Tucy. July 0, 1020. Now! SOFT FINISH All flat pines washed, ironed and neatly folded. Wearing apparel prurln ally ready lo wear, only requires a little relotnhing with hand iron. Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1c per pleco. Your buidle ivi!n id within three days. DEMAND Prince Rupert, B.C. Now! YOUR OLD PHONOGRAPH SHOULD GIVE PLACE TO THE MEW Orthophbnic Victrola Model 4-3, $115 t, hi anil pre us- Ihe old vy givci.Mi) id 1 ifVr'V''r iiu!!(!gr;i!i. now it i- the Oilhni.iooi -olil -alU'fnrtuw' way Tup new perfection am!, lust of ou run , ic in your prf-onl instrument for lln- marvelous miis-, masterpiece. This It our invitation to you to come to compare and to choose. eMftaeMm.Jjd PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP .f2 B.C. FOREST SERVICE PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 "Rupert Brand" L Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Old Storage Co., Ltd. Phone 15. P.II. Coal Go. tr Arthur' Taxi. Phone 678. tf O.C.Urtdertakera, Phone 41, i'.uo. ( 'Hyde "Transfer. Phone 580. rV ' tf Mr, li. W. Marenlelle Is 1si: loli'lay Irij). having gone north Sunday night. Mrs. Aau lyfa and family ailed yyderjlayiaflcjrioon,pn the 'mice Oeorge for Victoria on a vacation trip. The Hrillsh Columbia (iazctlt- announces the oppointmcnt of ilichard Murray JlcGusty to l stipendiary magistrate for Anyox aiid adjacent districts John Dore, district superin tendent of Oovcrnmcnt Tele graphs, returned, on yesterday uit'-rnoon's train from a trip to toe -interior on ofheial business St. Andrew's (Anglican- Sun day reboot plerllc. to . li Is land will Dtp held Thursday; July H. Itoatit leave Yacht Club floats slartitpT aM p.m. All Anglicans welcome. 13' Mrs. (. A. Ilryanl returned on yesterday afternoon's train from Lake Kalhlyn where she spent i li' past week and Where her -im, Wiener, is remaining for the summer vacation. I., It. Warner, eiiilor of the Ih- lertar.VpftS, name in frota Smilh ,'h yesttrday afternoon's train and proceeded to Vaneoiii er and Vlrtnria on a week's (msiM trip. Hi i Irw Smithers delegate to the Native Hon con- en I ion. C.U.H. Anderson, shipwright foreman for the Prince Hupert dry dock, sailed yesterday aftr noon nn the Prince tleorge foe KHowna wlore he will spend two weeks enned in work in com neclion with the new lake boat which was built here. I "ii ion fleamer Cartlena, lal . A. P.. Ilirkion, returneil at to: 13 tin morn in k from Auyox, Alie Ann and Slevarl ami will fail a! o'clock this aft'riHtoa for Van ouer and way port . Anioiije l-sinirT hookil In sail for Vancouver on the Can Is un arc Mr. Hint Mr. K. T. Keawsy and ainily, II. (i. Valde and Mrs. P alde. inoiaiiHiion or orncers m kffiia l.'xfce, Sn. IS, Knight Of Pythias. iMk place with the us- oal formalities la st niplil. Tit ninllinit iifllcr was F. W. We.ch. district deputy prnnrt ctiancfllor. who was assisted hjr itforjfe Johnstoni, deputy prand lirelnle, and W. Itnrkln. lcutv trand nialer at arm. Itefreh- menls were served after the lodjre meelina. Tlie lit of officer wn puhlinhetl previously, M. I.. Stepp is lbv ehaneclljr I'ommunder. ie of Ihe pleasing features of the recent visit of Ihe editor of this paper to the Interior re cently was thai everywhere h went lie totw copies of the Daily New being )end. Thl was particularly (rue at Smither and ueiyltborhond. People were WHtidiing (lie trnins at other idaee in order to get copies from Ihe news vendor. It was iiMially the only paprr uvnilabb) giving t lin latest telegraphic and lo.