N .vember 22, 1920 THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE s2? HOME Special Satflnos 9 ENGLAND-IRELAND $:OTUND-FRANCE-BELCIUM Home fir Chrijtmatt Don't Wh "e Star Christmas Ship for ! "ei happy comfortable, tisM voyage. joKirmlio CtolMr- B$lf- Vpoot REGINA . Nov. 27 Jr rtjmouth, Cktib'tt. Amitrtp PENNLAND . Dec. 6 HultfeM, Quttnitovn, til pool BALTIC . Dec. 13 fares fo rll ""Ml fciiof iCi TWO.. (f4.l3Sup owe war (S(up flf(70i? return $ UJop lil Kter llulldlng, Vanromrr, or I.wal Meaninip Agrm j order now. iTlK tare.! toirrt JaTI J (root Montreal , lhkk BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR pf . ived from the East a T c-ortmrnt of AFTERNOON AND EVENING Frocks jr last shipment nf W i oats. All going on sl. l' moderate prices. J. BENT Tfclrd Ave. Phone 631 f- J WANT ARC Al. I , iucsrioei onorn coaui k; w ntrone the winter I I.ONOE5TIOIN ) 1 '' :. :hiw will only jret r o the usual Winter n when the first Ai mU brings in a flood drrs. Wr have the kind you need ' mp. Ejrg, Stove and Nut H ",,imo - Wellington or x la Smokeless, j an get belter service Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Prion M. Cartage, Warehousing, and Dlstributlns;. Team or Motor Bervlce. oi, Sand and OraveU VJ Specialize In Plane and Pumlture Bavlnfl. TUGBOATS Dr Phonet 423, 639, Qroen 238, Black 735. N'0ht Phonei C87,. 533, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. QEO. (j. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. LUMBER W nre manufacturing r,"8h nnil dressed lilm-Edge grain hunt ',p,W. Halibut nmi snl-inrui boxes. Aik For Prices Seal CoveLumberCo.Ltd. PHONE 682 TWO-GUN MAN I HERE TONIGHT KTOKV IS TIIHII.MNU ONK ASK , IKI.lt TIIOMi M.tx or ItKAI. j .MTIOV The thrilling story of "The Two-Oun Mn" with Fred Thompson and Stiver King leading character U to be seen tonight at the Weatholme. i Den Randall In the Ueuebee of the .Mam think of bu dad and hli borte. 811m King back ham at the ranch ! siting far talm to com back from the war. Dad Randall u forced to mortgage Ms herd to pay a aicajo lax debt ,t Itor Johnson. ho haa bought them i op after ateUn the receipts for the, money whfel, Randall haa actually paid, i ! la the trenches Dan la ordered to repair a communication line, which he does I at tfce rUk cf hla life. He aavea hu life' with the gun hta father gave him, the mate to hieh Dad hti kept at home. After the war Dean return, and la met by 8Uer King Hiding to the ranch. Dean aavc John Buckley, a akk old man. bu daughter Orace. and a little child from the graaptng lactic of Texas I'ett one of Johnson's hireling The 8Ukieri. are dying of Uurn and hare no money to buy the drtnka of water frm the water-hole which Pete la guarding and charting mosey for. Dean ihra.hes rte and SUter pu.br bun ano the hole. Johnaon at the ranch baa two men force Dad Randall, ay tog and neglected to aign over the ranch, but Dean arrive., then dilutee of them quietly. Just before Randalls death be give Dean jib aerond gun. telling Bint of John-eon villainy. The Stickley now take charge of the water-tote, but Texaa Pt f ilia it up and they are forced to ; accept JohMoa'a boepltallty. Sheriff Oreer aaa Dean to help catch the cattle-rustlers, but Dean rrftuea. That night nine hundred Of Johnson oattle are rustled. Johruon aenda to j town lor the beat gunman available, and Dean take the Job. eUare Johnaon doea , not know bM real identity If Dean geta jibe oattle and the naetier. he la to be ' paid l0oa Dean tetla the bertft he 'will turn tbe rtMUera over to him at t the Big Blwe MOM Tauraday noon Johnaon lock. Orace in a vacant room when sb apwraa bia advance, and ( Dean rtoea op with the etolen cattle, .aaytng be wttl produce the metier when be geta hla money Johtaaoti trie, to trick hla. but Dran wttti pretty gunplay !aa agility oukea has aaoape on SUvera , back Through the window Pete . la I about to aboot Dean w hen Grace hlta i him wttb a chair and Dean retcuea her. WATER NOTICE m i iiki