.0 ?xt. PA OR TVVC " TffB DAILY KrJvvS Tuesday! Aprft 20, 10 HNS U R E DELIGHT TRAVEL CUNARD Canadians for ! Service? Every man seemed to take a personal interest in THIS CANADA our comfort Food? -Excep- . tionally good." Lecturer Qave Inspiring Address Weekly sailings far Plymouth. Cherbourg, j In united Church Here Last London. Regular sailings for Night Under Native Sons Lhvrppol. Cabin Class, $145 and up. Five new Cunard ships. NEED NATIONAL SPIRIT I For And Against of a province, lion. John Oliver, Premier of British Columbia, the other day paid a visit to Nelson ami the schediile laid down for Inm (luring the iluy would have been enough lo tire a young man full of vigor. For a man seventy, .year of ,age it was a prodigious amount and a strajnuch as would "seem almost dangerous. Here is the program; ; , . n n.m. Inspects (Snrrity Creek cui-nff. 11 a.m. Meets Mayor McDonald to discuss isolation hospital. 1 p.m. -Addresses Uolnry Club,. . 2 p.m. Receives CrawfordBay delegation. 5 rd Particulars from ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE toQlasgou) Tkt ROBERT REFORO CO, Ltd. TORONTO Phot Elf 31TI) or mny STEAMSHIP AGENT The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, 622 Hastings SU W., Vancouver, or any STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New!?, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES i City Delivery, by mail or carrier; per month $l 88 86 on By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ffl.Oii To all other countries, in advance, per year S7. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone ... All advertising'should he in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. OAII.V PDITIOM A'ursday, April 20, I02. Provincial Policing. On the front p;ige of 'todays' issue will be found a short article liowiug some reasons why it would lie wise to place the policing or the'eity Under the provincial force. It is. well worth considering. Should anyone wish lit give the reasons why it .should not he 'adopted and why we should allow the policing to remain ns it ist we shtdl be glad to publish it uUo. Colonel .lc-Mullin is coming to open negotiations and this is the time to discuss the change if it is to be made. ' Cost Of Loading , Vessel With Grain. The cost of loading 4 vessel With, grain has been discussed by Harbor and Shipping fn.ojiyffr y;ierfrout journal. It says that the cost of loading aS'eel fit Y4'iUouVer is s?2..Ui0 less than at Portland and the cost of loading a ,ship carrying 7,i50 long tons is .l'7. less at Vancouver'' than a( Montreal. It is noted that a Vancouver' all elevator charges are borne by the shipper whereas tflJ.MoiiJlreal the vest-el pays 4c a bushel delivery charge. The average numlier of days in port at Vancouver is.& days and in Mon(real 44' days. The details of loading all i.tti.ii jni -nuMiig oil- unipuriMin in earn iiem joiiows: , i , Vancouver. Montreal. Tonnage Tax and Dues .............. i0.27 Xil Mek Manners Due .............. Fumigation ............ Port Warden's Fees Elevator and WJiarf: - ' Delivery fronv Llevator ........ Pilotage: inward. ..;..' Outward ...... : '". . Towaigo .Stevedoring: i Loading 7,100 Ions bulk at lie Ditto, at 5 ?io ..-.,...,. Bagging 6,000 has at 0c ..,;'.'. Sjowiijigi290 tons, bagged at r0c4nv.'. Ditto nl 10c ton ......... .w, . , Liniijg1 vessel , ., 3,500 ft. dunnage boards at t-?i8; i . . . . .7 f, Boatman or Launch Hire . U.S. Btl)of Health, Ipr Panama' 02.00 115.00 50.00 Xil 95.00 81.Q0 Xil 81'J.f.O 360.00 i i5.no 1,870.00 03.00 20.00 , 5,00' (12.00 Xil 8.00 I.123.8C. It 1.00 208.00 200.00 I10.no n f.d. on lio.rio t. 87 0.00 105.00 5.110 -tNil ' '': ' " -r'.jf 3,781,77 i,581.8(i Few Realize What It' ' '' C-'ri : Mea'nsiTo Be Premier. ' 1$jL .A,' . vew peopie rennze jnsi wnai it means lo be nreinier. even 2.110 i.m. Confers with Liberal Association. p.m. Meets Board of Trade; 8 p.m. Meets Prospectors Protective Association and Chamber of Mines. 