8W I HOME Special Sailings to ENGLAND-IRCLAND SC0TLAND-FRANCE-BELC1UM Christmas! Don't Home . , -v. vear. Koolc now on "wb 1 Star Christmat Ship for ,.e happy comfortable, Uo.:-r.y voyage. jfoniri Cltttt. Bt)aH. L'poW REGINA . Wov. 27 l if P -riouth Cherb'rt, Antwrrf PENNLAMD . Doc. 6 j; '"ar "!ifMir, Urrtpoul BALTIC . Doci 13 fjtn to BrllUh Por tis ''"' 7a Third Ciatt tl4$(X3Stip oneway SSJup tHCt70up rttnrn ttscup $ Uojrr lluHJIiij. Viiwwuifr. or j from Montreal HJkl BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR ;vi'civd from the Kant ,i assortment of AITERNOON AND EVEN-1X0 Frocks our last hipm-nt of X. t t oat All trinir on f rru-:lerate price. J. BENT Third Ave. Phone Ml if jt. WANT ARCAL v itSTlOM ORDER COAu OtFOHC THE WtNTIR - CONGB ?.Tor4 v i now will only get i the usual WinUr r-'inn when the first J -pell brinjra in a flood ' icra. We have the kind you need - 1 amp. Eujr, Stove and Nut Nanaimo - Wellin'ton or 'W-ta Smokeless. 1 !u an fret better net-vice u order now. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phona IS. Clrtai, Warehousing, and Distributing Team or Motor Bervloe, Coal, Band and Gravel. We polallr In Plana ana Furniture Bavins TUGBOATS Day Phonea 423, 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. Nleht Phonea 687,. 639, Qreen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. E0. ti. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. MILK Cn h pneo of li.'kcts is ndvnnr-cd to J Quarts fop $1.00 " Pints for $1.00 t'fmmeti.-uiK November 1. Valentin Dairy Phone 657. U.S. GETTING ! INTERNATIONAL ' MIND RECENTLY Kit a mi; uiu ih; akio loan i I MI KK .W MOi:V MAUKI-.T I MKV MION KBW TOIUC. Nov 23Uflited State Jean V It world are now said to ex-eeed ua.000,000.000 and t u thu pecuniary Inter et Uwt u lu'. giving the people of the HUM Utln what bankers call the International mind Newly 14.-CO0XOOJtX)0 bu been lent to alien lands la the Ut three ye Fraae I expected io come into the United State money market early next yew for targe sum to aid tn pegging te Iran at aome uttdetermtned slablli-cattee paint tad to replenish working capital for her industries and banker are trying to forecast the amount of Prance's new borrowings. The total may reeoto several honored mill too dollars of which probably i third win be lor gov-rrnmenul purposes and the rest for cor purauon. France will not be permitted to borrow here until tfce debt agreement bat be ii ratified by the French Chamber of Deputies but the echoes of that last r-U-csll will hardly hsve' died away trheo Wall Street believes there will be ."Tijiio of French loans here. MOKOAV oYMUCATi: Trie Morgan syndiraie that floated the rr n( Belgian atabtliaattm loan of ISO.. 00O.O0C m it M anticipated, handle the jrnajor financtag of the heocn tiepab-The groundwork for these loans lias already been surveyed The recent ja.tarp rise In French government dollar .brands is ssud to be something of a i window dressing operation for the re- noauof of future loans Bank, trawir-aacc caaapaoies. and the investing class are the pnrrhsun of these foreign - cumies the interest of which Is yearly I returning bet la rising volume. Deal-jlna in these eecurlttes on the New i York Stock Exchange have reached a ! dally total of I7O00A00 Wan Stmt banks ad allied inatltu-uone la sS parts of the Onited States have made mllltotw in the marketing of foreign hoods. The aaargin In this pro-'ntaMe bustnesa. however, is diminishing Berrowtnf nartowi of bleep hsve had to py a attff tod for nuucy accommodation tor the Darted states pob-' Is. had to be educated to panmase this WATER NOTICE Hit I K-ION AMI l E. cly i'S , Vancouver B C. will apply for a licence j t take and