I it., fi fe PAOE BIX HHHHHHIHHiHHHH' French Scarves The. very latest n style and pattern a ueil on llio Con-tinonli MICH) FRQJI $2.00 UP WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 Semi-Annual- STOCKTAKING SALE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Only (Sreal West, Tudor or Kmp'ress Jea, 2 lbs, for $1.35 Mulkins HesJ, Oclly Powders, 15 pkps. Tor . .vi . . , . 95o Malchi'.i, larKtiiackages, res. 15c, 3 itkftft. for ..,.'...., 95o Classic While Laundry Soap, 1 oars for 95o Hi rolls Toilet paper ...... S5c 7 tins Quaker Corn ........ 95c 7 large tins Tomatoes 95c KmprcsH1 or Mulkins Hest Straw. berry Jam, i Jb, tin .. 85c i lbs. .Fresh Ohijfcr Snaps .. 95c Heady cut .Macaroni, in bulk, 3 lbs. for .................. 35c fk-edless Raisins,' in bulk, 5 lbs. for ........ :'.. 70c 10 lbs. Uest Jap Itice ...... 95c 13 lbs. (Iranulaled Sujrar . . 95c St. Charles' and Pacific Milk, per Case . $5.50 I tins Libby's Crushed Pineapple $1.00 Hcst Home Cured Uacon, by the. flab, per lb. 47c Don't delay pelting your Terrace Strawberries for preserving this week. Price will he. per crate, $2.75 and $3.00 B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 BOURJOIS French BATH SOAP Delightfully 1'ragra'nt Three Odors ROSE EAU DE COLOGNE SANTAL Per cake ,35o 3 cakes for $1.00 llox of C cakes ...... .$1.75 RupertPharrnacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Sugar Special (Set your supply for Hie prc-Tho servlnig season, price is advancing. Granulated Sugar 100 lbs. ... $6.90 50 lb. sack $3.50 20 lb. sack $1.60 11 lbs. loose $1.00 10 lbs, .... Brown S Sugar 10(1 Hi. sark . . $6.50 50 lb. sack , , . $3.35 10 lbs. loose . . $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417-423 5th Avenue East if RAT BUSINESS NEAR PACIFIC Bud Corley Has Two Mile Farm' Which Ho Is About to Stock With Rodents., l)ud Corley, formerly proprietor. oT the- lteryal Hotel in this city and lately (JuKawed in .mining at Lome' Creek," is now oing into a new! business. He has secured a piecei of swamp land with a frontage ofl about two miles on the Canadian' National Ilaijway near Pacific. This he will fence and stock witfi' muskrals. Already he has somoi rars on tlio land, but otliers will be trapped turinr the coming fall and winter and very soon Mr. Cor ley expects to have a productive business, t Mr l..l... ...i . . simmu u ioi ol mo-. ney at Lome Creek, the returns on winch have not been just as sawsiaciory as he expected: i ; WIRELESS REPORT. S a.m. I'Kulv ISLAND.- P-u-i ,.ini.-u calm; barometer. 30.HH ij.mn..r nturcj 57; sea smooth: 8.30 p.ni spoke- nioiorslnp Oregon, la I miles from Itop lnli , ai..-i-.. northbound; 8:10 p.m. p0tc luj. i.orne in v rn iL Sunn.! tmpii.. bound; y n.m.. snokr. iom., Xorwtjod, Metlakalla Alaska f. Excursion Inlet. lC(i Excursion Inlet: 8 n.m. i,n:. auxiliary schooner lt.'l vininii 380 miles from hnleh Harboi bound for Dutch Harbor. Hl'LL HAHIKJit. Overcas! WATER NOTICE , w Mini M. HUIIIIfr WIKMM' iu!T SrZ- "eVrl, . Jiie..,,0J,M lm Vni be lurated at . The ia,urlty or the rMtrvoIr be cnixt cud,., ih,-Sk,V ' ThVtV'w, r . ttittMi from itiM .t.s.-., ......i i. wrMerly of wint line of I in f jU, mi,,. ..'m.i-m-iu .Mines ma Kurrwr 1 (Irinip .jr Mineral i-laimx. . . Hill tir.tlA n-a. .-.. :l tii. iitii. i.. . , "n ue around 01 me tnlli day r fuw, tn A ropj or ihl nollre awl an tprillralloi ?l?."