imi ir TAKE NOTICE tb.l Ooaae Packing Coanpany. Umited. mtiot addreaa u Vancouver. BC wlU appiy for a licence to uke and ue IO0 0OO gallona per day at witter out of Unnamed atream. which Mow r.urtbweateriy and drain Into C.pta:na Cove at bead of Captain. f .e The water vrtU be diverted from Ute atream at a point about 700 feet fi m mouth and will be uaed for com-nitrial and domeatlc purpoM upon the land deacrtbed aa Lot 13U. Range 4. Coa." Dtetnct TkJ notice waa poated un the ground on tbe 4th day of November 19M A copy of tbla notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the -Water Act" will be filed In the ..nice ol the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert BC Objectlona to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with tbe Comptroller of Water Rlchta, Parliament Building. Victoria. BC. within thirty day after the first appearance of tbia notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice la November 10 I9M OOSSE PACKING COMPAST LTD. Applicant. By J. r. Strang. Agent. lNI) ACT. notice or itvtiov to .rn.v TO IXAxE LAND t nn niTr tnrt Recctrdlna District of Prince Rupert. BC. and altuate on an luana tn won. wirt iji ... mMk rr,m inH Tun nf wit 21P9. n coast Dutrlct imoatly tide flat iim J I nit Bval1 lll I UrrUUllVltaast aaaaaaaa aa-a-- t TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of Oon iuver. uu.. occupanou h.i. intend to apply for a leaae of the fol- jA.ikajl tit rA lOWIIlK UTBHliw eea. a(VA Commencing at a poet planted 300 feet north of northwest corner post ai I .iiu. tv.npa i rmn trrt southeast: thence 300 feet westerly: thence 1.000 frVt northwest; thence 100 feet to post ! planted, and containing ten acre, more or '" JOHN BERGMAN. Applicant Dated October 80. 1W IN PHOHATE. THE SlTlil.Mi: f Ol ltT OF ItKITISII t lll.l .11111... In the Matter of the Administration In the Matter of the Estate of Krl.tlan Pedersen. lhix-u, , TAKE NOTICE that by order of im Hwuir F McB. Young, dated the 28th dar of October, ah. i f- Sofnted admtnutrator of tbe Estate o Kruttan Pedersen. deceaaed; and all irMUlred to pay the amount of their !-VANltAh:WATT. I official Administrator. Trlnce Rupert. B.C. Dated thl Uth day of November. I A D. 19M. IN PKOHATK. iitKMiTroTiiT of iiiutimi ! iv Tin: 11 M roi l 'miiia , . .. In the Matter of the Administration In theVatter of the Estate of George West, Deceased. Intestate. Si? 2 CraV west, deceased: and all parUea h.vina claim againsi nr m K reaulred to furnish same, pro- verified, lo me on or befo,, th lt rt.V Of uecemorr, i w. indebted to the estate are re- nartles psrur. " - ,h .mount of their in- SSSSnS.'TS mhwuh. Otflclal Admlnlatrator. Prince Rupert, DO. Dated the 10th day of November, A.D. 1B38. WEEK AT Tlin.VTKC Morula and Tuesday Fred Thomson In "The Two-gun Man." Adventure, of Uazle. Ititemational News. WrrtneMUy and Tlmrwlay "Her Second Chance." Comedy "Mid in Morocco." Aesop's Film Fsbies.' I rldj) and sturday "Tbe Orand Ducheaa and Walter." "Our Gang" ccmedy. Tathe Ilevlcw. GRAND DUCHESS AND the ' i Johnaon and hta men quickly puriue. ", Tbe aherlff and the poise at the mine are waiting for the ruatler. By a pulley atunt pulled by Silver. Dean leada them right Into the aherirfa trap. They are all caught but Johnaon, who geta away. Dean purauea while Orace tetla the aherlff Of Johnaon'a perfidy. Dean Jumps on Johnaon from Silver back, and both fall to the ground, fighting. Dean wtna. hand him over to the aherlff. haa won back hi father' itolen good, and geta Orace. HER SECOND CHANCE SrORY OF MOUNTAIN GIRL WHO EXCELLED Anna Q. MUaaon, First National film atar. wUl bring a number of new atylea to the fore thl week when abe appeara on the acreen Wedneaday and Thuraday. Tbla U the glat of report. i from other dtiea where her lateat picture. "Her Second Chance." haa already been aeen. A la well known to the admirer of the lovely actreta, a goodly part of ber dreaa creation, are of her own cte-aign. Prior to the