W September fl, I&2C. lrrr'- Vi'liJ-'Jj" Dftl You "Nugget Your Shoes this Morning? Did you draw a pleasing contrast between your own clean, bright shoes and the shabby footwear of some other fellows? Blac' -r t,- f. and Whilr ' .7. . ki'! Ui.rk Hrown '' '' '4 'i ci.lort. Hence, 244 Fifth Avenue West p. o. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Tweed Suits m ule to order in utir HvV shop ill l'l'iii'-e Hupert as low a- W Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter Prince Rupert, B.C. 50. Prince nupcrt, D. C. Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Doats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. ie 34 P.O. Box 196 Simmon Kit! Ued. Spring, ami IMeraioor Mill ies in every Mum. .12 llooin- Mi.) mill Cold Wilier.. I)lht and Showers., in Headed, Klcilrir I.ighL Cornsr of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DEMAND Rupert Brand" Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by ! NT . 1 n 1 I. .'.. f ' t adian Fish & told Storage , Ltd. naaian national railways Prince Rupert RYDOCK AND SHIPYARD, Nnit no Q. T. P. 20.000 Ton Floating, ury uock . u..kl.l.i. nllliii. rtli-l ttnlth. Pallarn ' makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc.. . CLECTRI0 AND ACETYLENE WELDING. - : 1 ' . I i Our plant is equipped to handle uli kind. ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5 VUT IT To THE . LM I 1 IT M fl f r Mujr. ttm V ui ' . ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK SB B33 hiding Ihreo distinct service fur Family Wurk, vU: t a i a ol I FT FINISH, T H R I F-T-S E R v I c t ana vvt.i wmoh r nl mdst reiiuihle price's. DRY'CL'EANINC PRINQ AND REPAIRiN(i and Dry Cleaners Phono 118 and we will do the rost. Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Crystal Firelighters. 18 fo.- 61.00. IJyde Transfer. Phone 580. tf Try Foothills Stove Coa'J i n im , ..". i via.vu jiit ion. gooi.-.-i'iiu- poll, Kvitl & Co. Ltd. If O. A. Clothier, resident minjr.r? engineer, Is at present In th' Alice Ann district making h':. annual inspecton. Hubert Parker, son bf Mr. ami Mrs. . K. Parker, and Arthur Cade, on of Dr. and Mrs. J. V Cade, are hum after bavins pcnt tho summer at Tlell. Oueen Charlotte Islands. T. A. Clarke, acting district forester, left on yesterday's train for Smithcr oh departmental business. Ho will be bark on Monday. George l)ijb, son of Mr. aiui Mrs. Frank Ditto. Graham Ave,, will: return home on tha Prince John today after having spent ' novera! weeks holidaying ajl Sandspll. ,! A lender of $170 from Mellae Bros, for the printing of the assi'SAinenl roll was accepted h the city council last night on re- eommemlalion of the finance committee. Mr. and .Mr. JI..w.(rd H. Hii and family. Second Avsnu Wlvlew, have returned to tn.. city after having spent a two weeks' holidic n inc south. The report of the city audilo! for the first six months of 11120, which was laid on the table for a week i.y the council, was ordered receive. and filed at lai tiifiht' ineoling. Accounts , up lo ' September 3 lolalling fhr,721 were passed for payment by the ehy councij. Included in the II. I was the payment of ft 50,000 lo the Hoy.i; Hank of iianada covering bor rowings earlier in the year au.i die 8,0io for street surfacing It was announced at the coun cil meeting last night that huff sir being railed for an in.iue or .oral tmproemi'nt (iH.nlurc- The fiHUnK are to be in on Ou- .'oher 5 for the conileratiiin rr the council. A recommendation from th finanrc commillce Hut the nous of Aid. John : McKeclinie. o Slierhrooke Avenue, built umH lie Soldiers' llousini; Scheme, n. Iransferred to William II. Ierr was accepted by the eily council last night. Prince Rupert Exhibition. Manilla vs. Bellanger Bout, Thursday, September 16. Ringside and reserved seats can now be had at Grotto Cigar Store, 80 Taxi, and Terminal Club. As theso f.ckots arc limited and reservations rap-Idly taken up, those desiring seats should loss no time In making their reservations. Mrs. A. J. Puli'rson, prominent in women's Conscrvnlivr circles in Vancouver, arrived ., llie prince George this, mnr;.n from (he ,outh and will ne -ieakcr nl n pnhllo meeting u. night which will nlso be ait- ilresned by (Sol. c. V. pkr V.O. of Sidney, and T. g. Baxter o: Vancouver. A letter from A, A. Macdonald issislant fire marshal' for the piowm-!