km PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Jieginning at 9 o'clock Floor In the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gentlemen 50c The Hall is now equipped to take care of Dances, Concerts ami Meetings of any kind.- The building is 50x100 feel, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear title to properly. IT'S FOR SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. WARREN, Proprietor. ALL COLORS VESTS .... ULOOMEItS SLIPS ... $1.35 . . . . $2.35 ... $3.00 "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Free! Free! We will give away One Tea Pot willi every purchase 2 pounds of BRAID'S BEST TEA or 1 lb. Tea and 1 lb. or BRAID'S BEST COFFEE Only a limited numher. Come In and Inspect our stock of School Supplies. Mussallera Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, &c. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PRINCE IIUPEP.T The Eyes of Schoolchildren Examined Free Sixly per "eat of ull school children -utter from weak eyes. You cannot begin too youtijj to cure for the eyesight. Don't let your child study under the hulidicap of faulty visioa. ; -Kviyv eyejiij lit, nutans a kvn Jumixi; u(wejl,-us physical vigor. Dring the children here for testing .and udviise. A. E. Ireland Oruiiuale Optometrist for 21 Years Phono Red 442 318 3rd Ave., Opp. G.W.V.A. auditorium! A NEW RANGE SILK KNIT Underwear fMALKINSl BEST J jMK-M) SPECIALS ! BISCUIT SPECIAL 100 lbs. Dainty Sandwich 100 lbs. Chocolate Cream liars Special, per lb. 29c Why pay 50c a wound for stale biscuits when you can get fresh stock like this for 2c. 200 lbs. Ginger Snaps. Special. per lb 19c We sell crisp biscuits at all times und we depend. on fast turnover lo maintain this reputation. FRUITS and VEGETABLES een Tomalpesi .$$ tpty 2Sc okliut Oifioris. BTbs. ffcr 25c Fresh Citron, pcT lb 7c New fSreenlleafis'.'g,, llmv trir 2Se ireen Onions, dozen .. . 25c trawberr Hhuharb. 5 lbs. . . 25c SwcHt Spuds, 2 lbs 25o Lftg; JMant, 2 lbs , 25o Fancy Tomatoes, 2 tf . . . . . 25c Fancy Tomatoes, 5 lb. basket 50c Vegetable Marrow, per lb. ... Gc utiiiiiar.l Squash, per lb 7c Pumpkin, per lb 7c Lm-jte ltipe llananas, dozen.. 60c It. C. Plums, basket 45c lle.l drape. 3 lb. basket BOe llylop Crubapples, per case $2.15 Preserving Peaches, crate $1.45 Table Peaches, basket 40c Bartlett Pears, case $2.95 Dart let t pears, basket ...... 35c I nw-rupped Apples, 4 lbs. . . 25c J'T ox S1.95 No. 1 Fancy Weailhv Wrann Apples, 2 lbs for 25c P'T box sa nn California Lemons, per dozen 25o Cantelovipes. good size, 2 for 35c i.usatm .Melons, per lb 10c COMBINATION SPECIAL 4 for $1.00 Pickles, Cnlsup,SntiQ's, Kle. You may select sour, ' Yweel or chow pickles, but only one jar of pickles in .IC assortment. This special is Iho best value we have ever offered in this line. Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212 '' 1 Serve it Iced! Malkin's Best Tea Sold Everywhere In Half and One Pound Packages LOCAL KEWS NOTES , Ilelav raw, mile, loo yardr 'iah. and the Hteh-LiKhls of I. AltOlt DAY Held events. Dr. Charles J. Cameron, pastor of the First Presbyterian Uiurrh, and Mrs. Cameron r turned to the city, this morning after havins spent a two months ARRIVING WEDNESDAY'S BOAT holiday in Vancouver. 