WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER JS, m, 90. n 3r a Jm S . I 'Unless someonfe tells her about her eyes the It need an extension on her arm" The woman, ii far-sighted, but doesn't knoy . How ridiculous hc makes hcrselflook, in lier attempt to read the menu I Too many women, and men too, go throush this same futile performance. He sure that your own tight is normal. Have your eyes examine J1 WiBtWrtk TiBji tstft It lit llli J'MVf, JOHNgULGEI- nInYPI I PDQ iSLlJit STORE WITH THE CLOCN m "aMBBjBSB BENT'S LADIES' Ji-I C . . v. fl , tf!llf 1 1 tie of English Made Cravenette Raincoats ' infl, n -.-. irnni -U) 0. J. BENT Third Ae. Phone C51. LUMBER Vi nrr- Tiamifm luring tuMl Jrecd luui-lier. IMkp gram boat -cdar. Halibut mid salmon boxm. Ask For Prices Seal Cove Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 562 George Rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver. Liquidator, Trustee, Ac. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West MINCE nUPKftT TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night Phone's 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735, RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. U. BU8HBY, Wan. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of F'ui Trimmlnfcs at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Th'lrd Ave. REINDEER FOR MEATSUPPLY I HM)UI I M.Wir.KTX THAT TKK imk .south uiij.l in: nat loN.ti. iusiO , MO.NTnEAL. "oTTa. Raamuasen, Amic explorer and member of the Put-ham expedition, see. Canada in the fr distant future eating relndwr I jpeat to the almost total excluJion of - It U good men. he. ii,,, and ooce CanadJ.n have cultivated ,utt i for it after generation! of the roiut beef of old England, they will prefer It o 'nythlng else. When that time rome, j there will be brought Into being an In-ousiry that will aalrage the Arctic att of Canada, the barren land of itbe tundra and that will rerlve and I bring increase to the rapldlr disappear, ng Eskimo .of the CanadUn north- una. Mr JUunussen ) In Montreal enjoy. In the privilege and Derouiait. m icivtllzatioo after a long stsy the 4urul Putnam eipedltion from the American Museum. Perhapa it la not quite right to aajr that be U . not ! enjoying himself, because be dor not fcoJd with tome modern Idea. He dls-Mm dodging motor can ami be dls-' like amelllng them. The nou and tustl of a big metroDolia Knln. f, him no charm He find; that his cent behave better In the frozen north than they do let, lie think that aeroplane and alrahlp may some 0y be built ao they will be uaeful in the north but at present he prefer th. dog sled He doean't know quite how to look an radio. I'At M.s II(IMII( KM. "If r , I m n(n IV . . . . - MM kM UvllWt IVf IV3 I icar or three year or four year,' ' he y. "you know vcu are there for j'liat time ard you settle down to your i"ork and make the beat of it. When y u get music by the radio every day I you gtt homesick and worry about the peopw at home. Without the radio we j ued U get homeaMk the laat couple of imouin wnen w tUrUd for home, but, now perhapt the praple who go into ' the north will never get over beta;' homeMck " Mr RaamUMen waa principally In- i trreeted In hi laat trip became It took 1 hln to the only part of the Canadian 1 noith coaat that he bad not area. He enjoyed hi vuiu to Dleamere and Baf fin Land, lie wa paruculaxly impre ed with the Pond Inlet dUtrtct and fk highly of what Canada t rwrr doing tor the Eklmo. All the offldal 11 the police and trading poata In the north Were well and happy when 1 wa there Canada' Eklmo are d ! creaalng. while In Orrenland they are i ibcteaalng. I X IVII.II II IMHtM I "It I alway dtngerou for uncirlllmd , people to meet rttUcaUon.T Un Rat- ; muMen aald. He ei plained that dl-1 i- arc killing aome Eaklino and tar-' vtoo ta accounting for many. The I -Iet j of the EtJcuna doe not lie in 