',(?;" V. X k - Macdonald, provincial veterinarian who went, soulli yesterday nfier testing cows at Cedervalp, .... i i . 11 i .... . . nnjuv iinu hi i no rrincp iiuperi district, line local cow re Vil'.V "-acted to the tubereula irsi ami nan to ne killed an' aitothor in one of the district dairies from Hie samp place .in the. south also had lo he of. Purely local stock wpr Perfectly healthy and Mr 'MaConald says it is alt noh Hupent is no a healthy place for cows. In every case in tin1 .jiV-SiCa1 V1?i? ,,e male here, flliCTflnly cowS that were diseased were the recently imported or the importation of the disease wiC0V ,racel ,0 them. ; jwMr Macdonald says that lit I f Altpir. who judsred al tile Smllif. ers fSir, is examining vpmc of the interior herds In order tfi . Insure that Prince- Rupert's milk HiT-.suppiy lP projected. Mr. Macdonald was particular ly pleased with that na'rl of I ii Skeena Valley around Cederva!" .. ami Woodcock. He says the lur- nips he found there were some" " of the best he has ever seen. TERRACE PEOPLE GIVE SENDOFF TO TWO CLERGYMEN Re. W. F. Barfoot and Prof es- j-?sorJ wickenden Both Leave for Saskatoon College 4 TERRACE, Sept. 8.Member ' j" f;of the Anglican church arid olhe. friends of Rev. V. F. Harfooi and Professor Wickenden held -j social in their honor on Frida-wSvfc. Vres Hall. A gon.i musical program was given. ..Hiiiai-M.la'.iuK-HwjL. Melon Jic4, Marsh, Miss Kerr, Mrs. Keith, ahd IJev. :.Vm. Allan. J 'Mr? Harfeol gave an intereM-njv alk tin which . he exprwssec : i his apprecialfor of (he ' haspl-' " tality'an'd gcod fellowship' mctcS out lo him during his slay ir Terracfc as well as the gre u assTiifiirire rendered liim n tn-carrying out of his duties. 11 expressed his rcigrel at leaving , and Ills pood wishes for the (u-, furo work of the church. Mr. Wickenden also spoke a few words expressing himself a "iiavihif thdrOdghly enjdyed lil ,v .holiday here and thanking th people for their kindness. After the program ; ' mcnls were served by the ineifi-hers of the W.A. and a pleasant soqial hour spent. Mr, Jtarfpol ha had actite 1 ' c,'f fi( -"'e Anglican Church work here since lasl May, and during that time has made " l&at of friends. i '! "Professor Wickenden also has made ma"hy friends' during Hie few weeks he has pecn here aj Mr; Harfoot's gtieslj and epeci-' - ally-during the weeks that the' hoys and girls spent irt camp at i.aM-ise i.ake. ; Mr. Harfool and Prof. Wick " enden left Monday for Vnnpon.' ver, Ylcloria and Seattle, where Uiey will spend a hrief holiday before returning to their duties a on the teaching staff of Em manuel CoIlee. Saskatoon. davidson Wins SPOON AT SHOOT With Score of 97 on McNIchotl Creek Range on Sunday Eight Men Out R. Davidson was Ihe winner or the spoon al the shoot of the N'6rth H.C. ncgimen.1 Ririe Association on the MeNieholl Creek range on RumLiy. The scores were as follows: 200 .500 COO Ttl. R. I)avion ..... 31 A 3267 ,,-M. M. Lamb .... 32. 32 31 95 AV..Ilrass .... 31 32 30 93 H. Wilson 28 32 30 DO w . liowarlh 29 27 2983 O. Y. Wilkinson 21 31 2981 il. li. Kastman.. 25 '8 2370 J. Palmer ... . 