r 25 TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. end 6th St. WATT VIDECK, Prop. VOL XVI., No, 207. 9 r ministration Carrying on in Same Old Way Declares Former Attorney General of Ontario The uiMin'cnly ol Hon. II. II. Steven in connection with if UMUin i II u rire s and uie oooi ciraiiiff ol iinmir n Mi own iiv J Howler at (he mecliiig here reccnlly when Hie Government Mackenzie King was severely criticized i well shown in a i er io uie loronio .Man uuu i.tnjnrf Ity lion. YV. K. Maiiey, i riMirt fil I. jfllt tffil4f:jl nf fllllfiriJi (I tin timlnv ilnu Wlu i fin u uii v 1 1 v w wmiuiiw. i iitr 1 1 1 u i i; r i n ni iiiui j ic - i dung today jul what he charged the Liberals wilh doing mMHiMi or two ago. The letter tays: rnoin rvi r rinii I" 1 111! I I' I . II I W BY BLASTING .I "mmc llately. as btat-; vec wMhotit siwidal jicr-i ngauMi Hie provisions 5lfir U'-t. 1 111 t m I.I .M.ll .1 1 OVERPROSPECT Victory Than on Any Previous Occasion. M ti enMiUseil over I lie recep- x mi nun at interior poid., n k, Liberal cnndhlate, r6-il lu' nig lit from n (tpeakitlx is .d tonight will address a " - at Port Kssiiiglun and . ii'red to Osland tomorrow. A ..rii if be was goiiw to he Me Stork said in all his m iinipaign prospects nc-ik 'd as pood as they do tb-lle potistdered (hat Mr. llow-wii- not helping hi opponent i'J' rather was Injuring his I' in ' ampaign rould not be g-ue'ter." the I.ik'ral candidate : ' We are going lo win by a : majority." LABOR CANDIDATE AMI lit V'l.'ll 2.,nl 1 . T ill , 'iiniai ion of K. T. Kinnsley as 1 "Umi raudiilale in Ynnruuxec announced. .. Advertise In Ihe Daily News . I ' i ' f 4 1 NOTIrr TA'i mm , I a OF 8KEENA RIDINQ 1'he Liberal coninilllee r'Kinis, 30.1 Third Ave., next " the HleeUlo llakcry, will '", open every afternoon im, evening until election my Ldilor. Mail ami Umpire: I hesitate e now llian I ilid on the lat occasion In crave your indulgence because Mr. Meighen's share of responsibility for condition in the Custom department i pn more apparent now Ilia it lit was then. I voiiUirtil U in leged That Thousands are so- quire- lhe,a whether JltvSlcvens inn Hiiiafi ai nam n inr. nonn uri in jiiul k i in 1 1 in tr ri u r of Vancouver. anre(wliUky smuggling era ft. laden with Canadian brands of whikey and beer lo be landed somewhere on Ihe other side of Ihe Inljed Suites boundary or perh up somewhere In. Ontario. And what is there in August, itStl. lo prevent these International outlaw from taking on return uaiwue.s of denatured alcohol, or something else, lo be landed somewhere on this side of. the boundary line, just a they did in Mr. llureauVlime? In hi Toronto speech on the 8lh of July, Mr. Slexens altihuted Industrial Crisis Is Expected be Faced by Mussolini Government. t .f iikitallMc Suriiie lfunli iiti ' . , nwkwaru one ror uie pieeni jtovernilieni in Kuvope could cany ssveinment. It lums out to uavejOU, ,h(l ,,rVs5ri,ni w,. ,,av,. embark-be an . eieeedii;ily awkward (M u,, u j)ll,, ,,, ;,iB, iK ,1KI1.hine one. b-caue I learn Ihat the bu-i .. ,,, ((. Bt j,,,! irandi. 'sines of iiootlesiguijj the prnluct ! of tkinadian .itillnf lo the j i n xjrep rDCIfUTCD rutted Slates br Kasollne-drlven ! JMrAllliOL riXLibniLlA boats has beu going ahead under the MeJghen (overnmeut since the s( of July with a wide-open throttle. Just as 11 did in li.dn .... i . .1 . . . . . i . . now craft in the same way that Mr. Vhiliniiie and Mr. Iturisni did before him. And not only so, Ittil (his i be i us done in the face of Mr. Sleeris' own public statement that runi-mnninc was res-ooiisitde for the demoralization in I lie customs department, and (tint as loins as it Is allowed to continue "we cjii never remedy Ihe rendition that have heed sbowi to exist in jthct cpsloms service of Canada."'. ' ' ' ' 1 Smuggling' Operations If you will make Inijuirie you will discover that at Sandwich and Port Dalhousie and llelle-llle ( the sniiiiiclers are reprllug ttiward light and Ihmiik cleared outward by Mr. Stevens' officials, ON HELMCKEN ISLAND Tho Japanese freighter aikyu Marti went ashore oil the south- . 