'following Explosion of . t-. Lamp In Engine Room ';S1V JtMIX'S Xfld., May 29 !) Canadian . Press. '4,he towaway, YHnian,. called me , mid said Hie Chief wanted me; when 1 got to hi caliin the Chief was Vuere with no clothe 4in; he.,was badly -burned; the skin on his hands had to lie rut away wfth scissors. Ifwas In ouch caua) language that Wilfred Hishop and others 'fold of the tragic' of the' old sealing l earner .Seal which caught fire and Mew-tip a mile and a half off shore last April, taking: wo men Id a hofrible death and inject irix -a f sadness in Ihe gen eral reducing in Newfoundland n. lhe: ml !iK'erful sealing reason "jii recent years. "l ': Official Inajwlry ' The sliiry- of the Seal disaster i' was ioiural -an ufficial inquiry into Ihe accident in the matter-of-fact, mrolaied words' of the : ;men of Ihe sea Chief Fngincer Kdward Perez '"; was, the man who "was there ; with no clothes on,." Hi clothes had leen horned off all but the collar and nei'k 'hands, and ae-y coding'io some witnesses they ;f were-still ablaze as Ihe officer f "walked In hlVroom, notifying his -1 - hiwiiales, .according lo a witness, that "oiler Jame9 Ilrewin put gasoline Jn the hunker lamp instead "of kerosene." , .V few minutes later Hrcwia, a blazing lurch from head lo fool, . 'struggled out of the inferno ' thai had been the engine room, proaninp. "My Ood, I am burned lo death. Hrewin wa an ifer ' and only he and the Chief knew whaUiad happened in tlje engine 1 room. Ilrewin died that night oh an ice -pan and J'erej'. lived lo reach shore. Watched Seal Disappear The Seal was starling on a second trip ld tfic sealing around and had sailed from trinity early in ' the, morning, j making 'slow progress through ' eloely packed ice. She was eight or ten miles from the ' harbor' but Jess than two miles from ; land, according lo witnesses,1 - when the explosion of a hunker lamp in the engine room started tlx 4ia7.e altout noon. At eight' minute past otw of the crew of some, eighty men were huddled with- their dories on the rapidly shifting ice floes, watching the last of the Seal disappear, and with ihe. two men who-had been practically roasted alive, dyln All they eoifd Co to helo the sufferers was lo put' ice in their mounts, anil pile 4-iotiie over them in a vain effort to keep them warm. Without Food and Water From iHn until ihree-thirly tlw.ftext looming the marooned seamen were there on the Ice. without .food and without vate r, scantily .'clad and forced, lo 1m c-onidahlly an,-guard iry lh?. shifting Ie ;oi)j hich they tood knee deep' in snow and slush, H VyJs, srwwmg, loo. They kepi their, dories ready in the event of the ice pans on which they stood Jireaking under them. All the lime the dying men called lor relief which could not be then them. At ten-thirty Ilrewin died and hi bdy was laid in a dory. Somebody broke op uory nun comriveu a lire over which an attempt was made lo brew lea, with istmf success. Hut an hour later the Kagle had ar ,.rived and all the survivors and the ded were picked' iip. The .rfory 1bat had ,ecome . Ilrewin' .coffin was hoisted to Ihe deck and Ihe Mcamer headed for ft Johns. Perez Received careful treat meat on the l.agle hut he, had suffered1 loo much and passed away soon after. Tragedy of Ice , ,(ln Ihe Central, District Court. Judge Morris heard men tell of. this IrniMwlv nf Hip ik in ih. emotionless, cruelly truthful language of the seamen who talked of men walking Ihe decks with nololhes on, asking for oil to pour over their roasting bodies, of flames leaping through' 'every porthole and companion-way of a staunch ship and of a load wamble. 