PAGE BIX Striped. Broadcloth III useful color, combinations. A splendid quality for house or picnic trasses, thirty six inches wide- 60c l'EJl YAM) WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 B0URJ0IS French BATH SOAP Delightfully Fragrant . Three Odors ' ROSE EAU DE COLOGNE SANTAL I'er cake ... .. 35o 3 cakes for .... $1.00 Dox of 0 cakes ...... .$1.75 Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Meat Dept. Holled Pot Hoasl Ueef, per lb. 12'2c Holled prime llih, per lb. 20o Hound Steak, 2 lbs. .. 45c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. ... 55c Itoiling Heef, per lb. . . . 10c Corned Heef, per lb. ...'8c Sholder lloast Veal, per lb. 18o Lr Veal, per lb. ...... 25o Veal Chops, per lb. ... 25o Stewing: Veal, 2 lbs. ... 25c Pickled Pork, per lb. . . 20c Shoulder pork, per lb...25o Hpef Dripping, 3 lbs. . . 25c Sausage, our own make. 2 lbs. 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417 423 5th Avenuo East Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office llours--V to 6. X-Ray Sondes Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday EveniiiKS Saturdays 9 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. k ('triage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Sieving. SBssssW Tonight- Tomorrow Alright MR Tablets atop sick headaches, relievo bilious attacks, teno an j reculete the ollminativo erians, meko you jeel tine. "BettirThan Plls For Uvtr Ills" I Cot Twr I j tSe. Bet. Dritilst LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. I). . Stewart and sons sail tonjght 011 the Prince Hupcfl Tor the south. Mr. Stewart will be away for a few weeks,' ami Mrs. Stewart and family will spend the vacation at their sum tner home near Vancouver. . . ' Mr. ami Mrs. A.,fE. Hazzetl-Jones will sail Momlaurternoon for Seattle from which city they will nmtoV to 'Saf Francisco where they will visit their son, Sidney Hazzcll-Jones. They wil! be away a counle of months. Hon. T. J). Pat,ulio, . minister of lauds, returned from Hie' interior on yesterday afternoon's train and proceeded at once hy Iho steamer PrinCc Hupert to Stewart anil Anyox. jlo will be back in the city parly next week. j I Miss Irene Morand, who has been called to her home fit Ver-nr n on account of her mother' illness, sails on the Prince llu. pert this evening for the south MJss Morand had been employed at Dent's Ladies' lloady-lo-weai store. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Timber 81 X2E93 Sealed lenders will Ik- recclvrd by the Minister of lands it lctoria nut later Ihan nuuii on the Ittli day or July. I Villi, ror the urrliase tl Licence X?6V1, to rut 3, 5 4,0oo Tret ut Spruce, Hemlock mil Odar uu an area situated on the Weil M of la in i Inland, near Moresby Island. (Jiiitii :harlollc Island Wslrlrt. Three rj. years will le allowed Tor removal or timber. Further particulars ot the Chief Forester, victoria. It. :.. or District Forester, t'rinre luipeil, B. t. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Timber Sal X7949 Sealed tenders will be received by the Mlnlitter or Lands at Victoria nut later than noon on the ISlli day ut July. l6, ror the iMirrhaie of Licence X7l. to cut m.000 U nca I feet or Cedar roles anil IMInir on an area situated on portions or Lid tS 11. Str. and SI6. North of Hazel-km, Cassia r District. Three i3' years will be allowed Tor removal of flutter. Further particulars or the iief Forester, Victoria, B. i:., or District Forester. Prince Hupert, B. C. TIMBER SALE X6491. Sealed Tenders will be received by th Minister of Lands at Virtorla not late than noon n the t.'.th day or July, tvtf. ror the puliae or Licence X6ivi, to rut 4,88t.uuu reel or Spruce, Hemlock. Bal sm and Cedar on t:osle Inland, Douglas Ulannrl. Hanire 4, Coast District. Two t vi-ars will le allowed ror re moral, tif tlmlier. further naillrulars of the Chief Fore ter. tuna. H.r y or 'District forester-. I'nnre Hupert, II.'