100 Dozen Golden Bantam Corn on the Cob, per dozen 40c The price is right and the quality is the be! light now. ARRIVING FRIDAY Dunk your order immediately 100 Cases Italian Prunes While they last, per box . . . 95o STORE GOSSIP One if our cusf'Hiie: s would like to f.,,! in t I'Tirii wilii some lady who will be leaving for Vancouver about September 12 and who would be willing to thaperone a four year old boy for fair consideration. See our A feature of UVltOH DAY! Tug-of-'war for Moose Cup, and 25 cash prize. See the strong men! Itewt line of field sport s'ever seen on Acropolis grounds. LAIiOlt DAY, Monday next. Worth-while prizes. Miss CamilleM. Peters, fjr. jmerly school leaeher at Owrge-town, arrived in the city last nerht from V'.rtoria where shel lias been attending summer school and will proceed to Ter race where she will join the staff of the Kitsumkalum School. Mi Terrier of Vancouver has been appointed to succeed Miss Peters at OeorgMown-. "The other day a letter writ-J ten by Edsar Allan Poe, in! which Iip regretted that he would! be unable to nay 150 which ue "wed. was siMd fnr ?500." CASH & CARRY GROCERY SIXTH STREET EXTRAORDINARY COMBINATION HEINZ DEAL 1 lar.-e 'm Pork and Ileans 1 U..I tie ftliiTl Sauce ' i' (tot He lleinz Catsup Total Value. S1.5U ALL FOR $1.00 Cash and Carry, Away FRUITS Italian Prunes, lug boxes, heavy pack, er box 95c Freestone Preserving Pearlies, per box ........ $1,40 1.'.!.... !. , ,1 .i. ' , i.Ana j inu-j narueii i-ears, per box . $2.85 3 dozen for ., $1.00 Fancy Hot HoUse Tomatoes, per basket 40o Casaba Melons, ner lb 8c Fancy t. C. Mukmelons, each 15c Yenelabels at lowest prices. FreshiMllk' and Whipping Cream GROCERIES Libby's Asmirapus 'Pips, Hit 32c Libby's Haurki ant. per t in . . 20c Icuijs Suisrur, 2 lb. pkg. ..... 20o Peas. Corn, Tomatoes, 7 tins fff $1.00 Ureal West Tea. 75c value for 55c 30c Sunkiel Oranges. 2 dozen for 45c Creamery JmUer, bricks, lb. 40c VK lb. box. per lb 370 Fresh Fsrjfs, 3 dozen for. . .$1.00 Half 'iallon Pure Malt Vinejrnr, i ix 75o Every One Who Visits Our Store Saves Money SALE OF FUR COATS ) BY B. C. FUR COMPANY Got to Realize Cash In Preparation for the Raw Fur Season Opening Soon. As the raw fur .e4on is ra pidly approaching, the It. C. Fur lk m pa ny has got to realize on their stock of made up furs lo finance further purchases. Titer is a larjsc slock of fur coats to be disposed 4f quickly and to do so prices Save been marked away down. Fur coats can be bought a low as li'.jo and up to 5n. and mink choker, are priced from 2.93 up. You are invited to insist this great slock for yourself aud ntake your own selection. A small depoMt w ill bold any carmen! until Uie purchaser is ready to lake delivery. This is an opportunity lo buy made up furs at the cheapest possible price and one which otumt to be .taken adtantape of. The sale will si art I morrow morninjr. Saturday, at 8 o'clock. The It. c. Fur Co. is also prepared, if you have your own furs, to have ibem made up as required, on the premises. Advt. RE-OPENING OF PRINCE RU-PERT HIGH SCHOOL The Principal will be in al . tendance at the Hiph tv-;(oe: between ihe hour or 10 and li a.m. .and between 1.30 ano 3 tomorrw, alurJjy, Sepiemhn t. for the purpose of enrolling pupils. The Principal Mill also be pleaded to Interview parents during lhe- lioTrs. " A. riicbmonil has rellred from the partuerthip In Ihe business uO the MoalraA Importer