PAOE BIX L I I Prescriptions f WEEK-END Specials In Our Wca Department Pot lloasl per lb. . . 12'2o Mb Iloasl. per lb. .... 20c Hound leak, 2 lbs. for 45c Shoulder Sleak, per lb. 15c Sirloin Sleak, 2 lbs. for 55c Corned Beef, per lb. ... 8c I'ickled Pork, per lb. . . 22c Shoulder Pork, per Ih. 25c Sausage, per lb. 2 for 35c Ayrshire llacon. per lb. 35c Fresh Vegetables arriving every boat. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. U7-I23 5th Avenue K. P.O. Box 575 Phones 18 A 84 . Fresh Killed BEEF From tho Bulkloy Valloy 3 Times Weekly ww www MWWM M m A few reasons why out prescription department is increasing; We use only fresh, chciu-ically pure drus. No Substitution . Prompt5 Service v Moderate Price 'very prescription is dis-pensed by u fully qualified dispenser. - I.el us be your Ruper t Pharmacy Prescription Phone 94. Specialists Wo deliver. Potatoes Per Sack $3.50 Sealy & Doom Sixth Street Phone 455. We Deliver. Holeproof Hosiery 51.00, $1.50, 51.75 Children's Holeproof Socks 65c LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, 5i incites $2.50 each. Mrs. WT Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Hot - - 989 Phone Green 389 Dainty Silk Undies New Stock "Demers" Wo aim to please. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327, HEALTH TALK TO TEACHERS Miss Harrison of Hospital Gives' Interesting Address at Booth School The regular monthly meeting of Hie Prince Hupert Parent (Teachers' As socialiou look place) ;lu (ho Audiloriuin of Ihe Doollp School on Wednesday evening. I I'Tho president, Mrs. Aruoit, -was in the chair and .there wain good 'attendance of parents and teach ers. The secretary's report showed that there was a balance in the treasury of 7I.83. This included the proceeds' f rum the sab' or candy put on at Ihe different schools before the faster huli- jdays. .Mrs. Donald lloss. for whom BjMrs. S. I). Johnston played Hie accompaniments, sang "Within the (iarden of my Heart,' and delighted the audience even more with "Haiti. " After a little community singing in which Hie "community' surprised (themselves. Miss Harrison, II..V, matron or the Prince Hupert Hospital, grave an extremely interesting and thought-compelling address on "Health in r.lucalion, and hi I neat urn in Health." Not an End While stressing Hie importance CUNARD LINE Anchor-Donaldson Line CANADIAN SERVICE MONTREAL to Liverpool 'mania Juiu? I, July , v to London I'.allliiK at I'lyiiMtiitli and i:iii'iliiirr A latin la May 8, J cue . July In Anlciila May 14. June 1. Julv ii ArauU May I. Juiw JO. July so Allwinla June 5. July 3, AUf. fi to Belfast and Glasgow l-tlltla, Mat j. Jinif is. July 14 AllH-tila Miy 14. June ll. July V Munev unlet', draft and travi'llri heuiir at lnwest rale. Full Indirtuatlun rnmi AxonU or i:rnmian'a iimm. e,il llasltnp SI. yi.. Vancouver, B.C. I'll ne. Sey. 304S. IANNED FRUIT We liae still a very large lock of '-aimed 1 ruil am we are going to dispose of the most oi it this week at prices unheard oi 5uy now. trawberrics, Itaspbcrries, Lo ganberries, and the large cans of Peaches, any assortment, : tins for 95c tins Peaches, Pears, Apricots Plums, or crushed Pineapple 95o 8 litis iNo. i Peas, special for 95c tins (Juaker (Join or Tomatoes 95o Malkin's Hesl Pino Plum Jam, i lb. tin ... ...,. 55c Pure Oran'rO .Marmalade, I lb. tin 65c Uluc llibboii Tea, 2V5 or .5 lb. pkg., per lb 65c hollies Stirling ir 3 of lleinz Catsup 95c 10 tins Sally Aim or Classic Cleanser . t 95c 19 bars While Swan Soap .. 