.. Semi-Annual STOCKTAKING SALE Monday, Tuesday and Wodnesday Only Oreat West. Tudor or Empress Tea, 2 lbs. for S1.35 Malkins West Jelly Powders, 15 pkgs. for 95c Matches, large packages, rcg. 45c-, 3 pkgs. for , 95c Classic While Laundry Soap, 10 bars for 95o 19 rolls Toilet Paper 95c 7 tins Quaker Corn 95o 7 large tins Tomatoes 95o Kmpiess or Malkins IJcsl traw- herry Jam, i lb. tin 85o ( lbs. Fresh (Singer Snaps . . 95c Heady cut Macaroni, in bulk, 3 lbs. for ................... 35o Seedless Haisins, In hulk, 5 lbs. (for 70o 110 lbs. lies! Jap Itice 95c 1 13 lbs. Granulated Sugar 95c is!. Charles and Pacific Milk, per 'ease $5.50 J i tilts Libby's Crushed Pineapple S1.00; jHest Home Cured Dacon, by thej slab, per lb 47c Don't delay getting your Terrace j Strawberries fo preserving this! week. Price will be, per crate. ' $2.75 and $3.00 ! B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 674 GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor Hvccivi'r, Liquidator, 'I'ruslCi?, e. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PHINCL' Hl'PKKT WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. luiillY ISLAND. llalninp. fresh southeast wind; barometer; temperature, 57; sea moderate; 8 p.m. spoke 1 tun ltooseyet lowing barge. Notlinj?-liaiii bound Port Hob rim sfot SeuUtc, 18 .miles- ffom ' Seattle ; p.m.'" spdke steamer Anyox hound Ladysmitli for Princo Hupert 70 miles from Prince Hupert; Princess Louise due Kct- rliikan fi a.rn. southbound. ,UEAI THKK POINT. llaro- meler 30.08; temperature, 50. Noon DlHllY ISLAND. Itainim?; I fresh southeast' wind; barometet 20.95; temperature 50; sea moderate; noon in Catala southbound; Princess Louise and Princess lieatrice arriving Prince Hupert 3 p.m. 1 DEAD THKK POINT. Hare-meter 30.08; temperature 61. HULL HAHHOIt. Misty, light! norlhwcsl wind; barometer vt, ifiiiiuM aiure sea smooin.! Subscrilifi to Iho Dally News. LANO ACT. Nctlc ot Intention to Apply to Ltast Lana In Prince Itiii-rt Land llerordlur Dis-irlrt or rnnee ltuixtt. and situate in the icinil) of Bom; spit, llraliain Island, yueen Cliarlotle District. TAkE .MiTltt that Lanaara FIsIiIuk k 'arkinr 4:oinauy. Limited, or Victoria, B.C. occupation canuers, intends to appl for a lease or the rullowln; described ands: Couiniriirftiff it i post planted at the northeast rorner of Lot .No. 4t; theuce io io ton tow water wairr mark; mam; liieiire nience tn in a a tiorth- norm-1 easterij directum two miles; thence w,uih-! ealerly two 'chains: thence southwesterly two miles to twin! or cnmmeiireii,ent, and containing- tt arres, nune or less. LAVOAIlA tlSllI.KO 4. I'ACKI.NG CO. LID. I'er E. H. Simpson, A rent. Applicaot. Paled June 4. 1V. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lane In Land nerordlmr District of I'nnre Hupert, and situate at head or Skatl Inlet, Moresby land, (Jueen Charlotte ufimi'. TAkE MlTICE that The Canadian Flub Insr Coiiiany. Limited, or Vancouver, occupation Sainton Canorrs, Intends tn apply i or a lease or the follow inr described mids: Couunenrin it post planted at Ix-ad or Skaat Inlet. IS chains north or un named Creek; thence west SO chains; thence south to jrhalns; thence east to chains, more or less, to shore line; thenra northerly follow Inr shore line to I'.o.C. and contalnlur 40 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING" COMPA.NV. LIMirtD. Appllrant. Per William Alfred Bower. Dated Hlh prll. tit LAND ACT. Casslsr Land Dlstrlrt. Land nemrdlnr District or Prince Hupert. and situate on Atlln Lake aUiut Ji miles southwest ot Atlln Townslte. TAkE MITICF. that Edwin Jules F.atert, or Alhn. In the Province or British Colum bia, itrrupatlon nperatinr tourist launch. intrno la apply rnr permission to pur cnase ine loiiowi 'lliiwinr descrllied lands: Comnienrlnir at a post planted at tlv southeast corner or 0 lacier Bay, In Atlln Lake, sltualetl is above; thence rollnwine the shore line west to chains; thence suth to chains; ttience east in chains: thence north to chains, to fHilnl of commencement. EDWIN JULES ECOtnT. Applicant. 