or TAXI Boston Grill 1 and ditJ Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. PIATT VIDECK, Prory Jmim mix NOMINATIONS MADE YESlRD AY VOL XVI. ,No, 210. ELECW FAIR THIS All Seats in are Contested in the Elections r ' Liberal Candidates Fewer than Conservatives but Full Quota of Mackenzie King Supporters are in Field TOIIONTO. Sept. 8. Filly . , nomuiaie'J ior wie jfcucnii demons ber being &2H for 211 seal, the j a t a a The only seat going by amamation is that of Provenciier, I a . . I - I 11. ...I... .. ifiernl Progressive, was declared Th' composition of thou '! t. iseralive I'mgressives 20, Micra!-rrugresive T TRIBUTE PAID en itr TA ADPUDICUHD IU nUUlUUHUl I 1 ( RsdBnt or Prince Huoen Referred to by De Pencler at Synod. V Noil VKH. !epl. C Areh-- iiot' Ie l'encier. metropolitan Htni-ti odumMa. gae his addreMs head of the nro-i, ai synod of the Atvgtican -i nennial meeting, which ed ti re yrslerday, eommenc-. . .. . . i. . . . . . , t. 1 . .. wmi a iriituip 10 hip iic M .shop lu eru4, the fir-t,,,.,, , MWfU. , ... , rjlull sulci)! 1 hererr.ns to the ehurch world m.ssmnary wVrk the Arrh- ; -atd: "In this warfare we upy a very slraleal f.iit llnf.win ,,0 58 ,lnkl,t party fbht, ts fac Urge mm-Mri 1 tlan ;2 , 0lUri 12 , Ma urn jut ruirated by a li filled wflh the Pacific 1 Tin province i. increas-Mw meeting place of many VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Did. H Ifig.OO i Sdver 1.95 -ioTulatcii .250.00 1 well 1.23 aidiy 20.00 z 'Hon .... we Sound 4 1 .00 I' itefiendenee 00 1 dial) 05 U A I. 0S Marmnt .09?. f nuer 2.2 1 r Inlet 03 Asked 1 1 2.00 1.20 ;.iui 4300 .08 I 05y .11 j.30 .03 AN EXTRACT FROM MEIQHEN'S SPEECH The followitvg is an ex- iai-1 from a speech deliver-' "d tn Montreal on picni- her I by the Hon. Arthur Metghen as reported by Canadian Press: "Mr. Mefghen denied tho rumor he was present at a political picnic in ort!i York, when a Conservative siipiikip inn u III In have sugjtridcd that Immigrants ! r the find gthieralton be 'lenied Oi)aijti fraifllt- ft, Mr. MeiynHl Haid tliht he did not consider himself bound by any bul the set- ''ed and expressed policy of 'his party. The Conservalive party, )e said, was ready to weh-otne all good eillicus '0 Canadian shores." llradi's Ounnala-n ?10 ftnmmlllee YEAR TO BE BIGGEST Canada ! ! ! 1 I Next Week fewer audidatc have been it ' II..,.. I....I II... ..,. 1 A tmi i-ar man rusi, wir miiu-.-r election to UKe mace on me- ...Ht:iinlij.it. I ltllut 1 1 It eleeled. officially nominated is Libernbt; .... ... ... A Indejiauleiits 25, UlborUfs t, Vnte. Farmers of Alberta 12. : All the minister,, of the Meiali-, cabinet and 'he former mini-! or the late Kinx r.on.inent : who are runnina face Mrabht t H, llrtl, with .eex,epUon of -r - ""!! "J. . !le, r6 Jl . ;. - .., ,. ... latter in KooUnay Fi and the farmer m Vaneomer 'Dlrc. where tbere are I tiree -cornered 4 Thirty inanjturar fighl will 4. (take place while there are 212 , f , and two 4. iiuadranaular Itatlle. if the thi-ee-eorneretl fights six are in Qiieher. ten in Ontario, three in .,,,, ril ,n - t . T(, f(Mr.cwrnl.TO, fljrill are in ,. ,..rtiM. lllvUilin f Mrtnirwil . , v.Hh There in Mani- loiia. 1C iu Sasfcatehewan, ti in Alberta, li in II. C and one in j Yukon. Two women candidates nomin ated are Asme Mel'hail, progres sive, in southeast iirey and hath- leen ItennetL Uberat in Toronto Kast. No women are ninnhfk on the Concrvatie ncrvatie tiekeU tiekeU W- I White era! than fin each Rented lies? nrsf'lrrrp IrrVop-i and and the the vessels vessels on on e the ti?l shows f.?Vr Lib- lb- yangtse Kiang lliver at AVali iiiamVenaUvtecan.ria.ires..f5Ljn it W8fl ea,ed today. The , onlilueifcy-nolfK. cni,,ee casualties are not konwn. by a Liberal the Progres-! uie. i.alKr or nuppenieni 1 on.'pledpe.Ih. MIlpoil (he Mackeiuie (King government, should one be formed following the baWle of I'baHols. GERMANY NOW I JOINS LEAGUE j , Given Permanent Seat With