and J. II. Miller -ha assumed fjill ownej-ship and all liunilijles conneeled with the liusinesslof he sabj. Montreal Importers, :2tWf yftiyned) A. IllCHMOND. miNCRAL ACT. - Crllfct of lmpromnU MTuke 4. swrejHiUkf No. I trartioiMl nx skrr(itljk iS'fric-IMihI Alln. rm i;uim. Hlualo In (lie Allln Mliiiiir liivituHi of i:lar OUlrK't. lirr l.M. ,;.jtl or Tku Ann. (K-ar Miwfi i i .i-lfj TAkt oti. k titni lurtiiiM Siii. Irrller nd - llrll'r, ,.f tto Wnl -Mt- tier si.. an ivrr. Itntioli CiilumliH. rl- Hir rii 1 t r s Mimn v Cur- '.M.!V.'"" tr" Minirr, oriirtfiw Uw ini'-iiii .my ,ur, front the ILite twTnHt, u iplMU tlx Mlnlnr liMiird-r fr prrtirii-iiir iiUJiiiirii-iiwiiit. fcrlihi-mri.o.r 0f .,i,umliif Crown Oranir of tin- lnv -n,tmjf IITIIth 'THI! SOTIi:K llraMar lti Mnrtfr m- '.djii as i t ! iiiiiiwiit! iM-rnrc ihr i.Mle of m,!, cortlfHalet of LfiiiirtniMiM-n(i. ,J7lu s day of Srinoiubfr. A. p. ,Ivin. Fur Coats &! Jacquettes An Exquisite Block of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. rfll.DRI.OOM GOING 1 EAST TO INTERVIEW I FUR MANUFACTURERS 1 V. (lOldblooin is leaving foi the eastern markets on Saturday and expects to be away lor several weeks. He is t,roin&c to in- j ten lew the .manufacturers in the .eastern centres and to arrange ' for the disposal of this coming j season's catch of fur. Jiy sell- 111 dirct io these manufactur ers, aud cutting out the intermediate proM-taker, be can obtain from 10 to 15 ier cent more than by gelling through the re gular channels. This gives him Die advantage of paying the lo cal I ru piers aud buyers (his ex Ira percentage. . . . That Ooldbloom's high appreciated by the tr.ippers is shown by the fact thai his business last year was Just doui'ieii. show ink thai the 0' retiaMe house has the confide nee of Hie lnupers, HALF DOZEN BOATS" IN WITH HALIBUT Sales on Exchange Today Amounted to 115,000 Lbs., Mostly-American Halibut arrivals marketed Ihroucih the Fish Kxchance tin. morning totalled 115.000 t.oun.K three American vessels dipo- inz ot uu.noo pound at uru-m between 1 and Kr and 15.1c ana v.zc wmic Ihree lnadlsn. sold llt.OOO pounds at from ll.5c to It.Kr foi first class and .5e for sivaml. The arrivals vere: American Allen. 18.000. lo the Canadian r mb a uom Storage Co. Port.ork. 38.000. and Ti IS.00H, to the Itooin Fisheri St. Thomas; C.X.Il. Canadian Mayflawe. ;.0to. to ih finvit. risn ix. fl.000. to (he ljin. Jia"; Fish A Cold Storaae Co Wiygeon. Ct.000. I,. thM A 1 1 , 1' isliei ieo. SIR JAMES LOUGHEED WAS RICH WHEN HE DIED MOOSKJAW, .4f. 3.. . Accord-;nc to an applicalioB to proba:e the wt of the late Sir Jamr-iHHiglieml. the estate amount, o t,3i'l.lO0 gross or 8,70f net HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert H. A. MacDougall, f parni ier. Miss Mary Macknight ond Miss Mary O'Neill, Anyox; Mis. Virtoria Hdenshaw. L. . Jiaji. ind p. H. Ureen, .Massett; Itn,-Draper, Sn 1'mimimo; Mi-Fred Nash and chlhlren, Thorna-Peddie and Mils Ci.iiille M Peters, Terrace; I.. Chyman sni SViiiiam Preslilna. Seattle; Mi jnd Mrs. a. II. Denaldson, W. F Uinns and H. A. MrComrr, Ha! moral; J. M. Smith, Port L.nna ton: Tnm Arimim Chelse-a; It. II. (iurd, Cannery; A. Wealon, Mi i. Weeden and A. Prinu v... tiHver:llU. It. Jones. Madison. Wis.; Mr. ami Mrs. Fred v Omver. Newmarket, Ont.; J. I Maedouakl, Yioloria; P. J spen 'er, Valparaiso; M. A. llurbaiik ri.t , - . itiiic i.teorge. Central J. J Van V:itLUt.l...... sett; George Smith (diapman, Vancouver. Ji Jtarr F. C Freeman NEW PRINCIPAL HERE Thomas Peddle ari-itt.l ... 