"AOS SIX THl DAILT Buy Now! PRICES REDUCED On all Groceries and Provisions Pineapple 2W, sliced", reg. G'Jc, now 40o 2's, sliced, rcg. SOc, now 3 for $1.00 2 's, crushed, rcg. 30c, now I for . $1.00 Special tins, 2", sliced, res, 25c, now 0 for .. .. $1.00 Peaches 2V4', sliced, rcg. 45c, now 2 . for 75c 2's, sliced, regr. 40c, now 4 for $1.00 ... ... laljs, sliced, rcg. 25c, now for $1.00 Apricots 2V4's, reg. 45c, now 2 for 75c 2'a, rcg. 40c, now 4 for $1.00 lalls, reg. 25c, now 5 for $1.00 Tomatoes . Malkin's Uesl or any oilier brand 2!4'h, C tins for 85c 2'. 6 tins for .. 75c Corn (5 lins for 85c All Jame are reduced, some kinds as low as 65c for a 4 lb. tin. Come in and look over our slock. Wo can fill your order complete and guarantee satisfaction. Rook Hook Free with nine million Baking Powder. 10 cents off each fin of Mal-kin's Hot Haking Powder. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94. We deliver Third Ave. and Fifth St. Don't Buy Your Crockery and China Ware Until you have compared our prices We Save You Money Gordons Grocery Seventh Avenue East Phone 447 JANUARY CLEARANCE Ladies' and Children's Coats and Dresses GREATLY REDUCED lee our Windows H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd Phone 9 3rd & Fulton Every Prescription We compound is dispensed by a FULLY QUALIFIED PHARMACIST from chemically pure materials. Our prices are moderate. We are Prescription Specialists. FOOTBALL CUP TIE RESULTS Following are the third round cup tie results of mutches played in h'ngland today; Xew Hrighlon 2, Wednesday 1. Wolverhampton 1, Arsenal 1. Derby 0, Portsmouth 0. Kverlim 1, Fulham 1. Sunderland tt, lioslon 1. West Hiomwich 4, Urislol City 1 Tottenham 5, West Ham 0. Chesterfield 0, Clapton 0. 0. Port Vale 2, Manchester U. 3. Hull 3, Aston Villa 3. Sheffield U. 2. Stockport 0. Clapton 2, Swindon 3. Wigan 2, Slokc 5. llhiningham 2, Grimsby 0. Cardirf 2, Hurnley 2. South Shields 3, Chilton 0. Charllon A. 0, Iluddersfield 1. Ilollierhani 2, Hury 3. Cniitilhians 2, Manchester C, 3. Hlackpool 0, Swansea 2. Hournemoulh 2, Heading 0. Middlesboro 5, Leeds 1. Milwall 1, Oldham 1. South Hud 1, Southporl 2. Soulhamplon 0, Liverpool 0. Nolls Forest 1, Bradford City 0 Xcwcaslle i, Aherdaro 1. Plymoulh I. Chelsea 2. Northampton 3, Crystal Palace 3 Accringlon 0, Holton. W. 1. Nolls Co. vs. Leicester C. and OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division i. Celtic t. Itaith Hovers 0. Clydebank i, Motherwell I. Cowdenbeath 2. Aberdeen t. Dundee I, St. Mirfeti 1. I Falkirk i. iMindee United i. Hamilton Acad. 3. Hangers 3. Hearts I. Queen's Park 2. Morton 1. Kilmarnock 2. Partick Thistle 2. Hibernians i. TIMBER SALE X 7370. Scsled TmiltTS Will tx- rwHvrd tiv IIw CLEARANCE SALE Hats & Coats At Cost "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Ssrvlcs Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday hveniugs i Mliuner or Land it Victoria nut liter: tliau iiijoii on the JIM day or Jinuiry.l Ivi6, for tlie Durrhase of Licence X73JU. 1 1 ul 6SU.000 liiieil feet of dar I'ole iiu riling- on an area tilualea aHiui' three miles eol of I'urt CUiyent. Ura-; ham Inland, yueen Cliarkilte Island bit-1 po A Pimply Face Is Unsightly Mitu C. C. M. Smart, South JUttle-fonJ, Sask., writes: "A wkil igo I was troubled with facial blemishes, esppcialljr pimple, and cu realls-asliaraed to go out with such a bad looking face. I tried 2 or 3 different remeJirs, but they didnt help me any, no one da a friend, who had been troubled the some as 1 was, advised me to use Aftr I had taken two bottles there wasn't a pimple of any kind left oa any face, and I now haw a clear, smooth and velvety complexion." Put up only by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. UNUSUALLY MILD WINTER ON NAASi"--t. Alyansh