filming of a picture Mia Nil won dealgna whatever gowna or wrap ahe wUl be called upon to wear. In "Her Second Chance" the atar atarta aa a poor Kentucky mountain girt and rteea to the height, of a wo rn, n of faahton. Tbe gowna worn by Mtaa MUaon in the Utter episode are deacrtbed aa the lait word In elegance. HunUr Oordon Playa oppoalte Mlas Nllaaon. with Charlie Murray. weU known Comedian. In a featured comedy role. The film la an adaptation of a novel by Mra Wtlaon Woodrow. It waal directed by Lambert HUlyer. Eve On-aeU made the adaptation. June Mathla waa editorial director THE WAITER ARRIYES Wrll'Kiinan Mioan lniular Mage Play lo Iw In I'trtore Here at The well-known and popular stage play "The Orand. Ducheaa and the Walter" la to be shown here In picture , at the w eek-end. The atary in brief j follows: j Florence Vldor. a Orand Duchess, haa been forced to nee to Paris with a vestige of her court. foUowtng the rise of revolutlonlata in her home country, j Attending a theatre one evening, Mlaa ' Vldor Is aeen by Adolphe Menjou. a millionaire Beau Brummel. who be- comea immediately Infatuated with her. All hla attempts to meet her are coldly lenored. and finally he engage a auite of room, directly below those ahe occupies at a prominent hotel. To be near ber be bribes an old waiter to enow him to act aa a noor-walter In her aulte. So perfect la hie make-up that Miss Vldor fall to recognize him. In i-.l .(fnrta as a waiter, however, he falls miserably and end up by spilling. a pitcher of cream down ber neck. j Aneered br hi clumslneaa, Ml&s Vldor i determines to punish htm by making! him a member of, ber personal atatf. She then nroceeda to make hla Hie mis erable, treating him aa though he were a block -of atone and loading him with every unpleaaant task from waahing her dag to shining her ahoea. One evening, unable to sleep, she summons Menjou and orders him to get some champagne. In so doing, he bring two glasaea. Upon demanding an explanation, Menjou dlscloaes hla love for her. At thla blow. Mlaa Vldor aLnoatj faints. Menjou takes her In hla arms j Just aa the court membera enter at the door. Mlaa Vldor. though rrallalng ahe la in love with the waiter. Is forced to repulse him out of mortified pride. On the following morning Menjou discards hla Incognito and returns to Miss Vldor' aulte with the Intention of disclosing hla real Identity and asking for her hand. To his despair, the royai party haa disappeared. On th table he find a heartbreaking little note from her thanking him for hta service. Month later finds Menjou persistently but despondently searching for Mlaa Vldor. 'ahe la now the proprietress of an humble inn near Paris. While driving home from the racea Menjbu'a car breaka down near th? inn. Then and there they are Joyously re-untted. Movie Gossip for Those Who Attend Shows at Theatre Desire for authenticity tn photoplay settings provide movie companies with world-wide travel. Only recently, Lon don and th ancient village of Deuhara .a..-" V bt 1 Trm most astonishingly "real" music is now possible in your own home because this principle is applied correctly to the new Orthophonic tone chamber. Scientists call It "matched impedance". It results in "smooth flow of sound" and the most wonderful music you ever heard from any instru Bucks n England were exteror "aeta"' "One Increasing Purpose," Paris la the iDcale of "Seventh Heaven." for which Director Frank Boirage haa been seeking "location" for hla company. Among the acreen folk, Monte Blue hopes to become a movie director'. Syd Chaplin desires to travel, Louise Fa-tenda wishes to be a great emotional actress and Jane Wlnton and Myrna Loy want to become great motion picture actresses. When Clara Bow appeared with a Chow dog the hair of which matched her flaming red locka In color, the combination was so appealing to other stars that a fad waa started. Dogs, kittens and birds of colors matching the hair of their mistresses now are sought as