1" ' Mi fi PAOR TWO For your health's sake eat SHREDDED WHEAT with ripe, red strawberries The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ; Rupert Daily News, Limiled. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION IT II M "TMY A Hir TO.MCHT" 88 Tuesday, July 6, 192(5.", Election Fight lb' Under Way. " s 1 1 1 "l he election fight is gelling under way and every day will .see some political move made by Jeaders f the. party or someone interested in Ihe success of One or other of the-parlies.1 Before the ejection" campaign i over we shall all tire of it and be triad for it to end; hut in the meantime it is the duty of every voter to inform himself in regard to the policies and records of those peeking 'support Because of that, this paper will give a greal o.eaL oi space to political news and to the discussion of policies, will particular reference to the present condition of the country and what may be expected as a result if the electon. No apolo-it'are needed for doing this. Dangerous Action ' of Governor General. , The action taken by Governor Byng in refusing to take the advice of, his constituted minister involves him in the campaign. His action has become an issue and it will be for life people to decide whether they consider he did right nrnoL Jf ihey think him right they will vole for the Conservative candidate and if wrong they will poll their vote Liberal. Many people are influenced in their opinion on this subject by party bias. As a newspaperman said the olher day when discussing il: "I naturally believe the Governor was right because his action favored the party that l am supporting.". Many voters wi.ll take a wholly independent attitude and will consider the question on its merits, and it is to be hoped they 4 will see the -danger of allowing a Governor In take such action. jThe moment the King's representative is allowed lo act on h. jOwn initiative, the, power is taken from tje.Tpreyentalives of th Tpeople and a precedent established that is likely to lead to further abuse of power. Such action is dangerous. It is Ihe beginning of what may develop in tu a Mussolini movement. Land Settlement In This Country. The settlement of the land In Ihevalleys ronliguous to the Canadian National Railway is, a problem .thafis worthy of a good deal of aileiilion. II is one that 'isoften discussed any many are the .Opinions held in regard thereto. The'firsl action to take isTWi make the condition of the farm ers now located there so good thai others will be glad. to follow their example. That is being done, or rather it should be said the farmers themselves are doing it. And after all the only kind oi neip inai amounts to permanent benefit is self-help. CaiANT'S Best Procurable (T1U1 0RIC1NAU Pnfe Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Umu.-CI.iIm OMilWlM, On. j3 f uTI I ThU advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Qovernmeot of Britiak Columbia, RADIO WILL v WORK BETTER Source of Local Interference Discovered By Visiting Inspector. Just now the farmers are helping themselves bv trrowimrl companied ""'''" by "V J. J. Little, up' Is timolhy seed instead of toY or ubUc " "M-.1 hay. They are adapting themselves , he conditions that obtain. True, they were helped by the.gov- , f ,pa3l, pay a ,,,gh tn,,ulc ernriie.nl departmental officials ami bv the provision by the 0 , e. "ee,,len c-nperation ex-PruxWial Government of seed Hennlnir mnrr.ine ihi ..,m i ,e",,p,, ,,,m 'V Mr- Liltle. DurinK ----- - - - -- - -.0 , ...... "iiiu ,. .,.,.. ..... hat-M Iiujmi IUpIb.w if llii farm i o.; llmmLili-a.. ....I l.l ... ' ' ' Many Are Living Off Jhelr Farms. Many farmers in the interior are today making a living from their arms instead of sipiattiug on Ihem and getting their Iivinjr light and power supply from the hydro-electric plant at the lake on Sunday morning, the investigators were on Mie. job as early a four o'clock to take advantage 4"Wiugi.uc sources, mey, raise" enough farm produce of var- of the situation created by the jon kinfls-to enable them to purchase Mich Ihiugs as are needed. ,,eal power lines. As each sec, JbHilding hioUir car-s and gasaiid they may be, spoken of as suc-t,,iof of lne power supply was iffsfiilmni. They may not: have much spare cash, but they Switched on careful observations haVe plenty to eat and wear wilh healthy living conditions, 5vhiriliwrp made on a uier-herodyno is more than many uf us today who live in the" cities, can LoaM ofirceiver at. Parkin and Ward's, Cities Mav Aid . m un vmy turs. ury ana jii Development. TWO THOUSAND IMMIGRANTS This Many Reach Canada and Are Destined for Farm Life. MONTH HAL', July 6. Arrivals of new .settled and agricultural workers ehter.iug the pominion at Atlantic ports and afterwards p'roceedhiR to their -.ili'stinatiiins over tjie lines of" the Canadian National Hailways, to, the .number of l,ot:r landed at 'Quehee and 133 it .Halifax. Op.'Miq White St'arliner llcKina, ilockiiat 0ilMec..38t third class passengers Were 'radically all dpslined for the land. Of the total 150 were farm workers from selected continental countries secured through the overseas offices of the department of coloni zation and natural resources of lite UV N. H. The arouu is for placement on farm in Ihe prairie provinces and work is assured for every man in the party. On board the Ounarder Aulan-nia, C7l third -class passenpers landed at Ouehec. Of this number 350 were single men farm workers from European countries Alio are goinjg west lo take up iund in .Manitoba, Saskatchewan iind IVIherta. The' Anchor Donaldson liner AlhenijsbrouKhl 183 British third class pas.eu;ier, a parly of 55, including some boys brought out by Ihe Ontario government immigration service being included. A uroup of six British famines totalling 31) individuals is destined for farm life. Two boat docked at Halifax during the week-end, the White Star liner Arabic with 256 passengers and the Baltic American liner Litunia with 177. These are all goir to Canadian farms and with those from Quebec are trav eling as special movements over the lines of the.C. X. It A. L. Gray, radio inspector for the Department of Marine and Fisheries has been in Prince Itu-perl for the past fie days endeavoring to Jocafe and eliminate1 the interference which has been more or less prevalent for a considerable time. After an exhauslhe test of all electrical equipment in town the radio inspector was successful in locating the source of the trouble. In his investigations he was ac super- temporary shut-down of the Little were able .... lrin,- n,.tini i.nc nu..n.. if ..... . . ;aie me source VLith Hie nnUi.le .tUlri.