Rancher Arrives In City Today After Having Made Trip Down River by Gasboat Itcporiiug unusually mild weather in the Naas Valley for ",is Ulm' ll,e 8' C' t!"r- Itla. kh.irn vs. Predion "x.e! not .of ar' reportrd. don, well known Aiyunsh rancher. reached the city on the Calala U' morning. He made the trip !lown the Naas Itiver all the way J from Aiyansh to Mill Hay by gasboat. This i exceptional for, if the river is not frozen over, II is .generally so low in January that navigation become impossible. Mr. Gordon states that there was nine inches of snow at Aiyaneh in December but the ground is again clear as a resiih 'of recent heavy rains. I Mr. Gordon will remain in Hie city for a few days' before pn- 1 JI 1 . . n . . . . . , i: . i . ; diuiiiMuiM- o. Airurieonians i. eecuing soum to speim six week . . iioiinays at .ieri nay auu an couver. NOMINATION OF HENRY SMITH AS Nomination pa Three s yean will be allowed for S",''w a a can reiiMvai or .iiinuer. Mellon lxiard were filed enter. Victoria. B.C., or District rorester.:mOTtlinr. Mr. Smith's liroposer is Aaron . Edge and Itis TIMBER SALE X7427 .secundei Mayor Newton. Sealed Tnid-r will lie received Iiy Hie Miiilnter of Land at Vlr..rla out Uler tlii" in -'ii mi tlie J 8 til day or January. Itijfti. rr tlie pureluse of U-eiir XJ4K7. tu eut t.tll.uon feet or Sprare, Hemlock and dar on Lot 1 3 Id l.tua Ulaud. Sklde-rale Inlet. Oueen i:harlolte Inland Mrtrirt. Twi f jears will be allowed for removal or timber. further iiartlrntare of the Chief Forester. Victoria. H.C.. or District Forester t'rlnee Unfurl. H DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK. Notlca to Contractors. Blohirtral HuUdinr. I'rlnee Hubert. stAl.f.11 tk.MjKHS, endorsed "Tender Kir Diomincai uulldlnir. I'rlure HuiK-rt. will be recelted by tlie Honourable f tf Minuter or J-iibtic Works up to 1 o'clock ihk.ii if Tuehday the firtn day f iiuar, ivio, ior me rreciMui or i Hluk'irieal station at I'rlnce llu-rt In tli-r I'ellte llllfM.ft VimM-1i.ml flllti.1... Plt, Siecication. Ikiutract, and Fonoo of Tender inav l e!j or ani fter ine lilii aay or Deceiiiber. ti. and furtlw inrormatiiHi obtained at the I icpa rtmeiit of I'ublli Works, i'arllament Pulldlnr. and at tlie fotlowinir orflce or the Government Akents at Vancouver and I'rlnce Hopert. Conies of plan. eriricallns. etc., can lie obtained from Hie liepartment on pay-inetu of a deposit or tell dollars whleji will be refunded on return or the plan, etc.. In good condition. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. I'. rillUP. Deputy Minister and IMilihr Works LiiKineer. Department of I'ublte Works. I'arllameut Building-. Victoria, B.C. RIFLE SCORES Father (iodfrey arrived in the rily from Ocean Fall on the) I'rinee Healriee thi morning. tHv'ltii ; 'hm tilx Vw nd day of February uet tlie underslmedi intend ! apply to the Liquor Control r.,m - i. ...... ... . . . ... . 1 TERRACE NOTES Ueorae E. llussell of Uunsler, 11.1 1 ...li... l.l.l-.. M'illi! Jl.lj, IS I'LllMlUg IIUI""J his sister .Mrs. Hobl. Christie, on the bench. It. E. Allen or llauall is a bush ness visitor in iowu this week. N. a, Paine of Uk is a visitor in town litis week and a guest at j'l'erraco Hole!. j Mrs. Dttulop and Mrs.Marleu son of Calgary are spending a holiday til (own guests at the Terrace Hotel. W. Thompson of Kahini Lake is spending a-well earned vara lion in town. C. Ilea in and II. 11. Eaton of the halchery staff were holiday ing in town during the past week George l.illle ami Clare Giggy pent (lie early part of the wee!i limliercruisinir in the Mud Lake John Couture who has been spending a holiday at Alice Arm returned lo town on Wednesday evening. I Mrs. Grirrith of Prince lluperl is spending a lroliday in town ami looking after her business interests