DAILY COITION British Deadlock; Miners' Wages. Zeebrugge Affair 5r If not Displayed it fiftf DAILY NKvvB JitfAprtl AsR For it ! SALADA" TEA Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Keep many a man or woman straight in after life 93 se T8 is finer tea and finer value. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT . HRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Hie Prince R:ipert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . . $l.on By mail 16'; all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year JO.oo Tojfall bther. countries, in advance; per year $7.ro Transient Display Advertising. . .-$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Kronl Page.. v.. $2.80. per inrl- Local'. Readers, per insertion. . . ... 25c per linr Classified Advertising, per insertion.;... 2c per won' Legal Notices, each insertion. .... ; .-.' t&c per agale I in." Contract Rates on Application. Friday, April 23, l9'iC. An; impoasihle portion obtains in connection with the coal mining .industry in Hreat Britain. It is kept going by memi of a government stihidy. LaM j ear there was a dispute between miner?, ana operators over wages and a general strike wa threatened. As it was considered that this would be a calamity the government offered to recoup the ,rnine operators lheiV In ses'if they would continue to operate at thfe same scale ol wocts.- "This wa done and the work went on. 'Naturally the British taxpayer is nol going to continue micI( a system indefinitely. It would not be fair to other iudu.-tries whe.re no sucji subsidy is paid and which also find it difficult" 16 continue. Just now there is a deadlock but whether it will result in. A strike or a reiltirlion of wages or both no one ran say. What jloes seem clear is that the British government i tiut likely to continue navinir the subsidv. iiuiefiuitelv. i J As a, strike of roal piiuers ,s. likely to spread to other inH Jliistries, particularly Hie transportation industries, it is easy tin rw- uuiii r.- iiiui arc touiiiiiiK aueau uiii; which mav casuv '1... .lf..llf..l . ' "I lie uijiriicu, . ' ' ;' ,'' ' - 1 .".':'..' "' Value Of Mother " . To Any Child. ..' v ' The value of a mother. In a.rhild was emphasized in a judg tiiefit. (f tlie United Slates ediirtk e?Terday which awarded -y 2? you-ior tne toss or.a mother hut only 12,000 foe-the lo.s of q lamer wno is tne breau winner. Those who have mothers mav feel hnnnv in the fact. The world is rided bv its hi nml hales hut to be influenced hby riu'lhir love is one of the great privileges of mankind. Nothing ele is like it. There is jxiwer in the sex appeal, Ihere are wonderful deeds accomplished for ir(eniisiip or honor or philanthropy hut mother love excels them all in its efficacy. Just A. Little Advice To Mothers. .,;" It is presumptuous, perhaps, to advise mothers what they snoiiui no, hut there are wise mothers and unwise mothers. It is in counecliou with the trentment of children as thev grow older that they ofleu Tail. In the first place the child should be taken .injo the confidence of the mother and told at an early age the mysteries of sex and the value of purity. Also it is desirable that mothers do not prolert rlnhlren always against the results of lheir errors. Children lake ad Vantage. 'of such protection and gel to feel thai there is ho such ln4JJ&!.lml?,.lMh,nt for wrong doing.. There arc molhers who think their own children never do anything wrong .but who see au..