+2 i i Prince R ap Independent delly newspaper and Northern an “Member Couadie Pre Ce fen Daily Ne Publish b Pripee Ruper MAGOR an. t Sube n atk 3y currier—-Per © 25c, per 3y mail—Per meitia, Fe year, $ uthorived as s¢ id ola all Dy THANKSGIVING ERE on thi that we have experience seasons but our harvest would seem to be built on mth $1.00; per year, $10.00 ah 00 ee e Post Office Department, Ottawa upert Daily News | ican catalase tl ladlinetsiiaieennsiiiiin yied to the upbuilding of Prince Rupen Central British Columbia, tit Bureau of Circulations per Association Dally News Limited H. G. PERRY, Vice-President the Lord Thy God.”—Deuteronomy 8. northwest Pacifie coast it is true the changing of | night ¥ % by a more All Scots Love It I WENT to see the Alec Finlay show the other)! mixed feel-} with ings: As | See It | -. 2 ' Philpott | a longer term than in the strictly agricultural parts of Canada, There are the trees, for example, being har- vested after many generations of growth. The fish are also the result of years of growth and conservation. The minerals:have lain for milleniums await- ing their need of service for mankind. All this should remind us of what we owe to | wondered how ' i 4 | } 1 | -= the generations which have gone before us and that it is fatuous and ignorant ever to say that we got it with our own two hands. Prince Rupert and district has lately entered ‘nto much material benefit for which more than one grateful thought could be spared for the plan- ners and pioneers of former generations who stablished our communities in law and righteous- . 1ess and died receiving not the promise. It is in community as well as in nature that hrough the generations we are heirs of the mercy ind kindness of our Creator. There is a depend- nee upon one another in the present and in the vast through which we receive all these mercies. It is not so much that those who lived before us thought of the future, but that they kept the laws of their existence in acknowledging God and His laws, and when we do that, we help with re- gard to His provision for all the generations. So the grand experience of Thanksgiving is that it units us with all God’s people, both of and other generations, that we may with one mind and one mouth glorify Him and be bound together in ever closer community in Him.—Contributed. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Saskatchewar? First Venture sy ih ersley to signal the provincial government’s first neard piay The Last Past on the accordian with as much pathos Turns on Taps; in Gas Field Canadian Press enture into the aatural gas distribution field. Kindersley and the Village of ———————— rock a few miles east will not), lunities to be served by gas loydminster, Lone Rock nity have gas but they are} rved by private companies. The significance of Kindersley nd Brock is that they are to eceive gas from a government | ganization, the Saskatchewan | wer Ggrporation. Jewel-Smuggling Checked in Leak Of British Money LONDON @® — Financial ar- | angements which permit some | British travellers to enjoy engthy holidays abroad despite | orevalling currency restrictions, | are being closely scrutinized by, reasury officials. Current regulations authorize in individual leaving on a vaca- ion to take a maximum of £2! ut of the country. To tighten up} he law against possible evasion, | easury authorities have launch- dan investigation inte a hum- uS the first Saskatchewan com-/onq gas hunt carried on across Saskatchewan for and | years the | made They will use gas from eight wells of the The corporation is er of individual cases. Ques- WILL PAY ionnaires have been sent to lose concerned asking how they naneaged to meet their normal xpenditures on e ibroad, Victor Feather, assistant sec- retary of the powerful Trades and Union Congress, said labor generally would welcome the government’s action. A lot of people, he said, are “snapping their fingers” at the currency restrictions, “T hope the treasury people will not confine themselves to questions about pound notes,” he said. “Nearly every high- class jeweler in this country sells second-hand jewelry as well and there’ is no purchase tax on it. A diamond ring or brooch cost- “ing anything up to £500 or more takes up very little space and dealers in Fiance buy sécond- hand jewelry and pay for # in ffanes, of course. 