1 protertlng the herd of cnboo that are , scared off by the mean or modern hunter. HI idea 1 the Importation of ! tticdccr With reindeer, he la ure. I 'he Eklroq would bate a new lntereat I in life, plenty of food and would In. um have an industry tupplying all j Canada and other part of the world nth meat to the extent that untold wraith would be reaped from the, barren land. JJr Baonuaaen laughed aa lie told of th cowboy they took alone to laaeoo wild anlmtl. wlrua, etl Thli broncho-buater had never een the i ocean before, but he took to the TTIi- i Inttantly and wa buoyed up with the j chrtll he aaw ahead when he laaaooed ; a big polar bear. He turned out to be an excellent man- ' He captured polar fcrar aitd walrut with hi rope and bandied them well wheir they wen dragged aboard. He return to the prairie with true ctorlr that will gain for bun the reputation -of being the j greateat liar of all tlroea. Views and Vagaries of Life in New York City Liberty bell (tencllled In lace open I work on th kneea of Fifth Avenue'.' finett hosiery are the latest Btsqul-Cen-1 ttnnlal echo to be noised about the I :iwn. "1774-1B3Q." the ambitious knee legend date the event they celebrate. A flapper entered the tubway train during the ruh hour. All eat were Uken. Of each of three men seated ahe aakrd question: At what ititlon are you getting off? She then stood In front of the one who got. oft at the WATS MOTICC. DIron and U TtkE MITICK trust !iiervllle Cannery i umpanj. l td.. wlioe sdilivn Is llore Avrui' Whirf. Vniiier, H.C.. will ly s Urrni-e to tske and nr (u llins IHT mliiule uf aslrr out nf mill slreim, ... kit' vt ii - Until stream, which flow n(.rthfil and drains into Jcdy llartxir .t,..nt in rn'l iiitrluuesl of Miilhrt ...nier it T' Mlliln Cluliii. TIm waler will Im OlfiKd from the slrrsm t luiiiil IhuI ''"' fi'el Mulliwei. 6f ut Turn Minlnr clilin. and will 1m nei4 r-r imtiMlHal puries limii I lie UuJ itiwrrlbeil ti n.r arrrs imriiM's.i 44 ' 1 n-rti Mlninr -la int. Tills imtire was1 Hitttl ..II tin' rniuiHl on lli Dill ;iU.V of Srptt iu-ilx-r ln. A 'ly r this notice and g si'pili'Sllun pnrmunt llirreto and to tiio wter Art' will lx Tllfil In Hi orflw of Hie Water IU-riirtlir l I'rlni'e IIuimtI, H 1 iilijfH'tluiis In IIh ''lli'itluii 11 uy be fi'liil Willi llw sali! Vler Itei'oitler or ullli IIm t'.oiiiplriiller xif Water Unht. parliament llulUllniis. VlfUirla. H.C., wuh In ilnriv day, after IIm Tlrst atwran- if lii ni'tlre 111 l-al newniat'r. The date of tlie flrt piitillratlun ut Witt nonce ( iii'lnlier . !. hOMIIlVILI.K CA.NMFIIV CO.. UTH Applicant.. Uy rred DeiBrUay Mathr, Agent. IS nnnA nearest stop and waited for hi rt. federal Judge Julian XIack. prraldlng at the Daugherty trial 1 known among his friends a a gourmet. He doea the. marketing tor hi home, carrying baa ket of vegeUMe and meat cut with htm; HI fxt!dlounes keeps waiter In restaurant he frequent on the qui vlve. He travels oiv one liner onlr on hi annual voyage to Europe, (elected aolely because 'lt haa the, best caviare: A-i individual drinking cup t! have, not yet replaced the community glas In th Federal bulkllnj. In the "Court room of the Paugherty and Miller, trial there were only two glasses, one for the aot use of Judge Mack. The other wa used generally. Manufacturers gf (he brass and nickel foot rail apparently "are still doing a good bus! lies. A large Increase haa been hotcd lo he number ;f "lood- bar" where both men and women. (aa tj)d yaii uxjey wrwa PAGE FIVE f 1 - Twenty One it-..