MAYOR NEWTON FILES PAPERS! Enters Mayoralty Contest For Twelfth Time Nominations Closo on Monday Seville Marm-au Newfnn. ul-li'li' i. -ix tune inor of Priwee tlireii. filed paper tin morn inv A nil the elly olerk for h twelfth mayoralty rontel. Ill )irtMer l V. E. Fthcr and lit RiTomter, J. J. Oiliu. Paper fur ! -AM. S, P. McMordie. Mair Newton's oppo-urtii. Hill he filed uii Monday a well lbtf for candidate In fiil five vacancies on lh alder-tnaitu- linitrd. Iwo on Ike school Im.i I anil Iwo on the Mte eom-ini--i"ti Nomination will he received up in i clock Monday afternoon ami tin- election will take (dare in Thursday. FLOODS MEXICO DESTROY TOWNS Two to Throe Hundred People Said to Have Perished In Nayarlt State MEXICO CITY. Jan .0.-- Flood condition in Ihe slate of Nayari'. are Ihe wnml ever experienced Several limn are reported to If ielrnye with heay of life N'OOAl.ljS. Jan. 9. Heporl here ilaee the niimher an a re Mill of the Mexican flood al from Iwo to three hundred. Sesen iltaxe in MayaiH .-lale have lieen icl rnyel. INFANT SON OF DON CORKER IS DEAD IN SOUTH Word had heen received in the erly or Ihe death on lieeemher ! of iMnovnii Ainhrnne Corker, infunl miii or Mi. and Mn. Iom Corker wiio fminerly lived ir. l'rince Itujiert inul who nee now locuied at Jlcaver Cove. Vancouver lulainl LIFE IMPRISONMENT" VANCOUVER MURDERER OTTAWA. Jan. 0. An order in-Fuuneil ha been paed com mnllne (lie iIcjiIIi setilenee lire imnrlsoumenl on Harold Herenlten. convicted or murder ing a fellow seiinian at Yancou ver on October IR. The exren '"'n was et f r January 18. Meiglit-u iirotei.le.1 that Ihe ino-lion win made without notice. Mi Mcinlien ihen nnfl an aiiii'iiilinem to the adroK m reply In the fieeli frsiii Ihe Ihrene the hufdjHt if wjitfth atahnt "in Ihe (Ate eserol ahctloii oan- ili.lale tf fjWiHeelleH'yV"-adH fr: l wlfWe Hi1at!ee an appeal In Ihe rounlry i. made. Mere tlefealnl In a law majority f eotifttmiMMtei. thai nine min-iiT of Ihe Crown, ineludina the I'remier. were uiIIhmH ieali nntl nnler ueh ifeoiHtanee are not ronipHetit i unl. ami Uirrr etHjtiuwanre in oHi. t a t iotallon of the nriiu iili- of llriMh eoflelitulional Mr. Meigben i imii-eonfideee ameiiilioeiit .Idiate ran on well iil the eemou ami wa fina!! aitjotirnetl until Mmolay. Mi Meijrhen atKueti that the ioern-menl eould not ftiiietion in Par- MOO'iil imh' Ihe Prime Min uter were a nMHiiher. ir pt-erumeiit had lle ruht to funr-(n. n without prune minister. the dd ia wouhl have returned Winn a governor oould ildre Parliament of hin own risrhl and it'.l mi the advice nf him who, ahove all nlhcr-, i rc-jiniiMhlr to Parliament and the people. Mr. Meighen alleged. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal II.C. .SiUer Imuwell (ilndsliilie llMneltnn I.. A I.. ,. Prtlnier Porter Idaho Silver Crest tirf lidel .. lUifu Maftnol Hid. Asked. !.(? I 7H I 78 i .m i.r.5 .:tl .ass .l fi .13 4 10 ?.J5 2.S0 It .10 .13 .IJ!j .ohs .mm .17 .10 An a reeognitiou uf hmg and faith ful service jtiven the organi-lalntu, l.inl?e Valhalla made a presentation ia nihl to (ho eerelary, John Wyhhavn, of a haiuliHime et oT pipe in a cae together with an engraved pla'-' with the text: "To John lyhhai with Ihe compliments of lOdvi Valhalla, .No. 57, S. F. of A." The presentation, which wa made hv A. Akerherg, Uie prefent, eame a a eomplele surprise to Mr. Iyh- havn who replied suitably. Mr liyhhavn is now serviu? j Damage In That Country Estl mated at Seventeen and Half Million Dollars liis'sinn twenty-seeonil term as secret ury of the lode. In addition lo this he ha heen four limes preidcn: ami three limes di-lriel president. After Ihe lotlj-e meeting, rard and danriiip were enjoyed, iiiiim-iit-iii ftiiiii-licd ti Andrew Nel-ou on the arcordioti. FRENCH FLOODS. ARE SUBSIDING 1 1. i I UUI to Include all Operating Companies In Distribution PROTEST COLD STORAGE ci... I, I r 'f. ,.. i ii V Itee'i last' Stni'dge plant. He mentioned Ilia.' a ?ood deal of salmon wn-exnn 'led or frozen and some vva .salted. Other companies Ihan those eugagiNl in canuiuv had e rislil lo some f Ihe licensee. In order not to discriminate lapainsl the Colli Storage plan'. PAHIS, Jan. 1. -hamape lo the;it. W1P, " ,.nnerv wa, elimm- I.rtdg ami romln m the vaHeys)S. f 'lu,im, wuirtl of the H.r Marne. Meuse ond.Ui n,.