pets, The age of a photoplay makea little difference to fans In the Bahama Islands, reports Charlea Stalllngs, production manager of a picture being made In the lalands. He aald he recenUy aaw Kathleen Williams In "The Man, the air! and the Lion," which wa made when Hollywood was a pots to patch, Tom Mix waa an extra, and Charlie Chaplin waa singing in the English music halls." Times have changed alnce Tom Mix !was chsperonlng cowa tn Texaa and I Oklahoma. "When I waa a cowpuncher, it took monty to buy a gUl a meat," h aald. tie1 Victor Talking Machine Company Made only by yictor Orthoph "True in Sound ctor Credenza Model I3S5 Mah L By that we mean--the new Orthophonic Victrola principle is exclusively " controlled by the Victor Company ment, anywhere. You must be careful in buying, though, or you may miss the real ' objective. Look for "His Master's Voice" trademark, and for your demonstration, go only to "His Master's Voice" dealers. Models obtainable on convenient terras, from $115 to $385 onic Trade Mark Reg'4 Victrola aa he dined at the chuck wagon on location. "Now. when I'm able to buy a cafe, should I want It, I coundnt find a girl who would eat more than a slice of toast and a tomato. Seemingly. Ideas on forms have changed, too." Chester Conklln, comedian, la seeking to popularize plpe-amoklng at banquets and other aoclal gatherings. At a recent banquet Conklln auggested to. a group of friends that they reUre during the after-dinner speeches for s smoke. Their plan was revealed and the toast- matter Invited them to amoke plpea at the tables. -Hank." an educated dog. which plays Tob"ln "The Return to Petri Grimm," had to be rehearsed several Umes so as not to bark when he saw . the Image of hi matter In the house when "Oom Peter Orlmm" returns from beyond. Castles go up In smoke at Metro-Qoldwyn-Msyer-a Culver City atudto. Bete that once appeared aa gay cafe scenea, a castle on the Tthlne. and the -bi of roses" In "Three Weeks," were burned s wast material In the furnace that heata the studio boiler. Gloria Swanaon, John Barrymore and Buter Keaton, are completing their nrst Independent productions. Mis Swsnson Is well advanced In her work on "Sunya." at the New jYork studio, Bsrrymore hsa another month'a "shooting" scheduled on "The Beloved Rogue." at Hollywood and Keaton 1 cutting and UUtng The General." wood. also In Holly- Finding new and attractive Utles for motion picture plays Is becoming a difficult task. In view of the thousands of copyrighted stage and screen productions made yearly. The legal depart, ment of the big film companies sre kept busy searching motion picture records and the copyright files In Washington to avoid duplicating a tlUe. In addition to being, original, motion picture titles must be short, ss they -.re generally used tn electric sign dls-lays and electricity costs money. The Paramount atudlo property department waa called upon to find a aorse that would be an exact dupUcate 3f a. farm horse used In Thomas Melg-ban's location work at Calgary, Alberta. A horse the same size snd general color waa finally located but a painter had to put a white apot on tbe animal's rorehead and on one rear leg before It would answer as a substitute of the original. Russian boots, blouses, capa and shawls wUl make their way Into the styles of tbe film colonies, Count Llys Tolstoy, who la In Hollywood, predicts. "The girls will even wear baggy Russian psnts." aays th Count. "These are made In bright colors and of silk In the majority- of cases. The Russian blouse I already in vogue among the film atar and the picturesque Russian turbans should find much favor." of Canada, Limited Look for this trademark Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kiquiitite Stuck of Kui Tri minings al low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V.aX. ThlrsJ Ave GEORGE RORIE CHARTERED ACCOUNT ANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 213 Seeond Avenee West, Prince Rupert i