' PAGE TWC j5 it DAILY Only Good Tea is Satisfying 'SALE OF FUR "SAUDA" TEA A Lady Bred biresies her feet " a well as her head. "She knows that Ct " shabby shoes spoil thef charm of chic . i-hat and dainty frock. So touch of 'NuKet,? Polish a few light 'rubs and her smart1 Pumps and Oxfords are "polished as a lady's shoes should be. THIGGEf ShoePol ish TXT i good, fine flavored and fresh. The Daily News PH1NCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Affernoon, except Sunday. Ihe Prince - Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLE.V, Alaaaffing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. iMiLy tomo Wednesday, Mar 19. 1026. -More Like Business Every Day. ,TJie elevator situation look more like business every day. Tlie final announcement iiMe flfftcially of what we all knew beforje makes it clear to every Irody that Prince Rupert is on the jrraiu euiirort map and (hat there i .about to biisines- doing- here. AVhen the officials of the hoard arrive we shall dotibtle learn nore of their plan iu-ofar as (hi port is concerned. The local ' opinion of Ihoe who have already conferred wilh the grain j-eople i that it is the intention of the Pool officials to ue the elevator here Ut it capactl and that we may look for a big e-ort business from here in the near future. It is also dear from despatches: emanating from Calgary ,hat plan are being laid to have shipment made regularly by a number of different steamship lines a well a by tramj steamer. Why Not Regular -Sailings' From Port? Now that the grain elevator Is to be operated in a large way, it i probable that the Canadian Government Merchant Marine may consider Ihe propoal to ojierate a line of steamer regularly from this port to the Orient, carrying grain ami other merchandise outward and bring In silk and tea and the produce of the Far East as mentioned by Fred Stork in hi budget speech. It is reasonably to be expected IhaU Kinw such action ,will be taken this fall. If ever it i to be done, the present time ern' opportune. , ' Rebuke For Those JrVho 8ee Nothing In Canada. - There are thoe who, though, living here, see oojhiug good ,in Canada, Such were well rebuked by the fJovernor-fieiferal jii hi address to Ihe Canadian Club at icloria when he -aid . jin effecUthat Canada wa an impruvuuieiit on the Old Country ?'iud the United State. The country, in the matter of constitution ha adopted .onie of the fealurn pf each with good result. THe governor said htswa, .optimistic in regard to thi foiiiilr svliere he said the Old, Country prejudices had beeii dropped. V. j . Courtesy 'Of Premier King. Hon. Arthur Meighen wa sick yesterday and could not Appear in Ihe llone of Common to take part in Ihe debate and lo vote iin the question at iue. Arrangements had to he made for him to pair with some member of Ihe government, and Jhat courtesy wa extended to him by Premier Mackenzie King, who himself abstained from voting because hi doughty opponent could not be present to do o alo. Htplj rnurl;sies a that redeem political life from it sor sJidnesv ? They indicate that the rulers of thi country have in hem the gentlemanly qualities whiofi are looked for in