1! easily as that.” vantage of The gas distribution business is. expected to start paying for a itself after the fourth or fifth xtended visits) year of operation when serv- iced communities take full ad- cheap utility °° after a slow conversion from, ‘™imming. coal and wood fuel. The period for paying off the debt is 20) years. , Regina, 275 miles southeast of Kindersley, won't likely be serv-| ed by Brock gas supplies for a) number of years. It ts believed wp more likely that Alberta gas Will soy be piped through the city ee the the east or closer fields Will be found. its first term of office. the last few the i Brock field, three miles south- | west of the village of Brock and 14 miles southeast of Kinders- ley. At the outset only two of drilled in the ; | field-wWill be used. Othets will be The tWo communities arealsd| aqqaéa! to the distribution sys- he first to be served by natural| tem Jas pas consumption in- | creases. General Manager J. W. Tom- linson of the Power Corporation | says it is possible two more cen- itres will be serviced with gas this year and studies are being possibilities of iserving Saskatoon to the north- east of the Brock field. putting $350,000 into the Brock-Kinders- ley system. That's the cost of collecting gas from the wells, piping it to the two communi- ties and distributing it to con- | sumers. The Husky-Phillips Company 5 Which drilied the wells is ex- pected to receive from tht Pow- er Corporation roughly 10 cents plus a demana charge for each _ 1,000 cubic feet of gas it uses. ‘Like all others who have Scot- tish blood I naturally looked for- itself. It is; show popular ward to the Scotiand’s most export favorite in a different field, has been watered down But I knew I was again to meet the company at Supper. I the lovely soprano Francis Derry, would feel about what I wrote two years ago about her legs. That the minute I look- led at them on the stage I sus- pected they were not Scottish at; ish ¢ ¢ ¢ YOU SEE twe shows for the price all—-but Ir of one, when you go ta Alec Finlay’s. These Scottish profes- 4 top notch vyari- Sionals put on ety : by any standard Alec himself has borrowed a lea! from the late Harry Lauder—ne is not afraid to popular skits year after year, al- though knows them off by heart and days, for another long time! Mao | BRIDGE COLLAPSE—A small wooden tiny village of Petite Valee, in Gasve asphalt-lacen truck, One of the Quebec provinee, the structire fe)! ) river. The tewek driver was uni: UNDER OUR ROOF By JOHN That last freight train brought us as far west ,as the Sunny Okanagan, and it looks as though we | will be here for several days, mainly on account Of fully thanked them for fou? one} Col. S. Skeffington-Smutts pital. ‘ It is fortunate for the Colomel|*t?«!' that Sccia} Credit is now inj repeat his most/ POwer, because he has beem de-| GOING FOR SWIM + iinquent in his hospital insurance | he knows the audience Payments since the very start of) ; being the scheme. Instead of is almost splitting with laughter, |45ty about it, however, the sec- all set to burst out in gales, at) the right spots. Francis Derry is” an excellent popular singer, by anhy country’s Stamdards, George Cormack has a fine tenor voice. He has not as yet, the superb: Stage presence of preceded him—Robert retary of the hospital said: “Just give us a buck a day, and) ali will be forgiven.” The attending physician, who! had been examining the Celonel,! then added: “A couple of bucks the man who Should cover it.’ ' Wilson— | but I think the scores of thous- friend the Colone| will be dis-/,)). body of water.” “You mean,” I asked, “that my) ands of Scots who have heard charged after two days?” him on this tour must feel proud that there is another Scot Who agreed the doctor can stand so weil in Wilson's hand, I wouldn't waste any téme/to hunt for food in Kelowna we | notifying his next of Kin. | Actually,:when the doctor got|/Okanagan Lake. |Burns round out a top note ground to cleaning out the holes | company, all admirably relaxed place Margaret potion. + + @ BLT IT IS when Will Scottish whelming shows success. For Smart and Timmy “That's ome way of putting it,”| “On the other) in the Colonei, ne discovered that/our money, but we managed to/ | the bullets had not penetrated | and a store-keeper who was de-| jmuch beyond the third layer of! Starr fat and deekied that the brings out that accordian that wouid be up and walkin | you really see what makes these” such an over-) a few days. when and Little Augie and I are en-} Willie plays that instrument he! jovine the beauties of the Sunny is performing not just to those | Okanagan and this pretty town 2500 Scots but WITH them. They | of Kelowna whith is on the banks are so much en rapport that a: of the iake. Keiowna is famous precisely the right moment the for its annual regatta and for a spirit of the wild ancestors Of seg serpent called the Ogopogu the Scots busts right out bloodcurdling yells with which is Said to inhabit the wat- ers of Okanagan Lake, and o!! When they do that the Scottisa course I can't tel] you whether side of my ancestry wants to} there is any truth to that legend get up and fight—and I am not or not . . ; . ashamed to say that my Engiish Natural gas will be turned on this month in the side wants to get up