PAGE FOUI, DAILY KEWfl a. PROHIBITION BRINGING iUP FATHER t By George McManus OFFICERSMAKE . !L Vcio.CVb- MAKE ;,THi4 KIO i OUN ?HE OHTTO PWOV'J "WUW! I Vl) fl U . .. - r x i tTwn i mi xrsnVk uc'i jfrr ev-M ioi i i i j . i ' i rvr .. j i u. v. ... - "Si 1 Ask Government' and Parliament of Canada to 8top Border num HUnning to End " :J Disgrace SORDID SHAMEFUL STORY Wluch of; Liquor Short-circuited Back 'to Canada to Compete With Government Stores 0'n'A., May .10. .J. It. Car Ron, president, and Rev. Hon rpcnee,lecrelaryof Ihe Prohibi tion Association of Canada have Addressed1 an open letter lo the and Parliament of Panada as follows: For tfiojinnor of Canada, something effective and adequate ishould lie done, and done imme-tliatcjy lo end Iho infamous and -Intolerable ,boriler;siluation created by rum running. The evil is a growing one, has assumed enormous proportions, and is not iihly dishonorable in itself, but contributes to the. violation of our own restrictive Ibpior laws. .i Poor Boast Sometimes, we grandiloquently boasl-of our three thousand miles of international boundary across which, for over a hundred' years, there-has not been a hostjle shot fired and. upon which not a fortification has been erected, and yet, at the present time, day and tiwhl, practically that whole boundary is patrolled, and the roast waters watched, by armed forces found necessary' by our friendly neighbor nation to pro pct Us sliorps from maraudinff incursions of ongahized ganprs of unscrupulous bandits of nondescript nationality,' who, using Canadian soil as a liase of operations, under the protection of pic Canadian flag, by the sanction of Canadian law, and with the knowledge' if not connivance, bf Canadian government officials are carrying on what is Jiraclically a guerilla warfare agains' IJiiggvrRmental forces of I tr& t j f mrrrt iy5 ;i'loutiivr every canon" ofiiiternftlional honor or courfesy 'and. in iTe fiance of all obligations ; of deceocy ami ethics; . those booze bandits arc seeking lo break jbiwn nnd,.through the legal vl)arrlcr .that the citizens of the United" Slates have erected to protect ;lueiriiairies against the liquor evH. "Blush of Shame -The situation is one that should brfiis,' a blush of shame lo the cheek, of. every right-loving ' Canadian citizen. It i$ despicably outrageous. It ought to be endued. The government and parlia-, rnenCof Canada are the custodians ofjtl(e honor of our country. Upoif them rests responsibility frir inlernational relations and ' domestic legislation. The pre sent, border situation should be dealt with in a slrqng way by the enactment of measures and regu lalions 'that will be as meaning ful ;(hd -adequate as our present metlibds:ar' trifliiifr and insuffi- ; cient;, i'J. Thatlip.evll Is a growing one, oficial figurel enipHatlcally con- j The SlPadyvgrowlh and the enormous iirojiorlions which thi. trade, has assumed, will be seen t by the following table which ' gives tnealue of all liquors ex- ported to, the UnilPd Slates for a . number of : years, for the twelve months ending March 31 of each year: Year Value. 1923 3,i78,9i)H 1924 8,714,709 1925 .. 11,01 0, 69 1U2C .. 17.995.708 Notjfonc drop of allttliMicrtorii mous amount of liquor is legally Tlanded' in the United Slates, U , al gets into the hands of Ameri lean or Canadian bootleggers. ; . 