-sorii laitiis in tne children or their neighbors. Usually they, sUtiil ilheir own Children tlirontrh mi excess rtf m rtf hop 1nv Il lH'J,..,, .. .. .. S" . and tliee.s-nlt isthe hveejlinfr of, criminals, of wasters, of riien mid women whom their fellows h'un.' llrintriritr on Tif criihlrfn has always been one of the great problems of the world and it continues lo ne just as difficult as ever. Molhers arc largely ri;sjMiuiiiie n ineir children -go wrong and also their Influence Anniversary Today. This is Ibe anniversary Of the naval engagement at Zeebrugge in which Prince Itupert was represented bv at least one LEIGHMON FOREST FIRES Tj, moy e tinin U wa ,, pa t;r arly miportaiit - to 'Mrillsli t'oiumUia wherttpverlo per cent of the Itittil statid of Vnnber iu !!dnifdrt was ,Ii)p,aleiL ;Thy were i ue qiisiMiiiaiis oi no' inuusiry fop ('anada and the l'mpire. Tremendou Loss Ouotin? a few figures Mr. ! Speaker Tells Rotary Club of Efforts Being Made to Save Timber - j ANTI-FOREST COMPLEX I At One Time Man Was Hostile to. Present Source of Industrial Activity There ii enough limbet burned in British Cnlnmhla tasi ; season to keep the lii Oeanj Full! paper plant running at Tullj capacity for 15 year., declared K. ii. i.t.-wiuuii oi mi? provincial lor- I . I ... . i.. II.. : . . . ' i-.Mi ot-iiari oumii in hiiiucxsiuk lite Hotary Oldh yesterday .afternoon on the preservation or I lie forests. That company had an investment of $2i.ooo.0oo, kepi up a community, of 2,8no people and. u.H'd annually t5,Oti(,non tioartl feet of logs. Mr. l.eighton poke eloquently and well on hehalf of caution and care-in the protection of the forests. sis. tlcul Leighton showed that 75 years: ago the stand of timber was 1,000' billion feet whereas today it wasj -stimated to be only 350 hillionJ Feet. During that time CO billion I feet had been cpl and 000 lol linn r..i .i.iiiwi. i i... rim ii,... It'll itr, inn.iiui-i ill r. iiii'i oily nature was repairing the loss, j i.. . 2..l , ... " inn ii was cry uesininie to pro-eet the younj; trees Tor genera-ions to come. , The timber industry. Mr. Lei-ib- on showed was the greatest in Last year was the mot disas trolls. jj history since a fire protection system liad befii inao-itiirated when over a million icres was burned over. Of the ."ires last year 25 per rent originated from lightning and (be other 7! per cent from human .areiessness, often amounting to vvilfulness. Difficult to Eradicate Mr. Leighton went on to tell Of some of the cases of oareless-iess, which had resulted iiv-reat oss and expense to the pro-vinre. The only way in which ho could account for the attitude &as that man had a natural antipathy for the forests, inherited probably from his savage ancestors. The forest were gloomy and were thought to he the habitation of evil spirits. They sheltered man's enemies and this iinti-foresi complex" was difficult lo eradicate. Popular edu cation, he thought, was the remedy and he looked to such organizations as the Itotary Club to aid In the wttrk. They were especially keen in educating the young people to a different al-lillidp. With the older people II was Inore difficult and all they could hope was that they would soon be removed, to a sphere .Vhere file forests were fireprrjof. Good Results Here One of the means of checking forest fires w"a the appoiillmeAl of honorary- firewardens lo sup plcment the paid wardens throughout Ibe country. . Here nr 1 1 paiil warden had charge oi i;ver a thousand acres of timber when'as in most couhlries they had a warden for little over 100 acres. In 'this district good re 'suits hud been obtained last year mini. Alex. Young, now a Prince George barrister, son of .lodge, iot of the disastrous tires hav-Yonng of this city. The event wn" ope of the most spectacular l"g taken place iu the south. oi tne war ana is one thai will I.e used to fire: the Imagination of navel men for many years to come. It was one or. the many case during thql bloody conflict in which Britishers proved themselves true heroes, This edvertlseinrnt Is ndi published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. the Only three-fifths of one per cent qf the losses occurred in this district. One of the difficulties Ihey had in en forcing the Jaw was to ecure convictions inguinal oflen- ilers. People often were nol wil ling to give evidence against neighbors who offended In this way, whereas they would do so in the case of a thief who stole other goods. He appealed for help 'o cuHIvhIc a public con sclousness of the value of the forest and of the offense of cn j