PAGE FOUX. K . 5B2 DAIl KEW3 : li... 4L00D STAINS ON SHIRT LEO By TO ARREST OF JOE SANKEY BRINGING UR FATHER George McM? ON DAY OF MURDER OF MISS CHISHOLM. I f uivrE.H-irroabciNT I II IP I i uEVb THfe I I W doctor (I VSMH,M jSfcflP vksolo T" . TO THAT CM1- ,-J L OLX THIN k ,t4? H tH sH HOOt5- HSr- i (continued from jage tine) ' j t girl having been found James Jlray waS ,alo with.wil sU. 5Si'Ai.Sii.f-.irl . i. r Mi..-.?. niniAtiuri;!! u t til ia i llliu. Margaret'SanWy, lauliter ( John Sankey, lolil of rising about i 0.30 . oh. the; morning, of ..May; 2.1 and cooking breakfast which wa ealen by her father and two Utile children. Joe Sankey wa not in the house nt that time bhl, while xhe was washing the dishes, he came in. He went right to bed, having his navy blue suit and light cap ori. She did not see his shoes but later heard them drop to Hie floor; The jrirl described other Inci dents of Iho day In question largely corroborating the evi- dence or her father. She had been al the same dance as ac cused the night before.' Was Sound Asleep Under ciissr.examinallori, .Mar garet Sankey said she had not seen accused go out on the morning of 'May 2$ though she saw him return to the houe at ler Hie church hells had rung. Se went out after he .came in ancf he: was still sound asleep al the noomlay meal. Dan O Ilrien lold of meeting accused in front of Kameda's store at 3.30 In the afternoon of .May 23 and hi' 6.30 the same at-tehioon in front of the poolroom. At the latter meeting, they spoke of the search for the lost ,girl and accused1 s'aTd he was going to church. NVilness sajd he, was goin to join the search party. . At C.30 witness noticed that accused had mud on the bottom lot his trousers up to his ankles. He had not noticed this when he had met accused at 3.30. The mud was .of a white color and was dry? His boots had ho mud on them. Put Him to Bed Frank Oilhooly, a whfte man,' told of seeing accused at the dance in the Hand Hall on Saturday night. He (witnessi left the dance halt at 12.15 and outside he saw accused "hanging" on a fence. At the dance ' hall, ac-1 fused was wearing a three piece blue suit, brown shoes, cream itplored shirt, soft collar, boW lie faint light cap. The suit seemed ,fh perfect, condition. After ee-in Sankey outside, witness 'staled that "with the best of intentions- he had taken him home and piit him lo bed. The cabin wan lit with a coal oil lanlp and there were two other persons in bunks. Witness assisted accused .to walk home and did hot allow n Vhim to fall down. After getting .accused to the cabin( witness re- moved his (accused's shoes ahd hung bis coal and cap up after having 'thrown him on the bed. - wiiiiess identified shoes produc fed in court as being similar to thoe accused had been wearing ; pn the night in question. Neither yof two shirts presented In court, ? however, was like Ihe one he had ;been wearing on the night of the ;dance. No Dirt on Clothes - Under cross-examination, wil- .ness said he bad seen no dirt on iicpuscd's clothes, lie had not .been looking for any, though jrlhere might possibly havebe?ii some. . ' Margaret Patlkey was recalled I ;and itlentifiei two shirts as ie- 1ng those of accused. James Gray lold of nieelih John Sankey and accused on the morning of May 21 at can nery where accused was employ ed repairing buildings. They "found lliere was lo be no work that, day so they went down the street to Cunningham's stofre .where there wetc a lot of