?.n' '''" and to ilia 'w'ater "? v?. !:. J'"1 r"-d !h' '""" of in. VHiler inverter al Allln. OhWllon. Ir ) r ff. .",',',l.r?'r or '" " ronirtrolle- nmt awear.ri.-i. or U. t f'JJ, "T'";' T,K" d,U! "r 'I'M 1 pub Ira Hon of lhls.iH)llre U Julv J M. niTFXER. pplicam This r Parke-Davis Soap does three things: p ERMIODAL SOAP, made by ParVe. Daria & Co, deanaca tka altin. Villa disease germs, and t destroys the odor cf perspiration. A pure, neutral soap combined with iodide of mercury. Tkat't what it is. The soap cleanses. The ' iodide of mercury kills thoae germs that cause blood-poiaoaing. disease, and the odor of perspiration. . Daadraff Riarwsa . BaiU Wauads tUdy Oion BuWa Ucfc Skia Eniptiaaa P.rspiria F.at Price 23 cent a cake. r ORMES, LTD. , i 1 If' "f Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to fl. X-Ray Servloa Phone 6S6. Open Tuesday and Thursday Kvenings Saturdays 9 to 12 noon I I GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor lieceivcr. Liquidator, Trustee, &o. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West I'MNCH IlUl'KHT i-i s.i .; ..wns' w.llil. () tmp:: ir.ci). ("iiiperature. - &U; si a i.oppy: 8 .m. spoke steamer; :;iniiiiun Coaster, U8 miles from! e..:i Falls, norilibound: 8n.ti..l.. pMke stcarner Hedwood, Kelchi- j an or lloiniiguam, mile-i ioin liclliugham. DEAD THEE POINT. Dam. ielr. 30.10; temperature, 52. M oon DlfillV 1S1.A'I ..... l.... ..1. "t viiruu;, ainf; barometer. 30.08; Icniper- .In... "? . . ii.. lu.i-, ova viiiuuiu; io:ij .... i.. .. .. .. in. in $u-aiiicr i.arucna soillli- bound. - HULL IIAHIUllli . !l filial f fat sail uau-uay a a. r II northwest wind; barometer, amdher linio 'lau.lni a four-8; temterature, 55; sea thoppy; pound rainliVxCrrttie is iilwa 0 a.m. spoke steamer Prince pood flslunp, "sajrs Mr. McLeoil. George leaving Ocean Fall fur those who' uiake Hheir head-southbound; 11:15 a.m. s'pok.- quarters at the holel where tli. tcamer Prince Huperl Hearing hot spring bal hirer facilities haw Alert Day northbound. DEAD THKK POINT. Haro-neler, .m.10; teiniieralure, CO. The local baseball team, whii-.i vent to Ketchikan for the Fourth' f July celebration, is expecte i ack this afternoon. L'p to noon, o word had been received as !o he outcome of the two gamer esterdav. 'CANCELLATION OF RESERVE MiTi:t IS IIHlKD'TulVE.'V that the re erve . i Hit over Uit 407, Ca.slar Uis n I, I.IK7IITII. I I ''ln'Ttnai-, ml. IH;iarlliielil, 1'HtllJ, ti. i, r'JIli Jiuw, IBffi. LAND ACT otlt. cf lt.t, .T"a7i ".barristers, nurses, nr sU and , . , , In l-rlmo t I(Urt ljtn.1 llrcordlna- ma. jourimlistti '' me of Iuiikk i, :iMt una lil.lrlcl, awl ,raiis!s. ilutli' uti I'a.satre Ulaml. ' ! - i TkE ;',mtK tM B- "ranl. f' , SmS- PIGEON'S LONG MEMORY WMMtMng al a tsiiat' flntrt at the . - North vi Mv.t vt rani,,. i,ianil. n.r .' TriMtiniiatioti sia" tris; -iin-iirtr' LONDON, i.viniv July 5. r A homing niui) Hie inlsiM at IiIkIi walcr mark ami tii-cim I'lCn 101 iwlm HI li.-.f i a ii i, . . "liUiWiia lU'Hi arrf. iih r fc.ii tO, the loft of J. JOSKI'll Klim.AMi ihimm iUI: Aliilrru :.l ii. ii. .11.. !! 4IH. IP-,.. LAND ACT. v ',",l1it6.'