daggering the puhllc heritage. ; PROCEEDS OF CONCERT AID OF BOYS' BAND At the Rotary luncheon yesterday AY. G. Orchard reported the result of Die concert held recently in the VesthoIme Theatre for the Boys' Band. The tolal proceeds amounted to 8371.25 Mi 1 SpringCleeii TaiR. TJAVK you ever noticed 11 that vyh;n you have tut. bruised or burned yourself you are always knockitiK the sore place against something? No matter what your task, you are hampered by even the most trivial of injuries. It holJ back our work, it hurt you to do anything. - Horn evrr, the real dangrt In the minute Kerm of diseiisc which wmi into any break of the V.in and et lip poisontnis infection unles Zam-Buk is applied. Z.am-Huk immediately toothea away pain and protects against' danj;ertii gerni. It can atwa)t be depended upon to heal quicVly and Cleanly with tine new Mn. ?ow, at Spring-cleaning time more than ever, you cannot afford to be without this wonderful Zam-Huk Also in caes of eciema, pimple, psoriasis, impetigo, ringworm, pile, ulcers, boils, abscesses, poisoned wounds, etc, Zam-Buk is most soothing and efficacious. voir anM cm iir tta rt kirkil Mtlr si Its. , i tr .US. Zsm-tiik Ca, Ttratlt, UI t"" "- Mf l Insl Slm I r a t rHwut akaLl! he province, 11)0,000,000 tiein ' " lneted in it. The proincia) and tin- exp uses revenue from it was .3,50o,OO0 lvei-iising ..Hi and it was constantly expanding, -.'Ji ot? b-aMtin the hand nf "i i brat re, ad- sir.:! I.) For arliuti, spectacular thrills and the most gap-prookih cljmav iver fiaslied on (be hilvm sheet, ihe melodrama "Wild Jlnrse Me-.ii." which lieorg'? B. Scitt proiliiced from l.ucjcii Hub- bard s adaptation of Zane (irc.y gripping novel, has Ihem all beaten ! Imagine a Ireuren'dous lienl ot five thousand terror-stricketr' wild horses charging at lop stied, across a vat stretch of tabled land, headed slramlii for a treacherous barbel wire corral!, This slanipi-de the final, smashing liigltsiioi in the photoplay i;s pictured in all its terrlfyini reallsint and wai ftJnu-,1 at great persouai nss. tu cauicraniPii unu playtirsnuiriy of wjiotn narrowly esrapeu oeain rrotn lite, lliutnl-ering .hoofs of the wljd letsls. And. 4tliis sriwe rpmeM tis a fil4 ling and high-pow eied finale tirl a series of tene, dramatic evenlsl which have their beginning when Jack HOIl, hero of the plotting comes into open and hitter conflict with a gang of outlaws and horse "thieves, raptured by Xoalr Berry. Billie Dove is the lovely heroine and Dougla Fairbanks, Jr portrays the fourth featured role, that Holt's dare-devil She Coughed Night and Day Until She Used . Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Mra. B. E. Llttlo, 103 Inkfrman St., London, Oat, wrlUa: "I fcot a Very evere cold which tttled In bit Irua-UaJ tnb. I coafted nlgM and itj, and although I tried aereral dilTrrrat rew dita I could get bo relivf until a friend adrined me U take Dr. VVood't Norway Plna Bjmp. Tlila I did. and I mart lay that It Rare me aL-nont Immediate relief u I got rid of ihr eoofk Terr quickly. I ho;e thia tmti-tnonial wUl U the neana of helping there." 'Dr. TTood'e" la put up only by The T. UUbon Co., IimiUd, Toronto, ytvuhser brother. .Inst to prove that Hie slorv does depart from the regulation wester plol formula, il is only urce.xsary to point out' that although srveral hundred Indian play a stirring pari In the film. Ibex- are on 1 frill Mde and prOVr oi tuvalualde assistance at a wry rtueinl moment. 