..tec . ' ' - 1 flay April 5.1, ItUft. THE DAIL7 REW3 paos Fiva nna q m mmmv.a mm One reason It I n easy u select appropriate gifl 'rom (Mir stpcfc I because ue he same run In Heir, inn pi Mm I lift! yon do. The factories we buy from are long established and Mnir vfON are proven a In (e anil duality. I ii any wonder nnr gV pleae? John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers PRICE LIST Dry Cleanlna and Pressing MUM a Mill! I'll'illltMl fill! - ii -eiil zuu .r s J II. 0 ! , a ituf,. elenheil nml pre -i-tl "M"" Air I'll. 1 KIWinVPH IIMCI n::rl i r -ir.i. mtin.. ?z.un 0 il pr.sseu 1." Ladles' List Suit, dark color z.on ..V- tin. lielit color 12.50 nil s ". ,ntt color 1 1. nft skKi. Maht color t.z5 pleated and II 75 '. precd only If.no ' ideated l rtfl airman vae.mm i...m4 Is Best DRY CLEANERS VPhone 8 Underwe&r Y in I, a in nhire Mill, in in .. vlnpe a'"l ' 1I1 in?. A yll-il tun "rial Tor I'yjain.i 1 i mae wear V' iv 1 oer yard 35 c WEST of ENGL ND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 Wood! Wood! Now I your chance Dry Cedar Full load $8.50 II AIT l-oad $3.50 I.nrgn sack B0o HydeTransler 1M Second Avenue Phone SW. Wight or Day Wt BUY BOTTLES. Dtk E S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson lock, Prince Rupert, B.0. Office Hours I) lo 0, X-Ray Strvlos ?hoh ese. Open Tuesday and Thursday F.Vi'jilngs Saturdays U to 12 noon RAILWAY RATES DISCUSSED BY GERRY McGEER Specialist Answers (lumber of Criticisms and States Why I ' B.C. Claim Is Just PUNCTURES STATEMENTS Comparisons With American Farmer Discussed and Fal-f - lacy of Railway Arguments Shown (My d. U. Mciieer Iii The litillHin" In rerenl iue of the Vancouver Mtillrlin . A. O'Farrell ha said a (treat ileal about i.iiaiin irnponaiinn problem. He nail all llntoe who dare io suggd ihnt freight rale are Inn high. He t particularly cau-lic in hi erilirUm of (he Manl-inh.i !' pre ,ecaue of II ii'p"i l of the Crow's -Nest rate I on (train it ml flour. He denounce Hie nulil of parliament lo fix rale upon any eotnmnililv and deploien the fad thai Ihe Cui-."'' l,''rll-''n,,l. I tiee fact adian fanner I not paying a hli a" arKl l.efyre. the inueh for hi lrnnporlalon a ,,"m, r ""i1")- Oinimlionei the American fanner I payintr ,al"' ""' i""'or-ii!-:o!jncil or He deilare njralnl a fallacy Mini'9 J,J'rl,i"",,'"'iy (Wiiiiinillec l.y teeoiiie the neceily of rea- "r """'r ut tnc ,,,,fC ",0!,t konatilv lim rnln. nti umln n.,.l ' ntin4' nel in Ohtiad.1. Till' flour iii the 't and allese i I lull Hiirh n noliev enn nnlt he rnrrii.! ..ut l ll r other pari, or Cnnada and lo Ihe I1''' "W.Haii liar. Husene l.e-.letriinenl of Ihe railwav. tl"r' '""I., K.C, or Montreal, n tand V. M. Tllley, lij., K.C., or Dimns Farmer I loronlo. tiioiuellonnhly reeo- Mr. Ol nrrell damiu any con- n)is, a, of Uie Canadian ..deration to Ihe lern far-: in ,ir ,ir.(ftiCn uay. rner I...I Miriek to high heaven Pirilamenfs Right for f.ir the. ronl.nue.lj.roterl.on T. M, offBH.t, ,al Mr FOAM r tittle f AppOutio lor Ctrlirit.lt f -i.ht Min.r.i bi.iffl ! imle in lh Itickt Huik-M M'ninjl r.lH.I.O ..f llw HiM-tti pi'lrin. WlHr iiii. -r it t-ii ur kiiMiuikiium lW lrl hiMrr n tulin. um- Ir of h..kWf rrw Miitrr rriiririi. tut norirr 1. ..n i.xm. rr- Mlnrr'. (rlirirti t. inifiMl i ttf,i. m rir 10 iiu Mminir Hwinw; 1 onirioir r imirovrt8iii rr 11 ihe tNrte rljini uii fnrliwr like tvitlr -1 ni I vnurr WTIH1I V. i nl Ar,m iMIt ONXMlMinml ! i " M""h Jn,,lru, of ',nt,Ji.l?mr Ikihi iii tiM ir or rtroti7, lit, k t Kmnr, tni OOVINNMINT LIQUOR ACT. nonet or eyoN fon W..T 1 .iiRr77T.ivr ih.i , 1 .111 iu ..1 m iwii uh uiuiri(iM-l in- 1. -nil. llM im urfiinn H-..'