itnrsday. May 10, I9:0. TH1TDATCT ItEWS paom ma EMPIRE EVENT iukers Eve j ISSPONSORED ilass Service Pairnnisiag the Qplnirie-mean placing tin jiin 'pr nf defective vision in nr rare of out who ha .mailt' a scienUjfc. ludy of Jside fronV-Ji coursc.Jf'a! i Urge, lie undergneiT' n u-nnliing exammlion by Muvernmeiil authorities bc-'ire he gel hi licence. ' We guarantee with our oinliineil experience to give you aifactlon. Wo are always here to juaKe any itorreHions. John Bulger Lid. Opticians and Jewellers Summer Excursions EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES Tieke's on Hale Dally from May 22nd also 'n Same ' we liolh dlree,- Bi u: way via TdkPii on sale Return limit October 31, 1926 Full Informal Ion - Ity Ticket Offloe, Prince Rupert. Phone 260. I au sages i lire Pork Sausage, per lb. 30o eef and pork Kausajte. per lb 25c uialo Sauagc, jer lb. 25o fesh Home made Head iCIicese per lb 25o f I trtppinif . per lb... 10c jlafoes, p r -ai-k . . $3.50 aly 5 Doodson Sixth Street lone 455. We Deliver. !ur Coats & Jacquettes B Exquisite Stock of Fur rimming at tow price I. C. FUR Co. lit O.W.V.A. Third Ave UGBOATS Phones 423, 539, Ireen 238. Black 735. Iht Phones C87,. 639, reen 238, Blaok 735. IPERT MARINE tODUCTS, LTD. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. r.E. S.Tait DENTIST llgerson Block, Prlno ""pert, B.C. Jfflce Hour V to tj. A-nay Ssrvlos !hona Rftn Tuesday nnd Thumilay, Kvenlnir tlTJ 0 to 12 noon Proposal to Celebrate Diamond uuuuco oi uanaaion Confederation In Large Way TORONTO IS MOVINQ TOHONTO, May 1 9.- The cele bration of the diamond Jubilee of Confederation on Dominion May next n an Kmpire a weil a ii Canadian even! i the oli- j-ct of n Miovcmeiit now linin ; sponsored by .lame I, Murray, former 'Ontario Vice. President nf lhe Canadian Manufacturer' As sociation. Mr. Murray, who was one of UiC three organizer of the Km- pile Club several year ago, is i steadfast advocate of Empire unity, based, so far an tin country i concerned, upon Can adian national unity. In I Hi) I In- U7IH nf IIia l,.eul. Made in Canada," and it Ik now aim to tak'e adv-mii aire tit llir diamond jubilee celebration to promote the slogan "Produced fit anada." Have Royalty Come At Mr. Miirry' suggestion, th Km ii ire Club ha taken uo hi .proposal for a hiitfe iiatiuncl . i m . . t ... -irin iiiii oi I lie juoiu-e. He ia that euorl Ui made 1o have the King . mid Jiteeii. or the I'rinre of Wjib- ii" the Atlantic for the or 'ainii, and at Hie name time Miave n'n imitation iucd ! very 'vcrnment in (he Empir lo send a representative. e .ilo urge that a pHal pnslnste stamp b l'ucd lo commemorate (he event, and thai the Hritmi itnvernmciil have H building ready for Hie 1087 Canadian National ' Exhibition. All t:i . rgMulure will be a,ked for financial and executive eo-oper-aiinn, and. he stale, tf at , alt po-ttite, the Conference of Kmpire, Premier honld be pol-loned and arranged lo convene in Canada. Oreat Impetus to Loyalty A providing an impetus I Empire- loyally the value of ouch a jtihilalton would be immenc. Mr Murray i convinced. II IH.intM out that the World War prevented extensive celebration of Hie eioi-coiitennlal in 1917. and venture the hone that tlm diamond jubilee will be a jjrealiv' Kmpire evenl than Could haw en any celebration held ten year earlier. llrprMrtilalion have been made already In Premier Kin-. Ami renlie 111 'teller nn Mi . Abjert have lieeu received from cikIiI of the Provincial Premier. all of whom, by vary ing expre -Ioiin of enthui;im. heartily en dored the proxinl. General Support Sought , Col. A. K. KirJipalilc's. Hreou' dent of the Kmpire Club, Ini addreed a letter, asking for '-(iperation in the celebration In the Canadian Daily ?.cnpapcr VxMiouiliaii, every P.oviucial Hoard of I 1 lira lion, the Cana dian Club, all military ri-K.- meiit. all womenV aoclalion-. all Hoard of Trade. Hie ueneral manaer of evrry ,bank, all sol dier and n I lor nreaniiation. i lie Med Cro Sociiftv. the :nen jnnd woinn'. leathers' federa- iiot. tin .Mayor of all citie. all mani'farturiiiR and Labor bodied, the leadir.V exhibilion agonal urn, all fraternal or- amr.alion nnd service clubs. Hie Y.M.C.A. nnd Y.W.C.A.. the railway and tcaniUlp lin', aTT luiiei ii-oin cniMi to coai, an poitinit and recreational club, the univerilie ar.d are and inumr nryaii.alions. 