and rum becatse I think that the people booming west-central Saskatchewan town of Kind- for home, Personally, I doubt its varacity of the Okanagan are a pretty Starr is the only man I ever excitable crowd when it comes to in it as a good trumpeter. + + ¢ discovered in the intense oil| FAR FROM being peeved at what | I wrote about her Irish legs it tarned out Francis Derry was highly pleased. “Did you know what you wrote} was printed in our professional theatrical paper?” she asked me “It was in a column called Scotch and Soda and was headed ‘Legs|tawa sctemtists have Not Scots Enough.’” Francis mi the tour last year as She was giving’ birth to a darling girl baby — named Helicopters Used to Map > Barren Lands returned | after flying in helicopters time) of the geology Coleen. In a year or two when!tween Great Slave Lake and her husband gets his discharge | Hudson Bay from the Royal Navy they may move to Canada. The husband | logical is a diese] engine instructor. Dr. C. 8S. Letd of the Geo- Survey of Canada esti- jmates that the use of helicop- I had another pleasant sur-j|ters for the first time in geo- prise for the slender blonde; logical reconnaissance did a job violinist, Margaret Smart turned|that would have taken ground out to be a good friend of my| parties 25 years to complete. favorite Scottish MP — Gilbert) Dr. Lord headed a 16-man McAllister. She played at his/party in the summer’s work. He wedding. Cathedral Gets Face - Lifting shingle, cedar shakes. gregation painted the |a Most handsome result.” EARLESS TYPE ®\and a horse. alice MANY STORMS |of the world. The Rey, Canon Basil Prockter | says that “this has been a most) necessary Improvement and has| COLEMAN, Alta. CP).Eleven- ar-old Henry Niemeyer of this c Alberta town owns a. ?' ™omish Giant rabbit which was|ters and a light plane, as well that newe: and/born in August—without ears|@8 @ heavy freight aircraft | Henry owns 200 other rabbits,) Which landed But what is going on at Kind-jas well as 40 homi ‘the ice mel ersley and Brock may be pe —— ye small-scale model of what is to} come in Saskatchewan. It marks’ the CCF government’s inaugu- jand his associates how are pre- | paring reports on their findings |Their ultimate aim is to map the geology of Canada’s barren lands north to the Arctic Ocean The area had béen mapped {by aerial photographs before. j}but those photographs |that am average of 900 square miles were mapped in one day | from a helicopter about 350 feet weathel-proofed with dark green, 2bove ground. At times the ma- ‘chines came to within five feet! In addition, a handsome and|0f the ground and flew at walk- permanent approach has been|!ng pace to give the scientists erected, Volunteers of the con-|4 Closer look, * white What did they find? Dr. Lord reports “substan- tinl areas very promising for prospecting and in which some day there will be mines.” | The treeless, swamp-ridden _ country has already yieided | ftinist Fi 6 “ -— tiettdti | finds of gold, copper and | met msters—Finance Mints - banger. a nickel. | tor Einar Gunderson and Attor- Anthem; ‘Let Every Heart ST. ANDREW'S Cc ATHEDRAL The party used two helicop- part|is to do it quickly so it may | benefit Canada’s economy.” ray... . Reflects and. Reminisces | For five years Canada’s am- bassador to Turkey, Major Gen-| eral V. W. Odium, CB, CMG, DSO, | is back home in Vancouver, and) likes it. He says of Turkey “Their feet are on the ground.) Whoever invades Turkey wil! worth cultivating. The general will write his memoirs. ADVICE TO UNIONS Saturday The popular ery today seems to be have @ tough fight.” Saynds| that is going to give us *. r a good night's Test, cup diseases, make us prosperous in business |win friends and influence people, and all th ‘of thing. a oo Sermon about 9 , help ' Remember, the banana never) bridge collapsed at the under the weight of an many quaint covered bridges in a V-form inte the shallow red iCP PHOTO STURDY . and got peeled unti! it jeft the bunch Some fifteen hundred wild horses in Alberta are to be) rounded up. Corraig will be buil:, | omer ie done, NOUN | bargain aiden tae definite is known as to market~| ely a deal | worth sng, Dut speaking off-hand, one | ooking’ Inte i. —— > Jens: S80lUte loyalty, is thy py are. rate the occasional five dollat | }donation atd is worth fitting in _ between assumes the more wild the mere doubtful the chops and steaks ee When the cruiser Sheffield was’ on thee coast recently, four tour- waters Of the lake Colonel) few jeilybeans on the cuff, and g within So in the meantime Hamish (shotguns and rifles and yelling: ai] chant, “The Ogopogo!” summer to map, for the first’; 57,000 : oe jwasn’t the Ogopogo, of course.! royat ‘inwigmia, but Square mites of barren lands be-) didn't) The St. Andrew's Cathedraj|Show the details that geologists has