.l Ut t I irrW III trCf l II iKMiuv. iM-mr l'.tt of Ih lilllilin( klK)"n It. ! nmri." lwi Mn MnH. .-u h ami Hprfii itn itiuH He- I T....'. .... ut.... I. U.n llll "r irJi-Vi ' iiMi.iriii.-. -i.rr.: in il fn.inrr Hnll.h iWiin.Ult, f;.r It Ml ltr It) II ! W tlT It. l.uk f..r M.n.iiinrlhHi m II .rf ""iTrnn tt 11 ..i ..r rnnre n.irri. rmtinrr nt pruih nint'U, ihi I'm. lltr -f Vi, ., ,.,.j,v ll.lni 11 1.11 1. MT1'""'- notice. II Tlir. VVTTIH 11 r in tppllritlun for Ihn I. .lie fr l'rnllmai oriuutie w( Till.' fi.r Vlt1 Uit M" r Ijni ri'ri Biiwk roil) iv i). Mirsim.irtn ti In! rrn hunilrrl tnO lorit u. 1 Ill.J , , . . ,. ,, ., .. f-hf,.ii ni.triri imid mtt). 'era ii I of laml. the Canadian I'a- rSWii XrXSll'vZ Uml ntiinr icn pnsmrtsi 10 im, n iiix inaMiua raies on grain mov-SUrSH''irlrrpV. U Fori William and also lo ;J:jrt,'-?L,,lS.i,S;" '1"t"":' on a number onetrle Mtn. The nrlrtntl Oriirirtli. , ..f TU It ltll It I. in ot .Mitni'i. ll ami It niitntirrnl lll"l lnrt lierlstrr otrire, Crlnre tlupcrt. nr. Jllti MtMi. If. II. Hllllrtf of TUI. aOVCRNMENT (LIQU0n ACT. Nttltt ( Jitblltttltn for Bttr Llctnc. V.1ICE 1 IIIIIHIV lilVTN llitl on II mh a of Nuy il tl iiisiirifi1 in-ifiKt' hi tiiH h II Mnnor c.imtrol HrtiM Mr I tliTiii"e m trel premle known t n.W.V., Hotel. ltinte In 11 Inwnnie of run i:lMnenl. n.C.. npnn tti-itndi iiei -uit toinn titir or kit ' tnl . hl"'k 11. liinri mi nn, v"'T" l"tmrliille lltti.t liittnri. tecunhnr to I ri.t'leret mp or n 1epoUel I il Ihe I I a i ii I Bellrv otrtre in II r.lty r !r e niirri. :.. l nn.lrel lnt. r..r it ie nf t-r v ' "f b.v i ihi open hllti Tr ri.niiinpllon on ll lrtCr Trtlire lUiperl. ft.C. IhU &lh 'd.y of April. I. r.hrr " iriienl. "PROVINCIAL SUCTIONS ACT." lltctral I Dltirlet. r Prlsct Nuptrt iSi'fc.ntU tlttlor.l pjtiricl. notii:i: 1 hi-n-hy nven tntl I hll, on V. mlar II I"" wy nr mv, ii. th lii.n'r r I o'rhk In It r.irenoen. it I Cniil II . nr. rnne lliiperl. hol.t lllrtr r ll r.iAr r nevHUi tor it 'w rptwe nf rtvHli U MM f "ler lor Siw nt or lir.irtnr iValil rlerlortl rtilrlrl. iil HrlerinTi wi tn.1 ill ohWllon hi it releni " ff "J' n,n"' lhk Voi-r MU1 lit or ' in in wrlrtiton . r '. ! iilirt it rr rrtttrll..nl iml rnr ',t ?flV VSr" ! rorth in Ihe lrn- IW'tT'iVrniipert. B.C. .hi, Mh ,t,y r April, itonM,N A wm n.rinirir of VniiT for th. frlw-e I ft-""'' u.Vatle lrloral hl.lrlrt. Ill R0IIAT. or IrUith ColiimbI. In Hit Suprtmt Court "flier vrtminisimnnn An- in iii ot ll m inVvnter of ti. ,r;Mie of Allien Wlel nonAr.. ImeMnl-. TikF " MiTICK HhiI lv riler nf III" feA ?' rX!p M'h:hrie:r.eT Offlrltl ArtminlMritnr. rrlnee niwrt. B.C. Dited th tOth diy or April. A.D. t. HK Make Better Askour grocer for ROYAL YEAST CAKES . STAHDMH) OF OOMJTYj railway. i:er itiviimeiil and every faet wiillen hj Mr O'Farrell has al- rw,,,' pieenl-d to the ,M,ar" """way UoiiiniHsiioiiern ,:"ala l'.u'ifie Hallway ha had the ervice of F. II. Chrysler, ''"'I.. KM .of OlUiwa, Dean Of O'Farrell complains of in dial I'arllaiiieut ha aMiiucil the rijlil lu fix rate. Parliament hu had fsinre tin inceplion, and ru- . .. PrP! "MM ,,M,ir UMI.l), i.,.. ,i uie riBlll i., IO tu the priueiplex uihiii which , , .. rale for I lie cairiajn of good ' !uada iall .e l.ae,, f, for I lie purpoe of lulilllillM the national weullh of the country. Parliaiiient decide Hint an in litrv fliall lie ailei hy hav . , , , , iram-iMM iauiMi i:ii ii.rn and