the elalenieii of the old countries. . Regretnlllness Of - Mr. Meighen. Everyone will regret llial .Mr. Meighen was unable to take pari in the budget debate, lie was to have closed the long deviate for the. opposition but his place had to be taken by his .JieulenaiLl, lion. It. H. HeiuieU of Calgary. While doubtless Mr. lletlnett-wonld undertake -the "WdrW wll)v dignity, ami also 'effe-livl, everyone would have likt'd to read'the speech of Ihe leader ofKtho. opposition on so momentous an occasion. : The fact thalfhe-was unable to lak. pari owing lo illnes i mailer or regret:. It is to be hoped, Ihat'he will btt'Jiack in ..hi .Ic! oon, making the government hew to the line and waleliiug thai invy no noi aniise me power wnicn is ineirs. 5 i 1 BUtok-Tan-Tony Rtd-Dark Brown and Whit (Neutral) or light color. ..... ... i . .a. ... . ituggei I'oiunuiB uuini complete lor nome uie ji In cardboard boa 50e. In metal box 60c. AT EDMONTON SpiU of British Strike Condition i-h slnic oflitinn. leaver found a slronz lemaBL setlkic teady wtlb iat ah, best to! ALAS, alas it lakes so litllu To make (lie rosips clack. They must have fodder for their! chewing And biting for somebody' back. NOV thai spring fashions nr.; about exhausted let us look over the summer suits. .,;' '' MIS' GROUSE. 'jf "What a rotlen service,"; ex claimed Ihe man as he prepapeh to leave the bus. "Why?" asked 'the. conductor, "Someone gave up his seat for you. didn't he?'! "Yes," said the man, "but iny wife had lo stand all the way." FINAL FLURRY IN CITY COUNCIL .BEFORE PASSING OF ! AGREEMENT HANDING POL- ICING TO .PROVINCE. ! Continued frm Pizt i. i i - -r ... . Good Prices Obtained at .8aJt In w- ,,jnjc f", . " sV 's.f.f Lr Im MllfmiT UUi in tin raln a!""! had Rftt had nwtir rr-j KIViTrt K&r ,19 Th-lthrnUe.- 11 ur?4 that r..- a,r. .a l.. w v'mU-r shtuflit if ttWBrtW end. boei ear ellms wfAP"'' 'trJf - and motU prin oOUIshhI m otbrr line in'.pi;e of the Bril-j Ur?ed No Delay . . . t, f- ..... sirair htui ial sale price- vr m numnwrs m .., extra largr prime lot up t 3t.leeal police f..n-. iBer wa la skit) around 136, mdiiiBMt nothing arwwt H and smaller kia 11, w-hiriilValin? wstftth- iuiij fiai jincrs ai rropfii .irw Vork nt Seattle ale. A jzood offnng tif uortberi mukral hrrd lronsly Hi. effect of the unsettled market. re?iterjnK a drop of e-n r rent, frftm lat alv. Ile-i lot -containing a hfgfal t1 per eu: of shojt pelt brought in l.t small offertsig of ermtue soll any uf tacm. m wa am. Mttrwto mit vf lb ehaasy HowrvMt t MHaier of tlhr ei- pneal al it would eipdui- mailer to stt- it tpu?Ul. Aklfrman ilasy characferu--d Hi turn a itte Ut ai of djio? ?rrotrni. Th Attorney eeral would kill all hi-enenl wltb Ihi- hIc 1rer Tbo vole wa- thn iake awl worth around il.lft, wt8e ribeYJ carried. fter wbi-a Alderwuiw lo niwei a to per t. dron-Ioe rtreer sim:i with be! skini at 115. J Foxes Several winter , caught larKCt red fox plis otd up to with the average offefki $ Ihi line -till somewhat neglect ¬ ed at fIJ lo I3. A vers coh niofi oiTerinx f er foie te. dined fne per eeal, with avee age petls artHinit 4lt. S"Hr foi showed a fair demand, with ppo.) mniium-prKed iin finding read!.ab' at ?IS to 60. Average To1 of whtte fox were h firm demand at 436, with a number of chice lot of first and emd op la t. sfune pood winler-eauphl ef fering uf lynx adianmi atnit 10 per cent., to ell at arousi HZ for too, with averasre ht at around I7. ?ornigy ofTe.