95ci 12 bars Palm Olive Soap ... 95c 4 cartons Sunlight Soap . . , . 95c 19 rolls Toilet Paper 95c tins Lobster or Shrimp ,. 95o 3 combs Pure Honey 95o 3 Ih. McCorniick's Sweet Hiscuits 95c 7 tins King Oscar Sardines 95c 4 1b. Swedish Healthbread .. 95c 12 pkgs. Jelly Powders . . . . 95c 7 tin Heinz or Campbell's Toma to Soiii 95c 2 rings Oruvere Swiss Cheese 95c 5 lb. California Table Figs .. 95c 2 do.. Local Fresh Fggs .... 95c 2 lb. best Creamery Hulter . . 95c He sure, to get your order in for a Sack of our good Spuds this week. This week only for $3.50 . . . . . . Large1 pkgs. 'llobifi Tfond Holled Oats f .25c 4 lbs. Cleaned Currants, epecial 55c Fresh Fruit and Vegetables None Better B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. ,, Phones 45 and 574 results in injury to health. Suc cess ill-life is not more important than health, nor is service more important. Tho forcing of children into professions for which I hey are not eiuippi'd, but which promise a measure of so-callco" Food a Factor Awl? t t Agent everywhere or lOKSItK, lien. Aft.. Station, Vancouver, Telephone Seymour 2(19, tan. Vic, Ky TraiHc A;cau. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. ' CSKAKUiaCIFIC f TO kuiiopi: I AKK RESKRVATION5 KOW FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool Apr. 3)1. Mi 4S MBiilnrte M law i Monl'-illM May II. June II . . MmilrUrK To Chrbcurg-uthmptcn- Antwerp Vy Jiiun MlnnwUiM May 19. J mi Meliu To BtlfjU-Qliigow May ao. Jimp l? .MelioiiK FROM QUEBEC To Chtrbourg-Southtmpton-Hmburg My I, Jmir V . . t liijir. i-r I'NIK-n li) , June f:i.Kliin,' or Srnllaiid To LItrpool Mjy l. Jniw l h Xuiilmyal To Olfat-0lgow J :;. July I Moiilnalrii MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE Jul) 4 'l'r"lil M'.iilri'al .. MiH'X ll NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. MTH K IS IIK.HKHY (ilVKX that mi Utr l."lli day uf May noil tlw undrrsliriii'd In lrnl lo apply lo Itic l.lqimr Onilrol U'lant rr a l.lmiiw In reswrl of Ihf pisiiiiKi-a lirinir pari r Itic liulldinx kimn an "Ouwn'it lloli'l." ntluate un Mam Street, .Muiell, II. C. ami uikhi IIii" lamH d-m rllied a 1. lilurk H, Map (V, ITIiiic Itiiiierl Land lienlnlrill'm lillrlit, In tin- Provlinv or liriil.h ;ilunitila, for Un- Kale nt liwr liy Ihr irl j ss or liy Ihn om-ii liollle foe consumption on lliu pn- ltllMS. li.VTKIi at I hi- i:ilv or 1'rlnrc tU(x-rl, provliii'i or Hrllisli CoUimlila, thla I7lh day of April. A.H. 1B. MIUUlKiJ LILIAN MINX, Applicant. Dr.Alexander 8mlth Block Phone 575 DENTIST Saturday, April 2 s ia,8 THE DAILY NEWS Sleep is Nature's Nerve Restorer THAT may be very true, 1 you say, "but that is just the trouble I cannot sleep." And that is just why we are poing t to tell you about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.which is generally conceded to be the greatest of nerve restoratives. It is not a sleep producer in the sense of being a narcotic. But it does naturally and gradually restore the wornout nervous system and in a few days you find yourself enjoying sound, restful sleep. Sleeplessness is, perhaps, the most outstanding symptom of nervous exhaustion. v ithout sleep there is no chance of replacing at night me nerve iorce usea up auring the day in the activities of life. thai in acquiring and maintaining health wo gel Ihe highest possible .enjoyment out of life. It shows ilelViti service to others and the ability to meet the needs or everyday life and ileiil wilh them. A mistaken idea of