PAOE TWC Ti" DAILY RWa Friday, 5t,.llll i -Election Dodge' Ybu Can Try "SALAM" GREEN TEA T70 Writs? 'Salad a Toronto, for free sample. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by .mail or carrier, per month . $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United ' States, in advance, per year 10.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year . v 17.50 Member of Audlt'Sureau of Circulation. 4 P1ILT DITIO Friday, ipt. 3. 1920. of H.H. Stevens. N " The iettcmMloit. it. W; Raney pulilihed'tNewlifre- today shows that Ihe Stevens cJiarges were just eleciioheering prof-randa. .Mr. Ranev. who is a urumineiit Toronto lawyer and was last year have changed their tune temporarily until the election louver, and he is expected to do the saine. He reminds u all that Prince Rope rt is taboo to good "Conservatives down eat and that . a -vote Tor Rrady means a vote against Priiife'itupert ? Then there comes this man AVright on the platform "with ; Premier Meighen and the other minLter. and gives Uie gane awny" by telling how they would like to disenfranchise every " person who is not boi;u in Canada or the IH'tih Isles. What they need iu the Couservajhe camp is a, muzzle on their Speakers. How Much Majority Wirt Mackenzie King Get? Speculation is rife, today as to the size or Mackenzie King's majority. Some think he will have only about a dozen lo fifteen, but ier better informed believe he will have at least twenty to the good. The one point on which there seenn tu lie agreemnl, excet tfmong partisan politicians, is that he will have euough to carry, on with comfortably. The freat Hting to do now is to increase that majurity and to do it o thoroughly. Unit there wilt be no doubt in the minds of the people1 down, east as lo what the .west think-. Skecna constituency, of all placejs in tip? world, should makeH it-elf known as resenting the treatment meled out to it bv a ......... 5"nuunui iiiiu tne M-iiiniicins expresseo by Conservative leaders. EIeiitor usually haveshort memories, but not so horl tht the, catLlorget everj thing. , , Can't UndrsUndv;Miners7 v , . g Voting for Meighen. ; ' i ' V H. H. STEVENS CLEARING. ILLICIT LIQUOR VESSELS AT ONTARIO LAKE PORTS (continued from pace one) riinninicr craft. Anil this is just what Mr. Steven promise.! in lii Toronln sneerh Ui do. Mr. Ster xi'ns could have curried' out his ( promise within a day. or, jmiI. tii put too fine a point on it,Vililn say n He eould Aavgssuedl ornery mai an exponanonHH intoxicating liquor n future should he by one of the jiiternali'nal rairxvays or ny a uperafinj. under recnticS ferry the eyes of1ne customs officials of the two countries. He roul.t. for instance, haxe recifRiiizftl'the ferries be tween Surnia and Port lluron.4 between ,Viiulornd iwroti. le- lwenMoH Stanley and Cleveland, between Toronto and Prwiston, between Cobourp and Charlotte. between present! and Ogilerisburg and so on. And that would haxe put an end practically to ruin-running-boal.. And by putting an piid to the runi-rutinin j he would, ax lie admitted in bis Toronto speech, have put an end to Hie return eangoes bv wafer. ' Bold Language ' Mr. Steven pnuriised Ti t To-riHito bearer. that he would pu a slop to ttie prantinK of bojrus clearance papers "without rejranl lo the profit to be derived there. from by the Canadian liquor ex porters." That was bold language. Need- less to say. it .lid not have the jur.meriy auuruey general in uxe juiiviiiit-4 uiokt-i a unimre approval or the distillers and statement lhat riim-running is going on just as of old, contrarj-1 j)nWPra T, . ,. .. iu me rei-unimvnuaiioiis ui um ciiiiiiimice ini iihcmiSuicu ",,u day and then somethinff haimcnpd Speed latinches still clear the Canadian citoms for far-away poitits just as so hiimoruo'jly outlined by V. J. Bower at rerpnt meeting, and that under the direct control and domination of lion. H. II. Sleyens, the new mmister of cnstoiii of purity. 