Steamship and Train Seivice t- tr-m rmttcc nurtuT vieooviR. vtcTom. skattlc, monoat l td THURioar 4 00 i rurof. COO ANVOX tt.1 ITtVVaT--l0IOAt fHOAT. 4.00 m. ' ALASKA WCONCIOAV. 4 00's KACStTT INtIT mOHDH. 4X0 MM. ' S4OC0ATI INLCT SOUTH QUtltK CMARLOTTC ISLANDS, ruiMir. , PAIIItiatR TRAIMS llAVI rl"tCS RUPIRT Slljr rxnft SufKliy t " "i PRIN0C OtOROE, IDMONTOtl, Wttltllfia, Ml HOtUt llrtu H. I fitted suit. f Ctl H Ot SUttxrtly Lt. I :nt,ln.-j ik.mI tpr" ' fitm. rurrirn Cttjuf. elf, to rur rwir iwll htrtnrnL Cltr Tkltt OIII. S2S Thlf4 A., PrliK Bprl. . Phone 2M. ' : . been alf$bfnte! to lite pfrmanenl laflr f the rrnnVlin School in Vancouver. Frank II. Wall, who ha ben vi.iHitt in .llio city for Win a1 week wilh hi ller. Mr. Alex. Mtltae, ill (iri-en Street, rr turtiftl to "aneouv.r on the Oaiala tixlay. I'ltf ltacltall pamr of lite ea-"tti at AertiKill iflll at t Irtittitl tin Muntlay. San Fran- . it ti Miriiier , t'rincv ttuDer. SuniiiT. liytj" Hand in attend ani-f and nrweetl go to the titty. 15l M ut. pjniH). Siintlay. Sport fur fprylKily. Tujr of War for" Mimii' Cu. iSinmJ imi'" and tliiniitiv. SMH?iitl iiltraftioif by lrt!i4ir Slago He Vileh and hi titmi of fun makem. lloalf U-Hf Cm Ray fmm 9 tili t. if titlfmen. fl.Ol), ladie ann children tfi. Tea, cuff, mid Q?ar AUHid. 15 lb it'Kular monthly meeting if the Prince Rupert Hoard ot I ratltt wa4 held lat eveninii in lite rtly council chamber. Tho nk,attetidaiice Mere Olnf llann.i .nlfiil. Arthur llrookMbank e-i'reary. Milton ((onzale. J. C Mcltae. Frank IMb. F. K. Hobcrt -tin, it. II. Arnold, O. V. Nicker ..n. J, W Mckinley. A. I.. Holt liv, j. Mclennan and JS. K UiiiiIhII. The I'riiiee ltuvcrt ltoani til " decided Ittsl ntiltt to b' conic afTiliattnl with the Cana lian Hoard of Trade, the annual fee Iteittg ., The Canadian Hoard of Trade, it Dominion widj tirganiialiuti, wn forntml larl car. II beat! tinire ( at (lUa:t ami Hie next convention will bi at SI. John, N.H where Prince Rupert will lx n'pnesented it it i found tOible to have a ii'leg.itf atleiii. , I. W. Mcker.iou for the Trad? anil imimerco committee r ported to the Hoard of Traile lat nik'lit that the governmvit wa calling for lenders for the (Jueen Charlotte Nlaud mail ser vite. the tenders lo be in by September in. Further action in connection with the matter wa left with the committee which i now in communication wilh Uiq Canadian Oovcrnment Mctx'hanl Marine. I'a!ei!itrcr! on board Hie fleamer IJrincc 5eorge tnakinu the round trio to Alaska this week include .Mr. and Mrs. Artliu Woodlinune of Fernie who vveiv married in Vancouver Ibis week, the bride having formerly been Mi s Muriel Wrlffh of Vancou- er. i iicy will !e in lite ci:v ulliltoutid on Monday. AuoIIid:- boneymonn ct,Klple on the snnv? ftcl are Mr. and Mr. Jack jl'.owley of Vancouver. Mrs. Cow- ley Having formerly been Mi.j l-dna May Hover. i Use iiMONDS SAWS DECUSE guaranteed to Cut 10 more tlntbcr lit an mo time, with leu labor than any other saw, SIMONO CANACIA AW CO, LTD. MONTRIAL VANOOUVtW. ST. JOHN, NR. TORONTO and got rata relief I kept right on until I bad tued throe bottle and wu completely relieved of my trouble. Now, I eaa eat anything I wiih with out baling any bad after effects." ' only by The T. ICIburm Toronto, Oat Stove length wood t.7.50 per load delivered Phone N. Gur-vich. Orecn 5I8f 154 Mrs. fleorge Vilm and fam- ily sail this evening on llm Prince Huitert for Vancouver where they will piid the sum titer vacation. A yountr boy appeared before MaffUlrale MeClymont in the etty police court IfiU morning on lite charge of theft and wa r- leatted on sutpended enlnre. Huilding permit.