Ihe eeono-niio demand of the limes often Without such aid as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food affords you are doomed to physical bankruptcy. By using this treatment and taking as much rest as possible you will very soon find yourself on the highway to health. But a little patience is necessary. A condition which has been years in developing cannot be overcome in a day. Of one thing you can be certain and that is that with each dose of the nerve food you are supplying to the blood and nerves the elements of nature which are essential for the restoration of the human system. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 60 cts., all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto 2, Canada. of health, the speaker pointed avoid poisons, and should main-ut thai health was not an end tain a wholesome attitude of in itself. The best conception is mind. A well-trained and vigor- ous body plus a well-ti uincd and: vigorous mind shouhl 1m- I Ik- objective. Miss Harrison relened to the value of the vitamin'- in the maintenance of beaiili from n physical point, anil lo the need for confiduce, opcn-niindcdiiess and belief in the goodness of ifo from the psychological point of view, liappiues and health cannot be bought; they are a byproduct of wholesuinc activities and must be won. A very hearty vote of thanks lo Mis HarrNon was moved by J. H. ... . . sui c. ss is often nothing short or weconucti by I J. 11. A very keen discussion regarding what should be mini n-im rmntr no MiijiiMiiin oi i - ......... ..i ,.r f,.,..i - n .,.,,..-r ... ou.i. c, ,ckel MX ., tnmfa lial ro xer.-.s.- ami tt.e o . omewlal r,.senl. a r-un nanus reoue suoiini prevalent r,.val.n, al al pre Lack of Uniformity Lark of uniformity In tho views of different doctors rewarding need for children lo be kept away from srhool if one in i lie family is ill. made it difficult to keep epidemics from spread ing ami the executive, was in ; structcd to iget in touch with the health officer lo see if some de finite policy could be adopted. Altogether Jits Harrisons talk was one of the outstanding lectures ever given under the auspice of the Parenl-Teaclier ssociation. am) made 4 deep im pression on all who heard it. Refreshment were later ser ved in the domestic science rooms. She Couldn't Sleep Kaart Was So Bad Mrs. 3. D. MeClintock, Chnrlotte-town, P.K.I., writci: About year go I wm greatly troubled with my heart. I could not deep at ntght, and was ao nervons I imagined that I could ee everything in the room moving, and would have to turn on the light! before I could get to alcep. After having read of your I toolc neveral boxea lof them, and can now got a full night'i alecp with out any trouble, and feel fine in every way." IT. It N, Tills have been on tht market for the pt . 32 yean: all dealer aell them; put up only by Tbe x. .unburn uo., Limited, Toronto, um NOT IOC 1,1 TIIK MATT Kit or an ipplliatlnn tot Hm - iuim t.t m It.,i., I'Ai'lirii.ain l,r I Title Tor AlKin-d Lot "U" r Lot aeven ' ll III. ...I. IAH...I, ltA alii..!! wl.lfill tit 1., ...... ,r,.J-n, ,iiiiiiMi.rr.i w. IM seven hundred and nirly-alt (716) Oueen Ciiallolla liuirlrl (Mao 1II7U). saiurr(,ry proof of the lost of the Certificate, of Title rnverlnir the almve land havlnr iH-en produced to '', II la my liuenlii'O to lanue, aftci the eipiratlon of one month friiin the flmt ulllcallon hereor, a I'ruvUlonal Orllflcale of Title to Ihe ahove land In the name of I'aul ouefrle Mannarl. Tim orlirlnal C.erllflcale or Tine la oaicd lite Sam or auiuh, 1919. and la numbered 11100 1. Land lierlmry office, ' I'llnre Hupert D.C., 31th .March, I0J'.. II. V MACI.EOO. Heifiatrtr of title. MAJOR SAW WHALE AND FEARED FINS MONSTER OF DEEP i R. J. Burdo Able to Make Close i Inspoctlon of Sporro Bull from Gasboat In Pacific Ocean .1 U.IIKHNI. April 31.