men Standing. -.1 i .... There . they . heard . j that . . Hue fieau gin nan heen round and they walked on 'further lo Iho .old" sleamer Inlander toward the ispot where the body had been Ifouiul. John said Ihey sho.ul anoi j;o any niruier as ji was. "the sacred place of the dead0 sd f they returned. After haviivr heard that Ihe teachef's body 'fluid been found, wlthess slated ?lhat J64 Sankey said: "I wonr why she walks by herself In such a lonely place." Buddhist Witness tfatn Shimlda, a barber of FA-siiig)6n, was called to the stand with Frank Suga as lnlerpreleh The court was slightly worried as to what form of oath was binding on a Huddhlst but was rohlrnt wllh a simple declaration. When It was discovered that witness never saw Sankey lie fore liie day vjf the murder, lie was asked to step down. Charles A, Moore, bookkeeper,! said lie, knew dererised. He. lold of finding ihe body as related at the(inques previously. li was. 1 ' -iL J C.l tVil. nckn rmr htzJ Q 'Q - ' ... lying on the face at a point i ahout-a mile from town. II was allowed to lie as found until the' came. 'lr. L. V. Keivin reported having made an examination of he body. Death-was due finally lo suffocation as a result of rpbss t luffed in (he mouth and throat. Apparently Ihe girl had been.' truck and stunned and finger iuik jiii hit Jim ai inmcaieu an allemp! to strangle, her. Sold Him Shoes Krii I'ottincer, store keener. lohr of sellingr accused a pair or nnHu-siiiirs. wiiij inie pairs ad been sold liy him, one of Inch he identified. About the same timeaccused had bought a nirl and collar,- but neither of he shirts exhibited in court was he one bought from him. Sergeant .McNeill described the lace where the body was found. When he saw Sankey on the af-! lernoon of May--21 there was! Iftod on his shirL He was I earing a sort of brown woollen - shirt at' the time. He also saw.ouse at ten o'clock, went to bed the shoes which he found, under and remained there unlit 4.30. Ihe bed in the cabin. They were water soaked. Inspeclor Spiller told of visiting lort Kssington in company with other police officers. He described thr condition of the body arid the place where a struggle had evidently taken place. He did not think il was much of a struggle. He returned to K- ,i)WPi from Ihe scene of the murder about tliree' o'clock' and .'ahkey, the accused, was brought o him. There were smears of tjood on his undershirt, those on he (op part being fainter than thoe lower down. There was a illle blood on the pocket of the op khaki shirt. He recognized he shirt 'as the one 'troducvdi court and pointed out the; blood stains. The blood on the undershirt seemed to be older than on the other. Finger Was Cut Accused's finper was cut and iouiid with a rag. He placed him unJer arrest and brought him to 'rince ltuperl. He travelled on Ihe same boat with him and" saw him several time later in his office. Prisoner's Statement Inspector Spiller told of ac- rnsed making a statement' to him aflerlieinp warned that anvthins he said might be used against him. The statement, which was signed, wa read in court. In II accused' said lie had played pool the previous Saturday night and hen hud bought a pint of whis key from a Jap for 3.75. He wenii-tn' the dance hall and'dranH the liquon He was drunk but could look afler himself. He was slopped from dancing and went home with Frank. The nexl morning (that of the murder he bought two ice cream cones then he bought a Ihird, walked around Ihe block and to the It.A. cannery, wharf and back to the fnduftrial HtMimfe "aBBZ m Inxltyj Win not jjjjSHmm ' . . 