.nt.!ntl0,!.,0 BI,1' 10 LMM ln-' In Lams lo-n.ictlni lii.irn-t nr I'm..,. imwrii ami .in.sir at tiMd n"tt us or sun III"'. iii.tv"" memory. r'ijr l bird UH was HI lost t. i. Ui.rr.liv worcroy niand. uurrn vun clnrL.im nl r.rirftn ci.ari.,uB)at TAKE NOTICE that Thn ho Canaitlan rih.lU22. nr iliiuitianv. I iuuirit r.r v.n...,wu. ... -iipation Salmon caiuvro. InlcuiH to apply Me or the rollowlnr dcrrll-l anna CmimenHn at a jhi plantrd at h ad Eltaat Inlft. IS chains north of un iiarfjrd Crefk; llirnre weat 0 t-lialn.; ni-nrp .ii in vu rnams; thonre rast ia. i-hiitu mor or tn tUwr in; thnre northerly ollowlnir shora tin tu p.n r i and tcmainin to ai-rra. rwirr or IcVa 1 1 the tSAW7,n;woAjnMsy. ' pm I William' V IIIIBI Alfred Uower ! HitPfl Uth April. lOtft unu ACT. V.W'izf i- i ri"T ituprri, ami anuala. Vn i5 tt.rt'r' a5 ,u"" TAKK .NO-IH.K that Edwtn. Jbtra trirrl, t Allin. In the ITiilur of ftrlilnh ivilnm-!!?. "rVI,'",l1 "Ifttlnr lourlsi laimrh, intriid. to apply Mr ts-nnlMion lo pur-rha the rnlloulnr dmrr!!-d lands: Cooimpni'lnr al a mat planiM a IIh--Miilheaxl i-ornrr tit Olarlr-r Hay. In Allln Jivttuatrd a slKivr; h-nrp follnwinr On- lKin IIim west to rhalns; thnie -uthj io rimins: mm jo rhaina: tliHiii; tiwroi 10 haln. o"tfilnl of ' rriimncnrein-nt. . ,v .. EIAMX JULES KOUKiiT, V . LAND ACT. Notlca of Inlantlon to Apply to Lcasa Land fi' In rrlnm Hnp-rl Land Itrmrdin l)i. U"!, "X iMBinw J, and mitutc mi Norih naiiiai-l Nland. TAKE NOTICK that Airri-d wnon,,nf I'Mnr IniiHTt, orrupsilon Mariner. In-.""la to apply for a leano or thp follow-Inv drrrrllird laiiii; P.mnicnrin al pot plsnird it thi-"oiilh fnd of Norlh riirharl lnLmd: thpnm around lh Island n hih Wttrr niarlt. and rontalmnir to -ii-res. .tnoro or lf, l.rilEn 8WA190N. Dalai AprlJ ir.im.: . .APn, mR DAILY NEWS iffiu I ujnaaaaiiBBBBr i SFLENDJD FISHING AT LAKELSE LAKE F. McLcod Returned to Town Last Nlht After Havlncj Spent Several Days There Heporting splendid nshinv around the upper end of the Iiiki. , . It . . I-' . ..aw.wvu .VtUIIIUU. i . M" . tUe city on estcnJay ufl.-ni.n s I .... I .. ra l '. . . uiu aurr Having speni several , . i i . .. uajs ai i.akeiso. mi om- im'oii- ;ion be causht sixteen fiiu. 'mil. I llll)JI I i A-4t Mil 'II. !.., . .1 .a,iasa a a I 1 1 ' (I i t ' a ' I ibeen much inipfovetl a nice last season. THINKS BOYS AND GIRLS SHOULD BE TAUGHT TO COOK LONDON. July a. OirU unable lo cook an spi-H i!lv- and palatable rour euire meal are not educated in the real sense of the word, said Dr. Illizabeth Sloan Chesser before cftlidren iwf tho Ujirenls 'Association al Lady Mar-fey's residence hero. "111 tllVIHimii.il " mill tin IM... 'Mieletics and coo.king should " j user trt lli-rt l III II or boys and virls alike, (iirls should be int'Dared to be ood '""US.. Housewives, - WM. - S, as as WO well as doctors, VV VlllWJ .11- a" a",,nr" "f three years and' iinno niontim. 'I'liiu ii ... i 11 rcinarkabte iuHtante , . iuniHiiii.i. ui or Marennes, M..H..r,, t.-..a--. .. 3- . . Frahfco dn July 1 " PEA-KNIFE ENTERS MUSEUM. LONDON, July (5. llritisii in- , V D" III pat .yoar responijod, ' 'I n... .i . . . ",v "Mianii or a Klllre oil wlilch peas w,,id not roll, and many exarnpl.-H of this curioui. Implement, wlnuli liaa II Mtlflflll. shaned denii' siiln fit llll mi. I nf !i(.; ,jado,,avc presWrvAlj )n Jiril-jsh museniiis, Hult.e;; j.earknifa pcer orojee mli ..yotTd society and" niaiiuraeliirersi were never abl,e tp liopularriu.il. WEATHER REPORT Terrace: lileur, palm, letup. 