5! led Alay to. t9f ; LAND ACT. Notlo ot Intention to Apply to Lease Foreshore In Ouei-n Charlotte Hlands Land Be-rordinr District of Prince Hupert, and situated m miles wet of Alllford Bay, ikidetate Inlet, and fn.ntlnr on Lot 14 4, Owen Charlotte District. TAkE NOTICE thai the B.C. Flshlne It Parkin Company. Ltd.. 'or Vancouver, II. C, occupation Salmon Canners. Intrnds tn apply Tor lease of the follow In r described Foreshore: Commenrine at a post planted at the southwest corner or l-ot 14 4; thence northerly and easterly rmiowlnir the line of Mh water mark, 34 chains, more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot III; thence west J chains; thence soulheilj and wetftlv. follow Inr a line parallel te the line or hlrh walr mark, 14 chains, more or les; thence eat t chains to IHiint or rommenrement, am) ronHlnlnr 17 acres, more or les. linlTISH CHI.I'MBM FISHING AND PAL-KINO OOMPAISY LTD. ' J enerwieMi, nsxni. Dated AOIh April. I Otft. f SAILING? TO EDltOPEA MAKB KKSr.RVATIflN'S NOW FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool July v, A it if. Moiitclare July S3. An ir tu Moulroee Jnlj. ju. Aur. n Montcalm To Charbeurg-Southampton- Antwerp July II, or. It ' Meltu" Jul)' it, Auic. Ki . Mlliuedosa To Bslfsst-Olsigow Jul) I.., Auv. I Melavama FROM QUEBEO To Liverpool July lo, Sept. tii Moiitrnyal To Chsrbourg-Southampten-Hamburg Jul tl.Auit. IS.. Fnipi-e.'-1 of Scotland Aiijr. 4, Sent t . . Empress o Frame o Belfast-Glasgow July in. Aur Moiilnalrti to Acenti evtrywhere or POKSfCR. Csn. Ail. R. Station. Vancouver, Telephone Seymour JSJO,, rac, Ky-. TraJSc Ajtou. f- L ! THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, July, 3, 1020. AJtA Waterfront Whiffs (continued from page fivo) coiner with a? scow toad- of coal and a scow load of lumber in low for the Alb.ert.Motlatery, interests. The lug unloaded her cargo and sailed for the south on the same day. , The Union steamer Uhilllwack was also in port this week, witb a cargo of lumber to be used in connection with Hie construction of the liew biolozical t:ifimi. fur the !ame concern. LightiimiM! tender Newington, ICapt. II. Onnistoir, coaled up at the Albert-McCaffery, dock pror to proceeding on a departmental business cruise in surryunding waters. The salman seining hoals have all loft port after completing OMrhaul and engine trials. There I has been considerable activity oul tlm wiili-rf mill in li.ilh Hi.. I, nil. I ' of new seiners, reports' of! which have appeared in these col unins, and on repair work to this particular class of boat. The lo cal seining fjlcol, which has been coiisiucraiiiy augmented tills season, is a callable one and big things are looked for when the boys "cash in" in the fall. Capt. Oeo. Mclvor, skipper and owner of the general -utility power boat Ki Ki, has recently installed a 10 h.p. heavy duty Clay and .i .... ni i i engine everything is all set for the big time. The latest tragedy to hit the north is the wild goat scare on Digby Island. These goals tecm to haw it in for the peaceful picnicker and arc especially susceptible to chasing ladies. In fact, several well known local lady pic nickers hae been ''treed" by1 lhere homed monsters and while many of the fair ones have been rescued from high branches it js feared there may yet still be a few up aloft. ;In fact so ugly has the menace become that the boys of the Moose brigade are said to be organizing a goat hunt for tomorrow. It's rather disconcerting to be gaily munching a sandy amlwjli under a shady tree when suddenly a Joy wrecker, ill tho shape of a three horned goat, appears with lowered head and makes one explore the topmost branches regardless of clothing and safety of neck. Then again there is the prospect of a sweet damsel suddenly jumping into line's lap from the trees and upsetting the picnic milk. A warning to goat keepers on the island if the picnickers get your gnat. Wame yoursehes becausn the goats have already got the goats of