undergone a facelifting job|*t¢ interested in. Dr. Lord said at a cost of approximately $5,000 including dark grey asphalt and walls have been |from the CCF. | sell, CCF provincial organizer. |"We'll fight Social Credit any- | where, anytime.” | tics, said Social Credit Premier |W. A. ©. Bennett is entitled to {place his two non-elected cab- supplies before when a member of the legisia- e |tute was appointed to the cab- “Instead of mapping the coun- | try by walking and canoe we|and the minister was re-elected had to adopt a radical new) without opposition from other It Was been estimated that/ technique,” says Dr. Lord. “The parties. ration of its first major new/about 50,000 thunderstorms oc-|only way to open up the north. is done as | public business enterprise since|cur each day in different ists were gteatly pleased to be shown around by a well-informed plain clothes sailor, who grate- iohat pills. Next day they noticed” his pheto in the preas. Promotion had been rapid. He had become: -called Ogopogo, and 1 a lhevutenant commander ' good reason lo believe tna, (Ret.) being in the hos- nave NO MORE OLD STUFF Announcement was broadcast- Friday that in future the r The sun was shining delight- the morning we got bounced ed countryside and the blue| With helicopters. 1 think I shall take a swim, The mayor of Nanalmo is urg- announced the Colonel, “Shashay|!M@ a ban on travelling shows into yorider hamlet, sahibs, and! Deing allowed to carry reptiles if you Can procure some vic-| For example, a rattler, was re- while I test the waters of cently killed in a Vancouver i backyard. No question about sup- Whereupon he divested himseii| POTt for His Worship of everything but his shorts, and when the rest of us started off) tuals cement Coronation Souvenirs in Varied Forms jeft him floating slomach-up on It is @ifficult to get food with- | cent enough to iet us have a! we were just leaving this shop iwhen we heard of the commo- LONDON A varied seiec- tion. j tion of souvenirs to commemor- There was a man running @© the coronation next year has down the main street and he Sifeady been «approved by the Council of Industrial design, en- was shouting; “The Ogopogo! : | Sunday Sehool 2.00 pan The Ogopogo's been sighted!” | trusted with the assignment. Of | fo. ic:, masit 8 Prockter ea BD Well, I think I mentioned that 330 articles submitted, 15 have Rector (Biue 700) these citizens of Kelowna are eee ees aa a 7 FIRST BAPTIST pretty excitable. Within minutes p An P y : Sth Ave. EB at Young &t people started pouring out of nong the articles officially |} wtinister: Rev. Pred Antrobus bulidings all along the Street, a a eee cane oo moan i pe i most of them were carryin ote FIRST PRESHYTERTAN and most of the re carryit® | yy sculptor G. H. Paulin, design- | 4th Avent East er of one of the coronation medals. Commemorative glass gobdiets, showing the royai cyph- “To the lake! To the jake!’ THE OGOPOGO Well, of course Hamish and|*: Dave also been accepted as ee oe Little Augie and I decided to well as a small brass table bell, ae "eee 613) 4 and < d pe : n follow the crowd, and when we with the royal insignia, There arrived at the shore of the lake is also & profusion of ashtrays, we heard a lot of firing and saw brooches, teaspoons, mugs and a great mob of people gathered | S@h novelti¢s as a loving-cup there, and then the firing stop-| ®%¢_@ horse's nosestrap. ped suddenly and some men On the whole, the standard waded out into the water with aio design is rather better than net, They pulled it back to the| W¢ ©xpected,” sald a spokesman bank, and there appeared to be| fr the council. “The artichs ‘a large shape of some kind em-|S@ mitted are not very original OTTAWA €?)—A group of Ot- need io i (but the quality is good and the : a | @esigns pleasant.” ‘The GQropogo!” went up the) 4 number of souvenir ideas | Were rejected because of diserep- Those silly, excitable people! It! anepes in} uetion ef the It was Col, S&S. Sheffingtoh-| ers will be allowed to re-submit Smutts (Ret) and he was rid-) revised designs. Reproduction of died with buck-shot. | actual pieces of the regaiia, such So that is why we must stick, @s the Imperial Crown, St. Ed- around the Sunny Okanagan un-| Ward's Crown, the Orbs, Sceptre ti] the Colonel is released from or Swords of Sate, are forbid- the hospital. ne I must say that the people of! Manufacturers have also been Kelowna were keenly disappoint - | formed that if photographs of aa. the Queen and the Duke of Ed- jimburgh are used together on souvenirs, they should not be | shown surmounted by a crown, }Or With the date of the corona- ; tion, as only the Queen is being | crowned, Although there is no law | against early sale of coronation | Souvenirs, once they have been }a@pproved, manufacturers have * Issues in > By-Election | been urged