05, .Miyox: uienr.i'calm. luhrp. (iH. kIT.V.Tai. in...', i... . . suJrt' ! mutiny, ca m.nii! nn i llazellonrifTulIy, wlifTTiiin,,,. v" -f Telexrapli llro'ck: Cloudy, calm, temp. .CO. niilhers: Clear, calm, temp. 03. Hums Lakiy Ijari cloudy, calm, lemp. Cii. .; j X - Subscribe lo the bally Newi. JUNE WAS BUSY MONTH AT DOCK Many Jobs Handled at Looal Plant During Past Thirty Days, WILL BUILD BOAT ' FOR FOREST BRANCH The month of June aclic one at the dry dock. Work done during thai period included The completion itml launching of iwo tu py 1 1 scows for llio Skeena imer Packing Co.; docking, cleaning ami painting of iho Somer-ville floalin ..p, ...a.va. iiUUlVI Whalen; clockiiic. clenninir in.f iiuiiui ami renewing of sheathing on the (iranby Co.s ban?e (-raiiby So. 1; docking, cleanin;; and painting f 22 fishlnsr lm.ii.: docking, cleaning and painting of one scow, and 101 lull nf mu. eellancous rejiair work on boats ami maclilnery. The yard hai Just been n'.v.'irilnl line contract by the II. U. Forest Dranch for (he construction or a 0-fool power boat for the uo of the ranger at Swaiisou Day. Work will commence-nf once nn the building of the boat which will oo or wooden construction, pow-c'd wilh a 16 h.p. Vivian engine ' .ALTERATIONS TO BE MADE AT EXHIBITION HALL; OPEN TENDERS The Fair Hoard, nl its rwular! meeiing last ni)iUl, opened tcn-l is for alteialions to the huilJ-i i,Sr ml deferred aelion until oiidi.v when the board will meet it l be Kxhlbilion Hall. Ainonu 'titer tliinas, It is jropoed to widen the baleonir- The meelin? also dirti. Ihe matter of iitlracliaui for II rHir in Sriiti-uihcr. LOST LIFE ATTEMPTING TO SAVE JIIS BROTHER CltlUSTON. July o.- In a vain aHempt to save t(u life of his brother. Arthur. 21 year of age. Harold lloffii'll. 23. tost tim hff while bathing in (ioat Hiver last n ulil. ilSOF uND ACT AMENDMENTS - PRE-EMPTIONS Varant, unraacrvasl, . auryd Crown lands tiyiy t pre-tmptad by Hritii-h autjreta over II yrara of aga, n.1 b) ullna on dclnrtna; Intrntlon io lroinit British aubjecu, (pndl-Ooiial uion raldnc. occupation, 44 Itr.provtinvnt for agricultural turpowM Putt Information concvrnlnir rr utlona rftardlnK pra-mptlona la riven In Pullftln No. 1, Land BarlM, "How to I'ra-empt Ind," coplea of xlilcli can ba obtalnt fra of chart tjr addrrasinn (lia Urpartsnant of Lands, Victoria, U.C.. or to any dor-arnment tnt. Kacorda will ba irrantad corerlnr only land aultabl for arrlculturai puriioava, and which la not timber-land. I.e.. carrying otr 1.000 board feat nar of the Coast Ausga and S.ooo feat par acra aoat of that Itunca. Aiipllcatlont for pre-emptions ara to t oJJifs.ad to the Land Com mlaaloiivr of tha Land itacordln 1)1-vision. In which tha land applied for la aituated. and are made en printed forma, coplea of which can be ob-taJned from the Land Commissioner. rra-emptlona muat be occupied tr fire yeara and Improvetntnta made to value of (10 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at leaat five acrea, before a Crown Onnt can be received, For more detailed Information aae the Uulletln "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Application are received for pur chaae of vacant and unreserved Crown landa, not belna- tlmberland, for agricultural purpoaea; minimum price for flrst-claaa (arable) land la IS per acre, and second -claas (groi lng) Und l:.50 per acre. Further In. formation regarding purchase or leoae of Crown tanda la given In Uulletln No. 10, Land Serlea, "I'urchaae and Lenae of Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or