ir April 23, 1026, ID ENGLISH LAVENDER TOILETRIES Made by YARDLEY OF BOND STREET, LONDON. lot more limn ii century tliu leader of Uiic ami ioo have cliocn Ynrdley Tor I lie cxiiiisile beauly or i Lavender Perfume anil lurutie of (lie extra Hue ma-rruiii which llieir goods are made. ...I.... ..I m rl rirk v . m- n n l.i lion tiniri, .J,... fi.uu, 94.40, J.UU. 53.50 uM Si hi '..-i . 20c, 35c i Powder . .,, . . ... $1.00 ii u.liii(r PuwOer' $1.75 f., lire urn ; , 60c . " (.itiiiii . , 75C I i mi i powiler. in Has . . . . , 40c f. in I'owiliT. itt gins liotllea $1.00 f Sail Crv-lnls 4., ........ $1.25, $3.00 . iiiii-i-imI I.nvi'nilef HI(i.oiih,-(j;1uIi 25c ih umoo rovvuer, ooiiie ...... , $1.25 iiiIuii! Hidiriificil itf ... i 50c ir ni i.iniiiu ' .. v if . . . 75c Ormes Limited Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES tUMBER Timber. Dimension. Mhipl u. Kir I'mi-h. I'loor- mg V Joint. Iluslic and Ilevcl Hiding, Cedar and Kir. Lumber. Kir mill Cottonwood Veneer, Moulding. SliiiiRle. Ivolorcd Hliingle. I.iilh, Oak. Hardwood,. Hah uud Poor. Wood Piic. IEMENT8, Etc. lorIlnml Cement, KcenC. Cetnent, Ah l.e.-lo (iemml. lianlwnii master. Placer of Pari. Plaster Hoard. Lime, llyilinted Lime. Pi red ay. MICKS, Etc.- -Ommoii Urick. Kire lln.k. Preset Urick. f prii illnrnl Ttlf. Mirmeii pipe, line Lining. IISCELLANEOUS Nail. Ilnildiiig Paper. Tur Paper, II ibbo-ml JlooMiig. Joini. .Manville .xxho Hoofing" Afphall. Asphalt Hoofing Paper. Snnd mid (Jiuvei, NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL 'W ur Nnl (Vial for your lii Iipii (lunge lLBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones lie am! 117. DEMAND Rupert Brand" Rippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by ianadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. tanadi&n National Railways Prince Rupert RYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock tglneer. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, tic. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped lo handle ll kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and W aggers! Loggers! "BaMaaMa I Wo liuvo Hie only eumpluto slock of i- Gilchrist Jacks 'd parts in (he North." We handle Logging Initio, Axes, ' t-avies, Saws, ami general Camp Kipupment. II Will ay you to see us wlicn milfitlitig. IStbrks Hardware Limited 710 Second' Avenue Local and Personal I'lione 15. P.n. Coal Co. t Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. t li.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Sneddon's Taxi and Messenger Service. Phone 134. 11 Don't forget gt. Oeorge's nighl loniulit in Metropole Hall. Subscriptions' laken for Kdmoiiloii paper. I'lione 58: I). C. ing by ANNOUNCEMENTS flidlev Home Baxnar May 0 Wash That Itch Away i orre u annoiutciy no iuntirr irora tcwm.t who tvt umI I lil. loothinc writuh. and ditl not Irrl inimrdlairly that wonjptfully calm, cool wiutUon Ihat raim when tlit Itch It takrn awa It penetrates lh porra, It Inatant rvlicl from Imi moot UiUcnlng Un Jiacaact. D.D.D. Tit finl SIM ( r,i',i mm) . 1m D. D, O. ftp, iM, ORMES LIMITED Hie 05 Mcltae sailed this iiuun-Uii! Prince Georire for Vancouver on a business trip. Arthur McCorkindalc was a paxoofiirf r fur Vancouver .sailing ii I lie Prince (ienrge this morning. t 450 tons Nanaimo Wellington Lump Coal Just arrived. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 and 117. if Mary Chapter hridv m.l danc.. in I.O.Il.K. Hall. Monday next. April io, al 8.0. Ad luixKin 50c. K. a. Jacki,i, C.N. It. aoitttnnt supiriiilinflent, is a visitor in town, having arrived from tlio inli-rior on thi- morning's train. Matt Viileck, who has hffii ser-iounly ill at the Princu llupcrt General Hopilal, is reported to he making a sarisraetory recov ery. CP. It. steamer Princes Hoyal. Cant. Tliomas Cliff. soiiUiIkiiiii.1 from Alaska norU lo Vancouver. wa lien- from 7:50 tu y o'clock llii morning. A teial fish train, containliic four carlnads of fresh lialilmt and one of fronen, was ilepaleh ed Kasl hy the Canadtan Na tional Hailway lat iiiylit. Tb fret, fii wa tliat which was sold at the Exchange yesterday morning. j. . Mrpnen. wno i "ever inn hio ciiniifciion with the provin cial department of uirtdic works after two aiid a li'alf years her vice aHitan dNlrjcl enjiiio-or for Vilin district, was a passen Scr alionrd the Prince licorcc morning on his way lo Vic loria. Hon Mathe.un, won f City lraurer and Mrn. Mallieson arrived today on Hie Catala from