-lu ihlm .l.i.. 1 ,ence. Mimiay to definitely lo of the interfer-afternoon was ...... ... .iC(i:ill,,uiniu inis spirit was M-ni i intiii,w .ntini.i. a so . iiouveo a r.umonion recently. The Kdmonton Hoard orlll0o Trade is spending a lot of money in trying to attract settlers torMtT e, llih nil the land. They are meeting vvilh ,me success and the result U I .LV!..n.orma' the nor that Jhe ity js growing and the people jtrnsperou The radio inspector would like i to take this- opportunity, on behalf of the Department, of Marine and Fisheries lo remind listeners- in that all receiving sets must be licensed. Kvery dollar received' Jrom the .... sale of licenses is paid 1 A i oih again in the interests of i broadcast reception generally and the elimination of inductive interference in particular. i HAZELTON FLOWERS ARE IN EVIDENCE ON ALL C. N. R. TRAINS Horticultural Society Donate Supply Dally to Dining Car.' on Railway The Hazrlton Hortluullural Society has resumed its volun-lary duty of supplying the Can-adian N'alional passenger trains with cut flowers for' the dining table d6ring Ihe tourist seanon. At the trains arrive in the early, morning, some member of llii THB. DAILY NfiWS Tuesday, July C, 1020 association delivers t :iie :- '!.. ductor eight bina iies of- vvha.-J"ne. ever blooms happen iq he ia; siaon at the time SuiMhiy mi-r KF say iny sweet ieas "f fiif n.vui'iv an. 1'i' unei dm greal fragraji.i' rloered Uii- iU'titUen to. weary pas.enger and maoY the: THE MAN IN THE MOON THlfcitMlill.'.al played say: DO.VJ talk politics to will tali lo you instead. i me. Hh akel h.. dad for fitly, cenlsj lo tuy niiiiself some collars. His father smiling veell ald: "Here, lait. take five dollars." ITS. easy to buy most things withi dollar doiivn stud, a dollar wceS lrpi jf thaf,a'n you Van" do fi.r:jibrt i'irl Jli9'wijl4turn the deal-jlown flat. . " ffanie''js being And the x.-iers are the chips They are s. rambled and thrown, like bit. fit bone, I As the parly hea.b come grips ITS satisfying to Ihink Amund sen is not w ug lo make another elfort to c ai-li the polls. Jf Was Nearly Crazy From Headaches Mini K. nrill, 579 Bedwoofl Are-AVinuipeg, Mm, writeil u troubled with och MTtrt hfadwlies ttkt ora time J u ,wrlr eru. witk them. ' On dy a friend told n nd adriaed m$ to ui wo, uitnta, roroato, Oat about, o I tried It, aod U lu dc.no (no o world of rood. I Juit took two and a out. Doiuf, ana bciidtcln for I litent hkd a lone Um. now." Jut uo only by Tl T. Ullbura he dog days. Miaf exert if wi.'njj tie did Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert At " D E M E R S Public Stock Sale 250 pairs Ladies' SILK GLOVES black, brown, navy and white, double tipped fingers; regular value to $2.25 Wednesday and Thursday Sale price, per pair I n loe my tote next li-c nv' tablr brteh ami pleasant. To, THKSK art- I hp days for laiy folk each bouquet was allailicd uj T be au-l lae n the lieaeli ticket telling that these werjT be on.l mo hk political supplied by the society and bums, drawing attention lo the "Our- oen snot of the mountains, with its bfe gam hunting, fish lug, mountain elimtiiiiK. historf eal sites. Indian totems, auricu) I oral lands lieaiiliful garden; ideal climate and unsiirnasd! scenery. Thev alo uilvorll, !'!?? this way I lie annual flower um,f Who political principles preach WHAT would life e without an elect Km now and then. Ii bornetbinu lo talk iiIhmii dor.o, July C, 1916. The ItelaH Olerks" Assoeialoin .i :d the Trxdes apd J.abor (oin-i il tMli meet Jointly tonight for Ihe puriwtte ol disiMHlriK the advisabilitj; of. establishing a weekly torei. IwTf-boJWayC In local Mr. and )lrs. V. I, Caley, sit-tin- in the Ylho)tne Theatre last night, saw llic-niovln? picture Hraff wiilch (hey had seen filmed earth? r 'in the .year al I nivonal filly,' Cillfornla; A largely attended, strawberry fesltval was held night b ilhe Presbyterian Ladies' Aid. Ilev. H. H. (Irani wn chairman