at that point. Mrs. J. (intnl accompanied Nellie Islop of Stewart who ha been spending a holiday at lu'r home here as far as Prince itu-pert on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Casllc. and daughter Opal were Prince" Hupert visitor on! .Wednesday last. The Ladies' Guild or the United Church met at Hie home of -Mrs. I. Mek'innou on Thursday' of thi week when arrangements jwere made for another big year' Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Frol ei-terlained four table of bridge ion Wednesday exenlinr a Inre- well lo Mr. and Mr. A. H. Darker who lefl on Friday morning for PHfifll TRIIQTFP a ,wo luonlh holiday In Honolulu. JUIUUL IIUJIEL Tie lirjie winners for highol 'scii i f fur I lie vniiin'r ini Mrs. ers of HenryjA. II. Haker.' Jadie. Geo. Keith. Udate for life gentlemen' iJelighlfu! refresli- his.nieuls were served by Hie hoste Mr. K. M. .Smith was a I'riiire Utijiert visitor thi week goim.' down Weilnesday morning. Mr. Cha. (Siggy of LakeUe Valley entertained a number of The fpH-wing eo,e. out of h you ,e Tiurwla. ve. ssible 100 made at were Ih. ,he croW(l Mlts whvnJ miniature range last night: It. Davidson at C. MeKeown 3 M. M. Lamh 02 W. Hra.H li. It. A. W Wilkinson Vilon Squire . Davie F. Hussell . A. Hunter T. Viloi) . 87 K(5 HI SI CO s; S7 to and fro in a big auto. Mr liiggy i an ideal lnle and a mot delighlful evening wax s'pent by all present. .Miss Mariauna hclmiuck of ' Marienstien. in SchatTtlach, Ita- Ivaria, arried on Wednesday inorning. Mis Sehmuek i neii-e of Joe Sprlzel and intend to make her home here. SMITHERS Ja. Fea, C.N.II. eonduetor who ha been engaged on the con trut'tion f the new line lo "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" Kelowna alt summer, epeut forepart ' of thi week at NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER i c. in licence. -home in iMiiilhers. M'TI' E I IIMlhliV UIVK that on tlie' the hi Frauci Aipleyard, a previou iiiise hem- ;,art ..f the imildinr known as 'employee at the local C.N.II. eta "Oifimieri'ial Hotel." situate at the corner' I 1,1 j,,,, ..,,,Mi 'rinir.il 1 lllirsild) iv in in li.un town ie- ti.. .1 Fir-I Amiiiii- and Klk-hth Street. Cltr or I'liiice lluiert, iixhi the land described, newillg Old al'iMlaiiltallCC. ' as lots l aud 14. Blink 9. Section I. . Map 03. Prince liutiert Land Itea-lstratloii; " liiMinl, in I he provlnre i.r llrlll.h r.oluni-; f... (i;,i.!,.v .lui'jliloi- nf Mr ''nl' """ oaugllltr oi .Mr. tla, for ine -ale of lieer by Hie rlass or! b iiie open bottle for consumption oit the and Mr, (iazeley, underwent a Paled this Fifth dai f January. ivr.. llllllhor opetatiotl al the llOpilal iuniiv'Vww' McLI:0" ,0" Tut?da- to relieve ear Iroub- ! Appiirants.'je. and I now making .alifac- WATER ACT. MlTICF. IH IIKHKHV (Kk tliat Ilia LAND ACT l. FISIIIMJ PACKING CO. LTD lory pi-ogres tu recovery iiouoyr. tiie i.nuteini overn.jr of Bni-k Mis Kathleen Durham i' mmuiiium, irnj WHO ill. u.i.c Ml ijt II r I i . i, ... his F.ieeiitlve i:i.iinel, has been Jdeased spending a few day ill town the "ut'"1 w' 'as THAT iHirsiMiil to the provisions of Pa SedliHi iiu. belnr Chapter T I or the ttevlsfid suiute of l reserve of unif roriled water of lliMMia Itiver. Orahalli It. L. (iale, who received a bad isiaiMl. in tlie rrince ltuiert Water Ills. I Irlrt. established pursuant to Order In- -l.uliliio-.nii nakllig-Up in in a lUUawa) euiinv-.v at'Cl uio-i co.iucii so r,p:t. api.noved on the isibUJenl last Saturday, i now able day or September. I(t. lie cancelled. i, , . , " ... iiatkii this smh day or (i.tour, ittk 'tu be around agUln, getting down T" D y,!;7.T.u.'if0',..,b1. jto hN office Jhursday with the am oi u cane. mWZ&i&pfi!