September 3 00 . ORRYS SPECIAL SELECTED SI"" ,.11.1..,. Very Old Very Smooth IKK 11 ' ' itTAim,ti Pi' v. iitjl tvtuikij . , Kcry Flavorful Very Popular CANADIA N RYE WHISKY 'Hi a advcrtitif'iuctM is not published or displayed -by ;lhe Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of M-iti-h Oilu rr rii Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West P. O. Box 247 ANGER, Th-. Tailor I- ic Imported Serge utid hrodh t p r ff Ttt'f I SmU made Id orlr in our V! B If 1 !i p iu Prune lltipfrt a- low a tJt I. ANGER, Cutter Prince Rupert, B. C. Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have Hie most miplele stock of limbers, dimension. lnptap( fir finit-h, Uooritig. fy' joint, veneers,, c.; tli iNortben II.C. v : 1 Jfc ; We can supply everything in a building from the foundation to the last Dtece of finish. Ui i rr buying iiifei l oiti -ilu-k. it will pay yoft. Bur ' r llna.i- l lift 1 - maw I t-4 . . . v l i w K n ft . t . . Phones 110 and 117 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" uppers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.'' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ui Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways J Prince Rupert AND -SHIPYARD Op-rting,Q..TiiV0P'Vo f0Unfl Dry DocK 'glnsriy. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, PatUrn makers, Foundri, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plaut Is eciti i ppoct to handle hI! kinds nl MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 33F Local and Personal Advertise In the Dally News. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 67B. B.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. tf V. Ilalagno, teacher of vio.i, For terms, phone lied 511. 208 Crystal Firelighters, 48 fo $1.00. IJyde Transfer. Phone 580. tf w e have money to loan on improved properly. 11. O. llcl gcrson, Ltd. Miss Jcjn Ilalley left on Ibis morning s draiurfor the interior to attend Ihet&mitiiers Fair and the Trlkwa J;arbeeue. t Mrs. F. Drochu and fami'.v returned to the city on Ihe Prince George this morning' af- er holiday visit m Seattle LABOir DAY Celohrallon oi. Monday next. II starts at I o'clock sharp. Fatheff Van NVetten. Catholic ftnuuTJal Piwell River, smi. norlh on the Prince Oeor?e hi Irip to Ocean Falls. Try Foothills Stove Coai, 13.00 per,. Ion. 'o soot. Phil polUhvilt Si Co. Ltd. tf Mr. Oeonfie 1). Tile and fam ily, af'vfr liaviny xpenl a mnnl't iitiny in Vancouver and. Mc loria, returned lmnm on the I'riiwe litHirtfc thi morninp. Mrs. S. K. Parker and little daughter returned to the city on the I'rinc? Gergc this murninr- nfler a holiday trip to Vancou ver. Mr. and -Mr. Frank Moore and family, after having spent an extended vacation 'in lh- oulh. returned home on th Prinre George this, morning. NVillWrn nuntlng, vvoll known Stewart mining man, is a pas fenju rnn'-the Prince (ieorpe today imund frm Alincouver lo nieSimhjing tou. pa and family who havr hoHdaying fot 'lie pa 41 tuple or months in fhe KiUtti, relumed to the ::. on t'.e Prince Geur?e this morn mg. G. 1. ilirkman of the fishcrii depart muHt ii a imt-xenper oi !he Pmu Gpoikc tlii- mornint. a-oing U;tiuaii to Stewart tr make hi- annual trip into lh Mexiaden Lake count.y. Miss Hose OWeill and Mis-leanettyMdrtey of Anyox, Mi-Jean Mi'Murpli) of New Wesl-muister, and Miss OlaTson cl I'rince Itupert have ontenM the l raining school oT the Princ-llupert General Hospital. F.. T. Kehiiey of Terrace, ar-rompiiirled ' by Mrs. Keauey and ramily, returned to the city on the . i'rince George this morning nnd proceedJu U their home In Terrace by Iraln. They havo been holidaying in Vncouvoi and Victoria. The Ladles' Auxllinry of llu I'rince llupert General lio'pita' will conduct tlie refreshmein boolli at Ihe Labpr Imy celenru-tion Monday and the corn-mil lee in charge will consist of Mrs. Fred Stork, Mrs. G. U. Ar-nott and .Mm. rred Pyle. I uion Htenmer Culala, Onpl. A. Johnstone, arrived in port early this uiorning from the south an-l sailed for tlie Naas and Skeena llivers. The vessel ;wllj return and sail from here for the souih al 10 o'clock tumorrow morning. Misses Jessie, and Lily Swill, who have been residing in Los Angeles , for the past several years, will arrive in Prim-o Rupert In tlie near, rut u re to lake up their, residence Jor the n account of a