ur IOOjOOO gatlona per day i of water out of Unnamed stresm. which now nortnaisienr ana arwn ww, PntAlnB Cm At of Captain's r-i TK tur wtll be dfv diverted from .Me tream st a point about TOO feet fr im mouth aud will be used tor onm-mt-rrisl and domestic purpoes upon the ind (fcrtbed as Lot 12M. Range 4. ;t DiKtnrt This notice was poated on the ground on the 4th d.y of Jo-vemoer I9M A eerpj of this notice and an sppliesUon pursuaat thereto and to 5t "Water Act" win be filed in the 'uffire of i he Water Recorder at Prince Rupert BC Objections to the application may be riled with the eatd Wster lliomdrr or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Partiameni Buildings. Victoria. BC. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper The date of the first publication of this notice Is November '' 10 1936 OOSSC TACKINO COMPANY LTD. Applicant. By J. F. Strang, Agent. LAND ACT mn: or intkntion to aitly to t.i:ti: roniiiotu: i in Oraham Island. Queen Charlott . lland Land Recording Dlstrlet of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bsy. MssMtt Inlet. Oraham Island take NOTICE that Powell River t imitMi nf Vancouver. B.C occupation Manufacturers. Intend to ap- 1.1 fnf Ifltf OI UU iUUUV. tilX yc Commencing at a past planted at the northeast ooruer of DL. II. 1. thenre westerly, following northern boundsry of , Mid Lot to the northwest corner of said Lot thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide msrk of Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly i point of Eehlnua Point; thence eouth-essterly to the point of commencement, and containing 150 acres, more or lew. POWELL RIVER COMPANY. ! LTD. Agent. J. Diuglss Wilson. Dated 4th November, ljjg IN PRORATE. i i Tin: m ritr.Mi: rot ht or imiTisii 'in the Mattel of the Administration !tn thelMsner of the Estate of Krlstlan I Pederaen. Deceased, intestate. , TAKE NOTICE that by order of UJ . Himor F MrB. Young, dated the 28th rtiiv of Octooer. a-u. , -'. admmutrator of the Estate of Pomted deceased; and all kmtian Pedersen. Sanies owing claims against the said i ftatVare hereby required to furnish lame properly verified, to me on or be-Jnre ' the 3rd dav of December, AD. 1926. nd aU paSle. indebted to the estate are Wto pay the amount of their :abtedneMtomeoforthwlth. I Official Administrator. I Prince Rupert. B.C. ' Dated this Ilth day of November. I AD. 12: IN PRORATE. OF BRITISH Hri'KKMM-KT ,V TIIK 1 m the Matter of the Administration in the Matter of the Estate of Oeorge TAE'NOTICthif b,UoYder ofHU unofr Srt TYoun. dsted the 36th K 5 agaSS the Tsald estate are hlrtb required to furnish aame. pro-rTv verified, to me on ot before the iTt dsv of December. AD. 1826, and all T indebted to the estate are re-Sufred pa the amount of their In-SlSSSnes to w me forthwith. debtedness NORMAN A. WATT. Offlclsl Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 10th day ot November. A.r. 1B26. if 4 : 1 : Make Better Bread ' Askour grocer for , j ROYAL YEAST CAKES t STANDARD OP QUALITY. .FOP.OULR 50 YEARS. class of sedulities iiff;u n.rtriT The bankers and distributors of the recent 150.000 XXX) Belgian loan are reported to hsve male approximately S2,-600000, leas the costs of overhead and distribution. These banking profits are divided among the original terms group, made up of one or more leadmg banking firms which negotiate directly wttb the borrowing gn-ernnMet: the banking group wMea takes the bonds at a amal'. advance from the teroaa group, and the aeUiBg syndicate composed of leading banks and other dletributars which acquire the bonds from the banking group. The terms group pays the foreign gov-emmeBt. for example 89 for seven per cent "bonds; the