- injr of thi fur are neglected on the market. .Marten bow ed a further decline of 10 per cent., whirb wa anfteipated, a Ihi fur ba been in rather poor demand throughout the winter. Mink sold in stron? demand with be lol of winter-caught lell ui. lo 13 ami miiej pringy eolleetion around irJ (Ihoitf ofTertnir ef winte.-- caiiyhi wolf said ilrony a around 12J0. but yprlnpy ami rubbed skin are not wanted. Oiler, wolverine and timber woljj are quoted a unchanged froti 'a! sale prices. THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: PESSIMISTS should rememlier that while there have been dull daysn the past, the sun always shone .acain. ..J ; THKday may be dull and gloomy. The Cain may come down id slicels, t Hut there's; always an end Mo a nuirky-day And Ihe utihine eventually (freels. 'KCiGS are down in Ireland. They would he here if 'only we' couio net ilicm; - M I'F-OI'I.K arc . wailing easreHv frtrfurlhe? iuformalion regard- imr Amundsen's trip lo Ihe North l'ole. It's said he hovered over the spot long enouzh lo drop the hrotsman below a match. NOW that Oeneral Piludky is head of . Poland, that country ouirht to dislintfuish itself. t SOME of those who took part in thr nundrilW the oilier night lo the tune of Hremner's fiddl." say lliey enjoyeil the noise ami there was satisfaction to lb ink they diil not slep on sam pair of feel all the time. Ut tbr lakis? .er if ihe meai- bt-r. J the l--al fore wa; paeL Kul t until Alderroaij lay liaJ Oesijoiateii it a -bunk" adJbe uwyor bad at be ui)poed it wa but be niul put the- ntetlon. When Ae other few mallei of b6iue had twen illJ-ed oft Alderman Cary aked tb mayor, if he tea poms t thi-j ayrwmenL . j Sarcastic Mood J Mayor Newton aid be Uian.rslj Ihe uad for asain O'lrarisinc the nwyr. The eitiien bad ee.i fit lo reio-e onOdeue m bimi and hedMot think they shouto oslrafltiz him. Tbey bad tf''Bi;tnrt n diil not think ho ' bad any esiv abmil sijniff? it a it ww Ihe eily clerk who wa --ieipnalet a tb one to i;m. Alderman ,layr: There ar-sierai aspiraui for our offif I"d lei bim sign. If lie doe so we ll nail li no In the cn. AnswJlBffa queiKMi Hierily clerk said the dwifnveof wtt le?al without "the frnalure At the royor. Passed1 Him Up. The-Mafe-rh Von have paswl me up. Hie motion speaks for itself. It m.-ikes no mention of whelher the mayor sizn. i Alderman Cseyj It i rostirf, six thousand dollar more undev Alex. Munson sslieme. Alderman lirown: When yoy say it i a political move you are saying what i false. Alderman i:aey: Till i tht liisfest faUifyuiK council Hint wa ever in Prince Hubert. ALICE ARM The tenlli anniversary of the erection of the Alice Arm Hotel was celebrate,! - when a surprise parly dropped in on Mr. and Mrs.ijf Kvwdson. Hridxe war followed by a 'iijock jwyddiup aiol Iheni came ila'riing.f , ; . ' 1 ' . ..,':. i ' A-Jrosscut . tunnel, ' s beinK ,lr'vMvr Vl a'l'' on Alice Ami