known, it mirely lia Jut n niueli rivht do Unit m ii ha 'o prolecl hy tariff leKOialion any iniliiflry ilo- -urre of which nnAec4 niilional value. The xt ,,., how,Pi ww not nlono eMaldHhe.1 ,f,... that l):il. When Ihe l'minen wrre ..... ,.. .1...i.i ,.r l'V' H""'""" ulinllixr ur mil I i.nnl.1 l.i .lie. ; cc-ffully ......... yetllcd was an iue, pnnclple that the c.wl or trallKporlltlioll of Ouiadiiin ftraiii , , ,, , . , and flour Mioilld Ji known and wreed lo ly the of- firial of the lianailian Pacific Itnilu-nv l?,.i.u.!.iiv lienen ll.n ........... .-......... . ... ...... ..... 1 ... ,, . n .. . nile known a the Crow's St)ln Mio 1,,al Canailian far 'rate. Rates Abolished In 1807, in consideration of a easli subsidy and no cnnrnious cific Itailway Company aRree,i to of rommodilies moving- s-v' f roll! ealeru Cunaila to Fort William and H polnl West thereof. Un- der the War Measinv Act Uie. (overuor-iii-CouncH, mid suhse-itieutly Paiiament, .siispeniloil this agreement ' for n period of year -inliiiw on the Oth July, it)22. In i'i'22 Ihe. railway oppned Uie re-eslablisliment of the old rales luil never suggested a jejuni of the lan l or a return of Ihe cash subsidy which lliey had received. The Crow's Nest Rates The mailer wa Mrst investi-galcd by a parliamcntiuy commit Ice which decided Ilia! grain rule should lie restored to the Crow's Nest hasl and relieved (lie Canadian l'arirlo Itailway Coiiipany nnd Uie Canadian National Itailway. of Hie olil iga I inn of lnovlng I lie commodilie from Kn stern Canada to 'e.lern Canada aj the aaivCd maxima rales, which meant an iucreiise In rales i)u all these cotnnitidille nf ap-pruxjinalely .in per cent over ami above, thai which had iceii f iiigrecd lo and whicli the western Canadian consumer 'pay. Following the decision of Hie parliamentary .committee, brow's Xct rule were re-eslnblislioil hy parliament in 102:'; and in 1025. following a decision of I lie. supreme court of Catiaiia, Crow' ,l rale were elhblilieil by parliament a applying lo all rail- Any, In western Canada on Ihe movement In Fori William nnd Vancouver., Railway Commissioners Following this legislation the board of railway commissioners, fnncf ionliitfjr a il lias functioned in hundred of,caes through lift chief commissioner and one other commissioner. Hie numher which coiislituled a ipioi'urn of the 'board, fully investigated the I'ueslTon of discrimination as helweeii -the .movement of grain lo Fori William anil In Vancouver, and decided ilierc should he J no iliscriminalfoii and that Paci fic coast ports were entitled lo equal ticaltnent. in the matter of grain rales. A ipioruni, 'may i point otil lo Mr. O'Farrell, never a ihinoHly of i f'trl. When a .ipiiujnn of the enurlfMpi Ihflf eonVlinileJ Hie i-ourl. fyffl Wlial N the principle, eilab-lilioil iy parliaiiH'iil and ly the decision of thA hoard of railway eniiiriiiiniier'.? I Thai llie? ' maxima rale a if re A I lo by the Canadian Pacific Hallway in IfVJT are today jiMt tl ential lo tin, wces fif Hie srraln producer in Canada, who must find n niarkel for hi produce lit world inarkMi. a they were in 1 HUT, nml 'Ihe Mdard pf Itailway ttnm-inlionerfi liae elaldihei thai the rale a fixed are proTilalile and paying rale within lheinelv... The American Comparison Mr. O'Farrell ipniie a nuinl.er or coinpariiuu a tielwcen Ainericau rales ami presumably! draw from them Hi conclusion' that the I'-iuadfan farmer is much belter off than Uie American farmer. To some extent his ratio comparisons would justify