1 " jf i PAob row ToB DAILY HSTVVu ; '.1 GYROS WINNERS BRINGING UP FATHER By Ueorge McManu, OF FIRST GAME COOQWrATM. I ( l I FQuRe SHOP ( - erf COi.iy,". tSOV'LOCX HEE imp I'M tsURE THEE. b l HUH! IXNT-S WHYI 4ffl . to rscvi vn. -vvvj Rt5HT- .J Defeated Sons of Canada In Base uvTte tyxnfvsTwv ball Play-off by 9 to 1. Too K ' a ll ... MUeh WVM W Stalllno. .ThhY!rrA HI. A. .1.. for, I nil fhn 'a tivrr3nii. nf Canada by a score of f 9 to t In the- first pame of tlte city championship baseball .playoff last night. The. Gyros got away to a bw starchy scoring: seven runs In "! the fffst two innings. In lljf first irVfcrfframe Geoe Jlill knocked out a jjjjjf hree "bagger with the liases full ' ana in ine second leildy Ti(e re pea(ed the performance, with two on.; Fielding errors, including a c. ... couple, or bad overthrows on the pari.or me .ons, started the Oy ros on the uphill track. After the disastrous first two innings, there was a decided in clination on thp part of the teams to stall, this being much to the dismal of the spectators. The result was that the game only went five innings when it was called on account of darkness. Schenkler and McKeown com"" posed the Gyro battery, while Vie Mer.ifcs relieved Hill Lambie on the mound for the Sons in "the third -inning. Ha I four being- the catcher. . ' It was the superior fielding of the Gyros .particularly on the part M llaveland on third base, that to a larse extent decided the game. F. Gordon was umpire of balls and Mrikeji while Herman Loblie and llalpi, gmith officiated on the base lines. BOYS UNDER 17 ARE REFUSED LICENSES TO DRIVE AUTOMOBILES MUTORIA, Sept. 3. Xo lon ger can hoys under seventeen years of age procure . .special permits from Chief of . Police John Fry to drive automobiles, f,ilJiS-?r-ucks r Private vehicles, according to instructions issued by the; IUiard of Police Commis sioners n session,.- Commis sionerW. K. Slanelarid recalled "if, r?l' f. . W P" Hillside Avenue on July 30. who was riding with the 1G-year-old driver of a milk delivery wagon, when they collided with a street car. "We rnusi take steps at pn.ee to prevent a recurrence of such accidents," said the commissioner. I move thai no special licenses he. given by the Chief of -Police to persons under seventeen years of age." Chief Fry explained that In bad. not issued any such p?r-mils unless the applications- for such were (gned and approved by the parents of noys. He said that it the father of a boy or girUwas willing for his child to drive, a car it must be that he considered them competent. -!!aor I'sndray considered uommissioner Rlaneland's poitp well taken and said that sue'i acnoa .wpuld be beneficial la the public at large. FORMER BISHOP OF VANCOUVER ISLAND IS RELIEVING IN LONDON rerrln Was Conspicuous During war in Rebuking Mansion House Banquet L.yiOX, Sept. Sc-Durine the absence of the Hisiiop of London lie diocese is in charge of the Rt. Rev. W. W. Perrin. Hefon assuming, his present office Hishop-Suffragan of Willeipn, in i v i, Hisiiop Pernn .was many J';1" ""'i oi forjhe will be given a happy release I'Oiiimnia.rrom inn cares or lis word nrei diocese on Vancouver Island. In the second year of the ?var hp pulilicly reproved the' Lord Mayor of London for "the exhibition of intemperance in eating and dnnkimg as indicated by the Mansion House banmiet." The Hishop's reproof, extended to Prime Minister Asquilli for attending the function. He thought theLord Mayor ought to have invited his "guesls lo tea ami corree, tp be