Fraction, whiod adjoins ttie Wolf property near. I alls Creek. One ore" vein eieht inches wide has -been encounter ed so far hut ,Jie tunnel is bi- injr exlendeil o encounter another vein where hixher valued are exju'eteil. Jbdiert Henderson Is here In conneclion wilh his mining claims In the Kltsualt Valley. vanderhoof" The Hoard of Trade is nrglra thai llu' roarl inlo Ihe Omineen mining fit-bis be cnnlfnued and (lie minister have bpen asked lo nn their influence lo Gave It done. An auto club has bren formed here and a committee consisting Salt VARIETIES: K-lb. and 1-IK carton anJ S-lb. boae Canadian, Pimento, Swiss, Camembert, Unv burgrr, Gruyere, Grated. 2J-26 II. 'ilore ha leen ap- TV r tlNrimert to Cmplele arranjfe . . , i and not . naluraHy be wa pleae,l .',,;,. meat for the organization. It wa- not jlone t bim hut tfi the eiliien w!n bad sopMO-teo him. Under tin agreement b- Nearly Uly people attended. a .lanre given to me i-rairteuaic si'hoolloHise lal week, the pro-.-eeI coins towarsl tbe put" tun.1. Work on tbe repair of cili' lnet'ba commenced undeM rbe village commissioner: The Canadian foretry ear i- eheluled to be here on May 18, ji J. Iiezell ha "ne t.. Van j couver and bis family will fol low luin after the elose of the school term. NOTICE TO CRCDITOHS. la lw Miller of the lUUte of Intm oiyml, ' MUli E it tftHif rim llui all ir ; Hm luin rUiim iritn.i ibe Uir lnhn ohand. tm tm at Ov iijt or fntk liux-ri. in l Ik- rninr or Brtii.h ...i ! uiiim. lot iim tifi ay it January. fi . ami lo Ihi rfil ami intunuf r.nu ller priibale wre iranird by Um sir lin .nn nf Brlilti Columbia m Sprit it. 14 jenn njbNatn of I'riur liu , H,i .. ar M-qu-M1 riut Li rrl ixrwl m prrluxt. r dllrr li. Ihi ttiulririiml lull f.MlriiUr in wrliioa ol uiir rijiui ana iamimn ur irwlr r munli. ami it nature Ovnwr, and U mifwi hr alaluiory ilvrUraOnn Ami lake iv.llr llul aftrr Ihe fntl dai of Inn. J, fw riM-ulur volt prmertl U ilotrlbiilr Ihr au of tm ( a m4 Jtihmr Ine frnt enOllril ttvrrlc.. tkarina rtaaril ontjr In ihe rlaiins nf htrh ui4 .fMii iwh ni nia runirr. Iail Ihu oar tit Mar. !. Jims nvmitvv f Prlnre Rnrrt. B.C.. r.imilor if Uw MINIRAL ACT. noiica of apaucadon for Ctrtlflcata of mproitmania. Minrral Hill umnji. 'miitlar of Mln rnl mil . I, .Mineral mil o t. Mm rat Ilill Vo. 1, and nammii Mineral t laim. Klluain Is Ow sauna Mtumc Iiivi rUM if . I In.lrlrl on Ui wiiilh.raoera ihu n inm nuuniain, kllimal Vallrr i.awrui wtMtr. w. J. OiKxlwin, Trf MiiH-r .rriiliraiii to, oil., Charlri J- "pore. rre Mr iniriri, ,"Vo. TAkK NOTICE thai I, OurM E. Vre, 'lnr-. rMirirate y. I7 iur xum mwri, inima al III mil uf aitix day rmm the diU) lKrf. t Mly lo tin- Mlnmr lirrrd-r for a in. riraie of luipner4ii n.r lh pur now i,f -Mainlnr C.n.wii Orjnt of Uh abo rlairna. T Ami further iak iutiir ih.i ..nnn .... r S-Hmj SS tj .it Miiral An nin.i Work preparalory In hiilldinjl'r. fjiuiM-no-ji lfnre the oounre i.r mud ' ., Ufirle nf lniprorinnl. n.' lite concenlraloral it. Tone Miriet . naiM tt.u nttntay nf spnt. nts. ;ias commenced and will In; speeded up as rapidly as V.. A. Kiran "fs developing tho Djirah property, on 4h upper Kilsaiilt. - iAnifue Mrona'ld'lsherp