1 I - Her Heart Palpitated She Had Fainting Spells Mrs! J. Wilson, Prt Oeorw, N&, writes: "I suffered frm palpitation of the heart and fainting spells, aad, at times, I could not be left alona X was so nerroaa. My trouble was earned from orer work and worry, having been left alone with a large family. I had tried everything, without any relief, bnt I know, jto-dar, that I would have ix-en a nervous wreck but for your wonderful The rills are for sale at all drag- fists d dealers; put up only by The T. Mllburo Co, LimiteJ, Toronto, "Bfc He went to church with Oeorce Sankey and Herbert Spalding. Monday morning he went to work, but there was no work because a girl bad been lost. Later he heard Ihe girl had been found, flis finger was lileedlng and he shook bis hand. That was how the blood came to be on bis undershirt. Jle let it stay on Ihe shirt because he did not know they .would get 'after him under thl case. The nexl day Ihe statement wu slightly amplified but was not signed. The court then adjourned tin-j HI Tuesday. i LAYGROUND AT SEAL COVE OPENING SOON Gyro Club Hears It Is now Ready to Receive Equipment Minister of Lands Makes Donation The tSyro Club's Ihird play ground in ihe eily, that at Seal love, is now. ready to receive equipment, Leo Vaiigh, Chair man of the playground commil- ee, rcporleil al the meeting ot ie club yesterday a f lernoon. the official opening will prolyl' y take, place within the next few weeks. The fltib has received .Jroin lion. T. IK Pallullo, minister of hiids.and memlier of Ihe.legis lature for Prince ltuperl, n do nation of ?35 to be . used In lencimc the recently openc A'estview playground. At the meeting of .the club vejderday. which 'was presided dcv by Aid. Jo. (Sreer in the absence of president Stan Tay lor. Ihe management of Ihe flyro lasebnll learn In the city lpaue as placed in Jhe joint hands ot Howard Frizzell and Ocnrge 11. I'jte. Kildle Mann was npiioinl- ej manager, of the (iyro teanl for the forthcoming game willl he Holnry Club. . W V Mill. V, K'Jl'Krifl Vfil S- KCampbellj M' ifiajijeii as -M cbri)niiilee lo lak? ijirarR of tluV annual club picnic to be field goon . The meeting welcomed a new meniber Douglas Nelson of the llig Hay Lumber f3o. BIG CELEBRATION HELD AT SANDSPIT adoui 200 People Present- at Bid Picnic From Sktdegate Inlet A belated despatch from Sklde gale says that Victoria Day was celebrated at Sand Spit by oVe son people from Aliford Day Hullers' Cnve, Queen Chariot I uy ana HKidc.g.Hp, The man agers of the canneries lent Kiel I tenders to take the crowds V anted For Sale ForjRent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for !e than 50c BOARD AND ROOM. HOAHI). The Inlander, 83 i Second Avenue. Phono 137. HOARD, Hooms anI Furnished Guiles. 1'almer House. tt aCos. Kd. McLean art.1 ). IIatte tvselff m chair of all arrangement. The main e-ent of the sports were meir!a ! yardu da-It won by A. lltonarNtu: high jump won by li. )trandiii; innning jump by K. Ilranilon; ladies' ran won b Mrs. Vahvooil; community race won by Mls I 'hut Stevens. The crew of Hie Aliford Hay cannery con : i!ulel fSfi towards prizes lutnier and "Upper were eaten Mie rrnoriiU. QUEEN CHARLOTFES T. Al Keller airrvrd at I.oclo port frOrrr,?l..igati Inlet on rtrfr Week's Itip i f lh Prlnne Cliatle.