Vancouver where he lias beer lainy hi first year in Science at the I'liixersily of ll.C. ami will n-niHin here for a few dats he fore proceeding to Premier to lake a position on the Premier .Mine tnlr for the eiimuier. llaxiiiK completed her Tails in the Skccna lliver, I'nlon !teaiiier Cu ( alt,. Capl. A. Johnston, ar- riei in port from the south nl 11:15 lliii morniiiR and continued al I o'clock to Anyux ami Naan lliver points. Iteturiiiuc here to morrow morning, the vccl will call at the Canadian Pi. Mi A: Colli Storage Co. and Prince llupcrt cannery, clearing on her return south nt 10 o'clock. NOTICE. lo whom it may concern! I. It. U. Ilnrvvood. owner of tint In al "lierlie V" hac no con ned ion with l.ouis liafoe and am not rcsponsllde for any dolds Incurred hy I i lit. H. . HAIlWOOIi. THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREE A Luxury anyone can afford. A friendly, delicious, Stimulating beverage. Healthful, too. But it must be NABOB TEA "TEA AS IT SHOULD BE KniKiits of Pythias Masquerade 1 tall, April 2J, in Do-ton Hall VI5 K. II. Shoeklcy. after havina fpenl ii couple of day in tin; city on his way fonili after a trip lo the iulerior, proeeeded lo Vaneouer on tin Piinc George (his iiidrniug. W. A. Wallace of Hie llriti.h Corporiilion, marl lie underwriters, returned south on I lie Prince George Hits nioriilrr.' after havln : !pcnt a couple of day in the city on official hnstness. Hilly, David and Jlary Syrnyk. children of T., Syrnyk, who recently left the city. Tor t:ia-bllju. weDl Muh y)nj.llie Prince Gwrge tlifs mofiifijMr. Syrnyk i now raiiehing a CJayburu. ' MH. .1. II. .MC.Muiiin. KUpertn- tendenl of the provincial pnli returinil on the Prince Georai' Ihi morning to .Victoria aflci havinn pent a eouple of days here makiu? arrMiigements for the Inking over of the city polic ing by the liroviaCfeLiorce. Major .1. A. illoilieWjjI. ehiel iupeclor of fislierius, relunied to Vancouxer on Die Prince (ieorge this morn i n k after a two day lo the city on official dulie. John W. Allep, ciief en gineer for I lie department, is re mainiiiK here for a few days longer. Tlmina l.oudeu, U. (i.M.M. siiprrinteiiileul engineer and ffcnernl suuerintendent of the local drv dock, and Oapl. P: S Hoe of Suniinecland,,.fdr whom the Okannnan I.nke inolor vessel is lieins built here, returned south on the Prince GeoiTe this morning. I he freighter Famous; which stranded reeenlly in Ilie Skeena lliver, has been taken oji the ways al the Hurra id Drydock, North Vancouver, vfor repair. 'I'll ireisuicr wriuco lias just com- plclod repairs at the same plant following her goiny .ashore re- cenUy near Vancouver. Leaving here a few years ago as a eliooi jmy. Ituncri E. Mor row, son of Mr. and -Mrs. George V. Morrow, former resident of (his city, is hack again as a full fledged commercial traveller. He. presenting the National Itiscuil Co., llupcrt arrived on Ihl morning's train from the interior ' the cntirse of a trip through Hie district. Passengers sailing Ihi.s morning on the Prince George for the soulli included D. N, O'Hvrne. I.. E. pciok E. McDonald, vT. J. Heully, .Miss Mabel .Mills, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Slarr, WEIIis, H. C McGregor, Mrs. MAltUue, E 11. Hall, A. Slavin and J. I.. Me- Intosh for Vancouver; O. A. Lundberg, C. II. McKitinon and K. G. Hosworth for Ocean Falls. A. M. .tiickson' mcl vvilh a painful accident yelcrday ,nfleniooa at the uovernmeiit wlinrf Ihm-. JUDGE GOES NORTH TO HOLD TRIAL OF ESKIMO PRISONER KDMONTON, April 23.Ju.Jc Imbue, who bus already foul connection with the trials -of Ks- kinioj in the far north, expects to leave for Aklavfk on June 1, lo preside over a hearing result ing from another killing in the northern territories. An Kskimo named Ikaycua will be the ac cused, having been apprehended by the H.C.M.P. jdetachmcnt al Tree lliver, acting under Ser geant F. A. Uarnes, in January or February of 1U25, for the shooting of a native, Uluksak, on Parry ltivcr in Hie summer of lD2i. Judge imbue will have with him, when be commences bis journey to the north, two lawyers, one for the prosecution, the other for the defence and a per sonal secretary. These further appointments have not been made, according lo the judge. II is possible that there may be mwre than one trial held in the northern areas during the coming summer, but JmUe Imbue as yet has received no word of any but that concerning Ikayeua. DEMPSEY MAY PICK TUNNEY TO FIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP ... BOUT r ni I jiiiii, lev, .pril i.f. Tex Hickard waved awide reports i Ihat I he New York state athletic !