1 . . m 1 1 - I 1 I.I I ' Conservative administration, and;" w isian'i thai Mr. Steven is granting ! ,n JI-U Straits this side of clearances loday to the rum-run-iSeyinoijr Xarrojvs and ..' on Hip- pie Ilpaii as originally reported, tirconl(tttf to officers of the Union steianiV Calala. wliich arrived in port 5 o'clock this morning and which passed the wreck about noon tin Wednesday. At high .tide tho bow of the veisel is sub-jnecgtht with the after part sticking out. of water. The Salvage i ii K and another essel are standing by, The Kaikyu Maru is lying J ti dUhjl waters and should be salvaged. It will be necessary to remove Ihe deckload of logs she piit on nl Tanny Hay. the oruin or the I rouble in the lieve Iliad the .success of H. C. will department uf customs In Ihe ns- inean that the (Jrimsby trawlers soriallon of custom of.ricduis will be Tit led with radio telephone with tho men who were maiket-lslalions. Operators of those Jug Ihe output fit. Hie. Canadian ilujiiueries ami tirewerio io mo hobllcgger o two counlries. Xow. of course, there was not the least difficulty in putting an end to that association. All that it was necessary for Mr. Slevensito do was to foll6w the siiggMimn of his own cominlltee bjitpiitTing an end to tin granting of Hov-erninenl clearance. to the rum-(COpHnui'd on page 2 iln m$m PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper iMIIXUK ML'PKIIT, II. C, Kill DAY. SKPTKAJDEH 3, 1020. Cost of Living Kept Down by Liberal Policy of Exemption on Implements of Production IIICHIMUUTO, Sepl 3. Ifeeiaring the tot of living ha I been'. 'reduced lo everyone by Ihe late Liberal adiiiiiuslratiou through I rediii'IipiH in the ol uf implements of production. Mackenzie l iving lnl nighl promised Ihe electee here that if the Libomt parly i returned to power there will be a continuation of the prosperity which has lieen brought to Canada of recent year. in . "The fisheries if one of Ihe great Industrie of the country," ' . . ... mi i i i fuperi declared -the former help the fisheries by the reduction of duly fishing i.naU and tiy till West In. dies Irealy. The I.ili'!-al gincni-inenl Ira always knt no tin-policy of wider markets." DEFLATION IN ITALY PLANNED on gas engine COLLISION OF INTERURBANS Eight Killed and 28 Injured and Number More May Die Result of AccldonU l MOMt.'iK. Mich, Spt a IUht to ealhs resulted froiw a heal-on coltis;on between twv shore line ! iiitcriirbau ears near here yes- Iterday afler;ioyii. All aiMi:ion to ItOMH. Sept. J, The Italian Ihe list of .lead. It is feared will goyertUiH'iit i- pn-paied to face a re-'ilt from the list of 2G injured, ti-einehdoiis, rmai cial crisis as a TIk car crashed n a rune retfll Of, the financial defldlion ! and telescnpetl a Ihiiil of their canipiin lauuctufl by the oouupil lenvtii. The southbound car, go- VYHiriMMnt ht trw-;tJ-A-(4ulij. ,lf .it,. rr f.'o--iKii Mi,t i.. t,4 M iiiAsiiJi. sepi. j., iion was lokou a a.H were an an affair. sail imlay "So other i aii. M salmon Hint oilier a o in killM by blaUiM l. ? .i foba Ilixer. 120 Mi ,ii Van. 'Oliver, acrord-a nJKijrraii) receivel yr-iv lUiam Maiden, secie-' !i' fishermen ft proicclive a' n. V MUierwclI, Dominion . inspector of Vancouver tin' investigation would be haM' Uiet the at the si. tin?. I Detroit tcj. Toledo, M ae run aoead or ner sc!iedule by which he shoul I nor.'liboiind train DRY DOCK TO REPAIR SHIP Extensive Work on . Canadian Coaster Will Be Done Locally. The local dry dock will make complete repairs to the freighter Canadian Coaster, which was badly damaged at the first of the week when she struck Pine Island In Queen Charlotte Sound. The work, which will take about three weeks' time, will consist of replacing twenty plates, putting In a new stem and taking out and repairing between 30 and 40 frames. R. Knox, assistant superintendent engineer for the C. Q. M. M., will superintend the work, which will start at onoe. Radio Telephones are Used With Success Says Haughton on Boats Plying this Coast1: VAXCOUVKIt, Sept. 3. -Success has allcnded the (lovern-, nient's experiments in wireless communication with "tuwbonls, Yeitrrdiys ClrmliUun, lg After an a"Il-day Iittirin premier. "Ilur governmeni Has tried to !1,imil,n(.1 ,lflI h for ' fin t!i" formal extradition paper i Tue.itay. Vamlerveer for tin? 4te-fciise ilieorae attempted lo plead an alibi . for