- iucd in the city durintr the month of June lotalied ? I J, Boil in value. A few residence ami rcpalM io exUiin? (ructurc were provided for. I'ii ion steamer Catala, Capi. A Jolmlone, returned from mak ing her call in the .au in! Skeena lliver at 12 noon, today and Hailed for Vancouver and way ports at I pJn. William McXel?), auditor of Iloanl wek WorkmcttV:XJompen('a''tin I, nfler havlnppaL several in (be city4 atio tlUtrict nu official dutie. return lo Van couver on the Pritjee Hueft thin evening. i A A teller from "the Japanese consul ul Vattcoiiver etking in format iaii a to exporters and iin"orleii at tin port wax ren at iat night's meeting of lit Hoard of Trade anil referred to the ccrcry for attention. Frank M. Durhemin of Kain- loop. Kraiitl dilrtcl deputy of Ihe Native Son of Canada, i a vimlor in Hie city having arrived last night after a tour through be interior. He Is conferring here with member:, of the local assembly. Mr. A. D. Chappell. accom panied by her daughter, Vivian and ton, (ienrge, arrived front llaielton -yejilerday afternoon and art leaving totlay for Vancouver whew they will meet Mr.. Chap peH's mot Iter and proceed by motor to Sacramento, Ual. Report of the. recent couven lion in Charlelon,SouHi Caro. lina, of (he National Foreign Traile Council of New York, 'at which a number of Canadian delegate were preenl, wa re ceived and filed at the meeliiia of the Hoard of Trade lat uigltl Several copies of the Canadian Journal t Commerce, a publica tion which i at pre.ent fealur- ing port tlexclopment in the Dominion, were distributed., al last night's meeting of the Hoard if Trade. The mrt of SI. John. N.H., is being featured in the currenl issue. W. T. Donnelly of New York, who iloigned the Prince Rupert Iry dock, had a letter before the Hoard of Trade last night askin for information with regard to levelopntents in .shipping and the II sit industry here. The secretary of the Hoard is forwarding the n formation to Mr. Donnelly. Passengers booked to sail for the south on C.NJl. steamer Prince Rupert, ('.apt. D. Donald, al ti p.m. include Mrs. (Seorge Wilson and family, W. R. Wll-eullotigh, Miss H. Colbbrne. W. iR.-McCulloChi Mr. am 1 Mri.K. RJ I Jordan. Mfsf R. iStntffliP(ir-J Ion Eraser, Mr. and Mrs. Eraser,. D. Canlnllni, A. Cantnlini, J. M.j Hrown, Miss -M., .Mrs. II. Menxies. Mr. and AlA. D. O. Stewart and family. Miss E. Kolosoir. (Ienrge H. Arpold, Mrs. Smith, ti. Carpenter and A. E Harron. ' VJwtH x Presbyterian Church Morning iervice at 11 .o'clock. Subject: "UwYt WorbL" '$$My School and Hlble Class at 12.30. Hveninj? service at 7.30. Subject: "JKirsi Jss. JCirt.',',. J'.reaqher itev. uitaj. if. Cameron,, M.A.. Ph.D. A cordial invitation lo all. Lutheran Church , St. Paul Kiik'Ush Lutheran Church, Meiropolc Hall, Third Aenue. Hev. Tbo. Himlc, pas- jtor. Morning worship at 11 o'- clock. Everyone cordially invit jcd. There will be no Sunday (School nor evening service dur-i,. i.. .....i .,,.. ...i tug iiji; atiti .iuu.ii. ... Baptist Church Sunday School at 10, Morning cervice at 1 1 o'clock. Sub eel "lihvciiHnti Hclme" Speaker, P. II. Linzey. Everting' wttrnliip at 7.30. Subject: "Th'i (ood Fight." The pastor "will conduct both ervice and Kiv! the vvening addresx. United Church The Church of Service. Morn ing wor-tbip at II o'clock. Preacher, Hev. Evan Hakcr. Solo, "My Task" by Mi. Molly Law rence. Sunday School will not meet. Evening service at 7.30 Preacher. Hev. Walter Allen, of Terrace. Solo, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," by J. S. Christian Science Society Service every Sunday morning in the -Hays' Hlock. 2 45 Second Avenue. Subject tin Sunday: "Ood." Testimony meeting oi Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The Salvation Army You will enjoy the service ct Ihe Army. Saturday 8.15, J'rain Sunday 1 1 a.m., Holme?. 2.3(1 Sunday School. 7-30 Captain Ilea, peaker. Captain A. TCenny will farewell for Juneau. Wed and Thursday public meeting. Let the Army serve you. The 1025 report of the AlberU Co-Operative Wheat Producers giving the history and .statistic of Hie wheat pool, was presented i.. it... ,.t T....L nl : . iu iiitr uud i u ul x due ai in meeting last night. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Bit tmyiHi u t Mineral Uiun. ntu ate In .be Mini MiniDK Divitlnn or Cit tlir PrMnrt. Where lmlrd: on Vol ruitp iwt (Vuleaii t;reelf . ettJiitniDS im tuinri or nig i.anyun Mi. t ti lrnii Mineral Cltlm (Lot tlTI). TAkK MITILE Hid I. Lllrn Molloy, rr MiiH-r's tVrtiritjtt- No. 70TJ. In-trnrl. tiy dij rntiii the date brreor, lit awij i iii .nintnr Htrtiruer ror I Certiorate of ImnrotrnMrOIi. fur the nur Iim- of tititalnlne a Crvun Grant or the aootr nami. And rurlhrr take mitlre that arlKti under serlton 37. niul be romrorncei Mttrr the isaue or tuch Certiricate et linlrVHiirat(. Uatrd mil 1st day or June. A D. lt h. nt.v rn.vsEH, LAND ACT. a rent. Notice of Intantion U Apply to Purchaa Lane. tn Prlnrr Ruivrt Ijiitl nerordinr Ili.lrlrl f I'rtotrv nmtrt-l ami ltuatr at trfuuu iijv. vntri oiwi. tiranam iiaiin. v .. i. TAkE .MTlt:K that Mlllrrd. of rnnce Kupen. B. i: . nrrubitmu ranniry man. Int. int t;i apply fur wrtnulon lo rairrliar the rolkmlnr dtenbed nands UwiiiiH-nrlna at planted at ttw N. W. nirtwr or Lot IS? I. (.turn Uiarlotle IIJ ttlslrlrl ttienre Kintli t rbaliM; thwire tsi 10 t-hain: thrnrr north to Ilirti W'aUT Mark; tttrm-e eatlrrly aMir llipli Walrr Mark In potiil or rttninirnrr-iit. and conlaiulur go arres. Miore oi leJi. IRA Mil i MlLt-tnn. n!n jiitv inn. Applicant, LAKD ACT. Cantiar Land DHtmL Land Itrmrdlna Dtorlil of I'rlnrr liur-rt and uliujtfd on Taku Arm, lUuut miles southwest or nimilh ur AtltnloMtivrr. TAlE .MiT ce mat Franc Hirbard nunhHi r Atlm. B.C.. onupatl.ui mil I nianaarr. Inlrnd to apply tr eriul.luti lan.l: ittin-nate tue following def nlxrd r-miiiifrirliie at a pom plinietl nn the sou in MKtrr or iaau Arm aooui mue anutlirt rroni I ho mouth of Allintn lilvrr ami .runnlnr thence o chains. e: Ounce to chain south: thence iu chains eal; and thence fti chains north to point of cummenreinenL conialnlng 40 acres, more or !. f RASCJS R1CHARO OU.M.OP, Applicant. Pate, llln. MavJO. LAND ACT. holies of intantion to Apply to Laase LanSl in ennce ttupen land necurtjinit ois mi l or i.oai lunar a. ana situate on Snnlh Rathael Ma ml. NOTICE thai Alfred Swenoa. or Prince Ituperl. rx-rupatlott Mariner. In tend to apply for a lete of the follow-Inf desrrltied lands: Commenrlnr at a pott planted at the mirth end or south rtarhael pland; thentv around the Island at hlrtt water mark and rcntalmna' 40 acre, more or levi. ALFTlEri SWANS"?!. Applicant tioert rm LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantion lo Apply to Leas Land In Prince Hiiperl l and necordme pi's- trlrl nC Coat nanee , and situate w Norm Hacnaei iiann. TAKE NOTIC.F that A fred snm. or prince iuirert. orri nation Mariner, in tends to apply foe a lcae of the follow Inr desrrlhed lands: Cominenclnr at a pnst planted al the smun enn or Norm nacnaei tint: inencr around the Island at high water mark: and containing to acres, nmre or le.s. VLFREr..SWN,,1l, Appllcani Dated April ST. m. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon aad by SANTAL MIDY war of Imitations Look for th word "MIOY" sold hy ill drurriits Rallasttf by Ci3 gaturdar, July 3, 1020. THE DAILY NEWS PAQB THRE1 t? WEST 2Zih AVE.. SHAUCHNESSY HEIGHT! VANCOUVER. B.C. Jin Jlngllcan, alJtnllal aniDay School for Qi,U ProvJcl thorough t due w ion wilh careful moral 4 I y'rfi imtrurtlon. F st VA " i"" oeniof Matriculation, Aft MSc. hyicl Education WJh indoor wvl outdoor spotis. All the Mistral WJ (rora the ben r :.k t C-AnAin Univercitiet. t . M, Now! Now! YOUR OLD PHONOGRAPH SHOULD'CIVE PLACE TO THE NEW Orthophonic Victrola i Model 4-3, $U5 j C ul iti mul ce u l'ie 'M w . gi jy tin' new once tit' fliiiiiiiraill( now it 1- Hit tlrllf 'Ofli "ill atifarlinu 1 way for new wr 1 u ;i '.l-1 ill, you can t.i.lf to vouf present tn-ii omenl ; Aw- in.trvcluu mu- uunlerpiece. V This It our invitation toyou to come to compare and to choose. eMftaMm.oGd Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOK8, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Price Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and Mtfcrltle SL Everything for; the Builder LUMBER We htivp Hi. n. rinliletc stuck f limber. dimensions, nhtplap. 