlntendent utilities and the elvy' engineer atai? II will be necessary to get powrt from the dry dock before that demand be met. I At ok tni.R akum.i;mi:st Msyor Newton reported to the council that be waa Ut recept of a tetegram from Mr Jo&es suung that a more favorable arrangement than the council expected had breu reached between himself and Ur Kectey bu that the proptwition wout have to be approved C Oilil headquarters at Montreal Trlrgrama were passing between Van-couter and Montreal but a reply hsd yet been received from Montreal. Definite word was expected frwn Mr. Jpnea within 34 lyuis rending receipt of further word from Jonea. It was the decision of tlx eouitctl to adjourn until the call of lb4 chair which It Is expected will be today or tonwrrow. tMilM.l.lt KI.I-OKT The repurt of Mr. McUan sutes thst present woith of the debenture In-dtbtcdnewa on city power U practically same now as when the hydro plant was started In the first place, vie (210.000. Consequently ail surpluses were being automatically eliminated, flus was confirmed, the engineer IT port stated by the city audlor'a figure, financial report of IMS and also Mr. Yuill's report. In order to optn4r the etevaXor and Ctld Storage. Mr. McLeant repoit goes on to say. It U necessary to get power from the dry doc. Thla could tiot be generated for less thsn thrcr cents per kilowatt hour as shown In engineer's figures confirmed by dif ferent city officials, Uttllftng oil In- atrsd of coal fuel would not materlsliy decrease the cost of production as tht dlflercnc In coat of fuel was oHset by more skilled lsbor being required and the cost of equipment being Increased. Mr McLrsn recommends as a power a real emergency that steps be taken get in touch with C.O.M.M. head-qusrtera in order to arrange some terms whereby the city may get relief at a reasonable coat pending the raising of neceassry funds to Incresse the Wocdworth power development. Mil. I.ITTM.N HI rOItT The report of J. J. Uttle. superln- i.rrtent of utilities, conalats of a studj anticipated oijerallou ,and expendi ture for the year 1937. estimsies dchi based oil the present commumenvs ivi ntracted iwwer and anticipated re- veuue for U37. With the present loads contracted and operation of the dry dock plant as it is now burning fuel. Mr Utile estimsies mere . f as.119 In 1927. With burning oil. Mr, the dry dock plsnt submit, this deficit Utiles report would b turned Into a surplus of 17.-.ii Tee two estimates provide fc the supplying of th elevstor but not . e..,r.,. Installing a second me -- - (continued on page six) t VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat B.C. Silver Dunwell Glacier Independence Indian Marmot porter Idaho Did. Asked. 1.4l'.i 1.75 188 1.01 103 .10 .00?, .07H .044 .09 .10 .00 .08 UNIONS TELL OF DEPLETED COFFERS AND ' ' the Thames at Putney. Nurses a race Train of Wheat Containing Forty-seven Carloads Will A full; train load of grain la on its morning It lXt Red Pass Junction with UcBrtde and four at Prince Oeorge. making a total of 47. This, the first train load of wheat to arrive at this port, is due There-will probably be many more three hundred cars loaded on the prairies Twenty-one cars of grain arrived in being unloaded at the elevator. , Carloads of grain average about 1JO0 bushels. Bostt coming here to load Tgrsln will probably tske about 773,000 ADEN MARU IS NEARING THIS PORT Prime Itiiprrt's llrt grshi hlp. the Aden Maru, hould arrhe here shout wiimla from Japsu. Ijtt light the teel r.ne lirr pillion bjr wlrclc Ixhi mile frimi IMetan ImiuimI lir ITlme Kupert. Mir will lr ntrt at Triple llanl li) t'upl. Larry TIioiiimiii, lxiil pilot, and brought In In He up at Hie rlrtalor Mhrrr she w III be louilrd ulth rloe In 310.0 HI hulirl iif whrul. The Ittunl of Trailr and ell) lounrll are rollnlMinilliig lo glte Mtllublr wrl-conir lo Ihr tnrl on Ihr inomrn-lotit iM-Mliin of Die liiaiituralloii of ulirsl shlpmrnla from hrrr. BY-ELECTION WRITS ISSUED IIII.LIMI Til TAKK Piaif. ON NOf. l:Mlli:lt 9 I'OK I'HI.MIl It KINO ANll OTIIMt OTTAWA Oct. . 