Kzers hut the judge declined 'to consider evidence of tliis char-acier. He IipI.J that special crown counsel Palli'iM.'i a. iii Itms uaii jshowpil sufficient evidence of guiii to j ii ' i f y removal of the ! prisoner to British Columbia. ELKS LODGE TO REORGANIZE Jrand Organizer to Come Here In Near Future and Other Officials Plans for a reorganization a;id oui.ifcmg up of the local Elks' t.uuge was announced at a banquet of the order in Uie liostou tiail last night. Tnere were, about thirty iiruthei Bills in auecuauce at lue ta iieruii; and iu -chair was laen by loo ex- a,..d ruler. Dr. i rrauk r. ' Kenny. " 1 . Dr. Kenny, reported on hU attendance at the r.Us coiivenllon in Yaneouvt. early last montu and told of tiie e:TThu$ias in dis played by Uie Hlks in the south. He also slated lua! Uie (tranu Organizer for Canada, It. Ham. illoii of Dauphin, Mainlqlia; would arrive in the city in h course of the next montu or to and would spend two weeks here lor tne purpose of reorganizing and building up Ihe local ludue, It was aUo expected that tho Past, tiraud ualted Huler fir Canada, J. F. Morris of Vaucou ver, would visit Prince Ilupcrt shortly. the ma vie r of obtaining a new home was discussed but no ac tion was taken, the matter beiim left n the hands of a committee for further attention. A . committee, consisting of Heii Morgan, chjirmau, Daw Katfour and Howard Frizzell was delegated to 'make arrangement: for Ihe reception of Ihe Ketjlii kin Klks on their visit here dur ing Fair Week. Music was furnished during evening by Arthur's Orches which donated its services ami mere were soios y a. aa-bourin. Dr. F. P. Kenny, exalted ruler, presided. and lunllicr camps on the coast, K. J. iluughtoii id Yktoria, l'-jnmi rr rifTn eriiilendfiil of federal radio telegraphs, says here today after a kIkI PI A 1-1 H year's lest. He said that the llrilisli Columbia district would 2UaJVrlllV 1 LlluULl be Ihe .where radio telephones were used) only area in the world, ryArkPO Iflf I imn for this iuirpi)stfaiul.tiey"haVe;Piljved Iheir value. AIKH ll ANIlN ''llailio telephtiues uscd'for tht's. purpose are an important j rlXJUllLiU ULiriillJ phase pf our work," said .Mr. Haughton, "The experiment is being watched w ith interest in I I other parts ol the world. I be- fleel oht of F.iLglnud made in-iulries'' a year a.go ami are keenly Inleresled. They decided, however, to wait twelve month. The result we can give them now will slunv that the phones are practical iind of great value In opeiullons or vivsseis or this sort." Mr.'dlauiglilon said that Ifn-pioveiiii'iits were being made at Alert Ifay and Cape I.azo stations lu maku llieiii more efficient. TRAPPER PICKED UP NEAR CIRCLE CITY IS TAKEN TO HOSPITAL CIIICL1-; Sept. 3. After lying five days without food or shelter and suffering from a fall on rocks. James Walsh, a trapper, was picked up by Ihe river steamer Yukon three miles from hero. Walsli .lgnalbsl.theboat. with a bonfire arid was takeji lo Fort Yukon for treatment.'. Subscribe to the Daily News. HOHTA, Azores Islands. Sept. 3. AllhniHgh the Governor of Fnal said loday. sanitary conditions are satisfactory, I here have been four cases, two fatal, of bubonic pla-jiue on Ihe islands since Tues- I day's earthquake, which de'slroy-!ed about 1.500 houses mid re sulted in at least five deaths and 100 injured. Custom and excise collections for Ihe port of Prince Hupert reached the satisfactory .total of 3H,5ttO.?4 durlrur the month of August, according to the monthly nfl.1 : W I.F.ARIW; i lflllftR VESSELS TFT Street Silts til Immense Crowd Went Out to See Head of Canadian Government ! In Quebec City. Imperial Preference Only to bet Qlven If Preference Given In Return. IJI FIUC Sept. 3. In Uie heart of Quebec. Premier Meighen yes terday faced an open air crowd that wa rarely given a public man in Canada to face. They janfmed the market square, St. Pierre and abutting streets and it is estimated that the number ran as hi?H as 20,000. Mr. Meighen was given a good hearing and in lis address declared that Con- scrvalhes sloit for preference with the sister Dominion and the motherland, provided there were preferences in return and suffi cient protection remained to en able Canadian