'Base of Supply I "vNot only has the export direct-' ly to the. United Slates grown as Is shown by these tables, but lliere has developed a trade with ' lhe West Indies, Mexico, and other countries which are used fas a base of supply for rum run-niiiiaf outlaws. There is no need for us to call fatlention lo the ramifications of Mills nefarious traffic and the lo-' real ; reaction therefrom as! ibroughl out r in . the Investigation now bein conducted by a com- niltlee of the House of Commons. The evidence there adduced tells i I KUlllill, KJIilllll'l 111 JlUlf u graft, corruption, debauchery, ; .jmrfivrality, and crime that, t?em : ; ih. ' ' ' " 'S k 41' ; 1926 iNT-c r.ATw.t Sti.yKi. Ihc. lo be the inevitable aconipaniinentj of the boozi' business alwnysgirid everywhere. That evidence in re-nver, -srrows what - .In" enorn ous leakage there is inlo our own Canadian underworld, making! for the breaking down and violation of liquor restrictions in practically every province of Canada. j One would; almol think llta the present system had been de-1 vised, 'in , Ihe; '"yiletests of. bboi-j lexers and blltiR-pi?ej's, for this presumably "exported": liquor leaves Canada duty free. When, therefore, it is smuggled less than the domestic price at brewfiryor- distillery. The boot- leper can actually undersell even the distiller, and in grovernipent control provinces, the gpverii-nient itself. Huge Shipment Further, much liquor in transit, supposed to be for export is really short-circuited to local bootlejqsers en route. Law ''lntities of duty-paid liquor are also being shipped disguised as other goods. Heccntly a car, .vliicli the bill of lading described as lumber, was sejzeil at Port Huron a ltd found to contain over 20,000 worth of liquor. More over, Jn the shallow of technically and dstenslbly legal shipments, much wholly irregular traffic is cariedun. This traffic is more dificult of detection because iif what the law allows. "erd 'tjie w.bob; bjrridj fVo.v told, it would unodiibtedly link this illicit liquor traffic lo many other crimes such as perjury, robbery, hi-jacking and even murder. , Disrespect for Law A5avere Illness i Constipation Forwent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. FoUnd!&c j One inevitable 'result? of ' ihirbPafy pfnaltieX law violation is the breaking dow4 of respect for law and orderic,,iar'a ""'wards with a cargo (f along bthef lines. If crlmmaMMuoivU shall not again b,e can with ease and impunity, and indeed with the tacit concurrence of Canadian law-officers, violate the law of another rfalion and conspire with expatriated or disloyal citizens of that country In llieir nefarious plans, they will violate the laws of this country or any country. As a matter of fact, it is easier for a cargo bf liquor, legally exported from Canada upon alrriost any of our in land waterways, to illegally re- land upon Canadian soil, than to illegally land upon the American hore. Who is so innocent and puileless as to think these umf runners Care where they land it or what law they violate, so long asMhey make their profit? Pending ihe enactment of na tional prohibition, which in our judgment is the .only' final and real solution of the lbjuor pro Idem, and without now urging the entire prohibition of exportation or liquor from Canada, which jvohM be by far the most effective and thorough-going method of dealin'with rum-running, a remedy has boon proposed that Is pimple and lioulU commend jl-ffJn Xhp. good Judgment of our laltloual administrators and taw jnafcifrs.' It merely seeks- to sc-n cure p)ain cpmnvon honesty in all make irake law evasion more diffieull liyjnsuring, the actual delivery al the real destination of all liquor exported from Canada. We ask: Asks This Plan (1' That all shipments of in- toxicatiikg liquor, for export, phall be made only by brewers r distillers and from a bonded warehouse hd through Tegular iransportalion, and custony . Mrs. Win. Hill, Wapella, Bak, write: "Thre year ago I had a very oevere illness, and ever sine I nave suffered with eonilipatlon. A few months ago a friend advued me to use EVSilburn's whieh I did, although not expecting any results, but I am pleased to say that' since using them I have had perfect use of my bowels without any trouble or pain, and have never bad bleeding piles since. Now, I never fail