fpllowed y the usdal! speeches. ; The King's lead in forswearing 'intoxicants while the war lasled had been made Impotent by His Majesty's ministers, the Hisiiop declared. nishop Perrin hn.s also urged the younger married clergy to ko io me iiomminns. An an- pointment overseas, lie says, fnay!'nmo''l'M- W. course he would not mean much In Increased pay, but Jt frequently provides belter openings for a clergyman's children. Subscribe to the Dally News. ELECTION BULLETIN Notes on the Campaign By One Who Is patching the Game from the Outside. Liberals claim they will" have! 500 majority for Fred Stork in I Prince Rupert and over a thou sand in the whole constituency.; They sav the treatment acco.rded the Oona Hiver.selllers in refus-i ins them a poll insures a full Liberal quota from that point. What is needed is a reluming of ficrr who will do the fair thing, ;..; . . .......u. ..v - '""" - day was offering to bet that Stork would get fjve hundred majority in town and there were.no takers. There musl be something wrpng with the- sporting instinct of the Tories. "Mr. Meiglien is through. He knows it. The public how krjow it. And he knows that the public knows it. Anyone who listened to his addres last night will, fee) how' hopelessly he is temperamentally out of tune with the new spirit of a crowing and prosperous Canada" Vancouver Jiin.' ' VAXTKI A man who knows pxaclly, what Premier Meighen stands for and who will undertake to bind him Iff a set policy for east and west. Apply Ikmser-vative " Comrnittee Room, City. WAXTElt-Some person with a little sack or money to take some of the bets that have been offered on the result by the Liberal .suppQrlers. Apply anywhere at any time. It is rumored around town that a committee of Hrady supporters have been figuring for a week to find out what Hrady's minority will be and they have not yet been able to get low enough. It is reported that the promin ent Conservative who bet a dol lar that Meigjien would geta many supporters in the next Housa as lie, liad-tnlho List fs now try'"?, c hedge 'and is bet ting thp-other way tofsave Jiim self; Poibly This i not correct The. editor says we musl not. try In . I 1 1 A If.A mihlii A prominent Conservative til- torr :iQt,da million., miles from Prince H,upert suck, the end of his pencil two hours every ntglil wondering what in the blazes he is going to conjure up to make those Liberals look like two bits among a bunch of nickels. They say that the Conservative conimittpe is praying for the fdi Inp nf riailv pu nml linntuxr ty soon. ' " Not a single Conservative news paper in Hritish Columbia hai dared lo explain or disruss Mr Meiglen's Imperial relations po licy In the event of a war in whicl the Empire had become involved ei it is one of the chief plank in the Conservative party'A plat form. What is the matter with it Why do the Tories dodge lit Imagine a great party afraid to discuss iU foreign policy? If Mr. Meighen Is returned to office on September U one of the first things his government would do would lie lo restore Hi old scale of Import duties on ail Did he not take two men Into hi cabinet who are actively Interest ed in the. automobile business- Mr. Chaplin and Mr. Hyrkrnan? Advertise in the Daily flews. MINER'S RACE AGAINST TIME Thomas King Made Rapid Time (n Midnight Tramp Over Mountain Tratl to Catch Train LIFE OF PROSPECTOR SMITH Kits, Sept. 3. An instance showing that the life of a prospector, is not all contentment and pleasure whs tirnqght Ui the fore last Saturday