- .Major II I In ntc. making his bi-aiinini. lour or the West Coast of hi j const fluency during the last week had an exciting experience in a ua hual. Making Ihe fifty mile stretch southbound form Noolka ! Cannery to iJlnyouot in the (oodlad Hm.' trolling boa! lleauty.lhe weather being favor- i able, the outside direel passage was taken, making the course about len miles olf-shorn out l: I he open Pacific. When twenty miles oul from Cluoiiol a large whale wa lighted Iri-urely sporting itscii on the surface a iiuarlor of a mite seaward. The Major, ntiv mi for a cloe-up, tftuctci Hi to head in Ihe direc lion of the monster, when hardl had the little uasboal lurm-il when an exceptionally large (ml sperm whale suddenly emerged only fifty yards from Ihe boat It spouted n solumn of watei Uwnty feel in the air, then apparently suddenly .tigltlml Hm boat ami lushed its tail vicious!;, and disappeared beneath the waves. One can imagine the Major -reelings for the few minutes l i follow as to whether and vvher. the monster Mould )nuw u asaiu. for it wh more thar twice the length of the gasboat While it whs on Ihe surface o close was it that those a boa n I could not only easily discern Ihe peculiar markings of the whale, but could plainly see masse o! Itfiruaclf iiiMin its buck. SPORT CHAT With two brand new teams, ul least a tar as names go, in tho field a:-.d Ihe third team having made its initial appearance only )al year. I lie re will lie a n shuffle lu the Iweal fiMilbali deck when the eaou opens of May It Willi Ihe first (fame in tbe dtuart Siiinbl series and the deal should cause a good deal of interest in this popular outside sport. While Ihe orgnniations are new, Ih.i idayers of ial years who are left in the city, with few exeep lions, will again be found on the field and there will be the uiii:ii smattering of new blood. Al this dale, II would be banl to predict who may come nut on lop s the eeiioii advances and ihe various trophies am toiilend- ed for. The Moose, (irand Terminal Ulub and Hold Storuge are the only teams so far eiirolleii although in nonie tpiarters there senifi lo he a reeling that the Ureal War Veterans may yel ge! in the game before the season is far advanced. The Vets Jiave not yel nidified the league defimtclv of their intentions. Willi Ihe first shoot of the .North II.C. Itegimetil Rifle As socialiou on the McNjcholl Creek range daleil for Sunday, May if, and the I'riure Hupert (lun I'.luh preparing for the openinit o iin l'ark Avenue Irap-shootiug range next week, the marksmen of the ity will soon he eiugaged in the reason s compelllious. .viemners if the (iun Club turned out on I'liursday allernoon nt Park Vventie and did some fixing up of the traps after which a few rounds of aiiimuuiliou were inrked oir in practice. The an mini mccling of Ihe (iun Clti.i will be called, il is expected, It. Ihe course of Ihe next few days lr. K. S. Tall is Ihe president and Jack Keefe, the secretary I'lie opening baseball' game of the seanou al lla.elon was play "l la! Saturday between a white team of llazellou and a native aggregation from (lien Vowell It was ii snappy