to recommend Ljua Liver Pills' to nil my friends." Put up only by The T. Milbura Co, Limited, Toronto, OsL channels, and shall be accompanied by a boml" (a heavy bond o be forfeited, and export permission may thereafter be re-fueif, unless absolute proof is. furnished that the liquor fn question is actually delivered to the bona ide consignee at the point jif destination, or satisfactory proof is given of loss. ' C2 Tlial liqtfor not .shipped through regular commercial. )rhrali.t,5d0n,?l!,n,'-nels. and as provided, shall be subject o summary seizure and confiscation and parties having .such liquor in their possession, or in Any way responsOdo for .such shipment, shall W liable to (3 That when a vessel is cleared without proof being fur niched that the preceding cargo was delivered as consigned. Public Opinion There is no doubt as to the jpiuion of the citizens of Canada generally. The ppople whom" you represent want this wrorur righted. Continuance rif present conditions ii only in the interests of the liquor underworld. Parliament is now in session. WJicra.-tJiere is1 a will, there Is a way5. "".May we ask that you whom i' jpqK to as our national Ie,ad-'w 1JI a pp roach -Xh i s ques t ijjn Willi an earnps I desire to iolyp the problem. If you do, it will lie solved. WRESTLING AT ANYOXPROVED A CLOSE BOUT Stubbs and Docherty Strove for . Slxl Minutes but Neither Scored a Point (Alice Arm Hprald Tit at tlm bout was n thriller: follier neitlier giving tile sTigfil- el opening that neither Wu superior to iin his man to Hi" fiial; that the referee's nnl judges' decision of a draw shared the feelings of the huge an dience oresPnl, was the general opinion -after the greatest wrest ling bout ever xtaged in Anyox o'i Monday night, when SlubM rt)uV . uorherly .'nyil poherty i jji 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken lor Iris than 50c j " JVtKTCB FOR SALE I r-sr WANTKn. -J-1- Oirl for, gPneral houspork1. . pply Mrs. J., firmer. , . i'biine hl 725. t-C ; wre'jjtlftil jioif fj -mbiules titjfore a brealhjess judjenre, at the Mine futi" ut'ef iHiilment. Rules of Game The liuui -xvas goterned by pin falls, wbi nh means ,ihal the shoulders must le pinneil lo the mat for h sphee of three second. The first two falls out of thnv to decide: Failing a fall, th decision . toJie made on points, in which rolling falls count. The' bout to be (I ten-minute round iii case' riojalls'ttrre made, wills j 3 miuulp inlervals. The weigh; of the contestants, were Siubbsi 138 poumis, Jiocberty 13U. Itoth nien entered the riiw In the pink of comtition and wer plvpin ajrcat ; - ovation. Dick Munns nas appeareii many limes lipforo an At.vx audience, while this i the firt time Anyox fans had seen Uorherly in aclioi.. The supporter of Stubbs wt certain of 'a vretory, anil thos who knew Dorliprlv were, sure UraJ Ihpjprjrinkt diHirtp of th ulekr chaWiofrlif Short lime. Issue In Balance, At thftc.nnojliision.'of Ihe speond round, all forpcasls wire com detely upset n the proverbial house of cards,, and until lit finil) life i-ptwas complelely hi the bafuripp. A njop evenly matched pan has spwinm Iieert sfen in the ring Itoth werp equally even In lac tics, botli .showed surprising w1fln'ess in ''xtffcallng themscl-ves from a diflicull position. Uo'o gave an odd. chance, but each lacked the slight superiority to pin his man. Until the 5lb round Dochprt.v was the aggressor. Hp obtained a rcdling fall in Ihe 1st round and another In Ihe wcrond. In the 3rd and lib rounds neilher obtained an advantage, although there were flashes bf clever mat wnrk in which both pxlrlcaled Mipmelvps with rPiharkabl-' swiftness from awkward prpdic- ments. Slutibs showing to more idvantage in lb4 respj-cl. ' Anareaslve Work SI uldi ' ,fa rf pj f hitgrcAfvfOvork irt the rbiirii'an(l'! bfInil wo.'rplllng fnllst; which evened ronors. In the olh round npilhei onlpstnnl "cut loose" on any nek hp may bavp tieen holding dark and honors were pvPn. The bout proved lhat in loch-rty, Stubbs met a worthy op ponent. (If Hip two, llorherty was undoubtedly in belter condition, but he. did nyl sepm a tnxinns in uie mai as uni Stubbs. T!ip latter "gave grotinil throughout the bout while Ihey were on tlfrfr feet, but 'seeme'i mal. The plpvaled ring was lo small, whirh was a handicap. T sum concisely Jioehc'rVy cbuldn'' pin Stubbs "nor criuld Stubbs 4 hiId Docherty. 