Induatrlal altea on timber Und, not exceeding 40 acrea, may be purchased or leaeed, the con dttlone Including payment of atumpage. HOMESITE LEASE8 Unaurveyed areas, not exceeding I acrea, may be leased aa homeslteo, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, Utle being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land hoe been eurveyed. LEASES For graxlng and Induatrlal pur poeea arena not exceeding 140. acre may ba leaaed by one person or ' o, company'. QRAZINQ m Under the Orating Act the PTov Ince le divided Into graxlng dlitrlcte and the range administered under Qraxlng Commissioner. Annual graxlng permits are laaued baaed on oumbera ranged, priority being ilven to established ownera. Htoclcownen may form aaeiclatlona for fang management. Free, or portly tree, permlte ore available (or eetUera, oa-npers and Uarellera. ut le te Tueday, July o, 1026. tBflHjHHsiBHHHHHHHiHHBHBi AWord to the Wise Although with us business has always been good, there are times when we are compelled to meet any price cutting In our line. OUR MERCHANDISE IS ALL BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH Our motto has always been to give you honest gooils at an honest price all the yoar round. There are many grades of merchandise In the Jowclry line. You only fool yourself when you think you ore getting somothlng for nothing. BUT WE WILL MEET ANY CUT PRICE OFFERED YOU IN OUR CITY AT ALL TIMES Ono of tho finest stocks In the whole of Canada to choose from. VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue Tho Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT RICHARD DIX " Womanhandle d" The answer to "M nili.unlleJ.- ,v the same uiillior romedy of New York u:d the great open pn-en where nifii are "woiiianliiuiiUeU." Loine ,..!J 1.IirKt.I. rui i- the dnhi Ms with lix. Hie ! who put i. slt, ,,, sh!ik. A speedy -lory ,,i vt.., .lf,hs .nd l.idie.. Ki-t is Fast ,.nt W e. i aj ((.x Iml,, tl)(.ri ttv , liuinhaiidled." Slniug i it. Richard DIx, Esthor Ralston, Edmund Qreese, Ivan Simpson, Edgar Nelson, Margaret Morris and others. Comedyj "HIS WOODEN WEDDING" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, flOPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING. AND TROLLINQ OEAn, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHINQ, GROCERIES. Compare Our Price Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBride 8L ONLY at 7 and 0 In 35c and 10c and 117 all Trains and Boats. HOTEL Proprietor. P.O. Box 100 JrmiJ.Il-'tTl Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have llir inot romplelp slin k of tinilier. (liinciimoii!!, slnplap. fir finish, flooring. V Joint veneers, cle., m Norlhcrn II.C We can supply everything n a building from (he foundation to tho last piece of finish. Before liuying msport onr slork. It will pay yon. Our jirires uro right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phonea 110 Bus and Taxi Meets ROYAL J. ZARELLI, Phone 34 Hiiniiiuii's ateel llcils, Springs., ami OiU'rnioor Mat-trusses in every room. i r2 llooms, lloLninL ColiJ Wuler, lliiilis and Shuwcrn. HleniieJIeali'iI, Klcclric LigliL Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Flour Cans Bread Boxes Grocery Cans Aluminum Ware A compaai aw- made of genuine Ished ulV,r w,.ln. cnf,yd and pot. anplewood hand e. Will give aTid'tlmi rV'C n1 rnUrl ml. Ba,ket Mechanics' Toots IlTson Hdware Co., Ltd. 255 3rd Ave.