13. Writs for the by election In. East Kootenay where Hon. Dr. King goes up for re-election and at Mrlvllle. Bask, where Hon. W. R. Motherwell goes back to his constituents following his appointment to the cabinet, have been issued, nominations to take place November 9. Premier 'Mackenzie - King contest Prince Albert and Peter Hrenan, mlnliJ tcr of labor1,' the, KenoraRalncy River conatituency, nonilnafloiu to take place November 3. Polling takes place at all four ridings on November 18. AITKAI. (IKANTKU 8PR1NQF1ELD, Oct. '13-Russell 8oott sentenced to. be hanged on Friday for the murder of a Chicago drug clerk during a holdup, was granted an appeal by the Illinois Supreme Court today. held their an:mxT re;a;te. recently on assisting the men before the sun of Arrive Saturday; 21- Today war to the Prince Ruper elevator This ' 34 csrs and will pick up rune more at j here on Saturday. trains like It fcr there are now oTtr with grain for Prince Rupert. the yards this morning and are now or 300.000 bushels. The first vessel, the Aden Maru. Is due esrly next week from Jspsn and will be followed soon after by 'another, the Helfuku Maru. Arrangements are rapidly being made for the shipping of gTstn here. Car penters are being hired by the ship lining concerns and pilots are here. The business gives promise of making a good deal of tributary employment at the port. r.UL AlVA.OIf OI'KMMS iii:ki: To establish a tarpaulin and ship lining business here, Paul Alvazoff arrived from Vancouver on the PrlnceOeorge this morning. He brought with htm James Smith who will become msnager of the concern and also a full line of equipment and stock. Mr. Smith Is well known In thla business In Vancouver, having been one of the first engaged In It Mr. Alvaxoff expects tj remain In the city for about two weeks. SHARKEY WON FROM WILLS lli:.VYVi:i(lllT TITLE CONTEND Elt tlETS tVOKMT Of IIOl'T AT IIKOOKLY.V IIKOOKLYN, tht. 13. lark slur. Wry, the lioMnn hrut.vurlglit, ton on a foul from Harry Wills the veteran Nrxro. In the llilrtrrnlh round, t'p-J hrtldlElexiMtialloii. the fight was at f, oiie-lilrl affair, Willi being ImU liratrn ami natirrril. Will, for a long time lirHvywrtght (lilt roiilriulrr, ua dl4uallllrl by rrfrrrr ll.ilry f(.r lilttlng with the liiivk hand uiis for holillng and ' punching. The bout u Mlirilulril to go 15 roiimls but wu ilrrliiml at ait end In the Ihlrlernth. Advertise In the Dally News HEIR LIKELY MARRY SOON I'ISINCE Of U.ll AII TO HE TKEPAKINO fOK PAMSII lilt IDE LONDON, Kt. 13. Although no offh-UI aiinounremrnt lw been iulr. It I mmured that the Prince of Wale will marry the Infanta lleatrk-r of !-uiii. The work.of re-nmalliis Marllmrou;h llou-e. wlilrli the Prince I to x-rup, I now prm-rcdliir;. To tlioe on the lnldr of rtmrt aff.lr. thl I iuld to ol-nallir the approarhing mo-mrnloui rient. RUSHCOLUMBIA SILVER MINES CHANGED HAIfDS IE. f. CASTLE AND OTIIEKS MAKE ri lull am: and wiu. amalia- M ATE INTEKESTS VICTORIA. Oct. 13 Pour hundred and forty shares of Rush Columbia Silver Mines ot Stewart, which has been In litigation in the British Columbia court for the past year, were purchased by R. P Castle when put up by auction yes-te?day by Sheriff Ooggln. Wtth thla transaction goes the control of the majority ownership of the mines which formerly were the property of W. W. Rush and A. L Bagg. A Vancouver financial firm Is announced to be associated with Castle. The amalgamation ot these mines with others, including the L. & L. Otstlcr Creek and .Union Silver, It Is aald. will result In the formation of one of the largest mining units in the north and will be administered from a head office. In Vancouver. FORKElOES NOTCARE WHERE IMMIGRANTS ARE FROM IF THEY ARE SOUND WINNIPEO. Oct 13.-Speaklng at a banquet here last night. Robert Porke, minister of immigration, declared they wanted immlgranta and did not car where they came from if they wer sound of body and mind and willing to w oak- iners Get Little Labor Leadtrs Who Tell of the Debts Incurred General Strike MARGATE. October 13. The loremost leaders of the British Trads TJnl-ns yesterday frankly admitted that they were so busy with prjblems trjugntwltiiln their own industries by the general strike of last May. that they had little material aid to gtve the miners. Many a leader attending the labor conference give . frank avowals of suffering and Impoverishment brought on the workers through the general strike and stated that It would take years to recoup their financial position. Sharp criticism was voiced against the part played by the Railwaymcn't Union, and especially against J. H. Thomas, their leader. With almost brutal frankness Thomas replied thit tte mla- era were pursuing a chimera U they supposed the rallwaymen were In a pasltlcn to help by a levy of funds or "by