1 Officials W. 11. I.indny.'gepdKni sfffler- intendent. was JJie. refereewhlc'i exacting position Jie fllleif'to the alisfacllon fif all. He Is wrestler of consldorahlp .exper ience, and thrtniitglily aciiuaiplcl Willi Ihe fine WiluJs'of the game The judged werp -Al.'or-l ii in and Jack T'vans. 1'imekcepcrg; 1',. Ilrown and J. Ilussell. Standing room In the hall was at a premium, and the large audience regjslered Its approval in a hearty manner, when the toys were on the mal. Advertise In., (he Dally Newjs. . :. t. it' ' n FOR SAI.K-28 foot fish boat, 7H h.p. Vulcan engine. oiIji ypar old .. . 20 fooj. eabln crulst r, new 12 li.ffc eipln" prlccil at (so.iio 28 foot-isibln etitlser, 15 li.p. oil cnglno ......... 1 1, 5011.00 Small speeder wilh Ford et-ginp, prTced at j. 35n.fl0 20 h p. Iluffalo'enginp IrtOO.OO 40 h.p. Studebakcr u.ieuakcr engine. engine.i 1 "ritSt u, f JOO.OOU'WIIFJlSTtlNIIAl HI A CO.. Unl- Vk-i-ru. . o ii.ft fluaruntre, price 0 ll,p.- Kellenberg engine J. ?200.0(t 2 cyliimYr 10 h.p. auto engine $IOU0') 4 Cylinder Dodge "engine with starter ..twi ..... $100.00 4 cylinder Chevrolet etsultie with startty 125.00 1000 feel 1Mb back haul ealile, price "Ce iter fool. Weo' Mertrpgor Aw, falling nml bucMnscf-saw. (iilchrit jacks, elc. Northern Exchange, 213 Second Avcuuc. Photjp 23. l oll Al.F..iirvltnL Tourls. Ilotcal ferac U.C. Twelve roony.fnifGl,trnnce heat, pcctrjc.rglil?j Jertric pump, bath,- resiaiirnnl, Ritchpn, bar-room, Ibreo room furnished cottage, two lots. Ilcnl 975.00 per month or will ell on reasonable terms. Apply Mrs. J. A. McDougall, Tourist Hole!, Terrace, H.C. FOIl SAUJ Five roomed modern bungalow and two lot... close in. 2G0O.n,0 on term. Apply. T. McCIyriiont. V FOP. SAI.K, Secondhand furniture and restaurant fixlure from -Royal Hotel. Apply Mi Third Avenue. FOIl S.I.I;!. Two roomed hou..e and Cj)iickeuhousf,'4:oo. Als irnloat. Apply Itox 305 Daily News vf fire. IIH FOR SAI.K. OerbariF llelntzmaii Piano, on easy monthly payments. Walker's Music Store. OH.UIOPHOXF. and oilier furniture for saltv Phone ItlacB ' 731. 120 FOR Child's crtb and miiltrc. Phone Itlue 712. TO RENT FOR RF.NT. Modern four room ed flat, with Monarch range, in Clapp block. Weslenhaver 1 Iros. 'URMSIIF.D UoiigekeepltiK Rooms m rem tiy ihe day, week or month. Phone Red 1507. If FOIl RKNT. Furnished housekeeping suite, .Mussallem Aparirnpnts. Phone 18. if FOR HF..NT. Four rodm suIIp, hotwalcr-healed. Apply 8mR. A Mallet. FOR RKNT.--House suilnblp for boarding Iiousp. p,r,ne lllark 120 FOR IlftNT. Modern house; t rooms nnd hath. Munro ltroi MODI'.RN'FI.AT for Rent. Apply Max iieiinroner. ' V v 4 'PRIN0E RUPERT TIDES Thursday, May 20 R'kIi 7)l a.m. ir.r ft. 21:1(5 fun. 10.9 " T'nw I:SI a.m. Jo.7 " I:I7 p.m. 7.7 " Friday, May 21 ,:07 a.m. 1 5.7 ft. 22:02 p.m 17.0 I'" 3:12 a.m. 9.8 15:17 p.m, 7,6 BOARD AND ROOM. HOAIlD. The Inlander. 83 Second Avenue. IMmn 137. HOAHD, Ileoms and Furnislir Suites. Palmer House-. tl FOUND I't)UXD. Three keys on rinit Apply Daily News office. PATENT ATTORNEYS old established firm. Patent and trademark in alt iotin-IWps. Free bonkb't. Vannui-ver office to IK H.,er,llnitd ing. Plmnp Seymour '1111. Manager, F.nipt K. Cirvn. registered Hlt'irtn-y. Other of-; s. . -n, fires, OttHws. Wa-.hington anUiSl' tw prinripal i'i:u. AUTOMOBILES nilSDSNrrrn Hern c rtm m -wm BARGAIN PRICES 1923 Old.mobde Tmiriiig 1750.00 1922 OldKrnid.He l .iur.i 1050.00 I92t Ford Tmliir Sedan 150.00 1923 Fonl Tudor Tilan M!S.fln 1913 Ford Tihlor Sedan tf OMjiJififti 5 lord I.Rrl.. Deliver, 1500 m, CI Light Ii-Ier l5 00i aklll-.ll Wp give thirty day fri-e orvie on above ear and liberal ser vice on new ears. 