0veY ilpplnig, snow-laden Ice cakes in a North Allailtlo snow stnrui. with the . eihii .hpnciia'lance they might li-play in describing a Sunday ;iiorning walk tu the park. DR. McLEAN IS ! i AFTER CHANGE1 ! i Wants Different System of Tax- alien and Better Joint Ad- . ministration Vltrrolll.V, June- 1. When re- resentallve of all tlie protincj's n Canada meet in Ottawa June to discus outstanding admiti-trativc proldems, llritisli (Utl- inUiia, tjirough Hon. J. D. Mac- i.ean, Minister of Finance, will atfxocate .1 new svslem nf ri- operation between Fe.leral af'l'YALUE OF BUILDING i-1 iiii i.ii iutrriuiieiiis, iiiiiii ill the collection of taxation anil in the -pending of it. This was made known by Dr. MacLaren before he left here for Ottawa lo represent this pro vince at Ihe important national gathering. Dr -Macl.ean 'itelieves there is room for decided improvement in the present systeni of taxation collection, under which federal and provincial govermnenU fren.mnlly duplicate theif efforts. In the same way, he holds, there should be greater co-operalion jn administration where both governments are carrying on similar work. Succession Duties up i-ollowing a discussion of he.e mailers; the provincial re- )resenlatives will into the exed flnesiion of succession Inly taxation, which they wil! strive lo make uniform all over Canada. At present the widely- lifferenl system of succession duties in effect in various pro-l inces create serious diffictil- ies and confusion. The present conference is a revital of a custom in vogue a number of years ago, when such meetinffs were freiuenlly held. Hie conference this year has :een called by Premier Ferguson, of Ontario, and all the provinces with the exception of Alberta will be represented, Many Problems A complete agenda has not yet been prepared, but om of the subjects lo be discussed will be: The desirability nf permitting provinces only lo grant charters to companies with purely pro.- vjnriai, nnjects, the distribution of coal Ijjp CANADIAN PrRYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. 1. - ;5SZ D.UL7 11273 ' 1 R7 fmrm U II BRINGING UP FATHER CIJ ' k-igt Til. L.f I TS4lvy ' n WAS ON FIRE MJk Var, 'VJ i vcfebr the oono tth; rv m i .haiVp. 1 1 I I I V A OOL.L HOOrG.- IT'S . Two Men Burned to Death When I I 6QNF. ONL MQW. MQW- !ww! II I III MV l"". : iSS& f-J ' VK Nismr-. 1 41 1 1 1U ACWK- W . If f IK 11 II III II t ftTR. Sealer Goes Down off New , foundtahd Coast SHIVERED ON ICE FLOES Dory Became Coffin of Oiler r - g i L u J I s ?y 1 Hjb- m ea i Ihroughoul the Dominion. ; 1teadjii.iment of federal llb- 'sidles o Ihe proxlncial goern- meiiU. Federal assistance to provin cial public works. Imnii'jriil inn und I'Tdnnlraliiiu Co-operation in the collection ol iiicnx tax and alminilrathc ?erviCes. generalls where Ihe Do- minion nd provinces 'are oper-! am in Ihe same' field Succession duties. During Ihe next few days. Dr. AlaeLean. accompanied liy IL D. Johnson. Deputy Minister of Fi nance, will visit a few of the atveriinent agencies jn Mie siiiilhern interior of the province. and Mill continue ?a. frooi Cranlirook. PERMITS IN MONTH OF MAY WAS $9,375 FJeven building permit lo a total value of '.j;5 were i- sued at the office of the. city building inspector during the mouth of May as follows: Pioneer Laundry, storage room for eadine. Third Aeme Fast, tnn. C X. Ytrelienr, resilience on Valr SlreeL V. Ileda, reshinglinr roof residence on Fulton Street Sixth Avenue, 75. imperial 4 in i;o.. garafr waterfront, 5n. Iun's Trommer, reshinglinp roof of buiding on Sixth Avenue West, 150. F. W. Hart, residence on Sixth Avenue t. $1.