1 )ieniinds Prince Rdpert pelade of the fish Imp order which was issued after the fhing euson ended and the traps .partly dismantled. U seems to a good many people curious that the electors can be led awxjy by such people. It i tUc some old electioneering ' tattle 'ha's Jiecn used since time imnuhiorial. Thev. gd on the a-suritltiojl that the jieople likelo be XuTed, o wly,uoi Jool them. May the Lord Deliver k Us From Our Friends. ' May the Lord leliver us from oitrfrieiids may well be the cr- of the Conservative party at this" election. Everything goe'h along nicely until some one of their following spills the then neatts.' oenus.' -leis -lie lets out oiu wliat wnai if is poing Koing on on iientnu iieuinu tne me scenes scenes an and .. tliey are alltnsel about it. Riiry of Edmonton makes an Ton, tif ferfireeJliipejrl HcJtioHnil rn rge ffe 'oTIpIeth . forgeiJI'rince Itirperl and concentrate on A'ancotiver. Ue f 4V.'..ilLr tlialiSir If Ii. i l .1 it -u.. a ll. .i . . . attack lcre 'lo forgets Henry trayton and. the others who did that ifl of thing On the 12th a delegation or liquor men visited Ottawa and the purpose or the visit, a explained to and apostle . ' In an OUawa degIm,cl, To ftnd out the lay or Mie land so far a the new covernment is concfrned, and Jar(icularly willi rererenre tn the immediate intentions or Hon 11. H. Sleven. acting minislefof custom and ex- jYf. ifleveu' wa a new hand, and he ha't pMt his foqt in it in hi" Toronto speech. At all exeats, after the viit or the dele-sratinn nothliii.- hapiicnetl tn interfere with the pronis of Canadian Ihiuor fxporlexs on their im-nienp export business. Arguments Effective It is not publicly known what the armmenls were that wt;re addressed by the liquor man ! Sir Henry Drayton and Mr. Sl. ven. bA, whatever thev um- they were crbx'iously effectixe -. so much -a tlrat a few dav ttr Oitoderham & Wrls stock junijH'd 15 iiomtn in one dv This cood rortune to rsooderham A Worls shareholders, coming hard on the announcement uf IDH IsSlire Of n lie a I. nr... bfcnus stock for nne. allli eent, per annum on al stock issue 'or im ine new). Is n tr Ihe origfn- catin? the ronfidenee (if invn.. tors ia Canadian distillery i,ek and in the permanency or tint rum-running Industry, which is the ehier source or their htiee profits. I do not doubt ror -a moment the sincerity 0r Mr. Stevens' promise on the Hlh or July Hint he would "never allow the cuo-tome department lo he used a mediqm for hooUcgginj Hajari u muay uic maimers have been -It seepis difCndl to how miners conjd possibly! loo for Mtefqr high lar ff. .Most of them and are Liberals but it would! think lliex- know what eem as if they 10117 it lo siinuort Mmkenrie Kinr in n mn..J..i. V . !'al tie l,,e Tiiinn.,., ...:,.r...i .... n"' " weir uuxines ...viiuiwi ii me coiunny iu me name ot prolec-t tioiC'which is paid by the producers of Hie country, cannot help a mitier, but it always injures him. All the meat of the wheat SHREDDED WHEAT TRISCUIT is Shredded Wheat in wafer formddkious with bnttei; cheese or marmalades o me iuture. Camoalan rmH. they ie pro- M a A PA In. He hut viPfll.;,irr i,. v T- . . t . la' . "i r - v. . . w uuii 'u nay in your leader or the Iltlll if L ..!,..,. J ... A 1 uX till . 1 . m 1 ! ' ': " ". "" "V V' uicus iu ir io protect ' " wi mai i gneak "confidonM Iii tile.. mineral be nroduc. Pm . .., f.... i.'n. .- .' . J ' . . v"""i''i ij U , , ,. . -.-".. .... jhih "i'uiiiu nc uiv iasiT rnaiiiy anoill mih,k wMiim iiivor. ue is -already realizing that and is turning to tlje parly that refuses. tu raise the tarilf and that gives special exemptum to articles used in the development of Hie natural i gmureva- ui ui; coilllirj. ot a prospect of profits of 120 per ang you ask me what facts f can produce. Let me refer you to the ofriclal report of the proceeding or the Sleven V. iiiveMigatinj? coniuiilfCB f the tl'h or June-. Mr. Xah, auditor, was on the niinn. (ftnrid. Mr. SiiMi w'a' a reluct -unl witpjis,, apd tlie facto were elicited by Mr. Kennedy, M.p a Peace Hivcr farmer, aaluHt tliS sireniioiiA ojiposltion of n jj Ib-ruiett, now (Mr. -Me.telieir Minister of Finance. Mr. Xasts told the committee Hint he fnnrwi payment. Jn UU diitlllerle c large. ubtanlial amounlo of nniitey, which wn questioned the official of the diatillerieii ahout." . . . These paymenU did not have to do will. ii.J lllisincflg Of the dlnllllerv nnmJ pany." . . . They did not deny "inJtcrlptiQns bad been given, . . 