1 Tin rugged and manglficenl wlhleniess baCkUr(undv are prtJ1 llieeast of the pholoplay svrtrtli' while features. All tr the exteriors w ! pliolosttiphod at lied bake. Ariionn, where they found at' almost unheli'eahe duplieale of the Vild llore Mesatie lai itinl hieale of Hie story with thousands or wdd liore itihahil-linK the place. "Wild llorso Mesa" represent the ultimate- in melodrama. THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: NOW then sprint, do bet. We are all ready. I Til l.'lil' u ..l..i.. ..r your III'. aw flu- hoali put out lo sea And he wished lo go. l- oiw had been a sailor man. And weathered many a. blow But he yearned lo face the ga!" And ride the rollliiP wnw. Thmnh he's tpiietly wailing for Hip end With one fool in the grave. TII.KUK'S one thing about being poor. Nobody is scandalized If yon act contrary to the moral cod. BATllINi; suits will soon be seen in the shop" windows mid we shall .ee more of the mrl) j nan we did in the winter. ' ' AM. my worries bad gone and now comes this one about w hat I .... .... i to do with the money I shall avej ',on uiy ineome tax. ooilavs wei-il '" !- "riT- SeviMut t'r ticket Si llers li;ive In report y?' Si) lliu! I in; uiiinl'i'! Will W. sliKlniv htin-i; Hian Dial whe'i all tli' re! urns are in. WILD HORSE MESA IS MELODRAMATIC PICTURE Zane Qrey's Novel Filmed for Movies is Something Out of Ordinary. rinee import. 3'his is n fur market .for trappers. POMH peoplo try to kenp ftraisht, hut the corkscrew say be find it impossible. AIUJl.ll.VV are all riaht, bu; Ion I li;ie llietn warioeil ov.c for hrerilvfasl. AN npllmlsl is a man who takes a fryiiha pan and no bacon on a flihlhg trip. l.l'rri.K drops of water Bits of nisi and mud Make a fti i rate e icino Soon into a dud. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert April 23, 1918. K. J. Chambeilain, president of the Brand Trunk Pacirie Hail-way. wrile to .Mayor McCalTcrv sin I ins: that, while the railway company deems it Inadvisable to an into the shipbuilding business ilseir, every effort is being made lo have oilier lnlerrs use the hew dry dock tit I'rlnce Unpen for sjich work:, v" ' The rJirnivitl iif the Allies, be ing - otieued louighl in the Kx- Iiiliilinn.ll.il1 for the tied Cms fund benefll, will be one of tlt biggest entertainment ever of fered lo the public of Prince llnpcrl. : An F.nglish exchange announ ces that l.leiil. Then, f.ollarl of Ihe Belgian Army, Knight of llie fh-own ami M.B., will be married sbrtrlly to Miss ('lenient ine (iard-ner, only daughler of the lain levander (lardner and Mr tiardiier of.. I.ondoii. Vlhgland. Hotel arrival's. Prince Rupert .lames Ki'ir and Henry Whll-laker, Yic.lorla; Br. . Sager. Port Simpson; I.. H. Hafoe, I'rlnce Hui.erl; l (). I,yce. It I'. Morrow, tJeorwe It. illobertson, J. It. Ilayne and .1. V. Sum, Van couver: J; I.. Slewnrl, Surf Inlet; .lohn Allmeyer, Saskatoon: II. I.. Itobiuson, Hiiiilhers: Hap' .1. I). Williams, Yukon. Centra) Ii. Briscoe, Prince ifleorge; W. Legale, fleorge Jlasselt, fJar-fin, T. Fori In ami fleorge Mc-l.aughlin, C.N.H.; .1. Iauli, Odarvale, II. I-. Ilobiiison, .Sinilliors bar. rlsler, is a visitor In Ihe. city, having arrived from Ihe inferior on thi morning's train. I'HELP YOURSELF CORN "TO HEALTH A treat any time of day GOLDEN-CRISP Kcl-logg's Corn Flakes. Serve them with milk or cream. Fresh or preserved fruit. Kellogg's are always light and easy to digest. Never tough or thick. With a flavor beyond comparison 1 Serve Kellogg's for lunch. For supper. Between meals. Order them at cafeterias, Hotels, restaurants. No other flavor is like Kellogg's. theoriginal, genuine corn flakes. Sold by all grocers. Own.ht ALWATI immtffltj v.illl FLAKES $LL IikIuiUhs cwt krla yv iMk wiir-IUv.r ixli irU, nvKlr IUIim. TW. tiBiM rl HVm k k. lMtar I k. rll.t.r Ik lkj.. CORN fUKES ifii STONEWARE BEAN POTS TEA POT8 BUTTER CROCKS Slonewnrc represent Ihe last vvortl til snuHarf : " Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Allium turn Hrior Hutrl, Of VANCOUVCR, VICTOftl. et.e ne Al.ll ,,, Tu.l.M, ' VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, AlMl , M e.f. eluM. ' fof ANVOX. PORT SIMflON mtf Nhi Rlt.f Cnnirlii, TMured TI H'0' NTOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, eu4tr. .1 tsRSSf "TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE ILIP A 6UAMTUbjV y '114.11 II e6Duti or tcoTUsb The Oriitn.t I ,b. loofc 1tr At Ike Vendor' end Inelet on """"' a "t3T PROCURABLE" This ndvertiifiemcni Is not pnhllMicri or dlsplnycd by lh Mquur Control Hoard or hy tho flovorninoni of Uritlih Columbl