banking group obtains them ror 90 and the selling syndicate secures them for Bl 1-2. The tnrettors tr.rn pay 94 As member of the terms group are also members of the other groups their profits are targe. Beigtum la understood to have r-eetvrd about 89 for her IMOOjBOO loan for 'which the public pa.d 94 HURRICANE OF BEES ATTACKED A STEAMER MEDITERRANEAN SEA NEW YORK. Kov 2 A -hurricane - of bumble bees threatened the comfort. (if not the safety, of the crew of the Adam, on be. recent trip through the Mediterranean. capt. W A. Ross, a veraetous martner. ' ' sisntistc every detail, to say nothing of the ship's hospital record notlag three days cOBValesrenre Icr Seaman Mike McOraw. one of the volunteers sum moned to "repel boarders.' "It was a cairn afternoon." report Capt Rosa, "when a point or so off the beam I saw a Msk spot. The spot spread and a boar like several airplane motors was prrorpttwe, Txtraogb ny glasses. I could see the air teeming wlob bees- Condensing the detail somewhat, bis story relates the bnpaot of the bee- storm, the reeling of the good aatp. the transfer of the Queen Bee to the liner s aerial with some few mltuon of ber loyal retainers and the prompt collapse of that equipment, preventing any BOS. had one been necessary. Mike, before wtnulng his AH, had had some dealings with bees and he was sent along with an oil smudge to dear the wires. And Mike was unde: the doctor's care three days. It'a all tn the record. FOR SHRLNERS' BALL The following are the committees ap pointed tn connection with the first annual Shrine ball to be held In the Audi torium tn January next: Oeurral chairman. Noble W. H. Tobey. Invitations a. E. Parker. A. Haines, M. M. Stephens. Retrnhmenu R. A. Creech, O. J. Frlzrell. S. C. Thomson. J. A. Smith. Decorations A. E. Basett-Jonea, O. D. TUe. 3. 8. Nelson, C. O. K. Anderson, S. J. Jabour. Dance R. V. Q. LePlne. W. II. Tobey, Q. A. Woodland. Finance J. Dybhavn. W V. E. Splller. Had Salt Rheum All Over Ker Hands Mrs, Herbert J. Mason, Grand Falls. N. writes: -"I had wilt rheum all over my hand and wtocially between my finjerii. It gut w ld it was im-posnilila 'Tor me to put tlnem In wateT or do my houscw -k, After trying many medicines and, salves, that did me no good, I Leard of being so TromVrful, and after taking three bottles I am ntirely relieved of my trouble. I am wire I cant recommend T.n.B. too ItigUly to those who have eaJt rheum lfto I had," H.B.B. is mannfaetured only by Tha ,T. Miltma Coa Uuiltod, Totoato, Qat. THE DAILY NEW3 Activities of Women (ne Is .tutlmretts. .tnoUier a farmer While AiHrther Trains a Engineer TO WKITK "TKI'TII." Elizabeth Banks, the American author of 'School for John and' Mary Mhlch .took several sledge-hammer wallops at .he British caste educational system, to jttck at her Add phi flat la London.! wcrhlr.g on a new book. She says sh going to print the whole truth for . .ne first time in ber life. ' The material lor the book, which is ' to be on the subject of "democracy pure and undeflled," was gathered during a . year's rlstt In the United States and Canada. r.tuMi is m;it r.MK Mrs R. S. Conlys bid to fame lies in j conquering a 183 acre farm on the out- j ikurte of Asbertan, in Texas. j Last year she ' raised 100 acres of I iplnacb and 30 acres of tomatoes. b-' tide a good crop of grapes and seedless! ranges and grape fruit. Although the I winter garden district has an average of 23 to 30 laches of rain annually. ! Ample for ordinary needs. Mrs. Conly has irrigated her farm. She values her homestead at 300 an acre. MTIir.S! ACf'KPTS .MMTTEKH. The Duchess of York has accepted stxn Lidy Strathspey, a selection of Jthe ! iew Highland kpattees designed