- io visit hi b-ginr camps in tiH-netj:hrortioo.l " f Clarence ii. Martin, who isV.j. student , rfi liloaS Ln'hersily n Itribih . CiiUimhtd arrived a. Massetl 'on Itie Prim e Clmrie jestenlay morning to spend Or -ummer vi'ltlhg wllh his parent Mr. ami Mrs. James Martin. Capl. ,loht McKeman, n.f.M.Jl oast pilot, af'.r havins snen. onie time 4akng soimdingsni hannon Iaj, returned south bi ne Uanatfian Coaster this wtck Construction t being rushed on the new ennnerftjs at South nay ami Mtannon nr utm he plals may be ready for Ihi- tortlipomiiis- salmon aeason. 'ttf .an gar a Co.'s new cannery Massed is Iso nearing com pie linn. The Sif lift Spruce mill 1 1 Eileen CUnlplte City still con- inues tn .'tit lumber In full 'last and I . L. Iluckler's milt at nrl Ch-tii.nts is now turning over. Ml TURNED OUT SEARCH FOR BOYS : SKIDEG ATE INLET Further information in regarl hi i lie iM-s oi iwo ioys near gueen Ch n'lotfe Cily ha been iieeelved iiqm the islands. Il seems lat lulnh Smith and hN voung fn.!,i Uonald Ilnys were overhauling their trollincr launch nl Lena I-land preparing to go put to tin- Hiiipo Islnnd trolling grounds. , the eveninir of Mnv I Ihey st aled out in their len der, a siniij ennoe, lo go In OiH'cn Charlotte Cily which is $Ha" ,w" "H1 "UMnnL A sijtnn W)IV anij it Is beJIevcd'Hie frail erafi waf swamped and the hoys lost. They W(.rL not misseM until Mav 2rt when Mr. Harge's son Philip. twho was a playnlati' of Oie (imjvi, found the .smalt 'anop a Hnnna Hiver about Ihree onti wesf of Queen Cluir- BlBlBlBlBlBBBlBlBlBlBlVBlVr-fl i W i I a S S - BVHW 1 LLL-J k III' J fcl k Km I vHTP WTKIi.-tSiil or woman to l ' liu-til housework in family r three. Write . slating wage expected lo Xirs. (Jtr.t II. 8. Trefry, An) ox, 1 1.0. T vi).ma. wanls work of nny Kind; evoking preferred Pane lllaek 271. 138 YUU.NC1 Man wants work, any kirhl; 35e an hour. I'honl Ulack SCO. tii FOR SALE FOIl SAI.K. Five roomed mo.1-ern buntralow and two loii., eloe In. 2fJ00.0 On lenii. Apply T. MrClymont. t Ft lit SAI.K. Oanl, chest of drawers; Kilison phoiiograpS Willi 7(1 double record. I'hon-Itlue 33S. I3& Fnil r3.K. Motor boal closet: aUo Jump spark Wfzanl magneto. Phnne 57l Knit SAI.K. McGUry rangwt IS llnls Cove Clnrlc. TO RENT FOIl IIK.NT Lar.en building at 171 Third Avenue Kal; sly room moilern flat with bathroom and workshop nrnUe on street Ifoor. Apply llyi! Transfer. I3U Second Aventie. FOIl HKNT. Two first ela modern flats; Monareli ranges, water paid; one fumlbct. U'eslenhaver 'flros. FOIt IlKXT. -Two modern bouses, one furnished. Apply S13 Fourth Avenue Kat. 1 r 'UtlMSIIKD ilousekeeplrifr lloom to rent by the day, week or month. Phone lied 607. tt FOP. IIK.NT. Furnished house- keeping suite, Miissallen. Apartments. Phone 18. tf FLAT for nenl. Five rooms with bath; Sixth Avenue Wcs: Phone 5t3 or lllaek It FOIt IlKXT-Four room suite, hot water heated. Apply Smlt. & Mallet. ' - u ' i'lAMlS for Ilent at 10,00 pet month and up. Walker's Musle Store. MODKIIN FLAT for Ilent. Apply Max llellbrnner. If MISCELLANEOUS n.MMi:n Camp at Lake Kalhly: opens .Mine L'O. For particulars apply Mrs. K. K. llirnle, Smllhcrs. D.c. lolle City. The mailer was re porieu ami everyone turned out lo seafj'h but no trace of the boys lias been found. HIGH SCHOOL BEAT NAVAL RESERVE IN r INT. SOCCER GAME The High School dcfenled the inoyal Canadian Volunteer .Naval iies.;rve In lal night's Intermed iate League football fixture by a score oi ;i io nil. II was Dpi rirsl appearance of the seasoil ior i