-, unginu tiial the local nre chlef.aud n mcmber-of thr city council attend the annum convention of flro chitft to be jiieiu in r.resnti, Uillfornia,. Oe- luin-r i.-io, was received an.1 niisi by the council last night UWnrJ'rcsidenl of ifi iirand Lodge of Hebekahs (iii Hritisli ailiimbla, arrivcil frmn 'Ire south on th Prince Georga 'Ins morning and ..will pay her official vl lo.Oenlennial Lodge mis evcninur. From here Mrs F.llioM will gll tOinniTOW In Tor. ' - ...... . . rccvnp(,nnen to Smllhers and 4'rincfl (U'orgi' and snnlli PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Enitd by SANTAL MIDY B tun to gal th Otnulni Look ror tha word "MIDY" SoU by U drutruu THE DAILY NEWS There's a Treat for you and your children In the Peppermint sugar jacket and another In the Peppermint' flavored gum inside. siiiBrmv IS? MB -4MtMf- Utm6t;value in long I-a-s-t-i-n-g delight. I'M HERE TO TELL YOU THEY'RE GOOD WRIGLEY'S aid digeitlon and make the next cigar taste , better. Try It. 0C35 J$AFTZR EVE YMEAL Misji Joan Arthur returned from Vau'ouver on Hie Prince George this morning. Sister Madeline of St. Joseph's convent relumed from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning. Mrs. C. J. LundquUl ami daughter relumed lo the city on the Prince fSeonge Ibis morning roni'iSeattle. Miss Jean Ourrle, 'who attend d Uie wedding of hfr. sister, Miss i-'lizabelh Currieiin 'ar ouver, returneil iQjSjbe city hM morning. ? -i Mrs. J. W. Colllernd daugh er, Miss I'marl tWlier, and Mrs. Lindstead rclurppil to th-1 lly this morning after a IioIj day visit in Vancouver. Miss Annie nallygjjjfarier ' a holiday trip south, jurned from Vancouver on ;ne rrince ueorg this morning. 1 Ladicsl Shipment, of .New 'joats just reeeived-ln tlie tate.i uls and styles. Inspection cor-llally invited. Airs. Frizzell'. MIsh Smith, late with L.i arislenne leauty ijo'it.,is open-tig up a txvtuly prltK'on Scu.. md Avenue, next Howe A Mct Xully's. -. ........... --i w.mm.- - . . . . . .. ' lrTiice "TTuiwrt "TExliTPitrn. iirls!! All entries for Iiomesli.-cienoe mut be delivered at F.x libition Hall by .Monday after noon. Septenrher 13, otherwise 'hey cannot be acCjCpled.' Mrs. J. A. c'rawford wa? lusseoger going., south from Sk'ngway on ilie Prince Hiiper' at the first of the week afte: having made the round (rip with her husband, Ihe purser of tha'. steamer. W. Shute, fuel inspector foi he Canadian National, who lm.-hecn relieving for Frank Mootr for two months during the la -r' extended holiday, left thi-Mior.dng for tlic Atlantic coa.i ivliera he will do similar duty Prince Rupert Exhibition. Notice to Taxi Drivers. No taxi or automobile plying for hire will be allowed to deliver passengers beyond "Arch" during Fair, unless prev'pus arrangements are made with the undersigned David Thomson, Mananer. Canadian National Steamship "Prince Charles" will leave I'rince lluperl Monday, Septem ber 13. at LOO p.m. for . Masseu Inlet and Skidegale Inlet ports on Queen Charlolle MamK He- turn uvg from this steamer J- 4 imr; K. C. Gibbons returned on the Prince George this morning from a trip lo Vancouver. Miss Jordes Ulsen is sailing for Vancouver on the Prince George tomorrow night. F. U. Iluckley will ba return ing to Vancouver from his mill it I'ori Clements on Ihe Prinze Charles tomorrow. Mi ft , Netta Clarkwil, sail to-rev'eningion morrow eveningon the the Prince I'rlnto (ieorge for Victoria where ihe will enter Normfcir School. ' Jack GiUalt, son of Capl. and Mrs. J. H. Gillatt, audspil, will arrive in the city today on Ihe Prince John and will enter High School here. Mariius Fhyllngr was fined $25. with the option' of .thirty days' imprisonment, tn tlie city police court this, morning for lnloxic? lion. 'Mr. and Mrs. Pyke and J. A. C re sch of Haysport will he pas sengers for Vancouver on the leamer I'rince George tomorrow,: nighl. Mrs. William Hochester. who has heen visiting witli Mrs. W. U. Morgan, Hays Cove Circle, returned Fast on 'loday's traMi, being accompanied as far as fasper by Alrsv Morgan; ' i Theo Collarl will leave lonio-"ow rnornirrg for Terrace where Mrs. Collart and son have been 'pending the past three weijk 'tolldaylntf. They will relurrtjlo tie city on Monday. it ' . Miss II; Alunn, who has been isftlng al Ge6iveton wllh her sister, Mrs. It. McAfee, wil! sail by tlie Prince Hupert tomorrow niylit on her return to iit home in Vancouver. J. H. Turner, manager of the Onlhie mine near Smilhers, and Mrs. Duthle and family will arrive from the interior tomorrow afternoon and proceed to Vancouver on Ihe steamer Prince George. O.N.II.I steamer Prince George Capl. Harry Nedden, opening tin' ftinpanyV fall service, arrived rom Vancouver and wayports; at !2.I.'j noon today and will leave it 10 o!cloek tonight for Anyox Helurning here tomorrow even-ng at 8 o'clock, the vesselwill all Tor the south al 11. : " ;..T-v-;,!;.V: T - Capl. and Mi-s. V. H, Iigaj irried on the Prince ueorg.