f sr. f . I'.J . IV hi PAGE TWC B E T 'H E 14 C U N A R D ' G U E S "We have booked for round trips Cunard service and food mean so much to us. Weekly sailin&s.for Plymouth. Cherbourg. London. 5 new oil' burning ships. No soot, no dust smooth sailing. ftrltmUrl from ANCHOR: DONALDSON LIHE to Gtasfotv Tkm ROBERT REFXXRD CO, LU, TORONTO. (PAow EltinUTl) orm, STEAMSHIP AGENT The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, 82 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, or any STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News FRINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLKli Managing. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Glly Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 ,By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United .'" States, in advance, per year 16.00 To all 'other countries, in advance, per year . . ..... , . . . . $750 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 m ..! i a ,i....i .. f-..i ri a Local Readers, per insertion.. . ..... . DAILY BDITIOR Inconsistency of Progressives. per inch per insertion Classified Advertising, per insertion ......2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. . t 16c pet, agate line Contract Rates on Application. - Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor ami Reporters Telephone - - . . .$2.80 per inch ...... .2Dc per line 89 sa All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. AH advertising received .subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Saturday, July .1, 1J26. From the recent debacle at Ottawa whereby, within three days, two governments were Hirown out of power stands out the utter inconsistency of the Progressive Party. -Stating that it was not , their desire to have an election at this lime, members of Hint party by their votes in the House of, Commons threw an election on the country. It seemed 'almost as if they were play mg wini the politics of the country at a lime when serious business judgment above alt things was necessary. The party dtfrnJi however, to be in dissolution and better will it be for the country, if it does disappear. .Such .shilly-shallying as the Progressives have been exhibiting at Ottawa during the past few days precludes the possibility ofgood government when such a, faction is in control of the situation. New Issue in Campaign. The events of the past few days at Ottawa leading up to dissolution throw a new issue into the forthcoming campaign which may overshadow even .such nialeri'al issues as the tariff or taxation. It will be the issue, as Ex-Premier King stated last night, Ojf. whether Canatja js entitled to the procedure of autonomous goyeniment.or whether the arbitrary will of a Governor General is .to be imposed upon Parliament. On the face of things, it seems that the Governor General would have been no more at faullilo refuse dissolution to the Conservatives, who were actually defeated on the floor of Parliament, than he was when he refused dissolution to the Liberals. who 'never were defeated in a par liamentary vote, however close they may .or may not have come 10 iu Customs Situation Impossible l?sue. The Coiisenatives ,it may be anticipated, will atternpt to throw, hp custonis silualiofi into the .election campaign but, whateyer 'may be onid or done,, the sane' voter will remember that rcsjtO'lsibiiity for that sjlualjoi' ests eouully.witli both par-'iiek mj(ji pyrhaps.;wilb iieilt'eh xTlie "cu-jloriis .prqlte piOveuMhat certain litdh-idnals iTre at: fault' 'and those individuals of both piitjie.s. Tiie probe failed, 'however, Jo ijach the W(an.)e to.eitlier 01 ine major panics, aimougu a vote ot censure, purely on poll Ileal lineswas passed through I'arliamcnt by the Conservatives and that, it must be remembered, not 'until after, through poli tical- inaneoiivering, they had deposed the .Liberal government mini powen Stork Provides For Cow Bay FJoats. The. vdte of $15,a00 for t)ie Cow Hay floats placed in the supplementary estimates, with np larliamenl existing to. pass theni, it maybe expected