1) 'P.m. Invited lo address Auto Club smoker. H5 You have to chew HREDDED WHEAT TTiat means sound, healthy teeth Nothing Wrong With Country But Some of Residents Con-' slder It Only Meal P Ticket One of the most stfrrinir, stimulating and eloqnenl addresses oer heanl in Prince lluperl was delivered lasl ccning in the First United Church by Waller McBaye, prnmineut lecliirer and IjCaxeller and Canadian patriot, under the auspices of Prinee llu-pcrt Assenddy, Xative Sons of I'anada, before h larjte auidience which was presided over by Aid. M. M. Stephens, president of the; local assembly. Mr. Mcllaye handled his subjeel, ."Canadian-, izhwr :Canuda,' in a forceful manlier and made many exhortations based not on radicalism but on the true spirit of Canadian nationalism under British sover eignity. He showed the glories of Canada in the past the heri tage of every man ami woman bom in the Dominion; deplored the Indifferent Canadian spirit of oday in scathing terms and pointed finally to the future and its possibilities. The spirit which enabled the early pioneers to overcome what Acre apparently insurmountable obstacles, the indomitable cour age of Canadian troops In the .ar and the spirit of unity amongst them, the tack of an appreciation of Canada by those living here,, ami the need for unity coupled with an appeal for more dnstruc!ie" teaching of Canadian history were hy Mr. Mcllaye. tressed The need of Canada today," declared Mr. Mcllaye, "is a Canadian conscience." Proceeding, the speaker referred lo the spirit of the Canadian forces at Ypres., and said that there the men goinv over the top did nfft look to see if the man next to them were from the west or from the past, they saw 'Canada' on his shoul der, and that was enough." Past Worth Study Mr.'Mcllayt- referred lo fhe glorious past of the Dominion, recalling the early pioneers, the Indian wars, the story of the Hudson Bay Company, the laying of the CP.lt. track. "All these." said the Speaker, "afo epics of which any country might be proud, and yet. now much of them Is taught in our schools. "The history of Canada", he continued, "is' founded on Hie success of earnest endeavor. In its pa'es one sees optimism at its. best. Yet we Canadians are not enthusiastic. Why? Because we 1iae neer been lalight about our own wonderful history. "The trouble is that we have no national conscience, our out- look is proverbial or local. We cannot rie. to a national aspect I In; government fs seeking lo change Ibis, but before it can educate tit'' nation, it must educate' itself." declared Mr. Mcllaye - "It is Jiard to realize, but nev ertheless, unfortunately true. that no child born in Canada to day is a Canadian. Tlip very birth certirjcat?,robj it of 'its birth-rigTit' On this certificate it is clearly stated that nationality must he stated as that of the parents because there is not Caiir adiau nationality, that term merely denoting citizenship." Real Canadlantsm Needed "I am a Canadian 100 per cent, declared the speaker, 'and I tuke off my hat to the Englishman, or me mailman, or ine mun.oi any other nation who comes out here and is not ashamed to own his country. But If the children of that man, born in Canada, declare they 'are sons . of their father's land'ratlier than sous of Canada, then those are the very woiwl kind of aliens we could hae. They will undermine the rihland the traditions of our land." yw "I yield place to no man in Prince Iupert or in Canada in my loyally to the British Empire, but) I say this advisedly," said Mr. ..Melt aye, "that when a Canadian, is 'drouder of belonging to the Ihiperial Order of the Daughters of fthe Empire, or lo the Sons ofEpgland, 05 to tho Sons of "Scotland, than ho is of belonging lo Canada he. is un alien in sense and spirit. Don't worry aliontJ;tie. British Empire"; it lias been hern a lnnig lime and it will be here a long time, after you and I are gone, What wo fk. V--V COLO SEAL V nix' rfil VI (SUARANTTE i T Jg' MtU MM ' , VTAorvocr honey mf i r? Lockonhu CoU Sal mi tht rufi you lug Made in Canada by Canadians for Canadians A new rug and a new butler! Mother's proud of them hotht The son well, every mqther knows what a wonder her boy is. And this woman, as well as every housewife who has used ConKoleum Rugs, can tell you what a pleasure they arel Variety of Beautiful Patterns The beautiful "Ladik" design, Cungoleum Art-Rug No. 592, shown above, is a rich