27 23 2t 75 Famous ittivi Rtrredi ' Am OM Cklmd u HA Ciim trilm this ftajrl-bl, iMwdr. tm tmUtm I UMt nIM In tciMU. ltd. UltriM Liii rtta (iwM, fm vtirml M Imt tm kMtrltt OlORCI r. LU P.O. Bu 1422 VldvU. IX. 0 1926 y Int-l. FtTue Scuvict. Inc. i!VMKSLUiisn sithHERS, Seit. 8. The nieh class liaseball of recent games, In the valley was main-lamed in "the I wo games al thv rmithera Fjilr last Thursday and JViiay. Thpv gaines were fei Jween Hurris Lake and the .lociiT nine and were uoth won hy thd visitors who seemed to get the nesl of the breaks, and i."wer-) IQcky in placing their hits. , n In the first game (ieo. Roli; erts pitched for the home tear.ij and .Nolan for the winners, tieorge was off his usual form and was touched up for four1 runs in tile fourth innings Im! stayed until the seventh when Cliff Wurner went in the box Nolan pitched good ball, allowing the locals only four runs whili tils team collected ten. Tlii players were: Hurjis Laker-hary, cf; Johiv- son ib; I)fcilhsoiit i'h; Landon 3b; .Volan, p; Kerr, cf; Jensen rf: Ually. ct Ashford. If. Smither. Arnold. 2b; Ltwis If; Robert!., n- firaiiam. s.s. Vinnei-ty, rf: Goodacre, c; War ner, lb; Mutch, 3b; Lewis, of. Second Game In the second game the f:r baeman and pitchers of boll Hrams--smitched"place!--.roTihso going on the mound for Hum Like and Warner or Sniilhers and the game prove! lo be r pitcher's battle with .lohhsoY. having a little the tlige. It was sometihng new for Smilher'? fans to see Warner in the bo 9nd his work as he tanned th. hatters with regular frequent ;ame as a big sunrise lo mam the score in this game was I. Several double plays wer" made in the games and in on instance Roberts pulled off onr unassisted when he was playing first. He got a hot fly down tin ine and a runner was also ur. able to get back on the bag tr time. Ken Warner officiated Iip hind the bat witli Len Raab.-taking 'care of the bases anC Haa Arnold bandling Mie de'ore boardl THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: In sjiife of the political cam paign we are all here. . . Somebody's going to be elect ed; iiext:,sveek ami lthink ,.Ikn?W WHO II IS. Ves, I have a dollar lo bet I'll baclt my opinions-yet; For it's easily seen I shall not bet on Meigben For from him we have ndlhing to gel. Can liiis efeclibh stuff and lei us gel down lo business. Who are you going to vole for? I know a man that went !b t He auto dealer and asked for delourihg car. "He'd get tha' anyway if be bouiglit dny kind. If anyone tells you that Hrady really expects to win, don't be lieve it. It is simply a crtsc of autointoxication. Wil they make Dinpsey lak off his fale nose during the ftelil? Tories .ire like Dpnipsey, they do not really wish to dceiv hut they make things look dif ferenl from wbal thpy really are VHt the defeajed wcandidale come up smiling? Well, not very. Hill doubtless he'Jl do th. best be can. This is Jhe last lap of the election race so let it be a pec-pery Que. CHAMPIONSHIP Made It Three Straight With it to 1 Score Over Native Sons Last Night Making it three straight win, the llyro Club last' evening ruptured the city baseball rliam-pinnshiri. by defeating the Xa-Mve Sons 1 1 Jo 1. The inalnli wpjit five innings,Snd was wit nessed by a goodcrowd of fan..! i ue on i uau imi..eon no ,uu,w" "v ' .u,,c,V.Tl. .vorked as a result of previous amp ann, nerore ne was tp- noved at the end of the second nning ami Vk5 Menzies tib- tilulpd, .the flyros bad made even runs while Ihe Ciriuek ol their one and only. ons fielditrg was again weak while the flyros wpre nlavln ilmost pp.