- ul, ii,a l.-,l (Jise which lime ,ce W reckj l;, JI(Je nttf a by flooils innndatiuif thai part of fw m,rt , , eswu. France is estimated a 17. 500.- (IIM). i nnditii-ns have much im proved this morning WELL KNWSALMO'N TROLLER IS DEAD Late John Olund, Resident of Lewis Island, Was 47 Years of Age The death took plaee at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the Prince Huperl General Hospital of John Olund. well known pioneer sulmoii Iroller or thi dfs-trfot. He had been a patient in the hospital for two month. Ilnviiig made hi residence at Lewi Island, decenseil had lived in Hit district for many year. He wax a native of Sweden and liis age was 17. A lter, Mr. Anna HahL re-hide in Vallejo. California, and Instruction were receiveil from her Mil morning to hold Ihe funeral locally. Arrangements are in the hands of the II.C. Undertaker ami interment will probably lake place on' Monday afternoon. Is it not time for a change! for Muvur Nevvlon bus been chier magistrate or thi cily . .i . . .1 . : 1 1, l. : : 4 i veins. .re tne people satiueu who in smirrni Is hi "slrong follovving" slill going lo rule Prince Hupert 1 1 Ihal "strong following" still going to be the mam voice in the Police Comiiilioti ? Who does that Vlroug following" consist of? Ate you going lo be a follower uf Mhyor Newton or are you going lt vole for I'x-Ahlermaii Me.Mordie, who will curry the ofriec with dignity unci decision, wilh ciitiittion sense and Nrm judgment, wilh fear of none and fn,vor for none, u man who i not to be influenced b personal friendships iloe faction or other interests. " . n Prince Huperl not had enough of Newton? Would not Ex-Aldermau McMordie well fill the. office or mayor? Is it nol time for a change? CA.MPAKiN GOM.MlTTKi:. live. It vvus jKiiUled out Ihal so important a resolution should not he sprung im the meeting without I borough jConideral ion. It i undettood that tiie matter if distribution 6f license i now under consideration al Ottawa and this influenced Ihe meeting in Tavor or immediate action, it beiii' fell that hardship had been worked again, the local cannery. HOCKEY SCORES F.iiiuonloii 0. Sakaloou a. Victoria 0. Vancouver I. 3 TAXI Boston Grill J B nnd mdJ Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing nuiffiiori at unvi mi. !'-". .. floor for hire. . . I " ' . . m a j n a - 1 i niann srtnwai nniai i i """"I w.u nTV. - - NEW 80Df FOUNTAIN, and 6th 8L ;,,, "7 PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. 1 "lt)tb 1 1, ' Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XVI NO. 7. PH1NCK Ml "PHUT. H.G.. SATl HDAY, JANTAHY 1), 120 YMteitUjr ClreoUtlun, HIT sure! Sales. 4 J PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE POLITICAL FIGHT IS ON AT OTTAWA BOARD OF TRADE ELECTS OFFICERS AND HEARS REPORT OF RETIRING HEAD Fight is on at Ottawa Where Vote of Censure is Moved by Opposition Hon, Ernest Lapointe gets first say but speaker is considering whether motion of confidence is in order OTTAWA, Jan. 0. A motion of rotifjdeiicc in the government wa moved in Hie House of Common eterdv afternoon following Hi reading of Ihe speech from the throne. Hon. Eruet L.ipomte, Government House leafier in lite absence of Premier Mil- Kenxie King, read the motion "thai in the opinion i lln in m. w of the recent general elections, the gov-finiM' i wj- jn-iiiieil in retaining offiee and Mimmnniiig pr-'i.-ment tin J (he government relnin offiee tinles denied by a :,ftr , -qiv. ..lent l uvute of want of confidence." " ; Speaker Leitllctix deferred un it it Monday giving a ruling on j whether Hie motion was in under ' r mil, when Hon. Arthur JOHN DYBHAVN JAP LICENSES OLOF HANSON IS SURPRISED! AND CANNERIES HEADS BOARD Lodge Valhalla Made Presenta-. Department of Fisheries Asked Officers for Local Organization tlon to Him Last Night In Recognition of Faithful Service j Oluf Hanson is Ihe new president of Ihe Hoard of Trade, holh lite i iir nvaiu in iruur u ujr """'(.fjj nuai meeiiii? uisi niui passed aj resolulion which has been lele-ra Ilied lo I lie uiinister of marine ami