ne naval men and. everv Hiilig considered, Py innd, ,, gooo siiowUik wh eh u ill uouhledly Improve as Ihe season advnnres and they become mortf prjiciiseii up. Ir. II. n. Large nrrlved In lh. cny trnni linzelton on la night's Irain. He I liPi - witness In one of tlm cases com- up ai mo Aailzes. Articles Lost and Found, Ac PATENT ATTORNEYS FlrniKHSTOMIAtill A CO the obi established firm. Patent and trademarks in all countries. Free booklet. Vaneou-ver office 1018 n offers lllllbU ing. Phone Seymour 3795 Manager, Krnest K, Carver, rcgistereil atlomey. Other bf-flees, Ollawti, Washington and principal cities. " LOST. I.OST.SterilnK silrer enlnc- turned Kverslmrp pencil. Finder will be rewardi-il on returning to Daily News office or telephoning On-n 033. AUTOMOBILES Now, You Can Buy CHEVROLET at a Lowr Price than ever before. Almost simulianr "is with I hi announ. emenl by Chevrolet Motor Oomiiany of f'jinada LlittHd of nn Impwveil lievrelet a tJHKATLMt CHKVHOLirr t It a ni rm r.i.u. ever before we am able to an nounce THK I.OWK8T PIlItlF in Chevrolet history. These new price, combined wllh Ihe many u- imnrove- menl, elnhlili nmre firmly I lift n tstnr hof'ir- OhaArnlei'. 1. leadership in v.ilue atoong lv priced earn. The lmprovsxl Chevrolet offer 1 everything you conk! iteirr. it irt art appearance, eomfori. smoothness. nwr ami tti? ut-inot denenilitillily. Th nnssem pre ami low time ltajfnientK! bring One of the six (ttietrolei models williln easy reach of your pock llook. KAIEN QARAQE Phone V. Wrecking Servi.-c Dnv and Xlglu. Pru-cs of both New and tiar-anleed I s' d 1-OIU) i: US are now al a new iw levL The National Time Payment . Plan enables anyone wllh a1 reasonable Income lo afford (he cum fori and eonv onieno a car nffonls. ,i Ak . ''', 8. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealer 210 Second Avenue. TAXI Phono 67 Tail (Call (ieorge. Paul or (tul) Six and Seven Passenger Slude bakers al your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Kiupress Hotel. FURNITURE. New anil Secondhand Furniture Slore. Wc lluy. Sell and Kx -change New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS 83S Third Ave. I'hone ' GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposlle, Mennon's Studio. norm mkals. mood cakks Coffee or tea Served. URAL HOMTT CnOKHl) MKALS -Mrs, Unjrer, Proprietress, Phono 05:1. ' WOOD, Dry Mixed Wood 0.00 a load. Dry Fir Wood n lond. Cut lo nhy length. Kindling, $7,110 a load. Fir Furnace Wood . I7.JI0 a load. ' A. ISAACSON Phone Ulack id. Seal CovoJ MAIL SCHEDULE fee lh hi. etur. I Vsscentw- MMWii Tktiri i a,i, At)c Ana, Si.( T Strv Mhlnti Te rrt Ml eiu- r AUlK folal ioMr :. . i T Qk CIMMll u4 Si. I 1 1 ifs-isi frm im ttii-- MKHf tt st f tm tiMtaiK jHMHtel' fAlHl).. Ismlst. f..PM.. i- Tlrtti. rum Afi TMMi trm Simd.. fri em Shbm m hid I "tliiU- ShtlMr I? fttm Q( CK1; t oi coiurvs 1 1 .: sik s.( r 1 I Styrt.- . 0 vr I ii th flat th tt l Mb Mr a tf ' tmi ft Vra Dan w . otr vh--o.T.r. sun If ffM ( if. vt STEAMSHIP Wm It mni SMll TkHTMl. Nldl'li) M. '' im ' - m - ' i ' W. ! f'l Ml rirl - in..- : --j n ii Hi.!- t - rf eon siss s rrm esrl Sim 'J1' "w . l(lltMl ia rrem ! Jane v JIIIW I'' ' IMM' 1 ttr lts June J Jmif il li i ' itne Is "IW ,ot St.wsrl. rrem t't. Tiirn1 ttt ctsfi t Sliint.i rrom Itswsrt ln(l rw Anjsi IW"'' Turn nf-Thnrmlil) ror Oums c'olU liim- '""J "-IS rrom v": " ,:Mr!e JllllK I T " - C.N.R. TP For fast nsilr rt.iri rrem rt .... iiLi n.lllSel Advcrtlie In th