'Them is no douhl some, of iiiose funds have been di' reeled to campaign rumls." . . . -' I qsked Hie direct question whether any p,r those money rxere used ror enmnnto'Ti n.. poses and they ald nome of them were, and as to how much. I,a. At A. . ' "111 1 IAS. 1 Utll', litis. fn. - - a vUftsto Hiram Walker & Son. Limited, 1 saw Mr. Walker and 1 a sled .r. Walker IT he tiart made a'' otitrihu1Wm lo campaign fund?, and lie aid, ' to both jiariie.": Thai xxtos hi' exact aniwer." Then Mr. Nash jraxe Ui amounts of mouey and' the natutj of Hie accounts in each case under wlrk'ti tje !ntry,. appeared in the -kn'ks of tlC iliffere.i .1 ...III.......... . tnilti-f iiiuiii tin, c. " .i.., '-..v. HiraiurVVnlker & oim. Ltd., lfileJinjr tradcinars." I2C- 25. fi2,i00. 4Ud tlm l25 under f;.137.50. iooderham winii; company mi i.ii. .ft. ...... a t Worts, i "Sales iJ'ronitttlim,"' 1924-5; r,p.inp M. Hyfunllie IMapury, "Heserx for Contingenpies," l2l-5, :fis,iOil. Sinister Picture Mr. Hiram Walker's eandor furnishes the finishiiift loiiclies to the most sinisjer pbture that has yet been painted in connection with the custom aandai and Hie association Libe lijnor trade with the gox eminent o Canada. , . In Conclusion, may I refer Id the excellent etlitvrial loader in your issue r lat Friday, da'- Iiik with tne ixv aiTecmenl xx1th reganl to runi-runninp tie tween jie vox eminent or reat ltritain and Hie t nite.1 SUIe Your artcle headM "ItriUic Plays Pair." Apart altoeHiftr from the return carjroe aid the dcliaucn.-ry of her xv c. louin officials by tins putr-d hcslnes." dn you not think j hhfli time hat Canada, tive. i gan to play fairf W. E. HAXKV. TWELVE BISHOPS ARE EXPECTED AT JflCJORIA EVENT Laying Foundation of New Cath edral There W:jl Attract Many Ecclesiastics VICTORIA. Sept. 3. present Indications arc that txvctvM bishops will he present at IHm foundation stoue ceremonies en the new Clirwl Churcli Calln dral ob S-ptifjj7l,fr . In addi- Hon to the HisHop f Umo:) 1 mm uie coiner inTrj". sis, hdshop's of the Canadian Cbu'rcu will be iiH'senl. and five bishop? from the 'United Slates are ex-IMxcled. Tle full list of viWn hHt-ops, known to dafi, i? a folfows: 1 'Pie 'KisUit' Hev. the Hk'l.t lion. A.'T. WinniriKton-lmtfHiii. i.i)8 Itishnp of- Limdon. , - lite Most llev. A. V. de Per fjftr, (1.1 ., Arclihishpp jf xv. Weslminstej'. Vancouver, H.C The Itight Hf'y. A., J. Iloiill. H.I., Ili-li(ii of Kootenay, Vet-. noti, HjC. 'Hie Hisrht HRy. W. It. Adams.i ii.u., iiiiimp of t;arrboo. Kam- 12 iier eentrtooos. Hl CftnYfliilirrl --,''" t I. .. . .. . I'he Itisht V. I'. rameotn, CSill Uev. J. G. lloner.! D.I).. IHshon pi OUawa, Ottawa : )nl. 'Ihe Riuht Hex. I. O. Plrlnjrcr Mls'hop of the Vifktn, H.iwsort,' The High t Hev. Wit P illemlncJ . ' . Win. II inn' iif nitni-r rtrn&nn 'Iri ' l'end)llii. Oncnii. i The Hitrht Hev. '. T. Sumnorij ..i-inr i.i ureynn, j'oruann Ore. Ihe Itlft . Hev. II T. CrriMl Hishop of "Spokane. 'RpokaneJ xx nsn. 8- 1 : " "" " i"'' cicrpy 01 inc. ..iii.-,..!,,. diocese are expected lo altendX, lni lay dIetralfs to the vineiai, Fvupd fft lha AnvWcna .uiin'ii. winch meets in an-couver on flie preceding days. RICH PEOPLE DIRTY, SAYS ENGLISH MARQUIS HAVLNTHY. Elite.. epl. 3. holds the prainmar school here. No Ihlne Tlin Orth6phonlc Mctrola Is a new musical ' discoveryv exdueivp to the ictor Comiuny. - 'nil instrument of entirely new internal design. If there had been an raicr way to bring OrtimnlKinic niuical beauty into ihe lioine, nu-aninj the. real . muiv iaor would luxe chosen iL .But LMftl there The new THE MAN IN THE MOON aye Il'n only at election times that i ,' ""Liberal realize what it poor poor judrf-l.I., in in , n, ' Illsiion ot D vino a. Senltleil .1 ... . 