-al news. Kven on Ihe train eotnmp iiv the city a doxen or mo: e i fipies were sold of tha iwevious day issue IDToiiight 111 tl Una did strength h eriant of dition and llmlniflen. Imre ippttlu, tick hadcht, rliv bll-leutnati. orrt ntltin. Jhtf Ml promptly, fltttantly, miUly, yt lhrujhly. Tomorrow Alright Got a SSo. Dox Y.r truuiat 4 DAILY NEWS THE PAGE TH.HEI 0. F. Urine, auclioneer, will be in (he ciiy for ten day looking ar'lrr business Interests. Phone ' J. i. k . 1 '; V.. 774. A If Local and Personal Anglican W.A. Strawberry Tea in Cathedral HallMl'Uesday, July 13 from 'J tp Y Everybody wel- coiac. ft ........ f.,j... BK'VI " Oiicniiitf dancefof It season ut the AwdiloriuniJatuixlay even ing, -July ip rrom v to 12. Arthur's orchestra. Mr. I). G. Mcllae sails llii evening on the Cardeiia and will spend a month In 'Victoria visit-Ing with her molber. Mr Wnlfer Pi-rrv Ami cliil.l ofjhis ciiy arc visiting ul Hurn hale with Mr. Jjfrry'a parents 31 r. ami .Mrs. James Clark. Pal Fowler was fined $25 in i... i; tt. i . . : . ue cur nonce couri nils morn Ing for intoxication and was a sessed an extra 110 for Indecent exposure. f Itt'Kular meellnir .of Trades an Labor Council Thursday evening ai- p.m. I nee meetings are open and visitors.- are cordially welcome. . J 1 WANTED. Five to Un white girls for Wales Island ' Cannery. .. For ..particulars apply Atlln Fisheries Ltd. Phone 479. tf I'o-gular mecling of Cariien ter- tnion, Wednesday evening at 8 o'idock. l!iisme: elecli" of oflicers. YotK; attendance i icjuestiv, 15 Mrs. II. F. Kitirln and son Teddy Kergin, aWnl from Alic Arm on the (Vinleha tin morn lag and will spend a few day visiting In the cityi Mis H. Ksscn of the Prim- ItHjKTl (leneral Ilopital was uri'ful candidate at the Heg islered Nurses' examiiations re eenlly held in the city. It. Pierce, CX.ft. paenge train rumluctor, i nuking t It round triti Stewart. Anyox an the Queen Charlotte Islands i Ihe oteamer Prince Charles. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kenney am family arrived in the ally from Terrace la-t evening and will proceed oulh to Vancouver on the Ca plena this afternoon. Hr. and Mrs. I.earoyil arrlveo on Ibe Canlena Uiis morning from Anyox and proceeded by train to LakeNe Iiko where (hey will spend a few days fishing. The cae of SJetdien fiaw- Ihorn. charged withureaking ami entering, was 'called In the city police court I his morning and wn further adjourned for eight days. The1 case in which J, Postulo Is chargcil with theft by S. A. Corley will proceed In (be cilv police court tin aftermmn at 3:3ii lefon Sliendlary Magistrate II. F. Mcl.eod. Mr. and Mrs. (Senf'ge t. Leslie of Auyox are paengcr on the Caiilena today bound for Vancouver where they will entrain by Ihe Canadian National Hallway to vift in Cleveland, Ohio. A vivid picturesque portrayal of the vision of theiearly trado union printer. where they founded Ihe Printers' Home at Colorado Sprins. Vstholm! theatre, Wednesday and Thurs day. ' C.N.H. steamer Prince John, Capt. h. Mabbs. is iue frONi Vancouver via southern (jueen Charlolte Hands Jo-morrow morning and will sail afor Van couver illrcct us Joon as she has completed discharging of freight. Mrs. (leorge Johnstone nr.d family left on. this morning's train to spend the summer In Alberla near lied lcerMr Johil-sione 'wont part oft Ihe way tip i lie line with lliemainl in 'Sep-IcjuberAvill go to Alberla ,for .his Vacation. ' ' "W1 'A ennanpwho has i been visiting in Vancouver and ; Victoria, is expected homo by lho steamer 'I'riiicc lletirge on Frl May. She will be accompanied by jlicr son, Held McLennan, who I has been attending military college In Kingston, Ontario, and I who will pend the summer 'vacation here. I5 per pacferuje - and. la Y2 lb.Vdcuum(Air-'iqhl)Uti' PRESENTATION MADE TO CAPTAIN A. KENNY Headquarters of Salvation Army Scene of Happy Gathering Last Evening. A presentation was made last evening at the Salvation Army headiiuarter to Captain