Other Nations in World Council at Geneva. GENEVA, Sept. 3. Germany was unanimously elected a member of the League of Nations today at the seventh assembly of that body. The assembly approved the designation to Germany of a permanent seat In the league council and Increased the number of non-permanent council members from six to nine. SPAIN RESIGNS FROM LEAGUE OF NATIONS IIKXDI.AY. France, ,epl. 8, With King Alfonso presiding at the cabinet council yesterday Mil drid reached an iiiurrcement Upon Spain's resignation from the League of Nations. Northern and BRITISH JUSTICE DUE ALL SAYS PREMIER "May I make this perfect- ly clear. I have no defence l offer of aity person who has iicen guilty of any wrong-doing in conneclion witii the administration of ay department f govern- men I. I have no desire either lo shield any person or lo hide flie slightest wrong. I believe that ever- charge that hat Hie slight- est bearing umii fraud or wrong-doing of atiy kind should he investigated in the most searrhira manner iisiii-, 1 and individual vanished a- they may de- serve. AH that I urge, for the sake of our public life and it traditions, as befit- fitlin our hiisi- nf British 'j-r pray HUH IMIIirii ju .. .. i ai... i.a tr.i m T " . ruinisij- rvmtm 01 uieir -r reutUons through "d nialiciU!. rumor "nd f,a,,,,r"; a"d eirruloted solely o give to on- WkM.I party an un- iirniiiini niiiam.ir -d" 111 a i that io one be denied the nsht 01 iair inai nrn hist n ttin fal la A in a U.1 nil 4 fce bo(fwlllS,-,ieWL iH m f, rrraviwaldKj-rliHk-s; M wMI th(. &imwfa public opinion may pro- MaUaee." HI. Ihwi. Y. I.. Mankenile Kinu. Le.id.-r of ii.- l.ihera! 1.1: v ..f Can- a,ia, Ottawa SEVEN KILLED ON GUNBOATS Clash With Chinese on Yangtse Klang River Results In British Casualties. SIIANCillAI. Sept. 8. Three iofflreri hnd four memhei s of the CPPVv of two British gunboals W(ire wiled and several wounded m alilnsh -Monday between Chi nr 1 IT IP n 1 HI? K A 1 1! IS KAIK J1 HUl 1U iillVll NORMAL AGAIN MAIHIII). Sept 8. King A If on -o today declared ended the state of war which was proclaimed throiiuhout Spain ou Sunday in consequence of the mutinous out break among llie artillery corps. LIGHTNING STRUCK CHILLIWACK BARN AND IS TOTAL LOSS (UI)LI.tWACK. Sept. 8. Struck I by lightning Monday night, the htiue barn 011 the farm or David Chapnihh near here wus destroy ed by fire together with 20 tons of hay, ten, tons of grain ntnTlm-piemen ts' valued'at 3(Mi- - ! TT NOTICE TO LIBERALS OF SKEENA RIDING The Liberal committee- rooms, 303 Third Ave., nert lo the Klcclrle Bakery, will be open every afternoon and evening until election . A. A ony. v 1T PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'HJNCK UUI'EUT, H. 11, WEDNESDAY, SEI'TEMUEIl 1U20. Tiierd.yi circulation, isss AND BEST Stevens Declares Office Broken into and Correspondence Fdes Rifled in Effort to Injure Hm VAXCOL'VEIt. Sept. S. That with, hi office broken into and hi ifled and that Ihe "bootlegger and had woru to mi besmirch hint that his character would be de.-. Iroyed and thp alia k had siarted with the piiblicaiiiin or Ia e-' r t?U:UU h n ZXhlDlt tO men! respecting hiM.er,oIialodinve,tmenKvvaMhder.a4tionA'0W6r De IH of II. it. Stevens la-d Hffht when llie minister dc lore a thai fended his actions since assuming the custom alnriuistralit'n. He declared: 'Anyone in Canada , u who keeps within !ite law. iiu . matter what business h is en-i gaged in. will find n eiidim- in! me. iiiit whoever violai'-s the lawj wtll find no friend in hip." ! I BAD WEATHER ; ON PRAIRES t- : Threshing Held Up In Alberta and Manitoba By Rain. Frost Last NlghL ... iwiii 11 : v.... , u 1 ...i.i Wg i. J 1 11 frosts. Hie first of the have 'followJda protradedTeli iif 4 l wimIiui. weather hi Ill mtiv m,ny HyH parts of hf pra.irie provincesadding to tbo v-$w wes tf the' farmers wlio - are1 unable to srarner their crop Xo serious damage is reported. Harvesting is still