and thoe contributing lo the Iproifram inelude.l J. II. Mr.Mlllan. lofMrs. Hay and Mls Jlrand. Mrs. I. H. Mcleod, Mis M. Kilpatrick, Mr. Jones and Frank Moore. The direction or the festival wan in the hands of Mrs. V. O. Dawson I'while Mrs. H. Marlon was hi change of Ihe arraiiKemenls ol ' Ihe musical program. LAND ACT. niMiar l.nd UUirut. I.iful Bfcordim nsirui of rrlore Kurt ml iiikimI ,n Tiku Mm. tiH.wt t HriiM KxniiKrt of iliuinh of Amnio nivrr. TAkE NOTICE lhat Frtnll ftlrlurd bunhifi llf Alltll. UJ' orrnnmlnn n.lll lUdMKer, IrilrH to Jt for ArrmlMlon! uitrrtifu- Hi uiiowior icriti-d ..nitiienflnv il i pl plinlert n Uii -'.Hill KlHire of Tiku Ann iImiUI I lillle 'uilUtt-t fr.ui Um luuuu, of AUUito ilii'ure i( rln'nn mmjU: ibrnr tu rijtini "'i'l. ana uwnrm vn rh.iti. nj.nii . ... uh.i.'i ruvui, roniiiiiiiic (w rnA.xas ntr.iunn hom.op. tt""'f"'t n.t.. A.l.n. M.y to. It. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to LM'Util In I'riiKO !iuM-rt l.ind Hror(lni On. Sli..,.;! j!r'" 'luM,f, TAkK JOTirr mil Knti-n II. Sn.p. nd i to Mily Jnr of pie tJlUtv w.rllwMl riKiirr nf ttluk m, uvit Tmnnir; llieiire eadi-rly 110 f.ri! I hener .niiherly I.OOO fools thriii-a wot. litljr Iffu ferli llu-iic norihorly . I.ool fool t Mmt nf rdiimii-ni'oinrnt, tnd rn. liinlur i arret, utrr t,r i-m. tw.sr. II, IMP0M, kvM- D...d juo. i, im. A Few More Specials at Bulger's Sale Ilk Solid Oold Nerklel or Livalllcrc. sel with Svo Uielii- Huh)', alioiil two carats in size. Very pe 1,1) price JG.50 Ileal Cut Amber Head Nerklel. Special sale pro c $5.05 Ileal French KIMe l.imoge Cups and Hancer. Onlv a few left at 95c f5.00 Siher Plated .Sandwich or Cake Plate . two left nl, sale price . .' $2.95 .Mahogany fiuMi largo kixe Mantel CAutk, with w lone chime on metal rod. Ilcgular price ?20. s price $20.80 Silver Plaled Child's Cup. Social sale pricu . $10 Solid (lolil Ladies Iting, with Mark Onyx selling wdh pearl in centre. Special sale price $2.95 Lillle (lirl's Wnlchcs wilh strap, nickel case. Spe . ' price $2.95 Indestructible Pearl Necklel. 21 inche long, with s.i ver clasp, rhinesloue e , fJ5c Sterling Silver Tea Sel. Hale Price $76.00 John Bulger, Ltd UcanadianT 9ACTKJ Jewellers Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kttthlkin, Wnnatll, Juni.o tnd lk(wtr gulr 6, , II, 18, 1, tJ. , 30. To .VMMVtor, VltUrl. tnd .uljulr 7, 10, 14, 1T, 31, 4, 2, 31, MUNCSM BIATMICI. ConoUII HIP, Mil V.ctr i Hl.rOi 11 m. ft BuUHU, U.t Billl , Ot... mil Nim AUrt " fWoi.l. LU... rull lnf.rm.ll.. frwn- kV. C. ORCHARD Q.n.ril Af.t. Crow of 4th SU.M lf are Aionuo, Print. RuMrt, .0. LAND ACT. Notle. of Inltntlon to Apply L.ii. L.ni .Jl Vfly Huperl Lund rtorordlni Mi trlrt f,f i-rinro hu-ri, tod sliual In lh vklulljf (if Uihu Hi.ll, Onliaiu """' Ulainl wihi, liuvoi. ri,.fi..,i- iii..L. TAkt. AOTliE llial Laotin rUhlnr I Pfkiuir iXiui.iiy, l.lniiiml. r VirturU, ll.t.. imtiiiiiIiii rumor.. Iiilpiul Ui Heirrllo-d i..Mi,iiM.nrlnt it 1 put fUnlo.1 it tli. uiftuo.i'l ruriirr of I'l 4li tle-nre lo low wilor uiark; Ibonco In 1 iM,rlt omtoily ilirorllMn miln; IIkik-k touiu. oaili-rly two tlmlm; thonro ii. .11 1 Ii w o t.-rt v lu tnilo. ut iMiini nf cianinriiiniu'iii, ami luutaii.iii it u-wi, iiH.rr or Uw., 1.A.MJM1A nsnno i-Ackto Ml. I, I II. I'.r K. II. 8lliipa.ni, Atrnt. ,,p"c'," t.ttd jud. 4. mi. MILK . From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wo specially recommend our Trthle Cream nt 15o for Half Pint. CMmllty nnd Service Special Ice Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phobe G57