&uA4A ' Wrliicli, M.IM'. for .Mirorn nav kideaale inlet. jou inuTPua). r. in t. i nai n.i . r isuinir a' ram Inr Company, l.lmlteii. of Vancouver. IU: occupation salmon Csntiers. Intends to apply for (ease of the follow In de-elllied lands: Coiniiiencinir al west et ess I t.r Mr, uml Mi'M. Oha. Itied entertained a number of friend at y:f(,:!,r.r:.v,ir,n!dred'V.,ru. ,,i,Ja evemg, u, south tii fhiina, thrice Vasi ' siueen ' " '7 rhslns: llieriee noiih lo shore line; thence ACliy lillij JI. ClCll. followlnr shore line to lnt of r(Kn- uieiiceiiient. and contalnliia- neven and lhrei tpiHiieeaece. . more oi less, , .1 (' K. Weul otul VV If li..r Applicant.' iMUj of the Joe a I firm of Sealy Al RBmtL lUoodH.ii lvfurned to town on' tUted Dettuiber tb, ih. ib?. I9DS, A son. Itobert David, wax born on January ?, at Fort .SI. Jaun' to Mr. and Mr. David liny I! was the first while loy born a: Fort .SI. Jame. II. V.. Jame i la rliare of tin euntruetion of the new bridge thai the pruviuriul public urk department 1 building ani. Oeork Creek to lake the plat-.- r IJihI which wa delroyel by fir" last year. LAND ACT T Thursday morning from a bus!-' ness visit to Prince lluperl In connection wilh their branch store in that city. The second of the Full Fair Association's Cinderella dances was held In the Town Hall on Wednesday uighl and while there was not an cxtru large crowd in attendance, those who did pal-ronlie it spent a most enjoyable evening. Mrs. J. It. 'Mclntyre enlerlaln-d at tea on Tuesday. afternoon in honor of Mrs. J. Hubert who Is leaving shortly for Prince ( eo rge. "VanderhooT There having been a tightening up of the weather in the dis trict l.il week, skating lias commenced and tie. are beginning l be hauled into town. James Graham of the Mapes district ha been seriously il1 recently but is now making sat isfactnry progress towards re covery. Sir John and Lady Pilka were hosls at a dance party in then home at Stuart Lake last week. Huine. in Vnndcrhnof dtiritw the ear I'JiS Is reported .to havt been heller th in previous years but an outstanding disappointment was (hat few new settler came into the district and IHtte land was sold. Mrs. Frank Held lias left for an extended visit with relative in Ontario. Mi Hichard-i is again in charge of Division Three in tin Vanderhoof sehool afler a serious three mouths' lllncsk Nolle Of Inlsntlos) to Applf to Lsaso In the Oueen t:barloite Island IMstrlrL jnl hecurdmr Dlstrtn of I'rlnce Hupri, and situate on toe I oresiiorc or lfiiim rlav. Vassrtl Inlel. TAkE MlTir.K ttial Eukroe II. Slni,m, of Masselt, orriijutl.m rsnie-ry nunifer, inteiHis lo apply ror ie or ine ruiiow ln described land wHiiioeiirlni at a Dost Dlanted on the. Mail water mark about to chain west from llw northeast corner of Lot 10 ; j 1 1 win e north ISO feel to low water marl; llx-nre norllimesterly O0 feet nwire i less; inenee .M mo teei lo ine inwin west iwnrr of F. II. ftiniDMKi'a anodca IHrti lo lease; lhnic southeasterly foM wwina- the man water mark to me poiri of conitiH-nceussul, and rontalnlnt lo acres, uHite or less. ELIQEIE II. aiVPA'IM. At-pllcsnt. Per Prod. Nash. Arot. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intsntlon to Asps to Lsss Lan in the Land Hecurdina outrlci of Prince llupcrt, and situate on tlie south sbore of shannon nay. xatsetl iniei, yueen irar lolle Itlands. TAkE MiTICE that I. Ilirry Hoblnton Frost, of MasMtl. B.C.. occupation Mn r.urer. Iniend lo apply for a lease of lb' roilowiiir described lands Ortnmenrlnt at tsifl situated at the a ti southwest corner of lot ISIS (T.L JSI'.i; thenec east IS chains; thence noith to chain, more or less, to hiarfi water mark; Ihenre outbwesl It rhalns, iiMire or less, following the blah water mark to point of coiiuiieneincnt, and tonialnln acres, more or less. It. IL rHUST. Missetl. B.C. n.i.