will he. parsed by" the Governor General's Warrant along with other necessary items in the supplementary estimates. Tha,l appropriation, thgether wllh others, was placed in the estimates as. a resuU of the' representations of the local member, rred borkf ami il.ran be considered 110 fault of his if anything should now happen to hold, up' tlie work pending the eieriiou anu governmental reorganization, TRISCUIT Its Shredded Wheal in wafer for in-Delicious Yrith butter, or cheescor marmalade ORANGE LODGE HOLDS BANQUET Grand Lodge Officers' Honored at Affair In Meiropole Hall Eloquent speeches interspersed with niusiral numbers after a sumpthous banquet spread, at twlddi some two hunderd local members of the Loyal Oranai Lodge and their friend sat down,' marked a successful reception Held in Mbe IWelropoJe Hall last night by Prince Rupert purpbse. L.O.I.. -So. 2310 in homtr of A.i,a,i hmi H. llarron, Grand Master L.O.I.. in British Columbia; Oarpenter, Grand Secretary ami Mrs.v Smith, of Nanaimo, (iran I Mistress of I..O.L. in It.t;., who are visiting local brethren after attending the Grand Assembly in Ottawa. J. A. Teng acted as loastmasler. The proceedings opened and closed with the sinking of the National Anthem .and, at the cloe of the banquet, Mrs. S. V. Cox, worshipful mtsti-e, presented Mrs. Smith with a bouquet of local roses from the ladies of the. L.O.H.A.. Arch deacon Hix pronounced the bits-- Iner. The speaker of the eventnshi was A. r.. llarron, jrr.unl master in ll.C, who made a touchma reference to I lie work being car--rjed on by lite order in the hutki- ing of a new orphanage home at New Westminster for the L.O.I.; The speaker stated that the firsi unit of the home was now under construction and would cost in the neighborhood of $00,00 bin that, before the home was finally completed and larjte enough 10 take care of the needs, the cosl would be around $125,000, Mr. llarron bespoke the support of every single member of Hie order in this connection. "There is no call nearer or dearer than the call of the fatherless and motherless little one.," said Mi., llarron. Appeals had been mad? In Protestant churches to assis. ii( the movement and the order had received a ready response from certain quarters. The speaker thought a greater num ber of L.O.L. members should be niembers of the many Protestant churches throughout tb. pro rince. The churches replying to the remiesl for support contain ed Orangemen members. True Orangemen Meing a member of the O.ange Ludtte and being a true ra lipo ma n weii' two very different things, Mr. llarron said. A Irtt Orangeman was not only brother in the lodge room or on July. 12. but was a brother morn ing, noon and night, lie felt sure that if his audience roubl see bow splendidly the present little inmates were cared for al the home that they would all be boosters. In closing the speaker lhanktvj (he local lodge for I he excellent entertainment afforded the visit ing officers. Rev. Dr. C. J. Cameron, in proposing a toast to the Grand Io-Ikc of Hritish America, stated I tint man could no more live 01 ihe igtory m yesterday than tie i-oubl Jive tin the bread of jester day. He thought a good many church "members and a lot, of Orangemen' were rcady'v-'to do I hat.. Orangeism 'consisted not oht' in turning out in regalia on Inly 12 and glorying in the bat tie of tiie iloyne. Ready to Give Life A lot bad lieen said against the ideals of the order in the past but why not let sleeping dog lie "J Certain factions were eler nally militating against His Ma jesty the King and aigainsl the constitution represented by Magna Jliarta, for which the Ilriton was ready to give his life thai the heritage of freedom might be" banded down Iq his children's children throughout the ages. Orangemen slood. for equal rights for all alid privi leges In none. If the children of the nation were to 5e educated as their fathers were educated and follow, im the footsteps of ouch men as had built up the Grand Iodge of British America, the Bible must be- t'auglil in the schools. To eliminate il from the schools meant lo militate the history of Ihe world. The speaker thought perhaps.. the Scotsmen were such bard headed business men and such hard men lo deceive because ..they were great students of the Bible. OraweUm stood for one king, one flag, one empire, and that was why .he was an Orangeman. He had nothing against those who worshipped in rT7T""rrrT'-T" V.