(100. F. V. Hart.' foundation re pairs lo Horde n Street house, 3on. ; S-Zbura. foundation repairs to house n Klgtit Aenue West, 10(1. " Mrs. M. Oosnell, residence on tWflnd Avl-nue. ?1.00d. O. Ilosin, residence on iNlnlh enue Kat. l.?O0. F. Hoefi. alterations and re pairs In house on F.ighth Avenue F.nsl. o0, POLICE COMMISSION AT FINAL MEETING EXPRESSES CONFIDENCE CHIEF VICKERS AND RETIRING MEN. Continued from Pane 1. he hoped lfial if might so work oiit. The fael thai even (lie cilv Council had been desirous pj having Ihe force Iftken lnlo the provincial police iitul .that they were held lo be fit fiir'anyiposi I in Ihe province was sliffi cient lo show that there was m criticism of their services, d his Commissioner Montgom ery s experiQiice he had found Chief Vickers and his slat! evei y;illing and ready :,n dp wha was necessary and o meet lh requirements of Ihe commission He. had ever' citnfidence in lh retiring force and rpgretted the cliapgp. He heartily agreed wit-i Ihe suggestion thai some recognition, however small it miglij Dc, in appreciation of their services be given. In declaring Ihe resolution unanimously carried, Mayor Newton said be could only ad the hope that the future lot nl Ihe chief and his officer wmitd b successful and pleasant atp that the change now going info effect .would not Injure I hem fl nancially. They, like I lie poliee commissioners, at Jeusl lia consolulinn In the knowledgi 'hat Ihey were being relieved Of a great deal ,of worr)'. Thanks f Chief Chief, Vieker.s thanked tlu omtulsskMHTs lor (ihe fenll nmntx that had 4ecn expresse lowalvl himself uiul "his Iwiy. It isd aHvays leen their -lolea vor i) live up lo he require nicnlf. hiiJ wishes of the com miiicineri, personally, ne cguiupcason. V anted For Sale For.Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c rVUTTBB .OL'Mi Man wants work, any kind; 3ir an hour. I'hoii.' lllack 269. it: 1 i 1 VA.TK1. Young giri for light housework Apply Mrs. A. W. Lip.siii I'll. me lllue g'JC. II WAXTKD. hjiNrienc'd wail--e. Host. m Cafe, t INFORMATION WANTED. MrLAUr.M.A.V William a n Aleiandef. Ilill- last heard at Mirror. Allierla in tit I.: Sandy at Winnipeg in 101 ; Their father has passed awn-at Cutarm. tierald. Sask. I they will comiiiunicate with their brother James Mclaugh-lan. Herald, Sask., will hoa-somolhing to their advantage. TO RENT FOR I1F.NT. Furnished cot lag- at Lake Kathlyn. Apply T. A Kaymond, Ilox 133, Sinlthers, K.C. 13 lit HK.NT Modern four roomed flat, with Monarch range, it Clapp block. Weslenhaver Hro- FOR flKNTl Two modern houses, one furnished. Appl 215 Fourth Avenue Fast. I TjllNISIIKD Housekeeping -Itoonu to rent by the day, week oi month. Phone lied 607. U FOIl nF..NTFurnlshed house keeping suite, Mussallen Apartments, Phon 18. t FOR llENT. Four room toille hot water heated. Apply Smll &. Mallet. IAXOS for Henl at 1(1.00 nei month and up. Waller- Musi Store. MODKHN FLAT for Henl. Appl Max lleilhrnner. BOARD