-his morniiv; from Yancotive.-. .'.apl. Logaii, who is Lloyds' re-iresenUative, is here to make an inspection of Ihe freighter Can-ulian Coaster Which is under-roing repairs in dry dock fol-owing her recent stnndlng in '.Incen Charlotte Sound. FALL SCHEDULE OF CN. COAST STEAMSHIPS i Canadian Na! ional Coast Steamships are now operating on he fall schedule. The two big :oats will sail from Prince Hupert ror Vancouver each Thursday and Sunday at II. DO p.m. The s.s. "Prince George" will sail for Anyox eacli Wednesday at 10.00 n.ni. and the s.s. "Prince Hupert" ror Stewart each Saturday at 10.00 p.m. Patrons nre requested to refer to display ad. in (his paper or phone 2(50 for particulars of schedule of s.s. "Prince Charles" lor Massett Inlet ports. The s.s. "Prince John" will continue for South Queen Charlolle Island ports. 211 -I.4 44.4 v ANNOUNCEMENTS. Sli iil.M.':ili Itilm 4e will arrive at, st- Andrew's Society I.adie' I'rince Hupert, Wednesday p.m.. September 15. 213 ltringing part of Hie"' Frns.-r valley agrinullural exhibit which will be displayed at the Prince Hupert Inhibition ,nexl week, Claire I.emax clerk to (!i; reeve of Surrey, arrived jii the city from the south on the I'rince George this moruing (o make preparations for the ' as- semlding of Hie exhibit. Reeve I'o in lleid of Surrey is expected to bo a visitor in the eily dur ing Fair Week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred nilchle returned to tlm city oh 'the I'rince George this morjjJng.;.nf (er haviwr spen! several monlhs in Sealtle Tor the benefit of Mrs. Hilchie's boalih .wlWo'u" is now much iiiiprovod. TlieV wers nfcoinpanied by Mr. ami Airs, W S. Davis and Mrs. C. M Ore. ham, Seallle friends, who win visii wiLh ;heni here v I Auxiliary Hazaar, October 8. Hoyal Purple Sale of plain and fancy sewing and home cooking, October IC. Established 1923 S-U-C-C-E-S-S Good dental work will save teeth for further years of DEP Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 O PAGE THREl ff fTheMost Mut Dance Hit of the Year On the Riviera with "BARCELONA" on the Reverse Side Played on RECORDS By Ben Selvin and His Orchestra Here are several of the latest Popular Gems by Famous Brunswick Artists. You will enjoy them 3212. LUCKY DAY BLACK BOTTOM ' -hi Tr.li h? rail Ofcnaa Vlrt.r Ar4a whfc Tlwlr Ortk. ' 3234 THE OLD FIDDLER'S SONG LAY MY HEAD BENEATH A KOSE -f . -Timi with VMin i Lat Vriwa D.Oiart,.' 3240 WHERE'D YOU GET THOSE EVES? BREEZLV ALONG WITH THE BREEZE F.I Tr.U AW Ljmtm'm CalifarnU Orcluatra 32J8 HELLO. ALOHA! HOW ARE YOUJ III-HO! THE MERRIO F Trl Mika MarkaTa Orchatra . "VALENCIA j' by Bn Srlrin and Ilia Orchestra. No. 3172 ' ' ' ' and sane; by Franklyn lUnr, Tenor, No. 3221 on Brunswick Records is enjoying phenomenal popularity , BRUNSWICK ELECTRIC LIGHT RAY RECORDS PLAY ON ALL PHONOGRAPHS There is a Brunswick dealer on your way home Everything for the Builder LUMBER Ve have the most complete slock of timbers, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint, veueers, etc., in Northern 13.(1 We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspect our slock. It will pay you. Our prices are right Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 Page and Shaw's CHOCOLATES The Candy of Excellence A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Assorted Chocolates, I lit. Imxes $1.00 Assorted Chocolates, 2 Hi. boxes $2.00 Hard Centre Chocolates, I lb. boxes i $1.00 Hard Centre Chocolates, 2 lb. boxes $2.00 Assorted Nut Chocolates, 1 lb. boxes $1.25 We also have OAXONO'S," NEII.SOYS and MOIlTS Chocolates in bulk and in 1 lb. and 2 lb. boxes. Ormes Ltd. The lMOXKEIl DIUJGG1STS -:- The 11FAAI.L aTOIlK PHONES 82 and 200 Loggers! Loggers! We have the only cumpleib stork of Gilchrist Jacks.; .. v7 Via aw vaj jiu'd parts, in the North., We handle Igjng'Cable, Axes, 'PeaVies, Saws, and general "Camp Eiiuipmcnu " It vyill pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 8econd Avenue -'ij rite