'KAIEN OARAGE. Dealer in Chevrolet and nil Oerteral Motor PriMluct. Wrecking Servi-e Iay and Niwlil IMmbe 52. IIIK FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF i:ND. .uiMit put. heal i, n of the i;inff rliaiigi--, immediately issued tin- tolluwlng-NEW PRICES Runabout Ml 2.5b louring 1031.00 Coum- 1788.01 Tildor Sdan I8lf.f.t Fonlor Sedan 87'J.0? Light Delivery frtlS.iJ CbassU Fruek Chassis 0l".PD All prices include self-starl er, , government taxes- nnd rrelglit. National Kny Payment Plan available. S. E. PARKER,' LTD. 2ltf Second Avenue. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Cnll Oeorge, Paul or dust) Six and Seven Passi'Wfcr Sluile bakers at your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Dlock. Across from F.mpre-'s Hotel. OOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue OpIioMIc Merwon' Studio. !lt)(Ds.MliAUS. (SOOl) f-AKI-a ' Coffeb or Tea Served. RF.AI. HOMH COOKFD MF.AI.S. Mrs. ITitger. Proprietress. FURNITURE. New a niF Secondhand Furnl. lure Store. We liny. Sell and F.x change New and Secondhand floods. . GEO. PAPADOPULOS MP Third Ave. Plmnp hit. WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood , 5.00 rt load. Dry Fie Wood fcflfio load. Hut to any length. Kindling, $7.00 n load. Fir Furnace Wood 7.oo a load. A. ISAACSON Phone Black 461. Seal Cove, TIMBER SALE X7J41 Nrslrtt Tr.l. T. llIHl I I.H.-I r, tl- ili j , . MM t I II Hi. SllMIII lulrl. i i. USM IWIHiir mi luWim . T i "VHl ut llrt.i, -Ttfcr wm '. Vkl,ri TIMBER SALE Xx nld Tmmi Jtrn- ..i.i .1 4t I v. Mtrt, IUMK ittM. trrt I- 4- Jir, lrttla , wTia nojKt (Dll .. U4 Um ' TVkC Villi. I iw " " ! "V'S'Jf l,r' ' MUlllratt ( . 1 1 I land Mil, l - wm- "f I .1 ii , il sain (It, lata auiir sit St IhrrrM and i.. .. nlrd fti Itw ,.fr..,. in si rrinr nur' - i ViMKf Mon-ntr, hi mwuisii uitiii vaartrs N LO. 10, CMAStlS tt TIM l-art I tiaay UHrtWrt n. HI, O ( J . hrt (aj -MMS-r . I . f-SMI') i lib UK l OIU, IM irw-i n-rtu-s PfSarii h-ipr-i . rrotm-T ' i Wlpttesi -f i snd psi-r s-if . O r .. m itw i r IM lot It. I.'ll" linrp 4 Mr,n-I Ant iiko ii i. IH4I 'if -rfw ttMOill rrrt imaii, ttn ri.--( i- win un-trr pljr U llv vim---M lfir i ih. brostl uf llv -'' i trm In V flsll SI rnn'. ' s i vv.. Wlli'tt ft.viaAaLE wM rjj CT, CMrTi nossi: vn.iiH" ftffli- st ut- ii V iH-uu-rr. rr."" luatnv 'iivr." sflt-n 1 uf llw Ih MinHivr ' sin! in liw '.rr.. !r Ib UiMt in MM. al l-rii. Hull vf Hi ' M-trlU ri.r Iiim tm-rni tjttt-ro tturl.Sli i.f Urlllth n i f kil Hs. ..i I ho I'riifllKr ' i iiomn l.r pis ii or Mtiii s. ' Mi TAI: I pJralHMI nt nlM ir w rirt pnii lim Willi-til limi" ' T "t llM Mill V ' 'i ruMw W'.i si .f 0U fr iim Slid pln sml ttli I hsrf iwl irf ' tulrrt at I'rin' ' i lay t AH ' no-r M LAND CT. Not lea ef lataatlan IS AfP1' ulT ' In I sikI II Ii ' v nnjrt, sik! -Hi ' ytiwii riMrintii VI, llim- mill's Irt. TAKK Motirr thti ln i:iinatir. t'nn r,i,iiii Saliimii ' ' fur s lrae uf l' taint :- Dimmwirlnr si s r HI ' ff Inlft sIkmiI '; n Crrrki lliiMire mmlh to rhalii 'I" iimre i,r ls. U' " rly rulkmlnf tv rfitilalnln II, a, i i nrn.ri"'." - w j it-re" rsr w nli1 Olh lm il I1'- ' 1 .AtlAS GOVERNMENT uv- Nodes of pplletlcii I" 1 JtOTIPF: IS WrW uir siti iay i . !"' " in Intrnrt' to fil l 1 lliiant fur s 'HiTti : ' , iftiiM siiiiaio un '7 li. C, snu npnn Hi' " , nif ln. fu Rl.irsli'Si n " ;'. S vinro of nrltMi iliinili"i I. ip li. ... l.w flu. r,l Dl '...m ' - un pi" . . ! fnr i,ii.iiiiiiiiiti i.n '; at rrinrf Bm ito ,.r uv ioa. . . Hi' u. -