number of members being iu the interior ! unending the Snillheis Fair and the Telkyva barbecue, the, regular monthly lncelinir of th Hoard of Trade, has liee postponed from lotjight ' until jiext week. ' Mrs. A. 11. Ilalley and daugh-ler. Miss Moya Hailey, will leave shortly for'Victoria to take up their residence. Miss Ilalley Is , planning a, trip to Honolulu bo ron' joining the staff of tho provincial (government in thn capital. THE DAILY NEWB PAGE THREfc Football (onfcghl. Moose vs. Harold Wrinch and Jack Sar-Grand Terminals at G. 15 prompt, gent will' arrive from HazcHor. Dance in the recently renova ted and attractive Auditorium ou evening of LADOH DAY. GooJ music and excellent floor. Mrs. James L, Lee, -who has been on a holiday lsit to the south, returned to the city on tlie Prince oeorge this morning. 1. V. HarriMoii, jhalehery in-npector for tlie Jisheries department, was an, arrival from the kouUi on tlid Ijrmce George this morning. Iladley lluwntree ag" fined 25 with ihe oril!v of thirty day' imprisonment, ifn the city court this morning lor drunkenness. Mrs. u. u. bnwie and 3liss Jean Hums will arrive from Xew Ilazellon tomorrow afternoon, Hailina1 for Vsncouvcr ou the steamer Prince George". Miss Mary iKiwllier, who has been on a holiday in the south. returned to the cjly on the Prince George this morning. Miss ttoscniary Winslow, who liar been spendine: the summer vacation in the south, returned home on the Prince George this morning. Hoth Gordon, who' has been taking a summer fcxure, in Van couver. relumed o 'the city on Ihe Prince George this morn ing. ' r Now Hero! -Louis F. Cole. pkino tuner. For Inany year with Ilrinsmead, London, Eng land; Martin Orme, Ottawa; and Mason and HisCh, Toronto. lie- pair$ and adjustment to player pinnot and grands a specialty. Fred Hnvvn, Ahrux.liquor yen- Ior, is a passenger ,on thi Prince Georjrg j loday goin through tit the ttnieller town af ter having spent a holiday ir the south. , . :g -j., ... Mr. and Mrs, AWE.. Haxetl Jones leluniedr to fie city this morning after an extended vaca lion trip south. They visited In California Mid went tome time at San Francisco where the! son, Sidney, i.s now located. Prince Rupert Exhibition, September 14 to 18. Election results will be announced to the public on Tuesday evening, the opening night of the Fair, oy special leased wire and opera tor from the Canadian National Telegraphs In the Exhibition Building. The results will be recorded on s Dedal election sheets obtained from the Canadian National Telegraphs on which the entire returns throughout the whole Dominion can be visualised very easily. 208 Making the last Friday arriva' here of CX.ll. boats this season lie steamer Prince George, Cap?. Harry Xedden, arrived al 1 0.15 this mornint.' from I lie .south nnd will sail at 4 o'clock this after non fur Slewirl and Anyox, leaving here on her return to Vancouver lomorrttw evening. Xext week, with the reversion lo the fall schedule, the Prince George will arrive -from the south .Wednesday morning and proceed lo Anyox, goinsr south Thursday night. The Prince llupert' wii. arrive from the south, on Saturday morning and, making the Stewart call, sail for the south Sunday night. The Prinee Charles will remain on the present schedule for another week. ANNOUNCEMENTS. St. Andrew's Society Ladies Auxiliary Maiaar, October 8. Royal Purple Sale of plain and fancy sewing and home cookng, October Hi. Established 1923 GOOD DENTISTRY PAYS. Good denUi: work Is what you have a right to expect from this office. DENTIST Exchange Block on tomorrow, afternoon s ' tram and nail for Vancouver on the Prince George. The fire department had a caP at U o'clock this morning Ic extinguish a chimney fire at the residence of James Iraddon, Fifth Avenue and Taylor Street. 