to share. honor this winter with the Riuslsn. boot. But the question society women are asking Is. win the Duchess wear UarniT If the Duchess wears the spattees. even once in public, they wtll be the. vogue immediately. It is recalled thtt Princess Mary last fail was presented with a wonderful pair of Russian boots, but tf the King daughter ever wore :beru no one saw her. Princess Mary, Incidentally, wears -ubfcer boot durtog rainy weather. LAIY HOXVMtKlll. Lady H on y wood." England's most ex- tensive hotelier, has added another j hotel to her strtr.g by taking overlhe' Angel Hotel In Cardiff, which at ouc ! time during the war was used aa head-Quarters of the United States Navy for ! its forces In the region of the South Wale coast. boteU in thta country, three of which I are in unaen. one penonsuj super- vised tje Interior decaraUons of the Angei aa weH s the Internal arrange-aenta. I KC.r.S WOMEN fMTE "Women drivers should stand together aottdly for a'drlvert license law.-betievea Edward J. Donahue, eommis-roeer at trafBe at "CI ere land. Ohio. "It is the worriiii. - the mother, who suffers the deepesr anguish when one of ber children ts tajured or killed br an Incompetent driver." be said. "The mother who is an automobile drtver baa a double reason to desire his banishment. She, herself a careful and efclUful driver because of ber in-trre;t tn btlminlty. h liable to be klUed jt injured by another driver unfit to ITTSU," "IOINEEKETTL- Queen Victoria's god -daughter. Miss lctorta Drummond. has Just obtained ser meket" as a fully qualified, sea-oinc marine engineer. Miss Drummond la the grand -daughter of Lord Amherst of Hackney. 6hs became interested la engineering and after flnlahlng her studies learned that to pbtain a certificate she had to serve the required time In an englnerocna at sea. She signed on a ship going to Australia in 1922. She kept her watch. lnroccttd boilers, kept the oiler at work and performed all the duties re-1 quired of ber male colleague. She ha not decided whether she will continue going to sea, now that she hes the; coveted license, or remain on shore and take up the work of a consulting marine engineer. covi:i:Tiiu.r. iiaiiuit Helene CosteUo tea a convertible haircut; boy It she wants It vo, and girl otherwise. To go with this colSeur. she haa originated a hat band oombcase The band haa a silt in It which pockets a small comb. Whenever she desires to comb her locks, or Change her coiffeur she slips the comb from her hat band, and the hair -dressing act be. pins. The hat is a floppy felt. LENA AMIMI.I.L rLAYEKS The Lena Ashwell players, organised . for the purpose of providing high-class' drama at rates within, the reach of the; masses, have developed Into an organl-' zatlon which now has It's own .London ' Theatre, j Miss Ashwell was the best-known organlccr 01 entertainers tar the Brit-sh army 'throughout the war. DAMAGES TO ALBERTA WHEAT POOL RESULT BREAKING CONTRACT " . ! CALOARY. Nov. 23. Breaking his contract with the Alebrta wheat pool by aelUng his grain outside the pool cost Halvrlg Holmberg, a farmer at Battle End, near Hardisty, 11,000 and costs, la addition to the fees ot his own lawyers. Holmberg, who Is an old timer In the district where he lives and was one of the first to sign the wheat pool contract, claims that he had to sen hli crop outside of the pool because the 3 Let us help you with your Christmas gifts You can have perfect confidence in the quality of our poods. We will exchange or refund the money for any unsatisfactory article. COMMUNITY- AND? 1847 ROGERS t SILVER Our prices, right hert at home, are the same as Eaton'a or other mail order houses. , Teaspoons, any pattern, V2 