-- own own vvayj (heir own belief Wlhfcir lull lie would not tolerate being dictated to as to what ho should do and believe. ' Much Work To Do " .ft. Carnenler. grand secretary. 1n nispouding to trie, (nasi to the Grand!Jaif,fbj HT Utf( shi VuiorjcM gav..w Urt all W.W'4viJ the (Irate Lodge 'Hi' was Yils fJ carrying out throughout Oana'datind cited instances of how Orangeism hail protected Ihe riighi of the Pro-jl tbstauts. They had been told I line and linie jdVain that in lh days gone liyj. JrahKelim had been onV :gioii Mifft tlial-titday the onifr had ceased lo servo its The speaker said hrt returned from' one of Mih greatest sessions the -Grandl G.ll.odsre hud ever held ami had! seen some or-fue. inside wori Jugs and what goqd Orangeism wns accomplishing. There was slill a great w:ork for Hie Orange Lodge to do. . ' ' Mrs. Smith, .of Nanaimoi slglu worshipful mistress, in n shon address, laid stress upoti. til's good work- belnitf done ' tb caue of Orangeism by the primary lodges 11 the province. Prom 20- primary lodges the number had grown to go and, in the near future, "two Additional, lodges would be .'ftiriued, The speaker said thatat lie'fermlna ion of her office as Grand Ml.-- tness fw the province, a respon yibilltv he fully realised, she. hoped that it would be berj pleasure to give a good account of herself. Speeches and Music Other opeakers incbpled A. M Oavies, Mrs. Geo. Leek, W. V. Wright. Mrs. .S. V. Cox, Capt.: Ilea, Mayor Newton, Rev. C' G. Turner and Sidney Webb. Those, contributing lo Ihe musical program included Mw. 'It. P. Ponder, Miss Catherine Jones, Mrs. Lindsay Waugli and Prank Moore. ACTION OF HARBOR i MASTER DEPLORED Committees of Board of Trade Delegated to Look Into Complaint or M. P. McCaffery. A letter from M. P. McCiffery. making rather- strenuous com-, plaint at recent! prosecutions by-l the harbor master was read at! last night's meeting of the-Board, of Trade. Mr. McCaffery refer- red particularly to a recent case! in which the ma.ser of one of thc Coastwise Steamh1p & Hargc, t'o.'s boats was brought Into po-j ice court and fined $100. Suchi Ihings as this. Mr. McCaffery felt. liinirtu.t 1 In- twiri ninl lie was in favor of the jtoanl of Trade re-1 Imbtirsing tlie company, which was a good customer of Prince! ilupert, Ihe amount of the fine. 3 .. . !!..! 1 I . . ... I.I II. I .' himself had heard quile a few complaints regarding the Jpirlmr master and be thought lhemat- ter nr-Tb! be investigated. Ac cording.? jie appointed the port mid railway and navigation com miltees to go into the matter. CLAIM OF PRINCE RUPERT TO BETTER RATES IS STRESSED Tluif Prince Rupert should en e"rgelicall.v stress its claim lo more advantageous freight rales befqm hqiluayitylmm'isslon on its forfheoming visit to the Paci fic Coast was urged in a leltei red al the meeting of the Board of Trade last ntaht from O. G; McGeer, K.C., of Vancouver, Brl tish Columbia's counsel in the freight rates case. Mr. McGeer slated that be hoped to visit Prince Rupert in the near future. but be urged that the Hna'nl pre pare its case in the meantime. ready for submission. Prince. Ilu pert being the gateway to a great empire, Mr. McGeer expressed Ihe view that, as, a. new port, it was entitled even to preferential rates o that traffic would be Compelled to move this way. Some doubt was expressed at (be meetinjr as to whether or not msmm siturday Tnly 3H2o. I Other "VY brings real music into your home does the Orthophonic Victrola Tun OrtloplKnic Victrola is a new musical discovery, exclusive to the Mctor Company,-an instrument of entirely new internal design. If there had tn-en an easier way to bring Orthophonic tnuycal beauty into the home, rrieaiunR the real music, Mctor would have chosen it. But there wam't and there isn't 1 The new Orthopb "True in M Sound Mctor Talking Madiine Co., ft he railway commission would ac tually visit Prince Ilupert on its present loqr. In any cate, the trade and commerce and freight rales committees are prepariiiM Ihe case for this city. LAND RCOISTRV ACT. Stttfen 112 tnd 227. l. Tin: MAl'IKII nr pilli:tlon ,N(J. lilt fur Ihe riic-ltlloii or 1 rlurtf, AMI l. Tllk MVtlUl or A lire tnrril or opiidu in l'iir-lic. Uatfil tlx lilli liMniiiber. 