the picnickers. The Jazz King Hill Clapperton,, tile youthful so'n of "Doc" Clapperlon, has gone Io Prince George arrayed like a jazz kina, hnd threatens to put the interior shieks right out of business in one swoop. Hill has gone to visit his brother Jack but, before leaving, he purchased a pair of the whitest and niftiest looking barrel - bottomed pants one would cum- sen on clothes lliue. In addition, he arrayed him- self III a UCCktlC WliCI WOllld,. ,.,,.,1 I.. .It Ill -,.i;.i.. .....n w ..if... vUllllllllb sun-nil: : if be ran into il. And the college sweater was perfect beaut. To try and desriibe tlie coKr would I fire a box of malcbcs in a bucket Jull or water. If Hill doesn't make a Is 1 1 then someone is sure i going to li if him. The Letter Box PEDDLER'S LICENCE. Ldllor Daily News. I understand that The honor- aide .councillor;! of lii city are passing u measure . whereby a street vendor is required lo pay tpti in oKder lo lawfully pursue bis trade. I happen to livo lit the outskirts of the city and t man generally comes aruumj here tuice a week with rres'Lheop these dates In mind and vegetables and berries in season, book your order with us. 1 buy JtiosQ.,$Jii'Ces';trlcs at less tosl rrom this maiiitinl it shvlm me a I rip lo (he store. Now, I a k, wli.y shojild this iiiuii be ruled out. or business by our council? II u cannot pay a $50 frivj. -testes Jt'heetlsi!. W'Uv utirtillil li.iV rs tt to protect Hie merchant? If SO. what about the consumer? How about giving him a little pro tectioii? If.tbo wife of a work ing man can select fresh vege tables at her front door . and save the time ;tiut expense, of i trip to down town stores, why Iiouldn'l she be allowed to do SO? LOLIS l'OHKHl'D. REGIMENTAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT IS TO BE STARTED TODAY The draw in I tie first round of tbo 1st Haltalion North II. C. Jte- gimeut tenuis tournament resulted as follows, the games to com nience this afternoon at 2.30: Men's Singles Jameson vs. McMordie. Johnston vs. WReon. Howard vs. F. 11. Smith. Duller vs. lllnlon. ArnoM s. Palmer. Cannicliael vs. Tinker. Nichols vs. Wallers. Yotiiigman vs. Pringlc. MEMBERS OF LOCAL REGIMENT ARE GOING SOUTH FOR TRAINING Five member of the ll Haltalion North II. C. Ilcjrimenl will attend a course or instruction at the District Camp School, Itodd Hill. mar Victoria, July 18 to 30. The following members, who: will leave here for the south on July 15, hae bren selected to attend the course: Capt. J. S. Wilson, It. Q. M. S. Itmb, St. Ho, Signaller Wilkinson and Hgnaller Painter. WATER NOTICE Use and Storage TAkE -NOTICE lbatTM. niirrurr. whose address la Atlhi. B. r. win ,,iy tor a licence Io take and us To t:. r' V au. u I'" 4 :. F. S. of water oul or 4th HI .uly r.rerk, which rtowr south we-lerlv ami drains Into Alhn Lake, about mil. iB.rih of Alhn. Tlie store re dam will be located af or near the Toot i.. a chain or small lakes. The rapacity of the reervMr Io be created Is about lo million nibie feet, and it wil ifbHMt alxiiil tvon acres of land. In cludmir tlie lake.. The water will be di verte.1 from in- stream' at a point alxitn and U'I W Hie pr -foeed dam atxiUI miles wester I) of we. hue ul lift or July Mm eral Mann, and will be use1 fi nwer foi tulninr portu ses upon tlie name, dew ritd s Altm Mlier Lead Mines and Iturfner Onitipa of Mineral Claims. Thl. notice was poUed tm tlie r-,iind or. the day of June. Vt. A c'tpv of thl, until alel n antilo-ao.. pursuant Iberelo and to the -AVater Ai I lH." will lie filed in the ofrhe of 11k I Mer In-enrder al A tlm. Objection' i . ! application may t riled with the said 1 . "r"fl1'r " IU Ui elptrfler " ".in o.mi.. i-ariiameni nnlldlnt- i lctorli. B C. within thirty days after) flr.1 aiiearaiire of this notice in i hi.