fisheries' and &Uo U. Fred J!crk a-iiM Ihal "so Ions as Japanese jjeet,e- are i..iicd all eompaiiles operating in Itis- trici 2 should he includeij in Iheifjjjujj uisirinuiion in me same. The parsing of the resolution followetl a good deal of diseus- in which il was explained the Sonienille rannery in this city was last year unatde lo gel any of the licenses allotted to il. whereas; canneries' winch were closed were al' lo Use Licenses and iwirk llieir fish a! other canneries. Cold Storage Position J. V. XiehuUe, on thair of the Cold Storage Company, stated that while. Uietr eaimerx. La. I been ck-c,l. IhhJlsh tfugjij,jiad HoTI Chosen at Annual Meeting Last Night and V. O. Fulton, viee-presi- ieing elected without op position al Ihe annual meeting of the Hoard in the Council Chamher lat evening. The full lis of officer follows: President, Olof Hanson. Vice-President. V. O. Fullon. Secretary-treasurer, A. llrooks- Exeeulie council : Lionel Hollliy. II. C Pater-on, Oeqrve Hry-anl, If. F. Pullen, J. L, Chri-lie, i. V. Nicker.iim, Iougia .lork. F. (.. liawson. U. Thomson. T. MeMeekin, P. M. Hay. jOeorfie Arnold, S. K. lUtmphell, J. Uybhavn. M. P. MrCalTery. DEAF PUPILS HEAR RADIO ,Able to DITferentlate Vibrations Caused by Voloe and Mus'cal Instruments COIUiOVA, Jan. i. lliiilding a siicceful iructice, the only medical knowledge lie had was what he gained in Board of Trade Annual Report Made by President Nickerson is .Optimistic as to Future At the annual meeting of the Pnnce Huperl Hoard of Trade held lat evening, the retiring presidenL George W. Ni' kerson; gave, a review of the year"? work and an optimistic prophesy for the future wild a number of recommendations in regard lo work that should be carried on as follows: (ieutlemeii: In presenting this, the 1 7th annual report of tfits board, it h gratifying to note that during the past year. Canada seems to iave turned the corner and isl s :ow on the road io prosperity:) i ml unless we meet wilh uufor-) een reverses should continue upon an unbroken period of na- lional development, in which event, we have every reason t believe that Prince Hupert will participate, providing it citizens have faith and do their share towards the developing or our natural resources. Canada today lias a balance of trade in her favor of 3G0,0tl.-I0: this is an inrrease of I0.-OOO.Ono over lit. Our wheat crop in dollars and rents lia- heen the greatest we have ever enjoyed. Return from mining in Iiritish Columbia have in creased by !3,0bu.000, giving It a total return irom mis source Udi,ii l&0(iUurfiauug4B duslry a a whole has showi, sreater return than that of lt2t. I rejtret to reptrl how ever that our halibut rishin?, on viviiii vfii I.... . which j'nnce nuperi reues io- .aurw a-asa muss. v . i cliil.iien dear finee birth lat i"nriiwi ource o. revenue. night hie the first time were!1'5"' no1 ',te,, a" iueralive for bv by vibration vibralmns of lhel,,ur fhermeii a was that of reached voice and musical instruments over the radio with sufficient separation of the sound to enable (hem lo differentiate the vmralioii. 1 lie etiildren are pupils of Ihe school for the deaf and blmd. CALIFORNIA BANK LOST 20,000 DOLLARS TO FOUR BANDITS OAKLAMt. Jan. . Four men blew the saTe or the First National Hank at Plcasantnu late on Friday and escaped with 920.-000 after binding three employ ees and one customer of Ihej hank. Wonderful Tale of Stolen Identity by Man Who Posed as a Physician in Alaskan Town1! lit? I. Ihe principal cause ol this was the low price paid for fish. II is my opinion that our fishermen would obtain belief returns tor their product, it they were not compelled to compete with the American fish sold al this oi'l, and it is to be hoped that thi discrimination will shortly le removed. Northern B.C. .Virlhern liriti-li Columbia a a whole is making progress iui' jnol as fast as we had expected. 