-ommi.'iou might revoke hi I license and jeopardize his 5,-' OOo.OOii invcslniciil in Madison' Square Garden if he picked !ene. Tuuney a l)einpey's opponent' or New Jersey as Hie scene of the ffeht. I Hickard reiterated that his choice will be between two siles,! while 1'uimey 'will be considered." He declared Ihat his contract with Pempsey does not vjolate the requirements of Hie boxing commission. EDMONTON MAN FINED FOR NAILS ON STREET EDMONTON. April :J, Peter Doha I z who swept several three-inch nails into the street to Hie detriment of automobile ami bi cycle i ires ami rerusej to move I hem when requested to do so by police officers was fined tf) and costs or 20 days by Magistrate 'morose m the police court. BIRTH. 1 here was born yesterday at Hie home SOU Seventh Avciiuj West, a son lo Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Morrison. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m DKiHV ISI.AND.CIoudy. calm. barouieler. an. 10: Icniperalure. IH; sea smooth; H p.m. spoke motorship Apex, Ketchikan for Vnacortes, 110 miles south ol Ketchikan; steamer Princess Hoyal due al X a.m. southbound 8.:i0 p.m. spoke Inotorship Olin- do, Arraudale for Craig, 00 miles fiion Arraudale; 8.1U p.m. spoke steamer Amur, bound for Taromi from Anyox, 30 miles from Any- o.. Hl'I.I. HAHHOIt. . Overcast. light stuitbeast wind; barometer, 30. ail; temperature. 47: light swell: 7 p.m. spoke steamer Ven ture al l.ockeport southbound; 6 in. spoke steamer Iledoudo, nacorles fur Ketchikan. 3:i0 miles from Ketchikan: 8 p. in spoke steamer (Jueen, Seattle for Quadra, 118 miles from Quadra 8 p.m. spoke steamer Catherine D.. Prince Huperl for Nanaimo, 115 miles from Nanaimo; V.IH p.m. spoke steamer Princess Beatrice abeam Pine Island northbound. Noon DKiHY ISLAND. Cloudy, light southeast wind; barouieler, 30. 40; temperature, 5'.'; moderate sea; 0 a.m. Prince George out southbound; P.30 a.m. Princes Hoyal out southbound; 1 1 :'.'0 in steamer Catala nortl- ; bound. Hl'I.I. HAIIHOII. - llaiuliitf, he was emrlo.ved by Jidiii 'Uuvrlo'8,ro"r uHeusl wind: baroine-kV Son on the reconstruct ion w ork ,er a0-3i temperature, 17; sea Ivvhen he stepped from a lieiuht I,r,ot,ora" on an upturned spike In in old plank, the nail going through the bottom of his right foot to the bono. Ut was given,"' medlenl treatment al onco and fwlll be eon fined for a few iayji,o his homo in the- ri'deral Blouf. VdverlUe In the Daily News; TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY FOIl SALE Four h p. N. & S. gas ciuaiuu. I'lione lied 1 Do you know that Jhousands or Pi Y4 J UlUL KJljSslA, Llj hy impure Soaps? A ND it's all so needless. . 'Lt"' ' . There is one soap that is. dependable that is Sun light, the dll-pure soap backed by a $5,000 guarantee. Sunlight Soap prolongs the life of fabrics. Made by Lever Brothers Limited ' Toronto Sold Everywhere r IM I 1 1 SaaaaW SB , The Laigest Selling Laundnj Soap in the world Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SL Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE ami PRINCE CHARLES will Iran? PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, ami liilrruiiUlate points FRIDAYS ami MONDAYS al 9.00 a-m. Fur STEWART and ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rorlnlglllly fur VANCOUVER la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY an.l SATURDAY at 8 Uli Tur PRINCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, ill points Ka-tcrn Canada, I lilted Slll.-a, AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltj Tick! Offka, 52S Third A, Prinea RuparL IIcanadianT 'XiaaafarX Hills & Und Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services , Sailings from Prince Rupert far inCHIMH. WIMCOX. JINUD, SIACVW lutk 19. 29. April 9. 19. 30 Far TANCOCVM, nCTORlA SUTTU .Marca 13, April 2. 13. U Si. NUNOSS MATRICt Per BuU4ala, Swanaon Bay, Eaal Balla Balla, Ocaan Fatla. Namu, Alart Bay, Campball RUar, and Vancoutar aar Saturday 11 a.m. Aiancy for all Staamahlp Llnaa. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Ganaral AfanU Carnar of 4th Straal and 3rd Annua, Prlnca Ruparl. B.C. The standard of Purity for over 160 years London Dry Gin $3.25 the bottle This advertisement Is not published or displayed bth Liquor Control Board or by the Government o(JL: ' BrtUah Columbia. , ..