AND ROOM. lAllD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOAIID. Rooms and Furnished Suites. Palmer House. tt LOST. LOST. Drown (e camera bc)woe'i Little s '.ews ,Stairrf W-Pnkf Office,; ;Fiiuler pleaj. VHonc Hlne 3.1jt5f- iriV H i ;Arfls: not but be sorry at having lo leave a city where, during a residence of nearly twenty years. nu nao lormeu many cioe friendships and pleasant ac quainlances 6 . become, as ii were, like Ihe other members o . : v. la a his mrce "a .siranser n strange land." The meeting then adjourned the mayor facetiously remarkinir "lo die." HOTEL ARRIVALS P.rlnoer- Rupert n. Taper. Pacific: Fniil M Urell llalmoral; F. A. MacDon-ii M and .1. W. Cumming. Vic toria; W. Owen, Vancouver; M F. HayllM, Mr. antl Mrs. R. YV Sinclair ami '"Mm. R. O. .lohn- ?1rm,.Tiivcnie1ss' Mr. and Mrs. T Vallace and If. O. Atchison. Claxlon; A. AValliiCN.II. -ax Having completed several wreks' worjc in tlp neighhor hood of pir Simpson, the by irographic survey sleamer l,-looel, Capt. M(inr, was In jwir' yestenlay afternoon m her way to Kinahan Island and VVatsoii Hock to pick up gas boat .siirvry parlies before proceeding In Millbank Sound where she will undertake he'r main work of ibw til TA- . FOR SALE FOR SALK. 2H foot fish boaL! 74 h.p. Vulcan engine. on; year old 950.0i 2C foot rnbin cruiser, new ii', h.p. engine priced at ?03l).oi 28 font cabin rrul-er, 15 h.p. niyiouut eipMt by iUievrdet Motm oil engine ll,2n().iM ifmpany of C.anada Limited Jf Small speeder with Fortl en- an Improved Chevrolet a glne. priced at flTiO.oO ORFTKR CIIKVIIOLrTr than 20 h.p. Iluffaln engine rtnrt.(ft ever bor we are bU to an-10 h.p. Studebaker engine, tiounee TUB LOWUST PlllCtW t200.HO in Chevrolet history. 5 h.p. Ouarantee, price 275.O0 llie.e new prico. combined 6 h.p. KellenlMTg engine . tJOO.na 5 cylinder to h.p. auto engioe tlOO.lMI 4 Cylinder Dodge engine wIFi starter tloo.im 4 cylinder Chevrolet eimir with starter 125.ini toon feel .i inch back haul cable, price 0c per fool. Wee Mcflregor Saws, falling and bucking aw, OilchrUt Jack, etc. Northern Exchange, 213 Second Avenue. Phone 23. FOR SAI.F.r RenL Tourl. Ho1e al Terrace. 11.0. l weU rooms furnished, furnace heat. electric light, electric pump bath, restaurant, kitchen, barroom, three room furnished collage, I wo lots. Rent t5.0 per month or will ell on re-sonahle terms. Applv Mr. J. A. MrDougatl, Tourist llolel. Terrace. H.C. .KASl: FOR SAI.I-L--AI Lome Creek. H.C, seven acres under cultivation, apples, cherries ami strawberries; six roomed lo? house anil outbuildings; post office on premiss. Immediate pocsim. .Nominal rent. Also for sale, I wo cows, forty chickens, furnihire and implements. Apply Dally New office. 12(1 FOR SALK. Double corner Sixth Avenue and Dunsmuir Street, opposite Rink. What otters' Apply Hnx 30rt Daily New office. FOR SALK. lf.0 acres gold wheal, lanil, .Central .AlbjjrlSvj HO acres been' culiivaieiL Cheap for casji. Apply Hex 3a7ADail-New office.' 