'or would like o see: this is par ticularly true of the interior, a ion account of the lack of tiiar-Ikels Ihe fanner have, lit!l .courage lo increase their pro duction; potatoes being about the 'inly product that Ihey can readily dispose if. Here I wih lo express my disappointment over the failure of the C.O.M.M. lo give u a rate on hay from here to Stewart, that would allow t tie farmer of Ihe interior to reach that market in competi- ion with those or the south. It ill probably surprise some of you to learn that the freight on bay from here to Stewart is SI0 as apainl ?I2 from Vancouver, t lie penitentiary hospital. matt aid lo be Arthur Webb, ttlleged;tiotwilhtauding that the distance i. .. i.. i.. I II...-' . :. I i:i.. : . 11... .....i !: . .. i i il io nave iwiic sioien ainiioci s luriuiix, is mr seeuiui limit ar-ji aiuiosi uirve nines a jirri. rested within two mouth in llu eelion of Alaska while iHingThi board ha repeatedly J as u physician. Webb i held ut Kodiak on telegraph advices brought this to the attention oft from the sheriff at beat tie. 'the head of the freight depart Arthur Webb i alleged to have broken jail in Okaiiusau.lment of the c.N.11. and the C. G Wuhington, iu lltll). where lie is abeged lo liave stolen Masonb credential from' Itnbert John-j-- . . : . . . stone of ltritish Columbia, then jione lo Juneau, where be a-j stimed Joliiistone' name. While J visiting a brother Mason Ihe re-1 port says he stole a government j check and fled lo Cordova. There he cashed the stolen check and departed, lie wa arrested in Club, brought to Valdez and sentenced lo seven years in Ihe pen-ileutlary. The man was released lat August on good behavior. He Ihen stole a doelur's surgical outfit, went to Kodiak, posed as Dr. E. A. MacOibbon and introduced himself ns a former surgeon of the Canadian Paciflo Hailway. Advertise In the Dally News :0;- continued on page two1 Mortgage on Mayoralty Mayur Nevvlon states that he is not "in any sense delirious of unduly monopolising the City's chief executive position." The fact tliat he lias been six limes mayor of Prince Hupert und on five oilier occasions ran but wu defeated, does not coincide with Hie statement he now nrukes. Much Hie contrary seems lo be the case. Is Mayur Newton's mortgage on the Chief Magistrate's chair or Ibis cily golug to continue 6r will it be broken with the election of Kx-Aldenuuii McMordie? Is there any good reason why Mayor Newton should continue indefinitely iti ofrice? Does he possess exclusive qualifications lo be mayor of this city? The electors will decide next Thursday. CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. MUCH GRAIN IN STORAGE ONPRAIRIES Nearly Twenty Million Bushels on Canadian National Lines Yet to go to Seaboard WINNIPEG. Jan. '. There in still bushel, 0r grain retried iu storage on Canadian National line at prairie points as against 1 1,65 t.OOO bushel at thi lime Ja jear. The all-rail movement of jiraln Irom the heatrria-kes!fsohtinutny at the rate of about 50 cars daily and government elevators at Edmonton and Saskatoon as well as the elevator at Transcona are being used for-istorage and other purpose. Deliveries to Vancouver have shown tremeudou grains. Since the beginning, jfr the, jmp year a total or 9.5 it enrs have been delivered at that port over Cana-n diaii National lines a I,-'; 1)72 up l thi date last year. " Total loading m C.N.R. lilies! Ibis crop .year to dale have" aniouuled iu I5.O00.000 bushels, ', a ajrainst 2,O00,000 bushels;' lat year. FLIRTING WIFE I 9 CAUSES MURDER Man KIls Spouse and Three Children and Then Ends Own Lire NEW YoHK, Jan. 9. Because lie caupht hi wife flirting with another ,man, Tom King, young etiatTeur, killed hi wife and three children, the latter raugtn in a-fe from one lo live years, wilh a baef)all bat uhicfc had been given to the eldest chil by il mother at Christmas. The man t lien committed suicide. SHIPPING MAN SHOT HIMSELF AT SEATTLE SEATTLE. Jan. tt. Robert M. Lawrence, assistant purchasing agent of the Alaska Steamship Company, shot himself here BIRTHS A son was born at the Prince Hupert General Hospital on January 9 lo Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Eby, Fourth Avenue East. A son wa born on January 8 at the Prince Hupert. General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. A. Prince, Atlin Avenue, k NATIONAL DEBT. OTTAWA. Jan. It. The National debt on December 31 was f2.rn.74tf.030. which is twenty million- Irs than It was a year g.