- 'GARS up to a mahogany bar for quick lunch. These bar are Just like the old fashioned ones behind swinging door. VUltora to New . York expecting to ee movie. tag or literary celebrities In the noted dining place usually' are disappointed. For the moat part they dte In little out-of-the-way place wher they can find relief from the probing eyea of the public. Small, jow-celllnged restaurants, some of which would be classed' by their appeirance as mere ham-and-egg emporium," attract dozen of these people. New York prlre It tree and consequently they receive metlculou attention. Tj-e aurgery 1 lavished upon them by most of the owner. Even small tree- shaded rear court are covetously cul tivated. Psychologist might find significance n tlie action Of crowds that Inevitably gather to watch workmen putting up iORD PRODUCTS for twenty-one years have stood for highest, quality in motor ear eonstruction. Public appreciation has made pos- . sibie the quantity .production needed to . keep improving Ford cars without increasing their price to the buyer. ' Today, half the cars in use arfe Ford cars. Their reputation is daily enhanced by the performance of new Ford cars of that same high stand- t atd of quality which has stood the tests of universal use for oyer two decades. . : . ' ' ; ted girder and great 'brick eUffa" tor new skyscraper that are continually 1 springing UD. These white .collar work. ers tpparently seek a release from their i ledger book and typewriters in watch ing the riveter a: id holater perform their often-perilous tasks. Fashionable fark Avenuo offers a study In contrast any morning- In the year at ibur or live o'clock. This If' the iour when many, poorly-clad women mothers, most cf them emerge from the tenement .oft "the aid streets, hasten Ing to the vartom biislnew hulldlng' or apartment Tiouses to mopand scrub floors, clean brasses, ete. At) thla hour. also, many taxla and private llmouslnB whls past with their load of lat merrymaker, .clad In evening dresi. Another place that reeks of contract Ii Grand Central Terminal, .Some of the greetings and farewells overheard within ten minutes, during a late afternoon tush, wr"r -111 yer leat Nw-York 'Fot Yesirs 1e TRUCKS -TRAGTQRS? PRODUCTS OF TRA D I tlONAl QUALITY again; J(lleve me, Ifn glad to get luoa mauiauH . -11 J don ! ever see Vou inln tiah j -ItT t-p. cakes of yeast you put In;; j'lTe got a good one: to tell the boys at, the flrehbuse- j .south, of, Washington .square .there Is cerjaln pushcart which, wends ltway through the streets peddling clams, two for a, hlckejl, opened w hlle you wait Eating clam In' th middle of the street 1 thought to be oulte "atmos pheric." . N X "aole ii heralded by a aall by one of .th down-town shoe atorea. which re. placed it ordinary "awnings, Jut before me iau Clearance period, with multl-colored atrlDs of Clothe fastened tti thm aw'ulng bar ploae 1o tbe building. Thu itlffeiied outer end of the atrlDs. how. ever, were fastened to the outer awntnr .bar at' an angle to' catch the wind, and the effect i a llkir', fairy version of Ntotiicket.- v 1 MINERAL ACT Caryricat of Improvtmsnt. Bruwuie So. t Mineral tuini. -siiuile In .j7 .vi.iiuc Lrifiuiii hi iue .f-sssiar Oiilrirt. ou .Waiin Hlier. adlolninr and to Hie 4iulll 'it lirtiwuie fit. i MX TAkE .01lulliat I. H. Ksrihaw, . .... ........ ....i.sic; ,I,IJ, Jlliruu, Uly days.fN.iu Hi dale hereof, lu apply - - - -... ., ... . ... ..v. vi . wrriiiii.i. r liniirov-iiipnt v fur tl-a purpuft of oo tilomr a Crown R rant of th abov rlaini And further take notiee Hut action, under section i, imul he rmuaiem-ed I Tore tiieiiu"" trUfietj of juipruvsv j'ATEO this, til day r, septnubr,. A'.D. ; ,11. MfT FTtASFB mem. LAND ACT. Hotlca of Intention I Ao'ly t tss Line In Hllkiti lkid..,n.. ..... . .. --. ......... . wsp.i.,. i-suii ns Ptirnliiir N I . I r I . r.ui.. ...i ........ - Orsnd naplrts.. on th :ikljie lUver and 10 TAaF.JHTU. tr-at 1. tsller Uraitl imp. Mm. of T"!Trat.h creek. U. c; twruiwllon. Itanrher, ititeiids to apply for a lae if ll fwlUiwln 1rlbed lamls.w ..,,ilw rwwr 0' l.o 1.-Hienr hiiu 0 H.; Ihenre. Weal 10 rhalfHj.ttvnie MlM-ltl ill hMln. 1 1, a...... t.a. . a . liul ronuinlnr rorir arre. inore r less. WM.T1.II ttWJT HMPV. - ' SiSBUCUt.