and interesting match which Ihe whiles won by a score of lo 10. "The re sult," says Ihe Omineca Herald "Ihe Indians believe was due lo a hum decision of Umpire 0. W !awsou'. He will be pretty care fill In future because the unlive have learned the genlle art of razzing "His Uiims" and Hud wants to keep his scalp cv'cn though there is no hair on it tml few unlives would care Ij wear It as' an ornament." "Why Is mother rolling up bef sleeves ? . "To punish Maine for rolling down her stockings. i UMBRELLAS Many have expressed delight at bolng able to purchate an Umbrella knowing that they are netting as good valui as they would In any other place In Canada; alio in havlna an assortment to chooo from equal to any in the laraj centres. Sco our Window Display. Opt'cal De, artmont Eyes examined, Vision tested, Glasses fitted by reglttcred optometrist, rtll lenies are ground Ly an c,i. perlenced operator, exactly to prescription and cat efuily in. spocted. This expert optical sorvlco may be had et very reasonable prices? Max He Ibroner L27-&Z9 Third Avenue i WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday nt 7 and 9 JACK HOLT and BILLIE DOVE "Wild Horse Mesa Zaiie (!re' l.iuinii- Lib In Vt. ..iv Arizona wild lnr-e viiii1 i v . wln n- hures know ' ler ami heart- know Ihe thrill o( nve. The ti.l-brollivrs fighting (or Ihe miih gul .ml Ii. . the i H magllifieeilt Wlltl llin-e i-lbi li. n in . Km tight, reckle riding aiitl a loMrMlou4 hor-. -i liniiix. Slory fur lfir. Miurh for poueli Ihnll i u betler wclero ha- yel lo In filmed, SktiHg i i- Jack Holt, Bllllo Dove, Noah Doery, .George MagriX Gcorgo Irving, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Edith Yorko oilier. FELIX COMEDY CARTOON, PATHE REVIEW, Admission 50c and 25c DOLLAR : SALE For Saturday the 24th, Monday tho 20th, and Tuesday the 27th. Also 15 per cent Discount on all Ladles' and Men's Running Shoes, 10 per cent on all Children's 10 PER CENT OF SATURDAY'S TOTAL RECEIPTS WILL BE DONATED TO THE GYRO PLAYGROUND FUND. You are laniiliiir Willi uur -ide. V iurr (li- i '' OuroUer i- idwa gi'iioiiir. I'nr iolitmc, -liouglit Ladies' Miintiirh (ireeu .Mtnpe Silk HluikinK now on .-ale for l.O(l. ANo 'i wirs Art uSiJk oe, whieli aro nobl f x for (Cjc. Ihirniff the snlc. 2 pairs for I.n. You know how Ihe li.M.d Knibroidery UiAlon Today il i 22 xkeins for 1.00. .Now follows the list Lailies1 Lisle lloso, reg. o(ie. Sale, a pairs tot Ladies' Cliuiiuiis (lloves. nsMirlcd nalleriis mnl - l.:ir. to . Sale, per puir . . ,. . . (JlarkV Hnibroiil.eiy Coltoti, Si skoms ror .... t bnlls cr. Cottnn for Ilojnl Society lleleslin, reg. 2, for Ific. Salq, 15 skem . I Ladies' Collou Hloutners, reg. Sain, 2 for' ' , Ladies' Vesls. reg. lirr. Sale, 2 Tor Ladies' Cnllon Vests, reff. itic. Sal.., i ff,r , . ..'(' 1 llnnd Towels, reg. ire per pair. Sule, 51 pnirs Tor . . ,,: While (Jollon, Jltl inches wiiliv reg.2."c. Snle, 0 vard ' . , . . I i"1 Hrey f.ollon, reg-. Mic,. Halo, 5 yartU fbr Scrim, AVhilo lihil l-renr, H''JOi'. 'HaW, :rih foe . Ktiglish (liiigliain, Jltl iiielies whle, reg. Otic and tiDc 2 yards for While Flannelette, reg. ;it)e. Sale, 5 yards for . . . . Men's Canvas (lloves, & pairs for Men's (bihntirr Sock i-nii. 7?,c Kuln r,. , - ' ' O ' .MH., iiin fill . . v. 1 till Sllali. I I if I f 1 1 1 O'Ccilnr ....... VVnni 1 " Mlgl-O ijiv.-i 1 nttil 2 lius llrnsso Melal Polish, nil lor . . l visil our iuo. 1&0 Ann 2Kn noninni w ' , WW w ,1 ,1 ( k,VII XI JABOUR BROS., LTD. .51 I'0 i 0" I