11... city last ntzht fwim Te reui'n In nsume his new duties as prm ipai 01 uie i'nnre Ilutieri it.,ri. Schmd. Mrs. Peddle ilv will, arrive in the ejiy tixt month to take up their resident here. "Oh. Listen lo the Hand!' Hoy' Hand at LAHOIt DAY Sporls on Monday. MESSENGER SERVICE Messenger serrice and light Jelivery. Out of town mail nr. der attended lo wHh .iepaP,. 1'iione ,vo. jmj. Hox C2 -P. LcHnire. TOO LAT TO CLASSIFY FOIl HUNT. Modern up-ln-dH!e flat; large airy rooms; Tire place; close in. Max lei. broner. ' TURKU WArrnKSSKS wanled-. Apply fit. Regis Cafe. 209 V r UU M n iuui liuiu no oecrets from our mtthods of Examination for Defects Application of sclentlflo principles with the m strumenti perfected for their use by men who ha 0' ln" lifelong study of the needs of Optometry it what mJd,, such perfect results for jour eyes when ' you wi.n v,llt uct Ileal parlor. 0"f op. If In doubt concerning; your glasses conIUlt wio. 1 Wl1" optician. our We mako no charges for advice and do not ...a to accept It, but we cordially Invite you to Li8' wants known to us. aKe your Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 8 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. t REGINALD DENNY In "ROLLING HOME" Itegiiiald. dead lrokc. lniiness ntaMji-i! . . had Iq return to Ihe old home town .1 millionaire lie claimed to he. If nerve , . Vanilerliilf and llocketellcr woirtd look ! -k-pared with Iteg. And all because lie came "rollins liomr" in a HolU.loce in hi Mirket. She helieed all lie tWd h in him gave him gave linn nu aUndMig 1 1-the ten reul into a million williiu twents ItnghL liree, run, Denny ruined) -di n romance tnd laugh. Strong ii. Reginald Denny, Marlon NUon, E. J. RaUllffe, Ben Hut. dricks, Jr., Qeorge Nichotli, Margaret Seddon and many others. Comedyt "HONEYMOONING WITH MA" PATHE REVIEW 50c and & Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GR0CIR1U Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde 8L Infants' Z) Baths Plain White F.namel Jnlanl.' Ullc. from S2.25 t9 JiJJ Duoratrd While Kuaniel Iurut' Htli- Decorated Pamled Inrnntf' Math, from $3.75 U Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 101 255 3rd School Opening Sale SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, Sept. 3 and 4 As we realise there are o mail) thing "" lime or the year in hoys' ittul girl's dolhmg announce our school opening ule at Uli tun select your reiiiiromouls ul very aUntciive pi 8AVB WIIII.K YOU HUY AT AITHAUTIN K ' &WBAVIII1.K YOt' HUY (iOODS -TJIAT P fc WOIITII MfYIMI IN TUB 1.0XU ' 15 Per Cent Discount on All Boys' Suit Our stork is complete, nil sizes in soV, cv rinded, no reserve, lvo pairs' of Muotiipr Hoys' Hwenters, Peiimuns, n'Kiilnr "lfl Hnys' Jerseys, Hallaiilyue. 1due tip to (id's Slippers, piilcni lenlher willi una ntr.ip. with crpf sole and hrnwn calf om" slrap. r'g sale priro , . v. ... Hnj' red sljlrli hools, nwluL Jcallt,rr. fiar u I" In 10H . . $3.25 ... II to Wiv. .60 110 ' With every puir of shoes you buyluritur the -a1' w free 1 scribbler, 1 peti'-ll, one eraser und 1 t"' Jabour Bros.. Phone G45 Corner Third .nd S $1.95 $10 $2. $2.85 $4.00 Ltd. I