doz. S?15 Dessert Spoons, per set $8.00 Other pieces in proportion. We have also Tudor Plate and Wan. Rogeri at about half these prices. An endless variety of Silver Presents These two handsome pieces $6.30 John Bulger, Ltd. GIFTS gtsisisZagBi . . . . , A t ffiMl hu ediste obUga- tlons. Through their legal representatives. Brownlee, Mulr. Rankin & HaU. the wheat pool took action against Holmberg to recover 11.000 liquidation damages under the contract. On the advice of P. L. Sandlord, of Bennett. Hannah & Sandlord. Mr. Holmberg settled the action without going to court. He w-as told he had no case. With the costs of the wheat pool 'a legal representatives and his own cxpensea tn the matter. Holmberg paid nearly $1,000. The pool management later refused to release him from his obligations tinder the contract for the 1927 and 1928 crop, but win reconsider bis application for for release In order to sell his farm with the crop on It. 8 - Market Prices LARD Pure 28c Compound 25c EGGS B.C. fresb, pullets 50c B.C. fresh, firsts 55c n.C- fresh, extraa 60c Local new laid ...v...... 65c and 70c Alberta Iresh, second 40c FISH .iiK,it ts as Salmon, white spring 12HC Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod, lb. 22c Finnan hsddles, lb 20c Salt mackerel, lb 25e lie rUamrl II 3 n."'ft CONVENIENT m 1 M In addition to its double richness which so much Im- I r proves even your best recipe, St. I Charles Milk is un- I usuauy convenient. It keep perfectly in the unopened I can. Use it v. her- ever the recipe call I for milk. lBw Mf.n.u aBr rondenury at South Duma, B.C. I I I Jewellers THAT LAST a WHY NOT A CLOCK? . This beautiful mahogany two-tone chime clock for $25.00 Single tone strike in similar shape". for $16-00 Westminster chime 4-hour on four bells for $60.00 1 PAGE FIVE Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE" WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5 Eastern salt herring, 3 tor 25c Salt codfish fillets. Ib 30c Boneless salt cod bricks, lb 25c MEATS Fowl. No. 1 lb. S5c to 40c Roasting chicken, lb 45c to 50c Ham. sliced, first grade 60c Ham, whole, first grade 50c Ham, picnic, lb 85c Cottage rolls, lb. 40c Bacon, back, sliced 55c Bacon, side 50c to 65c: Pork, dry salt .7.. ...... 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 45c ! Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c j Pork, -shoulder ,. 30c : Pork, loin 45c j Pork, leg 42c j 1 Beef, pot roast 12 Vic to 18c! Beet, boiling 10c to 12c Beef, steak 25c to 40c Beet .roast, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops 50c Lamb, shoulder 35c j Mutton, leg 40c; Lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder 80c IlL'TTEK jBrookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland. 2 lb. 65c E.CD. 3 lbs. S5e Capital, 2nd grade, lb. 40c ! Eraser Valley, lb 45c CHEESE Ontario solids 30c IftUton, lb 35e I Kraft 45c ! Norwegian boat ., 65c t Napoleon Llmberger 70c 'Pnniifnrt 7Se Swlfta' Buttercup, lb 45e 1 Oorgomola, lb. 75c ; McLaren's Cream, Jar .... 45c and 85c 'Oruyere 60c Ooldrn Leaf, Ib 45e VEGETABLES New beet, bunch 5c Beets. 6 lbs. 25c 100 lb 3.7 New carrota, bunch 5c B.C. Carrot, lb. 3c 100 lb. I3.2S Rutebagaa, 6 lbs 25e 100 lbs $3.75 LUMBER We are manufacturing rough and dressed lumber. Edge grain boat cedar. Halibut and salmon boxes. Ask For Prices Seal Core Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 562 .Alexander Smith Hook Phono 676 DENTIST Fur Goats & Jacquettes An Kxquiaite Stock of I'm Trimmings at low price. B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.VJL Third Av. GEORGE RORIE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 3S7 313 Second A venae West, Prince Rupert