'WOODWARD TO BUILD BLOCK IN EDMONTON i . Tenders Being Asked for Excavating for Foundations and Final Announce- . .ment Later KDMONTON. May 19. Krcc-lion of a brick block on the iinrllien! corner of. the inler- LAND ACT. flotUl oMnttnlfO M Apply U Lull Und III Unit n-corillnt OMrirl or Prince iiiiikti, n.i miiuio n i-i "r ", i- lei. MiHTuhy HUml. ilMl Clufliiim ("-".'.''.. .r,Tirr .K.i Tlu. eaiu.llin l'lh.' Inr roiniunv, l-tnmnl. uf V nrmiTiT, r- riinmion minium i.ini'i". -ri-' for I eaie. or Hio rillowlog- di-nrriliptl '"".'''i". i .. . r,li I It IikiiI nf .mt Jnlei, II cfHilin north nf nn- imiiipiI i:rwK: xnvwrr ri ""-i llnm-e mmiID M ftialn ; llifnre ft M ilnin. more r lr. to'hore tin! llimrr nnrilirrlr rollnwinr horr Hue in p.o.o, ami ronUinint in irre;. ni'je or ty. THE CA.NUi AN FIHI0 COMPANY. I IMITEP. Applirinl. rrr Wilium AltrfJ Dower., Dtted tttb April, t. mm i m section nf 101 Afreet and 102 avenue is lo bo undertaken at once by Chnrle WiMidwnri). M.I. .A., of Vancouver, owner of the projiprly. lie ha jul arrived In llirf clly In complete final nrranKcmenl for Ihe tniture. "There will lie. a builditiK there huU I -cahnol -ay tanylhiusr fur-Iher at the preenl lime," ftid ,Vr., 'Wpndwafd when xeen here. "I will probably make Mime1 announcement before" I leave. Ub pily, but have nnthlnjr "to sa" Just now." Tenders' for Jlie excavntlnpr nf a basement which wjll exleml 75 feel aloivjr' lOI street from Ilia corner and' I HI feet eastward on I0J avenue have been called for and will he opened tut Friday. It 1 expected (Hat the award will b made shortly so that an im Quality . Has No Subs tit ute mediate lart can be made oa initial operations. NO MORE INTERFERENCE WITH EDITORIAL POLICY LONDON, May 19. The Lon-ifon liewsjinpers have succeeded in their determlnallon not lo take the striking prlnler back '.o work unless satisfactory nssur-unce could be jjiven asainst a rcpelilion of the incident that precipltaled the general strike. The vi,iblrs' union have a?reed lo ptuanntlee In the fut ure lliat I hey will riof Interfera with Hie editorial policy or .Hie management of lhe newfnaoers. 'HieV have also conced'eit Hie point ovtr -which there has been EPEND ABILITY and : long life .are .essential elements of motor car satisfaction. " ' ' '" i." r . Whatever other characteristics a car may have, whatever refinements .may :be added, all must have their foundation upon these basic qualities. The basic quality of the Ford 'has been demonstrated in the hands of over twelve "million owners in all parts of the' world. These owners have chosen Ford products i because they know that there is no substitute 'for what Ford offers. This policy of uncompromising quality'has made the Ford the ideal form of practical -transportation. ... .' PROD U C T S CARS TRUCKS y TRACTORt T RADIT I O N AX .strife for a long time in agreeing to accept non-union men as their foremen GOVERNOR TO VISIT JASPER Lord and Lady Byng Leaving Coast Thursday tp 'Spend Week' End at Popular Resort WrXXMPPfl Mnv in . Tl.. season' first visitors at Jaaner J'ark Lodge will be Their Excel lencies, Ilaroii and Lady Ityntf, who leave the Pacific coast on Thursday foiKJasner. where'lhev will spend the week-end before QUALITY proceeding on the return portion of their valedictory tour acros the Dominion, The parly i travelling in a special 'Cana dian .National train and will r-.niiiin a day at Edmonton and askatbon and Iwo days In 'Win- nilifMr. en route et: v " Afrkltvr at Jasper on;,May 2t,! . I heir Ivxcellencie jvilf Im just In time for lhe official opening of lhe Lodge. which lake place on the following day. This has'heen a popular spot with the C.over-nor-Oeneral ami Lady Hyn during lhelrstay in Canada, Dm lal-; ler faking particular delight in lhe profusion of wild llowers ovhlcli ahminiM in the vlclnily of the Lodge and which are Jusl now at their lest. ImprovemsnU' Many additions have befit msd I PS? Ira i lo 'lhe Loilge since last season for the comfort and 'Convenience of -patrons anil the uceonnnoda-Hpn Is increased ths year to take nre of l6o guests. This was (found necessary on account of the Iremeiulous growth of tourist Jiusiiiess through the northern (Canadian It oolite last 'year. HuiUling operations at Jasper have included the erection of four lrii-uile cthfii overlooking Lac .Heauvert from the well treed .slope to tlift northwest of the niaiu huiblink. These were designed to embody (ha best fea-Uires suggested for this type of Htruclure, wilhira vcrimdali on the take side and privute balh for each bedroom. Improvements have been made to the other cabins, lhe main building; and swimming-pool.