new pattern. Its background is a daintily watered French gray, and motifs and border combine several tones of blue and tan, accented, with touches of old ivory. Congoleum Rugs make every room cheerful and home-like at a low cost! And they come in such n wide variety of patterns from elaborate Oriental effects and pretty floral designs to the neatest conventional designs. In addition, Congoleum Qold Seal Rugs have practical virtues to recommend them. They are made to endure hard wear. Their surface is firm, smooth and easy to clean.' Another convenience they lie perfectly shnu'ht worry abool is Canada and Um Hinpire. and we ,vill he 4 Ad our Canadian ism." liaising Canada worthy of her ' Stressing the legal side of tho gallant sixty thousand soim who case as outlined by the laws, Mr. !'d down their lives on the field i Mcllaye said, "ir ihe Prince of f Prance nd Flanders." , j Walesjluid been i anghyin the At the eIoe of the lecture Mr country fon!H isit whwtM'he cen- Mcllaye gnve some very exeellen'. sus were being taken, he would, rendition of Dr. DriimmundV according to our lawslmve been habitant poems which were murli classified as a Herman. What Is Wrong? "What is wrong with Canada?" asked the speaker. "Nothing! It is Canadian that are wrong. We have the most wonderful country In the world, and how do many of its inhabitants reward It? Merely a a glorified' meal ticket, to be worked until we hav made enoiiigh, and then hack to" the country we are proud lo own." In conclusion, Mr. Mcllaye said. "Oel away from tlif jazzy resiles wave to today. We must drop our sectional differences, and lake a national viewt Let u thane our motto of Canaija for the Canadian lo Ihe Canadian for Canada. Do this and wo wilt he building up the unity between north and south, between east and west, between the. Dominion for" Com fori1 n and Oconomy ft KWMUN COMtT CO. QW II, J,T f appreciated ly the largo aiidieuc 'ireenl. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert C. C. I'urdy, arcounlanl in thu local branch of the Bank of Com merce, and Ales .Mull, Young, sou of Judge Young, are leavinu shortly Tor Los AngeleA to lake up a course of training in nn aviation school there, preparatory to applying for enlistment to the lloyal Air .Force. William Kerr and John Clap-pcrlon, well known local men, are llsled in Hie casually lisls a having been, wounded on aclivi; service. . - ' The funeral of Amadee Ho. berge, pioneer of Prince 'lluperl, look placo yesterday from thn Homan Calhollc Church with a largo concourse of mourners in attendance. Pallbearer werft Wilfrid Oration, -Joseph llosseau, A, Pe1eiiin, Henri Lelourneaii, T. A, liny and C. Lalomle. Subscribe lo the Dally News. flat on the floor without ffiNGOLEUM sw y GOLD SEAL Town. . W N Street f lack On IU A Lut s or cement. They can ! easily moved. Save Time and Money In every way you'll find Congoleum GoU Seal Art-Rugs represent real economy. They save you time and labor and they save you money, too. For they ore very low in price, and very durable. Look for the Gold Seal For many yenrs. Congoleum GoU Seal Art-Rugs have been sold on the basis of "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back." Only rugs that bear the Cold Seal shoVn , above offer such clear-cut assurance of value, durability and established reputation. Let your dealer show them to you jrj.nl), the popular sizes from small mats to nine by fifteen foot rugs. Send for free color folder; the coupon below is for your convenience. Congoleum Canada Limited 1270 St. Patrick Slice t. Montreal. Quebec - rt-Kugs f V1 Congoleum Canada Limited 1 2 70 Si. Patrick Stirt Montreal, Quebec Gentlemen: I shall be clad to have you send me (without cort or obllf h-tion) a copy of your illustrated folder. Modem Rugs for Modern I lomcs." Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTINQ AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER GLOTHINQ, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde St. The standard of Purity or over 160 years HMs& Undi London Dry Gin $3.25 the bottle I his advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Lienor Coiitroj Board or by the Uovoriwneut of Urlliih Columbia. J