held up in Atbeiia and Manitoba: but Sask atchewan threshing is progressing favorably. J. SIR JAMES CRAIG IS COMING SUNDAY Premier of North Ireland Is Making Tour of Canada For Benefit of Health Sir James Craig, premier of Ulster. Ireland, will be a visitor in Prince Hirpert on .Sunday nest. Together with his party and a personal representative of the (lanadian National Hallways, Sir James, who is urakiwg a tour of Canada for the benefit of bis health, will arrive from the P'31 on riernoon lrain and p'e utU 011 3n,Pr ' itupert. ,r ,Ja";c, 'V1.' lU 7n r '''lf. Lady GraU and their son and daunhter. William Phillips, manaser of the industrial department, Canadian National Hailway,, Montreal, is accompany ins Hie narty officially. hi mail had been inlerfeied - private eiirre-jMjndeliie ii es blackleg- of the liquor riiig' addressing a mass meeliugj 1 he had iioJiiug to Wide Ui-q de LOCATING NEW INTERIOR ROAD ). J. Hergin. locating en- ginecr for Hie provincial de- part avent of w orks, who ha been here for the iia-t few , . .. ... . . . . aavs. ten ou Mis uturiiins S T train for the interior to lb- r.le u'roulp fnr liie nevr road between Skeena Cross- ! aj Terrace. Work of factual conslruction lias al- i 'ready started from both 1 . t lie uluniale lrannro incial iViT&l$?? IL "T' b the biest and bes yet The FOUR RUNNING N. VANCOUVER: C. Gill Nominated Yesterday as an Independent In That Constituency YAXCOl VEIl, Sept. t?. Tic nomination of J. C. Ciill as an in dependent candidate, in Vancouver North was the only surprise iu the provincial nominations yesterday. This makes the only four-ornered struggle in HrH-ish Columbia and there is only one oilier in all Canada and that in Montreal. The candidates nominuled be sides in Vancouver North are A. 1. Mcltae, Conservative, O. 5. McIeer. Liberal; W. W, l.efeux, LaCior. DONATIONS TO BAND The Hoys Hand comiiiiliec and Bandmaster Wilson (k-nowledce with thanks, dhe receipt of ?50 from Jlhc .Trader and Labor Council nrib'U from Colonel McMordie to the Boys' Hand fond. McRuer of Toronto tasi ingnt ny j. u. .Mciwier, a behalf of Dugald Douaghy. He Serious Charges Made Against Minister of Customs Stevens by J. C. VAXCOl'VEIt, Sept. S. Declarations that lion. II. li. Steven- had sacrificed the country's national Syelfare to gratify his own poll lie ;il ambition, that he whs not sincere in the custom. iinpiiry and thai he had 110 intention of doing. anything either lo strengthen the low or to dd to the regulations, whVh would in any way interfere with the 'transportation of bootleg-liquor into ine 1 unco niuirs, were inaue Toronto lawyer, speaking 011 it Sirett S!e JJO IN HISTORY OF PRINCE RUPERT charged that Stevens had opened the doors for bootlegging to the! I'tiiled Slates wider than ever before mid that he had done no-j thing bill assist the bootleggers. 1 C. W, PECK, M.LA., I S. BAXTER and MRS. A. ,J. PATERSON Will Address a Public Meeting In Auditorium (Skating Rink) WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 8, AT 8 P.M. THE I'UULIU lb UOItDlALLY KWITEI) Fair Promises to be Biggest and Best yet Opening Next Tuesday Aside for it and Blooms for Decorations Asked from Citizens What promise- to be the biggest and bel faif Prince Rupert has ever had opens at the Acropolis Hill building and grounds Tuesday evening. Manager dp the work that it is difficult far ai ra" areilained, the prosxcts are thai practically every pha-e of the exhibit will be larger and better than last year. Mr. Thumon urges that the merchants of the city co-operale by decorating their stores and other btiildiw-'s and that there 1. f :r..i .1: ..1... ..r I. ut a luciuinu uisikij ui uuiiiiug ,be here Trom east rfnd west, north , !.II1 south and esoecialh froni Ketchikan and Oueen Charlotte! Islands and it i hoped to show them what a real live town can do. I Another -thing that Mr. Thorn-j ' - - -: (lie i-fiv m.itnfrnii in wurk! . win at 1 lie tj- uciuhu