nkrhl r'4when two of ourft4lizens vohm. teered to earry a message to a . il 1 1 iflin u-fiMt nn it HK nis . nnriner nn ' -. n ......... minlntr p. . hum ....... hteh up in the canyons of t'.w Habine Range. Mrs. Thos. King has been it! in Prince Rupert for some Mm, and on Saturday night when Dm telegram came that there wu a change for the wore. Toinm .'King was at the Utile Jo Mine. tweny-thr$ miles from ?mlth- Tl-'lVil' .... . .. i nn uai iw nines oi uii' frail is not '-"very well- known but FrankiMesner and Hen Xel- sont who fpad both Iieen over i once or ; twice volunteered lt aekle the Irin that night and Iry and have King in town ii time-to catch the pasenger train for Prince Rupert due to leaf I six o'clock the next morning Mesner had just came In from the Habine a eouitln of hours previous bu1 in a few mirn!e was ready for the trin. W. F. Hoyer took the men a far as e could by oar or about half way and they then started to break, records lor mountain trail climbing. Reached Cabin The cabin where Kirag and hi" partner were staying was reached at 2.30 a.m. and in. five minutes Tommy wa un and had larted for (own. alone, telling the hoys to ge?a cup of tea and they could catch up to him. In fifteen minutes they had also larted on the return rip. ! rf-as now sinning to break, mi there were still shadows in th- r.nyon and around bluffs where the trail hud to be closely watch ed to prevent Accident. Tomnir KingVts by no 'mean a young man and Messner and .Nelson inuiKing io caicn mm in , couple ol miles slarjrd out at a log trot.- but as the. mile ii.im- ed and hey were .not overtaking mm, iiieir, pare nuickeneo, nn lil when; will: Mill abrtiiti tv minutes to go to where the par was waillnsr. they heard the mirtor starts as Hoye hft fot town with King. Splendid Qrlt In his race down the rnonn lain rails aga'.ist Ihne. Kins Had taken many tumbles an--1 his clolhes wrp torn, ami knee and elbows cut and. bruised, bu: bis arrit had kept him coins only to be dU.ippoinleil, ns Hi rain wasj)n time ami had pull ed out for Prince Rupert a con. pie of minules before he reached the station. Missing the train delayed Mr King's arrival at his sicti wife. l.A.lot.1,. ... t... . E t .1 1. .1-i.m- ii) pi-mt.II i;illir.ji Illll 11 i'iiaiiii-i iiiiii io remove some o the offecls of his Irin. Messner's- little Jntini during the nisrlit bron-rlit his ' ,1 Cold Joints beef, perfected by Water should and the Alwavs FAMOUS BATTLES FOR THE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE Jim Jeffries Wins Jim Jt-fferifs kr.ocked out J lob Fitzsimtiioti July ?". t'JOi. in tho eitthlli round of a bout in a vacant San Francisco lot with a high iioitrd fence around. It. A crowd "f H.:tOO was attracted o the iMH'ltisiire. FiU-imiiuns apeared on l"t eene in omiderol style, at - rivyjg in a carrias. Not to be outdone by the ear- i. . . - 1 fAH . ...n . Fill, Kiblie iraney, the referee, wa all ilieed up in tJie "eon-tenttonal dres." A few heavily veiled women sat in Jinxes bat nn demonstration -of disapproval was made by the. cruwd. The tii'kel sale was estimated at 35,0imi. ."I h.ii' nnv reared permanently" whs an announcement aulhorir.,1 by Filrsimmons after the bout. SPORT CHAT The firtl game of th iilhul Cnp foftttiall series wilt he plar-! ttiis evenine: al Acropotl-1111 grounds, the kick-off being et fur 6.IIJ sharp so that lh' irame iday lie eonndeled apd nH cnlh-fl on account of darknes a wa inesday eveuina s. la Moose and !rand Teniiinal-howed on Tuesday night thai hey arr still full at iep n'' nttinsiasm so n ?p inaten 'houM lm forthcoming lonigl'i when they enter the field for th'' last truphy of the season. Two rames will be played and. should lie li'Hins lie licit, there will m i lliir.l. FLAG OF SECESSION FROM THE DOMINION (Vicloria Tunes Mr. Mcighctt reiorl -d a -aviii Hial a Liberal uaudidat- n. the ilantii.ie princ's is rur- liliv nn a sM-essiou platforn Ibal i-andidalR must have been 'i:eiiing ttr the spech by Mi. 