refusing to handle coal and freight. He. " sta.ed that 40.000 men h-'-d not returned to work yet and 300.030 were working I tut thrte cUa weekly. Ben TJltet. secretary of the Transportation Workers, rsrcaled that his union spent a million p.tcdi In the in t -rests ot the miters and now they were half a million pounds in debt. Meanwhile the situation In the miners' dispute is not changrd but thousands are dally resuming work: The safety men's union yesterday, reaffirmed their refusal to endanger the mines by withdrawal of the "safeties." It.C. HIGHWAYS AKE VALl'AIILE SAY STATISTICS VICTORIA. Oct. 13. British CeltuntU's-bighways are valued at 44.ill.poo. according to figures asued by the pubic works department The Province now possesses 133C0 miles of earth roads, 4.000 miles gravelled. 450 macadem, 130 ot pavement and 74 bituminous. In addition to the roads there there are 9.000 miles of trails worth 2,700.000 and 8.000 miles of mining trails worth ISO0,-000. Legislature to sit FOR ONE-DAY ONLY ON DECEMBER SIXTEENTH Adjournment Will Thru be Taken Intll January to Ke-etabll-h Spring , felon VANCOUVER. Oct. 13. News Is being sent out that the Legislature will meet on December 16 for one day only. Immediately adjourning until January 10 In order to re-establish the system of spring sessions. Members will sit for one day only In December and It Is understood only members nesr Victoria will attend. It Is not likely the speech trom the throne will be delivered until the January meeting. According to the constitution the legislature must meet each year, so the December meetlr.g is to conform wtth the law. GARRETT AND BARRETT TO MEET CHARGES OF FORGERY AT CALGARY VANCOUVER, Oct. 13 With the approval of Attorney Oeneral Manson. Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald In the su- j pteme court yesterday ordered Reginald I Oarrett and Frederick Barrett, aervlngi six months In New Westminster penlten- tlary. to be transferred to Calgary for preliminary hearing trial on forgery charges.' MYRA GRAY IS RACEW1NNER , OI'TSIDEK CARRIED Off THE IHU MONEY IX I'ESAKEYA ITCH .STAKES NEWMARKET. Oct. IS. The mar. Myra Gray, a fifty to one shot, won the Cesarewttch race, the great autumn handicap, here todiy. Miss Sport came second and Trmpleatowe third. There were 21 starters. HARDSHIPS Help from CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION IS TO BE CALLED PRESIDENT Of PARTY I OK DOMINION SAYS DUTY Of RANK AND TILE ' TO ACT CRITICISM OF ACTION PARTY MIST BE ItEBMLT I.TIOM BOTTOM IP AND NOT FROM TOP DOWN, IS DECLARED OTTAWA. Oct. 13. John It. Mc-iichoL president of the Dominion Con-rrstive. Association, voiced disagreement wth the procedure in the calling of the-Conservative convention, to, cboos ' i permanent leader. Ke holds it Is the business of the rank and file of the party to assume the duty of finding a leader and says It is the duty ot the rank and file to call a general convention, irrespective of whether th defeated candidates and members and sen ators call another or not. , Mr. McNIchol declared thst the Conservative ( party had got to be rebuilt from the bottom up and not from the top down. TERROR BANDIT CRIMES GO ON MAN" ROUIIED OX StV HiANTLStO STKEET WHILE TMOt SAND POLICE PATROL SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 13.AS though In a gesture of contempt for authority the "terror bandits" who hare slain four aen since Saturday, robbed another man last night while more than a thou .and firmed police patrolled the street. Last nlght'a victim was lured from home by a telephone call to a fake address and robbed of W50 by two young men with drawn revolvers, while a third remained at the wheel ot a waiting automobile. PRINCESSMAY AGAIN SOLD I-IOM.KK VEs.sEL Is TO PLY BE-TWIEX BOSTON AND NEWFOl'.ND-LND The Princess May, pioneer vessel of the CJ.R. northern service, which has been operating out of New York on a fruit run during recent years, has again been sold and will be used on a service between Boston and Newfoundland. The vessel has gone through- numerous hands and name since she was launched In 1838. Eh took the water a as. Cass, as. Arthur, "as. Nlngchow, s. Hating, and finally li. Princess Msy, CARPENTERS WANTED A n uin In1 r fif carut'iiters rough carjuMilers uiiil la-liurtTs will lie: rt'riiiireil ul Dry Dock, for lining Kl'uiii his. Apply to Dry Dock Of ri and leave name anil ml- dress. 2il i. f :;i rill a v-1 i 1 1 1 t'T