1 Wash. ' ii-jii iiierrMinrs ji,ui jicr. 11 0 11. .xinrr-tf inn. 1- ." .r.,f-v. . ami, r.,.,. (VIHU'ip AVbere ' "'n xHoos. WaoW,,4uj). nnlv onf J 1 fduty. will j,.. .... ..... .... r,..,,... t inriml)(IV IHe 1 . . . really run rim sun In this ui vale of tears, v. How different iiotlticlahs were Prom what it rhiw. appears. ti I know a mar. who declare H says whal I.e. thinks. Mx- tfptninn l thai he never ihinu I must admit he talks .m,. ,r-r who oiiiciiii oeicKaiear from each parish. A conlin- ...,,. .." . irenl r rt,, LL .n.J hCn you nollre how om from Vancouver, includimr cleri. Z&!& ' ' nut eal and ...... 1 .1.. .... i".' 0 jiacneior. A bachelor I live A bachelor I'll die, 0 who so blilh ami hajqiy And rree rrom care as I. 1 sit at home and smoke. And do not care a rap; For no one cares where I may go Or where I hanjf my cap, .xr.iruuis 01 .Miri; iiiini) on Ti.nn h.M1, . 1. ..... Hia! many rich P1iul in 1 ear noi whir h. 1,. paland oly are dirty and have been. who lives the merry cam-free brought up. lie so express ed hitnseif in a recent sneech at lite, The lire for you and me. 1 Know many rich itoopie who Aim yei at times I sin n e liaxe never ieeii clean all Jheir- And wonder as I sigh jives because' I her hnvc never If married life wight not tie linal been augl oUierwIse," he. Miti( ii"- noine niujrtlUla Hipo iook a ship at ihe cookintf in Kiwilih homes which he declared " was worse than in any other country he had vijiled. Kpr such a sap as I. OWE OH THE COT. Ikey and his wife xvenl tn the clothing store to buy Ikey a suit wasn't and have. altei arter, dt. Other vay brings real mucic into your home as does the Qrthqphonic Victrpla Great artists, famous bandi, rcnvwcl ordifsttras, singrn, nlaw and cnieiialnem of txrry Viai can nxv- fh,-r wu at hi roe xrith the Ume ran-df the luiiy coipiete from pim(T treble 'j lominK UitKf Coninicic -jnly by virtue of the Orthophnnic prindtde. , dvmojittration, at any "His llaWrr'n Yipit-c dealer is a rrAtl- atl( Orthonhonic Victor Talking Machine Co., - ' - True ti. Soulid - Victrola of Canada. Limited, Steamship and Train Service siituuit from princi Rurirr vsncouvsr, victosi. v1 Mtv MONOST n4 THURSO r 4.00 .m SSTURDSV, IM ". Vfit SNTOX IHt STIWART MONDAX, faiOV. 00 rtf ALASKA WtDNtSOaV, 4.00 .KX. .... .... . ........ i..i.m la- Frtr SCIDIOATr milT .nrf inutu nuvw (.HAaLOTTI PASICN0CR TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT lllT ! af' J1.10 tin. tur PRINCE OtOROE, EOM0NT0H, WIRNIPEO. Il Cn1, t nllel SUlrt ' Anf oil Oct SUmhl LIm. . ". l :illl(lun Nllluiul tinml h.r Uiav, llnif. tftrvirB "T""- ft V, Wj T bliniK'nt. Ki on TltHt Oftlt. BIS Third ., Peine Rupart. PMM Canadian Pacific Railway B. G. Coast Service! Sailings from Prince To Ktlchltin. Wrtmoall. Jun..u and Skl Spl. , 17. ' To Vn(ouf, Vletcrlt nS EnUI Spl. 4, It, t PRINCESS BEATRICE. DmlMll RlfOT, IDS Vancouver' atr Satur40f for BuUdala, Sail Slla Balis. Oeaan Falia, Rupert Ort.1." Oct. tr 1. Mmu? S..fl " " 'MB,"W aooay fr,r all fuamtnla tlnaa. . Oarnar of Aim Slraat sS ') Staaua. Prinoa R'. f UNION STEAMSHIPS UMITEP Sttllnti truro rnnro Buiiari. , ra or VAN0OUVSR. VIOTORIA. Swaoaaa Bav. Slorl Baf. ' n M VSN0OUVCR. VIOTOSIA; Slaff Bai, anS Saaot Bai. Po PORT" SIMPSON and' Naaa RUof Cannaflaa, THMfd for PORT SIOJPSOR. SNVOX. ALICE RM, STEWART, Su. t of clothes. After Inspeeling a number of suits Ikey round 0110 lft his liking, Ijle price or which wap mill, f course. Ikey thought that was loo much money ror the suit. AUer arguing the-matter of price iiii' " wiMl,, ...1 -ii will iuk .lie lollii,r that suit." i.aialiii'1'' V.idle Ikey H "J'J -Ob, w,fVs,.oke up an. J p Ikey. Klve the man In-he so Scotch''