that conclusion. Yh the position of the American farmer is far from happy. Wheat growing in Montana has not been successful. Wheat growing in the Oakola is u doubtful proposition today de-j spile Ihe fact thai I tie average length of haul to the markets that consume (lie hulk of the American Tarnier grain is much shorter lhatt (hat which Ihe Canadian gnitn ptitiltlcei- is .'nti fronted with, and dcs'iuie an enor-inonsly hfgl) laHrr iirnlection that Ihe ArncrfVsaii Tarnier rc-i-oives. Itoeenl, declarations by Anterirrtiis who kpow stnte the position of lhe 'American -farmer lo be the worst in the history of America. American Farmer It. F. Kuakujii, prominent American railway chairman, ha !hi to say of Ihe' American farmer: " The American farmer i in a worse situation today thai at anytime in hi history. Primarily lie is a victim or Ihe worst system or distributing and marketing in Ihe world." That i the position to which Mr. O'Fnnvll would apparently like lo bring the Canadian farmer today. The Canadian Farmers Mr. O'Farrell would lead one mer Is in the pomnn or a highly preferred individual ahd that western Canada I eipiully favored. Let us lake the rale on a few commodities which arc produced and cousuined in Iho .vest. The American farmer i not so badly I rented after alt. Comparative Rates Mr. McOeer then gives n number of comparaliMi rale in which he, shows that many American lituVs c4rry freight much cheaper than Canadian. The. clt from 'hiiiiiyieV bf.Winuipivf li show ilii sngir is tor 'Hie l,l(m mile 1 .00 per hundred pounds and from .Sin Francisco lo Minneapolis a distance of 2,111 miles 8H14 cents per hundred pound, lie speaks of the earning of Hie CP. II. and in conclusion says: 'Whether or not4 the Canadian Pacific Itailway Company can withstand successfully the compel il ion or a governnieut-owned mad which is superior in every She Was Troubled With Chronic Constipation One your bowfli bebme contl pte you tre In fora lot of troubl, u eonittpttion U one of , the moit prollflo tourcrt of d'ncmo that th humtn rtc it nlJIcted to, tbcrrfor s free motion of the tionela eviiry day thould ba the aim of everyon who asptrtt to trfwt health. Mrt. O. W. Lawrente, iVlovenlale Katt, N.B., write!- "I iat troubled with chronic constipation, anJ bccania to bad I waa aluiOkt afraid to t anytlinc. bat Jay I aw your adverttieiarat Milburn's o I ft thrc vlali, and aftrr taVlnir thm I have nvfr ln troubUl iiuc. with eooitlpathu.' Tut up only by Th T. Mtlbura C.( Limited, Twato, OaL With Absolute Confidence respect lo Itie Canadian Pacific Itailway is doubtful. The great Canadian ssne now is whether or not the Canadian Pacific Itailway Company is going to absorb Ihe government railways or the government lake over the Canadian Pacific Itailway system. The outcome of that issue will be Ihe direct result of the sue-, ocs or failure of the Canadian National Itailway system. If it can be operated successfully, as every iiiiliealion. today'sdiow that, il will, then-the, reiilt. will bev Huh the government of Ihe io-, minion of Canada will take over the Canadian Pacific Hallway, consolidate the twit systems for the service of Hie Dominion, eliminate unnecessary and costly competition, and establish the Canadian railway system a an asset of the Immininn not only from the standpoint of operating but from Hie point or view that justified their creation, namely he establishment of a system transprtrialion nrnnnd which Ihe Dominion shall prosper and advance. 