-feot liall and hilttng ard, the winners, iti all depart- inentsi bping superior. Fpalure if the srame were home runs by laveiana, in Ihe second, with none on. liases, and Schcnkler, ir. ue fifth with .twn on. The batteries" were: Lambl ic Mei;zi"s and Hal four foi;4!t on; fNChenklT and MeKeow- .Blhv4yM Hf(dtf and-!mr ie acted as umpires. Sccore by innings: I 2 .1 i Tr" Oyros fi I 0 1 311 N'alive .Sons if I I) 0 0 ', FAMOUS BATTLES FOR THE Sullivan Kn6cked Out John L. Sullivan, an old mat it 31. was knocked out by JrtniP I. Corbet t. a youngster of 26. a Xew Orleans September 7. IMUi. after 21 rounds of battling. They tore I heir glotes larger in thosr. Iav but a spectator, describing he enrl, ileclared: "Sullivau fpji ike an ox, rollpd over tm hiUt- nach and was eounleil out." "I wenl In too often' was th hampion's explanation of his d-- feal. "Five years ago I eould liavr .vhippeil any man In the' world." "I rajned. bliijv oivjjim' .was ftorbelVMstmimTii ifp'ot "fii- fight. ' It was a sad day. for Sheriff John nuffy.Whif Plains, N. T. I'he sheriff agreed in the even' of defeat of Sullivan to go homf each nwflit at 7 o'clock and refrain from drinking any spirituous li qiMirs until January 1 of the fol lowing year. Over-ronfidpnce sat In Sulli van's corner during Ihe bout. The Hoslnn "Strong Hoy" admilleri aflcr lie had bpen dplhronrd thai hp had held Dip shifty Corbel! too lightly ami had not -applied .Uiuu self lo his training J he should Wllllrim Muldnori. nhw n Wiv York boijng commissioner, who one trained John L. slopped a theatrical engagement long en ough to say that he was not ur priseu when apprised of the champion' downfall. SPORT CHAT High School and YrMacs will fifpel lohlghf al Acropolis Hill grounds in an IntPrmedia'ln football leagup fixture. The following Ipum will pnler the field for (lip Y-Maes! Haekpr: fl. Cam-pron and R. Rpid; A. Strachan, A. Phillips and II. Heilbroner: H. Ilunl, I., llond, J. SI radian. S. Dickens, and H. flawlhorn. Advertise in the Dally .News. K f BITin7fll Mayor Declares It Is Nol Attend- Ing to Its Job. ?hV. IB o Hoard of Works, in Ihe aTxent-e of the rliainnan. Aid. PVrry. was ool oipeiing as il jjlioiil't to allend U its biKine- tn nil tlial al mepling had been call ni oi I iai rrk wiirn .iu. i-frry was in hmn vlen Hiere was busi- naA flip il nltAnlirin wnu lli rhatl. ma,,e a, n7?tirpl ,. icn m-etina by Miyor .mvton. Tb' ilirussion aroe when Aid. W J. lirt'cr rpportd thai onp of Ihe city's horses had died and that I lie city engiucpr had recom- meuderi thai a lank Iip plaeeil out the ci'y I nick at a cot of ?50 for ise .n nuht-soil eidlpclion and! iii rpniHiniiift horse be sent :n' Shawallait .ake where one wfc neeiled if -frineption with he p'pR'i'iiig of Mip pipo line. Mayor N then refrrel lo he fact that tjh Hoar.l of Wrk Jiad not tipentnepling to take eare. if such business as this. He said that the chairman of the board had calleil off Ihe meetings IH- til-iiiinile with the resull hat the conimillpw AM not know Therr-lt wan-Htr He thought the rtommillep euld meet in the ab- p-nctf of ilie chairman. All the pomrtiHfetJs, Ke felt; shoald mea- iiirejtip lo rPiiuirewenU and il ias fa pity if they did not tnert o afiend to the business before hem. II was possible that Aid, I'Arr, -aUio wn engaged