'o damaKC. Was done. . The Musfc Classes l St. Jos-IhV Academy will re-open or. Heplemher 7; the Commercial Claa Seidemher 13, and the Kindergarten the first Monday in October. E. L. Haines, well known local lalfliut fisherinn, will sail to morrow afternoon on the Prin cess i.ouise ior Vancouver en- route to St. John, New Hruns-wick. Mr. Haines, who has not been in the best of health la-tely, aUo plans tp go to Mayo Clinic n llochester, Minn., for treat ment. He wilr 'be accompanied from here to Vancouver by Mi 1). Haines. "ROLLING HOME" IS A REOENNY COMEDY Story of Young Man Who Goes Rolling Home In an Auto Belonging to Another Person The comedy-drama "Rolling Home," starring Reginald Dennj is one of the big piotiires of the day. In it Xat.Alden, an enthu siastic but unlucky young pro moter, has had bad luck with several financial deals, and goe broke. He is thrown out of tlie office of a capitalist whom h had involved in an unfortunate business deal, and meets an old army friend, who is driviner lite expensive limousiue of the cap italist. Xat is scheduled lo return 'o His home town, where he is be tieved to be a millionaire, and afraid lo face them broke, he re turns in the borrowed car witli his friend acting as his "secre tary." All sorts of complication nrise when the town expects his business genius to .make Ihv village properous. He succeed in interesting outside capitalists in the city, and is (given th rights to th? water-falls in the lown. After the deal had been ompleted, his real financial condition is discovered, and lie starts to leave, heart-broken. Hu Phyllis, the girl, points out I 'lie committee of citizens the.l if.iile his fraud, he really had lone a tremendous service to Ihe lown. and she runs and brings him bark to carry out the business venture he had started. MONTREAL IMPORTERS CAN COMPETE WITH MAIL ORDER HOUSES Local Partnership Dissolved and J. B. Miller Is Carrying On Business Here. The partnership hitherto existing in the business of the Montreal Importers on Third Avenue between J. H. Miller and A. J. ilichmoud having been dissolved, J. H. Miller is now tlie 'sole owper of this newly established business. When looking over Ibis city a couple bf months ago as a possible place to locate, one tiling Mr. Miller noticed was the large volume of business being done with the mail order houses in the east. .Vnd that fact alone decided It i in to locate in Prince Rupert, as his business connections in the ast are such that ne can com pete successfully. Buying his , good direct from the manufac turer in Montreal, he is able to sell as cheap as the mail order houses. To see the goods before purchasing is a great advantage lo the buyer besides the saving of the trouble and cost of sending money out of town. The Montreal Importers can equal the price of any mail order house in the Dominion, ami -on that ground alone appeal for Ihe support of the Prince llupert People.. Why send away for what you. can buy al home at the same price? Uuy al home and help your own townl Everything in the line of .gentlemen', , furnishiags Is right here in, Prince 'Rupert in the Montreal Importers' store for sale at prices as low as can be got in the whole of Canada loday. ' You nre invited to look arouml the store, inspect the slock and compare thy prices 'for yourself. And be. convinced! Drop Iti who'n passing -you will be welcome. i. Phone 109'Advt. ; Bui and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ' ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 P.O. Box 198 Simmon's Sleel Heds, 8frings, anil Oslermoor Mattresses in every room. 52 Itooms, Hot and Cold Water, Halhs and Showers. Steam IJcated, Electric Light. " 'Corner of Third Ave. and Sixth. SU? PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. j Page and Shaw's CHOCOLATES The Candy of Excellence A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Assorted Chocolates:, 1 lb. boxes $1.00 Assorted Chocolates, 2 lb. boxes $2.00 Hard Centre Choeolnlcs, 1 lb. boxes . . : $1.00 Hard Centre Chocolates, 2 lb. boxes $2.00 Assorted Nut Chocolates, 1 lb. boxes $1.25 We also have GAXOXfi'S. XEILSOX'S and MOllVS Chocolates in bulk and in 1 lb. and 2 lb. boxes. Ormes Ltd. The PJOXEElt imiKifilSTS -:- The UIJXALL STORE PHONES 82 and 200 Loggers! Loggers! We have the only complex slock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts iu Ihe North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, 1'eavies, Saws, and general Camp EquipmcuL It will pay you lo see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue- SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -:- i 'i ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three dislmcl services for Family Work, vu: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. 4. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN I HELP j3 HA .S'A'. ...4' B.C. FOREST SERVICE J J