1011. kin) rrri'K-rml lb ulli January, 1II -oft ariliratiou tt .riifrt tin- 3rd Jinury, itll, ,o. JIOIJ. beiwwn OKOIltJK T. KANE, of llir llrnl Can, ami DoniioX :. (.MMLIISOM or lui- awulHl earl, cuVi-nni Um rollowlita Liroprly; , l.oli Mivm (7, rliLl (It, nln (, in (10), eirf (ll, tele Ihlrli-cn (137. rmiriM-n (J4. ririM-M li. anil Hlfiti (Id), Block ma iy; and Ion nine it., tcn,(tUj, rlvvrn (It, and rourlrm 1lj, Blork einl.i (Ur or Oltli'li't Lol iiomtier stt liiiinlrt-d ami roriy-iniD (641 , llaime five (ii. Coal PluU'id, Map DIO. Sairrtor.v proof of breach 6t rov jiiU and re-nlry and feniicry or p)c-lnii ly tti vrtidor or Qiklir,or tin- lam), uliivri in itifl alxivc Agrrciiunt or option In I'nrrlnic, luiinit tifrn fili-d in tliu .ifWre. . TAkK .NOTICE tliat an appllrallon link man nmiic wi rani-i'i tin ri-irlslratloii o tlm alxivc iiipnllonrd Arrrmiriil or option 10 kurrha.-, and wlilili la rficlntpred in llirlter or Cliarirr Volume l, Folio m. at o. J I ill), and that In aupiHiri Vif Kiirh appllratton ha ln-rii produi-iil a di-rlara llou or r.KIHHiK THOMAS fcM: lliM the iff, ill oi'tiilx-r, ISIS, and a ili-rlaranon or STA.M.KY W'AI.TKM TAVI.OH daird tlw uili .Novriiilier, lJ, provlnv the brh nt rof'ii,inl and re-entry and rerovery ..f nokuiiMi at arorexald. IT IS MY IX-TKXTlo.y, arter tli eipiratlon of thirty (JO) lay rivMi ttv Tlrr tit Una nMf In raiMid m rertnlratlim or th opllnn to piirrtiair or A areeiiieiit upon the reirltlnr and Uirreiipoti the e.tatr of Hie i.ur-eruiiier In Ihn land denrruVd In Ihn aald Auretinent or option o rurrliaa, lhll ri-e and determine, unleaa you aliall take, and proaerute the proper prorrertlwri in entahllih your tlalni. ir knj. tn the ald I1111I1 or to prevent Jiurli riropoaed rUTKH at tlie Land WerHtrr nrflre al II 'linie unpen, ii.c, ihi Tir u. day or June. A.l), - " . -' II. T. Maf f.FOp, lleri'airar tif Titles, To Qordfin C. fmmeraon.-' Y flt- LAND ACT; Nolle of tnUntlen Is Apply lo Loaa Land In Prlnea linpnrt Land nernrdlnr tua-Irlrt or I'rlnre - nnpert, and annate at Vaett, n.i:. TAkK MITICK Ihil Kiitene II. Simp-aon of .Ma.flnlL orniMnllun rantie. in. teticM to airply for a leae of ihe fullaw- iiipt nenrriiiea mnos:- - (!omineiii-liia al a runt nlinlod il Om nnrtheant rorner of lllork n. , Mamell inwiia lei t hence enntcr Iv Inn riiii thence aoutherly 1.000 feel; Ihenee wea-lerly ISO reel: thence nnrlhcrlv I mm tcet to point of rominr'ni'ement. and ron- lalnlnr.. :acre, mre or lena, MJOKNE Diied June 5, me, 11. SIMPSON. Applicant, onic Victrola as Crent artists, famous bands, renowmil orchestras, singers, nlavers ami enteitaintrs of .every kind can now cheer you at home with the tone range ol the music cuninlete 1 f from .,i..;nn In.l.trfi trebled tn to boomitTX Uim. piping Complete only by virtue of the Orthophonic prinap pic. - . A (Umoiistration,--at any "Hit Mater's Voice" dealer is a of Cinada, Limited, SOFT FINISH All flat pieces wa-hed, irnned and neatly folded. Wearing npparel prarin oily ready lo wear, only quires n little rejomhing wdh hand iron, Try This Service IT Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1o per piece. Your bundle returned within Ihree days. PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ' AND SHIPYARD Oparattlng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Cnglnaara, Machinists, lollermakars, Blacksmiths, Paittarn makers, Founders, Woodworkari, Cta. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIN8. Our plant in equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and It