de- veiopintr som properties. of his mlnlnir LAND ACT. Notka of Intantlon to Apply to Laaas Foraahoro In Qufi Charlntte Uland land fie-IV ".n. t'nwo hntM.rt, i, t!?. w "r ''"rd Hay SkLUMraie tnln, aixt frtmllin nn Xot nY. Tkt: "7";F- " B.C. rt.hln. K i P( kln Onicony Ltd.. nf Vnr.'u" "r. p.C, frriiiallni salmon tunnrri, inlMnli arnlj-d Inrnhnrr - Omnwnrinr al a mI lanud al ihs ' ' lllh(l nriNr iA I ..i m .1. "i rw-rtlH-rly oml raorrly. fnilnmimr the I n1 of btifli wairr mark 3( rlimi .re "r jaa. tu the mrllir. rorm-r ufui iu'u Itienre mr.j J rtiami llwor ilntnVrly in tlfc luw f hlirh aws-tt.iKi jT. h, , nf rtHMiiM-nrrrnrnl, tn.f rnnulnint H Mi ere, limre r lrr. I'AC.KIMO CIIMI'Ar'j.Tti. "! nod Ann. sofY.ft, """ j LAND ACT. Notko M of Intantlon to Apply to Loaaa Lani , f;'rr ':''! tan? nn""r WWkj lhd Ui am-ly rnr .'ira. of ih. follow miinw- or rtrarrllieil landu; Cnniinnrlnr al a pnM ' r.laniM at tha nuttl rnd nf Wlh Rarhaol l.l.nrt IhonrJ irnimd th lOand at hlyli walrr Srark nd rnnlalfiinr to trm" timr. nr I ' Al.niEf SWASflN," Dllfd April IT, trie. APPc.nt. tf' 1. wont sweeten, tea -yet it looks just like sugar. But oh, what a difference I The difference between Kraft Cheese and imitations of Kraft Cheese may not always be obvious to the eye, but is always evident to the taste. 'So long as you can get Krnft Cheese at the same price, why should you be satisfied with less than Kraft quality? That's right, you shouldn't 1 I "iWgy,aayr-j j lof It. C. Abbot I. It. t:. MrCorkett' Cl l: i t .:. ."iiphiiimiiii Htiti rnn Service s.8. rftiftci oronot im emwee CHARtts il i rict w tar VSHCCKJVtM. VICTOat. SCATTLC tiid atnc !u Tw DATS and SUNOAVS (I ft M. f jt STCWAKT aarf AdtOIWIOHf SOATS. p-m. f STIWAMT OMIT. .SATURDAY, 10 ,J. m m mrntu. w m , .i i. .... .rAnir.. ... ntiffffa rMAr.e ISLANDS. rmBKniMH in.ini &ajtK rnini.1 r. n r m n i II TO am PftlNCC 0I0MC. KDMOSiTOM, WtSSIftS. lanait. i riitod Ililrl. A(of M Omm SUwnMiiy Um. I'se 'jrartun TtalluMt fvprrvt tr .Wanrt nW 1 sIm Tor t'-nr arl Hfml City TkMt Oflk. SIS TWre ,At, erlM nv Canadian Pacific Kailwai B. C, Coast Servicei Sailir.es from Prince Ruperl r inaiui. miau, mm. utcvir r TucDatk. naotu i juttu ti. niKta tuna Far PORT SISIPSON, ANT0X, wa xa Aiaara. Galvanized Tubs and Pails in all sizes MILK PRICE Reduced Commencing May 1 CASH PRICES 7 Quart Tlckcls .... 11.00, 12 I'itit Tickets .... S1.00 Table Cream, pint , IBo Whipping Cream, Vi pint 2So Dally Train Pervlcn commences May 1, Phono your order to 057. Valentin Dairy i-iiav ft SlutaaaU, lMiaa Baal Mia 0a falla. o. uiHii intar, ana vantaotor attry airar n Aeaacy far all SUootaMa tla. r.S MfaraO W. 0. ONOMARO SMaol l. . . Carsae ai aik UHt a4 ra a,'rHaa Rat S UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Haniaaa. Irwa frrnra tiaart or WANCOUVSR. VIOTORIA. Swanaaa Rari SUM Ray, T ! or VARROUVIR. VICTORIA, Atari', Ray4 ad Soao Ray, Mlrf. roe PORT SIMPSON ana' Naaa R1r Caanarlaa, Thwrao'ar pm. 111 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd- 'Crystal Firelighters 48 Fires for Jll No more chopping o ' j. fn aimnle Si"1 v. omlcal. Mnnufaclurcl W ivdeTransltf ISt tsoond rnoni omv ""v., i WE BOf OTTtW