workmen to sell in the home market. -We can see no reason why we should give preference to either sister Dominions or to the mo therland herself unless they are prepared to give us preference in return, the Premier said. DR. HOMUS BUTLER DIES AT VICTORIA YICTOlllA, Sept. a. The death occurred last ntizht of Dr. Thomas ltutler, Ioiitf associated with the pastorale' of the New Thought Temple. For fifteen years he hail been identified with the religious lire of the city and held pastorales at Seattle, and Vancouver Large Upstair Dining Hell, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and ben for the least. Phone 4S7. FHiCK PjyE CENTS. AMMAN DELEGATE TO GENEVA CONFERENCE MAKES SENSATIONAL SPEECH U Qi icif Liquor Vessels at Ontario Lake Ports ustoms ueDartment under lonservative Ad- GOES ON MILO EGGERS fr George Foster in f AMCC TA D P i . ' i LUlfllaJ lu L). v.; C I AllL Must Stand Trial In This Province on Hl-Jaoklng Charge. TA UitA, Sept. 3. - Milo Kg- er must stand trial in Canada on a cliawe of participating In hi-jacking the inutorlmal llad'cll liritlsti tionimDia waters last United States Attitude At World Court Geneve Conference Canadian ' Delegate Speaks Plainly Regarding Anomalous Position of U.S. (JKXBVA, Sept. 3. Sir (leorge Foter, former minister of' fiuance for Canada, delivered a sharp attack at Ihe world court conference yesterday afternoon on the United States attitude particularly wi'.h reference to the fifth reservation relative to adhenmre lo the court. "The world has awaited and expected more than this from the Tinted States." said Sir (leorge in the course of his renrarks which weie almot sensational iii characler and impressed the European delegate. 'The reservation whereby the United PREMIER GIVEN , Mate demands trie right lo de liver advisory opinion.' to the wurl't's court on questions in which it elaini an interest,,',de. nnnn lip Anill'p'elared !r Oeorpe, "i? virtually a ilUul HjufuliiiU1 c"mnla,l,, to l,,e tuurt pu .8,lIa1' not do thus and so. Thai. Is uo- ri..r. . r... .. ....,.,(...- .. I.i.l. 11, J IAI IU (1 lUIIUll IIC is outside the league," he said. ONE ELEPHANT IS CAPTURED Myrtle Taken Near Fernle, But Another Is Still at Large Near Cranbrook. FEILNIE, Sept. 3. Myrtle, one of the escaped circus elephants, which has "roamed the southern interior ince August C, was Captured near here yesterday after noon. Despite her long sojourn in the mountain wilds,,she was. in a healthy condition. , One or the animals fs still at large in the viclnfly of Uranbrook and the search for her,ls being continued. -; The financial loss of the owners of these and or .the three recaptured elephants ts conservatively estimated at approximately $3,000. ST. LOUIS HAS BIGGER LEAD Now Two Full Games Ahead Nearest Rival In National League. before coming here la years ago.jov,.r r.inrinnati of .VKW YOltK, Sept. 3. -St. Louis widened the gap in the Xationat League race to two full Karnes and and three three over .. I Pittsburg bv virtue or the double TWELVE MINERS ARE ir TRAPPED UNDER GROUND TOHO.NA, Okla.. Sept. 3. Twelve miners are trapped in tho Superior Smokeless Coal Company's mine here this morning, following a ga explosion which hurt several people, bu none seriously. It is expected that tho twelve men in the mine will be reached by this afternoon. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat H.C. Silver ... llazelton ... Indian K k Ma rin of Premier . Porter Idaho report given out al the cuifpins .silver Cresl house !hi morning. Surf Inio'. Hid. , I.37.U - 1.90 .05 U .,'. 2.21 .03 Asked 2.00 .01 .05 r .09 .11 . 2.25 ,o; .12 t. rover Alexander holding his rormer team mate lo lhree scattered blows In the first contest. Itiiin hulled the Piltsburg-Cin- cinnati contest after three in- ..: .... i.Jf . . iiinfjs wneii me neus'were icau-ing three to nothing. National League Sf. Lout 2-9, Chicago 0-i. Hoston-XcAv York postponed. American League Sf. Louis 3. Detroit 0,. Olliers pos'iponed. . GOLD AND REINDEER MEAT GOING SOUTH XOMK, Sept. 3.--old bullion valued at, $2,000,000 wan , aboard Ihe sfeaniship Victoria when she sailed yesterday for Seattle. Also thessel carried Ll'd Cajcasses of reindeer for the mfnl markets of the United States. 5