-i Clein tt Mil LAND ACT. Nolle of IMsntlon to Applf to Lsss Ln In Prince Ituperl Land ilerordlna- Dlstrirl of (isl lunre I, and situate on .North fUrhael Island. TAKE MIT1CK that Alfred ftwanson. of rrince itiiiert, occuiiation mariner., in lends lo apply fur a leas of the follow ln detrrlled lands Ctrfiuiiruclfif a I a post planted on the south point or North lltchael Island; then around blab water mark to tlie H.lnt of commencement, and containing jo acres, more or ies. ALFRED SWASSOM, LAND ACT. AppllrsnL a. t. wnfui. sgeni. Dated October tlh. let! Nolle of Intanllon lo Apply to Lsas LaM n uoeen (.narioite iiiainri una lie- cordinir District or Prince lluperl, and filiiale at Hlismion Hay. TAWK .NOTICE that Boberl C. Oosse of V'ancnuver, B.C., occupation ranneryman. inienos vi aiiiy ror a lease or ine fol lo!nr tSrsf.-iicd lands: Coiniiienriiir at a iost planted on an uiiiisiih-o isiami iyii.a n.ou ant. v. (II rhalns. more or lesai from soulhwest cor ner or IjoI Ilia, o.C.I Banre t; Ihenre follow Inir meaiiderlnir of shore line of said isiana to pomi or commencement, an rontalnlnt IK acres, more or leaa. IIOBtltT C. OOHHE. Applicant. Per Win. 0. MltcbeJl. Aen "W4nh h I LAND ACT. Notlc of IMsntlon to Apply lo Lsas Lsn in rrince niiieri i.ann iterordlnr lilstrlrl or ciat itanire t. and situate on South liarhael Island, TAKE NOTICE that Alfred Swanaon. of i rmre nuiieri, m-rupaiion Mariner,, in lend lo apply for a lease of the follow Inr desrrlbed landi: Coirniieiirlnr at a t"l planted on the on i ii (xiim or souin naciiaei Is'and; ihen around tilali water mark to tlie JKilnt of roiiiiuenrement, and rontalnlnt u arret, more or less. ALFltED 4WANSON, Applicant . E. Wrlstit, A ent. Dated OcKjbcr 16th. ISIS. iTtace pr st, B.C. Saturday. January 0. lo8 WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Thomas Meighan in 'Irish Lack' Tom. the ' K""'l luck" r. m an lnh p re Ob! Ireland The story oi a V v Y-ok lrl p vvt, u free tritii Irel.inil uml tiriiiu .'.ciiince. nut til I tie iliiM'':-.: . Sir -iniijteti trallic n ilth e.m. lie slopped a guiiff of urcli-cnuiksi in ObJ Knn. T'u tlie nip ant! in a dual porli i.i upi ,r- i lin! l'i it iMilished urielocral. There are limny; (Veiling e; urn! a wealth of lovel scenery iiiilioling iew- nl D with all I li r fainono iMinlniark of the il). raies pi I'ark. views token in mill nt can from III tic k ( 'f' ' "Lexialhan," th- Lake it Kihirne inl Ihe f-mft Illume) Stone. IiiliMgiu-tici east. Thomas Melghen, Lois Wilson, Cecil Humphreys, Claude King, Charles McDonald, Mary Foy and other. COMEDY LLOYD HAMILTON IN "THE OPTIMIST." PATHE REVIEW. 60c and 25r Umbrellas! Our I ' (ti I f 1 1 lei.irtmen i one in our lure i. we are safe in stiiing that the irne tr lirwer tti mit place un will find in LUtnailo. We carry a hirge a range as air U,rV ..n find in Ihe West, fnmi a Uiild's Umbrtttta al St.50, I. . 1 or (ientlenian'i fnmi $2.00 up, to Mrw! -itk Iwt-Kr nnilirella at S7J30. We k iiii In cuniwir our umlrrctta value-. .H stuck is new and ii-lo-date. Max Heilbroner 527- Third Avenue - 520 Loggers! Loggers! We have the onlv complele stork oi Gilchrist Jacks ant! parU in Ihe North. We handle Luring tlile, -I'eavies, Saws, ami general l.nii Hipiiuiieiil. II will pay yon to see us when out lilting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue January Clearance Sale Commences Wednesday, January 6 Our higgest Mu rilice iluruig the Jmiuarv Uieinan. Hale is our offer of 2.10 pair of MEN'S "LIBERTY" SHOES livery pair to he old ul $5.95 inrspecliu- or cost. We intend to dear Ihe Liberty Shoe during the January Hale lo ninke room for our new line namely Ihe "Fool-llile." We are ulso giviiiK 15' on all Ladles' Shoe 10', on all Children's Shooi Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. Corner 3rd and 7th