1 lnifeh. flooring, V joml. veneers fir., in Norlln Bill 4 Wo can supply everything In aiiulldlng from the foundation to the lait piexe of finish. "Tiffore buying iii.p ' slock II will pay you. Our price ore right. Albert' & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 11G and 117 Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor, phone 34 S P.O. Box 10p ; Itnmrtn'A Slcef llotK Ptj , ,hd O.stcrmoor Mul-tresses cutj room. ri2 Rooms. Hot nnd Cold ,V ter, lAatli uiul Showers. Slt-ain Healed, Klti lru I.iglit. 7" ft 4 Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERfT'jB.C. Local and Personal Mione 1 5. P.Il. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 78. tf B.C. Undertakers.' Phone 41. JJjTslal Firelighters, n'.OO. Hyde ctfo 48 ton Transfer, Phone tf eorjre II. Arnold ?ils Ih.s afternoon oil the l'rincV Hupei t for ancotiver. He will he away rtlAiul len days on business. .Mrs, (Iforgn WadiltfJf'kBil family, will nail , lontttfit pn ik Prince Huperl for Vancouver where they will' future residence. Hake uli their II. 1. Wllinol, liquor hoard auditor, whit is well known here, has hPen 'refuited discharge from bankruptcy 40 the Suprenif (Jourt at Vancouver. VMii Kvi'lyji Slieagrccn, who formerly langht frltool at NVw llaxelion it' litis rUrieL ha Dyspepsia , Caused Her Agony After Every Meal Un. 1L Caldwell, 2335 Hemlock St, Vancouver, H.C., write: "After iuf-fering for yean with agony, fom dyipeptla and indigestion, after erery meal, I ittrted taking 1 J Church Notices COIYS SPECIAL SELECTED Very Old Very Smooth KTAeuSlttO is ism DEMAND J bnh H AiiUZ VP MP Very Flavorful Very Popular CANADIAN RYE WHISKY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Toilet Goods Sale Witlf every' purchase' of a oOc box of Jonlcel Cold Cream Powder we give you a 25c cake of Jonleel Toilet Soap, both for 50s A 75c Purse Vial of Cara Nome Perfume given free with ever)- purchase of a $2.00 box of Cara Nome Face Powder, bilh for '. J...., $2.00 A Loose Powder Vanity and one 75e,box of Cherisetb, Face Powder, both for . $1.00 A 25c tube of Ilexall Milk of Magnesia Toolh Pasle and a 25c Toolh Hriish, both for 40c A 1.00 bottle of Itexall "!)3" Hair Tonic and a 50c bottle of Lorie Liquid Hrilliantiue, both for , :'. $1.00 A 25c bottle of French Balm and a 25c tin of Gentlemen's Talcum Powder, both for - 40c A 10c cake or Tiny Tot Toilet Soap and a 25c (in or Ti"' Tot Talcum Powder, both ror . . 25c Ormes Ltd. The It EXALL STORK - The PIONEER DRUGGISTS 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Dd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Loggers! Loggers! We have the only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks 'and purls in the North. We handle lagging Gable, Axes, Peavjes, Saws, nul general Camp Equipment. It will pay you lo sec us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 1 710 Second Avenue V'.lt . I ' St. fl f UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sslllma from Prince lluiwri 'or VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA,, Swaasan . and Alart, Say, Tudi, S P.M. or VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA Atari Has, and loiititi talueday, 10 A.a Foe PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rler Cannarlas, Thursday p.m.1 Foe PORT S1HPSON, ANVCX. ALICK ARM. STIWART. Sunday. S p.m. US led A sane. J. Barnalay, Atant. ' pel Rupaet, ava