mil of town lempofarily. might hot Iip bacL'o Uie aity for a while. Altl. Casey did nol see why the Hoard of Works could hot hieel evpn If the chairman was out of town. Finally it was decided on mo ii-ii of Aid. Stephens lo refer the Mailer of tin- horse ami lank to lie mpmlers t Hip committee .vim wptp in Ihe city for action. CANADIAN SOCCER TEAM WILL TRAVEL TO NEW ZEALAND IN 1927 SKATI LK. Sepl. 8. - A rcpre mutative Canadian soccer lean wilPlhr Xew Zealaml notl year, it was announced al the annual meeting 4f Ihe Ifornlnion Football As(iciaii(m and ew .calatml, will PcljInMiaie anoiher year by -spno- ng a leain. pcqj t ST. LOUIS IS OUT TO WIN Looks Like East Versus West In World Series Daseball This Year. L irmv.yjLUiKjifpj. s. with iwo game lean over incinnan and four ahead of Pittsburg, St Louis, fans today looked eagerly toward a possible east versus west wflrld scrips. Ypstlerday the Cardinals trimfned Piltsb'urg to H, while CJnclptiafI was lo lng to Cliir.igo 8 to 5. St. Louis meets Hoslon and w ill have eiisy going, while Cincinnati must race me riraies ami i.iii HisilT'fe' 'Hie New York Yankees require but ninp viciories In their r: maining 1(1 vdinps In cinch the Ainpricaii Lea"giln race. National League Hrooklyn 0. Pliilndelpiiln 5. SI. Louis 8, Pltlsburgli 0. Xew York 7-5, Hoslon 2-7. Chlcfiigo 8, ClnclniiAli 5. American League Hoslon 2. Xew Y'ork t. Detroit 2, Chicago. 4. Cleveland 3, St. Loilis 8. V anted For Sale For Renl son, Ltd. ! if- ' PAQ1 POW TH3 flAILY NEWS trv NO DISEASE IN BRINGING UP FATHER By George BY :oLU.V-l C.K1'T SEfc DISTRICT COWS Thatrapt L iSr I PLACE. - EVEN IP I COOLO I SWlNi WOULDN'T Veterlarlam-.VIslts .Herds and i i JN HERE Ii-.-.mFlnfla nlyVTro-bl. Was 3:,m" rhV Imported Stock "Thorp wPre drily two tuTierch- ' 'hit cows in the prince JlupcilL imtnct and they were animals irecphllv imported from Uijt sr I . DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo lest than 50c FOR SALE. UilllCVM wicker baby carriage f r sale. Phone Red 159. !t0! s3?.P BALK. (lrandfrlew Hole-. Apply nt lintel. 21 1 TK.NT FOR SALK. Xew thU year and used only one weeK-Price 120. Pullen. Daily News. Krlt SAl.K. inglt" betl, bureau, J chairs, etc. t'bone Red 330. FUn.MSHF.D apartments for ren by day, week or month. Pllonf lied 007. If FOR SALK. FiimisliPii liftwsc lots 8 and 9. Seel ion 5. Phor Red 720. . 2l(;i TO RENT .AlUSK fnrmlip. room for fern: hath Olit Sitth Aventie Ve SKVKA-HUOMIUI liOH.p to ten and four-roomed flat, fur- A uisheU. Phone lireen 7SS jl (Ml HKXT Piano, plaver- ptniios, phonozmpTi nn.l f swing machine. Walker's Mui SlorcL. TWO newly-furttl4leil bedroom for rent. Waterfront view. Apply 3S0 Fiurth Avenui Kast. FOR RKXT. Modern up-to-dat.- flat; large ary room; fiio place; cloe in Max Hp" hroaer.. F(lR ItKXT Mwlern hounp: un- obtruefel marine view. Aj. ply 215 Fourtll Arenue Kast. FOR RK.T.--Iarsen building ai 171 Third Avpnue Kast; six room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premle on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenup. MOllKRX HOt SK for renl Flv rooms and bath. Munro Hro SF.VKX - ROfiMKD IKllJRK fo;- renl : reaonahM lo pood len ani. Phone ft7. 211 FOUND tmiXD. Silk knitted scarf. An. plv Daily News Office. "i-.if. pi oi iPetn. owner may have same by calling al . D;ily XejU nfflee dnrj paying ior atiyeriispment. 