'Jwigln-!' in , the same section a ew weeks, ago in which he de 'Itrcd IIiiiL-iri te.rlaiti L'ircnm 'tinB- rs(iorif p w nnTiirl ill-' r. TlWrf alwIiihif-skilMen . eelinu in soma auarlvr In O'.r itlan'ii prriviuces that Hie., vnuld lie, b'.fer off if I hey com ried a Donilnion of their ow.s ind it was this feeling Mr 'Jeighcn a trying artfully L 'iillint when lie made his nllu-ioi. io the "while fla of seces- tii.ii. ' fin! limt Is nothing ompared with his imperial re- 'alion- policy, which amounts In 'ittlc less than a declaration of ;nde ndcnce, nnd which for lh.it mason is not discussed In ff sleppjjCiuiaih Jyf tliimeplf o mileage for the twentv-four hours tin to flfl'y-lwo miles noi count nig the car ride. mutton,- pork and Ham are the tang of Mustard. be cold to give the best effect Mustard should be mixed 10 minutes before the meal (olmarfsMustard aids X JL digestion O t92l t Ifirx Fcnmi Etvict Inc. Dnteaa HfWta imiwiA V anted i For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTED. WANTED. filrl for gsnera! iiousevtork. Apply (r?. W. II. I nawy. iacuic nacu. 204 FOR 3I.LE. SXAI" S.U.E.-4SraifdvJcw Hotel. Apply at hold. git HEATER FOR SALE". 4 Phone I Hue Till. ton HIUYCLE FOR v)iK.Cheap Phone Or'n 117. 207 $20.00 A MONTH bays a riotiM eorner on Fifth Avenue and Green Street. Price 900.00. Walker's Music Store. rEXT FOR SALE. New IhU year and used only one wren Price ;o. Pullen. Dally .News." TO RENT I'WO nevvly.furnished helroom for Tent. Waterfront view. Apply 330 Kuiirth Avenm East FOR RENT Modern house; tin- obstructed marine view. Ap-ply 215 Fourth Avenue East. FOR R EXT. -Larson building ai 171 Third Avenue East; sir room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premises on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. MODERN HOUSE for rent PJv rooms and hath Mqnro lira. FOUND FOUND. Hum of money Annlv Gil lorn, House. io fOUND. Silk knitted "earf. Ap- Idy Daily News Office. KOITXD.--Set of teeth. Owifer may have same by calling nl Daily Xews Office ami payimr for TidvertUement. FOIWD. Ring set Un stone. Owner ean have same 4iy proving properly. Apply Daily News Office. AQENTS WANTED llin MONEY Agents wanted to take orders for I hf finest lrr of personal creeling cards on the market. Regal Art Com-y pany, Mtttiufacjtiirrrs. nio pa-dlna Avenue. -Toronto. ill HELP WANTED J: F.ARX some extra money he- Uyee.n now and Christmas, f lo to f20 easily made weekly In pare time, taking rder fo-"Irnperlal Art" Personal Christmas Cards. Everyone a customer. Take orders now. delivery laler Liberal commission. Send for free sain-ple book. JlrllUh Canadian, 51 Wellinslon West. Toronln 't BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander, an flcennd vpnne Phone 1.17 TAXI Phone 87 Tail (Call Oeorge, Paul or Onsn x and. Seven Passenaer Rludo aknrs at your disposal any lime ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Bloek. tirn from Fmrir1 Hotel: Around the vil'age sired I ronm llli weary Indecision. For what was once I he dear old home Is now a subdivision. Tusciimbla Times. Prnspernu's times are Mire. ,j boon, The dry law I mul I hank, For what was once an old saloon Is now a national bank.. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken fo let than 50c BARGAINS IN USED CARS " 1 Ford Light Ieliverys from 75.00 up I Ford ludor Setlan .... 00(1,00 !f IU.':' Oldsimibile 3 pa. Touriiwr JC00.0O WHY KNOCK? Your car is as uld as It sounds. We can regrlnd yotir ryllnikr without mnnrtnl toe mnlor from the mt, thcretiy effMtinif .i treat avg Loth in lime an-1 lalMtr. Urate Hnsl on our Srak lihipg machine are guaraotrr I for ninety days, which U the ame as the factor)' uaranlej n new car. - KAIEN OARAQE Dealers In all Qtneral Motors Products Chevrolet r.ars ami Trueks ttlvi'nfc'K .r. Ikn.t.l llh.tna jm ..I! i , ' , , . I Hit OTL for a demonstration. Imi. of Tet-' WRECKIN'O 8FRVK:E DAY AI7,t'HU, MiiHT. Phone 52. FREE INSPECTION Why run your ear when It Is not operating preperlyf It tiieann addeil xinse tiler, ftef ready for ralney and tnlsly weather make an tnsMenl eall 'o have your motor ami brik up in lip-fop condition. Firt efcijs- work jruaranleeil by Skilled Mechanics 8. El PARKER, LTD Authorized Ford Sales and Service FORD Cars Trucks Tructor FRANCOIS LAKE LODGE Heautlfully silnateif near Ferry Landing . . AHliude 2M5 feet. , Camping and Fishing Trips , k arranged , ' 4 FIRST CL'Aft'3 TAHLK with produ-e FRESH FROM TI1K FARM. Take a Trip to the Lake Cftunlrr this year. For reservations, writ1 Mrs. Henket. Francois Lake. H.f.. SUMMER RESORTS. LAKELSE LODflE, near Terrace. Visit Lakclse Htlila Hot Springs. I.ilhla Is one of th . finest mineral waters known for rlieurnatlsm. 0iod fl fishing for rainbow trofU In Lakelse lake and river. Motors meet all trains giving through, connection Willi Lodge. Telephone connected to Terrace .1. Hrure Johnslone, manager PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4- 4 Friday, Soptember 3.1 llih ll.-t'J a.m. 17W ft 2.1.20 p.m. IH.l ft Low 5.31 a.m. 5.8 ft 17.12 p.m. 9.5 ft Saturday, September 4. High 12.20 p.m. I7.R ft. lw rt.u a.m. 5.2 ft. 18.23 p.tn p.m. 8.0 ft Sunday, September. 5, High ... - o.oh a.m. 10.1 ft. IC57 p.m. 18.5 ft Low .... 0.19 a.m. 1.7 K I '3b 18.50 p.m. 7j8 ft A Fouaifc - CAUCStUTIOH Of HWI, I rbr, .- 1 I .00 'fwru. II IU 4am MISUU ACT HfBi rw U AIIM N 4 UttMrt, un Wi UU sun tii ..( H in i ne aiarr . i ' hi- llllfl .f In.. w i Ml ' Sl m - II Hir ... ..I HHI nwtit. I.ll I -mi 1S USB ICt, SltUt f UlotlM ' l Ui It tlikH A 1 1 .- I irw mi iir I ' "Bll CMMWtrlU . nrib"i mm-I" HMNM: litre. Ih It rtui',. rt I .;l . senct n 7BI V llm if . Till tr I i ( S . 1h t, ' M I rtHC-,i -f : .1 " . I III r r ' ri r u-t Ministi act vtrtifksu tt I" ml 1 HrMr V HI lb flMftlf air niirt kIMi Arm, sin-it up lrH ff't' . - ar 1 1 i rrr uiarr't llf iM ""ni w ftv MiMtr ' if lmfiemni.ru i tiHtftlt ' r. : oa niriii" To tnrr Ui imii niTKTi Ihi- lf. ! fc - UNO CT. J . . lei1 .J llr . , I U' :iu i n Ml' ft?Ip. vtlMl in. I'll I tlJ l'ftbu4 Kit I Mill . . , r rskt unTn r i' 1 : iiKe ' ' . .ST In. i, i 141 n, j-w ; v . (r . '-: if the" - ,4M I 1 Imr .' .i ' it f Ml rl t ' J'1'1 4I .M .rr r lh lmlr ii U'itr Nr I In 1 ma ik irlv iwl (HtoMininv ri nm.n tii ' TIMBER SALE xitoi Thre lll N" rr ..i Alt X'0. tl I' 1' ,, H S;l T-ji- ,,,,r s,r .... I II f T" ' - "l'h Lt. M W nwival nf lh .. I l rrrtvlncn Oi iiirllnn In pi".-. aii'r tnA trcl(l t " . . ih, rWf' up visrisi. n TITf. BOATS " ' Day II r BknllM ""- ...t 7M. O Green 2U, 0 . a .nail. nnnni I Night Oreen 238, RUPERT Pr PRODUCTS, - BIISHBIi OEU. Hi "w