127 VOR SAiJ-: .Five roomed mod. em huhtralovr' ahU' two loU. close In. t2600.no on terms. Apply T. MeClymonL t OR SALK. Secondhand furnl lure and restaurant fixtures from Royal Holel. Apply 14 1 Third Avenue. nm HAi.r.. Pinlns room suite, range and other furniture'. piione mack 12. M3R Second ' Avenue., j C.VNAHIHS. Herman Imporleit slock. Selling! out. Singer from 7.ri0. Phone IK7. I2i IIOIJSK and Three Lots for Sale Apply 23 Kighlh Anne Fist. MOTOR Cycle for sale. Phono 187. I2t .FOUND rifU.'Mi. -inree keys m, rnr. Apply- finny news office. PATfNT ATTORNEYS FFTllFRftTOXHAFOH K CO., the m esiamisiied firm. Palenls ami Irademarks n all ennn-Iries. Free booklet . Vancouver ifflce 101 H Rg. ), . ing. I'jKtne Seymour njofi, jinnser, i.rnei Caner registered attorney, other offices. Ottawa, Washington and imuiiipai ciuee, Articles Lost and Found, &c AUTOMOBILES Now, You Can Buy a CHEVROLET at a Lower Price than ever before, Atmpt siiiiuliaii.oiis with l!i.- with the many new Imprtnc-ments, KoUbltsli more firmly III til, nMB l.uf.. 'l...l . .I- H Uj teader.hlf. Ut vtalu. .,... "' "M pricel ears. i -nr.u. Tlie lniproed CheiTolel offers'"1 . et imi ovorvlliliiv Vltll N.lllLt .lalra i Hltt ll !-mri niiiH-nniiii f, Will MP..; trm iu.i. smoothness, imwer must dependability. and the nl- Hty .... .. ' mm yz pnes ami uiw nine payments bring one of Ihe six Chevrolet models within easy reach of your porkctttook. KAIEN QARAQE Pioiin- ".' Wrecking S ri, .. av anJ N'ig'n Prices uf bi-tti New and Uuar-inTp wtwrf anteed I sed FoRD CARS are'" '" now at a new low level. j trv1 k ,M Ihe National lime Payment, ft r h Plan enables anyone with ajim i a reasonauie income lo anon). Ihe comfort and eontenience Car affords. Ask . 8. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers 2 1 9 Sis'ond Avenue. TAXI Phone 67 Tail (Call Oeorge. Paul or (lul) Six and Seven Passrrrger Slnde bakers at your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Km press Hotel. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furniture Store. We Buy. Sell and F.x change New and Secondhand Ooods. QEO. PAPAOOPULOS 839 Third Ave. Phone tr GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite Benson's Slndlo. flOOD MHALS. HOOD CAKF.8 Coffee or Tea Served. RKAL 1I0MK COOKFD MKALS Mrs. Uner, Proprlotrefts. Phone 653. WOOD. Dry Mlied Wood tfl.no a load. Dry Fir Wood trt.CO a load. Hut to any length. a s mnaiing, ifi.no n nad. Fir Furnace Wood t7.00 a" load. A. ISAACSON I'hone Black 4fll Seal Cove. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, June 1 - iltRh-r.::..:... 5:20 ti.TTT I8.fi ft. I p.m. 17.7 'w I2:0D p.m. L7 Thursday, June 3 0:13 a.m. 17.1 ft 20:02 p.m. IH.O .0:11 u.ni, 9.1 13:10 p.m. Friday, June 4 '""Ii H:I2 ii.m. Ifl.o 2 1 :n p.m. 18.8 Lw, 2:0rt a. tu. 8.1 - - i ' ?i iin' Hlt:si p.m 0 MAIL SCHEDUH 1 VHHDIh. " Tbur.i. , ' I s slurbs 1-1-II II. l WnNo 1, rhiif!. Tt AUtl, elt- M) .1 i-ceaiH ftm ik tot- Uun.1 W Mk. I rrwm V I SulkUtt WeduM4(f-i .MluriU - - salnU- I he renst cifu ox ceuicrM ti til M w ,. i;i tt t r tt si la nl II ft hrtt- V. U (ti II r a -ma n ts Oi St ft K. II U I jSlh e ft t. 'lh Ktr A V B: . !rr. Oott ft.ir jtXl Vt1 W.3 el '1 :1 : 1 1 r a HI STEAMSHIP MOH If V UtHl lburil4 M - 4. I'HB ; Ml " -.: r rrm Vtct Miimlsr i r l(hnl4 Hi) II Mat XI r.f em skrhm KM "I frm Fori tmp SilnriHv . UT 31 frm ! r. u.. .1 .. " Tnrtdiv ai.VM Thill-Mi) rf SUosrt SalariUr ' rnf from Bltsisfl For Qun OMft v,y . i :5-J from 9 CfffU May t: CN.R. TU for ! ruiiy Mfpt frm tt .1 tltl'J J.A ....I- Ti:.rtlf TIMBER SALE . . .UK', iH.iriii ' ' .;' iiMfL . h.i.r .f l MsomII JnlrU e Jl ir -l ImiSMI IH 'S'f " , Tn i V' 11 j . ..-I t.h ilnihfl r umr-i - lrf la 1 li'lnrU. TIMBER 8U .... si ftstlh fl.tl .-... tf r M Srlut Iwsfll rnrUFe Two (f 5"'' -if movai nr ii'"':;!.,,,., uf wjn lort VlrtorltJ J M Minct flupert.