-aj ,,r or lm lrM niipnia l ton of utis notice is Jul i. ttt J. M lirtFNFIt, 4pplnam MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Black smith Mineral r.lalm. stluat In Jhe Atlln Minlne litviston of Casslar DIs trtel. Where located- 4)n Crater ek i tributary, of Fourth of July reek. tdjolnlne Ihe oarry Owen MlueMl :iim r.n its southerly side. -TAkF yiTI(.E that I peter Oabrlo. tree Miner' Certificate No. 70aS0. In lend. ltv data fr.n tlie date hereof, to apply to the Mlnlne Heeorder for I Ceriirlcate of Improvements, for Ihe pur pose or olitainlne a Crown Orant or the above rjsim. And further take iiollre that action, under section S3, must be commenced bernre tlie Issue of euch Certificate of ImfieoveuieMs, Dated thl.- tsl day of June. A.D. lit, II, VtN, FltASEH. Aeent rreserving ! Season- (We Keep You Advised) Bing Cherries Are al l heir best now. Prices will not be much lower. nor the quality any hotter. Strawberries Will be rlglil as to price and qua lilv itbnul July Hi (o 15. Rupert Table Supply Co Phonos 210, 211 and 212 A Word to theWise Although with us business has always been good, thcro are times when wo are compelled to meet any price cutting In our line. OUR MERCHANDISE IS ALL BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH Our motto has always been to give you honest goods at an honest price all the year round. There are many grades of merchandise In the Jewelry line. - You only fool yoursolf whon you think you nro getting something for nothing. BUT WE WILL MEET ANY CUT PRICE OFFERED YOU IN OUR CITY AT ALL TIMES Ono of tho flnost stocks In the whole of Canada to choose from. VISIT OUR BASEMENT 8TORE Max Heilbroner 527-529 Third Avenue Tho Diamond House of tho North WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday nt 7 and 9 The Drama Supreme THE FOOL Adapted for Ihe srreen frum (Jh numiff pull-ti k'- ijnirr: murh-disrtifsed .titiri - l that name. Vivid, wta'. amazing, gripping entertainment. The ltr of a nin wh tried lo live ill the preseni n ChriM would htr? done, who faced dealh and duugi'i- Hi i l r-- mighf live It ippilv Yon, your-eir, arf in tin- picture. Kind yiHtrself. A -en satiomil photii)lay in winch on will find per-m writ ciiaraeterislir- iuiilur lo otir own. Omie and read mir own guoti points and ymir nwn h.ul une. Diltiigtiihed i-.i-l. Edmund Lowe, Brendn Bond, Raymond Bloomer, Paul Panzer, Henry Sedley, Mary Thurman, Rose Blossom, Ann Dale and many others. PATHE REVIEW 50c and 2Go THE LAST WEEK Monday, Juno 2Dth, till Saturday, July 3rd THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF OUR Clearance Sale tint not tlie least, hy any mcaiir, a we have reserved tlie best bargain- lo thi week. Romomber tho Dato June 28th till July the 3rd DOMINION DAY SPECIALS Hoys' White Jtiinniiig .Shoes, during this week only, to Sell at 25',; DIscounL Tins the larget discount ever given on Hoys Itiinniiig Shoes. Men's Huuiiiiig .Shoe, any color, thin week only 20- Disc. Hoys' Hrown Itiiiiiiiug Shoes, llis week only 15 Discount. Ladies' Itiiiiiiiug Shoe mid Smart Hlcp Uaiivu.s "Shoes, less 15. Ladies' While Duck Leather Sole Shoes. Two slvles, $V?5 .and $5..(0. During this week lo clear at V . . . $2.76 Men's Shoes, Liberty make, values to l).r0 lo rh?nr at $4.75 Children's Itiinniiig Shoes, ruhher solu only, lo clear al 05c Children's Sandals, brown only, to clear $1.25 Ladies' I'anaiim Hales, suitable for picnics lo clear. . 75c Ladies' W hite Plctpie Skirls for pirnles, regular 93.50, to dear at 51.00 Tho rollowlnc extra specials are for this week only, and are absolutely for cashl Indies' Chaiubray House Dresses for .1. . 05o Ladies' Canvas Slides, wilh leather soles, regular "M M). advertised before ot $1.1)5, now . $1.25 Voiles, rug. 05c-$l,t0, during this week only l yds. for 05o Vwishwcll Oinghani, reg. UU-inch wide, ami (50c it yard, now iJ yard for , . . $1.00 Cotton Crci'i!, ,5 yurds for '. '.Y.l t . . $l!oO Alt lhe reductions rc uuido herore ymijcnvu Id your noiiilftye. j like ailM,tK0 of olir rfl.r 11Uj H.,.,jy yoiirseir und Ihe rh.blrcn with shoes at these prices. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phon6 645 Corner 3rd and 7th PJPJBBBBBJJpSpj