not to display the ; articles in shops for the Christ- VANCOUVER ®—A proposal) mas trade, but to wait until oo i teat Modal Croan (enna 1, start of the Corona- Wism ; tion Year. be allowed acciamations in the | fneseie inibcileanisiacoesnaedisaaiiud Similkameen and Columbia by- i . elections brought a quick reply First United Church Sixth Ave. W. and Musgrave Thanksgiving Services 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: “Through the Gour- tesy of Almighty God.” Children’s Story: “For the No Political “Nonsense,” said Frank Snow- Mr. Wismer, now out of poli- ney-General Robert W. Bonner Rejoice and Sing.” —tini the government without a 7:30—Evening W. fight. — Sermon; “Tha ving 1952” He cited a case in the 30's — “My Salvation is the SUNDAY SCHOOLS — at First United Church, Beginners and Primary, 11 a.m.; Older pupils, 12:15; at Conrad United Hall, CONGREGATION ere Was no comment from AL SOCIAL | Liberals or Progressive Conserva- HOUR after the Evening Ser- |tives on Mr, Wismer’s proposal. inet, a by-election was called, |good for business or makes us vice in the Church Hall, COME* It will give us poise, dignity, | "PY ee a a 2” t culteare and grace. And on the wider canvas, if will give work peace. Industrial peace ana! dom from earthquakes in the cocktail ond fishing excursions | But it isn't New Testamens) It isn't the Christian Falth, It is not for thie that the genera-| ions have had three witnesses which have been slain, sawn asunder, burned alive, starved) and so on. No, Christianity has te do with something that is true regardless of whether it pays off or not, We are called to unlimited allegiance whether or not it is parties popular. It is true thiat we are not asked off the last freight train, and we ®owbeys of Canada wili find i deliberately to make ourselves didn’t feel badly about our fate, quite unnecessary to do any uncomfortable in order to secure |particularly when we saw the! spurring, They are to be outfitted Saivation, but we ate called to jov hold that Salvation as worth- while, no matter how much of how little it may at any moment be costing us There an uilimale paying-| off, it is true. For in the final count the trath is the only thing | that is worthy of allegiance and) the only thing that is good for you, and me, and everybody cise But you camnot reverse this and say (hat what is good for you and me at this moment tis therefore true It may be the biggest le ever perpetrated—which is one reason | DIRECTORY services: tn all church at 11 a.m. NOt seen. Por thy thing thy probably good weather and free- |e & temporal, tha: 7 | ary ‘here todry aa en which nevertheless demand 11:00 a.m 12:15 pm 7:30 pm ot Geenen, Las Angee ” stand language the » Wisdom of Ged in crear thin Bt WHAL You de FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, Oct r THANKSGIVING sy Morning ge Sunday & “HOD oF g TION” This film, from Moody ty interesting, any THE EVANGEL! FREE CHUR( Services at LOOP # Fourth Ave. § ll - 12 pm—Sunday a for all ages and « Adult Bible Clas: 7:30 p.m.—A hearty wa viee followed by an ig thorial Gospe) mestage "Ye shall seek Me and Me, when ye shall sar Me with all your heart” ter Pastor: ¢. W. Sinch and 7:30 pm. Seoday Seloal at 1215 except as shown, ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W.. at Dunemutr St Holy Cemimunion @30 «a.m, i Rey, F. A. Wright, B.D iOteen om) ae ' j FIRST UNTTTD SALVATION ARMY Fraser Street CO. Sr. Capt. George Oystryk Sunday School 230 pm (Mack 269) ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Sth Ave. at McBride Bt } : (Biack 610) ' ST. FRTERS ANOLICAN Seal Oove Rev, J. S. Twining, B.A. UTR, (Reetor) Sunday School 1100 am : } Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m « (Blue 627) oe nr it Th BA PTist on 7 Sunday School 11:00 a.m Morning Worship Serviee 12:15 629 th Ave. E Blue 223 Pastor: Rev. Leonard A. First Presbyterian Church ch We extend a cordial invitation | to visitors to worship with us. | 231 Fourth Ave. East Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright, D.D. Organists: Mrs, E. J. Smith and John Currie, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1952 Morning Worship 11 o'clock Sunday School 12:15. Evening Worship 7:30 Minister at both services. “Remember the Sabbath Day | to keep it Holy.” | Morning Service 110 Evening Service 7:0 p= Sanday School 10:15 p= Pastor: Rev. il, 0. Qlven ’ ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHU Sth Ave. at McBride REV. HO. OLSON You are invited te com Worship at St. Px Latheran Church The Just Sha!l Live By Thanksgiving Serv OCTOBER 12 Si Sermon: “G! Counts Song by Girls’ Chorw Sermon: “A Palm as brance There, will be a wet aside for coord FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 202 Sixth Avenue We SUNDAY SERVICE 10:30--Syrday Sehool a Bible Ciass 11:30--