1 In The Letter Box JEAN MORIN'S CASE. Kdil Daily News. From lime lo time arliele have ni0ttvil in the Vancouver paper, and in Hie Prince, llupert Daily New, to Ihe elTect lh.1l I have kepi a man in gaol for three years. It I lime Hint Die people should know lhv Irulh. This man, Virginia Durahle, nn llljilirtn, who wa n shoelnAkpr by Ira ile. look six thousnnd dollars from me. Ile wn sick for bnn, year anil I look care of hhii. (t, had n doclnr nllen.l to hiln and t ewn sent him to Ihe Urn Miring. When he came back we split tip, nhi) then I ("mind thai Uie money I had entrusted lo him, instead of being in the Hank of Com- the Salvatloh Arniy in its great financial effort of the yea approaches its fellow citizens in Western Canada to ask their whole-, hearted co-operation during its Days of Self - The need is great-the gigantic proportions of the work of saving men's bodies and souls are increasing daily. This special work of salvage and restoration can only be limited by the means to carry it on. iFeWoW titizen and friend, you have htd'a !: wonderful year since we last waited on ybu. Things look very bright and hopeful- in Western Canada, these days. Will you hot share your song bf thanksgiving with our collectors when they visit ybu? rneree had been planted by himj in Italy. 1 was very sick iflyseil at that lime and penniless, an I on top of that be swore out a, warrant lo have ipe arrested. The result was that a warrant wa sworn out against him and) lite Ihimg thrashed out in cnurl and I wa awarded half of I In; money, lie appealed againl thi but losl the appeal, and tli.'j .liiitge seplenceil hitn to stay int gaol, until be paid hie the Hirer' llioiisand. dollars and CQt.. ' Head Trusty. While in OknllA Urn fhoemaker; "wn Inade. Iiead truMy, lie made lots of Iriend among the guards find ofricers coming in and out. llV had Ihe f-eedom of the gao. and by hi clever tay madi; himself out a mhrlyr nnd gained lot. of sympa'thVi t'Crhap if these officer knew llial this ' K " " "V I """ h,,H,,. ' ofOVi.. .'. a, .' " lieilini), who was eiecinicuieu in Ihe aisles, nnii lhal Ills ie.p.ialn?-atiee tislay in Vancouver arc men wlio hae beep lp, Tor nutr-der and while slaveryv their syin-pathles wutbl be with me instead of against me. I hiive been warn-ctl igainsl all Ihese men, "mil I lioie to seo the day when thb. seven ear of menial toriuie will end flic hie. If a htah take six Ihousahil Hollars friim" a woman, and leaves her sick, without ' anything mil a ymmg eliili lo 'support, I do not think lie .o'houid bo .reeomlticnded WH the ViClirin CViHs. 1 wish the reVoilers hf llie paper lo ace Ihi., and from now on, leave me alone. .MIAN MOIHN. A GOOD BEGINNING She No; vvheiV I hiarr-y I want a iiian rln I iahiiv frniA head lo ftVolv ' I'Vt-'pttrtlhjtli, nian-VH, Ri lite a chance; I've got a game le already. aBBBBBBV. mWkr& mW - m&Lt. ALI tltl-'' Denial MILK . From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend bur Table Cream at 15c Tor Hair Pint. Ail Cows Tested for T.B. Valentin Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S i Cartage and Storage Phone . Cartage. Warehousing. And 'litflributing. Team or Motor Service, lost Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Coving. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phones 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. rupert Marine PRODUtTS, LTD. GEO! G. BUSHBY.iMan. Die. r i i i m Fur Coats & Jacquettes Alt F.xtiulMlij Stock of Fur Trimmings al low prices B. C. FUR Co. Nest fl.W.V.A. Third Ave.