A. Kenny, who i leaving to lake charge of ihe native work at Juneau. The young people gathered for a so eial hour and community sinking, after which refreshments were served. I luring the ecuing Sister K. McUual, on behalf of the scouts and guards and friends of the corps, handed Captain Kenny a neat little wrist watch as a token of appreciation of her service here. Special mention was made of the work she had done and particularly in connection with ocial and nursing cases. Sunday night a large crowd pa-ihereil for the farewell services, Ihe theni" of the service bcin "True Patriotism." During the son ice llrulher Martin ami Sister K. (Irlffiths spoke on behalf of the corps, Kdward Harman and Siler F.. Leek for the scouts and guards and H. T. Carlyle for the Junior corp. REGIMENTAL TENNIS. C. I.. Voungman beat N. W, Pringle 6-0 and 6-2 in the last game of the first round of the regimental lenios tournament last night. In the second round rnott will play Carmictiael and Nieholls will meet Youngman MeMordie and Howard are al- -ady advanced to the thir round. Constable and Mr. Alex $ae-douald and family leave this afternoon on the Canlena for Van couver enroule to l.iiioet where Constable Macdonald will take up his new duties with the provincial police. BIRTH A son was born al the Prince Itnpert (iencral Hospital oil July G to Mr. and Mis James Atherly, Thompson Street. 7 am W k'&Z4 I Comfort: dnd Economy Canadian Natio lal Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Cnglnaars, Machinists, Boilermakers, Slacksmlths, PalUrn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SP Steamship and Train Service Salllnrs from PRINCE RUPERT Tiir VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, rich MONDAY ami THURSDAY 4.00 P m., SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. for ANYOX iml STEWART MONOAV, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. for ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4 00 p.m. For MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. Vor SKIDEQATE INLET mil SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCC RUPtT, llllly rlcrpt SundlT t tl.so a.m. rr prince oeorqe, Edmonton, winnipeq. an pointi Eastern Canada, Inlted ship. Aatnci all Ocaan Steamihlp Lint. I're Canadian Nallunal tipresa for Monry Ordrrs, fuman Clitqurs, etc, also for your nrit ahlpimnt. ' . City Tlckat Off let, S2S Third Aa., Prlnc Ruparl. Phona 260. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sllmr rrom pnnca Kuprri. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alart Bay, Tua4ay, S P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alart Bay, an Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlttr Cannarltt, Thursday p.m. Per PORT SIiPSON, ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. Sunday, S p.m. US 2nd Aiaat'o. 4. Barnalay, Aitnl pnnao RupoH. B.O. LAND. ACT. t cllca lf Intantlon to Apply' to Purchan Land. 1h 1'ilnre HuiHrt l-aiiil tlrrohllur lii'strli't r I'rlni-lliii-4'ri and ritual at Krrpuson .lav. Mifl Inlet, llrahnlu lOsml. o. 0. I. t.Vkt .NOTli i: that I'raiiris Mlllcrd. of 'rlinr lltiM i t, tl. C . orrgpatiiin riimpry lull. Inliiids 1 1 api'Vv Tor iH-rinlsiiit to iumIuw the rollowlnz drucrllx'd land:- Cmime-nciiiir at pst planteit at the N V. roi nrr or Lot I ST I. Ourrn ChaiKlli 'xiiimH iltrli't, thciHT ninth 0 rhano. liinie west o rnainsi tiu-nif noiui to nidi W'altT Mark: tlifixf rlcrlv alont lllalt Water Mark to mIii of roiiiinrure unit, and coniatuiuk 0 acrrs. more oi KH,.US lUILLLHO. Aniitcani. 0at4 )an litb, 19i. .' LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone I. Aitsxe Warehotiaing, nd 'ltntributlng. Team or Motor Servpie. Iiiat Sand and Orsvel Speclalli In Plane ana Funltura Cavlnfl.