1.0U.M).- .Ring set itn slone Ownpf can haver same by pro ving pmperly. Apply Dad Xews Office. AQENTS WANTED HIO MOXKY Agents wanle.l t take orders for Hip finest line of personal Creeling cards op the market. Regal Art Com pany, Manufacturers. .110 Spa dlna Avenue. Toronto. 2i( HELP WANTED WAXTK D.- Cbil.Ts tfnft!! iii7or ' "e must lie in good condition.- 1'imnp mack 320. TIIRKK WAITRKSSKS Avaned - .mpit ct. negis cafe. 2oil IjKLP wanted. Wnly Inhutdcr. ILNRX some extra thoricy" be- Lw.-t-ii ,MIW no ii .nrlSlmAS. sin in -Pin rasuy mniie weekly In i-.li i- iime, lamng onlerK :o "imperial Arl'k Personal Christmas Cards. F.VAfvnfis n cuslnmer. Take order now. i.uvi-ry laier i.itieral com mission. Send itir frA . I Mciiiiixinn '-vesi, Toronto . .:f FOR EXCHANGE WILL FXClM.xnF. two good lots on iMPventh Avenue for I piaho or car. II.: . ANOTHER BIQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. I-IH Ton Flility IIx- press Chas.ts 820.00 Vi Ton Light Delivery Uh.ii f flSO.OO Touring and Roadster I HlbOO Mtrl IliimUipr nun i.l Hoarh and Coupe lO.'O On Sedan . ll36.i I.amlau r.. ....H8i. p.m. a.m. lJ.IO, I i VikJ Used cars on hand Ford Ltghl Delhery. open body I 75.!i Ford Light Itelivery, pan) body :. HftO.O Font Light Delivery. tarter iiiHnnt , ?'n o. Fnr.1 -Ttfilor Swtot, rniuiFm ... 1300 no OMniibilp S-paa. ger Touring. 102? . oO1.0b Terms ran he arranged on lotii new and ued ear Hi suit the purehaser. KAIFN OARAOE D-. r in Cadllae, McLauahlln, Oakland, Oldsmoblle, Pontlao and Chevrolet Cars Phone 62 FREE INSPECTION Why run your ear when II tn not operating properly? II means added expne later. Oct ready for ralney ami nilsli- weather make an insistent cat! to have your motor nntl Imke up in tip-lop eondilion. First class work guaranteed br Skilled Mechanics S. E. PARKER, LTD., Authorlted Ford Sales and , r Service FORD Cara,' Truck's Tractors TAXI Phone 67 Tail (Call Oeorgr. Paul or OUst) Six and Seven Passenger Rlude bakers at your disposal any lime ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Empress Hotel. WANTED. WAXTI'D To borrow money, for improved prontrfy. Apply P.O, Hox.17M, Prince Rupert. il.O. SI 'J WaM'KD. One reliable man In every inwa, merchant prefer red, lo lake orders fur best eifstoms-miMe clollies 1m Can ada. Highesl romlnlsslpns.rr Hex Tailoring Co. I.du Tnr,T In 2. j BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander. MA Second Avenue. Phone 137. prince nuMrnr tides Wednesday, September 8 High t AO a.m. 20.2 ft. 14.21 Low 8,17 20.28 20A is n fy.p (I. ISUUM Cftlflui tt l IW..II. Ik si. I Ml nt .i. 1 to Ot Ml ' In., i Mi.r i 'j i.. ii lll ! l it i ftMIt l lntti'.lm i,-,.; ' t'l 3 ' .'I IM-" I III I W f." .- in 1 l l-rlh nd t in vt ISIIU K Sn. 4IIMU A i muit' ' v kVC n V MB !- ' TIM V ft x r t tht I ' AM ' "" . 12 rui... ls.-i . U nv.-... ' -5 -sr.- SMt . t ... . MIS' -mh i. tn Wll.r s J l4 n.iin IMTI Ii eoistt-11 ' XOTI't WSJ"'. Arl t V0' ITn." '' .-jv UR 7. n' ' i1 Bi -t limi.li -Hn tl rj-r. n .J, I' tlN r..ri 'If' IK ' R nTio i Hijt i.f IF. MIS m C.f1lfll $eff-' ' rrtrlixMl IIMill Ml" Wbiinf li llr l TAkK x bsrrljft : m si i - "V im i' imrill"!) ' uiin, ' trr 1 " tor :vrir j ' (mriHiH' In tllii',-. ill '"" crtiriot rm 1.,I.JI'ii:fJi' Winn nil Mm; ;" ,tn, mjSi " Miami Jrp "' Mini -' Jt ' r,itv,. ,h. (OH ' .1 ""nTfrn l MA m. n. W