jvm. to-M loaned art exhibit ideing used for the flower display. This it is huped will be filled. If any who 4I0 not wish to enter for the prizes will donate flowers for decorative purposes Mr. Thomson says he will see that they are sent for on Monday afternoon. He asks that they phone 555 and tell what ' they have and when they will be ready. Fine Prize Offered At a meeting of directors of the Association last night ii was derided to offer a prize fur the greatest number of points won by any one exhibitor for garden flowers or bouse plants. This prize is to be a five-cup elec tric percolator donated by tho Canadian -t'eueral Electric Com pany FIRST MILE OF ROADWAY On Kalen Island Highway to be j Ready foe Traffic This Year. The first mite of the Kalen Island Highway will be ready fo rtrafflc before this season Is closed, It Is announced at the office of the provincial department of publlo works. Surfacing of this portion of the road will be commenced Within a few days. The compressor and rock crusher for the work arrived some time ago and the road roller reached here from Vancouver yesterday. All of the right-of-way to Galloway Rapids except one mile Is cleared. THE PUBLICLY EXPRESSED OPINION OF A CONSERVATIVE 1 "In my. view Ihe whole of. this western movement should, he directed 'to the port off Vancouver: and all public monies expended up- on the Pacific coast should be expended there. Vtiere. fever was a more grossly flagrant instance of expen- diture (ft public monies for j purely political purposes t than the building of Die e- 1 valor at Prince Rupert by ! the Literal government." ; Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW 80DA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. PRICE FIVE, .CEKTS.- KOOm Dnnm LSpZCially PenirlnlLi bit Dave Tohmson is so lnisy lining to get a word with him, but so . . . .11 .1 : I n ..u an ucr iiic t iij. isiiur win l. - - - - rv uluih-t v m nmiw iVliliV ULiliU PITTls"1 ITIvpATilJ V KH V li 1 1 IKY l' Bl"t,sh Co,umb,a Wl" dd Several Seat, to Liberal Side. GOOD CHANCE IN VANCOUVER Is Gone to Terrace and Other Points and Returns Hore for Monday Meeting. Expressing confidence in the eoitr-e or a brief interview that the Liberals will add several more seals to their side in British Columbia and that the Mackenzie King government will obtain a substantial majority in the corn- ins federal election, Hon. T. I). PatUullo, minister of lands, arrived from Victoria this morning lo assist in the election of Fred Stork, Liberal candidate in Skeena riding. Mr. Pa ttullo declares tlrat the Liberal candidates in Ihe four Vancouver ridings have more ihan a good chance for election. In Cariboo riding Ihe election of Joseph tiraham. Liberal over John A. Fraer. the Conservative member in the last parliament. Is assured. Other constituencies arc equally promising. ' Mr. Pattullo leU for Ti'rriire !ir train and will address a meeting there tonight, assisted by Col. S. P. McMordie. Then Mr. Pattullo will go to Hazelton. Smithers and Burns Lake and return here Sunday afternoon to address the big Liberal rally on Monday nlghl. He alo has accepted the invitation of the Fair Board to open the lrince Jluperl Exhibition Tues-i day night. Mr. Pattullo reported a good meeiling at Ocean Falls last night when tie spoke on behalf of Mr, Stork. D. (5. Mac Kay presided. Mr. Pa'illo was met at the wharf by Liberal friends and wai also given a cordial greeting by a number of Conservative women who vri rlnwn In mnaf Mr I j. paterson who arrived on the same steamer. J. - - SIPPRELL HEADS THE j y VICTORIA PRE5BYTERY OF THEJINHIp CHURCH VICTOWA. Sept. 8, V; J. Sip-prell, 'pastor or the Metropolitan Church, succeeds Hev. W. (i. Wif-son, pastor of the First Church, as chairman of the Victoria Presbytery of the U'dled Church. Hev. V. A. ,uy, pator of Oak Bay chureii fs secretary. Mr. Vitson was formerly a Prebylerlan ami Slpprell, formerly a Methodist. i "